Highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary
Code | Label |
1 | Certificate, upper secondary (NTC Level 3) | 834 |
2 | Certificate, post secondary (NTC Level 2) | 3,045 |
3 | Diploma | 3,052 |
4 | Degree | 3,333 |
5 | Master degree | 1,256 |
6 | M.Phil. or Ph.D. | 91 |
8 | No other qualification or unknown | 87,368 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 27,353 |
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This variable indicates the highest qualification a person completed in the past in levels other than primary and secondary.
Supported by: National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Stat/Transfer, and University of Minnesota.
Copyright © Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota.