Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | None | X | X | X |
10 | Preschool | X | X | X |
20 | Primary education | X | X | X |
30 | Secondary education | X | · | X |
31 | Junior secondary | · | X | · |
32 | New secondary | · | X | · |
33 | Secondary high | · | X | · |
34 | Secondary vocational | · | X | · |
40 | Commercial/secretarial | · | X | · |
50 | University | X | X | X |
60 | Other tertiary | · | X | X |
70 | Special school | · | X | X |
80 | Other | X | X | X |
98 | Unknown | X | X | X |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
EDUCJM indicates the person's educational attainment in Jamaica in terms of the level of schooling completed.
Comparability — General
Jamaica has a 6-3-2 system. Primary education comprises 6 years (grades 1-6 or standard 1-6), which are offered either at primary or all-age schools. At the end of primary education, students take an examination to determine the type of secondary school they will attend.
Secondary education has two cycles: first cycle or junior secondary (grades 7-9 or forms 1-3) taught at all-age, junior, or secondary schools, and second cycle (grades 10-11 or forms 4-5) taught at secondary schools. Secondary schools combine both general and vocational types and include the traditional secondary high, senior, new secondary, comprehensive and technical high schools. Some secondary schools offer two additional years (grades 12-13 or form 6) for students taking the General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A-level) examination leading to university entrance.
Post-secondary education includes universities, community colleges, teacher colleges, vocational training centers and institutes, among other institutions. Completion of a bachelor degree entails between 3 to 4 years of studies. Special education refers to schools for persons with disabilities.
The variable is broadly comparable across samples. The universe in Jamaica 1982 is persons in private and selected collective households, in Jamaica 1991 is persons age 4 or older in private and selected collective households, and in Jamaica 2001 is persons age 4 or older. For all census samples, the educational attainment variable collects information on the last type of school attended for persons who ever attended school, so it does not imply completion of the correspondent level. The Jamaica 1982 and 2001 censuses only identify the single categories for primary and secondary schools, while the Jamaica 1991 census provides more variation in types of primary and secondary schools as well as an additional category for commercial or secretarial school.
Special education is separately identified in the Jamaica 1991 and 2001 censuses, but it is included in the "other" category in 1982. Other tertiary includes non-university tertiary institutions and is identified only in the Jamaica 1991 and 2001 censuses. In the Jamaica 1991 census vocational education applies to secondary level institutions with emphasis on skills training (including the heart program), while commercial and secretarial education refers to non-secondary institutions. The "other" category includes non-listed forms of education, including the Jamaica Movement for the Advancement of Adult Literacy (Jamal) program in all censuses and special education in Jamaica 1982 census.
In addition to EDUCJM, the 1982, 1991, and 2001 samples include related unharmonized variables indicating the highest exam passed or qualification obtained.
- Jamaica 1982: Persons in private and selected collective households
- Jamaica 1991: Persons age 4+ in private and selected collective households
- Jamaica 2001: Persons age 4+
- Jamaica: 1982, 1991, 2001
Questionnaire Text
Jamaica 1982 |
Jamaica 1991 |
Jamaica 2001 |
Section 4: Education
[All ages]
21. Highest level of educational attainment (including persons still at school):
[] Nursery infant
[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] University
[] Other
[] JAMAL (Jamaican Movement for the Advancement of Literacy)
[] Not stated
[] 1-2
[] 3-4
[] 5-6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11+
[] Not stated
[] J.S.C. (5) or 3rd JLCL
[] G.C.E. (O) 3-4
[] G.C.E. (O) 5 S.C. OR G.C.E. (A) 1-2
[] G.C.E. (A) 3 or more or higher schooling
[] Dip
[] Degree
[] Other
[] Not stated
Section 4 - Education
5.34 General
These questions are to be answered for every individual. For babies the answers to these questions will obviously be None or Not Applicable. This may also apply to very young children. Thus for children up to two years you need not ask the question at all but score in the appropriate boxes. For children over two years you should ask the question since it is possible that very young children, certainly from about three years old, are sometimes sent to school.
5.37 Question 21 - Highest Level of Educational Attainment
This question is divided into three parts and relates to the whole population. It therefore includes persons who are still attending school. It relates to education already received. In cases where the individual was educated abroad, try to determine the equivalent level to those identified in the questionnaire and score. For persons attending JAMAL classes, obtain the highest level attained before JAMAL, score JAMAL only if the person has not attended school before.
5.38 Question 21(a) - Type of School/University Attended
[Image omitted here.]
For persons who are not now attending school or university, ask the question this way: "What was the last type of School you (he/she) last attended"? Depending on the reply then you may have to ask: "Did you (he/her) go on to University?"
For those persons who are still attending school, the highest level attained will be related to the School which is now being attended.
None - Mark this for individuals who have had no education (Remember to include babies here).
What is required here is the level of the educational institution attended. Thus education obtained through private study or correspondence courses would not be reflected here.
Section 5: Education
[All persons]
(i) For children under 4 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and go to question 8.1
(ii) For persons over 50 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and proceed from question 5.2 in relation to the last institution attended.
(iii) For persons between ages 30 and 50 years, say: "It is known that some people try to further their education as they get older" before asking question 5.1.
(iv) For all other persons, i.e. 4-29 years old, proceed directly to question 5.1.
5.2. What type of educational institution are you / is [the respondent] attending / did you / did [the respondent] last attend?
[] Nursery/infant (go to Question 5.5)
[] Primary/preparatory (go to Question 5.4)
[] All age/elementary (go to Question 5.4)
[] Junior secondary (go to Question 5.4)
[] New secondary (go to Question 5.4)
[] Secondary high (go to Question 5.4)
[] Vocational
[] Commercial/secretarial
[] University (go to Question 5.5)
[] Other tertiary (specify _____)
[] Special school (go to Question 5.4)
[] Other (go to Question 5.4)
[] Not stated (go to Question 5.4)
Section 5 - Education
5.52 General
The aim of the section is to obtain information on the highest level of educational attainment among the entire population. Questions relate not just to current attendance but also to past attendance. As such, this section is relevant not only to school children but also to adults who may be furthering their education full-time or part-time.
You must pay close attention to the instruction on the questionnaire which precede the questions in this section.
5.53 For babies and young children not of school age, the question will obviously not be applicable. You should also be careful in the case of older persons who are not likely to be currently attending an educational institution, but for whom the questions on past attendance are applicable. It is recognized however, that adults do continue their education and the questions are therefore relevant.
5.55 You must remember to word Q5.2 accurately to distinguish between current attendance and past attendance. If the answer to Q5.1 is "Yes" then Q5.2 should be "what type of institution are you/is __ attending?" If the answer to Q5.1 is "No" then Q5.2 should be "what type of institution did you/did last attend?"
Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however, the person just completed the last term score, "No" at Q5.1.
5.56 It is important for you to be aware of the fact that school attendance outside of Jamaica is also to be included. The Section seeks to obtain information on the educational attainment of the population whether they were educated in Jamaica or not.
5.57 Question 5.2 The emphasis here is on attendance at an institution. Thus, education obtained through private study or correspondence courses would not be reflected here.
Score the position which identifies the school or university being attended or last attended. If the school is on holidays then enter the type attended prior to the holidays.
Nursery/Kindergarten - This is applicable to kindergarten, nursery school, the infant department of a primary or all-age school, a basic school.
Primary/Preparatory - This applies to a preparatory school (commonly called "prep" school), primary school whether junior or senior department
All Age - This applies not only to the All Age School as recognized but also to Elementary and Senior Schools.
Secondary High - Include here with the traditional secondary high school, comprehensive and technical high schools.
Vocational - This applies to secondary level institutions where the emphasis is on skills training. Examples of this type of institution are Knockalva and Elim Agricultural schools and Carron Hall. Include here also trainees registered in the H.E.A.R.T. program.
Commercial and Secretarial - This applies to institutions which offer commercial and secretarial training only. Secondary level institutions offering subjects in addition to the regular curriculum should NOT be included here.
University - This refers to enrollment in degree courses at university whether as a day student or as an evening student
Other Tertiary - This applies to tertiary institutions other than university. Include here Teacher Training Colleges, Community Colleges, CAST, College of Agriculture, Cultural Training Centre, G.C. Fostet: College of Physical Education and Sports, West Indies College.
Special Schools - This category includes schools for the Blind, Deaf, Mentally Handicapped
Other - Include here all persons attending Jamal classes and any other type of educational institution not listed above.
1.16 What is the highest level of education that you have/ [the respondent] has attained? (Read categories)
[] 1 None
[] 2 Pre-primary
[] 3 Primary
[] 4 Secondary
[] 5 University
[] 6 Other tertiary
[] 7 Special school
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated
5.52 Education
Please note the following:
(2) If a person has recently registered in a program of study but has not actually started, score "Yes".
(3) Study outside of Jamaica is to be included, assessing the level of attainment.
(4) Enrollment in a Jamal program is not to be included.
5.55 Question 1.16: Educational attainment
[Check "None" for persons younger than 4]
None: Score this for children younger than 4, and for all persons who indicate that they never attended school.
Pre-primary: This is applicable to kindergarten, nursery school, the infant department of a primary, preparatory or all-age school, and basic school.
Primary: This applies to a preparatory school (commonly called "Prep" school), primary school, elementary, and grades 1 through 6 of all-age schools.
Secondary: Include here the traditional secondary high schools, senior schools, junior secondary, comprehensive and technical high schools, and grades 7 through 9 of all-age schools. Include persons registered in a HEART Program at a secondary level.
[The next two categories comprise tertiary level institutions. Refer to appendix iii for a complete list]
University: This refers to enrollment in courses at a university, whether as a day student, as an evening student, or by correspondence. Persons enrolled in the University of Technology (UTECH) and the Northern Caribbean University should be included here. If however they attended these institutions prior to the granting of university status, they should be scored at "Other tertiary".
Other tertiary: This applies to tertiary institutions other than university. Include here are: CAST, West Indies College, Teacher training colleges, community colleges, College of Agriculture, Cultural Training Centre, G. C. Foster College of Physical Education and Sports, etc. Include here also persons attending institutions offering post secondary training, such as the Institute of Management and Production (IMP), Jamaica Institute of Management (JIM), UWI School of Continuing Studies (formerly Extra Mural Department), as well as institutions offering training in data processing, insurance etc. Include also all persons registered in a HEART program at an institution at a tertiary level.
Other: Include here all persons attending Jamal classes and any other types of educational institutions not listed above.