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Educational attainment, Cuba

Questionnaire Text

Cuba 2002
Cuba 2012
Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_EDLEV — Education level
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For persons six years old or more [Questions 11-15]

12. What is the highest level of education that you finished completely?

[Question 12 was asked of persons age 6 and older who had at least some education, per question 11.]

(Mark only one)

[] 0 None - Continue with question 14
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic secondary
[] 3 Specialized worker
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Mid-level technical
[] 6 Mid-level pedagogy
[] 7 Higher or university

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Question 12. What is the highest level of education that you have finished completely?

The objective of this question is to know the educational level that the interviewee has finished completely.


12. What is the highest level of education that you have finished completely? (only one mark)
[] 0 None -- Continue with question 14
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic Secondary Education
[] 3 Specialized Laborer
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Middle Technical
[] 6 Mid-level Pedagogy
[] 7 Higher or University

You should understand that a level has been completely finished when the interviewee has passed the last year or grade, obtaining the academic degree or diploma that accredits him/her as a graduate.

Observe that the levels are the same (same code) that you find related to the previous question (11).

You will mark the corresponding box for the completed level for the interviewee. The box "None" will be used for the persons who declared that they have not completely finished any educational level.

Before you mark the box, you should verify that information received with that of the previous question, since this method will allow you to rapidly determine if the answer you received is adequate or not.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_EDATTAIN — Highest education grade completed
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Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

For people over 6 years of age
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Questions 11-15 were asked persons over 6 years old]

11. What is the highest grade or level of education passed?

[] 0 None: go to question 15
[] 1 Elementary (1 to 6) _
[] 2 Basic secondary (7 to 10) _
[] 3 Qualified worker (1 to 5) _
[] 4 Pre-university (10 to 13) _
[] 5 Intermediate technical (1 to 5) _
[] 6 Intermediate pedagogy (1 to 5) _
[] 7 Higher education or university (1 to 7) _
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Section IV. Personal Data.

For persons 6 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)

Question 11. What is the highest grade or level of education passed?
This question refers to the highest grade or year of studies that the interviewee passed in the most advanced educational cycle they participated in through the National Education System, or abroad (if these are special studies abroad, request their equivalencies within the National System; if they do not know, write down in detail what they state).
To correctly ask this question it is necessary to know the different educational levels, as well as the school grades that each one includes, so it is necessary that you carefully read the contents of each educational level that are detailed below, attempting to memorize them with the goal of being able to correctly fill out the educational details of the population.
Elementary: The first level of education, whose primary function is providing the first elements of education that will allow students to move on to Secondary Education. From 1st to 6th Grade of General Education, and from the 1st to 4th semester (levels 11, 12, 21, and 22) of Basic Adult Education (EOC), includes the first level of art schools, sports initiation and special education (for children, adolescents and adults with mental or physical disabilities). See the conversion table in Annex 2 of this manual.
Basic Secondary: Includes the second level of education (middle basic), in which students acquire general knowledge to continue their pre-university or polytechnic studies. Completion of primary education is required for entry.
Currently students complete from 7th to 9th grade, although there were years that continued until 10th grade. There may also be cases where the interviewee states they have completed from the 1st to 4th semester (evening courses) and the 1st to 6th semester (distance learning) of Secondary Adult Education (SOC), in which case you must search for the equivalency for those semesters in relation to Basic Secondary in Annex 2 of this manual.
This includes the second level of art school, sports initiation and special education (for adolescents and adults with mental or physical disabilities).
If the person states that they have passed preparatory to enter Baccalaureate (1st or 2nd year), that would correspond to the 7th or 8th grade of Basic Secondary, as indicated in Annex 2. Likewise, if they indicate that they have completed the 1st year of Baccalaureate, that will be considered equivalent to the 9th grade of Basic Secondary as shown in Annex 2.
Qualified Worker: Corresponds to the second level of education (mid basic) for workers; its purpose is to prepare students specifically for a determined profession (non-teaching). This includes classes taught by other Bodies not specialized in education, so long as they are approved by the Ministry of Education.
This level includes Trade Schools which were initially conceived solely for youths with scholastic setbacks and today is made up of qualified workers. The corresponding equivalences between the semesters of these schools and their conversion to years of Qualified Workers are listed in Annex 2.

[p. 53]

Pre-university: Also corresponds to the second level of education (upper mid) and intends to provide the necessary knowledge to continue higher education or university studies whose entrance requires passing Basic Secondary Education.
Currently students complete from 10th to 12th grade, although there were years that continued until 13th grade. It may also be that they state that they have completed the 2nd to 6th semesters of the regular course in Higher Adult Education (FOC) or the 4th through 8th semesters of the distance learning courses through the FOC, in which case the equivalency in Pre-University years can be found in Annex 2.
If the person states that they have completed from the 2nd to 5th year of Baccalaureate, find the equivalency in Pre-University years using the table in Annex 2.
Intermediate Technical: Corresponds to the second level of education (upper middle) and is intended to prepare the student for a non-teaching trade or profession. It is taught in day courses or for workers. This includes classes taught by other Organisms not specialized in education, so long as they are approved by the Ministry of Education. It is completed over years and a degree is obtained.
Intermediate Pedagogy: It comprises the second level of education (upper middle) and is responsible for preparing teachers, primarily at the elementary level. These include elementary teachers, kindergarten teachers, teacher's aides, and physical education/sports teachers and coaches. Currently these types of studies are not taught at this level or at the beginner's level.
Higher Education or University: This comprises the third level of education, entrance to which requires successful completion of Upper Middle Education. It prepares highly qualified specialists, including teaching personnel. This includes taught courses or free learning which, although it is not completed on a yearly schedule, corresponds to this level.
In the case of interviewees who are studying at the Higher or University level in taught courses or free learning courses that are taken in cycles, that is, they are not taken in years, these will be made equivalent to the years of study. Therefore, if the interviewee reports that he is in the third cycle, he will be considered to be in the third year of University or Higher Education studies.
The question relates to any level of education in the National Education System, regardless of the date the course or school year was completed.
[Figure omitted]

[p. 54]

The following discusses how this question should be filled out. The question is asked as follows: "What is the highest grade or year of study which you passed?" Inform them that this includes those in the National Education System or those completed abroad. If there are any doubts, it may help to name the different educational levels that make up the question, as well as the years or grades that they encompass.
After receiving the information you will write down the grade or year passed in the corresponding educational level.
Note that at each educational level the grades or years they contain are listed, you only have to write down the grade or year.
When you are told a year or grade greater than those that appear in the corresponding level, note the last that appears in each level.
Zero ("0") will be marked in the "None" box when a person states that they have not completed any grades, and you will proceed directly to question 15.
Note that the different educational levels are arranged from lowest to highest rating or importance. For a person with completed grades at different levels, only the highest level will be counted.