Questionnaire Text

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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 18-20 were asked of long form respondents age 5+.]

19. Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

If "yes," enter the code for the grade.
If not attending, ask if attended before.
_ _
[] 97 Attended school in the past
[] 98 Never attended school (skip to question 21)
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Question 18-20:- About Literacy and Educational Status of Persons Aged 5 Years and Above.

Questions from 18-20 refer to only members of a given household aged 5 years and over. During the time of enumeration information on the ability of the person to read and write with the language he/she speaks, the school attendance status of the person and the highest grade the individual has completed will be asked and collected. All questions refer to the literacy and educational status of individuals aged 5 years and over at the period of the census.

Question 19:- Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

For those members of a household who are reported to be attending school at the time of the census, the grade levels they are attending will be asked and the information obtained will be filled in the given questionnaire and shaded. For those persons who are not attending school during the time of the census but had attended sometime in the past, code 97 will be assigned. For individuals who have never attended code 98 will be given and the enumerator should skip to question 21 without asking question 20.

This question refers to the current school attendance status of persons aged 5 year and over. All eligible persons will be asked and based on the information obtained the appropriate code will be assigned from the given list of codes. Persons who are currently attending school (those attends school at the time of enumeration) are those who are attending formal education in schools, training institutions, universities, colleges and etc... and persons who attend informal education like religious education at the time of enumeration. The education can be given by either paid or unpaid/volunteer persons/teachers.

Persons who are trying to adopt some skills during spare time with the help of their relatives or persons whom they know are not considered as individuals who are attending school such as, daily laborers who try to acquire some skills about carpentry, mechanical works and sewing while working. Nevertheless, those who are acquiring skills in training institutions at the time of the census are taken as persons who are attending school.

For those who attend in the formal educational institutions are given codes from "00" to "14" and from "20" to "22". For individuals who are reported to be attending informal education such as religious education, skill development like typing, carpentry, mechanical works, driving, sewing and etc..., code 96 will be assigned and shaded. Moreover for persons who are found to be attending adult education, code 95 will be given.

Persons who are not attending school at the time of enumeration are divided in to two categories.
Those who are not reported to be attending at the time of enumeration, but had attended sometime in the past and;
Those who have never attended school.

Those who are stated under category 1 are individuals who attended school at some point of time in the past but currently found to be not attending because of dropout or completion of the programme. For those cases code 97 will be given. However, member of a given household who stated under category 2 are the one who have never attended any form of education and for them code 98 will be assigned. However persons who were attending school but reported to be not attending at the time of the census due to the end of academic year or vacation should be considered as cases, which attend school. For instance, students who had attended grade 8 or 10 during the academic year and taken exam prior to the time of census but found to be not attending due to the end of the academic year are given code that corresponds to persons attending grade 8 or 10.

For the purpose of enabling the enumerators to assign and mark the necessary codes to the information obtained, the list of level of grades which the respondents attend at the time of census with their corresponding list of codes are given below.

A: - Grade Levels With Codes for Those Attending School at the Time of Enumeration.

Grade level, Code, Description
Preschool, 00, for persons who are attending kindergarten or schools below grade 1

Grade 1, 01, for persons who are attending grade 1

Grade 2, 02, for persons who are attending grade 2

Grade 3, 03, for persons who are attending grade 3

Grade 4, 04, for persons who are attending grade 4

Grade 5, 05, for persons who are attending grade 5

Grade 6, 06, for persons who are attending grade 6

Grade 7, 07, for persons who are attending grade 7

Grade 8, 08, for persons who are attending grade 8

Grade 9, 09, for persons who are attending grade 9

Grade 10, 10, for persons who are attending grade 10

First year preparatory, 11, for persons who are attending the first year preparatory program which enables them to join higher educational institution

Second year preparatory, 12, for persons who are attending the second year preparatory program which enables them to join higher educational institution

10+1, 13, for persons who are attending the 10+1 vocational and technical educational program that is designed to graduate students with certificate

10+2, 14, for persons who are attending the 10+2 vocational and technical educational program that is designed to graduate students with certificate.

College diploma or 10+3, 20, for persons who are attending the 10+3 vocational and technical educational program which is designed to graduate students with diploma

Degree, 21, for persons who attends program in higher institution which is designed to graduate students with degree such as B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., M.D.

Post graduate, 22, for persons who are attending post graduate program which is designed to graduate students with post graduate degree such as M.Sc., M.A. or Ph.D.

Adult Education, 95, for persons who are attending adult education

Non formal education, 96, for persons who are attending non-formal education like religious education at the time enumeration.

For Those Who Had Attended before but are Not Attending at the Time of Census

Dropout cases or those who attended before

Code: 97
Description: For persons who had attended any form of education either in the formal or non-formal educational institutions before but currently found to be not attending at the time of enumeration.

Those Who Never Attended Before

Never attended before

Code: 98
Description: For persons who have never attended any form of education either in the formal or non- formal educational institutions before