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10a. What is your highest level of education?
Question 10 is for persons aged 10 or older
[] 1 General elementary (elementary)
[] 2 General basic (incomplete secondary)
[] 3 General (complete) secondary
[] 4 Secondary vocational (secondary specialized)
[] 5 Incomplete higher vocational (incomplete higher)
[] 6 Higher vocational (higher)
[] 7 Postgraduate vocational
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Question 8.3. a) Your education
Those who have reached the age of 10 should be identified by one of seven suggested prompts.
The highest educational attainment of a respondent should be recorded.
Apart from the current classification of the levels of education the prompts also suggest former classification of those levels (in brackets).
If a respondent finds difficulty in defining his/her level of education, observe the following rules.
"Primary comprehensive (primary)" and "basic comprehensive (lower secondary)" education can be determined by the highest grade completed and the year of graduation with the help of the following table.
Table for identification of the level of educational attainment of persons without secondary (complete) comprehensive education, with the classification by grades [table]
[Column headings:]
(A) The highest grade of the comprehensive school completed by the respondent, or what grade he/she is attending now
(B) Level of education corresponding to the given grade
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed primary comprehensive school
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 3 grades of the three-year primary comprehensive school in 1972 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 4-6 grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 7 grades in 1962 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 8 grades in 1990 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Attends 5-9 grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 4th grade in 1972/1973 - 1988/1989 school years
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 5-7th grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 8th grade in 1962/1963 school year or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 9th grade in 1989/1990 school year or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade:
Completed lower secondary school:
Seven-year school in 1961 or earlier
Either-year school in 1963-1989
Nine-year school in 1990-1992
Basic comprehensive school in 1993 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 7 grades in 1961 or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 8 grades in 1989 or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 9 grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 10 grades of eleven- or twelve-year secondary school
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 11 grades of twelve-year secondary school
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Attends 10-11 (12) grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 8th grade in 1961/1962 school year or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 9th grade in 1988/1989 school year or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 10-11th (12th) grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education

Check off the appropriate prompt:
"Secondary (complete) comprehensive" - for those who completed secondary comprehensive school (including those with them-depth learning of certain subjects), lycees, gymnasia etc. and received a certificate of secondary (complete) comprehensive education.
"Secondary vocational (secondary special)" - for those who completed a secondary vocational educational institution: technical secondary school, medical or pedagogical school, college, technical secondary school at an enterprise etc.
"Incomplete higher (non-graduate)" - for those who completed the basic educational course of higher professional learning, attended the course for not less than 2 years, and received a diploma of incomplete higher education.
Mark the same prompt for those who is now attending or completed the basic educational course of higher professional learning, or attended the course for not less than one half of the established period of learning.
Those who do not have a diploma of incomplete higher education and attended the course for less than one half of the established period of ]earning should be identified by the prompt corresponding to the level of educational attainment they had reached before being admitted to a higher educational establishment i.e., "secondary vocational (secondary special)" or " secondary (complete) comprehensive".
[p. 50]
"Higher professional" for those who graduated from the higher educational establishment: institute, academy, university etc.
"Post-graduate professional" - for those who completed the post-graduate course, doctor's degree course, residency, military post-graduate course in educational establishments of higher professional learning and scientific institutions (regardless of the availability of an academic degree).
Part-time, correspondence or external students who graduated from educational institutions should be identified as graduates of the respective educational establishments.
For students and graduates of educational institutions which do not provide comprehensive education (e.g., training course (center), vocational training center, re-training or advanced training course, preparatory classes of higher educational establishments etc.) you should indicate the level of education attained before their admission to those educational establishments.
If you find difficulty in identifying the level of education, in the "Notes" section on the front page of the cover - Census forms for the dwelling - put down the ordinal number of the person with an unclear level of education, his/her full name, the name of educational establishment he/she graduated from, attended or is attending now, the grades (years) completed, and when (year).
The field should not be completed for children under 10.