Questionnaire Text

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VII. People in the census household

14. Educational level

What was the last grade or year of studies completed in pre-primary, primary, secondary or higher education?

Write down from 1 to 7 according to the grade passed.

[] 00 None
[] 10 Pre-primary
[] 2 Elementary _
[] 3 Secondary _
[] 4 Higher (university) _
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Questions for persons aged seven and older only
If the person is less than seven, do not ask him/her question 13-24. Instead, go to the next person on the list.

14. Level of education
Before continuing with this question, familiarize yourself with the following definitions:

[A graphic of box 14, "Level of education," is reproduced on the left-hand side of the page.]

- Pre-primary education: the goal of pre-primary education is to provide early stimulation and promote the psychomotor development of the child in preparation for primary education.

[p. 56]

- Primary education: this level is intended to provide the basics of education (from first to sixth grade).

- Secondary education: this level is intended to provide either general or specialized education, or both. The student must have successfully completed primary school to enter secondary school. This stage of education is divided into basic and vocational.

- Higher education: this is education taught in state or private universities or advanced technical schools. The student must have successfully completed secondary school to enter an institute of higher education.

Ask, "What was the last grade you passed in pre-primary, primary, or secondary school, or an institute of higher education.

If the person has not passed any grade, mark an X in the circle corresponding to the 00 option. If the person passed pre-primary, mark an X in the circle corresponding to the 10 option.

For primary school, secondary school, and higher education, write the last grade passed in the appropriate grid space. Write the information in digits using number from 1 to 7 (7 being the maximum).

Classes taught at a university but of limited length (6 months, etc.) are not considered higher education.