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Occupancy of the dwelling

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

____Commune, town
____ District
____ Street, road, squares
____ House number, topographical number
____ Floor, ground-floor
____ Door number
____ Part of settlement, outskirts

_ _ _ Number of enumeration district

_ _ _ Serial number of the Housing Questionnaire
_ _ _ Serial number of the building

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The dwelling - irrespective of the occupancy - , is a unit of places and rooms having specin the case ofic functions (living rooms, cooking places, sanitary places etc.), generally technically (architecturally) connected to each other. The former are originally built for human accommodation or converted into dwelling and also suitable for living at present, which has a separate entrance from a public place, courtyard or from a collectively used place inside the building (staircase, corridor etc.),. A dwelling might consist of a single premise. Vacant unoccupied dwellings, have to be enumerated, as well as holiday houses and cottage houses inhabited only in the summer. Data on vacant, unoccupied dwellings should be recorded on the information collected from the neighbors or the janitor, the file of the dwelling register of the municipality could be used as well.

The holiday houses in counties Baranya, Fejér, Somogy and Veszprém have been already enumerated in the summer months. The respective completed questionnaires ("Questionnaire for the enumeration of the holiday houses") will be handed over to the enumerators together with the List of addresses. From the questionnaires only the relevant answers should be copied to the A/ Housing questionnaire; while copying the data by comparing them with the List of addresses the completeness of the census should be checked. In case (in the summer) no questionnaire on a holiday house has been filled in a supplementary enumeration should be made.

In the case of a building being enumerated in the summer as a holiday house, but at the reference date is permanently occupied, it must be enumerated as a residential building, e.g. occupied dwelling.

Dwellings originally built for habitation but used for other purposes (e.g. as an office, etc.) will not be enumerated.

No dwelling questionnaire should be filled in on dwellings under construction, demolition or totally deserted dwellings.

What should be regarded as a dwelling?

The technically (architecturally) connected spaces having internal connections (doors) to each-other should be regarded as one dwelling even in the case of the doors are closed and the separated parts serve as a home for an other household.

Though the originally connected but later technically disconnected spaces, rooms should be regarded as independent dwellings.

A mostly separate place, building -- e.g. the summer kitchen of detached family house -- built as a part of the dwelling is considered as part of the dwelling in the case of it is used by the household living in the main building or by persons not belonging to the main household (e.g. subtenants).

Other housing unit

Other occupied housing units also cover the inhabited business units and the inhabited temporary or mobile facilities. The category covers the separate buildings (like the summer kitchens) built for rental on the parcel of the main building. These facilities will be enumerated only in the case of occupied.

Occupied temporary facility

The category "inhabited temporary or mobile facility" covers the inhabited hovels, huts, caves, auto bus bodies, occupied ships, floating mills, railway carriages, circus coaches, etc.

Institutional household

The category "institutional household" includes the establishments for collective accommodation or accommodation and boarding of humans (e.g. infant's and children's homes, dormitories, old people's homes, hospitals, recreation houses, convalescent hospitals, hotels, workers' homes, etc.) run by public organs, companies, factories, etc. The category does not cover the dwellings wholly or partially rented by companies, institutions for the accommodation of their employees. Nevertheless workers' homes maintained by companies, factories are classified as institutional households. (See in detail chapter 8. "Enumeration of the institutional households").

1. Designation of the housing unit

In answering the question only one designation should be underlined, i.e. marked.

The answer "occupied dwelling" or "vacant dwelling" will be marked only if the premises or group of premises suits the definition described in part "3. Scope of the census and the main definitions used".

Vacant dwelling
The dwelling will be regarded as vacant only if at the reference date of the census no person was registered by the authorities temporarily or permanently living there.

Holiday house
If at the reference date of the census at least one person was temporarily or permanently registered as inhabitant, the holiday house should be marked as "occupied dwelling".

Cottage (farm) house occupied only in the summer
The answer "Cottage (farm) house inhabited only in summer" should, be marked in the case of the dwelling is used during the summer season.

Cottage (farm) houses occupied at the reference date of the census should be marked as "residential building".

Institutional household
In the case of "Institutional household" is marked the designation (e.g. hospital, worker's home, dormitory, student's home, etc.) should be indicated too.

Occupied (inhabited) store, workshop, hovel
The designation of the occupied (inhabited) other housing units must be marked by underlining the respective answer (e.g. inhabited warehouse, occupied laundry house, inhabited hovel, circus coach, etc.).