Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0000 | None | 580,020 |
0101 | Fundamental, first cycle, first year | 21,049 |
0102 | Fundamental, first cycle, second year | 14,854 |
0103 | Fundamental, first cycle, third year | 15,487 |
0104 | Fundamental, first cycle, fourth year | 14,307 |
0105 | Fundamental, first cycle, fifth year | 14,190 |
0106 | Fundamental, first cycle, sixth year | 13,100 |
0107 | Fundamental, first cycle, unknown year | 4,001 |
0201 | Fundamental, second cycle, seventh year | 5,930 |
0202 | Fundamental, second cycle, eighth year | 5,372 |
0203 | Fundamental, second cycle, ninth year | 8,549 |
0204 | Fundamental, second cycle, unknown year | 3,120 |
0301 | Medersa, first cycle, first year | 2,120 |
0302 | Medersa, first cycle, second year | 2,240 |
0303 | Medersa, first cycle, third year | 2,625 |
0304 | Medersa first cycle, fourth year | 1,715 |
0305 | Medersa first cycle, fifth year | 1,334 |
0306 | Medersa, first cycle, sixth year | 1,132 |
0307 | Medersa, first cycle, unknown year | 1,628 |
0401 | Medersa, second cycle, seventh year | 464 |
0402 | Medersa, second cycle, eighth year | 331 |
0403 | Medersa, second cycle, ninth year | 567 |
0404 | Medersa, second cycle, unknown year | 868 |
0501 | Secondary school, general, tenth year | 1,640 |
0502 | Secondary school, general, eleventh year | 1,530 |
Code | Label |
0503 | Secondary school, general, twelfth year | 1,439 |
0504 | Secondary school, general, unknown year | 1,894 |
0601 | Secondary school, technical, tenth year | 51 |
0602 | Secondary school, technical, eleventh year | 64 |
0603 | Secondary school, technical, twelfth year | 104 |
0604 | Secondary school, technical, unknown year | 2,040 |
0701 | School for teachers, first year | 64 |
0702 | School for teachers, second year | 211 |
0703 | School for teachers, third year | 87 |
0704 | School for teachers, fourth year | 368 |
0705 | School for teachers, fifth year | 28 |
0706 | School for teachers, unknown year | 312 |
0801 | Vocational school, entry level CEP, first year | 37 |
0802 | Vocational school, entry level CEP, second year | 123 |
0803 | Vocational school, entry level CEP, third year | 59 |
0804 | Vocational school, entry level CEP, fourth year | 58 |
0805 | Vocational school, entry level CEP, unknown year | 132 |
0901 | Vocational school, entry level DEF, first year | 279 |
0902 | Vocational school, entry level DEF, second year | 885 |
0903 | Vocational school, entry level DEF, third year | 312 |
0904 | Vocational school, entry level DEF, fourth year | 641 |
0905 | Vocational school, entry level DEF, fifth year | 35 |
0906 | Vocational school, entry level DEF, unknown year | 672 |
1001 | Vocational school, entry level BAC+, first year | 112 |
1002 | Vocational school, entry level BAC+, second year | 236 |
Code | Label |
1003 | Vocational school, entry level BAC+, third year | 110 |
1004 | Vocational school, entry level BAC+, fourth year | 538 |
1005 | Vocational school, entry level BAC+, fifth year | 68 |
1006 | Vocational school, entry level BAC+, unknown year | 1,069 |
1101 | University, first year | 63 |
1102 | University, second year | 139 |
1103 | University, third year | 81 |
1104 | University, fourth year | 513 |
1105 | University, fifth year | 87 |
1106 | University, sixth year | 34 |
1107 | University, seventh year | 37 |
1108 | University, unknown year | 327 |
1301 | Post-university, first or second year | 46 |
1303 | Post-university, third year | 39 |
1304 | Post-university, fourth year | 108 |
1305 | Post-university, fifth year | 41 |
1306 | Post-university, unknown year | 719 |
1400 | Koranic school | 27,110 |
1500 | Center for adult literacy | 5,052 |
9998 | Unknown | 22,434 |
9999 | NIU (not in universe) | 204,299 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's level of education and grades completed by the person.
- Mali 1998: Persons age 6+ who went to regular schools
- Mali: 1998
Questionnaire Text
Section B: Individual Characteristics
For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]
16. Level of education
[] 01 Fundamental, first cycle
[] 02 Fundamental, second cycle
[] 03 Medersa, first cycle
[] 04 Medersa, second cycle
[] 05 Secondary school, general
[] 06 Secondary school, technical
[] 07 School for teachers
[] 08 Vocational school, grade 5 (CEPE)
[] 09 Vocational school, grade 9 (DEF)
[] 10 Vocational school, grade 12+ (BAC)
[] 11 University
[] 13 Post-university [code 12 is absent from the original form]
[] 14 Koranic school
[] 15 Center for adult literacy
17. Last school grade completed
1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members
1.2.2. Questions for persons aged 6 years and above
This is the second group of questions, concerning the characteristics of household members. They concern only the persons aged 6 years and above.
For persons aged less than 6 years (children), write (0) or (00) depending on column width in Columns P16 to P30.
Column P16-P18: Level of education
This group of questions provides together an idea on the level of education of the population.
16. Column P16 -- the level of education attained
17. Column P17 -- highest grade completed
18. Column P18 -- highest diploma obtained
The question to be asked to the household members aged 6 years and above will be: "Has name ever been to school?"
If no, then write (00) in Columns P16, P17 and P18.
If yes, then write:
In Column P17 the last grade attended in this level of education
In Column P18 the highest diploma obtained, while using the instructions at the bottom of the questionnaire.