Questionnaire Text

Indonesia 1971
Indonesia 1976
Indonesia 1980
Indonesia 1985
Indonesia 1990
Indonesia 1995
Indonesia 2000
Indonesia 2005
Indonesia 2010
Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level completed
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

9. Highest grade completed

General (skip to question 11)

[] None
[] Not completed [elementary school]
[] Elementary school
[] Junior high school
[] High school


[] Junior high school
[] High school

[] Academy
[] University

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6.10. Question 9: Education
6.10.1. Concept and definition
1. Uneducated
Has never gone to school.
2. Not graduated elementary school
Those who currently study in a 6-year elementary school or have studied in elementary school but never graduated. Those who only studied in elementary school for 3 years are also considered not graduated from elementary school.
3. Elementary school
Those who have graduated from a 5-7 year elementary school or Madrasah Ibtidaijah [Islamic primary school].
4. Junior high school
Those who have graduated from junior high school, for example, M.U.L.O., 3-year H.B.S., S.M.P., or Madrasah Tsanawiyah [Islamic junior secondary school].
5. High school
Those who have graduated from High School, for example, 5-year H.B.S., A.M.S., S.M.A., Madrasah Alijah [Islamic secondary school], etc.
6. Vocational school
Those who have graduated from vocational school, for example, S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T. ,S.M.E.P., P.G.A., etc.
7. Higher vocational school
Those who have graduated from higher vocational school, for example, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., SMEA, SKMA, SPMA, etc.
8. Academy
Those who have graduated from Academy, for example, Indonesian Flight Academy (A.P.I.), Academy of Studies (A.I.P.), Foreign Language Academy (A.B.A), etc.
9. University or higher
Those who have graduated from a faculty in any university or institution, for example, Medical Faculty, Economics Faculty, Law Faculty, Military Law Institution, etc.

6.10.2. Procedure
Ask this question:
"What school did you graduate from?"

Fill the answer in the appropriate box. If the answer is in the vocational schools category, fill in the field of study box in Question 10. If the answer is otherwise, skip Question 10 and move on to Question 11.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_EDATTAN — Highest grade attending/attended
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A8-9. Education

A8. Are you still in school?

[] Y Yes
[] T No

A9a. What level of school are you currently attending?

If A8 = code Y
[Question A9a was asked of persons still in school, per question A8.]


A9b. What level of school did you last attend?
If A9 = code T
[Question A9b was asked of persons not in school, per question A8.]

[] 1 Never attended school
[] 2 Elementary school
[] 3 Junior high - general
[] 4 Junior high - vocational
[] 5 Senior high - general
[] 6 Senior high - vocational
[] 7 Academy
[] 8 University

If ever/currently attending school, write in number of highest class ever/currently attended. If completed, write in code 8.
[Question asked of persons ever/currently attending school]
[Highest class]: _

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Column (5), (6), (7) Education

Column (6) Present/last school attended

Concept and definitions
What is intended here is as school attendance is studying in a particular public or private school and not just taking courses.

1. No schooling/not yet in school

2. Elementary school for 5/6 years or equivalent, for example Ibtidaiyah

3. Secondary general school
S.L.P. Umum, S.M.P, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, H.B.S. 3 years, M.U.L.O. etc.

4. Secondary vocational school
S.L.P. Kejuruan; S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T., SMEP, PGA, etc.

5. Senior general high school
S.L.A. Umum, S.M.A., Madrasah Aliyah, MBS 5 year, AMS, etc.

6. Senior vocational high school
S.L.A. Kejuruan, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., S.M.E.A., S.K.M.A., S.P.M.A., etc.

7. Academy, for example; A.P.I, A.I.P., A.B.A., Academy Koperasi, etc.

8. University.
University/faculty or college; for example: Fakultas Kedokteran (medical school), Fakultas Ekonomi (school of economics), Fakultas Hukum (law school), Fakulas Publistlk (school of communications), P.T.I.K. (police academy), P.T.H.M. (college of military law), etc.

Method of filling in the form:
If the code in column (5) is "Y", this means the person is still attending school. Ask the following question: "What school are you attending now?"

Fill in the code for the respondent's answer, and then ask which class or level and then fill in column (6).

If the code in column (5) is "T" (not attending school), then ask:
"What is the highest level of school you ever attended?"
"And what was the highest grade/class attended?"

Fill in the school code in column (6) and grade/class attended in column (7). If the respondent graduated from the school mentioned in column (6), then enter code 8 in column (7).

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_EDUCATT — Highest grade attended/attending in highest type of school attended
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21. Highest grade attended/attending
[Question 21 was asked of persons who have ever attended school, as per question 19.]

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 (completed)

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_EDATTEND — Highest grade attending/attended
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VII. B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

Q.3 Type of highest education ever or being attended

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 Junior high
[] 3 Vocational junior high school
[] 4 High school
[] 5 Vocational high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Academy/Diploma III
[] 8 University

Q.4 Highest level/class ever or being attended

[] 1 Class 1
[] 2 Class 2
[] 3 Class 3
[] 4 Class 4
[] 5 Class 5
[] 6 Class 6
[] 7 Class 7
[] 8 Completed

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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

C. Block VII.B: Persons age 5 or older

Question 3: Highest educational level ever attended
The highest educational level ever attended is the highest level of schooling [primary, junior high school, etc.] that the respondent ever attended or is currently attending regardless of whether that level has been completed or not.


1. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending the Banking Academy, level II; the highest educational level ever attended is academy.
2. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is not attending any school; the highest educational level ever attended is high school.
3. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma I/II program; the highest educational level ever attended is diploma I/II.
4. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma II program; the highest educational level ever attended is diploma I/II.
5. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma III program; the highest educational level ever attended is academy/diploma III.
6. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma IV program; the highest educational level ever attended is university/diploma IV.

Question 4: Highest grade/class ever attended/currently attended
If the respondent has completed the highest class of the highest educational level ever attended circle code "8".

a. Those who completed primary, junior high school or high school, circle code "8".

[pg. 56]

b. Those who completed a bachelor's degree and are now studying in a master degree program, circle code "6".
c. Those who completed a bachelor's degree and are now studying in a doctoral program (Ph.D.), circle code "7".
d. Those who are currently obtaining a diploma I program, circle code "1". If the person has completed the program, circle code "8".
e. Those who are currently obtaining a diploma II program, circle code "2". If the person has completed the program, circle code "8".

For the person who is currently attending a program at a university that uses the credit system (semester credit unit), information about grade/class attended can be obtained by asking the additional question as follows: "How many credits have you obtained up to the present time?"
As a guide, use the following:

  • Level I: up to 30 credits; Level II: up to 60 credits; Level III: up to 90 credits; Level IV: up to 120 credits; Level V: up to 150 credits

If the respondent has 57 credits, then he/she is currently in class/level II.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_EDATTEND — Highest grade/level attended or currently attending
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VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

VI-B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 14-23.]

15. School status

[] 1 No school (skip to question 20)
[] 2 In school
[] 3 No longer in school

16. Highest education ever or currently attending

[Question 16 was asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 15.]

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 Junior high school
[] 3 Senior high school
[] 4 Vocational junior
[] 5 Vocational senior
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Academy/Diploma III
[] 8 University/Diploma IV

17. Level/grade of education ever attended

[Question 17 was asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 15.]

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 (completed)

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B. Sub Block VIb. For respondents age 5 or older

Question 15: School status
School status shall be as follows:

Never attended school: are those who never attended school, including those who have passed or never passed kindergarten and did not continue to elementary school.
Attending school are those who are still attending a formal school, starting from elementary, secondary or high school/equivalent.
No longer attending school are those who have attended elementary school, secondary or high school but during the enumeration are no longer attending a school.

If the answer in question 15 is coded 1 ("Never attended school"), continue to question 20. Leave questions 16 through 19 blank. If the answer is 2 or 3, then continue to question16.

Question 17: Highest year/grade ever attained/currently attending
Graduated is: has completed studies from a class/highest level of a school/education level and received a certificate/diploma either from a state or private school. A person who has not attended classes from a highest level of a school but has followed an examination and passed, is considered to be a graduate.

a. A person who has graduated from any formal education level is coded 8 ("Graduated").
b. A person who is attending a master program is coded 6
c. A person who is attending a doctoral program is coded 7
d. A person who is attending a Diploma I program is coded 1; if he/she has graduated, he/she is coded 8
e. A person who is attending the first year of a Diploma II program is coded 1; if he/she has graduated, he/she is coded 8

For those who attend a university that uses the Credit Point System, information on the level/class that is currently attended can be obtained by asking extra questions as follows: "How many credit points have you achieved?" As guidance, a year is valued at 30 credits, so in order to determine how many levels/classes have been passed, please use the following conversion guide:
Total credit points achieved attending level/class:
0-30 credits = 1
31-60 credits = 2
61-90 credits = 3
91-120 credits = 4
121+ credits = 5

Example: if 57 credit points have been reached, then the respondent is in grade 2.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_EDUCATT — Highest education level attended/attending
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

[Questions 517-519 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 516.]

517. Highest level of education attended/attending

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 General junior high school
[] 3 General senior high school
[] 4 Vocational junior high school
[] 5 Vocational senior high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Academy/diploma III
[] 8 University/diploma IV

518. Highest grade attended/attending

[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5
[] 6 6
[] 7 7
[] 8 Completed

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6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Question 517: Highest education level ever attained/current education level
The highest education level that is ever attained is the education level that has ever been reached by someone who is no longer in school/the current education level of a person who is now attending school.

1. Syamsudin has passed a public high school, and during enumeration he was studying at the 2nd year of a Bank Academy so the highest education level that is currently attended is "Academy/Diploma III".
2. Cecep has passed a public high school, but during enumeration he was no longer attending a school, so the highest education level attained is "High school".
3. Ujang has passed a public high school and has followed a Diploma I program, so the highest education level attained is "Diploma I".
4. Djamil is now studying at the University of Halu Oleo so the highest education level that is currently attended is "University/Diploma IV".
5. Ir. Hasan is now studying at the University of Gajah Mada for his master's program so the highest education level that is currently attended is "University/Diploma IV".
6. Mardani, M. A. is now studying at the University of Sebelas Maret for her doctoral program so the highest education level that is currently attended is "University/Diploma IV".
7. Wati is an undergraduate student from the Faculty of Technics University of Hasanuddin and now is studying at the Bank of Indonesia Academy so the highest education level that is currently attended is "Academy/Diploma III".

Question 518: Highest year/grade that has ever been attained/currently attended
Ask the highest year/grade that has ever been attained/currently attended, then circle the appropriate code.

1. A person who is attending a Master's program is coded 6 [University/Diploma IV]
2. A person who is attending a doctoral program is coded 7 [University/Diploma IV]
3. A person who is attending a Diploma I program is coded 1 and if has graduated code it 8
4. A person who is attending the first year of a Diploma II program is coded 1 and if has graduated, code it 8
5. A person who graduated from any formal education and did not continue afterward, code it 8 (graduated).

Graduated is: having completed studies from a class/highest level of a school/education level and received a certificate/diploma either from a state or private school. A person who has not attended classes from the highest level of a school but has followed an examination and passed is considered to have graduated.

1. For those who have/are attending a university that uses the Credit Point System, information on the level/class that is currently attended can be obtained by asking extra questions as follows: "How many Credit Points have you achieved?" As guidance, a year is valued as 30 credits, so in order to determine how many levels/class that have been achieved, please use the following conversion guide:

Total credit points achieved -- attending level/class

20 credits -- 1
31-60 credits -- 2


61-90 credits -- 3
91-120 credits -- 4
121+ -- 5

2. A person who is following a transfer program from an academy/diploma III to a university with the level being determined by the total credit points that have been converted, added on to the points achieved at the university.

3. In a study group package, the equivalent grade/class to elementary school is as follows:

Current type of package/has attended -- equivalent grade
A1-A20 -- 1
A21-A40 -- 2
A41-A60 -- 3
A61-A80 -- 4
A81-A100 -- 5

A person who completed an A100 program but has not achieved an equivalent elementary school certificate is categorized as has completed the 5th grade, but is categorized as graduated elementary school if [he/she] achieved an equivalent certificate of elementary school.

Indonesia 2000 — source variable ID2000A_EDATTAIN — Highest education completed
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10. Highest education completed
[] 1 No schooling
[] 2 Primary school
[] 3 Junior high school
[] 4 Senior high school
[] 5 College [1-2 year. diploma]
[] 6 Academy [3 year diploma]
[] 7 Undergraduate/graduate [diploma in 4 or more years]

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Question 10: Highest certificate/diploma
The highest certificate/diploma is similar to the highest educational level [from which a person] graduated. Graduated is a classification for those who passed the highest level of a particular school with a certificate or diploma, regardless of whether the school is government or privately managed. In addition, a person who took the final examination at the highest level and passed is regarded as having graduated, even though the person did not go through the highest level. In the 2000 Population Census, highest education was divided into seven categories:
The highest certificate/diploma:
1. No schooling
2. Primary school
3. Junior high school
4. Senior high school
5. College
6. Academy
7. Undergraduate

Blacken [the oval] of the appropriate box for the highest level of certificate/diploma that the respondent received.

There is a possibility that a person completed a certain level of education, but that during the interview [he/she] was attending a lower level of education than what was achieved previously. Please reconfirm this matter by asking the respondent the question once more. If this situation appears frequently, please elaborate in the notes block by writing the name and serial number of the household member.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_EDUCATT — Highest grade attending/attended
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[Questions 617 - 619 were asked of persons age 5 or older who are "Attending school" or "Not attending school any more", as per question 616.]

617. What is your completed highest level of education; or, what education level do you currently attend?

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 Junior high school
[] 3 Senior high school
[] 4 Vocational senior high school
[] 5 Diploma I/II
[] 6 Diploma III/bachelor
[] 7 Diploma IV/undergraduate
[] 8 Postgraduate

618. What is your highest grade of attended/attending education? (Completed = 7)
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7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 617: Highest level of education ever attended/currently attending
Use codes 1 through 8 for highest level of education ever attended/currently attending which is the highest level of education the respondent ever attended regardless of whether he/she is currently attending school or is no longer attending school.

Elementary school/Madrasah ibtidaiyah is basic level education of 5/6/7 years or equivalent (including basic level of special schools for disabled children, schools organized and managed by society, parents, and teachers).

[p. 101]

Junior high school/Madrasah tsanawiyah or equivalent/vocational is a junior level of basic level education either general or vocational, Madrasah Tsanawiyah or equivalent [MULO, HBS 3 year, special schools for children with disabilities at junior high school level, home economics school for Girls (SKP), economics junior high school (SMEP), technical junior high school (ST), family welfare junior high school (SKKP), vocational skill junior high school, farm management junior high school, agricultural junior high school, teacher's aide school (SGB), school for Islamic educators (PGA), public administration Courses (KPA), school for religious court staff].

General senior high school/Madrasah aliyah or equivalent is an intermediate level general education (SMU), Madrasah aliyah or equivalent (HBS 5 year, AMS, and public administration senior level courses (KPAA)).

Vocational high school is vocational education at the level of senior high school such as social work senior high school (SMPS), senior high school for craft industry, fine arts senior high school, senior high school of Indonesian dance (SMKI), senior high school of music, technology for development senior high school, economics senior high school (SMEA), technical senior high school (STM), agricultural technology senior high school, shipping technology senior high school, mining technology senior high school, graphic arts senior high school, physical education senior high school (SGO), teachers for special schools for children with disabilities (SGPLB), high school for Islamic educators 6 years, school for kindergarten teachers, teacher training courses (KPG), chemistry analysis high school (SMAK), school for pharmacists' assistants (SAA), school for mid-wives, school for radiology assistants.

Diploma I/II are diploma programs at an institution of higher learning for a formal education of one or two years.

Diploma III/Sarmud is a diploma program at an institution of higher learning for a formal education of three years to obtain a three-year diploma or a three-year degree (Sarjana muda). For example, Indonesian music academy, Indonesian dance academy, foreign languages academy, business management academy, chemical analyst academy, meteorology and geophysics academy.

[p. 102]

Diploma IV/S1 is a diploma program at an institution of higher learning for a formal education of four years or a bachelor's degree. The Akta IV Program is equivalent to the Diploma IV level.

S2 and S3 are post-graduate education programs (master or doctoral), specialist 1 or 2 at an institution of higher learning.

Question 618: Highest grade/class ever attended/currently attending
Use codes 1 through 7.
a. Those who completed the highest grade of the highest level of education attended are given code "7".
b. Those who are currently attending/have ever attended post-graduate courses for the master degree program (S2) or doctoral degree program (S3) are given code "6".
c. Those who are currently attending/have ever attended the highest grade at the graduate program S1 are given code "5".

"Completed school" means that a person has passed the final exam of the highest grade of the level of education in which he/she was enrolled either in the public or private sector and has obtained a diploma/certificate of completion. Someone who has not yet attended the highest grade of a particular level of education, but he/she has passed the final exam of that level of education is considered to have completed school.

Note: For those who are currently attending/have ever attended an education program at a university or college that uses the course credit system (SKS), the information about grade/class attended can be obtained by asking an additional question as follows: "How many credit hours have you completed?" The respondent's answer can be converted using the follow guidelines:
0 - 30 credits -- Level 1
31 - 60 credits -- Level 2
61 - 90 credits -- Level 3
91 - 120 credits -- Level 4
121 credits or more -- Level 5


[p. 103]

1. A person who is currently attending/has ever attended courses in a college or university and has completed 30, 31, and 65 credits should be coded as follows:
Number of credits completed: 30 credits
Level ever attended: 1
Level currently attending: 2

Number of credits completed: 31 credits
Level ever attended: 2
Level currently attending: 2

Number of credits completed: 65 credits
Level ever attended: 3
Level currently attending: 3

2. For someone who transfers from the academy/diploma program III to a university using a converted credit score, then the level is determined based on the converted credit score plus the credit hours obtained from the university.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_EDUC — Highest education level completed
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 209-214 were asked of persons aged 5+.)

[Questions 213-214 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school.]

213. What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed?

[] 1 Never/not yet completed primary school
[] 2 Primary school
[] 3 Junior high school
[] 4 Senior high school
[] 5 Vocational high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Diploma III/Academy
[] 8 Diploma IV/Undergraduate
[] 9 Postgraduate

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Household members 5 years and older
Questions 209 through 214 are asked only to those household members who are 5 years old or older. See Q204; if the age is 05, 06, 07? 98, then continue the interview with Q209 through Q214. If Q204 has entries 00, 01, 02, 03, or 04, then the interview with this household member is complete and Q209 through Q221 should be left blank. The interview should continue with the next household member.

[Questions 213-214 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school.]

Question 213: Has received a diploma/letter certifying course completion
Ask the highest level of education for which the household member has received a diploma/letter of course completion and make a mark in the oval for the code which corresponds to the respondent's answer.
Diploma/Letters of Course Completion include:

1. Never/not yet completed elementary school is the category for the person who has ever attended elementary school but never/has not yet completed elementary school, the elementary level of special schools for disabled children, elementary level of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Moslem religious education school), local elementary school organized by community, parents and teachers, Three Year Elementary School, A1 through A100 Packages, a pioneering project development elementary school or an Indonesian elementary school abroad. Those who have completed the third year of elementary school or an equivalent are considered not to have completed elementary school.
2. Completed elementary school or its equivalent means completed an elementary school/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Moslem religious education school), or an equivalent such as the elementary level of special schools for disabled children, local elementary school organized by community, parents and teachers, Three Year Elementary School, A1 through A100 Packages, a pioneering project development elementary school or an Indonesian elementary school abroad.
3. Completed Junior High School or its equivalent means completed junior high school (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) or an equivalent such as: MULO (junior high school during the Dutch time), HBS 3 years (type of school during the Dutch time), Secondary School for Children with Disabilities, Secondary School for Pioneering Project Development, Indonesian Junior High School (abroad) and Sports Junior High School.
4. Completed General Senior High School or its equivalent means completed general senior high school (Madrasah Aliyah) or similar schools such as: HBS 5 years and AMS (senior high schools during Dutch time), Senior High School for Development, Senior High School for Pioneering Project Development, Indonesian High School (abroad) and Senior High School for Sports.
5. Completed Vocational Senior High School means completed senior vocational school such as: Senior High School for Indonesian Crafts, Senior High School for the Arts, Senior High School for Traditional Music, Senior High School for Music, Senior High School for Agricultural Technology, Senior High School for Shipbuilding Technology, Senior High School for Mining Technology, Senior High School for Graphic Arts, Senior High School for Social Work, Senior High School for Family Welfare, Senior High School for Economics, Senior High School for Kindergarten Teachers, Senior High School for Pharmacy Assistant, Senior High School for Public Administration, Senior High School for Special Education Teachers, and Senior High School for Chemical Analysis.
6. Completed Diploma I/II means completed program DI/DII in an educational institution of higher learning which has the diploma I/II formal education program. The Akta I and II Programs are considered to be included in the DI/DII program.
7. Completed Diploma III/Academy means completed the DIII program or obtained a baccalaureate degree at an academy or an institution of higher learning which has such a program and confers a baccalaureate degree (sarjana muda) such as Academy of Arts of Indonesian Music, Academy of Arts of Indonesian Dance, Academy of Foreign Language, Academy of Management, Academy of Chemical Analysis, Academy of Meteorology and Geophysics.
8. Completed Diploma IV/S1 means completed a Diploma IV educational program or bachelor's degree at a University/Higher Learning Institution; the Akta IV Program is equivalent to the Diploma IV program.
9. Completed S2/S3 means completed a post graduate educational program including a Doctorate or Specialists I and II at a University or Institution of Higher Learning.

Note: Elementary, junior high and senior high students who have just passed the exam for their level of education can be considered as having received a diploma for that level.
Examples of enumerating household members who are attending Package A schools:
1. A household member studying Package A should be recorded as: Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 1.
2. A household member who has ever attended Package A but did not complete it (currently not active): Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 1.
3. A household member who has ever attended Package A and completed it and has passed the elementary school equivalent examination (currently not in school): Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 2.
4. A household member who has ever attended Package A and completed it (currently attending Package B): Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 2.
5. A household member who has ever attended Package A and completed it (currently attending junior high school): Q212 = 2 and Q213 = 2.