Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Hungarian | 510,720 |
02 | Slovak | 661 |
03 | Romanian | 425 |
04 | Croat | 844 |
05 | Serb | 145 |
06 | Sloven | 129 |
07 | German | 1,848 |
08 | Gipsy (Romany) | 2,314 |
09 | Bunyevác, Sokác | 51 |
10 | Hindi | 169 |
11 | Other Egyéb New Indian languages (excluding Gipsy) | 4 |
12 | New Persian (Dari) | 4 |
13 | Afghan (Pashtoo) | 2 |
14 | Other New Iranian languages (e.g., Tádzsik, Kurd, etc.) | 2 |
15 | Armenian | 1 |
16 | Albanian | 1 |
17 | Greek, New Greek | 83 |
18 | Italian | 5 |
19 | French (Normand, Picard, Vallon, Canadian French, etc.) | 16 |
20 | Spanish | 63 |
21 | Portuguese | 6 |
22 | Other New Latin languages (excluding Romanian) | 3 |
23 | Celtic languages (e.g., Irish, Skotch, Welsh) | 1 |
25 | Danish | 1 |
26 | Swedish | 1 |
Code | Label |
27 | English (British, American, Australian, etc.) | 22 |
28 | Dutch, Flemish | 2 |
30 | Other German languages, excluding German itself (e.g., Icelandish, English mixed languages, Afrikaans, Pennsylvanian German) | 4 |
31 | Lettonian | 1 |
32 | Lithuanian | 2 |
33 | Bulgarian | 60 |
34 | Macedonian | 10 |
35 | Czech | 13 |
36 | Polish | 201 |
37 | Russian | 187 |
39 | Ukrainian (Ruthenian) | 41 |
40 | Other Slavic languages (excluding Slovak, Serb, Croat) | 2 |
41 | Modern Hebrew (Ivrit) | 1 |
43 | Arab, Northern Arab (e.g., Iraki, Syrian, Lebanonian, etc.) | 75 |
44 | Ethiopean languages (Tigrinya, Amhara) | 3 |
45 | Berber-Libian languages | 1 |
49 | Western Caucasian (Abhasian) languages | 1 |
56 | Kuruh, Malto, Brahui | 1 |
57 | Finnish | 1 |
58 | Estonian | 2 |
61 | Uzbek | 4 |
63 | Osmanli-Turk | 2 |
65 | Other Turkish languages | 3 |
66 | Czuwash | 1 |
67 | Mongol (New Mongol) | 8 |
Code | Label |
70 | Tungusian languages | 1 |
71 | Korean | 6 |
73 | Ajno | 1 |
76 | Chinese (Han) | 10 |
78 | Kham-Thai languages | 1 |
80 | Vietnamuong languages | 51 |
81 | Mon-Khmer languages | 5 |
84 | Indonesian languages | 1 |
90 | Sudanese-Guinean languages | 11 |
91 | Swahili | 2 |
92 | Other Bantoo languages | 1 |
93 | Koisan languages | 1 |
94 | Amerindian languages | 2 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's mother tongue.
- Hungary 1990: All persons
- Hungary: 1990
Questionnaire Text
11. Mother tongue:
[] 02 Slovakian
[] 03 Romanian
[] 04 Croatian
[] 05 Serbian
[] 06 Slovenian
[] 07 German
[] 08 Gipsy
[] Other, specify it: ____
12. Do you speak any other language besides your mother tongue?
[] Yes, specify: ____
Mother tongue is the living language which one learns in one's childhood (as one's first language) and in which the person generally speaks with the members of his/her family and which one, free of all influences and true reality, declares to be his/her mother tongue. The mother tongue of the dumb and the infants unable to speak is the language in which their next of kin regularly speak.
12. Language spoken besides mother tongue
The living language besides mother tongue is the one in which the person is capable to understand and to make him/her understood by others. In case the person speaks several languages other than the mother tongue the one mostly used will be marked.