Census of Population, 1986
Instructions to enumerators
Central Statistics Office
Dublin 6
A person appointed as an Enumerator is personally responsible for the enumeration of the Census in the area assigned to him/her in accordance with these instructions and any other supplementary instructions which may be issued.
The Enumerator must ensure that all persons who pass the night of 13 April, 1986 within the assigned area or arrive in the area on the morning of 14 April, 1986, not having been enumerated elsewhere, are included in the Census enumeration. The area assigned to an Enumerator is called an Enumeration Area (or E.A.). Occasionally an Enumerator may be called on to perform work in more than one E.A.
I. Preparation
[Section 1 (Training) is not presented here.]
2. Principal forms used in the Census enumeration
2.1 General: Five principal forms are used in carrying out the Census enumeration, viz. Form A, Form A(P) , Form B, Form C and Form D. Form A is to be filled in by the head of each household, Form A(P) is for completion by an individual member of a household in certain circumstances, Form B and D are completed by the Enumerator and Form C is filled in partly by the Central Statistics Office and partly by the Enumerator.
2.2 Form A: This is the basic Census Household Schedule and particulars of every person who is in the E.A. on the night of Sunday, 13 April 1986, or who arrives in the E.A. on the morning of Monday, 14 April, 1986, not having been enumerated elsewhere, must be recorded on a Form A. The 1986 Household Schedule is in booklet form with a detachable section at the back, containing the detailed instructions for completing the form. There are separate English and Irish versions of Form A.
As you will be responsible for giving any explanations asked for about the Form A, and will have to check the entries made in the forms when collecting them, you should study the Form A carefully so that you will be fully conversant with the way in which each question should be answered.
2.3 Form A(P): This form is for completion by a member of a household who is unwilling to provide the head of the household with the information required in Form A or from whom the head is unable, or is justifiably reluctant, to obtain this information. The questions in Form A(P) correspond to those in respect of individuals in the Form A. Unlike the Form A, Form A(P) is a bilingual (English and Irish) form.
2.4 Form B: The purpose of this form is to summarise the population figures from the relative Forms A. In general, the Enumerator will complete one or more Forms B for each Townland (see Instruction 4.2) in rural areas and for each Street in town areas, although, in certain cases, separate Forms B should be completed for portions of Townlands (see Instruction 26.1)
2.5 Form C: The Form C lists the Townlands and/or streets in each District Electoral Division (D.E.D.) or Ward (see Instruction 4.3) in the E.A. Just as the completed Form B will contain a summary of the population figures shown in the relative Forms A, so the Form C will provide a summary of the household and population figures shown in the relative Forms B. This is its primary function but it also furnished each Enumerator with a detailed breakdown of the E.A. and provides, furthermore, a means of checking - by comparing the figures for the 1981 and for the current Census - the completeness and accuracy of the enumeration.
2.6 Listing of areas in Form C: The listing of areas in the Form C, together with the figures of households and population returned for these areas at the 1981 Census, is done beforehand in the Central statistics Office, the Enumerator being responsible for recording the figures of households and population returned for each area at the current Census.
In the case of a District Electoral Division (D.E.D.) which consists, in whole or in part, of rural areas, the Townlands or parts of Townlands comprising these areas are listed first in the Form C in alphabetical order (in Column 1) while the Town(s), if any, in the D.E.D. are shown at the end of the form. In the case of a very small Town, the Townlands on which it stands are listed, in alphabetical order, immediately after the Town's name on Form C. For other Towns, the streets are listed in alphabetical order in Form C and are sometimes followed by the names of the Townlands - again in alphabetical order - on which the Town stands; this is done to ensure the enumeration of houses which cannot be associated with a street or road in the Town. Every effort has been made to ensure that the list of streets shown for each Town is up-to-date and complete. However, if you observe any case in which the names of streets appearing in the Form C are no longer in current use, you should amend the form as necessary, entering the present names of the streets. You should also add to the list any new streets which have come into existence since the previous Census and which are not listed on Form C. If any street or portion of a street appears to have been accidentally omitted from the Form C, as originally prepared, this should, of course, also be inserted since it is most important that every person in the Town be included in the enumeration.
Cases may arise in which you find that a housing development which is shown as only one listing in Form C (e.g. "Oakfield Estate") actually consists of named-streets and roads (e.g. "Oakfield Drive", "Oakfield Crescent", "Oakfield Grove" etc.). In such a case you should add the names of the individual streets and roads to the Form C but make no alteration in the figures for Total Number of Households and Total Persons for 1981 in Columns (2) and (3) of the form.
2.7 Duplicate Form C: The Forms C are furnished to the Enumerators in duplicate, the first copy being coloured white and the duplicate copy yellow. The use and purpose of the yellow copy of Form C are explained in Instructions 27.4 to 27.6 inclusive.
2.8 Form D: Each Enumerator is supplied with a Book of Forms D in which to record the results of the Visual Enumeration of the E.A. and the delivery of the Forms A to the households to be enumerated.
2.9 Duplicate Forms D: The forms in the Book of Forms D are coloured white and green alternatively. By the use of carbon paper, a duplicate (green) copy of each completed Form D will be made. The use and purpose of the duplicate Forms D are explained in Instruction 11.1.
3.1 Municipal towns: These are towns with legally defined boundaries for purposes of Local Government. They comprise (a) the four county boroughs (Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Waterford) and the borough of Dun Laoghaire, (b) six municipal boroughs, (c) 49 urban districts and (d) 31 towns under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854 (i.e., Towns with Town Commissioners). In these cases, population figures must always be compiled for the area within the legally defined boundary even though this may not coincide with the present built-up area which has often spread beyond that boundary.
3.2 Non-municipal towns and suburbs or environs of municipal towns: A. non-municipal town is a town without a legal boundary. The built-up areas which lie just outside the legal boundary of a municipal town are termed "Suburbs" in the case of a county borough or the Borough of Dun Laoghaire and as "Environ" in the case of the other municipal towns. For the purpose of the 1986 Census, the Central Statistics Office has assigned boundaries to the non-municipal towns and to the suburbs or environs of municipal towns and these boundaries must be meticulously observed in carrying out the enumeration.
4. Areas which must be separately distinguished in the Census enumeration
4.1 Necessity to prepare separate Forms B and Forms C: In the Census enumeration, streets, townlands and District Electoral Divisions (D.E.D.s) or -- in the county boroughs -- the wards have to be separately distinguished. Thus, the Enumerator has to prepare a separate Form B for each street or townland in the E.A. and is furnished with a separate Form C for each D.E.D. or ward, or part thereof, in the E.A.
4.2 Townlands: The townland is the smallest territorial division used for administrative purposes in the country. It should be noted that, for Census purposes, townland boundaries are generally not observed within municipal towns -- but see Instruction 2.6 regarding the listing of townlands in Forms C relating to town areas to ensure the enumeration of houses which cannot be associated with a street or road.
4.3 District Electoral Divisions or wards: The District Electoral Division D.E.D. or ward is the smallest administrative area for which population statistics are regularly published. Outside municipal towns, D.E.D.s generally consist of a number of complete townlands. A municipal town is usually comprised of one or more complete D.E.D. or wards.
5. Different types of Enumeration Areas
5.1 Urban E.A.s and rural E.A.s: E.A.s are divided into two main groups: urban E.A. and rural E.A. Rural E.A. may include all or part of a non-municipal town or of the environs of a municipal town as well as territory which is wholly rural in character.
5.2 E.A.s with more than one boundary: In the great majority of cases an E.A. consists of an area within one clearly defined boundary. An exception to this general rule is where an E. A. consists of all or part of the environs of a municipal town comprising geographically separate clusters of houses around the municipal boundary. Another exception is where a town, which has been designated as one or more urban E.A. is completely surrounded by a rural E.A. In such a case, the rural E.A. has, of course, both an outer and an inner boundary. Finally a small number of E.A.s in the larger cities may consist of two or more distinct smaller areas which are geographically separate.
[The rest of section I (sub-sections 6-9) is omitted]
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II The visual enumeration and distribution of Forms A
10.1 Publicity campaign: An intensive publicity campaign, designed to enlist the active co-operation of the public in the taking of the Census will be launched about the time the distribution of the Census forms is due to commence. Both the national and provincial press, as well as television and radio, will be used in this campaign which will also provide for the extensive display of posters relating to the Census in suitable locations such as post offices, Garda stations, central and local government offices, public libraries, schools etc. throughout the country. In addition, a special explanatory brochure will be distributed with the Census forms and will also be made widely available to the public through other channels.
10.2 Definition of a dwelling unit: For Census purposes, a "dwelling unit" is defined as living accommodation which is occupied or, if vacant, is intended for occupation, by one household. Note that, under this definition, there is a dwelling unit for each separate household you encounter (see Instructions 13.2 and 13.3 for the definitions of "household") irrespective of the conditions in which the household is living or the title of accommodation it occupies. Thus, a single room in a dwelling house which is let as a "bed sitter" is a dwelling unit as is also a makeshift encampment on the side of the road occupied by an itinerant family.
In the case of vacant accommodation, if it is intended for occupation by one household, it should be regarded as a dwelling unit. Thus, for example, two vacant rooms in a dwelling house which the owner has for letting as "bed sitters" should be treated as two separate dwelling units.
[Subsection 10.3 on articles to be carried has been omitted.]
10.4 Scope of the visual enumeration: The purpose of the visual enumeration is to compile in Form D a comprehensive list of all dwelling units and of other buildings in the E.A. while, at the same time, identifying in the map(s) supplied the location of each dwelling unit etc. listed in the Form D.
You should enter the particulars required on the outside of the front cover of the book of Forms D before commencing the visual enumeration. Entries should be made in the Forms D themselves as you carry out the visual enumeration. It is most important to note that, as far as
possible, entries should be made in Form D in precisely the same order as that in which the premises in question are encountered in the course of the visual enumeration. In particular, you should not delay listing a dwelling unit in Form D because you have not been able to deliver
Form A to the household concerned on the occasion of your first visit. All entries in Form D should be in pencil.
10.5 Forms A to be distributed while carrying out the visual enumeration: As far as possible, the distribution of the Forms A (see Instruction 16.1) must be carried out in conjunction with the visual enumeration, i.e. as you visit each dwelling unit in the course of the visual enumeration you should deliver the form(s) A for completion in respect of the household residing in that dwelling unit. Sometimes, of course, repeat visits will be necessary if, for example, you find nobody at home on your first call. In any such case you should keep a record in your notebook of each repeat visit you made for the purpose of de1ivering Form A. This record is necessary to enable you to complete Column (9) of Form D (see Instruction 11.17).
10.6 Explanatory brochure to be distributed with Form A: As indicated above (see Instruction 10.1 , this brochure, which gives a concise explanation of the nature and purpose of the Census and the benefits which derive from it, should be given, as a matter of course, to every household with the Form A. It should also be distributed with each Form A(P) (see Instruction 17.1).
10.7 What to record in Form D: You are required to record in Form D all permanent structures consisting of walls and a roof (with certain exceptions which are given below) in your E.A. All habitations which are not permanent structures must also be recorded. Examples of permanent structures for which details must be recorded are:
Habitations other than permanent structures include caravans, mobile homes, ships and house-boats: these should be recorded in Form D even if they appear to be untenanted at the time you visit them. Other kinds of vessels (e.g. small boats used for pleasure or sporting purposes) should be listed only if they are being used as living accommodation at the time of the Census. An itinerants' encampment should of course, be recorded in Form D.
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Buildings which are not habitations and which are built of materials such as timber, corrugated iron or asbestos sheeting should be included if they are likely to have a life of at least 10 years.
The following buildings should not be recorded in Form D:
Remember, however, that any premises, even one of the foregoing, must be recorded in Form D if it is being used as living accommodation.
10.8 Buildings which are not easily visible: While carrying out the visual enumeration and Distribution Forms A, you must watch out particularly for buildings and for habitations other than buildings which are not easily visible -- e.g., houses in alleyways, caravans or mobile homes in back gardens, outhouses which have been converted into living accommodations, flats over shops, isolated houses not visible from the roadway etc. Since practically every building must have an access on to some public thoroughfare, the best way to ensure that you achieve complete coverage is to traverse every length of public thoroughfare in your E. A. -- streets, roads, lanes, alleys, rights-of-way, etc -- no matter how narrow or inconspicious. It must be stressed that the essential factor in the visual enumeration is that you go and see for yourself; you must not, for example, just take the word of somebody that there is no building down a narrow laneway.
11. Making entries in Form D (See also examples of completed forms in Appendix 3)
11.1 Duplicate Forms D: You will note that the Forms D are duplicated, the top copy being white and the duplicate green. Before commencing the record details in a Form D you should interleave a sheet of carbon paper between the white and the green forms. As each Form D is completed in the course of the visual enumeration, you should detach the duplicate (green-coloured) copy of the form from the book for transmission as soon as possible to your Field Supervisor who will retain it for the purpose of checking your work and for use in the event of the book of Forms D being lost or destroyed.
11.2 Column (1): Allocation of serial numbers: Subject to the exceptions given below, each identifiable dwelling unit and each building (or part of a building) not containing an identifiable dwelling unit, listed in Form D is allocated a separate serial number. You will have to enter the serial numbers yourself in Column (l) of Form D. Normally, one line should be given to each serial number but it is permissible to allow more than one line to a serial number where this is desirable because of the length of the entries to be made in any of the Columns (2) to (11) in respect of the premises in
question). While it is permissible to leave gaps in the Form D numbering sequence it is essential that there be no duplicated Form D numbers within an E.A. Should you find that you have inadvertently duplicated a Serial Number in Form D do not try to rectify the situation by the addition of a letter of the alphabet after the number (e.g., "128A" is not a permissible entry). Instead, you should substitute the next unused number in the sequence for the duplicated number.
The numbering sequence should commence with "1" except where the Field Supervisor specifically directs otherwise. If one book of Forms D does not suffice for all the listings to be made in your E.A., you should use the loose forms provided to extend the book or -- if the number of extra listings is considerable -- use a second book of Forms D. In the loose sheets or in the second book, the numbering sequence should, of course, commence where you left off in the first book. All completed loose forms should be firmly secured, in their proper order inside the back cover of the book when you have completed the Visual Enumeration. Where a second book is used, write the figure "2" on the front cover of the first book and the figure "2" on the front cover of the second book.
11.3 Column (1): Treatment of flats: Each flat is, of course, a separate dwelling unit and must be allocated a separate line and Serial Number in Column (1) of Form D. This applies whether or not the flats are purpose-built. Thus, in the case of a conventional house which is let out in flats or "bed-sitters", to each one is given a separate number in Column (1).
11.4 Column (1): Treatment of partly non-residential premises: If a building is partly non-residential and partly residential, e.g. a shop with flats above or an office block containing a caretaker's flat, the living accommodation should be listed first and the next Serial Number given to the listing for all the remaining portion of the building, which should include a brief indication of what it comprises.
11.5 Column (1): Treatment of establishments which consist of a number of separate buildings: Conversely, there are cases in which groups of structurally separate buildings should be given only one Serial Number in Form D. Examples of these are hospitals which have wards or schools which have classrooms in a number of separate buildings standing in the same grounds. Factories also often consist of groups of separate buildings. However, any part of a school, hospital or factory complex which is purely residential in character must be listed separately even if vacant. Thus, a gatekeeper's house, a caretaker's house or flat, a nurses' home or a nuns' or religious brothers' residence must be listed in a separate line from that devoted to the rest of the establishment of which they form part.
11.6 Column (1): Treatment of purpose-built shopping centres and industrial estates: These are other cases in which one listing and serial number in Form D will suffice for a group of structurally separate buildings. It will, of course, be necessary, when dealing with one of these shopping centres or industrial estates, to ascertain if it contains any dwelling units which should be listed separately and the occupants of which should receive Form A. Where this is the case, the dwelling unit(s) should be listed first, followed by one listing for all the other premises comprising the shopping centre or industrial estate.
11.7 Column (1): Treatment of caravans and mobile homes: Caravans and mobile homes are other exceptions to the general rule that each dwelling unit is given a separate line and Serial Number in Column (1) of Form D. The procedure for dealing with these is as follows:
2. Any occupied caravan or mobile homes in a caravan park should be listed separately and the remaining unoccupied caravans etc. in the park should be given only one listing in the Form D with a note of the total number of caravans etc. involved.
3. Groups of unoccupied caravans or mobile homes being displayed for sale or for hire should also be, given only one listing in Form D with an indication of the number of caravans etc. in the group.
4. Two or more caravans which are occupied by only one household (see Instructions 13.2 and 13.3) should be given only one listing in Form D as they constitute a single dwelling unit.
5. In all other cases, caravans and mobile homes should be listed separately in Form D.
11.8 Column (1): Treatment of blocks of private garages: Blocks of private garages such as are sometimes to be found in new housing schemes or beside blocks of flats should be recorded in Form D with one Serial Number only.
11.9 Column (2): Address: In this column you should give the complete address for every building etc. which is individually addressable. In same cases, however, (for example, an ordinary dwelling house which is occupied by two separate households) you may find that, while the house has an address, the individual households do not have separate addresses. A premises without a name which is situated in a purely rural area may also not have any address which could be entered in this column -- although the name of the Townland in which the premises stand must be shown in Column (4) (see Instruction 11.12).
In the case of a flat, the address of the building in which it is located should be given in Column (2) together with the number of the flat, if any.
In cases where you find it difficult to give the address of a building, you may find it possible to give an indication of where it is located -- e.g., "at the rear of 27 Main street", "in a lane way off High Street" etc.
11.10 Column (3); Description of premises: You should record in this column a precise description of each building etc. listed in Column (2) using such terms as: dwelling house, flat, hotel, shop, factory, warehouse, church, hospital, nursing home, theatre, cinema, caravan, tent, houseboat, etc.
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If a building contains a number of flats not identified by number, each flat's location within the building should be indicated -- e.g., "garden flat", "first floor flat front", etc.
In the case of a building occupied by a single business concern, you should give a brief indication of the nature of the business. This is not necessary in the case of an address which contains a number of business concerns.
11.11 Column (3): Treatment of unoccupied dwelling houses: In the case of an unoccupied dwelling house it is necessary to describe in Column (3) the condition of the premises. You must indicate whether the house is habitable or not and, if not, whether it is (1) an existing house in a run-down condition, (2) an existing house being renovated or reconstructed or (3) a new house not yet completed. If an unoccupied house is habitable, you should indicate whether it is an old house or a new house awaiting its first tenant.
11.12 Column (4): Townland: In this column should be entered the name of the Townland in which the premises are situated. However, as Townland boundaries are not observed in Municipal Towns no entry need be made in Column (4) by an Enumerator whose E. A. is in such a town.
11.13 Column (5): D.E.D. or ward: If your E.A. stands on more than one D.E.D. or Ward you should record in Column (5) of Form D the D.E.D. or Ward in which the premises are located.
11.14 Column (6): Head of household etc.: If the dwelling unit is occupied, the name of the head of the household (i.e. the person responsible for making the Census return) is to be entered in Column (6). For a non-residential premise, this column should be left blank. If a house, flat or other dwelling unit is unoccupied, the word "Vacant" should be entered in this column. (See also Instruction 16.4 regarding the procedure to be followed in a case where a dwelling unit is occupied but the household concerned is likely to have left the dwelling before Census night).
(Note: Any address which contains more than one household will require a separate line in Form D in respect of each household. Accordingly, the appropriate names for the households in such cases must be entered in Column (6) before any entry is made in Columns (2) to (5) in respect of the next address encountered on the route. If you cannot contact anyone at a dwelling, you should leave some blank lines and serial numbers if you have reason to suppose that there is more than one household living there. It does not matter if subsequently you do not find enough households to take up all the lines and serial numbers which you have left for the dwelling).
11.15 Column (7): Occupancy of private dwelling units: This column should be entered in respect of all private dwelling units (see Instructions 10.2 and 13.2). You should enter the figure "1" in sub-column (a), (b) or (c) according to whether the occupiers of the dwelling unit will be present on Census night, the occupiers will be absent on Census night, or the dwelling unit will be unoccupied. The column should be left blank for non-private (i.e. institutional) households (see Instruction 13.3).
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11.16 Column (8): Date of delivery: In this column you must enter the date on which you delivered Form(s) A to the household. If two or more visits are necessary to deliver the Form A, it is the date of the last visit which is required.
11.17 Columns (9) and (10); Number of calls made: Enter in these columns the number of visits you made to each dwelling unit at the delivery and the collection stages, respectively. The entries should be made immediately after the last visit in each case. For the purpose of completing these two columns, you should make a note of each repeat visit in your notebook.
11.18 Column (11): Notes: Column (11) is intended for any notes which might assist you in carrying out your duties, such as circumstances requiring special action or the time of an appointment you have made for the purpose of collecting the completed Form A. Additional descriptive information which would facilitate the subsequent positive identification of the building and dwelling unit might also be entered here. The use of such terms as "green front door", "white pillars with black gate", etc. should be used if necessary. It is likely that in purely rural areas such descriptions will often be helpful as house numbers or names do not exist in most cases.
If the space available in Column (11) is inadequate in any case you should make the notation in your notebook instead (making sure to quote the relative Form D Serial Number) and insert a reference to the notebook entry in Column (11) to serve as a reminder that you should consult your notebook at the appropriate time.
[Subsection 12: Annotation of the maps has been omitted]
13. Persons who are to receive Forms A: Persons who are to be returned on Forms A.
13.1 General: The household is the basic unit for the purpose of the Census enumeration and a separate return on Form A must be made in respect of every household in the State by the head, or other person acting as the head, of the household.
For Census purposes, households are divided into two categories -- private households and non-private households (i.e., institutions). It is absolutely essential that you know and understand thoroughly the following definitions of the two categories of household-before you commence work in the field.
13.2 Definition of private household: Anyone person, or group of persons (usually, but not necessarily, related) with common housekeeping arrangements, separately occupying all or part of a private house, flat, apartment, or other private habitation of any kind, is regarded as a private household for Census purposes. Persons staying temporarily with the household are included but persons temporarily absent on Census night are excluded. The persons who constitute a private household jointly occupy living accommodation, share the principal meals (unless prevented by, for example, working conditions) and have common provision for the basic living needs. Each of the following is regarded as one private household:
(b) All persons occupying the same private dwelling and having their meals together.
(c) A person living alone or with servants.
(d) A lodger occupying a room or rooms in a house or flat and not sharing in the housekeeping arrangements -- particularly in the provision of food -- with the other residents.
13.3 Definition of non-private household: For persons passing Census night in an establishment or institution such as those included in the following list the entire establishment or institution is to be treated as a single non-private household for which a form or forms must be filled in by the person in charge:
[Footnote: Note that, in the case of a private household with fewer than five boarders residing within it, the boarders do not constitute a separate non-private household but are to be regarded as members of the private household.]
It is most important to note, however, that if the proprietor, manager, head etc. or any member of the staff resides on the premises with his/her family, they are not to be regarded as part of the establishment or institution for Census purposes. Such a person, together with his/her family is to be regarded as a distinct private household and is to receive and fill up a separate Form A for that household. With regard to what should be recorded as separate institutions please refer to Par. 11.5.
14. Preparation of Forms A before delivery
14.1 Completing Sections A and D of Form A: Before delivering a Form A it is essential to complete Section A in the bottom left-hand corner of Page 1 of the Form, striking out the names of areas which do not apply, You will probably find it convenient to enter at least the name of the County or County Borough and the E.A. No. in each form before you set out and add the remaining information as you deliver the forms.
You should also complete Section D of Form A before delivery by inserting the relative Form D Serial Number.
Sections A and D need not be completed on all the Forms A for a large institution; it will suffice to do so on the first and last forms.
14.2 Name of head: The name of the person designated as head of the household or other person who is to complete the Form A should be written in pencil in the space immediately above the words "Census Day" at the top of Page 1 of the Form.
15. Period for carrying out the Visual Enumeration and Distribution of Forms A
15.1 General: Unless specifically instructed otherwise by your Field Supervisor you should commence this stage of the enumeration on Monday, 24 March, 1986 and complete it by Wednesday, 9 April, 1986. However,
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ports and harbours containing seagoing ships and boats should not normally be covered until one or two days before Census date so as to avoid unnecessary entries, in Form D. If visited too early, many of the ships etc. recorded in Form D would be found to have sailed again before Census date.
15.2 If delivery unlikely to be completed in time: If, at any time, during the progress of the work you foresee that you may not be able to complete the distribution of the Forms A by the target date you must immediately notify your Field Supervisor so that alternative arrangements can be made in good time.
[The rest of the sections, pages 18-34, have been omitted.]
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Method of examination of forms A and A(P) to ensure completeness and accuracy
(The Notes referred to throughout this Appendix are the Explanatory Notes appended to Form A).
The accuracy of the Census largely depends on the proper examination of the Forms A and Forms A(P) at the time of collection and later at home. It follows therefore, that this examination is of the utmost importance. On collecting a Form A you should examine it carefully to ensure that all questions are properly completed. On previous occasions vague descriptions at Question 16 (occupation) and Question 19 (Employer's Business) have caused particular difficulty. Should the householder object to your scrutiny on the Form A please explain, referring to page 6 of the
Form A, that this is part of your duty. In order that the examination may be effective, you should be thoroughly familiar with the questions on the Forms A and with the relative Explanatory Notes. It is possible that some forms may contain answers which are obviously incorrect and that, from your own knowledge, you may be in a position to make a correct entry. In such cases, unless specifically instructed to the contrary, you may discreetly make a suitable amendment to the form without further reference to the respondent.
Any amendments or corrections which are made by you in Form A or Form A(P) should be entered in red or in another colour if the original entries are in red. Do not erase or obliterate any of the original entries.
Where it is found necessary to ask for further information or to check entries on the Forms, either at time of collection or subsequently this should be done with courtesy and tact.
The following instructions have been prepared for your guidance in carrying out the scrutiny of the forms.
Q.l: Name and surname
Experience of previous Censuses has shown that babies and very young children are sometimes omitted from the enumeration. Accordingly care should be taken to ensure that all persons, regardless of age, are included in accordance with the relevant Note.
Q.2 Sex and Q.3 Relationship to person listed on line 1
The answers to these questions for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered at Question 1.
Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as Head according as the household members consider appropriate. If the term "joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Question 9) even though he/she may be related to the head of the household.
Q.4: Date of birth
The exact date of birth (day, month and year) must be entered numerically for this Question. The year of birth of all persons in a private household should be compared with one another, bearing in mind their relationships. In particular
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parents' age and children's ages should be reasonably consistent with one another.
If this question has not been answered and you have been unable to obtain the information by questioning the householder, you should enter your own best estimate/of the year of birth. The note about entering such amendments in red should be borne in mind.
Q.5 and Q.6: Marital status
An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 13 April 1971. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 14 April l97l), these questions should be left blank. At Question 6 information is required on the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Thus, for example a deserted wife though legally married should have a tick in box 5.
Q.7: Place of birth
The county of birth is required for every person born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland). County boroughs should, for this purpose, be regarded as falling within the county of the same name -- e.g., if a person was born in Dublin county borough, the entry should be "Dublin". Only the name of the country is required for persons born outside Ireland.
Q.8: Irish language
This question should be answered only for persons aged three years and over (i.e. born on or before 13 April 1983). An entry should be made in this column only in respect of a person who can read or speak Irish. A person who can speak Irish is one who is able to carry on an ordinary conversation in Irish and those whose knowledge of Irish is not sufficient to converse in Irish should not be returned as able to speak the language.
Q.9 and Q.10 Usual residence now and usual residence one year ago
Where the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant Note. Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address (with the exception of Great Britain, for which the county or shire is required).
As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that, where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard. Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.
Q.11 and Q.12: Previous residence in another country
These questions should be answered by persons who are usually resident in the state and who previously lived elsewhere for a period of 12 months or more; or who were born abroad and were brought to live here before their first birthday. Note the need to distinguish Northern Ireland separately.
Q.13 and Q.14: Travel to work, school or college
An answer is required to these Questions in respect of every person who is at work or who is attending a school or university, etc. full-time (in this connection, check the answer to Question 15). The columns can be left blank for all other persons e.g. persons whose present status is described at Question 15 as "Unemployed", "Engaged in home duties", "Retired", "Children not yet at school", etc. Information is sought only in respect of the outward journey; information regarding the return journey should not be included.
Only one of the boxes 1 to 11 should be ticked. If more than one has been ticked clarify which is the principal means of travel and delete the other entries. In Question 14 the information required is the total distance travelled.
You should check that, within your knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers to these Questions and those given in respect of the usual residence now (Question 9) and address of place of work etc. (Question 20).
Q.15 to Q.20:
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (questions 15-20) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each person aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 13 April, 1971). For persons younger than 15, these questions should be ignored.
Q.15: Present status
Note that it is the persons principal status is required and only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an assisting relative on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to "work owing to illness etc.) should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment.
A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "home (or domestic) duties".
If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the space provided. If persons on AnCo or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding their status at Q. 15 the information given in Appendix 10 may be used as a guide.
[p. 38]
Q. 16: Occupation
You should study the relevant Note with particular care as it covers most of the usual difficulties experienced in answering this Question. The occupation must be given for every person in
Category 1, 3, or 6 on Question 15. The type of educational establishment being attended should be stated for a person in Category 4 at Question 15. You may observe apparent discrepancies between the answers to Questions 15 and 16 (e.g. an occupation stated at Question 16 for a person categorised as "At school, student" at Question 15) but you need not take any action in this regard. Note however, that there is a tendency for housewives to be described as "Home (or
domestic) duties" in reply to the question on occupation. Such an entry is a valid one only when it relates to a domestic servant and it should be struck out if it is given for a housewife.
You should ensure that the description of the occupation is precise. Following are examples of terms which are not sufficiently precise in themselves and of possible correct descriptions which should be entered in such cases:
[The table illustrating inadequate entry and possible correct entry has been omitted]
If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should be described, it is better to give a detailed description rather than to omit particulars which may be essential for purposes of valid statistical classification.
[p. 39]
Q.17: Employment status
An answer is required here for persons in Category 1, 3, or 6 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The answers supplied should relate to the Occupation given at Question 16. Note that the term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he is assisting a relative. If, however, he/she is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary, he/she should be described as "Assisting relative". Members of religious orders should be described as "Employees". Persons without any paid employees, even though assisted by relatives who are not receiving fixed wages, should be described as "Self-employed, without paid employees". Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should also be described as "Self-employed, without paid employees", while persons in partnership in a firm with paid employees should be described as "Self Employed, with paid employees". Persons employed to manage commercial concerns should be described as "Employee" (thus a person whose occupation is "Managing director" is an "Employee").
Q. 18: Number of paid employees
This question should be answered for persons who are at work (Category I at Q. 15) and who are described as "Self-employed, with paid employees" at Q. 17. The number of employees shown should include full-time and part-time workers as well as any occasional workers currently on the payroll. Employees of sub-contractors should be excluded.
Q. 19: Employer and employer's business
The answer should relate to the Occupation given at Question 16. This Question should be answered for every person in Category 1 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The information is required for the purpose of classifying persons to the industry or service with which their work is connected. What is needed here is the nature of the business carried on by the firm or undertaking for which the person is working.
If the employer has several different businesses, the one required is that in which the person carried on the Occupation stated at Question 16. For example, in the case of a clerk employed by
C.I.E., it is important to distinguish whether he is in "Rail transport", "Road passenger transport", or "Hotel", etc. This question must be completed in respect of all self-employed persons -- whether with or without employees -- the type of business carried on being stated. Particular care should be taken to ensure that, in the case of farmers, the area of the farm on which working is inserted.
In the case of other farm workers, the area of the farm on which working is also required.
Q. 20: Address of place of work, school or college
This Question should be answered in respect of every person who is at work or at school or college. The address to be stated is that a t which the person is actually working.
[p. 40]
Q.21: Age at which full time education ceased
An entry in this section of the form is required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full-time education and should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for persons who are still at school or college or for full-time students at universities or persons attending day courses in vocational schools or business colleges.
For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be stated.
Q. 22: Scientific or technological qualifications
You should not make any amendment in a reply to this question. If however, there is no entry in respect of a person who you have reason to believe possesses qualifications of the type covered by this Question, (e.g., "Medical doctor") you should seek an interview with the respondent with a view to rectifying the situation.
Household questions
Answers should be furnished to Questions 23 and 24 in respect of all private households. These questions need not be answered in respect of non-private households.
Q. 23: Rooms
In the case of a house shared between two households, only the rooms occupied by each household should be entered on the Form A relating to that household. If the kitchen is shared, it should be counted only on the form for the main tenant.
Q. 24: Motor cars
The number of motor cars used exclusively by persons usually resident in the household (including company cars kept at home) should be entered here. If none, insert "None".
[Appendices 2-9 have been omitted]
Procedure to be followed when assistance is required in completing question 15 (present status)
At Question 15 (Present status) what is required is the subjective view of the person as to his/her present status with regard to employment. At any one time there are over 20,000 persons on the various training or other employment schemes and if such persons are unsure as to which status to indicate and ask for the assistance of the Enumerator, the following guidelines should be followed:
A. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being "At work" (Box 1)
(2) Apprentice training: Apprenticeships in designated industries are the responsibility of AnCo and apprentices are often supported/ sponsored by an employer. The majority of apprentices spend the first year of their course in an off-the-job training centre.
(3) Employment incentive scheme: The scheme, which is organised by the Department of Labour, provides a subsidy to employers who take on additional staff for jobs of at least 6 months duration. Many young people may not even know that they are being supported under this scheme.
(4) Enterprise allowance scheme: This NMS scheme is designed to help individuals or groups of individuals to set up their own business. Under Question 17 (Employment status) such persons should be self-employed, coded 1 or 2 as appropriate.
(5) Community enterprise programme: Under this programme the YEA provides assistance to local groups, mainly co-operatives, setting up production or service-type business enterprises.
(6) Youth Self-Employment Programme: This YEA/Bank of Ireland programme is targeted at unemployed young people with a business idea that could provide them with full-time employment but who would have difficulty gaining access to bank loans.
(7) National Co-Operative Farm Relief Services: The YEA provides funding to place young people as farm relief service workers with farm relief co-operatives.
(8) Work Experience Programmes: Under this programme young people with no previous employment experience are giving an allowance for about 6 months while they are gaining some work experience.
(10) CERT craft/management courses: These courses provide training for school leavers in bar, kitchen, dining room and reception skills. Participants receive a training allowance from CERT in the initial part of the course and are paid by a sponsor during the later (work experience) part.
(11) NRB sheltered employment: The National Rehabilitation Board provides sheltered employment and participants should be regarded as being employed.
(12) BIM - Training in the fishing industry: Courses are offered to young persons wishing to take up a career in fishing. Four months is spent at a training centre and eight months on board a trawler.
(14) Community training workshops: This programme, conducted by AnCo, provides basic training in community-based workshops, mainly for early school leavers and travelling people. The programme revolves to a high degree around educational and personal development.
(15) CERT unemployed training programme: These short-duration courses aim to provide basic skills to unemployed persons in cooking food and bar service.
C. Persons on ACOT courses should be regarded as being students (Box 4). Courses in General agriculture are of 9 months duration through an agricultural college. Courses in Amenity / Commercial horticulture are of 2/3 year duration.