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Indigenous language

Codes and Frequencies


00Speaks only Spanish449,007
01Speaks Spanish and Amuzgo48
02Speaks Spanish and Chatino69
03Speaks Spanish and Chinanteco432
04Speaks Spanish and Chol457
05Speaks Spanish and Cora54
06Speaks Spanish and Cuicateco93
07Speaks Spanish and Huasteco583
08Speaks Spanish and Huave50
09Speaks Spanish and Huichol37
10Speaks Spanish and Maya4,014
11Speaks Spanish and Mayo231
12Speaks Spanish and Mazahua987
13Speaks Spanish and Mazateco498
14Speaks Spanish and Mexicano, Mexica or Nahuatl5,881
15Speaks Spanish and Mixe339
16Speaks Spanish and Mixteco1,978
17Speaks Spanish and Otomi1,913
18Speaks Spanish and Popoloca242
19Speaks Spanish and Tarahumara185
20Speaks Spanish and Tabasco552
21Speaks Spanish and Tepehuano123
22Speaks Spanish and Tojolabal92
23Speaks Spanish and Totonaca871
24Speaks Spanish and Tlapaneco150
25Speaks Spanish and Tzendal or Tzeltal429
26Speaks Spanish and Tzendal or Tzotzil513
27Speaks Spanish and Yaqui68
28Speaks Spanish and Zapoteco2,492
29Speaks Spanish and Zoque208
39Speaks Spanish and another Indigenous language325
51Does not speak Spanish, only Amuzgo92
52Does not speak Spanish, only Chatino81
53Does not speak Spanish, only Chinanteco200
54Does not speak Spanish, only Chol359
55Does not speak Spanish, only Cora22
56Does not speak Spanish, only Cuicateco10
57Does not speak Spanish, only Huasteco164
58Does not speak Spanish, only Huave51
59Does not speak Spanish, only Huichol31
60Does not speak Spanish, only Maya797
61Does not speak Spanish, only Mayo21
62Does not speak Spanish, only Mazahua130
63Does not speak Spanish, only Mazateco647
64Does not speak Spanish, only Mexicano, Mexica or Nahuatl2,782
65Does not speak Spanish, only Mixe250
66Does not speak Spanish, only Mixteco1,011
67Does not speak Spanish, only Otomi476
68Does not speak Spanish, only Popoloca79
69Does not speak Spanish, only Tarahumara79
70Does not speak Spanish, only Tabasco124
71Does not speak Spanish, only Tepehuano43
72Does not speak Spanish, only Tojolabal45
73Does not speak Spanish, only Totonaca545
74Does not speak Spanish, only Tlapaneco192
75Does not speak Spanish, only Tzendal or Tzeltal664
76Does not speak Spanish, only Tzotzil586
77Does not speak Spanish, only Yaqui3
78Does not speak Spanish, only Zapoteco637
79Does not speak Spanish, only Zoque99
99Does not speak Spanish, only another Indigenous language264