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Educational attainment, El Salvador

Questionnaire Text

El Salvador 1992
El Salvador 2007
El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_EDLEVYR — Highest education level completed
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 10-13 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

12a. What is the highest level of formal schooling completed?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary or basic
[] 3 Vocational course (carrera corta) following sixth grade
[] 4 Secondary education
[] 5 Post-secondary, non-university
[] 6 Technical college
[] 7 Post-secondary, university
[] 8 Unknown

12b. What was the highest year completed at this level?

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4.5.3 For persons age 5 or older
This part just refers to people five years of age and up, as a result the interview ends with question 9b for persons younger than 5, skipping the questions 10 through 13 to the following page.

12a. Level of schooling
What is the highest level of formal education attained?

In this question the different levels of schooling offered through the formal education system are presented, where each person must be located by level according to the information given, taking into account that they have at least passed one year within the said level according to the following list:

Preschool: Preschool, kindergarten, and nursery school.

Primary or basic: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade, the last three corresponding to the first, second and third courses of the "basic plan" of the previous system.

Vocational course after sixth grade [carrera corta]: In this case these short degrees that were done only [after] having passed sixth grade will be counted, such as: bookkeeper, office technician, industrial basic plan and other vocational studies.

Middle education [secondary school]: This level includes all people who study or have studied in an current diversified two year bachelor's degree (high school diploma) and in the old two year bachelor's degree (high school diploma) in sciences and letters; also, accountants, primary teachers, commercial secretaries, expert agronomists, nurses and other courses of studies that require passing the basic plan.

Higher education (not university): In this level people are grouped together who studied or are studying in institutions that require or required a bachelor's degree (or teacher) [i.e. high school diploma], such as: technological institutes, national agronomy school, San Jose de la Montaña seminary, military school, teacher training school, school of social work, others.

[pg. 47]

Technical university: This refers to the majors that are offered by the universities such as: teaching, nursing, technicians in diverse areas.

University: These are those that studied or are studying in one of the universities for the purpose of an academic title, such as: doctor, engineer, economist, odontologist, etc.

Unknown: These are those people who have made some course of study, but by not being present, or for reasons of age were not able to report their level.

12b. Years passed
What is the last year passed at this level?

In this question nursery school will be recorded as "00" (zero zero) and year passed will be recorded starting with first grade of the regular teaching system.
For upper level education both in and outside of the university, in which courses of study follow cycles and each year includes two cycles, the year exact year will be written down carefully. To facilitate the answer, the year passed will be noted in numbers.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_EDUC — Grade attending/attended
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[Questions 9-12 are for persons age 5 or older]

11a. What is the last grade or highest school year passed?

[] 1 Nursery/kindergarten (go to questions 11d.) ____
[] 2 Primary or basic (go to questions 11d.) ____
[] 3 Secondary education [educación media] ____
[] 4 Short course of studies after the sixth grade leading to a degree ____
[] 5 Non-university, higher education ____
[] 6 University-level technical studies [técnico universitaria] ____
[] 7 Advanced university [superior universitaria] ____
[] 8 Master's ____
[] 9 Doctorate ____

11b: Have you completed your high school, technical, university, master's or doctorate degree?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No