Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
00 | Speaks only Spanish | 449,007 |
01 | Speaks Spanish and Amuzgo | 48 |
02 | Speaks Spanish and Chatino | 69 |
03 | Speaks Spanish and Chinanteco | 432 |
04 | Speaks Spanish and Chol | 457 |
05 | Speaks Spanish and Cora | 54 |
06 | Speaks Spanish and Cuicateco | 93 |
07 | Speaks Spanish and Huasteco | 583 |
08 | Speaks Spanish and Huave | 50 |
09 | Speaks Spanish and Huichol | 37 |
10 | Speaks Spanish and Maya | 4,014 |
11 | Speaks Spanish and Mayo | 231 |
12 | Speaks Spanish and Mazahua | 987 |
13 | Speaks Spanish and Mazateco | 498 |
14 | Speaks Spanish and Mexicano, Mexica or Nahuatl | 5,881 |
15 | Speaks Spanish and Mixe | 339 |
16 | Speaks Spanish and Mixteco | 1,978 |
17 | Speaks Spanish and Otomi | 1,913 |
18 | Speaks Spanish and Popoloca | 242 |
19 | Speaks Spanish and Tarahumara | 185 |
20 | Speaks Spanish and Tabasco | 552 |
21 | Speaks Spanish and Tepehuano | 123 |
22 | Speaks Spanish and Tojolabal | 92 |
23 | Speaks Spanish and Totonaca | 871 |
24 | Speaks Spanish and Tlapaneco | 150 |
Code | Label |
25 | Speaks Spanish and Tzendal or Tzeltal | 429 |
26 | Speaks Spanish and Tzendal or Tzotzil | 513 |
27 | Speaks Spanish and Yaqui | 68 |
28 | Speaks Spanish and Zapoteco | 2,492 |
29 | Speaks Spanish and Zoque | 208 |
39 | Speaks Spanish and another Indigenous language | 325 |
51 | Does not speak Spanish, only Amuzgo | 92 |
52 | Does not speak Spanish, only Chatino | 81 |
53 | Does not speak Spanish, only Chinanteco | 200 |
54 | Does not speak Spanish, only Chol | 359 |
55 | Does not speak Spanish, only Cora | 22 |
56 | Does not speak Spanish, only Cuicateco | 10 |
57 | Does not speak Spanish, only Huasteco | 164 |
58 | Does not speak Spanish, only Huave | 51 |
59 | Does not speak Spanish, only Huichol | 31 |
60 | Does not speak Spanish, only Maya | 797 |
61 | Does not speak Spanish, only Mayo | 21 |
62 | Does not speak Spanish, only Mazahua | 130 |
63 | Does not speak Spanish, only Mazateco | 647 |
64 | Does not speak Spanish, only Mexicano, Mexica or Nahuatl | 2,782 |
65 | Does not speak Spanish, only Mixe | 250 |
66 | Does not speak Spanish, only Mixteco | 1,011 |
67 | Does not speak Spanish, only Otomi | 476 |
68 | Does not speak Spanish, only Popoloca | 79 |
69 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tarahumara | 79 |
Code | Label |
70 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tabasco | 124 |
71 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tepehuano | 43 |
72 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tojolabal | 45 |
73 | Does not speak Spanish, only Totonaca | 545 |
74 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tlapaneco | 192 |
75 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tzendal or Tzeltal | 664 |
76 | Does not speak Spanish, only Tzotzil | 586 |
77 | Does not speak Spanish, only Yaqui | 3 |
78 | Does not speak Spanish, only Zapoteco | 637 |
79 | Does not speak Spanish, only Zoque | 99 |
99 | Does not speak Spanish, only another Indigenous language | 264 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates whether the person speaks Spanish and an indigenous language or an indigenous language only.
- Mexico 1970: All persons
- Mexico: 1970
