Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Certificate, upper secondary (NTC Level 3) | 834 |
2 | Certificate, post secondary (NTC Level 2) | 3,045 |
3 | Diploma | 3,052 |
4 | Degree | 3,333 |
5 | Master degree | 1,256 |
6 | M.Phil. or Ph.D. | 91 |
8 | No other qualification or unknown | 87,368 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 27,353 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the highest qualification a person completed in the past in levels other than primary and secondary.
- Mauritius 2011: Persons age 12+ who ever attended school
- Mauritius: 2011
Questionnaire Text
[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]
P23B. Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - Past
Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) MSC; (ii) Statistics. (i) Diploma; (ii) Hospitality management, etc.
_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Write the (i) qualification received, (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) BSC (ii) economics (i) certificate (ii) communication, etc.
_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) Diploma; (ii) Humanities. (i) Certificate; (ii) Town and country planning, etc.
_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
P23A and P23B - Tertiary education, professional, technical and vocational course/qualifications
The questions help to determine the resources of the country in terms of specialized manpower and to show whether there are too few or too many people with specific qualifications and skills to satisfy the needs of the labor market. The information is useful to measure the need for continuing education and retraining programs that would respond to the changing demands of the labor market.
8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire
P23B- Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - past
[figure omitted]
Enter information related to the 3 highest qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels (e.g. degree, diploma, certificate or other qualifications) that the person has obtained in the past.
Please note that P23B is applicable for all persons who have qualifications other than those of the Primary and Secondary levels, even though they are now following another course.
[p. 46]
Start with the highest qualification. For each qualification, write the following in the boxes provided:
For a person who received training by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular program.
An example is given below for a 2-year course to obtain a diploma in hospitality management.
[figure omitted]
If a person does not have any such qualifications, leave P23B blank