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Type of occupancy

Questionnaire Text

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3. Type of occupancy
[] Landlord
[] Rental
[] Other type

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3. Type of occupancy

Here you must figure out in what capacity the household occupies the dwelling. The choices possible are owner, renter, or dwelling occupied in another capacity. The definitions are as follows:
a. Owner: This is the person to whom the dwelling in question belongs. He is the legal owner of the building and can, as a result, rent or even sell all or part of the dwelling.

NB: Any person who answers questions for the absent or unavailable head of household, and who normally belongs to the household, can be indicated as owner in place of the head of household when the household is owner of the premises.

b. Renter: This is anyone who occupies a dwelling in exchange for periodic payment (by week, by month, etc.) which is the rent.

c. Other: This category includes: those who are lodged for free, households that occupy the dwelling of an absent owner without paying any rent and without the authorization of the owner; and other cases not included in the above categories.

Refer to the above definitions and ask the head of household this question: "In what capacity do you occupy the dwelling?" and then check off the box corresponding to the typical case.

Example 1: A household rents a 3-room dwelling in a compound. Question 3 is then filled out as follows:

[Page 45]

Question 3 - Method of Occupation:
[] Owner
[x] Renter
[] Other