Codes and Frequencies
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Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- Supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
class Educid : public Editor {
Educid(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
void edit() {
long a = getRecoded();
switch (dataSet) {
case dataset_id::id1985a: {
if (ID1985A_0421() == 0 && ID1985A_0403() < 5)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::id1990a: {
if (ID1990A_0420() == 0 && ID1990A_0406() < 5)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::id1995a: {
if (ID1995A_0430() == 99 && ID1995A_0403() < 5)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::id2005a: {
if (ID2005A_0503() == 99 && ID2005A_0403() < 5)
a = 0;
} break;
EDUCID indicates the person's educational attainment in Indonesia in terms of the level of schooling completed.
Comparability — General
Indonesia has a 6-3-3 system, which consists of 6 years of primary education (grades 1-6), 3 years of junior secondary school, and 3 years of senior secondary school. Basic education is considered to comprise primary and junior secondary school. Preschool is not compulsory.
Primary and secondary education both include different programs that are listed by each sample, as well as Islamic education. Junior and senior secondary school have both general and vocational tracks. Enumeration instructions for each sample have a list of the fields available for the vocational tracks.
Higher education is offered at universities, institutes, academies, colleges, and polytechnics. All these institutions provide professional education leading to a diploma, but only universities and institutes provide academic education leading to a degree. Diplomas are classified as I to IV depending on the number of years of full-time study. The duration of bachelor degrees is typically 4 years, 2 years for masters, and 3 years for doctorate.
The universe for Indonesia 1971-1980 is all persons, while it is persons age 5 or more for Indonesia 1985-2005 and persons age 5 or more in private households for Indonesia 2010. Indonesia 1971, 2000, and 2010 only include level, but not year within level. All the samples that identify years within level also indicate completion of a level in a separate category.
NOTE: The 2000 sample does not distinguish between persons with no schooling and those who had some education without completing primary. That distinction is made in all other samples. For full comparability across samples that include 2000, "no schooling" and "primary not completed" need to be combined.
The educational categories are comparable across samples. Preschool is only considered by the Indonesia 1980 sample. Also, the Indonesia 1980 sample identifies a category for persons who attended a 3-year elementary school, which seemingly is a pre-existing system. In all Indonesia samples, these people are not considered to have completed primary school. Even though other people may have attended such type of primary, no other sample identifies them separately. The junior and senior high school levels include some grades that do not match with the education system with small frequencies (grades 4 and above) that are coded as "grade unknown." The Indonesia samples 2005-2010 do not include junior vocational education, which seems to be included in the junior general track. Finally, Indonesia 1971-1980 samples do not identify diploma I/II but do include other types of higher education.
A harmonized international classification of educational attainment is available in EDATTAIN, which imposes a number of compromises to regularize the data across countries. Conversely, EDUCID retains the full detail on educational attainment for the Indonesia samples.
The number of years of schooling completed is available separately in YRSCHOOL.
- Indonesia 1971: All persons
- Indonesia 1976: All persons
- Indonesia 1980: All persons
- Indonesia 1985: Persons age 5+
- Indonesia 1990: Persons age 5+
- Indonesia 1995: Persons age 5+
- Indonesia 2000: Persons age 5+
- Indonesia 2005: Persons age 5+
- Indonesia 2010: Persons age 5+ in regular enumeration areas
- Indonesia: 1971, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010
