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8. Education and training
[For persons aged 10 and over.]

8.1 Your education

Indicate only one of the options that corresponds to the highest educational level attained
[] Primary (elementary)
[] Basic general (incomplete secondary)
[] Secondary general (complete)
[] Primary vocational (vocational high school)
[] Secondary vocational (vocational college)
[] Incomplete higher vocational (incomplete higher)
[] Higher vocational (higher)
For persons who graduated before 1995 in Russia indicate "specialist"
[] Bachelor
[] Specialist
[] Master
[] Post-graduate higher vocational (graduate)
[] No education
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Section 8. Education and training

Section 8.1. Your education
Individuals aged 10 years old and over shall put a mark that corresponds to one of the following prompts.
Level of education is identified by the document of the state sample (certificate, certificate of degree, reference and etc.) received upon graduation from education institutions. The highest level of education received by the respondents is taken into account.
In addition to the names of the levels of education accepted nowadays prompts contain the names of the same levels of education which were used earlier (given in parentheses).
In case the respondent has difficulty identifying his level of education the following rules shall be followed.
"Primary comprehensive (primary)" and "basic comprehensive (incomplete secondary)" education can be identified by the number of completed classes and year of graduation, which is given in the table below. The same table is given in the Form No. 10 "A card for a respondent" - it can be shown to the respondent in case of difficulty in identification of the level of education.

[The following was presented in table form. Column 1 included "How many classes of comprehensive educational institution did the respondent finish?". "Educational level corresponding to this number of classes" was in column 2.]

Table for identification of the level of education for individuals who did not get (complete) comprehensive secondary education with number of classes

Educational level corresponding to this number of classes

How many classes of comprehensive educational institution did the respondent finish?.

Primary comprehensive (elementary)

Finished primary comprehensive school
Finished 3 classes of 3-year primary
comprehensive school in 1972 and later.
Finished 4-6 classes.
Finished 7 classes in 1962 and later.
Finished 8 classes in 1990 and later.
Studies in 5-9 classes.
Left after 4 classes during 1972/73 1988/89 school years.
Left after 5-7 classes.
Left after 8 classes in 1962/63 school years and later
Left after 9 classes in 1989/90 school years and later

General comprehensive (post-primary secondary)

Finished post-primary secondary school:
- 7-year in 1961 and earlier,
- 8-year in 1963-1989,
- 9-year in 1990-1992,
- general comprehensive school in 1993 and later
Finished 7 classes in 1961 and earlier.
Finished 8 classes in 1989 and earlier.
Finished 9 classes
Finished 10 classes of 11-year or
12-year secondary school
Finished 11 classes of 12-year secondary school
Studies in 10-11 (12) grade
Left after 8 classes in 1961/62 school years and earlier
Left after 9 classes in 1988/89 school years and earlier
Left after 10-11 (12) classes

"Secondary (complete) comprehensive" - will be indicated by those who finished secondary comprehensive institution - a school (including the ones with advanced study of several subjects), a lyceum, a gymnasium and etc. and got a certificate of secondary (complete) education.


"Primary professional" will be indicated by:

- Those who finished 8 or 9 classes of comprehensive educational institution (a school) and who finished educational institution of primary professional education (training college, vocational school, educational-course center, training and manufacturing center, technical school (for example, nautical and etc.);
- Those who received secondary (complete) comprehensive education and who finished educational institution of primary professional education (training college, vocational school, educational-course center, training and manufacturing center, technical school (for example, nautical and etc.);

"Secondary professional (specialized secondary education)" - will be indicated by those who finished educational institution of secondary professional education - technical secondary school, specialized school (for example, medical, pedagogical), college, technical secondary school and enterprise and etc.

"Incomplete higher professional (incomplete professional)" - will be indicated by those who finished education according to the main educational program of higher professional education in the volume of no less than 2 years of the educational period and who received a diploma of undergraduate higher education.

This prompt will be indicated also by those who study and who studied and finished education according to the general educational program of higher professional education in the volume of no less than half of the educational period. Those who studied at the institutes of higher education less than half of the period of education, will mark level of education they had before entering the university, i.e. "secondary professional (secondary specialized)" or "secondary comprehensive (complete)" or "primary professional".

Those who graduated from the institutes of higher education: institute, academy, university and etc., will mark the level of higher professional education:

- "Bachelor" - those who studied in higher educational institution no less than 4 years and received certificate of the "bachelor";
- "Specialist" - those who got a certificate of the "specialist" and who graduated from the university before 1995 (including graduates of the institutes of higher education in the USSR);
- "Master" - those who studied at the institutes of higher education no less than 6 years and got a certificate of the "master".

If a respondent has several levels of professional education, then only the highest one will be marked (for example, those who are bachelors and specialists will mark "specialist").
"Post-graduate professional" - those who finished post-graduates course, residencee training and training in a military academy at the educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions (regardless of defense of a thesis).
Graduation from educational institutions in the correspondence and internally-correspondence form, evening form and also in the form of family education, self-education and in the form of externship is equal to graduation from the relevant full-time educational institutions.
Those who study or finish educational institutions of second education that do not provide comprehensive education (for example, educational-course center (office), training and production center, courses of retraining and improvement of qualification, preliminary courses of the educational institutions, centers of professional orientation, musical and art schools, school of arts, sport schools, the house of youth creativity and etc.) will mark the level of education they received before entering these educational institutions.
"Don't have education" will be marked by those who do not have any education. These people shall be asked a question "Can you read and write?" and depending on the answer mark one of two prompts:

"Yes" - those, who can read and write;
"No" - who can neither read nor write.
If a respondent can either read or write only, mark "no" will be put.
The question is left blank for the individuals under 10 years of age.
Question 8.2. Do you have academic degree of candidate of science, doctor of science?
This question shall be asked to those who answered "bachelor", "specialist", "master" or "post-graduate professional" in question 8.1. Depending on answer one of the marks will be put - "candidate of science", "doctor of science" or "don't know".