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3. Highest level of education completed.
Look for the numbers in Table 3 and mark the corresponding box.
[] 1 Does not know how to read or write.
[] 2 Knows how to read and write, but attended school for less than five years.
[] 3 Attended school for five years or more, but did not complete EGB, ESO, or basic baccalaureate degree [EGB, educación general básica, basic general education / Educación Superior Oficial, Official higher Education]
[] 4 Basic Baccalaureate degree, EGB, or ESO completed (School graduate)
[] 5 Higher Baccalaureate degree, BUP, Bachelors LOGSE, COU, PREU
[BUP, Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, Curso de Orientación Universitaria, a one-year college preparatory program.]

[If answer is 1-5] Go on to question 5.

[] 6 Technical Training, mid-level; Official industrial training, or equivalent
[] 7 Technical Training, second level; advanced Technical Training; Industrial master's degree or equivalent
[] 8 Diploma, Architecture or Technical engineering, 3 years completed of a bachelor's degree, or the first three years of an engineering or architecture degree
[] 9 Completed degree in Architecture or Engineering, Bachelor's degree, or equivalent
[] 10 Doctorate