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Industry class

Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 15-22 relate to persons aged 15 years or over]

Q.19 Employer and employer's business _____

For persons at work, if an employee, state the name of the employer (person, firm, company or public body) and nature of the business carried on by the employer. If self-employed, state the nature of the business carried on. A farmer or farm worker should also state the area of the land farmed. If unemployed, state the name and nature of the business of last employer.

Question 19: Employer and employer's business

This question should be answered in respect of each person aged 15 years or over who is at work or unemployed.

(a) For a person at work:
(i) If an employee, state the name of the employer (whether person, firm, company or public body) and the nature of the business carried on by the employer.
(ii) If self-employed, state the nature of the business carried on.
(iii) If a farmer or a farm worker, state also the area (in statute acres) of the land farmed (i.e. including land taken and excluding land let).
(b) For an unemployed person, state the name and nature of business of the last employer.
The nature of business carried on should be described fully indicating the type of goods made or dealt with, or type of service rendered; for example, use descriptions such as "Shirt factory worker", "Shoe manufacturer", "Cattle dealer", "Wholesale tea merchant", "Import agent (textiles)", etc.
Descriptions such as "Factory worker", "Manufacturer", "Dealer", "Merchant", "Agent", should not be used alone.
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Q.15 to Q.20:
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (questions 15-20) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each person aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 13 April, 1971). For persons younger than 15, these questions should be ignored.

Q. 19: Employer and employer's business
The answer should relate to the Occupation given at Question 16. This Question should be answered for every person in Category 1 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The information is required for the purpose of classifying persons to the industry or service with which their work is connected. What is needed here is the nature of the business carried on by the firm or undertaking for which the person is working.

If the employer has several different businesses, the one required is that in which the person carried on the Occupation stated at Question 16. For example, in the case of a clerk employed by
C.I.E., it is important to distinguish whether he is in "Rail transport", "Road passenger transport", or "Hotel", etc. This question must be completed in respect of all self-employed persons -- whether with or without employees -- the type of business carried on being stated. Particular care should be taken to ensure that, in the case of farmers, the area of the farm on which working is inserted.

In the case of other farm workers, the area of the farm on which working is also required.