Questionnaire Text

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A8-9. Education

A8. Are you still in school?

[] Y Yes
[] T No

A9a. What level of school are you currently attending?

If A8 = code Y
[Question A9a was asked of persons still in school, per question A8.]


A9b. What level of school did you last attend?
If A9 = code T
[Question A9b was asked of persons not in school, per question A8.]

[] 1 Never attended school
[] 2 Elementary school
[] 3 Junior high - general
[] 4 Junior high - vocational
[] 5 Senior high - general
[] 6 Senior high - vocational
[] 7 Academy
[] 8 University

If ever/currently attending school, write in number of highest class ever/currently attended. If completed, write in code 8.
[Question asked of persons ever/currently attending school]
[Highest class]: _

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Column (5), (6), (7) Education

Column (6) Present/last school attended

Concept and definitions
What is intended here is as school attendance is studying in a particular public or private school and not just taking courses.

1. No schooling/not yet in school

2. Elementary school for 5/6 years or equivalent, for example Ibtidaiyah

3. Secondary general school
S.L.P. Umum, S.M.P, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, H.B.S. 3 years, M.U.L.O. etc.

4. Secondary vocational school
S.L.P. Kejuruan; S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T., SMEP, PGA, etc.

5. Senior general high school
S.L.A. Umum, S.M.A., Madrasah Aliyah, MBS 5 year, AMS, etc.

6. Senior vocational high school
S.L.A. Kejuruan, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., S.M.E.A., S.K.M.A., S.P.M.A., etc.

7. Academy, for example; A.P.I, A.I.P., A.B.A., Academy Koperasi, etc.

8. University.
University/faculty or college; for example: Fakultas Kedokteran (medical school), Fakultas Ekonomi (school of economics), Fakultas Hukum (law school), Fakulas Publistlk (school of communications), P.T.I.K. (police academy), P.T.H.M. (college of military law), etc.

Method of filling in the form:
If the code in column (5) is "Y", this means the person is still attending school. Ask the following question: "What school are you attending now?"

Fill in the code for the respondent's answer, and then ask which class or level and then fill in column (6).

If the code in column (5) is "T" (not attending school), then ask:
"What is the highest level of school you ever attended?"
"And what was the highest grade/class attended?"

Fill in the school code in column (6) and grade/class attended in column (7). If the respondent graduated from the school mentioned in column (6), then enter code 8 in column (7).