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Region of residence 10 years ago, Trinidad and Tobago; consistent boundaries, GIS

Questionnaire Text

Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_CNTYLAST — County of residence during last census
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Section 2. Migration--For all persons

11. Address last census
What was [the respondent] address last census?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/County
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Section 2 Migration

Question 11 - Address last census

The last census was held in May 1980. There may be some persons who might not remember this date. You can assist them by telling them that the last census was taken ten [10] years ago or in May 1980. For those persons who are less than ten years old, write not applicable [N.A.] in the space for the address.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_REGCENS — Municipality or city of residence during last census
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Section 2. Migration-For all persons

11. Address last census

(b) What was (N's) [the respondent's] address last census?

____ Full Address
_ _ _ _
Interviewer: Where the individual is less than ten years old put N.A. in space for the address.
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Section 2 - Migration

The main objective of this section is to determine the relative directions in which the local born population have tended to move over periods of one, five, and ten years. Migration is even more important when cross classified with age, sex, ethnic groups, levels or educational attainment and level of training.

Internal migration also provides vital information on the direction of the flow of the population from rural to urban areas. It also allows the determination of migration streams and volume of movement over time. Migration is also a major factor in population change and in the redistribution of population among geographic areas.

Question 11 - Address last census

The last census was held in May 1990. There may be some persons who may not remember the date. You can assist them by telling them that the last Census was taken ten years ago or in May 1990. For those persons who are less than ten years old, write Not Applicable (N.A.) in the space for the address.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_MUN10YR — Municipality of residence 10 years ago

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