Questionnaire Text

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Section E. For women aged 12 years and over

26. Has (the respondent) given any live birth?

[Question 26 not applicable to males and those under 12 years.]
Enter 00 if no. If Yes, how many children were born alive to (the respondent) altogether?

____Live births
Were elsewhere on census night?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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5. Part E of the questionnaire

Columns 26 to 30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years and over

138. Column 27 to 30. Enter NA if the person is male or female under 12 years and 99 if the respondent does not know about the woman's fertility and the woman in question is absent. If the woman is 12 years and over and has never born a child enter a 0 in sections 271 to 276.
Sections 271 and 272 Total number of children living with the mother at the time of census. Write in these columns the total number of male and/or female children actually born to this woman living with her.
Sections 273 and 274: Those who are living elsewhere (such as those in institutions, married and living with their family elsewhere).
Sections 275 and 276: Those that were born alive and died even if they only lived for a few minutes. Do not include still births (ba hlahileng ba khathetse).
Note: before asking the next question check that the total number of children given in column 26 agrees with the numbers given in sections 271 to 276.