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Personal Information

[20] How many children were ever born to [the respondent]?

Only for married women [15-49 years of age]
State all children born alive, by sex.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [If No, go to 22]
If Yes,
[Indicate number of sons and daughters for each category]
2 Living separately
_ Son
_ Daughter
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Fertility status of married women in fertility age [columns 20-21]

Column 20: has [the respondent] ever given birth to an alive child?
(Ask the married women aged 15-49 years old)

1. Yes
Description: living in the household
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _

Description: living elsewhere
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _

Description: dead
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _

Description: total
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _
2. No [Go to question 22]

The purpose of this question is to determine fertility rate of married women in fertility age. Therefore, this question should be asked the married women in fertility age (15-49) at the time of enumeration.

Born alive means the child born by giving sound, crying, and movement when out of the mother's womb or giving indication of living. At the time of birth if a child does not give any indication of living such as sound, crying, or movement, then such child is not considered alive. Miscarriage or stillbirth is not also considered alive. If it is stillbirth, there is no need to include in counting. But the living child should not be left in counting.

[Image is omitted]

Ask whether they have alive children to women who have been married once (any marital status from reference 2 to 7 of column 7) and women from 15-49 years old, and if they have, circle the reference 1. Also ask how many alive children they gave birth and their current status (living in the household, living elsewhere, or dead), and accordingly fill up the information in the related box. While writing the number of children, only state the children born from the counted woman's womb. The children born from others, another wife of husband, adopted children should not be written under the children from the woman.

[p. 71]

The questions related to birth are known more to the concerned woman. If you asked these question [to a man], the responses likely to be wrong and hence, such question should be asked to the woman as far as possible.

2. Children living elsewhere - The number of the children living elsewhere without living with their mothers in the family (e.g. children living elsewhere for study, job, or any other reason for long time or left after marriage, separated with their parents) should be written in this column. If any child live elsewhere in the country or has gone to a foreign country due to various purposes should be written as he/she is not living with his/her mother, but elsewhere.