Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2020
Argentina 1980 El Salvador 1992 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Romania 1977
Argentina 1991 El Salvador 2007 Laos 1995 Romania 1992
Argentina 2001 Ethiopia 1984 Laos 2005 Romania 2002
Argentina 2010 Ethiopia 1994 Laos 2015 Romania 2011
Armenia 2001 Ethiopia 2007 Lesotho 1996 Russia 2002
Armenia 2011 Fiji 1976 Lesotho 2006 Russia 2010
Austria 1971 Fiji 1986 Liberia 1974 Rwanda 2002
Austria 1981 Fiji 1996 Liberia 2008 Rwanda 2012
Austria 1991 Fiji 2007 Malawi 1987 Saint Lucia 1980
Austria 2001 Fiji 2014 Malawi 1998 Saint Lucia 1991
Austria 2011 Finland 2010 Malawi 2008 Senegal 1988
Bangladesh 1991 France 1962 Malaysia 1970 Senegal 2002
Bangladesh 2001 France 1968 Malaysia 1980 Senegal 2013
Bangladesh 2011 France 1975 Malaysia 1991 Sierra Leone 2004
Belarus 1999 France 1982 Malaysia 2000 Sierra Leone 2015
Belarus 2009 France 1990 Mali 1987 Slovakia 1991
Benin 1979 France 1999 Mali 1998 Slovakia 2001
Benin 1992 France 2006 Mali 2009 Slovakia 2011
Benin 2002 France 2011 Mauritius 1990 Slovenia 2002
Benin 2013 Germany 1970 Mauritius 2000 South Africa 1996
Bolivia 1976 Germany 1971 Mauritius 2011 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 1992 Germany 1981 Mexico 1960 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 2001 Germany 1987 Mexico 1970 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 2012 Ghana 1984 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2016
Botswana 1981 Ghana 2000 Mexico 1995 South Sudan 2008
Botswana 1991 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2000 Spain 1981
Botswana 2001 Greece 1971 Mexico 2005 Spain 1991
Botswana 2011 Greece 1981 Mexico 2010 Spain 2001
Brazil 1960 Greece 1991 Mexico 2015 Spain 2011
Brazil 1970 Greece 2001 Mexico 2020 Sudan 2008
Brazil 1980 Greece 2011 Mongolia 1989 Suriname 2004
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 1964 Mongolia 2000 Suriname 2012
Brazil 2000 Guatemala 1973 Morocco 1982 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 2010 Guatemala 1981 Morocco 1994 Switzerland 1980
Burkina Faso 1985 Guatemala 1994 Morocco 2004 Switzerland 1990
Burkina Faso 1996 Guatemala 2002 Morocco 2014 Switzerland 2000
Burkina Faso 2006 Guinea 1983 Mozambique 1997 Switzerland 2011
Cambodia 1998 Guinea 1996 Mozambique 2007 Tanzania 1988
Cambodia 2004 Guinea 2014 Myanmar 2014 Tanzania 2002
Cambodia 2008 Haiti 1971 Nepal 2001 Tanzania 2012
Cambodia 2013 Haiti 1982 Nepal 2011 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 2019 Haiti 2003 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 1980
Cameroon 1976 Honduras 1961 Nicaragua 1995 Thailand 1990
Cameroon 1987 Honduras 1974 Nicaragua 2005 Thailand 2000
Cameroon 2005 Honduras 1988 Pakistan 1973 Togo 1960
Canada 1971 Honduras 2001 Pakistan 1981 Togo 1970
Canada 1981 Hungary 1970 Pakistan 1998 Togo 2010
Canada 1991 Hungary 1980 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Canada 2001 Hungary 1990 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Canada 2011 Hungary 2001 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Chile 1960 Hungary 2011 Panama 1960 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Chile 1970 Indonesia 1971 Panama 1970 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1976 Panama 1980 Turkey 1985
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1980 Panama 1990 Turkey 1990
Chile 2002 Indonesia 1985 Panama 2000 Turkey 2000
Chile 2017 Indonesia 1990 Panama 2010 Uganda 1991
China 1982 Indonesia 1995 Papua New Guinea 1980 Uganda 2002
China 1990 Indonesia 2000 Papua New Guinea 1990 Uganda 2014
China 2000 Indonesia 2005 Papua New Guinea 2000 Ukraine 2001
Colombia 1964 Indonesia 2010 Paraguay 1962 United States 1960
Colombia 1973 Iran 2006 Paraguay 1972 United States 1970
Colombia 1985 Iran 2011 Paraguay 1982 United States 1980
Colombia 1993 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 1992 United States 1990
Colombia 2005 Ireland 1971 Paraguay 2002 United States 2000
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 1981 Peru 1993 United States 2005
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1991 Peru 2007 United States 2010
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 1996 Peru 2017 United States 2015
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 2002 Philippines 1990 United States 2020
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 2006 Philippines 1995 Uruguay 1963
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2011 Philippines 2000 Uruguay 1975
Cuba 2012 Ireland 2016 Philippines 2010 Uruguay 1985
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Israel 1972 Poland 1978 Uruguay 1996
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Israel 1983 Poland 1988 Uruguay 2006
Dominican Republic 1960 Israel 1995 Poland 2002 Uruguay 2011
Dominican Republic 1970 Israel 2008 Poland 2011 Venezuela 1971
Dominican Republic 1981 Italy 2001 Portugal 1981 Venezuela 1981
Dominican Republic 2002 Italy 2011 Portugal 1991 Venezuela 1990
Dominican Republic 2010 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 2001 Venezuela 2001
Ecuador 1962 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 2011 Vietnam 1989
Ecuador 1974 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 1970 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 1982 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1980 Vietnam 2009
Ecuador 1990 Kenya 1969 Puerto Rico 1990 Vietnam 2019
Ecuador 2001 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 2000 Zambia 1990
Ecuador 2010 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 2005 Zambia 2000
Egypt 1986 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 2010
Egypt 1996 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 2015 Zimbabwe 2012
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_EDATTAN — Educational level
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Educational Characteristics -- For all individuals five years of age and older

[Questions 9-12 are asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

10. [Educational attainment]

Only those who responded 1 or 2 in question number 9 should answer these questions.
[Questions 10A-10C are asked only of persons who had ever attended an educational institution.]

A. What is the highest level you studied or are studying?

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 High school
[] 3 Commercial
[] 4 Teacher training [normal]
[] 5 Technical or industrial
[] 6 Other secondary schooling
[] 7 University and higher
[] 8 Unanswered

C. What is the last year or grade completed at this level?

Mark the appropriate box. For those who have not yet completed the first year or grade mark zero (0).

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 Unanswered

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Educational Characteristics

For all persons five years old and older.


In the question number 10 you will move on to ask about the highest educational level that the person attends or attended, whether they completed it or not, either in the country or in a foreign country. Remember that the questions 10A, 10B, and 10C should only be asked of the persons who have boxes 1 or 2 marked in question number 9.

In the Panel 4 you will write the possible educational levels. Read them carefully.

Panel 4

1- Elementary [Primary]

The common elementary schools - home schools - schools for adults - Special schools - Adult literacy centers - schools in hospitals - schools in jails - schools annexed to Armed Forces

2- Secondary schools
National schools - private preparatory schools - specialized secondary [baccalaureate] schools

3- Commercial
Commercial schools

4- Teacher training schools
Public teacher training schools - Regional teacher training schools


5- Technical or industrial
Industrial schools- Night classes for specialization - Regional and mixed industrial schools - Professional schools for women - factory schools - Worker training schools - Schools for professional preparation for women - Cyclical technical institutes - Agro- technical schools - School for auxiliary medical personnel

6- Other secondary education
Specialized secondary educational institutes, for example: Military high school - Naval high school - Police and firemen school - Penitentiary schools - Sub-officers schools in the Armed Forces - Mission mono-technical and cultural schools - Mission for rural cultural and domestic training - Nautical school.


7- University and higher education
a) Faculties: medicine - engineering - architecture, etc.
b) Professorates in history, physical education, pedagogy, languages, etc., and specialized teachers in child care, special education, education for the blind and deaf-mutes, etc.
c) Non-teaching specialties: Courses for university graduates, courses for graduates of industrial schools, newspaper writers, librarians, and museums.
d) Military higher education: Military college, Naval School, Higher War School, etc.


4. If the youngest of the Misses Garcia studies in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, where would you place her response? (Consult Panel 4, pages 142-144.)
[]7 University and higher education

If the oldest son of Mr. Pereira responds that he is a student at the Commercial School Number 2, in which box on the census form would you mark his response?
[]3- Commercial


5. If a person says that he/she works in a factory and that after the work schedule he/she takes workers' training courses, would you take this answer into account?

If another person says that she graduated from the National Industrial School and is taking a specialization course, where would you place this answer? (Consult Panel 4.)
[]7 University and higher education

Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_EDCOMP — Completed the education level
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Educational Characteristics -- For all individuals five years of age and older

[Questions 9-12 are asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

10. [Educational attainment]

Only those who responded 1 or 2 in question number 9 should answer these questions.
[Questions 10A-10C are asked only of persons who had ever attended an educational institution.]

B. Did you complete this level?

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Educational Characteristics

For all persons five years old and older.


In the question number 10 you will move on to ask about the highest educational level that the person attends or attended, whether they completed it or not, either in the country or in a foreign country. Remember that the questions 10A, 10B, and 10C should only be asked of the persons who have boxes 1 or 2 marked in question number 9.

6. Below you will ask question 10B, regarding whether the person being enumerated completed this level or not.

This question refers to the level of [instruction] indicated by the person in question 10A.

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_EDLEV — Highest educational level
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C. Population

For all of the persons 5 years old and more

[Questions 7-8 were asked of persons age 5 years or older.]

9. [Educational attainment]

If the person answered "Attend" or "Attended but does not attend":
[Questions 9A-9D asked of those who had ever attended an educational institution.]

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

9. If they answered "attends" or "does not attend but attended."
You will ask:

a) for the highest level advanced at the moment of the census.

b) if they passed or not, this level.

c) about the last year or grade passed.
Take into account, that in the primary level there was a change in names with 1st grade superior becoming 2nd grade, 2nd becoming 3rd, . . . . . 6th becoming 7th fill in the cell that corresponds to the current name.

[To the right of the text are two forms.]

[p. 11]

d) about the major or university career that is or was studied, writing the name of the major or career.

Vague positions or titles like: Graduate, Doctor, Engineer, etc, should not be put down.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]
Possible educational levels


Primary: Common primary schools, boarding schools, schools for adults, schools for children with special needs, centers of adult literacy, schools in hospitals, schools in prisons, schools annexed to the Armed Forces.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

Secondary: National secondary schools, high schools, specialized preparatory schools.

Commercial: Business schools.

Teacher training: Teacher training schools, regional teaching schools.

Technical or industrial: Industrial schools, advanced night school, regional and coeducational industrial schools, professional schools for women, factory schools, schools of worker training, schools of professional training for women, institutes of electrical technology, agricultural technical school, schools of medical aids. In all the cases they should be courses that require having completed the primary cycle.

Other middle educational: Institutes of middle specialized education: Military School, Navel School, Police and Firefighter school, Penitentiary Schools, Schools of Sub-officials of the Armed Forces, rural and domestic cultural missions [misiones de cultura rural y doméstica], schools of artistic education, Nautical School.

Higher not university: Professors of: History, Physical Education, Pedagogy, Languages, etc. Teachers specialized in: kindergarten, children with special needs, deaf mutes, the blind, etc. Specialized not teaching: courses for graduates of industrial schools, journalists, librarians and museum curators. Higher Military Schools: Military Secondary School, Naval School, Higher School of War, etc. University: Departments of Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Law, etc.

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_EDCOMP — Completed highest level of education
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C. Population

For all of the persons 5 years old and more

[Questions 7-8 were asked of persons age 5 years or older.]

9. [Educational attainment]

If the person answered "Attend" or "Attended but does not attend":
[Questions 9A-9D asked of those who had ever attended an educational institution.]

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

9. If they answered "attends" or "does not attend but attended."
You will ask:

a) for the highest level advanced at the moment of the census.

b) if they passed or not, this level.

c) about the last year or grade passed.
Take into account, that in the primary level there was a change in names with 1st grade superior becoming 2nd grade, 2nd becoming 3rd, . . . . . 6th becoming 7th fill in the cell that corresponds to the current name.

[To the right of the text are two forms.]

[p. 11]

d) about the major or university career that is or was studied, writing the name of the major or career.

Vague positions or titles like: Graduate, Doctor, Engineer, etc, should not be put down.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]
Possible educational levels


Primary: Common primary schools, boarding schools, schools for adults, schools for children with special needs, centers of adult literacy, schools in hospitals, schools in prisons, schools annexed to the Armed Forces.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

Secondary: National secondary schools, high schools, specialized preparatory schools.

Commercial: Business schools.

Teacher training: Teacher training schools, regional teaching schools.

Technical or industrial: Industrial schools, advanced night school, regional and coeducational industrial schools, professional schools for women, factory schools, schools of worker training, schools of professional training for women, institutes of electrical technology, agricultural technical school, schools of medical aids. In all the cases they should be courses that require having completed the primary cycle.

Other middle educational: Institutes of middle specialized education: Military School, Navel School, Police and Firefighter school, Penitentiary Schools, Schools of Sub-officials of the Armed Forces, rural and domestic cultural missions [misiones de cultura rural y doméstica], schools of artistic education, Nautical School.

Higher not university: Professors of: History, Physical Education, Pedagogy, Languages, etc. Teachers specialized in: kindergarten, children with special needs, deaf mutes, the blind, etc. Specialized not teaching: courses for graduates of industrial schools, journalists, librarians and museum curators. Higher Military Schools: Military Secondary School, Naval School, Higher School of War, etc. University: Departments of Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Law, etc.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCH — Attending school
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

11. Do you attend some educational establishment?

[] Attends a public establishment
[] Attends a private institution
[] Does not attend, but attended [skip questions 12-13]
[] Never attended [skip questions 12-16]
[] Unanswered [skip questions 12-16]

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11. Do you attend some educational establishment?

School attendance: The attendance in an establishment of the system of formal (publicly or privately recognized) education is considered school attendance (attends or attended).

Attendance in private academies, institutes or centers for studies that do not pertain to formal levels are excluded. For example: foreign languages, musical instruments, preparatory courses, for training, and technical courses done in these institutions (hairdressers, computer science, etc.). Also attendance in post graduate courses is excluded. If an enumerated person is doing post graduate work, it is considered that they "Do not attend but attended" at the university level.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCHLEV — Education level attends
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

12. What level does the person attend?

[Question 12 was asked of persons age 3+ who currently attended an educational establishment, per question 11.]

[] Preschool or kindergarten [finished, skip questions 13-28]
[] Elementary
[] Secondary
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Unanswered

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12. What level does the person attend?

When we ask for level we are referring to the level studied in the country or abroad.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_SCHGR — Education grade attends
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

13. What year or grade is the person attending?

[Question 13 was asked of persons age 3+ who currently attend an educational establishment at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, per questions 11-12.]

[After responding to question 13, skip questions 14-16.]

[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] Unanswered

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13. What year or grade is the person attending?

We take into account here that all studies are organized into grades or years. However, always they should respond in grades or years (See conversion chart).

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_EDATLEV — Highest education level attended
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

14. What is the highest level that the person attended?

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 3+ who do not currently attend an educational establishment but attended one in the past, per question 11.]

[] Preschool or kindergarten - continue on the other side [skip questions 15-16]
[] Elementary
[] Secondary
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Unanswered

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14. What is the highest level that the person attended?

Remember: if the highest level reached was the first, we take into account the changes produced starting in 1966 in the numbering of the grades, where 1st superior was eliminated and 7th was added. For example: if a person tells us that 3rd grade was passed before 1966, we write down 4th

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_EDATGR — Highest grade passed
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

15. What was the highest year or grade that the person passed at this level?

[Question 15 was asked of persons age 3+ who did not currently attend an educational establishment but attended one in the past, at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, per questions 11 and 14.]

[] Did not complete 1st - continue on the other side [skip question 16]
[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] Unanswered

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15. What was the highest year or grade that the person passed at this level?

Remember: if the highest level reached was the first, we take into account the changes produced starting in 1966 in the numbering of the grades, where 1st superior was eliminated and 7th was added. For example: if a person tells us that 3rd grade was passed before 1966, we write down 4th

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_EDATCOM — Completed education level
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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

16. Did the person complete this level?

[Question 16 was asked of persons age 3+ who do not currently attend an educational establishment but attended one in the past, at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, and completed at least the 1st year at that level, per questions 11, 14, and 15.]

[] Yes
[] No
[] Unanswered

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16. Did you complete this level?

[p. 30]

Remember: fill out the circle totally. We follow the arrows.
We see how we register the grade or year in the following situations:
National literacy plan

Year or Grade is 1

Adult primary school center (dependent upon National Government)

Year or grade is 3 if cycle is 1
Year or grade is 5 if cycle is 2
Year or grade is 7 if cycle is 3

Adult Secondary School or Center (dependent upon National Government)

Year or grade is 2 if cycle is 1
Year or grade is 4 if cycle is 2
Year or grade is 5 if cycle is 3

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_EDLEVA — Currently attending educational institution
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

[Questions 13 were asked of persons age 3+ attending any educational establishment.]

13. What level do you currently attend?

[] Initial (kindergarten or preschool) (End questionnaire) [skip questions 14-40]
[] Primary
[] E.G.B. (basic general education)
[] Secondary
[] Multidisciplinary (Polimodal)
[] Non-university tertiary
[] University

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 13: What level does he/she attend?

In the majority of the provinces there is a new educational structure in place that is established by the Federal Law of Education. This process of educational transformation has been completed in some jurisdictions while others continue with the previous structure. Therefore, to complete this answer, you should ask which educational structure the interviewee is attending.

The levels that are involved in this transformation are the following:

Level / Grade or year / Characteristics
Initial level (kindergarten or pre-school) / / Includes the school education from 3 years old to enrollment in EGB (General Basic Education)

General Basic Education (EGB) / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th / This is the basic level of obligatory education that is required by law. It takes nine years to complete.

Multi-modal / 1st, 2nd, 3rd / This prepares students for higher education. It is completed in three years.

If the interviewee is enrolled in Initial level (Kindergarten / Pre-school), mark the bubble and consider the administration of the Form for this person finalized.

Remember that in this question, you should only mark one option.

Let's see some examples:
--Sebastian is enrolled in 3rd year in a technical high school, where the educational transformation has not been implemented. You will mark: "High school."

--Tomas is 14 years old and is enrolled in 9th year of a municipal school. You will mark "EGB."

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_GRADEA — Grade attends
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

14. What grade or year are you in? ____

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 3+ attending any educational establishment at a level higher than initial, per questions 11 and 13.]

[Specify and skip questions 15-19.]

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 14: What grade or year does the person study?

Refer to the grade or year that the person answering the Census is attending.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_EDLEV — Highest education level attended
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

[Questions 16-17 were asked of persons age 3+ who were not currently attending an educational establishment, but attended it in past, per questions 11 and 15.]

16. What was the highest level that you attended?

[] Initial (kindergarten or preschool)
[] Primary
[] E.G.B. (basic general education)
[] Secondary
[] Multidisciplinary (Polimodal)
[] Non-university tertiary
[] University
[] Unknown

17. Did you complete this level?
[] Yes

If university level was marked, go to 19 [skip question 18]
If a level different than university was marked, go to 20 [skip questions 18-19]

[] No
[] Unknown

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_EDLEVC — Completion of the highest education level attended
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

[Questions 16-17 were asked of persons age 3+ who were not currently attending an educational establishment, but attended it in past, per questions 11 and 15.]

16. What was the highest level that you attended?

[] Initial (kindergarten or preschool)
[] Primary
[] E.G.B. (basic general education)
[] Secondary
[] Multidisciplinary (Polimodal)
[] Non-university tertiary
[] University
[] Unknown

17. Did you complete this level?
[] Yes

If university level was marked, go to 19 [skip question 18]
If a level different than university was marked, go to 20 [skip questions 18-19]

[] No
[] Unknown

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_GRADE — Highest grade completed
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[Questions 11-19 were asked of persons age 3+.]

18. What was the last grade or year that you passed?

[Specify and] turn page [skip question 19]

[] None
[] [Specify] ____
[] Unknown

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Questions 11 to 19
These questions ask about the level of formal education of the population. They should be answered only by persons 3 years old or more.

Starting here, persons three years old or more answer the questions.

Question 18: What was the last grade or year that the person passed?

This is the highest grade or year passed by the person answer the Census who does not attend a recognized establishment in the formal educational system at the moment that the Census is completed, for a person who attended in the past.

In the case of persons who are attending the adult elementary school, you should mark the grade or year, and not the cycle. For this you will use the following table:

Type of studies / Cycle / Grade or year
Adult elementary school or center / 1, 2, 3 / 3, 5, 7

If the highest level that the person answering the Census attended was elementary and he/she is 45 years old or more, take into account the changes made in 1966 in the grade numbering, when first superior was eliminated and seventh was added. In any case, you will use the following conversion table:

Grade until 1966 / Equivalency in grades
Lower 1st grade / 1st
Upper 1st grade / 2nd
2nd grade / 3rd
4th grade / 5th
5th grade / 6th
6th grade / 7th

For example:
--Carlos completed elementary school to 5th grade before 1966. You will write 6th.

--Luisa responds that the last grade that she passed was Upper 1st grade. You will write 2nd.

--Luis attended through the second cycle of elementary in a school for adults. You will write: 5th.

[p. 46]

[Exercises in p.46 and a part of p.47 are omitted]

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_EDLEV — Educational level
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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

9. What educational level does/did this person attend?

[] Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) -- Continue with 12
[] Elementary
[] EGB [General Basic Education]
[] Secondary

[] 6-year elementary
[] 7-year elementary

[] Polymodal (Secondary)
[] Higher education, non-university
[] University
[] Graduate
[] Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

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Question 9. . What educational level does/did he/she attend?
9. What educational level does/did he/she attend?

_ Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) - Continue with 12
_ Elementary
_ Secondary -- Attended: _ 6-year elementary/ _ 7-year elementary?
_ Polimodal (Secondary)
_ Higher education, non-university
_ University
_ Post-graduate
_ Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

This refers to the level of education that he/she attended or is currently attending.
If the person being interviewed attends or attended the level "Secondary", mark this with an "X" and then ask if the elementary that he/she attended was for six or seven years, since in our country these two possibilities co-exist.

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Current and past educational level: this is the educational stage that the person being enumerated is attending or attended.
Various educational structures coexist in the country, two of them have levels with the same names. These are the structures before the Federal Education Law and the one that results from the new National Education Law (2006). This last consists of two levels: Kindergarten and Pre-School/Initial, Elementary, Secondary, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).
If the application of the new structure is found to be functioning, in many provinces the educational structure established by the Federal Educational Law is still governing, with its levels that are: Initial Education, EGB, Poli-modal, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).


The levels of education that are presented in the question are:

-Initial (kindergarden, pre-school): this stage of the structure consists of the the children (boys and girls) who are from three to five years old.
- Elementary: stage after the initial level, of an obligatory nature and whose duration can be six or seven years (1st to 7th grade or 1st to 6th grade).
-EGB: period after initial level. Its duration is nine years and it is composed of three cycles of three years each, EGB 1 (1st to 3rd grade); EGB 2 (4th to 6th grade) and EGB 3 (7th to 9th grade).
-Secondary: level of education after elementary. It can be five or six years (1st to 5th year or 1st to 6th).
-Poli-modal: level of structure later than EGB. Its duration if three years.
- High non-university: this is a period of studies that are done in non-university terciary education, state or private with plans of study approved by the Ministry of Education (of the nation or of the provinces). It includes the professors of initial leve, for adults, special education and physical education, history, letters, etc. It also contains specialties that are not for teachers, for example: industrial technica specialization, journalism, tourism, computers, plastic arts and the formation of officials of the armed forces.
- University: level of studies that is carried out in the national, provincial, or private universities. It consists exclusively of the fields that give professional titles (lawyer, surveryor, audiologist, engineer, professor, etc.) and the baccalaureate degrees (in sciences of education, letters, mathematics, systems, etc.).
- Post-graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate): stage of studies that includes the fields of specializations, master's and doctorates or by private entities recognized by the Ministry of Education. For this type of study, it is a requirement to have a university degree with a grade.
- Special Education: this is the set of services, techniques, strategies, knowledge and pedagical resources within the National Educational System directing their attention to the persons with special educational needs.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_LEVELSCH — Completed educational level
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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

10. Did this person complete this level?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Completed the level of education: passing the last year of studies and obtaining a diploma or certificate that corresponds to a determined level.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_EDLEV — Level of education
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Completed for aged 7 and older [Questions 19-21]

Q19: What is your educational attainment?

[] 01 Doctor of Science
[] 02 Ph.D.
[] 03 Postgraduate professional
[] 04 Higher professional
[] 05 Incomplete professional
[] 06 Middle professional
[] 07 Primary professional
[] 08 General secondary
[] 09 General basic
[] 10 Primary
[] 11 No Primary

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 19, 20, and 21 are filled for the people at the age of 7 and above.

Question 19

Your academic degree or education. While filling in the question of the academic degree of the replier the time of the registration is taken into consideration for the corresponding certificate.

For those people who have an academic degree "doctor of sciences" or "candidate of sciences" is written and the corresponding prompt codes.

For those who got their education abroad, the prompt code is written that corresponds to the degrees they got there.

"Postgraduate professional" prompt code is written for those people who have postgraduate degrees.

"Higher education" prompt code is written for those who finished state and non state universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. This prompt code is also written for those who have bachelor's and master's degrees.

"Incomplete higher education" prompt code is written for those who study or studied in the university, who completed the whole course, those who didn't pass the state exam, those who didn't defend the diploma works. For those people the prompt code of the degree that they received before entering the higher education institution (middle professional or secondary and so on).

"Middle professional" prompt code for those people who graduated from colleges and institutions equal to them, state or non state and who got college degrees. For example, pedagogical, medical colleges and so on).

"Preliminary professional" prompt code is written for those people who got a preliminary professional education on the bases of basic education. For example technical, handicraft school.

"General basic" prompt code is written for those who finished the secondary school and got a corresponding diploma (8 grades).

"General elementary" prompt code is written for those who got an elementary education.

"No elementary" prompt code is written for the people at the age of 7 and higher (both studying and not studying) who don't have an elementary education but can read and write or only read in any language

For defining the general basic, general elementary degrees, the "additional chart" for defining the educational level of the people who did not get an education must be used. (See appendix 2).

Getting correspondence courses and finishing evening schools is equal to the corresponding educational institutions.

[p. 23]

For those who studied at or finished at an educational institutions that doesn't give a general education (for example the courses of retraining and re-qualifying courses), the education they got before attending those courses is mentioned.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_EDLEVEL — Level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Questions 15-17 are filled in for persons 6 years and above.

15. Education level, scientific degree

[] Without primary education
[] Primary education
[] Basic education
[] Secondary education
[] Preliminary professional (handicraft)
[] Secondary professional
[] Higher professional (bachelor?s degree, graduated specialist, master?s degree)
[] Post- graduate professional (researcher, postgraduate but haven?t defended thesis)
[] Candidate of the science
[] Doctor of the science
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 21

Your academic degree or education
The question is filled in for the people of 6 years old and higher.

"01" "No elementary education" prompt code is written for the people at the age of 6 and higher (both studying and not studying) who don't have an elementary education but can read and write or only read in any language.
"02" "General elementary" prompt code is written for those who got an elementary education.
"3" General basic" prompt code is written for those who finished the general basic school and got a corresponding certificate.
"4" "General secondary" prompt code is written for those who finished the general secondary school (including those with the advanced training of specific subjects/discipline), college, gymnasium, etc. and got a corresponding certificate
"5" "Preliminary professional" prompt code is written for those people who got a preliminary professional education on the bases of general basic and general secondary education. For example technical, handicraft school and got a corresponding certificate.
"6" "Middle professional" prompt code for those people who graduated from colleges and institutions equal to them, state or non-state and who got college degrees, for example, pedagogical, medical colleges and so on.
"7" Higher professional prompt code is written for those who finished state and non state universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. This prompt code is also written for those who have bachelors and master's degrees.
"8" Postgraduate professional prompt code is written for those people who have postgraduate degrees.
For those people who have an academic degree corresponding prompt code "10" - Doctor of science or "9" Candidate of science" is written.
For those who got their education abroad, the prompt code, which corresponds to the degrees/certificate they got there, is written.
To define the general basic, general elementary and lower elementary educational levels "Additional chart to find out the level of education for those people who didn't have a general secondary education (by the finished grades)" must be used. (See appendix 2).
Completing a distance education and evening schools is attained to the level to the corresponding educational institutions.
For those who study or finished the educational institutions that don't give a general education (for example the courses of retraining and re-qualifying courses), the education is mentioned they got before attending those courses.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_EDATTAN2 — Level of highest education completed
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11. Successfully completed education:
When you have two trained professions, or rather two completed post-secondary studies, the answer is the most important acquired profession or study (in connection with the earliest practiced profession).
For [those] under 15 years are excused from answering the question.

a) Community college, secondary school, special school, polytechnic training?
[] Yes

b) Have you successfully completed a final examination for general, sales clerk [customer service] (chamber of commerce), or skilled laborer certificate?
[] Yes
In which profession? ________

c) Have you completed a Technical College (= school without Matura)? (e.g. trade school, school for hotel management, electrical engineering school, etc. Attention: "vocational school" is not to be noted here; that belongs to teaching education, Question 11b).
[] Yes
Which? ________

d) Have you completed a middle school, high school (=schools with Matura), academy or college?
[] Yes
Type of school: ________
Area of Study (Major, Concentration): ________

Which graduation certificate have you achieved? (Please give all)
[] School leaving examination [Matura], high school diploma [Abitur]
[] Absolutorium, 3rd State test, Masters
[] Teaching profession for secondary schools
[] College diploma
[] Doctorate
[] Other college completion

Acquired in year: [space provided for each of the preceding options]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 11 of the persons sheet

This question must be answered by all persons who are 15 years of age and older. At the every least, the first box (Community school, secondary school, etc.) must be marked (Control question). For the following questions, only the successfully completed training programs are allowed to be given. If the box is marked, the trained profession or the field of study of the completed training (11 c, d) must also answered.

Due to the fact that, by each box, only a single field of study can be evaluated, it is desirable that, by answering, the most important field of study should be noted. In case of doubt, the answer that is the truest summary as the practiced profession should be chosen.

For graduation diplomas, do not forget the graduation year.

Questions 12 and 13 of the persons sheet

For employed persons, the workplace should be answered here, where the daily profession can be found. Because the address of the workplace is promoted for the commuter statistics, the address of the management is therefore not intended but the building, or rather meeting place from which they are brought to the workplace. For police officer it is the patrol office, for traveling salesmen, if need be, it is their own dwelling, etc. Only employed persons who have a different workplace everyday, in order that an answer is futile, should answer "alternating work sites".

For pupils and students, here give the specific type of school (e.g. "technical school for electrical engineering", "advanced technical apprenticeship for electrical engineering") or the address of this school. Therefore all children must give an answer here who are 6 years and older. Unemployed persons and active duty personnel should give the previous work site or the school last visited.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_EDATTAN2 — Level of highest education completed
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(9) Education: (Provide information for complete educational background)
(a) Compulsory school (for example community college, secondary school (public school), special school, lower levels of advanced schooling, or polytechnic training)

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted

(b) Apprenticeship with final examination for general, sales clerk (customer service), chamber of commerce, or skilled laborer certificate, with vocational school (continuing education or trade school)

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished
What profession?

(c) Technical College (= without Matura)

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which technical college? (For example trade school, school for hotel management, electrical engineering school, etc. ____

(d) High School Abitur

[Abitur is the school-leaving exam, reserved for the secondary schools that prepare students for post-secondary education at a university]

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Type of school (Course specialization). For example: Gymnasium, Realschule, HTL for machine construction, business academy, etc. ____

[Gymnasium is like a high school, but only selected students attend the school, although public. It prepares students for college. A Realschule is for those students who were not accepted into the Gymnasium system and is considered an intermediary-level education (like junior high school).]

(e) University, College, Academy

[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which (Faculty/ Department)? ____
Area of Study (Major, Concentration) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For Question 9, Education:

This question must be answered by all persons who are 15 years of age and older. This question is constructed so that all levels of education can be assessed.

[p. 27]

Sub-question a (compulsory school) serves only as a control question. You should be able to mark each person over the age of 15 with "completed".

Sub-question b applies to the education as an apprentice. The attendance of a professional school (winter school, continuing education school, trade school) is included therewith and should not be stated again in sub-question c. "Completed" is marked, for those who have passed the apprentices' (journeymen's) final examination.

For sub-question c the attendance of technical schools (examples on the persons sheet) should be given. These are schools that can be attended following compulsory school or in place of a poly-technical apprenticeship. It is not completed with a Matura [no English translation--final examination for preparatory school; required for entrance into college]. For the interpretation [of statistics] at the Statistic Central Office, continuing education courses, foreman courses and others are not taken into consideration. In case of doubt, it is better to give the school attended. With help from a reference book, you can easily leave the unmentioned training unaddressed for the processing. As was mentioned above, professional schools, continuing education schools, and similar, which guide the practical professional training as an apprentice, should not be marked in sub-question c.

For sub-question d, training should be marked that leads to school leaving exams (Matura). Apprentices whose attendance assumes a predetermined school leaving exam, should be marked in sub-question e.

"Completed" is only marked, when all prescribed final exams of the corresponding education are completed on May 12th, 1981 or the diploma has already been issued.

"Not completed": These boxes have in first place the function to check the training programs that have been thoroughly completed. The boxes should therefore be marked, when a training program is started, although not--or not yet--completed.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_EDATTAN1 — Level of highest education completed
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9. Education: (Please state entire educational background)
[] a. Compulsory education: e.g. Volksschule (elementary school), Hausptschule (extended elementary school), school for the handicapped, AHS Unterstufe (junior high school), polytechnic school

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] b. Apprenticeship: with examination certificate for master, apprentice, assistant, Chamber of Commerce, skilled worker (vocational school)

In which occupation: ____

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] c. Technical or trade school (= intermediate level, no diploma of secondary education)

Special field ____
(e.g. commercial school, school of hotel management, electro technical college etc.)

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] d. AHS Matura (General higher school with diploma of secondary education) e.g. Gymnasium, realschule, wirtschaftskundi, RG

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] e. BHS Matura (Vocational higher school with diploma of secondary education)

Which (special field): ____
(e.g. trade academy, higher technical school for mechanical engineering teaching's college. College for Fine Mechanics, etc.)

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] f. University, Academy

Which (faculty): ____
(e.g. liberal arts, pedagogic academy, academy for social work, Agricultural University, etc.)

Main field of specialization: ____
(e.g. German philology, law, architecture, forestry and wood industry, etc.)

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

9. Education: If two professions were learned or two different college degrees obtained, it is sufficient to state the most important learned occupation or college degree (the one which is the most closely connected with your present occupation).

c. Technical or trade school: courses should only to be stated if they substitute the attendance and completion of a technical school and lasted at least half a year.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

9, Education:
Possible answers: (a) compulsory education, (b) apprenticeship, (c) technical school, (d) AHS Matura (general higher school with secondary education diploma), (e) BHS Matura (vocational higher school with diploma of secondary education), (f) university, academy

If two professions were learned or two different college degrees were obtained, it is sufficient to state the most important learned occupation or college degree (the one which is the most closely connected to the occupation practiced).

Part C of the question: Courses should only be entered if they substitute the attendance and completion of a technical school and lasted at least half a year.

Persons under 15 years of age are not required to answer this question.

Enumerator guideline:
All persons 15 years of age or older must answer this question. This questions is designed so that the entire course of education is collected.

Completed education should only be marked if all required final examinations for the relevant course of education have already been passed before May 15, 1991 or the diploma has already been issued.

Not completed can (does not have to be) be marked if an education was started but not completed or has not yet been completed.

[p. 70]

Regarding question 9a compulsory education:
Part A of the questions should be understood as the completion of the compulsory school age and should be answered with "completed" by all persons 15 years of age.

[List was not translated into English.]

Regarding question 9b apprenticeship:
Part b of the question refers to the practical apprenticeship training. The attendance at a vocational school (winter school, continuing education school and so forth) connected with that is included here and may not additionally be cited in part c of the question. "Completed" is marked by those who have passed the trade test or assistant test, for example.

In the state of Vorarlberg, girls must - according to the general compulsory education - attend the vocational school for home economics if they do not attend any other further education.

[List was not translated into English.]

Regarding 9c technical school:
In part c of the question the attendance at technical schools (examples see person questionnaire) should be entered. These are schools that can be attended after the compulsory education or instead of the polytechnic course of studies. They do not lead to a Matura (secondary education diploma). Length of education: 1 to 4 years. The completion certificate of a 3 to 4 year technical school usually substitutes for a training certificate. In the analysis, courses are only considered if they substitute for the attendance and certification of a technical school. In cases of doubt, it is nevertheless better to state the school visited. As already mentioned above, the vocational schools, continuing education and so forth that accompany the practical occupational training should not be entered in part c of the question.

[List was not translated into English.]

[p. 71]

Regarding question 9 d and e Matura (secondary education diploma) of an upper school:
In part d and e of the question educations that lead to Matura (school leaving examination) should be entered. You should also differentiate if a general higher school (AHS; part d of the question) or a vocational higher school (BHS; part e of the question) was completed. Persons with AHS and BHS Matura (secondary education diploma), for example, the graduates of a college, mark both parts of the question.

[List was not translated into English.]

Regarding question 9f university, academy:
All other educations that require Matura (secondary education diploma), like the academy for social work or the pedagogical academy, should be indicated in part fo of the question. University studies should also be indicated in part f of the question. Because around 150 different subject areas must be differentiated, the subject must be indicated as precisely as possible. For that reason the type of university (department) as well as the major is asked for.

[List was not translated into English.]

Purpose of the question:
From these statements, charts are created that show the number of persons that completed the different levels of education. These results are subdivided by skilled trade groups and fields of study as well as by age, profession and other characteristics.

This data is of meaning above all else for the educational planning but also for the regional job markets that are partially very different.

[p. 72]

The information on occupation learned and occupation practiced (especially for teaching apprenticeships) deliver basic information about the connections between education and profession and allow statements about the structure and scope of career changes. In addition, they can be called upon for planning essential educational, continuing educational and retraining activities for structural changes in the job market (e.g. skilled worker shortage).

While ongoing school and university statistics provides yearly the number of graduates by subject area with higher accuracy, these statistics can not give any information about the subsequent live paths of these persons. The educational background of the population - which changes through migrations and deaths - can only be determined with a population census. Due to partly only small quantities (e.g. academics) a random sample survey is not satisfactory. Only a complete census like the population can provide the corresponding data. This also goes for the regional qualification structure of the employed persons according to the location of work.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_EDATTAN1 — Level of highest education completed
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10. Schools attended -- Education completed

10.2 Education completed

For all persons over 15 years of age (Please indicate all degrees obtained or levels of education completed.)

Education completed: If more than one degree or course of study has been completed per education level (e.g., university degrees in two fields of study), please indicate just one item, e.g., the one you feel has played a more important role in your career.

[] Primary school (including pre-primary state)
[] General secondary school (Hauptschule)
[] Academic secondary school - lower state
[] Special school
[] Pre-vocational year
[] Apprenticeship training (including compulsory vocational training school, final apprenticeship examination, skilled worker's examination) (e.g. Skilled farm worker, retail salesperson, car mechanic)

What occupation? ____

[] Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school (1 - 4 years, without a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) (e.g. commercial school, home economics school, agricultural school, nursing school)

Which one? ____

[] Academic secondary school upper stage (with a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) l - (e.g. grammar school, lycée, a-level)
"Kolleg": post-secondary courses (2 - 3 years) to reach a technical or vocational education

Which one? ____

[] Higher upper secondary technical and vocational school (5 years, with a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) (e.g. higher school for business administration, higher technical school for mechanical engineering)

Which one? ____

[] Academy, college, university (e.g. pedagogical academy, social academy, technical college, school of applied arts, university of agriculture, university of business)

Which one? ____

Field of study, main subject only (e.g. German language and literature, teaching certificate for mathematics, electrical engineering, sculpture, tourism, production automation)

Which one? ____

[] Other formal training and education (e.g. foreman school, university courses, master craftsman's qualifying examination, professional qualification examination, civil servant's advancement examination).

Please indicate other formal education or training you feel is the most important for your career.

1. ____
2. ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

10. School attendance/education completed:

[p. 79]

Explanation: Please mark all schools that you are either currently attending (10.1) or have already completed (10.2). For private schools mark the comparable school type.

Re 10.1 "School currently attended": Persons currently being educated mark the appropriate type of school in the first column. The technical field or major subject should not be entered.

Apprentices should mark "apprenticeship training (including compulsory vocational training school)" even if they have already completed compulsory vocational training school itself. (Attention: apprentices are considered gainfully employed and should also answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession).

Nursing trainees should mark "Intermediate upper and upper secondary technical and vocational school." (Attention: these persons are considered gainfully employed and should answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession).

Re 10.2 "Education completed": All levels of education that have been completed should be marked in the second column, and as necessary, the field of education/study should be entered. Commonly understood abbreviations are possible (e.g. "LA" for "teacher training").

Persons who have completed several similar types of training should indicate only the field of training which was most important for their future career.

Apprenticeship training: This is only to be marked as completed if the final apprenticeship examination has been passed. If compulsory vocational training school was completed but no final apprenticeship examination has been passed, this column should not be marked.

The question is so designed that the school currently attended (10.1) as well as the already completed course of education (10.2) is included.

On the following pages you will find - in the order in which the school types are mentioned on the personal data form - guidelines for filling out the form and a list of schools that belong to this school type. Following, the schools are once again listed in alphabetical order.

General information:
If with the completion of an intermediate or higher upper secondary technical and vocational school a final apprenticeship examination for a teaching profession is also acquired, the field or subject of the appropriate school should be indicated and the teaching profession should not be entered in "apprenticeship training."

The attendance and completion of foreman schools, master classes and other courses at intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational schools should be entered in "Other formal training and education."

"Completed education" (10.2) should only be marked if all required final examinations relevant for the course of education were already passed before May 15, 2001 or the diploma was already issued.

Older persons that completed a civic school should mark "General secondary school (Hauptschule)."

Regarding polytechnic studies, polytechnic schools:
The completion of polytechnic studies should only be marked if it was actually attended. If the 9th school year was passed at another school (e.g. the first year of a 3-year intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school) only the previously attended compulsory school should be indicated.

Regarding Apprenticeship training:
Apprenticeship training is connected to attendance at a vocational school (earlier names: winter school, continuing education school). In the text field, the occupation learned (that concurrently describes the field of study of the vocational school) should be entered.

[p. 80]

For women that obligatorily attended the vocational school for home economics: In individual states (e.g. Vorarlberg, Kärnten) attendance at a vocational school for home economics was obligatory for women if they did not learn an occupation or attended no further school. This completion should be indicated in "Other formal training and education" and not in "Apprenticeship training" or "Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school."

Constabulary and police students: The attendance or completion of a constabulary or police academy is to be indicated in "Apprenticeship training." It involves practical, professional training similar to apprenticeship training. (Attention: constabulary and police students are considered gainfully employed and should answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession.)

Regarding Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school:
The duration of training amounts to 1 to 4 years (exception: Fashion school of the city of Vienna 5-years) and does not lead to a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination).

[Page 80-81 lists are translated into English.]

[p. 81]

Regarding Academic secondary school - upper stage:
This box should be marked if a general educational school that led to a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination), was completed. Entering a field of study is not provided for.

[Page 81-82 lists were not translated into English.]

[p. 82]

Regarding colleges, post-secondary courses (2-3 years) to reach a technical or vocational education:
Colleges (previously: post-secondary courses) mediate the educational goal of the 5-year higher vocational schools in a 2 to 3 year education. For attendance at a college, a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination) is a prerequisite.

[Page 82 lists were not translated into English.]

Regarding higher upper secondary technical and vocational school:
Education that mediates vocational training and leads to a school leaving examination (new: school leaving and diploma examination) is indicated here. The duration of education amounts to 5 years. Also falling into this category is continuing education at higher upper secondary vocational schools that can be passed subsequent to an intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school. The duration of education amounts to 2 to 4 years and the education is completed also with the school leaving and diploma examination.

[Page 82-83 lists were not translated into English.]

[p. 83]

Regarding academy, college, university:
Here all education (excluding colleges and post-secondary courses) that require a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination) is indicated. Because around 160 different fields of study are distinguished, the university type (e.g. University of technology, University of business, University of natural resources) as well as the field of study (major field) should be cited as precisely as possible.

[Page 83-84 lists were not translated into English.]

[p. 84]

Regarding other formal training and education:
The possibility of entering further --important for the career path -- education, that does not fall into the previous categories of question 10 exists here. This should also prevent wrong entries from happening in the previous layers of question 10.

[The rest of page 84, pages 85 - 88, and the top of page 89 were not translated into English.]

[p. 89]

School currently attended: The type of school is used to depict the pupil commuter flows, in order to be able to foster inferences on the accessibility of places of education. While an elementary school is mostly located in an easily accessible neighborhood, one finds a college frequently only in the region's main city and a university only in a few cities. The information is gathered for the location and traffic planning in combination with the time expenditure und transportation.

Completed education: From this information charts are created that show the number of persons that have completed the different levels of education. These results are also segmented by fields of study as well as by age, profession and other characteristics.

This data is of meaning above all else for the educational planning but also for the regional job markets that are partly very different.

The information on occupation learned and occupation practiced (especially for teaching apprenticeships) deliver basic information about the connections between education and profession and allow statements about the structure and scope of career changes. In addition, they can be gathered for planning of essential educational, continuing educational and retraining activities for structural changes in the job market (e.g. skilled worker shortage)

While school and secondary school statistics provides yearly the number of graduates by field of study with higher accuracy, these statistics can not portray the level of education of the population at a certain point in time, because the population changes through migration and deaths. Only a complete survey like the population census can provide the appropriate data.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_EDATTAN — Highest class passed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

19. Highest class passed
[] 0. Illiterate
[] 1. Class I
[] 2. Class II
[] 3. Class III
[] 4. Class IV
[] 5. Class V
[] 6. Class VI
[] 7. Class VII
[] 8. Class VIII
[] 9. Class IX
[] 10. Ssc/Dakhil
[] 11. Training
[] 12. Hsc/Alim
[] 13. Diploma
[] 14. Graduate/Fazil
[] 15. Honors
[] 16. Master/Kamil
[] 17. Ms/Phd

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

19. Highest class passed:
Highest which class you have passed? If passed highest class passed is S.S.C fill oval (10), for class eight fill oval (8), for Kamil oval 13, following the given passed code. Always mark that number of oval which number of years are required to pass corresponding highest class according to government system. Follow same system for those who obtained degree from Hindu or Buddhist College.

Bangladesh 2001 — source variable BD2001A_EDUC — Highest grade passed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions from 23 to 28 is applicable for persons aged 5 years and above]

23 Highest grade passed

[] 0 No class passed
[] 1 Class I
[] 2 Class II
[] 3 Class III
[] 4 Class IV
[] 5 Class V
[] 6 Class VI
[] 7 Class VII
[] 8 Class VIII
[] 9 Class IX
[] 10 Secondary school certificate (SSC)/ Dakhil
[] 11 Training
[] 12 Higher secondary certificate (HSC)/ Alim
[] 13 Diploma
[] 14 Bachelor/ Fazil
[] 15 Bachelor honors
[] 16 Master/ Kamil
[] 17 Master (MS)/ Phd.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 23: Highest Class Passed (in years)
Fill out the years needed to pass the highest class according to requirement of the Board/University. Fill out the oval box 0 for no class passed and oval box 17 for MS or PhD.

Question 23: Highest Class Passed: Fill out the appropriate oval box as the person passed the highest class. If the highest class is class (V) fill out 5 oval box, for SSC fill out 10 oval box, for class (VIII) fill out 8 oval box, for kamel fill out 16 oval box. The number of years required to pass the highest class as per govt. rule accordingly fill out the oval box. Follow the same rule for person got degree from Hindu or Buddhist College. Fill out 0 oval box for no class passed.

Bangladesh 2011 — source variable BD2011A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For members age 7 years and above
[Questions 21-25 were asked for persons 7 years of age and older.]

21. Highest class passed (write class passed code) _ _

Q21. Highest class passed (year): a code list has been prepared on the basis of years required for a member for passing the highest class, by the board and university for awarding a degree or certificate and is printed on the back page of the tally sheet. Using this code list write appropriate code to the blank boxes for the highest class passed by each member of the household. If someone did not go to school, then the highest class passed code will be 0 0. If someone is ssc passed then highest class passed code will be 1 0. If someone has higher degree than masters then code will be 1 8.

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Fill out Questions- 21 to 25 only for persons aged 7 years and over.

Question-21. Highest class passed:
Ask everybody beginning with the head of household that which highest class they passed. Enter the answer checking with the codes for class printed at opposite page of tally sheet in two digits in the check box. Codes for highest class passed are given below for the convenience of training:

00. No schooling/Not passed class I
01. Class I
02. Class II
03. Class III
04. Class IV
05. Class V
06. Class VI
07. Class VII
08. Class VIII
09. Class IX
10. SSC or Equivalent
12. HSC or Equivalent
15. Degree or Equivalent
16. Degree (Hons) or Equivalent
18. Masters or Equivalent

Enter class code [0][0] if reported no schooling or did not pass class one.
Enter [0][5] for person passed class five.
Enter [1][5] for person passed highest class Graduation and [1][8] for person passed Masters.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_EDLEV — Education
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10. Education (for persons aged 15 and over)
[] 1 Higher vocational (higher)
[] 2 Secondary vocational (secondary specialized)
[] 3 Primary vocational (vocational)
[] 4 Secondary general
[] 5 Basic general (incomplete secondary)
[] 6 Primary general
[] 7 Illiterate

For those having an academic degree, specify:

[] 1 Candidate of science
[] 2 Doctor of science

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Question 10. Education (for persons aged 15 years and over)

For persons 15 years of age and over the code is to be marked, which corresponds to one of the prompts listed.

In marking codes of educational attainment, it should be kept in mind that the current educational levels correspond to the following levels used before:
higher vocational to higher:
secondary vocational to secondary specialized
primary vocational to vocational
primary general to primary
basic general to incomplete secondary

"Higher vocational (higher)" is to be marked for those graduated from higher education institutions: institute, academy, university, higher college, the higher fire-technical school of the MIA of the Republic of Belarus, etc.

"Secondary vocational (secondary specialized)" is to be marked for those graduated from secondary specialized education institutions: technical school, training school (e.g., medical, normal), college, technical school at enterprise, etc.

"Primary vocational (vocational)" is to be marked for those graduated from primary vocational education institutions (vocational school, technical school, vocational education center, etc.) and who along with profession received a certificate or diploma.

"Secondary general" is to be marked for those graduated from secondary general education schools (including those with in-depth study of some subjects), lyceums, gymnasia, etc.

In marking codes for "basic general (incomplete secondary)" and "primary general" it is expedient to use the following table.

Table for determining the educational attainment for persons without the secondary general education on the basis of the number of grades completed

Basic general (incomplete secondary)
Completed an incomplete secondary school (seven-year school in 1961 or before, eight-year school from 1963 to 1989, nine-year school from 1990 to 1991), basic general education school in 1992 and later
Completed 7 grades in 1961 or before
Completed 8 grades in 1989 or before
Completed 9 grades
Completed 10 grades of an eleven-year or twelve-year secondary school
Completed 11 grades of a twelve-year secondary school
Attends the 10th-11th (12th) grade
Dropped out the 8th grade in the 1961/62 academic year or before
Dropped out the 9th grade in the 1988/89 academic year or before
Dropped out the 10th-11th (12th) grade
Completed a primary general education school

Primary general
Completed 3 grades of a three-year primary general education school in 1972 or later
Completed 4-6 grades
Completed 7 grades in 1962 or later
Completed 8 grades in 1990 or later
Attends the 5th - 9th grades
Dropped out the 4th grade in the 1972/73 - 1989/89 academic years
Dropped out the 5th -7th grades
Dropped out the 8th grade in the 1962/63 academic year or later
Dropped out the 9th grade in1989/90 academic year or later

"Illiterate" is to be recorded for those who cannot write and read.

For persons who have no primary education but can read and write the question "Education" is not to be completed.

Educations in correspondence or evening educational institutions, as well as external studies, are to be considered equal to the corresponding full-time educational institutions.

For pupils and graduates of educational institutions not providing general education (e.g., trade schools, sectoral vocational schools, factory schools, training stations, field training units, refresher courses, access courses at educational institutions, etc.) the educational attainment is to be recorded, which was reached before the admission to those educational institutions.

For persons having academic degrees the code corresponding to one of responses listed is to be marked.

For persons under 15 years of age the answer to this question is not to be completed.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_EDLEV — Educational attainment
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

For individuals aged 10 and senior.
13. Which is your education level?
[Question 13 was asked of persons age 10+]

[] 1 Primary basic
[] 2 Basic general
[] 3 Secondary general
[] 4 Vocational technical
[] 5 Special secondary
[] 6 Higher
Do you have the scientific degree?
[] 1 Yes
[] 1 Candidate of science
[] 2 Doctor of science
[] 2 No
[] 7 Have no education
Can you read and write?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
33.10. in question 13 "What is your educational level?" the highest level in education reached by the respondent should be indicated.

When you select response choices with the educational levels "primary general" or "basic general", it is advisable to use the Table for determining the educational attainment of persons without secondary general education in combination with the number of grades completed, which is presented in the enumerator's notebook. One of the following responses is to be completed:
- "secondary general" -- for respondents who have graduated from institutions providing secondary general education: secondary general school, evening (shift) school, upper secondary school, lyceum, boarding school, sanatorium boarding school, educational and pedagogical complex, including pre-school, secondary arts college, upper secondary arts college, upper secondary linguistic college and others;

- "vocational- technical" -- for respondents who have graduated from institutions providing technical and vocational education: technical vocational school, trade school, and vocational and training college and who have received together with special skills a certificate or diploma of vocational education;

- "secondary special" -- for respondents who have graduated from institutions providing secondary special (post-secondary) education: college (training school: of teacher training, music, medical training, culture and arts, Olympic reserve), college, secondary arts college, upper secondary arts college, upper secondary linguistic college, vocational and training college, and tertiary college;

- "higher education" -- for respondents who have graduated from institutions providing higher education: university (academy), institute, tertiary college.
Respondents who indicated the response "higher" are additionally questioned whether they have an academic degree.
For respondents who have graduated from educational institutions not providing general education (tradesmen school, sectoral vocational school (OPU), workschool (FZO), factory apprenticeship school (FZU), training course center, production-and-training center, refresher or further vocational training course, and preparatory courses at educational institutions, etc.), the answer should be completed that corresponds to the education they received before entering the above educational institutions.

In question 13, for respondents not having primary general education the answer "have no education" should be completed and an additional question is to be put to them: "Can you read and write?";

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Educational Characteristics (for persons 6 or more years old)
[Questions 11-12 were asked of persons 6 years old or more]

(11) Last grade level attended ____

Write down the last grade level attended. For example:

- Literate (NL) [in national language]
- CM2 [elementary school]
- 4th grade high school
- Terminal C [last year of high school; C designates a specialization]
- 2nd year in law license degree [3 years university degree in the French
- Mark a dash (-) if the person never attended school

(12) Degree obtained ____

Report the highest degree obtained by the person. For example:

CEPE [professional degree]
BEPC [professional degree]
BAC [high school diploma]
Bridge and road engineer
Mark a dash (-) if the person does not have a degree
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Educational characteristics
Questions (11) and (12) in the rubric are for persons of 6 years and more of age.

Column (11): Last grade completed
Ask if the person attends or has attended school.

- If "Yes," ask the last grade attended and report the school grade; if the interviewee still attends school, report the school grade attended during the previous school year preceding the time of the census.
[Examples are not presented here]
- If "no," ask if he/she can read and write in a national language and indicate: Literate in ... [fon, goun, mina, ditanari, etc...]
- A hyphen (-), if he/she can neither read nor write in a national language.
Column (12): Degree obtained
This question only applies to persons who answered in the affirmative to the previous question. Ask about the highest degree that the interviewee has obtained.
[Examples are not presented here]

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_EDATTAIN — Last school grade level attended
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Persons of 3 years or more of age
[Questions in columns 14 - 16 asked of persons 3 years or more.]

(16) Last school grade level attended _ _

Current grade level for those attending. Or last graded level for those who no longer attend. For children younger than 3, simply mark down 88 in the grid.
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (15) and (16)
These two columns are only for persons of 3 years of age and above i.e. born before February 1989.

For column 15, the census agent shall ask if the interviewee:

[] Currently attends [an educational institution]
[] Has attended
[] Never attended

The possible options are:

[] FA: currently attends
[] AF: has attended
[] JF: never attended

For those younger than 3 years of age, the question does not apply. The census agent shall leave this section empty.

In column (16), for those currently attending, indicate the current grade level, and for those having attended, report the last grade level completed.
Example: kindergarten: EM for kindergarten.

[] Primary education: Primary school 1st year (EP1) or (CP1) or CI.
[] Primary school 2nd year (EP2) or (CP2) or CP
[] Primary school 6th year (EP6) or (CM2)

E.C.: Koranic school for every person who does not attend or has never attended any school other than the Koranic or Islamic school.
General and Technical middle school education [in the French system, grade level number goes down as one advances]

[] 1st cycle: 1st year or 6th grade (6)
[] 2nd year or 5th grade (5)
[] 3rd year or 4th grade (4)
[] 4th year or 3rd grade (3)
[] 2nd cycle: 1st year or 2nd grade(SEC)
[] 2nd year or 1st grade (PREM)
[] 3rd year or Terminal grade (TERM)

Higher education

[] 1st year at University (ES1)
[] 2nd year at University (ES2)
[] 4th year at University (ES4)

For children younger than 3, the census agent shall leave this section empty.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Residents of 3 years or more of age
[ Questions in columns 16 - 17 were asked of residents 3+ years old]

(17) Last school grade level attended ____

Current grade level for those attending or last graded level for those who no longer attend
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ii) Schooling [education]
Columns 16 and 17 apply to residents aged 3 or higher. For children younger than 3, leave the columns blank. (Verify to that effect column 6 i.e. age).

Column (17): Last grade level attended
For those currently attending, indicate the current grade level, and for those having attended, report the last grade level completed on the corresponding horizontal line and leave the boxes empty.
The following abbreviations shall be used:

EM: Preschool education
Elementary education
CI: 1st grade or CI
CP: 2nd grade or CP
CE1: 3rd grade or CE1
CE2: 4th grade or CE2
CM1: 5th grade or CM1
CM2: 6th grade or CM2
General middle school education
EG1: 1st year level I (NI1) or 6th grade [in the French system, this number designates years remaining to last year of school]
EG2: 2nd year level I (NI2) or 5th grade
EG3: 3rd year level I (NI3) or 4th grade
EG4: 4th year level I (NI4) or 3th grade
EG5: 1st year level II (NII1) or 2nd grade
EG6: 2nd year level II (NII2) or 1st grade
EG7: 3rd year level II (NII3) or Terminal [last year]
[EG 5, 6, and 7 corresponding to high school education]
Technical education
ET1: 1st year level I (NI1)
ET2: 2nd year level I (NI2)
ET3: 3rd year level I (NI3)
ET4: 4th year level I (NI4)
ET5: 1st year level II (NII1) or 2nd grade
ET6: 2nd year level II (NII2) or 1st grade
ET7: 3rd year level II (NII3) or Terminal [last year]
Higher education
ES1: 1st year at university
ES2: 2nd year at university
ES3: 3rd year at university
ES4: 4th year at university
ES5: 5th year at university
ES6: 6th year at university
ES7: 7th year at university

Note: Include conventional schools, which excludes bible and koranic schools, very short schooling programs such as dactylography or couture courses. However, technical or professional formations which follow a complete cycle such as mechanics courses, secretarial courses, etc. must be included.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level attended
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Residents of 3 years or more of age
[Questions 17-19 were asked of persons aged 3 years or older]

19. Last school grade level attended - What is the last grade level that [the person] attended?

Current grade level for those attending or last grade level for those who no longer attend

_ _
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19. Last grade level attended

This is the last grade level that the counted person attended, whether successfully completed it or not.
Q: "What is the last grade level that you/[the respondent] attended?"

Write down legibly on the corresponding line the last grade level attended by the counted person, and following the registration order.

[Page 61]

Abbreviations are as follows:

Preschool education

EM: kindergarden

Elementary education

CI: 1st year or CI
CP: 2nd year or CP
CE1: 3rd year or CE1
CE2: 4th year or CE2
CM1: 5ht year or CM1
CM2: 6th year or CM2

Technical education

ET1: 1st year level I [NI1]
ET2: 2nd year level I [NI2]
ET3: 3rd year level I [NI3]
ET4: 4th year level I [NI4]
ET5: 1styear level II [NII 1] or 2nd to last year
ET6: 2nd year level II [NII 2] or 1st to least
ET7: 3rd year level II [NII 3] or last year

General mid-level education

EG1: 1st year level I [NI1] or 6th to last year
EG2: 2nd year level I [NI2] or 5th to last year
EG3: 3rd year level I [NI3] or 4th to last year
EG4: 4th year level I [NI4] or 3rd to last year
EG5: 1styear level II [NII 1] or 2nd to last year
EG6: 2nd year level II [NII 2] or 1st to least
EG7: 3rd year level II [NII 3] or last year

Higher education

ES1: 1st year of university
ES2: 2nd year of university
ES3: 3rd year of university, License [3-year degree in French system]
ES4: 4th year of university, Maitrise or Master 1 [one year master's degree]
ES5: 5th year of university, DEA [advanced studies degree], DESS [specialized superior studies degree], Master 2 [two-year master's degree]
ES6: 6th year of university
ES7: 7th or higher year of university

Remark - Take into account conventional schools and exclude biblical and koranic schools, short formations such as dactylography or sewing courses. However, there must be included technical or professional formations that follow the complete cycle such as mechanical or secretarial formations, etc.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_EDLEV — Education level
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B. Educational Information

Only for those 5 years of age and older
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons 5 years of age or older.]

11. What is the last grade completed and in which level?

Write the last grade completed on the corresponding line. For those who respond according to the old system, mark primary or secondary and write the last grade completed on the corresponding line.

[] 00 None
[] 01 Literacy only
[] 1 Basic ____
[] 2 Intermediate ____
[] 3 Middle [secondary]
[] 4 Primary [old system] ____
[] 5 Secondary [old system] ____
[] 6 Normal [teacher training] ____
[] 7 University ____
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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B. Educational information

Educational information questions 9, 10 and 11 should be asked to all persons 5 years old or older.

Question 11. What is the last course passed and in what cycle?

In the line corresponding to the level, write down the number of the highest course or year passed and not the one being taken.

The category "Other" refers to preschool, technical or vocational instruction.

Do not take into account speed courses or those by correspondence.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_EDATTAN — Highest level attended, grade completed
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Only for those who are attending or attended regular schooling
[Applies to questions 12-14.]

12. What is the highest cycle or level of regular schooling that you attended or are attending?

Previous system

[] 0 Primary
[] 1 Secondary

Current system

[] 2 Basic
[] 3 Intermediate
[] 4 Middle (secondary)
[] 5 Technical education
[] 6 Normal
[] 7 University
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

13. Did you complete this cycle or level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 10. Do you know how to read and write?

The enumerator will ask this question of all people who are 6 or older, marking circle 7 with an X when they say YES, and circle 8 if they neither read nor write.

If the person being enumerated only knows how to sign their name, only recognizes or writes the letters of the alphabet and isn't able to read or write a letter or a basic document, mark No.

Question 14. What is the last year or course passed in that cycle or level?

Once the person being enumerated indicates the highest level they reached, they will be asked for the last year or grade passed at the corresponding level. If they have not yet passed the first year of the indicated cycle, 0 (zero) will be recorded.

In the Technical Instruction group, only study of a minimum of one year will be considered. You should keep in mind that the grade or year being researched refers only to the one that was passed within the levels of regular instruction: primary schools, secondary schools, technical, teaching schools, universities; whether they be public or private, in the country or [p. 42] abroad. Other special study within regular instruction will be recorded under "Others."

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_EDLEVC — Completed level
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Only for those who are attending or attended regular schooling
[Applies to questions 12-14.]

13. Did you complete this cycle or level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 10. Do you know how to read and write?

The enumerator will ask this question of all people who are 6 or older, marking circle 7 with an X when they say YES, and circle 8 if they neither read nor write.

If the person being enumerated only knows how to sign their name, only recognizes or writes the letters of the alphabet and isn't able to read or write a letter or a basic document, mark No.

Question 14. What is the last year or course passed in that cycle or level?

Once the person being enumerated indicates the highest level they reached, they will be asked for the last year or grade passed at the corresponding level. If they have not yet passed the first year of the indicated cycle, 0 (zero) will be recorded.

In the Technical Instruction group, only study of a minimum of one year will be considered. You should keep in mind that the grade or year being researched refers only to the one that was passed within the levels of regular instruction: primary schools, secondary schools, technical, teaching schools, universities; whether they be public or private, in the country or [p. 42] abroad. Other special study within regular instruction will be recorded under "Others."

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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Chapter E. Only for those 4 years of age and older
[Questions 35-41 were asked of all persons 4 years or older.]

39. What was the highest level and grade that you passed?

After each level, there is a [] for the number of the grade

[] 11 None
[] 12 Preschool

In the previous system:
[] 13 Basic
[] 14 Intermediate
[] 15 Middle

In the current system
[] 16 Primary
[] 17 Secondary

Answers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17-Continue with question 41.

[] 18 Licensure (B.A.)
[] 19 Technical degree
[] 20 Teacher's training
[] 21 Military-police training
[] 22 Technical institute
[] 23 Other

Answers 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23-Continue with question 40

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Chapter E. Only for persons 4 years of age and older

If the person is 4 years of age or older, the enumerator will proceed with question 35. If younger, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 39. What was the highest [educational] level or class completed?

The levels or cycles are slowly and deliberately read and the corresponding oval is filled in as soon as an answer is obtained. The last class or grade completed is then requested and the corresponding oval is filled in.

Reminder: Two ovals in the same row should be filled in for this question: one for level or cycle and one for grade or class.

If the person's answer is from 11 to 17, question 41 is presented.

If the answer is from 18 to 23, the corresponding ovals are filled in and question 40 is presented.

The following is a guide for identifying the levels and classes in Bolivia's different educational systems:

Old (1950 to 1970)

1st Primary
2nd Primary
3rd Primary
4th Primary
5th Primary
6th Primary
1st Secondary
2nd Secondary
3rd Secondary
4th Secondary
5th Secondary
6th Secondary

Previous (1971 to 1993)
1st Basic
2nd Basic
3rd Basic
4th Basic
5th Basic
1st Intermediate
2nd Intermediate
3rd Intermediate
1st Middle
2nd Middle
3rd Middle
4th Middle

Current (as of 1994)
1st Primary
2nd Primary
3rd Primary
4th Primary
5th Primary
6th Primary
7th Primary
8th Primary
1st Secondary
2nd Secondary
3rd Secondary
4th Secondary


If the answer is from the old system, the table should be consulted and the conversion to the current system made and the respective ovals are filled in.

[p. 64]

The following are examples:

Don Aurelio says that the highest grade that he completed was 6th of secondary in the old system.

The conversion is made to the current system and the form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Carola says that she is not currently studying but the highest grade that she completed was 3rd of middle.

The form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Cristian says that he is currently in 8th in primary, therefore the highest grade completed was 7th in primary.

The form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Dionisio says that he is currently in the second year of the Sergeant's Military School of "Maximiliano Paredes"; therefore, the highest class completed was the first year.

The form is filled in as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

[p. 65]

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of educational attainment
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F2. Only for people at least 4 years old

37. What was the highest educational level that you passed? [If 1-14, go to question 39]

[] 1 None
Grade _
[] 2 Literacy course
Grade _
[] 3 Initial (Pre-K, kindergarten)
Grade _
Old system
[] 4 Basic (1 to 5 years)
Grade _
[] 5 Intermediate (1 to 3 years)
Grade _
[] 6 Middle (1 to 4 years)
Grade _
Previous system
[] 7 Primary (1 to 8 years)
Grade _
[] 8 Secondary (1 to 4 years)
Grade _
Current system
[] 9 Primary (1 to 6 years)
Grade _
[] 10 Secondary (1 to 6 years)
Grade _
[] 11 Technical university education
Grade _
[] 12 Undergraduate program
Grade _
[] 13 Master's program
Grade _
[] 14 Doctoral program
Grade _
Non-university institution
[] 15 Teacher's College
Grade _
[] 16 Military or Police Academy
Grade _
[] 17 Technical Institute
Grade _
[] 18 Other
Grade _
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

Population's educational characteristics
The population's educational characteristics researched in the population censuses are literacy, school attendance, and educational level starting at a certain age. In the census, educational data is collected from people who, at the time of the census, are at least four years old.

F2. Only for people at least 4 years old

37. Highest education level reached
This describes the educational level achieved by a person as of the date of the census. This question has two answers: one about level and one about the year or grade passed at that level. The census form breaks down the levels and grades into five groups:

- Old system, consisting of these levels: basic (with 5 years or grades), intermediate (with 3 years or grades) and middle (with 4 years or grades).
- Previous system, consisting of these levels: primary (with 8 years or grades) and secondary (with 4 years or grades).
- Current system, consisting of these levels: primary (with 6 years or grades) and secondary (with 6 years or grades).
- University, consisting of education after completing high school, at any public or private university.
[p. 17]
- Nonuniversity institution, consisting of other types of education. The first three groups capture information about formal schooling, in other words, the education that concludes with high school graduation.

The fourth group (university) captures information about higher education. If the academic terms are organized into semesters, keep the data uniform by noting down the years of studies that the person passed. For example:

- The person replies 2nd semester. Write 1.
- The person replies 5th semester. Write 2.

The fifth group (nonuniversity institution) captures information about education that does not necessarily occur in a university. This group includes the option technical institute, which refers to technical studies lasting at least one year. The option 'Other' refers to short courses (hairstyling, pastry-making, computing, etc.) lasting less than one year, and so whatever the answer, mark 0 in the year box. Only if the person responds with some nonuniversity institution level and grade, continue with question 38; otherwise, go to section F3. Only for people at least 7 years old.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_EDATTAIN — Highest school level and grade passed
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(All Persons 5 years and over)

11. What is the highest school grade that (the person) passed?

[] 11
[] 12
[] 13
[] 14
[] 15
[] 16
[] 17
[] 21
[] 22
[] 23
[] 24
[] 25
[] 26
[] 31
[] 32
[] 33
[] 34
[] 35
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns [P10 and P11] apply only to persons 5 years and above
Columns [P10 andP11] Education
Column [P10] Enter the answer code as appropriate
Column [P11] Enter the highest school grade the person has passed.
If Standard 1, enter 11
If Standard 2, enter 12
If Standard 3, enter 13
If Standard 4, enter 14
If Standard 5, enter 15
If Standard 6, enter 16
If Standard 7, enter 17
[If somebody has passed old Sub A or Sub B enter 11. The instruction remains the same for all other standards]
If the person has attended or is attending secondary school enter the highest form passed as follows:
If Form 1, enter 21
If Form 2, enter 22
If Form 3, enter 23
If Form 4, enter 24
If Form 5, enter 25 and
If Form 6, enter 26
If the person has attended or is attending University enter the number of years the person has spent attending University as follows:
Year 1, 31
Year 2, 32
Year 3, 33
Year 4, 34
Year 5 and over, 35

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_EDATTAIN — Years completed at school
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Section A

(All persons 5 years and over)

10. What is the highest grade that [the respondent] passed/completed?

[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13
[] 14
[] 15
[] 16
[] 17
[] 21
[] 22
[] 23
[] 24
[] 25
[] 26
[] 31
[] 32
[] 33
[] 34
[] 35
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column A10: Highest Grade Passed/Completed

What is the highest grade that [the respondent] passed/completed?

Enter the highest school grade the person has passed (if this grade ends in an exam) or has completed (if the grade doesn't end in an exam).

If Standard 1, enter 11
If Standard 2, enter 12
If Standard 3, enter 13
If Standard 4, enter 14
If Standard S, enter 15
If Standard 6, enter 16
If Standard 7, enter 17

For Sub A or Sub B enter 11. If the person, at the time of enumeration, is in Standard 1, enter 10.

If the person has attended or is attending secondary school, enter the highest form passed as follows:

If Form 1, enter 21
If Form 2, enter 22
If Form 3, enter 23
If Form 4, enter 24
If Form 5, enter 25
If Form 6, enter 26

If the person is currently in Form 1, enter 17. Someone who completed Form 3 but failed the exam will be coded 22. Someone who completed Form 2 (which doesn't end with an exam) v\'ill also be coded 22 - even if they never went on to Form 3. Someone who completed JC under the old educational system will be coded 23, while someone who completed JC under the new system will be coded 22.

If the person has attended or is attending University, enter the number of completed years the person has spent attending University as follows:

If 1 year, enter 31
If 2 years, enter 32
If 3 years, enter 33
If 4 years, enter 34
If 5 years and over, enter 35

For a person still doing preliminary courses, e.g. the Pre-Entry Science Course (PESC), enter 25 or 26 as may be appropriate.

In the sample questionnaire on page 24, James completed Standard 3, so he is coded 13. Since Anne never attended school, a dash is entered in column A10 for her. Mimi is not yet 5 years old, so the question does not apply to her - a dash appears in column A10. Anthony is currently in Standard 7; since the highest standard which he has completed is Standard 6, 16 is entered for him. Molelo is currently in Standard 5 (code 14), and David completed Standard 7 (code 17). Thembe dropped out of Standard 5, so she completed Standard 4 and is coded 14.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education
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All persons 2 years and over
[Questions A13-A15]

A15. What is the highest grade that [the person] has completed?

[] 00 (if year 1 not completed)
[] 01
[] 02
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13
[] 14
[] 15
[] 16
[] 17
[] 21
[] 22
[] 23
[] 24
[] 25
[] 26
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
107e. Columns A14 - A15 These questions apply only to persons aged 2 years and more. If the person is under 2 years of age, then when you reach column A13 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A13 -- A32 and proceed to the next listed person in the household. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 28 for easy reference.

109a. Column A15: Highest grade completed

Q: What is the highest level that [the person]completed?

Enter the highest school level or grade the person has completed as per the codes below:

For Pre-school

If year 1 not completed enter 00
If year 1 completed enter 01
If year 2 completed enter 02
If year 3 completed enter 03

For Non-Formal Education

If prima 1 not completed enter 60

If prima 1 completed enter 61
If prima 2 completed enter 62
If prima 3 completed enter 63
If prima 4 completed enter 64
If prima 5 completed enter 65

For Primary school

If Standard 1 not completed enter 10
If Standard 1, enter 11
If Standard 2, enter 12
If Standard 3, enter 13
If Standard 4, enter 14
If Standard 5, enter 15
If Standard 6, enter 16
If Standard 7, enter 17

For Sub A or Sub B enter 11. If the person, at the time of enumeration, is in Standard 1, enter 10.

If the person has attended or is attending secondary school, enter the highest form completed:

If Form 1, enter 21
If Form 2, enter 22
If Form 3, enter 23
If Form 4, enter 24
If Form 5, enter 25
If Form 6, enter 26

If the person is currently in Form 1, enter 17. Someone who completed Form 3 but failed the exam will be coded 23. Someone who completed Junior certificate (JC) under the two year JC certificate system will be coded 22, while for those who completed JC under the three year system will be coded 23.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_EDUATTAIN2 — Highest level completed
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A. Person Information

Educational attainment

15. What is the highest level of schooling that [the respondent] has completed?

[] 01 One year
[] 02 Two years
[] 03 Three years
[] 04 Four years
[] 101 One year
[] 102 Two years
[] 103 Three years
[] 104 Four years
[] 105 Five years
[] 106 Six years
[] 107 Seven years
[] 201 One year
[] 202 Two years
[] 203 Three years
[] 204 Four years
[] 205 Five years
[] 206 Six years
Non-formal education
[] 301 One year
[] 302 Two years
[] 303 Three years
[] 304 Four years
[] 305 Five years
[] 1110 Less than one year
[] 1111 One year
[] 1112 Two years
[] 1113 Three years
[] 1114 Four years
[] 1220 Less than one year
[] 1221 One year
[] 1222 Two years
[] 1223 Three years
[] 1224 Four years
Technical / Vocational certificate
[] 1310 Less than one year
[] 1311 One year
[] 1312 Two years
[] 1313 Three years
[] 1314 Four years
[] 1315 Five years
Technical / Vocational diploma
[] 1320 Less than one year
[] 1321 One year
[] 1322 Two years
[] 1323 Three years
[] 1324 Four years
[] 1325 Five years
Educational college certificate
[] 1411 One year
[] 1412 Two years
[] 1413 Three years
[] 1414 Four years
Educational college diploma
[] 1421 One year
[] 1422 Two years
[] 1423 Three years
[] 1424 Four years
[] 1425 Five years
Educational college degree
[] 1430 Less than one year
[] 1431 One year
[] 1432 Two years
[] 1433 Three years
[] 1434 Four years
[] 1435 Five years
Institute of Health Sciences
[] 1510 Less than one year
[] 1511 One year
[] 1512 Two years
Diploma of Institute of Health Sciences
[] 1521 One year
[] 1522 Two years
[] 1523 Three years
[] 1524 Four years
Degree of Institute of Health Sciences
[] 1531 One year
[] 1532 Two years
[] 1533 Three years
[] 1534 Four years
[] 1535 Five years
University certificate
[] 1610 Less than one year
[] 1611 One year
[] 1612 Two years
[] 1613 Three years
[] 1614 Four years
University diploma
[] 1611 One year
[] 1612 Two years
[] 1613 Three years
[] 1614 Four years
University degree
[] 1630 Less than one year
[] 1631 One year
[] 1632 Two years
[] 1633 Three years
[] 1634 Four years
[] 1635 Five years
[] 1636 Six years
[] 1637 Seven years
University post-graduate degree
[] 1641 One year
[] 1642 Two years
[] 1643 Three years
[] 1644 Four years
[] 1645 Five years
[] 1646 Six years
University PhD / doctorate
[] 1651 One year
[] 1652 Two years
[] 1653 Three years
[] 1654 Four years
[] 1655 Five years
[] 1656 Six years
[] 1657 Seven years
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
141. Columns A15-A17
These questions apply only to persons aged 2 years and above. If the person is less than 2 years of age, then when you reach column A15, you should dashes in the shaded area for columns A15-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household. These questions refer to school attendance by the person in question. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 33 for ease of reference.

143. Column A16: Highest grade completed
Q. What was the highest level that the respondent completed?
Enter the highest school level or grade the person has completed as per the codes below:

For Pre-school

a. If year 1 not completed, enter 00
b. If year 1 completed, enter 01
c. If year 2 completed, enter 02
d. If years at pre-school are not known, enter 09

For primary school

a. If in Standard 1, and has gone through pre-school, enter 03
b. If Standard 1 not completed, enter 10
c. If Standard 1 completed, enter 11
d. If Standard 2 completed, enter 12
e. If Standard 3 completed, enter 13
f. If Standard 4 in completed, enter 14
g. If Standard 5 is completed, enter 15
h. If Standard 6 is completed, enter 16
i. If Standard 7 is completed, enter 17
j. If it is known that the person went as far as primary, but the standard complete is not known, enter 19.
k. For Sub A or Sub B enter 11. If the person, at the time of enumeration, is in Standard 1, enter 10.
l. If the person has attended or is attending secondary school, enter the highest form completed:
i. If Form 1 completed, enter 21
ii. If Form 2 completed, enter 22
iii. If Form 3 completed, enter 23
iv. If Form 4 completed, enter 24
v. If Form 5 completed, enter 25
vi. If Form 6 completed, enter 26
m. If it is known that the person went as far as secondary school, but the form completed is not known, enter 29.
n. If the person is currently in Form 1, enter 17. Someone who completed their Junior certificate (JC) under the two year JC certificate system will be coded 22, while for those who completed their JC under the three year system will be coded 23.

Tertiary certificate

a. If tertiary certificate, first year not completed, enter30
b. If tertiary certificate, first year completed, enter 31
c. If tertiary certificate, second year completed, enter 32
d. If the exact tertiary certificate year completed is not known, enter 39

Tertiary diploma

a. If tertiary diploma, first year not completed, enter 40
b. If tertiary diploma, first year completed, enter 41
c. If tertiary diploma, second year completed, enter 42
d. If tertiary diploma, third year completed, enter 43
e. If the exact tertiary diploma year completed is not known, enter 49

Tertiary degree

a. If tertiary courses, first year not completed, enter 50
b. If tertiary courses, first year completed, enter 51
c. If tertiary courses, second year completed, enter 52
d. If tertiary courses, third year completed, enter 53
e. If tertiary courses, fourth year completed, enter 54
f. If tertiary courses, fifth year completed, enter 55
g. If the exact tertiary degree year completed is not known, enter 59

Post graduate courses

a. If post graduate courses, first year not completed, enter 60
b. If post graduate courses, first year completed, enter 61
c. If post graduate courses, second year completed, enter 62
d. If post graduate courses, third year completed, enter 63
e. If post graduate courses, fourth year completed, enter 64
f. If post graduate courses, fifth year completed, enter 65
g. If the exact post graduate course year completed is not known, enter 69

For non-formal education

a. If prima 1 not completed, enter 70
b. If prima 1 completed, enter 71
c. If prima 2 completed, enter 72
d. If prima 3 completed, enter 73
e. If prima 4 completed, enter 74
f. If prima 5 completed, enter 75
g. If the exact prima year completed is not known, enter 79

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_EDGRADE — Last grade concluded
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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

M. Grade

[] 44 1st grade
[] 45 2nd grade
[] 46 3rd grade
[] 47 4th grade
[] 48 5th grade
[] 49 6th grade
[] 50 currently attending 1st grade
[] 51 didn't attend and never attended

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question M - Last year of school concluded with approval

Persons who are attending or who attended a regular school should inform the last year which they passed.

[p. 31]

Thus, 1st grade should be marked for a person who is attending 2nd year [or grade] of primary school; the 2nd year of junior high school [ginasial - 6th to 9th year] should be marked for a person who dropped out of the course in the 3rd year of junior high school [ginasial - 6th to 9th year] without terminating it or without passing; and the last year of the course should be marked for a person who concluded that course (example: the enumerator should mark 5th year for those who concluded a 5-year law course).
Attending first year should be marked only for persons who are attending the 1st year of primary school.
For persons who are not attending school or who never attended school, the last Box (51 - Does not attend and never attended) should be marked.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_EDLEVEL — Level of course
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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

N. Level

[] 52 elementary
[] 53 middle-1st cycle
[] 54 middle-2nd cycle
[] 55 higher education

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question N - Level or year concluded passed

This question should only be answered by persons for whom the enumerator marked one of the series in the preceding question. Nothing will be recorded in this question for persons who answered that they do not attend and never attended, in the preceding question.
The enumerator will mark an X in the field corresponding to one of the following responses:
Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [first four years of schooling], such as elementary-level professional courses;

Junior high school [Médio 1º Ciclo, 5th or 6th, to 8th year] - For persons who have concluded one year of the Middle School, 1st Cycle [5th or 6th, to 8th year - Curso Ginasial or some other course on an equivalent level;
Senior high school [Médio - 2º ciclo] - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [college prep - 9th to 12th year] or some other course on an equivalent level;
Higher education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_EDGRADE — Last school grade concluded
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Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]

17. If currently in school or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

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Question 17 - If you attend or attended school, indicate the last grade/year and level passed

(Only for persons age 5 or over)

Record the last grade in the highest-level course passed.

For example: for those who are attending the 2nd grade of primary school, the 1st grade box will be marked; for those who interrupted their studies in the 3rd year of junior high school (ginásio), the 2nd year box will be marked.

In the cases listed below, indicate:

a) Box 1 for those who are attending the 1st grade elementary;
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.


Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [grades 1-4], such as elementary-level professional courses; and for persons who are attending the 1st grade elementary, adult literacy courses and junior high school preparation (admissão).

[p. 38]

Junior High School [6th to 8th year/grade] - For persons who have concluded one year of Junior High School [curso ginasial - 6th to 8th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for junior high school (ginasial) examination;
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_EDLEVEL — Level of the last grade concluded
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Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]

17. If currently in school or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17 - If you attend or attended school, indicate the last grade/year and level passed

(Only for persons age 5 or over)

Record the last grade in the highest-level course passed.

For example: for those who are attending the 2nd grade of primary school, the 1st grade box will be marked; for those who interrupted their studies in the 3rd year of junior high school (ginásio), the 2nd year box will be marked.

In the cases listed below, indicate:

a) Box 1 for those who are attending the 1st grade elementary;
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.


Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [grades 1-4], such as elementary-level professional courses; and for persons who are attending the 1st grade elementary, adult literacy courses and junior high school preparation (admissão).

[p. 38]

Junior High School [6th to 8th year/grade] - For persons who have concluded one year of Junior High School [curso ginasial - 6th to 8th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for junior high school (ginasial) examination;
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_SCHGRADE — Current grade
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

20. Grade attending (for courses that are credited, in periods, in semesters, or supplemental)

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 20 - Grade currently attended

For persons who attend courses in grades/years, mark the grade/year they attend.
If the course attended is not organized by year, but according to a credit system, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, etc., these credits, periods, etc. should be converted into the traditional grades or years. Therefore, the 5th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 3rd year; each phase or division of schooling generally corresponds to a grade or year in regular courses.
For persons who attend non-graded courses or who do not attend school. Box 0 - None - will be marked.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_CRSSTDY — Level now studying
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

21. Level of the grade attending

[] 1- primary or elementary
[] 2- middle/junior school
[] 3- first level
[] 4- 2nd level
[] 5- senior high or middle school
Supplemental general education:
[] 6- 1st level
[] 7- 2nd level
[] 8- higher
[] 0- none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 21 - Level of the grade or year attended

For persons who recorded a grade or year in Question 20, indicate the level of the course attended, marking:

Primary or elementary - for persons who attend a grade or year of the primary course or its equivalent at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
Junior high school (Ginasial ou médio 1º ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade or year of junior high school (curso ginasial) or other equivalent level at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
1st level [Grades 1-8] - for persons who attend a grade or year in the 1st level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
2nd level [Grades or years 8-11] - for persons who attend a grade or year in a 2nd level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
Senior high school - 2nd cycle (Colegial ou Médio 2º ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade in a scientific, classical or other equivalent high-school course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has not yet been implemented;

[p. 48]

General Education - 1st level [Grades 1 to 8, Supletivo 1º grau] - for persons who attend a 1st-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
General Education - 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo 2º grau] - for persons who attend a 2nd-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
Higher education - for persons who attend a grade or credit period in a university course or other course of higher education; or
None - for persons who attend a non-graded course or do not attend school.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_NGRADATT — Ungraded course
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

22. For the person who is attending non-graded courses (if attending graded course, mark the 0 box)

[] 1- preschool
[] 2- adult literacy course
Supplemental, attending school:
[] 3- 1st level
[] 4- 2nd level
Supplemental via radio or TV:
[] 5- 1st level
[] 6- 2nd level
[] 7- college entrance exam
[] 8- masters or doctorate
[] 0- none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 22 - For persons who attend a non-graded course

For persons who attend a non-graded course, mark:

Pre-school - a course for training children under the age of 7, that is, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, literacy class (C.A.);
Adult literacy course - for teaching reading and writing to persons over the age of 14, such as that administered by MOBRAL or similar institution;
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 1st-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza, de 1º grau);
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 2nd-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza de 2º grau);
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 1st-level General Education examinations;
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 2nd-level General Education examinations;
College Entrance Exam Course (Vestibular) - for persons who attend a preparatory course to take college entrance examinations. Persons who are attending the 3rd year of senior high school (3ª série do 2º grau ou Médio 2º Ciclo) and simultaneously taking the college entrance exam course should inform only about the regular course in Questions 20 and 21;
Master's or Doctor's - for persons who are attending a master's or doctorate levels. Persons who are preparing theses without attending a course, if registered or enrolled, should also be considered as attending school; or
None - for persons who attend a graded course or do not attend school.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_YRSCHOOL — Last completed grade
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is not attending school (if attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 23 -24]

23. Last grade passed

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 23 and 24 - For persons who do not attend school

For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 23, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 24, the level of this course, according to the designation in effect at the time of the interruption or conclusion.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 20 and 21. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.

[p. 49]

For persons who are attending school or who never attended school, mark Box 0 in these two questions.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 20, 21 and 22), information about the highest level course concluded or interrupted (Question 23 and 24).

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_YRSCHOO1 — Level of last course concluded
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is not attending school (if attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 23 -24]

24. Last level passed (For adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark the box -none- in question 23)

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 primary or elementary
[] 3 middle/junior school
[] 4 1st level
[] 5 2nd level
[] 6 senior high or middle school
[] 7 higher
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 23 and 24 - For persons who do not attend school

For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 23, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 24, the level of this course, according to the designation in effect at the time of the interruption or conclusion.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 20 and 21. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.

[p. 49]

For persons who are attending school or who never attended school, mark Box 0 in these two questions.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 20, 21 and 22), information about the highest level course concluded or interrupted (Question 23 and 24).

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_YRSCHOOL — Last grade completed
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For persons not attending school. (If attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 27 - 28]

27. Last grade passed (for the person who passed adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark 0 "none")

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 9 never attended
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 27 and 28 - For persons who do not attend school
For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 27, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 28, the level of this course.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 24 and 25. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.
For persons who are attending or attended school and did not conclude the 1st grade of the First level [grades 1-8] or equivalent, mark - 0 - None - in Question 27 and Box 0 - None - in Question 28.
For persons who never attended school, mark Box 9 - Never attended - in Question 27 and 0 - None - in Question 28.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 24, 25 and 26), information about the highest level [p. 69] course concluded or interrupted (Question 27 and 28).
Note - In CD 1.01, Questions 6 and 7 - Grade or Year, and Level of the Grade or Year passed.
If CD 1.02 is transcribed to CD 1.01, when the Head of the family or household is attending school (Questions 24 to 26), the grade or year to be recorded will be that prior to the one now being attended and for persons who never attended school (Question 27, Box 9), convert to Box 0 - None - in Question 6.
Example: 1) CD 1.02
Question 24 - 3rd grade or year
Question 25 - Second level [grades 9-11]
CD 1.01
Question 6 - 2nd grade or year
Question 7 - Second level [grades 9-11]
Example: 2) CD 1.02
Question 27 - Never attended
Question 28 - None
CD 1.01
Question 6 - None
Question 7 - None
The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, born before 1980.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_YRSCHOO1 — Last level completed
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For persons not attending school. (If attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 27 - 28]

28. Last level passed

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 primary or elementary
[] 3 middle/junior school
[] 4 1st level
[] 5 2nd level
[] 6 senior high or middle school
[] 7 higher
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 27 and 28 - For persons who do not attend school
For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 27, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 28, the level of this course.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 24 and 25. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.
For persons who are attending or attended school and did not conclude the 1st grade of the First level [grades 1-8] or equivalent, mark - 0 - None - in Question 27 and Box 0 - None - in Question 28.
For persons who never attended school, mark Box 9 - Never attended - in Question 27 and 0 - None - in Question 28.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 24, 25 and 26), information about the highest level [p. 69] course concluded or interrupted (Question 27 and 28).
Note - In CD 1.01, Questions 6 and 7 - Grade or Year, and Level of the Grade or Year passed.
If CD 1.02 is transcribed to CD 1.01, when the Head of the family or household is attending school (Questions 24 to 26), the grade or year to be recorded will be that prior to the one now being attended and for persons who never attended school (Question 27, Box 9), convert to Box 0 - None - in Question 6.
Example: 1) CD 1.02
Question 24 - 3rd grade or year
Question 25 - Second level [grades 9-11]
CD 1.01
Question 6 - 2nd grade or year
Question 7 - Second level [grades 9-11]
Example: 2) CD 1.02
Question 27 - Never attended
Question 28 - None
CD 1.01
Question 6 - None
Question 7 - None
The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, born before 1980.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_SCHGRADE — Current grade in school
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For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

24. Grade attending (for person who is attending adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark 0 "none")

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 24 - Grade currently attending
For persons who attend courses in grades/years, mark the grade/year they attend.
If the course attended is not organized by grade or year, but according to a credit system, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, etc., these credits, periods, etc. should be converted into the traditional grades or years. Therefore, the 5th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 3rd year; each phase or division of schooling generally corresponds to a grade or year in regular courses.
For persons who attend non-graded courses or who do not attend school, Box 0 - None - will be marked

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_NGLEVATT — Level now studying in non-graded course
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For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

26. For the person who is attending non-graded courses (if attending graded course, mark the 0 box)

[] 1 preschool
[] 2 adult literacy course
[] 3 1st level
[] 4 2nd level
[] 5 college entrance exam
[] 6 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 26 - For persons who attend a non-graded course

1 - Pre-school - course organized for the education of children under the age of 7, that is: maternal, kindergarten, literacy class (C.A.);

[p. 68]
2 - Adult literacy course - course organized for alphabetizing persons over the age of 14, such as those ministered by specialized institutions;
3 - Non-graded general education - First level [grades 1-8] - preparatory course ministered at a school for first-level general examinations [1st-level supletivo or madureza];
4 - Non-graded general education - Second level [grades 9-11] - preparatory course ministered at a school for second-level general education examinations [2nd-level supletivo or madureza];
5 - Pre-college entrance exam course (Pré-vestibular) - preparatory course for entrance examinations to the university (Exame Vestibular).
For persons who are attending the 3rd grade or year of the 2nd level and simultaneously taking a pre-college entrance exam course, the following should be indicated in Question 24 - 3rd grade or year and, in Question 25 - Second level [grades 9-11] and in Question 26 - 0 - None;
6 - Master's degree or Doctor's degree - will be marked not only for persons who are attending a master's or doctor's degree course, but also for those preparing theses, even without attending classes, provided that these person are registered in a course of this nature; or
0 - No - for persons who attend a course by grades or years or does not attend school.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_COURSAT — Highest course attended, having concluded at least one year
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For person who is not attending, but has in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

4.32 The highest course attended, in which you completed at least one grade?

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 former primary
[] 3 former junior high (ginásio)
[] 4 former classical, scientific, etc. [senior high school]
[] 5 elementary instruction or 1st level
[] 6 secondary instruction or 2nd level
[] 7 higher - undergraduate
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 9 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons who do not attend school now, but have attended in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

Question 4.32 (Sample) and 4.07 (Basic) - What is the highest course you have attended, in which you concluded at least one grade or year?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Adult literacy course - a course which has the purpose of teaching reading and writing to youth and adults;
2 - Primary - for the elementary course [grades 1-4];
3 - Formerginásio - for junior high school course [grades 5-8];
4 - Former clássico, científico, etc. - for a senior high school course [grades 9-11];
5 - Elementary school or 1st level [grades 1-8];
6 - Senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11];
7 - Higher education - undergraduate;
8 - Master's or doctorate - A course for master's or doctor's degree. This item will only be marked if the person has received a diploma as a master or doctor, or had a thesis approved, even if the diploma has not yet been issued; and
9 - None - for persons who:

  • attended but did not conclude the 1st grade of elementary school, first level, or equivalent;
  • attended or concluded only literacy class,
  • attended but did not conclude an adult literacy course; or
  • attended only day-care center

[Comment and examples were not translated into English]

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_YRPASSED — Last year of school passed
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For person who is not attending, but has in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

4.33 What was the last grade passed?

[] 1 first
[] 2 second
[] 3 third
[] 4 fourth
[] 5 fifth
[] 6 sixth
[] 7 seventh
[] 8 eight
[] 9 non-graded course
[] 10 none

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For persons who do not attend school now, but have attended in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

Question 4.33 (Sample) and 4.08 (Basic) - What was the last grade concluded and approved?

Mark the last grade concluded with approval in courses by grades or years. For persons who concluded part or all of an adult literacy course, master's degree or doctor's degree, record Box 9.

1 - first
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
5 - fifth
6 - sixth
7 - seventh
8 - eighth
9 - non-graded course
10 - none

If the course attended is not organized into annual grades, but by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., it should be converted into the regular grades which the person concluded with approval. The 8th period concluded at a university, for example, is usually equivalent to the 4th fourth year concluded, while the 7th period concluded is equivalent to the 3rd year concluded. Likewise, each phase or division of general education usually corresponds to a grade or year in the regular education system.

In cases where the person was attending subjects in different years or grades (acceleration, multi-graded or make-up classes), record the last grade or year concluded with approval where this person was officially registered.

Persons who attended Elementary Education or Senior High School [grades 9-11], that is, courses currently equivalent to the 1st [grades 1-8] and 2nd levels [grades 9-11], respectively, and the course was structured by modules, cycles, phases, etc., and where there is no possibility of conversion to grades or years, must be recorded as non-graded courses.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_COURSE — Course being taken
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For the person who attends school
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

4.30 What course do you attend?

[] 1 child care
[] 2 preschool
[] 3 literacy class
[] 4 adult literacy class
[] 5 basic instruction or 1st level - regular graded
[] 6 basic instruction or 1st level - regular non-graded
[] 7 supplemental (basic instruction or 1st level)
[] 8 midlevel instruction or 2nd level - regular graded
[] 9 midlevel instruction or 2nd level - regular non-graded
[] 10 supplemental (midlevel instruction or 2nd level)
[] 11 college entrance exam preparation course (pre-vestibular)
[] 12 superior - undergraduate
[] 13 masters or doctorate

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For Persons Who Attend School
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

Question 4.30 - What course are you taking?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Day-care center - organized to give daytime assistance to children in the early years of life, whether such establishments are legally regulated or not;
2 - Pre-school - generally addressed to children under the age of seven (7); this type of school is referred to by several different names, depending on the region and level attained by the children: maternal, kindergarten, jardim, etc.
3 - Literacy class - a course aimed at teaching children to read and write;
4 - Adult literacy course - a course which has the purpose of teaching reading and writing to youth and adults.
5 - Regular elementary education or first level [grades 1-8] - organized by grades or years - a course in elementary or 1st level education, organized by annual grades;
6 - Regular elementary or first level education [grades 1-8]- not organized by grades or years - a course in elementary or 1st level education not organized into annual grades; that is, it is organized by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.;
7 - General education (elementary education or first level [grades 1-8]) - a general elementary education or 1st level course, whether organized by grades or years, or not;

[p. 112]

8 - Regular senior high school [grades 9-11] or second level school [grades 9-11] - organized by grades or years - courses in senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11], organized into annual grades;
9 - Regular senior high [grades 9-11] or second level school [grades 9-11]- not organized by grades or years - a course in senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11] not organized into annual grades; that is, it is organized by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.;
10 - General education (senior high school [grades 9-11] or second level [grades 9-11]) - a senior high school or 2nd level general education course [grades 9-11] organized by grades or years, or not;
11 - College entrance exam course - a course to prepare students to take entrance examinations for an undergraduate course (Exame Vestibular);
12 - Higher education - Under-Graduate
13 - Master's or doctor's degree - a master's or doctorate course, including persons registered in order to prepare theses.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_SCHYR — School year now attending
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For the person who attends school
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

4.31 What level do you attend?

[] 1 first
[] 2 second
[] 3 third
[] 4 fourth
[] 5 fifth
[] 6 sixth
[] 7 seventh
[] 8 eight
[] 9 course non-graded
(If 10 years old or older, go to 4.36. If not, end interview.)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For Persons Who Attend School
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

Question 4.31 - What grade do you attend?

If the course attended is not organized into annual grades, but by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., it should be converted into regular grades. For example, the 7th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 4th year. Likewise, each phase or division of general education courses usually corresponds to a grade in the regular educational system.

If the person attends subjects in different grades (acceleration, multi-graded or make up classes), record the grade in which he or she is registered.

For persons who attend Elementary Education [grades 1-8] or Senior High School [grades 9-11], that is, courses currently equivalent to the 1st [grades 1-8] and 2nd [grades 9-11] levels, respectively, and the course is structured into modules, cycles, phases, etc. and there is no way to convert to grades, it should be recorded as a non-graded course.

[p. 113]

Mark the grade attended, either by grades or years, or a non-graded course:

1 - first
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
5 - fifth
6 - sixth
7 - seventh
8 - eighth
9 - non-graded course

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_EDLEVEL1 — Level of school attending
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.29 What type of school or day care do you attend?

[Question 6.29 was asked for persons who reported that they attended school or day care, per question 6.28.]

[] 01 Day care (skip to 6.36)
[] 02 Pre-school (kindergarten and maternal) (Skip to 6.36)
[] 03 Literacy class (Skip to 6.36)
[] 04 Youth and adult literacy (Skip to 6.36)
[] 05 Regular elementary school (Go to 6.30)
[] 06 Youth and adult elementary education -- or supplementary elementary school (Skip to 6.36)
[] 07 Regular high school (Skip to 6.31)
[] 08 Youth and adult upper secondary education -- or supplementary high school (Skip to 6.36)
[] 09 College (skip to 6.32)
[] 10 Graduate specialization (at least 360 hours) (Skip to 6.35)
[] 11 Master's degree (Skip to 6.35)
[] 12 Doctorate (Skip to 6.35)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For residents that go to school or day care

6.29 - What level of school do you attend?

Depending on the situation, record:

01 - Day care: for the day care of children in their first few years, institutions could be accredited or not.
02 - Pre-school (or kindergarten): course for children under the age of 6 (six) years, where physical, psychological, intellectual and social development, complementing family and community practices.

[page 219]

03 - Literacy class - CA: literacy course for children of all ages.
04 - Youth and Adult Literacy: literacy course for young people and adults.
05 - Elementary School: basic education courses, organized in years, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.
06 -Youth and Adult education or alternative elementary school ? EJA: basic elementary education courses for youth and adults.
07 - High School: high school course (former 2nd level), organized by credits or classes during years, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., including technical courses.

[page 220]

08 ? Youth and Adult education or alternative high school ? EJA: basic high school education for youth and adults.
09 - College: undergraduate/college level.
10 - Professional degree (minimum of 360 hours): a post-graduate specialization (non-degree seeking). This type of course should last a minimum of 360 hours.
11 - Master's degree: a master's degree course, even for those who are in preparation for the dissertation.
12 - Doctorate: a doctorate course, including those who are working on writing a thesis.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_GRADE1 — Elementary grade/year attending
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.30 What grade/year are you attending?

[Question 6.30 was asked for persons who reported attending regular elementary school, per question 6.29.]

[] 01 First year
[] 02 First grade/second year
[] 03 Second grade/third year
[] 04 Third grade/fourth year
[] 05 Fourth grade/fifth year
[] 06 Fifth grade/sixth year
[] 07 Sixth grade/seventh year
[] 08 Seventh grade/eighth year
[] 09 Eighth grade/ninth year
[] 10 Non-graded course

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

6:30 - What is your highest grade/year in school?
01 - First year
02 - First grade/Second year
03 - Second grade /Third year
04 - Third grade /Fourth year
05 - Fourth grade/Fifth year
06 - Fifth grade /Sixth year
07 - Sixth grade /Seventh Year
08 - Seventh grade /Eighth year
09 - Eighth grade/Ninth year
10 ? Non-leveled course

Record the grade or year that the respondent is attending, according to the duration of the course, 8 or 9 years.

Currently, a change is being implemented on the duration of basic education in which regular school of 8 years will now last 9 years, with mandatory enrollment at 6 years of age, according to the Law 11.274 of February 6, 2006. This process has been gradually taking effect in municipalities, states and the Federal District, although it is until 2010 that there is the expectation that every municipality, state and Federal District have made the change.
In cases where the person attends courses in different grades (accelerated classes, multi-grade or dependencies), check the box corresponding to the year/grade in which the person is registered. In case a person attends a course that is structured by modules, stages, cycles etc., and is not possible to count the time in the regular system, check box 10 - Non-leveled course.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_GRADE2 — High school grade attending
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.31 What grade are you attending?

[Question 6.31 was asked for persons who reported attending high school, per question 6.29.]

[] 01 First grade
[] 02 Second grade
[] 03 Third grade
[] 04 Fourth grade
[] 05 Non-graded course

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6.31 - What level are you attending?
01 - First grade
02 - Second grade
03 - Third grade
04 - Fourth grade
05 ? Non-leveled course

This question should be filled in only if the person is attending the basic education system.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_COLLEGE — Completion of additional undergraduate degree
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.32 Have you finished another higher education course?

[Question 6.32 was asked for persons who reported attending college, per question 6.29.]

[] 1 Yes (Skip to 6.35)
[] 2 No (Skip to 6.36)

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6.32 ? Have you completed a college course?
1 - Yes
2 - No

This question inquires if the person that is attending college has already completed another undergraduate degree.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education attended
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For people who were not attending school or day care, but had attended before.

6.33 What was the highest level course you have attended?

[Question 6.33 was asked for persons who were older than age 5, not attending school or day care, but had attended school or daycare in the past, per question 6.28.]

[] 01 Day care, pre-school (kindergarten and maternal), literacy classes (Go to 6.34)
[] 02 Youth and adult literacy (Go to 6.34)
[] 03 Former primary education (elementary) (Go to 6.34)
[] 04 Former lower secondary education ( ginásio or middle 1st cycle) (Go to 6.34)
[] 05 From 1st to 3rd grade / from 1st to 4th year (if person is 10 years or older, go to 6.37. If person is less than 10 years of age skip to 6.70)
[] 06 From 4th to 5th year (if person is 10 years or older, go to 6.37. If person is less than 10 years of age skip to 6.70)
[] 07 From 5th to 8th grade / from 6th to 9th year (Go to 6.34)
[] 08 Supplementary elementary school or 1st level (Go to 6.34)
[] 09 Former upper secondary education (scientific, classical, etc., or middle 2nd cycle) (Go to 6.34)
[] 10 Youth and adult upper secondary education (Go to 6.34)
[] 11 College (Go to 6.34)
[] 12 Graduate specialization (at least 360 hours) (Go to 6.34)
[] 13 Master (Go to 6.34)
[] 14 Doctorate (Go to 6.34)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For residents who are currently not in school but previously attended school or day care

6.33 - What was the highest level of school that you attended?

01 - Day care, Pre-school (or kindergarten), Literacy classes - CA
02 - Youth and Adult Literacy
03 - Elementary (Old system)

[page 223]

04 - Middle school (old system)
05 - New system elementary school (from 1st to 3rd grade/from 1st to 4th year)
06 - New system elementary School or 1st level (from 4th grade /5th year)
07 -New system elementary School or 1st level (from 5th to 8th grade/from the 6th to 9th year)
08 - Alternative elementary school or the first level
09 - Middle school or 2nd level (Old system: scientific, classic, etc.)
10 - Alternative middle high school or 2nd level
11 - College
12 - Professional degree (minimum of 360 hours)
13 - Master's degree
14 - Doctorate

If the person attended elementary school (or first level) in the new system, record the information in detail according the grade/year as given in answers 5, 6 or 7.

If the person attended primary school (or first level) or middle school (or second level) in the EJA (Youth and Adult Literacy programs) model, you must register item 8 or 10, according to the interviewee's answer.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_EDCOMPL — Have you completed the highest level of education attended
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For people who were not attending school or day care, but had attended before.

6.34 Have you completed this course?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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6. 34 ? Have you completed this course?
1 - Yes
2 - No

Master's degrees: will be marked as completed if a diploma has been issued and if the dissertation has been approved, even if the diploma has not been given yet.

Doctorate: will be marked as completed if a diploma has been issued and if the dissertation has been approved, even if the diploma has not been received yet.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_EDLEVEL — Level of schooling
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Residents 10 years of age and older
[Questions 9-15 were asked for residents age 10 and older.]

10. Level of schooling ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column ten - level of education
[This section, column ten, is omitted from this translation of the original document]

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_EDUC — Education level
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Residents age 6 years or older:
[Questions P15 was asked for persons 6 years of age or older who were household residents.]

Education level:

P15. Did [person] attend school? If yes, what is the last year completed of the highest level achieved?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0. None
[] 1. 1st and 2nd grades
[] 2. 3rd and 4th grades
[] 3. 5th and 6th grades
[] 4. Middle school
[] 5. High school
[] 6. Higher

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_EDLEVEL — Level of instruction
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Residents three years of age and older
[Question P.17-P.20 are asked of residents who are three years of age and older]

P18. Level of education

What is the last grade level completed or in the process of being completed?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0 = None
[] 1 = Kindergarten
[] 2 = 1st grade
[] 3 = 2nd grade
[] 4 = 3rd grade
[] 5 = 4th grade
[] 6 = 5th grade
[] 7 = 6th grade
[] 8 = Middle school
[] 9 = High school
[] 10 = Higher

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_EDUC — Grade or level of education
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14 Full-Time Education
( a ) Have you ever attended School/ Educational Institution? (Enter Code)
1 Never
2 Now
3 Past

( b ) What is the highest grade completed? (Enter Code from list below)
Codes for Column 14 (b) What is the highest grade completed?

For Never in 14 (a) put dash ( - )
For Now or Past in 14 (a), Code as follows:-
00 No class completed
01 Class 1 completed
02 Class 2 completed
11 Class 11 completed
12 Class 12 completed
13 Secondary School / Certificate / Diploma
14 Undergraduate
15 Graduate / Degree holder
16 Postgraduate
17 ___ Other (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College etc.

Column 14 (a): Have you ever attended School / Educational Institution?

95. This applies to both literates and illiterates. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:-

(a) Never:- Record 1 if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Now:- Record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.
(c) Past:- Record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 1 in Column 13), had never attended any school at all (e.g. he might have learnt to read and write in a pagoda) and may, therefore, be given Code 1 in Column 14(a).

Column 14 (b): What is the Highest Grade Completed?

96. Enter dash (--) in the two sub Columns in the case of a person who has never attended school/educational institution (Code 1 in Column 14(a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 17) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

For all persons
[Questions 10 to 23 were asked of all persons]

[17] Full time education

[b] What is the highest grade completed?

[Question 17b was asked of persons currently attending school]

Enter code from the list below
For "Never" in 17 (a) put dash (-) in17 (b). For "Now" or "Past" in 17 (a), code as follows [not all the possible responses are represented]:

[] 88 No class completed
[] 00 Pre-school/kindergarten
[] 01 Class 1 completed
[] 02 Class 2 completed
[] 11 Class 11 completed
[] 12 Class 12 completed (without bac)
[] 13 Secondary school / baccalaureate holder
[] 14 Technical / vocational pre-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 15 Technical / vocational post-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 16 Undergraduate
[] 17 Graduate / degree holder
[] 18 Postgraduate
[] 19 Master's degree
[] 20 Post-master's degree
[] 21 Ph.D.
[] 22 Other (specify) ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

70. Column 17: Full time education
Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College, etc. This question should be filled-in for all persons.

72. Column 17 (b): What is the highest grade completed?
Enter dash (-) in the two sub-Columns in the case of a person who has never attended school/education institution (Code 1 in Column 17(a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 22) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer. Code 88 should be given to no class completed. Code 00 should be given to Pre-school/kindergarten completed.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_EDUC — Grade or level of education completed
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14 Full-time education

b. What is the highest grade completed? (Enter the code from the list below)

For "Never", put a dash (-)
For "Now" or "Past", the codes are as follows:

[] 00 No class completed
[] 01 Class 1 completed
[] 02 Class 2 completed
[] 11 Class 11 completed
[] 12 Class 12 completed
[] 13 Lower secondary diploma holder
[] 14 Secondary school/baccalaureate holder
[] 15 Technical/vocational pre-secondary diploma certificate
[] 16 Technical/vocational post-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 17 Undergraduate
[] 18 Graduate
[] 19 Postgraduate and above
[] 17 Other (specify) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College, etc.

Column 14 (b): What is the Highest Grade Completed?
96. Enter dash (-) in the two sub-Columns in the case of a person who has never attended a school/educational institution (Code 1 in Column 14 (a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category, "other (specify)" (Code 20), has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

17. Full-time education

b. Currently attending grade for code 2 of column 17(a)
[Question 17b was asked of persons currently attending school]

(Enter the code from the list below)

For code 1 ["never"] and code 3 ["in the past"] in col. 17(a), put a dash (-)
For code 2 ["now"] in col. 17(a), code from list below [not all the possible responses are represented]:

[] 00 Pre-school/kindergarten
[] 01 Grade 1
[] 02 Grade 2
[] 11 Class 11
[] 12 Class 12
[] 15 Technical / vocational pre-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 16 Technical / vocational post-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 17 Undergraduate course
[] 18 Post graduate course
[] 19 Post-master degree course
[] 20 Any other course (specify) ____
c. Highest grade completed
[Question 17c was asked of persons who ever attended school/educational institution]

(Enter the code from the list below)

For code 1 ["never"] in col. 17(a), put a dash (-)
For code 2 ["now"] and code 3 ["in the past"] in col. 17(a), code from list below [not all the possible responses are represented]:

[] 00. Pre-school / kindergarten
[] 01 Grade 1
[] 02 Grade 2
[] 11 Class 11
[] 12 Class 12
[] 13 Lower secondary diploma / certificate
[] 14 Upper secondary diploma / certificate / baccalaureate
[] 15 Technical / vocational pre-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 16 Technical / vocational post-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 17 Graduate degree
[] 18 Master's degree
[] 19 Ph.D. degree
[] 20 Any other diploma / degree completed (specify) ____
[] 88 No grade completed
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

70. Column 17: full time education

[p. 27]

Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary school, Secondary school, College, Training center, etc. This question should be filled-in for all persons.

70.3 Column 17 (c): what is the highest grade completed?

If you have given code 1 in column 17(a), enter dash (-) in the two sub-columns of column 17(c). For Codes 2 and 3 in column 17 (a) give suitable code from the code list given below the question, based on the answer given by the respondent.. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 20) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer. Code 88 should be given for a person who has not completed any grade. Examples of this are: kids in the preschool/ kindergarten, drop outs from school who have not completed any grade.

70.4 Note on the code Lists for Currently attending grades and completed Grades Given Under Column 17

For both the columns 17(b) and 17 (c), code list is the same for Pre-school to Grade 12. This is explained below: suppose a person is currently attending grade 9 give code 09 in column 17(b). If another person has completed Grade 9 give code 09 in

[p. 28]

Column 17 (c) and so on.

Beyond Grade 12 currently attending grades can be coded in column 17 (b) from the list Called "Separate codes for Col.17 (b)" which contains Codes 15 to 20 for higher courses. Two Codes 13 and 14 will not apply to Column 17(b).

In the case of column 17(c) completed grades beyond Grade 12 should be coded using the list of codes called "Separate codes for Column 17(c)" which contains Codes 13 to 20 and code 88 for no grade completed. Examples: if code 15 is entered in column 17(b) it means the person is studying in the presecondary diploma course. If code 15 is entered in column 17(c) it means that the person concerned has completed pre-secondary diploma course and so on. If code 18 is given in column 17(b) it means the person is studying in the post-graduate class. If code 18 is given in column 17(c) it means the person has completed his Master's degree.

Important: in the case of a person who has successfully completed a diploma, certificate or degree course it is not necessary that she/he should have the completed certificate with her/him at the time of the survey. She/he should be treated as having completed the course.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

[Questions 15-16 are to be completed by all persons]

16c. What is the highest grade completed?

For code 1 in column 16a, put dash (-) in 16b.
For codes 2 and 3 in column 16a, enter the code from the list below.

[] 00. Pre-school/kindergarten
[] 01. Class 1
[] 02. Class 2
[] 03. Class 3
[] 04. Class 4
[] 05. Class 5
[] 06. Class 6
[] 07. Class 7
[] 08. Class 8
[] 09. Class 9
[] 10. Class 10
[] 11. Class 11
[] 12. Class 12
[] 13. Lower secondary/diploma/certificate
[] 14. Upper secondary/diploma/certificate/baccalaureate
[] 15. Technical/vocational pre-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 16. Technical/vocational post-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 17. Graduate degree
[] 18. Master's degree
[] 19. Ph.D. degree
[] 20. Any other diploma/degree completed
[] 88. No grade completed

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_EDATT — Educational attainment
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Population 4 years old or older

Have you ever been to school?

If no, mark "No" in column 17 and draw a line in column 18.
If yes, mark in column 17 the abbreviation corresponding to the type of education based on the instructions on the bottom of the page. In column 18, mark the last grade they attended in this type of education.

18) Grade

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

b) Column 17 to 25:

To be filled out individually for the people ages 4 and over (mark a line in column 17 to 25 for children under 4.

Column 17: Education (type)
Mark one of the following abbreviations, corresponding to the last type of education received:

NO: for a person who never when to school;

MAT: for a person who when to kindergarten or nursery school

COR: for a person who only when to a Muslim religious school

PF: for a person who went to elementary school (Francophone system)

PF: for a person who when to elementary school (Anglophone system)

POST: Fro a person who when to middle school (SAR, SM, etc)

EPS: For a person who went to a higher elementary school (slightly more education than regular elementary school, for people not going to a University)

GEF: for a person who went to high school (Francophone system)

GEE: for a person who went to high school (Anglophone system)

TEF: for a person who went to a technical high school (Francophone system)

TEE: for a person who went to a technical high school (Anglophone system)

EN: for a person who went to a teacher training college

ESS: for a person who took specialized university classes (elite university, specialized higher learning institution connected or not to a university)

UNIV: for a person who went to the University

For all education systems other than Francophone and Anglophone, mark PR for elementary school education, GE for high school education, and TF for technical high school education.

Column 18: Education (class)

N.B. Only worry about the individuals who went to school; for the others (NO in column 17) mark a line. Mark the last grade level in the type of institution indicated in column 17 according to the following instructions:

Simple cases:

Mark the number of the last year spent in the institution. [Example omitted]

N.B. This applies to nursery school (MAT), to Anglophone elementary school (PE), to a private elementary school (EPS) and to a teacher training college (EN) and to systems other than Francophone or Anglophone.

Special cases:

Muslim religious school (COR): Mark the number of book studied

Example: 3 for three books studied.

Elementary school: mark the response given by the person:

[Levels omitted]
High school, Francophone system (GEF): Mark the response given by the person (6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, T (for final year)

Technical high school Francophone system (TEF):

Mark the response given by the person: 1st for first year, 2nd for second year, etc?

All the while, in the case of the technical high schools (2nd cycle of high school), mark:

5th for the third to last year (it's the 5th year of high school);

6th for the penultimate year (it's the 6th year of high school)

7th for final year (it's the 7th year of high school)

High school, Anglophone system (GEE and TEE): mark the last year spent in high school as it is provided by the person you are interviewing.

1st for class one, that's the first year spent in high school or at the "Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology":

7th for class seven, that's the 7th year spend at the same schools.

Higher education (ESS and UNIV): mark the number of years of study spent after high school graduation or the general certificate of education, advanced level:

1 for one year of study after high school graduation

4 for four years of study after high school graduation (don't count years taken twice)

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_EDATTAN — Educational grade within level
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Population of 3 years and older (born before April 1984).
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons 3 years old or more.]


Has [the respondent] ever attended school? If no, put a dash in columns P15, P16, and P17. If yes, put in column P15 the abbreviation that corresponds to the type of education, according to the instructions at the bottom of the page. In column P16 put the last class attended under the type of education and in column P17, the highest diploma obtained. Use the numbers at the bottom of the page.

P15. Type ____

P16. Class ____

P17. Diploma ____

P18. School attendance ____

Is [the respondent] currently attending courses, either in a regular school, full time or part time, in the day or in the evening? Circle the number corresponding to the appropriate abbreviation according to the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Columns P15 to P18: Population of 3 years and older (born before April 1984)
Note that these columns concern only persons aged 3 or more, in other words who were born before April 1984.
a) For children who are less than 3 years old, put a dash in columns P15, P16 and P17.
b) For persons aged 3 or more, ask if the person has been to school or not, If not put a dash in column 15, and then put a dash in columns P16 and P17.
If yes, proceed as follows:

Column P15: Type of Education
This is the type of school last attended by the person; write one of the following abbreviations:

MAT the person last attended (or is attending) a nursery school
COR the person last attended (or is attending) a koranic school;
PF the person last attended (or is attending) a francophone primary school
PE the person last attended (or is attending) an Anglophone primary school
POST the person last attended (or is attending) a post-primary school such as the rural handicraft center, domestic science center, etc.
GEF the person last attended (or is attending) a francophone general education secondary school
GEE the person last attended (or is attending) an Anglophone general education secondary school
TEF the person last attended (or is attending) a francophone technical secondary school
TEE the person last attended (or is attending) an Anglophone technical secondary school
EF1 the person last attended (or is attending) a training school with the admission level of FSLC or CEPE
EF2 the person last attended (or is attending) a training school with the admission level of BEPC or GCEOL
EF3 the person last attended- (or is attending) a training school with the admission level of 'probatoire'
EF4 the person last attended (or is attending) a training school with the admission level of the 'BAC', GCEAL or higher.
UNIV the person last attended (or is attending) the university.
N.B. For any school other than those listed above, state it clearly. To do so, if you use an abbreviation not in the list, make remarks on the meaning of the abbreviation.

Column P16: Class
This column concerns only persons for whom you have recorded an abbreviation in column P15.
The class you should write in column P16 is the one last attended by the person in the type of school registered for him in column P15.
To fill in this column, comply with the following instructions.
Case 1. You-have recorded one of the following types of schools for the person in column P15:

MAT (nursery school)
POST (post-primary school)
EF1 (training school with the admission level of CEPE or FSLC)
EF2 (training school with the admission level of BEPC or GCEOL)
EF3 (training school with the admission level of 'probatoire')

For such a person, you should record in column P16 the abbreviation corresponding to the last year spent in this type of school;
1st for the first year
2nd for the second year
3rd for the third year
4th for the fourth year.

Case 2: If, for a person, you have recorded in column P15: COR (Koranic school), you should write in column P16 one of the following symbols corresponding to the number of books studied by the person:
1L for 1 book
2L for 2 books
3L for 3 books and so on.

Case 3: If, for a person, you have written in column P15: PF (francophone primary school), you should write in column P16 the abbreviation corresponding to his class:
12e or SIL for 'cours d'initiation'
11e or CP for 'cours préparatoire'
10e or CE1 for 'cours élémentaire 1'
9e or CE2 for 'cours élémentaire 2'
8e or CM1 for 'cours moyen 1'
7e or CM2 for 'cours moyen 2'

Case 4: If, for a person, you have written in column Pl5: PE (Anglophone primary school), you should write in column P16 one of the following abbreviations corresponding to his class:
CL1 for class one
CL2 for class two
CL3 for class three
CL4 for class four
CL5 for class five
CL6 for class six
CL7 for class seven

Case 5: If, for a person, you have written in column P15: GEF (francophone general education secondary school), you should write in column P16 one of the following symbols corresponding to his class:
6è for 'sixième'
5è for 'cinquième'
4è for 'quatrième'
3è for 'troisième'
2de for 'seconde'
1ère for 'premième'
Tle for 'terminale'

Case 6: If, for a person, you have written in column P15: TEF (francophone technical school), you should write in column P16 one of the following symbols corresponding to his class:
1ère A for 'premième année'
2ème A for 'deuxième année'
3ème A for 'troisième année'
4ème A for 'quatrième année'
2de T for 'seconde technique'
1ère T for 'premième technique'
Tle T for 'terminale technique'

Case 7: If, for a person, you have written in column P15 one of the following types of schools: GEE (Anglophone technical secondary school), you should write for the person one of the following abbreviations corresponding to his class:
CL1 for class one (first year in high school)
CL2 for class two (second year in high school)
CL3 for class three (third year in high school)
CL4 for class four (fourth year in high school)
CL5 for class five (fifth year in high school)
CL6 or LW6 for lower 6th form (6th year in high school)
CL7 or UP6 for upper 6th form (7th year in high school)

Case 8: If, for a person, you have written in column P15 one of the following types of schools: EF4 (training school with admission level of 'BAC', GCE AL or higher) or UNIV (university), you should write the number of years completed after the 'baccalauréat' or GCE AL ? excluding the years he repeated any class.
1 A for one year
2 A for two years, and so on.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_EDATTAN2 — Last class attended (unedited)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
25. Last grade attended
This is the last grade attended by the surveyed person, whether they passed or not.

Q. What was the last grade you were in/was _______ in?

Codes for terms of this variable are as follows:

Last grade attended/Code
No level 000
Education of the Koran:
[Specific years omitted: codes 011-013]
Unspecified 019

Preschool or nursery school
[Specific years omitted: codes 021-023]
Unspecified 029

Elementary school
[Specific years omitted: codes 031-039]
Unspecified 039

1st cycle, General high school
[Specific years omitted: codes 041-044]
Unspecified 049

1st cycle, Technical high school
[Specific years omitted: codes 051-054]
Unspecified 059

Training in General Certificate Secondary Education
[Specific years omitted: codes 061-063]
Unspecified 069

Post primary (SAR, SM?)
[Specific years omitted: codes 071-074]
Unspecified 079

2nd cycle, General high school
[Specific years omitted: codes 081-083]
Unspecified 089

2nd cycle, Technical high school
[Specific years omitted: codes 091-093]
Unspecified 099

General Certificate Secondary Education
[Specific years omitted: codes 101-103]
Unspecified 109

Probationary training school
[Specific years omitted: codes 111-113]
Unspecified 119

Higher education (University, Institutes, Elite schools)
[Specific years omitted: codes 121-128]
Unspecified 129

Non declared education
[Specific years omitted: codes 999]
Etc. 999

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_EDLEV — Level of schooling
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20. What is the highest grade or year of elementary or secondary school you ever attended? (See instruction booklet).
[] No schooling
[] Kindergarten
[] Elementary or secondary (grade or year)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13

[Questions 22-40 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 21.]

23. How many years of schooling have you had since secondary school?

[] University

[] None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

[] Other (See instruction booklet)

[] None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

24. Do you have a university degree, certificate or diploma?

Mark highest academic qualification.
[] Non university degree, certificate or diploma
[] Yes, a university certificate or diploma (below Bachelor level
[] Yes, Bachelor degree
[] Yes, first professional degree
[] Yes, a Master's or equivalent or earned Doctorate (e.g. Ph.D., Ed. D.)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Fill one circle only to indicate highest grade or year attended. (Persons currently enrolled should give their present grade or year.)
Fill the circle for "No schooling" for children in day nurseries and nursery schools that do not have an educational programme.
Persons studying to complete a regular school grade by private instruction, correspondence or part-time attendance at class should report the grade or year in which these courses would be included in the regular day-time programme.
Persons who received their education outside of Canada or who did not attend a regular graded school, should make the best possible estimate of the level of schooling completed. The following guides may help:
(1) Grade 13 is Senior matriculation year in Ontario and British Columbia.
(2) Grade 12 is the Senior Matriculation year in Nova Scotia, Quebec and the Prairie
(3) Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Prince Edward island do not have Senior
Matriculation. The normal school leaving years (Junior matriculation) are Grade 12 in Prince Edward island and New Brunswick, and Grade 11 in Newfoundland.
(4) In the Classical Colleges of Quebec, "Versification" is considered equivalent to Grade
11, and "Belles-Lettres" as beyond the secondary level (see Question 23).
(5) In the British school system, 5th Form (Grammar school or Public school) is to be
equated to Grade 13, and 6th Form to the first year at university.
(6) In the continental system, the first four years of Middle School (Lyceum, Gymnasium, College, etc.) correspond to Grades 9 to 12.

Fill one circle only on each line.
If you have attended only part of a year at university or have attended the qualifying year, fill
the circle for "University 1".
If you have completed the 2nd (Sophomore) year at university but have taken three years to do
so, fill the circle for "University 2".
If you completed the 1st year in an Arts course then transferred to Medicine (or any other
faculty) and completed the 1st year of it, fill the circle for "University 2".
"Other" type of post-secondary schooling includes trade or business schools, institutes of
technology, community colleges, CEGEP's (in Quebec), teachers' colleges, schools of nursing, etc. Be sure to fill the appropriate circle (None, 1, 2, 3 +).
If you took one year in each of two different types of post-secondary schools (e.g., one year at
a technical institute and one year at teachers' college), fill the circle for "Other 2".

"Yes, a university certificate or diploma (below Bachelor level)"

Fill this circle if you have completed a university certificate or diploma course, but have no university degree.

"Yes, Bachelor degree"
Fill this circle if your highest academic qualification is a Bachelor degree in the faculties of Arts, Science or Commerce (e.g., B.A., B. Sc., B. Comm. in a general or an honours course).

"Yes, First Professional degree"
Fill this circle if your highest academic qualification is a first level university degree in such specialized fields as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, theology, education, engineering, architecture, forestry, etc.

"Yes, a Master's or equivalent, or earned Doctorate"
Fill this circle if you have an M.A., M. Sc., or other Master's degree or equivalent post-graduate diploma or certificate in medicine. If you have an earned Doctorate such as a Ph.D. or Ed. D., fill in this circle also.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_EDLEV — Highest level of schooling
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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

31. What is the highest grade or year of secondary (high) or elementary school you ever attended?

See guide for further information.
[] No schooling or kindergarten only
[] Highest grade or year (1 to 13) of secondary or elementary school _ _

32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university?

[] None
[] Less than 1 year (of completed courses)
[] Number of completed years _ _

33. How many years of schooling have you ever completed at an institution other than a university, secondary (high) or elementary school? Include years of schooling at community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs (general and professional), private trade schools or private business colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc.

See guide for further information.
[] None
[] Less than 1 year (of completed courses)
[] Number of completed years _ _

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_EDLEV — Highest level of schooling
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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

24. What is the highest grade (or year) of secondary (high school) or elementary school this person ever attended?

Enter highest number (1 to 13) of grades or years, excluding kindergarten.
Enter number (1 to 13) of grades or years of secondary and/or elementary school ____
[] Never attended school or attended kindergarten only

28. What certificates, diplomas or degrees has this person ever obtained?

Include all qualifications obtained from secondary (high) schools, or trade schools and other postsecondary educational institutions.
Mark as many circles as applicable.
[] None - go to Question 30
[] Secondary/high school graduation certificate or equivalent
[] Trades certificate or diploma
[] Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP, institute of technology, etc.)
[] University certificate or diploma below bachelor level
[] Bachelor's degree(s) (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
[] University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
[] Master's degree(s) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.)
[] Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.)
[] Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

Question 24: Highest level of elementary or secondary schooling

In the box provided, enter the highest grade or level ever attended according to the province where school was attended.
For persons who now live in a province where the educational system is different, do not attempt to convert to the system of the province where they now live.
For persons who obtained their education outside Canada, estimate the equivalent level of schooling according to the educational system of the province where they now live.
For persons who studied in the classical colleges of Quebec, equate Versification with Grade 11.
For persons who are currently completing a regular school grade by private instruction or correspondence, or who are attending school part time during the day or evening, use the equivalent grade in the regular daytime program.
For persons who attended special education classes, or an institution where classes were ungraded, estimate as closely as possible the equivalent level in the mainstream school system of the province where they now live.

Question 28: Degrees

Mark the circle labelled Secondary/high school graduation certificate or equivalent for persons who graduated from high school, or obtained sufficient credits to constitute the equivalent of high school graduation.
Mark the circle labelled Trades certificate or diploma for persons who received a certificate or diploma through apprenticeship or journeyman training and/or in-school training, trades-level vocational and pre-vocational courses at community colleges, institutes of technology and similar institutions where the minimal entrance requirement was less than secondary/high school, junior or senior matriculation, or equivalent.
Mark the circle labelled Other non-university certificate or diploma when a certificate or diploma (other than a trade certificate or diploma) was granted by: a community college (both transfer and semi-professional career programs); CEGEP (both general or professional); institute of technology; or any other non-degree-granting educational institution.
Mark the circle labelled University certificate or diploma below bachelor level when a teaching certificate was awarded by a provincial Department of Education at an approved institution such as normal school or college of education. For persons who earned their teaching qualifications at an accredited university's faculty of education, mark the circle labelled Bachelor's degree(s).
For persons who have a diploma, certificate or license awarded by a professional association and whose course of study was conducted through a university mark the circle labelled University certificate or diploma below bachelor level (provided that a bachelor degree was not a prerequisite). Mark University certificate or diploma above bachelor level if a bachelor degree was a prerequisite.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_HLOSP — Highest level of schooling
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

26. What is the highest grade of secondary (high school) or elementary school attended by this person (completed or not)?

Enter highest grade (1 to 13) for elementary and secondary school only, excluding kindergarten.
In the case where the person has attended secondary school in the province of Quebec, include the total number of years of elementary and secondary schooling.
Number (1 to 13) of grades of secondary or elementary school _ _
[] Never attended school or attended kindergarten only

30. What certificates, diplomas or degrees has this person ever obtained?

Include all qualifications obtained from secondary (high) schools, or trade schools and other postsecondary educational institutions.
Mark "x" as many circles as applicable.
[] None - go to question 32
[] Secondary (high) school graduation certificate or equivalent
[] Trades certificate or diploma
[] Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP, technical institute, etc.)
[] University certificate or diploma below bachelor level
[] Bachelor's degree(s) (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
[] University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
[] Master's degree(s) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.)
[] Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.)
[] Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)

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Question 23
Only respondents born before May 15, 1986 should answer Questions 24 to 51.

Question 26 -- Highest level of elementary or secondary schooling

In the box provided, report the highest grade or level ever attended according to the province or territory where this person attended school, even if this person now lives in a different province or territory.
For persons who obtained their education outside Canada, report the estimate of the highest grade or level according to the educational system of the province or territory where they now live.
For persons who studied in the classical colleges of Quebec, the Versification year is equivalent to Grade 11.
For persons who are currently completing a school grade by private instruction or correspondence, or who are completing a school grade by attending school part time during the day or evening, report the equivalent grade in the regular daytime program.
For persons who attended special education classes or an institution where classes were ungraded, estimate as closely as possible the equivalent level in the mainstream school system of the province or territory where they now live.

Question 30 -- Certificates, diplomas and degrees

Mark Secondary (high) school graduation certificate or equivalent for persons who have graduated from high school. Mark this category as well for persons who have enough credits for the equivalent of high school graduation in the province or territory in which they live, even if they obtained their education outside Canada.
Mark Trades certificate or diploma for persons who have received a certificate or diploma through in-school training in trades-level vocational and pre-vocational courses. Such courses are given at community colleges, institutes of technology, and similar institutions. Persons who have a trade certificate or diploma may or may not also have apprenticeship or journeyman training. Include all training where the minimal entrance requirement was less than secondary or high school, junior or senior matriculation, or the equivalent.
Mark Other non-university certificate or diploma for persons who have received a certificate or diploma (other than a trades certificate or diploma) from a community college (both transfer and semi-professional career programs), CEGEP (both general and professional), institute of technology, or any other non-degree-granting educational institution.
Mark University certificate or diploma below bachelor level for persons who have a teaching certificate awarded by a provincial department of education at an approved institution such as a normal school or college of education. For persons who earned their teaching qualifications at an accredited university's faculty of education, mark Bachelor's degree(s).
For persons who have a diploma, certificate or licence from a professional association and whose course of study was conducted through a university, mark University certificate or diploma below bachelor level (provided that a bachelor's degree was not required to enrol in these programs).

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_DEGREE — Highest certificate, diploma, or degree
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27. Has this person completed a secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent?

Examples of secondary (high) school equivalency certificates are General Educational Development (GED) and Adult Basic Education (ABE).

Secondary (high) school diploma or certificate:
[] Yes, secondary (high) school diploma
[] Yes, secondary (high) school diploma
[] No

28. Has this person completed a Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma?

Mark "x" as many circles as applicable.
For example, hairstyling, cooking, electrician, carpentry.

Registered Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma:
[] Yes, Registered Apprenticeship certificate (including Certificate of Qualification, Journeyperson's designation)
[] Yes, other trades certificate or diploma
[] No

29. Has this person completed a college, CEGEP, or other non-university certificate or diploma? (Other than certificates or diplomas reported in Question 28.)

Mark "x" as many circles as applicable.
For example, nurse's aide, law enforcement, information technology, youth services, teaching assistant, forestry industry.

[] College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
[] Yes, certificate or diploma from a program of less than 3 months
[] Yes, certificate or diploma from a program of 3 months to less than 1 year
[] Yes, certificate or diploma from a program of 1 year to 2 years
[] Yes, certificate or diploma from a program of more than 2 years
[] No

30. Has this person completed a university certificate, diploma or degree?

Mark "x" as many circles as applicable.

[] University certificate, diploma or degree
[] Yes, university certificate or diploma below bachelor level
[] Yes, bachelor's degree (including LL.B.)
[] Yes, university certificate or diploma above bachelor level
[] Yes, master's degree
[] Yes, degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or optometry
[] Yes, earned doctorate
[] No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 26 -- Answer questions 27 to 55 for each person aged 15 years and over.

This means that only respondents born before May 10, 1996 should answer questions 27 to 55.

Questions 27 to 33 tell us about the education, training and recent school attendance of residents of Canada. Governments use this information to develop training and other programs to meet the changing needs of our workforce and of specific groups such as immigrants, Aboriginal peoples and youth.

Question 28 -- Registered apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma
Include trades certificates and diplomas in Question 28, even if they were obtained from a college, CEGEP, or other non-university institution. These trades certificates or diplomas should not be reported again in Question 29.

For persons:

[] who received a certificate from a certified registered apprenticeship program, mark the circle 'yes, registered apprenticeship certificate (including a Certificate of Qualification, Journeyperson's designation)'

[] who received a Certificate of Qualification (for example, Journeyperson's designation, Red Seal endorsement), regardless of whether or not they completed a registered apprenticeship program, mark the circle 'yes, registered apprenticeship certificate (including a Certificate of Qualification, Journeyperson's designation)'

[] who received a certificate or diploma through in-school training in trade- level vocational or pre-vocational programs given at community colleges, institutes of technology, and similar institutions, mark the circle 'yes, other trades certificate or diploma'.

Persons who have a trade certificate or diploma may or may not also have apprenticeship or Journeyperson training.

In Quebec, persons who have a DEP/DVS (diplôme d'études professionnelles or diploma of vocational studies) should report the diploma in question 28, even if they received this diploma from a secondary school.

Do not include training certificates from an employer, unless they are apprenticeship or trades certificates recognized by the federal, provincial or territorial government.

Persons who received certificates or diplomas outside Canada should report them in the category equivalent to that of the system of the province or territory in which they now live.

Question 29 -- College, CEGEP, and non-university certificate or diploma
Do not include trades certificates or diplomas, even if they were obtained from a college, CEGEP, or other non-university institution. Report this type of training in question 28.

Report certificates or diplomas from a community college (both university transfer and semi-professional career programs), CEGEP (both general and technical), institute of technology, or any other school other than a university.

Mark the regular program length for any college, CEGEP, or other non-university certificates or diplomas completed, and not the time it actually took to complete.

In Quebec, diplomas for the general CEGEP program should be reported under the category 'yes, certificate or diploma from a program of 1 to 2 years'.

In Quebec, diplomas for the technical CEGEP program should be reported under the category 'yes, certificate or diploma from a program of more than 2 years'.

For persons who received their certificate or diploma from correspondence courses, online courses, or through part-time classes, mark the regular length of the program, and not the time it actually took to complete.

Include all college or other post-secondary certificates from institutions other than universities, whether or not a high school diploma was required for entrance. These include non-university teachers' colleges and police colleges.

Teacher qualifications received from a university faculty of education or an institution that was associated with an accredited university should be reported in Question 30, as a university certificate, diploma or degree.

For persons who received a university certificate, diploma or degree from a university college, or a bachelor's degree or an applied degree from a degree-granting college, mark the appropriate university category in question 30.

Do not include training certificates from an employer.

Persons who received certificates, diplomas or degrees outside Canada should report them in the category equivalent to that of the system of the province or territory in which they now live.

Report completed qualifications obtained only from educational institutions accredited by a province, territory or their international equivalents.

Question 30 -- University certificate, diploma or degree
Persons should mark all university certificates, diplomas or degrees that they completed.

Include university certificates, diplomas or degrees granted by university colleges and bachelor's degrees or applied degrees from degree-granting colleges.

For persons who have a non-degree teaching certificate awarded by a provincial or territorial department of education for a program at an approved institution associated with a university, and where a bachelor's degree was not required to enroll in the program, mark the circle 'yes, university certificate or diploma below bachelor level'.

For persons who earned their teaching qualifications at an accredited university's faculty of education, mark the circle 'yes, bachelor's degree'.

'University certificates or diplomas', either below the bachelor level or above the bachelor level, are awarded for non-degree programs of study completed through a university. They are often connected with professional associations in fields such as accounting, banking, insurance or public administration.

[] Mark the circle 'yes, university certificate or diploma below bachelor level', if a bachelor degree is not required to enroll in the program; or
[] mark the circle 'yes, university certificate or diploma above bachelor level', if a bachelor degree is required to enroll in the program.

Persons who received their certificates, diplomas or degrees outside Canada should report them in the category equivalent to that of the system of the province or territory in which they now live.

Report completed qualifications obtained only from educational institutions accredited by a province, territory or their international equivalents.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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13. Educational level ____

For all individuals, write the highest course completed and the type of instruction received.
2nd year Feminine technical
1st year High school or primary
2nd year Business school
4th year Medical
2nd year Social sciences
3rd year Law

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Education: The following three questions should be answered by all people five years or older.

Column 13: Educational Attainment. Information should be collected on the last grade or the most advanced year of studies that the person has passed, not the grade that they are currently in or studying, nor the grade that they've been in or studied, but without having passed. Record, for example: 2nd [year of] primary [school]; 5th [year of] secondary [school]; 3rd [year of] law school, etc.

In the case of a person who has studied and passed courses abroad, record the equivalent grade or year in the corresponding Chilean educational system.

For those who have never attended school, record: "O". [Translator's note: this appears to be the letter "O" and not the number "0".]

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_EDATT1 — Educational attainment
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II -- Educational Characteristics

For all individuals 5 years of age and older.

10. Level of instruction (educational level):

What is the last year of regular schooling completed, and in what type of schooling?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8

Type of schooling:
[] 00 None
[] 01 Primary
[] 02 Basic
[] 03 Secondary
[] 04 Middle
[] 05 Commercial
[] 06 Industrial
[] 07 Agricultural
[] 08 Feminine technical
[] 09 Teacher-training
[] 10 University
[] 11 Unknown

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Question No. 10--Level of Instruction

This is the last level or year, within the most advanced instructional cycle in the regular educational system, passed by the person being enumerated.

In this question, you should obtain two pieces of information.

[p. 36]

Last level finished or passed, which you will mark in one of the 8 boxes indicated after the first part of this question, and

Type of Instruction, which you will mark in a box corresponding to one of the 11 alternatives indicated on the form.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_EDATTAN — Education attainment, level and grade
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For all those 5 and older

8. What is the last year that you passed and in what type of education was this study?


0. Kindergarten ____
1. First year ____
2. Second year ____
3. Third year ____
4. Fourth year ____
5. Fifth year ____
6. Sixth year ____
7. Seventh year ____
8. Eight year ____
9. None ____

Type of Schooling:
1. Basic or primary ____
2. Media ____
3. Humanities ____
4. Commercial ____
5. Industrial ____
6. Agricultural ____
7. Feminine technical ____
8. Teacher-training ____
9. Professional institute ____
10. University ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

8. What is the last level that you passed and in what type of instruction?

Both for those who currently attend and those who attended, ask about the last level passed and not about the one they are currently in.

Fill in the ovals corresponding to the level and type of instruction reported to you by the informant.

For those who are going to school this year for the first time, whether it be to kindergarten or the first year of elementary school, you should mark the oval for the option None.

If the informant has doubts, read them the different response choices.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 8 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For all individuals 5 years of age and older [applies to questions 7 to 9]

8. What is the last grade of regular schooling you completed?

1st ____
2nd ____
3rd ____
4th ____
5th ____
6th ____
7th ____
8th ____

Type of regular schooling

[] 1 Kindergarten
[] 2 Basic or primary
[] 3 Common middle school
[] 4 Humanities
[] 5 Commercial secondary
[] 6 Industrial secondary
[] 7 Agricultural secondary
[] 8 Maritime secondary
[] 9 Mining
[] 10 Feminine technical
[] 11 Teaching-training
[] 12 Technical training center
[] 13 Professional institute
[] 14 University
[] 0 Never attended

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

8. What is the last level that you passed in regular school?

Both for those who currently attend and those who attended, ask about the last level passed in regular instruction, and not the one they are currently in or one they didn't manage to pass.

Fill in the circles corresponding to the level and type of Instruction reported by the informant.

For those who are going to school, whether it be preschool, kindergarten, or the first year of elementary, for the first time this year of 1992, you should mark the circle corresponding to option 0: Never attended.

If the informant has doubts, read the different response choices.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 8 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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For all individuals 5 years of age and older

26. What is the highest level and grade of formal education you completed?

[] 1 Never attended
[] 2 Pre-school
[] 3 Special education
[] 4 Elementary/primary
[] 5 Common middle/secondary (media común)
[] 6 Humanities (secondary)
[] 7 Commercial secondary (media)
[] 8 Industrial secondary (media)
[] 9 Agricultural secondary (media)
[] 10 Maritime secondary (media)
[] 11 Teacher-training
[] 12 Feminine technical
[] 13 Technical training center
[] 14 Professional institute
[] 15 University

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Question 26

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 26 on the census form.]

"Normal": This option refers to the old Normal Schools [schools where one studied and trained to work as a teacher at a primary school].

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_EDATTAIN — Education attainment
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D. Personal information

14. What is the highest educational level you have attained?
Remember it is not your current course but the highest level completed

- For preschool education, enter 0.
- For those who have completed the tertiary education, enter the number of years of the program
[] 0
[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] 8th

15. To which educational level does the above course refer?

A. Preschool
[] 1 Nursery
[] 2 Pre-kinder
[] 3 Kinder
B. 4 Special education
C. Elementary/primary
[] 5 Elementary education
[] 6 Primary (old system)
D. Secondary education
[] 7 Scientific-humanist
[] 8 Vocational
[] 9 Humanities (old system)
[] 10 Business, industrial, normal-school (olds system)
E. Tertiary education
[] 11 Postsecondary technical school (1-3 years)
[] 12 Professional degree (4 or more years)
[] 13 Master's Degree
[] 14 PhD
15.a. Did you complete the educational level indicated in question 15 above?
That is, did you complete elementary or secondary education, or did you receive a diploma or degree for the final level completed?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Questions 14, highest educational level]
Mark the oval that corresponds to the highest educational level attained by the person you are recording. Remember that it is the highest level completed, not the level currently being pursued.
You should bear in mind that in cases like preschool, "0" should be marked. In cases of two-and-a-half-year technical programs, round up and mark "3rd."
[Figure omitted, image of question 14 from questionnaire]

[Questions 15, educational level]
Read the question and the categories printed in bold. Wait for the respondent to answer and then describe the alternatives within the declared level.
[Figure omitted, image of question 15 from questionnaire]

[Questions 15a, completed educational level]
This question is aimed at determining whether the recorded person completed elementary or secondary education, or received a diploma or degree for the final level completed.
If the diploma or degree is in process, the educational level is considered to have been completed.
[Figure omitted, image of question 15.a from questionnaire]

Special cases for questions about education
Courses passed by means of open exams and in adult education must also be considered and, therefore, recorded.
Persons who completed their education abroad must establish their equivalent educational level according to the current Chilean system and be classified in one of the indicated categories.
[Figure omitted, image with detailed information of the formal education levels in Chile]

Case 1: Person currently in first year of tertiary education
Camita is currently in her first year at the university. Therefore, her last completed educational level was the fourth year of secondary education at a scientific-humanist school. The correct way to record this is as shown to the left.
[Figure omitted, images of questions 13, 14, 15 and 15.a from the questionnaire. Question 13 has option 1.yes fill, question 14, has option 4th fill; question 15 has the option 1. from list D fill, and, question 15.a, has option yes fill]

Case 2: Person who made it to the eighth year of elementary education but did not complete it
Ana attended a rural school in her childhood. She reached the eighth year of elementary education but had to withdraw before completing the school year and did not return to formal education. Subsequently, she has only taken training courses. The correct way to record this is as shown to the right.
[Figure omitted, images of questions 13, 14, 15 and 15.a from the questionnaire. Question 13 has option 2. No at present fill, question 14, has option 7th fill; question 15 has the option elementary from list C fill, and, question 15.a, has option no fill]

China 1982 — source variable CN1982A_EDUC — Education level
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Persons aged 6 and above
VII. Educational level
[] 1. College graduate
[] 2. Undergraduate
[] 3 Senior middle school
[] 4. Junior middle school
[] 5. Primary school
[] 6. Illiterate or semi-literate

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7. Educational level. People age 6 and above should provide the information on the topic according to their last record of formal schooling at the reference time, or their schooling equivalent to their present educational level. University level is divided into two categories: graduate and undergraduate. Undergraduate refers to one who once studied at university but did not finish. Postgraduates should draw a circle on "Graduate". Make no distinction between "graduate" and "undergraduate" when the educational level involved is senior middle school and [pg. 23] below. For instance, people who have graduated from, or studied, or are studying at the senior middle school, all circle on "Senior middle school".

"University" includes colleges and junior colleges. People who have passed examination and obtained a certificate through self-study and taken advanced courses of a university curriculum can also be considered as "Graduate". Radio and television university, factory-run university, correspondence and night courses, and courses of other forms run by university can be regarded as universities only if they follow the teaching plan or programme (full course) of the college; those which follow the teaching plan or programme of the secondary vocational or technical school are regarded as secondary vocational schools or secondary technical schools. Those who take a single radio, T.V. or correspondence course should not be marked down as having a university education. Those who are studying or have graduated from secondary technical school should be classified in senior middle school. Those of vocational school at junior middle school level should be classified in junior middle school and vocational school of senior middle school level should be classified in senior middle school. Those who are studying in or have graduated from secondary technical school after having graduated from senior middle school still mark themselves down as senior middle school. The enumerator may choose a certain educational level for those who studied under private tutors according to his or her own declaration.

People age 6 and above who are illiterate or know less than 1,500 words with which they cannot read simple language books and newspapers or write a simple message, should circle on "illiterate or semi-literate". People who know more than 1,500 words and can read simple language books and newspapers and write simple message, are considered as having reached non-illiterate level. They may be put down as having primary school level.

According to state stipulations, people age 12 years and above who declare themselves to be "illiterate or know only a few words'' should be counted as illiterate or semi-literate. Some people between age 6 and 11, who mark themselves down as "illiterate or semi-literate", would not be counted as such in tabulations.

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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9. Educational level:
Persons age 6 and over

[] 1 Illiterate or semi-literate
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Junior middle
[] 4 Senior middle
[] 5 Technical secondary
[] 6 2-year college or certificate
[] 7 College or university

[] 1 Student
[] 2 Graduate
[] 3 Attended, but did not graduate
[] 4 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

9. Education level -- reported by respondents aged 6 and over. This item is divided into two parts. The left column asks education level which indicates the highest level of education attainted by the respondent by the end of the census. It is measured by a 7 category answer scheme. People should be put into corresponding education levels if they have passed equivalent self-taught exams.

1. Illiterate: refers to illiterate people who are aged 6 and over knowing less than 1500 Chinese characters; being unable to read newspapers and/or writing informal notes (don't include students currently enrolled in elementary schools).

2. Elementary School: refers to people who graduated from/studied/or are studying in an elementary school; also include people who have never entered school but master 1500 and over Chinese characters, are able to read news papers and write informal notes.

3. Junior High School: refers to people who graduated from/studied/or are studying in a junior high school. Vocational training equivalent to junior high school should be taken as level of junior high school.

4. Senior High School: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in a high school or vocational high school. Vocational training equivalent to senior high school should be taken as level of senior high school.

5. Intermediate Vocational School: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in an intermediate vocational school.

6. 2 Year College or University Certificate below Bachelor: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in a 2 year college. People who have past equivalent self-taught exams and attained corresponding certificate should be in this category. People who graduated from / studied / or are studying in the following institutions which offer equivalent education of a 2 year college, according to the curriculum issued by the State Education Committee, are also in this category: television college, factory college, correspondence college, night college, and other colleges.

7. Bachelor's degree: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in a university offering Bachelor's, Master's or PhD degree. People who have past equivalent self-taught exam and attained corresponding certificate should be in this category. People who graduated from / studied / or are studying in the following institutions which offer equivalent education of Bachelor, Master, or PhD, according to the curriculum issued by State Education Committee, are also in this category: television college, factory college, correspondence college, night college, and other colleges.

People who graduated from / studied / or are studying in institutions not offering education following the curriculum issued by the State Education Committee, or only taking single course in certified institutions should not be put into this category. Check their original highest education level.

The right column is about completion status which is measured by a 4 category answer scheme. Those who check category 1 for education level do not need to answer this question.

Attending: attending respective education institutions as registered students
Graduation: graduated from respective education institutions
Attended: attended education institutions without graduation
Others: people who want to attain certificate by attending education institutions as part-time students, studying with private teachers, or self-study.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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15. Education

[] 1 Never been to school
[] 2 With some basic training (semi-illiterate)
[] 3 Elementary school
[] 4 Middle school
[] 5 High school
[] 6 Special training school
[] 7 College (2-3 years) diploma
[] 8 College degree
[] 9 Graduate school
If 6-8, please indicate whether it is from continuing education: ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
R9. Education level
According to national education system, education level refers to the highest obtained degree of a person. If a person obtained a degree and passed national standard tests by self-learning or adult education, they can also be categorized to corresponding education levels.
The question has nine standard answers.

1. Never been to school - never received any education from national or other institutions.
2. Basic literacy class - has been to anti-illiteracy class or adult literacy class, but received no formal education.
3. Primary school - has been to primary school, regardless of completing the study or not
4. Junior high school - has been to junior high school or equivalent skills-training school, regardless of completing the study or not
5. Senior high school - has been to senior high school or equivalent skills-training school, regardless of completing the study or not
6. Secondary training school - has been to secondary training school, regardless of completing the study or not
7. College - has been to college, regardless of completing the study or not. People who obtained college degree and passed the national standard test by self-learning also applies to this category. People who obtained college degree by attending nationally recognized broadcast or TV university, employee university, distance-learning organized by universities, or other forms, all apply to this category.
8. University degree - has been to universities, regardless of completing the study or not. People who obtained bachelor degree by attending to nationally recognized broadcast or TV university, employee university, distance-learning organized by universities, or other forms, all apply to this answer.
9. Graduate degree - has been in school for master or doctoral degrees, regardless of completing the study or not. People who pursued on-job master or doctoral study but fail to obtain degrees do not apply to this category.
Part One. Personal Records

R14 through R16 apply to persons who are 6 years or older.

R15. Education level
This question has two parts. The first part is the same as R9 of the short form.
The second part - if the person has completed adult education - refers to any education received outside the national standard educational system. This part only applies to persons who answered 5 - 8 in the first part of this question.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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16. Current education status

[] 1 Attending an educational institute
[] 2 Graduated
[] 3 Graduated with no diploma
[] 4 Terminated education
[] 5 Other
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Part One. Personal Records

R14 through R16 apply to persons who are 6 years or older.

R16. School completion
Only persons who received higher than primary school degree will answer this question (that is, those who answered 3-9 in the first part of R15).
There are five standard answers.

1. In school - currently attending schools and are full time students
2. Graduated - have completed all the school curricula and passed the graduation exam.
3. Incomplete - have completed all the school curricula but failed to pass the graduation exam.
4. Drop-off - have not completed all the school curricula.
5. Others - attend home-based schools, self-learning, or acquire education through other means.

Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_EDLEV2 — Educational level, 2 digits
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12. Schooling ____
Write as applicable: Elementary, Secondary, Commercial Technical Schooling, Artistic Technical Schooling, Nursing, Industrial Technical Schooling, Agricultural Technical Schooling, University, Schooling for the Magisterio [elementary and secondary teaching]

13. Year _

Write the highest educational year completed in column 12.

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Level of education

Column No. 12 - What education have you received in education centers? The enumerator should ask this question with reference to all persons 5 years old or older. The response should be written down in this column.

The annotation in the census form should indicate clearly and exactly the class of education received, for example: Primary, Secondary, Technical Industrial, Arts and Crafts, Complementary, Home for Farmers, Agricultural or Livestock, Elemental Nursing, Higher Nursing, Artistic Schooling, Elemental Religious, Higher Religious, Primary School Teacher, University, Military, Radio-technical, etc.

The generic name of secondary education should not be used since it means many types of teaching and obtaining the exact name of each one of them is what is important to the Censuses. For persons who did not receive any class of instruction in educational centers the expression none should be written down.

In no case should this important aspect be left without annotation.

Column No. 13 - What was the highest year that you passed in the education that you just indicated? The enumerator should write down the number that corresponds to the last year of study passed, for example: If a person is said to have passed as the last studied, the third year of Secondary school, the enumerator should write the number 3 in this column, in front of the word Secondary school that was written down in the immediately previous column (12).

Another example: If a person passed the first year of primary school, they should be registered in column 12 with the word Primary and in column 13 with the number 1 which corresponds to the year of education passed.

For persons who have not received any class of education in educational centers, they will be written down as zero (0).

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education attained
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B. Educational characteristics (for persons five years old or more).
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

12. What is the highest level of education reached?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Primary
[] 1 Bachelor (bachillerato)
[] 2 Technical/vocational
[] 3 Normal (teaching) school
[] 4 College or university
[] 5 Other
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Section B. Educational characteristics

Fill out this section for all persons 5 years old or more.
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

Question No. 12. Highest educational level that they have reached

[Below the text is a form.]

Always pick a single alternative.

Mark "x" in the box none, when a person does not attend nor has attended any establishment of primary, secondary or superior education.

[p. 47]

Also mark "x" in the box none, in the case of persons who only took literacy classes, or attended children's schools or kindergartens.

Mark "x" in the box primary in the case of persons who take or took classes for one year or many years of primary education but did not continue to secondary.

When a person has advanced to a higher educational level, secondary, "x" is marked in box three (3).

When the highest educational level reached by a person has been secondary in the technical or vocational branch, "x" is marked in box four (4).

When the highest educational in secondary is the normal branch, mark box five (5).

Mark "x" in box six (6) when a person takes or has taken classes for any years of superior or university education or has taken post-graduate classes.

When a person has taken classes of other studies that do not correspond to the concepts of primary, secondary or superior, mark "x" in box seven (7).

Primary is understood to be the first cycle of regular education, during which basic knowledge is imparted to continue to a secondary level of education. It consists of five courses or years.

Secondary is understood to be the second level or regular education, in which those who passed the first five years of primary can enter and who have the objective of being provided the necessary knowledge to continue to superior studies or to develop an occupation, art of craft.

Secondary education has many branches: secondary; technical or vocational and normal.

Bachelor is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective providing the necessary knowledge for the continuation of superior studies. This branch of secondary is called, generally, classic bachelor and has a duration of six (6) years when it is during the day and seven (7) when is it during the night.

[p. 48]

Technical or vocational is understood to be the branch of secondary education that looks to prepare students for the development of an occupation, art or craft in industry, arts and crafts, agriculture business, administration, etc. This branch is understood to be commercial, industrial and technical agricultural and livestock bachelors; poly-technical, vocational, artistic and diversified media (INEM). It has a duration of six (6) years.

Normal is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective the formation of teachers for pre-school or primary education or for continuing studies of superior level. Its duration is six (6) years.

Superior or University is understood to be professional formation whether in intermediate careers whose initiation is required, as a minimum, the passing of dour years of bachelor, or in professional careers, that require having the grade of bachelor or normal.

The alternative of others means educational modalities like special (for high gifted children or with physical or mental deficiencies), the primary functional of adults, etc.

Question No. 13. Highest year completed

[Below the text is a form.]

This question refers to the last classes taken and passed by a person in the highest educational level reached: primary, secondary or superior.

Write down the last year passed in the corresponding space.

Point out with "x" the box "none".

a) When a person does not attend, and did not attend classes of primary, secondary or superior education.

b ) When a person attends or attended classes of primary, secondary or superior education but has not passed any year in the highest educational level reached. So, for example, for a person who is in the first year of Primary, Secondary, or Superior and has not passed it, "x" will be marked in the box "none".

[p. 49]

Take into account the following

For educational levels that are divided by semesters, make the annotation in complete years: two semesters equal one year.

For persons who take or have taken more classes of a career of superior education, the year of the highest passed level should be registered.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_EDGRADE — Last grade completed at level
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B. Educational characteristics (for persons five years old or more).
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

12. What is the highest level of education reached?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Primary
[] 1 Bachelor (bachillerato)
[] 2 Technical/vocational
[] 3 Normal (teaching) school
[] 4 College or university
[] 5 Other
13. What is the highest year completed at this level?
Last year completed ___
[] 0 None
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Section B. Educational characteristics

Fill out this section for all persons 5 years old or more.
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

Question No. 12. Highest educational level that they have reached

[Below the text is a form.]

Always pick a single alternative.

Mark "x" in the box none, when a person does not attend nor has attended any establishment of primary, secondary or superior education.

[p. 47]

Also mark "x" in the box none, in the case of persons who only took literacy classes, or attended children's schools or kindergartens.

Mark "x" in the box primary in the case of persons who take or took classes for one year or many years of primary education but did not continue to secondary.

When a person has advanced to a higher educational level, secondary, "x" is marked in box three (3).

When the highest educational level reached by a person has been secondary in the technical or vocational branch, "x" is marked in box four (4).

When the highest educational in secondary is the normal branch, mark box five (5).

Mark "x" in box six (6) when a person takes or has taken classes for any years of superior or university education or has taken post-graduate classes.

When a person has taken classes of other studies that do not correspond to the concepts of primary, secondary or superior, mark "x" in box seven (7).

Primary is understood to be the first cycle of regular education, during which basic knowledge is imparted to continue to a secondary level of education. It consists of five courses or years.

Secondary is understood to be the second level or regular education, in which those who passed the first five years of primary can enter and who have the objective of being provided the necessary knowledge to continue to superior studies or to develop an occupation, art of craft.

Secondary education has many branches: secondary; technical or vocational and normal.

Bachelor is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective providing the necessary knowledge for the continuation of superior studies. This branch of secondary is called, generally, classic bachelor and has a duration of six (6) years when it is during the day and seven (7) when is it during the night.

[p. 48]

Technical or vocational is understood to be the branch of secondary education that looks to prepare students for the development of an occupation, art or craft in industry, arts and crafts, agriculture business, administration, etc. This branch is understood to be commercial, industrial and technical agricultural and livestock bachelors; poly-technical, vocational, artistic and diversified media (INEM). It has a duration of six (6) years.

Normal is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective the formation of teachers for pre-school or primary education or for continuing studies of superior level. Its duration is six (6) years.

Superior or University is understood to be professional formation whether in intermediate careers whose initiation is required, as a minimum, the passing of dour years of bachelor, or in professional careers, that require having the grade of bachelor or normal.

The alternative of others means educational modalities like special (for high gifted children or with physical or mental deficiencies), the primary functional of adults, etc.

Question No. 13. Highest year completed

[Below the text is a form.]

This question refers to the last classes taken and passed by a person in the highest educational level reached: primary, secondary or superior.

Write down the last year passed in the corresponding space.

Point out with "x" the box "none".

a) When a person does not attend, and did not attend classes of primary, secondary or superior education.

b ) When a person attends or attended classes of primary, secondary or superior education but has not passed any year in the highest educational level reached. So, for example, for a person who is in the first year of Primary, Secondary, or Superior and has not passed it, "x" will be marked in the box "none".

[p. 49]

Take into account the following

For educational levels that are divided by semesters, make the annotation in complete years: two semesters equal one year.

For persons who take or have taken more classes of a career of superior education, the year of the highest passed level should be registered.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_EDGRADE — Last year completed at highest educucational level
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C. For persons five years old or more.
[Applies to questions 35 - 41]

40. What is the last year of education you completed?

(If the person did not complete any years of schooling, write 0) _

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C. For persons 5 years old or older

(Question 35 to 41)

Take care to fill out this part C of Section V, only for persons who are 5 years old or older.

Question No. 40 Number of years of study passed

[Below the text is a form.]

Write in the box the last year of study passed. Take into account that the level (primary, bachelor, etc) is marked in the following question (No. 41). If a person has passed no year, write 0.

If they are taking university classes take into account that many careers are done by semesters and should be written down only in years passed; so, for example, if anyone is in their third semester of engineering school, they have passed a year of their career and consequently should be written down 1, not 3.

In some cases the information about education can be supplied in accordance with Decree 088 of 1976, which divides basic and medium education into 11 grades, equivalent to five of primary and six of secondary. In these cases use the table of conversions and write down the information according to old regulations. Example: If a person answers that the last year passed is 9 of basic education, write four of bachelor.

[p. 45]

6th grade = 1st Bachelor
7th grade = 2nd Bachelor
8th grade = 3rd Bachelor
9th grade = 4th Bachelor
10th grade = 5th Bachelor
11th grade = 6th Bachelor

In cases of persons who have done two university careers or who are doing post graduate work, all the years passed should be added up and the total should be written down.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education attained
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C. For persons five years old or more.
[Applies to questions 35 - 41]

41. What education level does the last year correspond to?

[] 1 None
[] 3 Primary
[] 5 Secondary
[] 7 College or university

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C. For persons 5 years old or older

(Question 35 to 41)

Take care to fill out this part C of Section V, only for persons who are 5 years old or older.

Question No. 41 Educational level

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box. Take into account the following situations:

Primary: It is the initial cycle of education. It consists of 5 years.
Secondary of bachelor: In this level classic or academic bachelor, technical bachelor (agriculture, commercial, industrial or of social promotion) and pedagogic or primary school teacher bachelor should be included.
Superior or university: It is the education that requires having taken bachelor courses.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_EDLEVEL — Educational level attained
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F.2 Ask these questions of all persons who are five years old or more.

34. What is the highest level of education that he/she attended?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 University (Continue with F 3)
[] 5 Graduate studies (Continue with F 3)
[] 6 None (Continue with F 3)

35. How many years did he/she complete in this level?
_ _ Number of years completed

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F2. Ask these questions to all persons 5 years old or older

34. What is the highest educational level that [the respondent] attended?

It refers to the highest schooling achieved by a person, in accordance with the organization of formal education, preschool, primary, secondary, university and graduate school.

If a response corresponds to options 1, 2 or 3, continue with question 35.

If a response corresponds to options 4, 5 or 6, go to filter F3 and do not ask question 35.

[Below the text is a form.]

35. How many years did [the respondent] complete in this level?

Take into account that it concerns registering the number of years passed by a person, in the corresponding level and not the year that they are taking at the moment of the census.

If a person still has not passed any year of the respective level, write "00" in "number of years passed". For example, if currently a person is taking 1st of Secondary (or 6th grade), in question 34 you should have marked option 3 "secondary" and in question 35 you should write "0".

[p. 169]

Take into account that the interviewed person can respond in terms of grades (new nomenclature) or in years (old nomenclature); in the first case, you should make the conversion to years. For example, if they answer that they are taking 10th grade, you should mark "secondary" (question 34) and write "4" in "number of passed years" (question 35).

Remember that if in question 34 you marked options 4, 5 or 6, question 35 should remain unmarked.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_EDYEARS — Years of schooling completed within level
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F.2 Ask these questions of all persons who are five years old or more.

34. What is the highest level of education that he/she attended?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 University (Continue with F 3)
[] 5 Graduate studies (Continue with F 3)
[] 6 None (Continue with F 3)

35. How many years did he/she complete in this level?
_ _ Number of years completed

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F2. Ask these questions to all persons 5 years old or older

34. What is the highest educational level that [the respondent] attended?

It refers to the highest schooling achieved by a person, in accordance with the organization of formal education, preschool, primary, secondary, university and graduate school.

If a response corresponds to options 1, 2 or 3, continue with question 35.

If a response corresponds to options 4, 5 or 6, go to filter F3 and do not ask question 35.

[Below the text is a form.]

35. How many years did [the respondent] complete in this level?

Take into account that it concerns registering the number of years passed by a person, in the corresponding level and not the year that they are taking at the moment of the census.

If a person still has not passed any year of the respective level, write "00" in "number of years passed". For example, if currently a person is taking 1st of Secondary (or 6th grade), in question 34 you should have marked option 3 "secondary" and in question 35 you should write "0".

[p. 169]

Take into account that the interviewed person can respond in terms of grades (new nomenclature) or in years (old nomenclature); in the first case, you should make the conversion to years. For example, if they answer that they are taking 10th grade, you should mark "secondary" (question 34) and write "4" in "number of passed years" (question 35).

Remember that if in question 34 you marked options 4, 5 or 6, question 35 should remain unmarked.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_EDATTAN — Level of studies and grades completed
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For persons age 3 + (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 41-44 were asked of persons age 3 and older.]

44. What is the last year of studies that [the respondent] passed? (basic)

[] 1 Preschool

[] 1 Pre-kindergarten
[] 2 Kindergarten
[] 3 Transition

[] 2 Basic elementary

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

[] 3 Basic secondary

[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

(Basic baccalaureate)

[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th

[] 4 Academic track or classic education

[] 10
[] 11

[p. 23]

(Classic baccalaureate)

[] 5th
[] 6th

[] 5 Technical secondary

[] 10
[] 11

(Technical baccalaureate)

[] 5th
[] 6th

[] 6 Teacher training

[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13

Higher [education]
[] 7 Professional technical education/

[] 1
[] 2

[] 8 Technological

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

[] 9 Professional

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

Post graduate
[] 10 Specialization

[] 1
[] 2

[] 11 Master's Degree

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

[] 12 Doctorate

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

[] 13 None [ ]

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Educational Characteristics

Only for those 7 years of age and older [applies to questions 11 to 13]

12. Last grade or year completed:

Write the number of the grade or year on the appropriate line. Mark the box "04" if the person has not completed any grade.

____ 1 Primary
____ 2 Secondary
____ 3 University
[] 04 No grade

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Educational Characteristics

Ask these questions only to persons seven years old or older.

When filling about these lines it is convenient to consult the age (line 4), so that compatibility exists in the responses.

For Census purposes, "regular education" will be understood to be that which persons receive in primary school, secondary schools, and universities.

[p. 48]

Normal schools are considered university level.

Line No. 12.- Last grade or year completed

Like the previous question, this one should be asked only to persons 7 years old or older.
Write the number of the highest grade or year that a person has passed. In this question it is necessary to insist a little, since, generally, a person tends to say the grade or year that the person is in; while the last passed is what is to be known.

You should write down the number of the grade or year in the corresponding line agreeing with the level of education. If a person does not remember the information exactly, but knows they attended primary school, secondary school or university, write down a "d" (which means unknown in the respective line.

Many university students take subjects of different years, always write down the last year that they have completely passed.

In the case of university graduates, who although they are have not taken the exams to obtain their professional title, the last year passed should always be written down. If a person has a university degree (medical, law, or economy, etc.), write a "G" (which means graduated) in the line that says "University".

When a person has not passed any grade, mark the box that has this name (No Grade); this box should be marked for two groups of persons, namely:

1) Those being 7 or more years old, never have attended school.

2) Children or any other person who is taking first grade in primary education.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainement, regular schooling
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Only for people 6 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 13 - 16]

15. Level of instruction

What is the last grade or year of regular schooling completed, whether primary, secondary or university? Write the number corresponding to the last grade or year of regular schooling completed, after the respective level.
If the person has not completed any grade, mark the circle 40.

1 Primary ____
2 Middle (secondary) ____
3 University ____
[] 40 No grade

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21.- Question No. 15.- Level of instruction

Like the previous question, this one should be asked only to persons 6 years old or older. Write the number of the highest grade or year that a person has passed. In this question it is necessary to insist a little, since, generally, a person tends to say the grade or year that the person is in; while the last passed is what is to be known.

You should write down the number of the grade or year in the corresponding line agreeing with the level of education. If a person does not remember the information exactly, but knows they attended primary school, secondary school or university, write down a "d" (which means unknown in the respective line.

Many university students take subjects of different years, always write down the last year that they have completely passed.

In the case of university graduates, who although they are have not taken the exams to obtain their professional title, the last year passed should always be written down. If a person has a university degree medical, law, or economy, etc., write a "G" (which means graduated) in the line that says "University".

When a person has not passed any grade, mark the box that has this name "No Grade"; this box should be marked for two groups of persons, namely:

Those being 6 or more years old, never have attended school.

Children or any other person who is taking first grade in primary education.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_GRADE — Last year completed, regular schooling
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Only for those 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 9]

9. Educational level

What is the last year or grade of regular schooling completed?

[] 0 None
[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____

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Second block of questions: only for persons 5 years old or older

As was said when beginning this thematic division, the second block of the population questionnaire is formed by questions 7, 8 and 9.

All of these questions are applied only to members of the household who are 5 years old or older. If a person that you enumerate is less than 5 years old, you should cross out the whole block with two diagonally crossed lines and marked in such a manner that it crosses from corner to corner the whole block, continuing to fill out the population form corresponding to the following person.

Question 9: Educational level

The level of instruction of a person corresponds to the highest passed year of study within the highest education cycle that has been studied in the regular system of education.

[Below the text is a form.]

It is advisable that you ask the question as it is asked in the form, but you can add a "that is to say" or a "that is" and continue the question according to the case. What is the last year or grade that you took in school, secondary school or the university?

You should find out what was the last year or grade that they really passed and not what they are taking in school, secondary school or the university. If the person tells you none, then simply mark the circle preceded by the words "No grade". If they tell you the first grade of school or the second or the third, etc. then you should mark with an X the circle that follows the word "Primary" and write down the number 1, 2, 3, etc. in the open little box that follows. As you know here you should only write down up to the number 6, since primary school only goes to the sixth grade. In the case of "Secondary or middle education", the number of years up to 5 or 6 and in "University" it can go up to 9 years. In each situation you should always mark with an X the corresponding circle and then the number of the year passed. If the highest level is "equivalence" (bachillerato por madurez), "25" is written down.

In a similar manner certificates of primary education are written down.

The equivalence in the current system of education is the following:

[p. 51]


I Cycle: First, second and third grade.
II Cycle: Fourth, fifth and sixth grade.


III Cycle: First, second and third year.
IV Cycle or diversified education: Forth, fifth and sixth year.

Cycles I, II and III constitute "General Basic Education".

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_GRADE — Educational attainment, year and level
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[Questions 9 - 12 are] For those 5 years of age and older

11. What is the last grade or year of regular schooling that ____ completed?

level - year completed

[] 0 - 0 No grade
[] 1 - 1 Preschool or kindergarten
[] 2 - Primary ____
[] 3 - Academic secondary ____
[] 4 - Technical secondary ____
[] 5 - Technical college ____
[] 6 - University ____
For responses 3 - 6, skip to 13
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Second Block:

Only for persons 5 years old or older

Question 11: Level of Instruction

This question has as its objective capturing the level of advanced schooling by the population as an indicator of the social development of the country and of the grade or quality of its human resources.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

As the question indicates, you are interested in knowing the last grade or year passed and not that which they are currently enrolled in. Keep in mind that the category "kindergarten or preparatory" refer only to having passed the year of preschool immediately before the first grade of primary education; Of this form, if the boy or girl is attending kindergarten, even if they have fulfilled many years of preschool education, you should mark with "X" in "No grade".

[Below the text is a picture of two schoolchildren.]

If the enumerated person responds "No grade" or "Preparatory or Kindergarten" only mark with "X" the corresponding circles. If a person only passed years of special education, in which one does not advance in grades like those of common school, mark circle 0 of "No grade".

[p. 65]

In the remaining options you should indicate with "X" the corresponding category, and also write down the last year passed.

[Below the text is a picture of a student.]

For primary the numbers possible that you will be able to write down go from 1 to 6 (first to sixth grade); in secondary the maximum written number for you will be 5 for middle academic education and 6 for technical. In associate degree the highest number written down for you should be 3, and 9 for university education.

If the interviewed person does not know completely the last year passed by the enumerated person, you should mark, at least, the circle that corresponds to the level.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_EDATTAN — Last grade completed
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Only for people 5 years or older
[Questions 15-17 are only applied to persons aged 5 and older]

16. What is the last grade or year that [the respondent] passed?

[] 60 No grade
[] 70 Special education
[] 80 Kindergarten or school prep
[] 1 Elementary school, last grade passed
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 2 Secondary school
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 3 Secondary technical school
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 4 University prep school (go to 17)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 5 University (go to 17)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
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Questions 15 to 19 should be asked questions to people 5 years or older.

Question 16: Level of instruction

16. What is the last grade or year that [name] passed?

[] 60 no grade
[] 70 special education
[] 80 kindergarten or school prep
[] 1 elementary school, last grade passed
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 2 secondary school
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 3 secondary technical school
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 4 university prep school (go to 17)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 5 university (go to 17)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

This question should be asked of all people whose age is 5 years or older. This refers to the last year or grade passed by the person, in regular learning.

No grade: when the person does not attend kindergarten or prep school. This includes the children that currently attend daycare, nursery school, or preschool.

Special education: in this category are classified the people that have passed some of the levels of special education.

Kindergarten or school prep: this refers to the grade or year of preschool immediately prior to the first year of elementary school.

This option will be marked for all the people that effectively passed this level. This category does not include the children that are currently attending this level (even though they have attended for various years), since in these cases you must mark the option "no grade."

Remember that for the options "no grade," "special education," or "kindergarten or prep school" you only need to fill the ovals corresponding to "level."

In the following options you must mark the category corresponding to the level of learning and in addition you must mark in the corresponding oval of the "last year passed"

[p. 153]

according to the following ranges. If the informant does not know the last year passed, you must mark at least the level.

Elementary school: the possible numbers that you could mark are 1 to 6.

Secondary school: the last year passed will be 1 to 5. If the person finishes the 5th year but did not take all the exams of the high school, mark 5th year.

Secondary technical school: the last year passed will be 1 to 6. If the person concludes the 6th year but did not pass the high school exams, mark 6th year.

Prep universities: the last year passed will be from 1 to 3.

Universities: the last year passed will be from 1 to 9.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_DEGREE — Has university degree
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Only for people 5 years or older
[Questions 15-17 are only applied to persons aged 5 and older]

[Question 17 only applies to persons who have studied at university or university prep school]

17. Does he/she have a degree at that level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Questions 15 to 19 should be asked questions to people 5 years or older.

Question 17: Possession of a title

17. (for those who studied at a university prep school or university). Does he/she have a degree at that level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If the last year passed of the person is university prep school or university, you must indicate if the person possesses a title at that level.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_EDLEV — Education level
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For persons six years old or more [Questions 11-15]

12. What is the highest level of education that you finished completely?

[Question 12 was asked of persons age 6 and older who had at least some education, per question 11.]

(Mark only one)

[] 0 None - Continue with question 14
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic secondary
[] 3 Specialized worker
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Mid-level technical
[] 6 Mid-level pedagogy
[] 7 Higher or university

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Question 12. What is the highest level of education that you have finished completely?

The objective of this question is to know the educational level that the interviewee has finished completely.


12. What is the highest level of education that you have finished completely? (only one mark)
[] 0 None -- Continue with question 14
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic Secondary Education
[] 3 Specialized Laborer
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Middle Technical
[] 6 Mid-level Pedagogy
[] 7 Higher or University

You should understand that a level has been completely finished when the interviewee has passed the last year or grade, obtaining the academic degree or diploma that accredits him/her as a graduate.

Observe that the levels are the same (same code) that you find related to the previous question (11).

You will mark the corresponding box for the completed level for the interviewee. The box "None" will be used for the persons who declared that they have not completely finished any educational level.

Before you mark the box, you should verify that information received with that of the previous question, since this method will allow you to rapidly determine if the answer you received is adequate or not.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_EDLEV — Level of education attained
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Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

For people over 6 years of age
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Questions 11-15 were asked persons over 6 years old]

12. What is the highest level of education you finished completely?

(Only mark one)

[] 0 None (go to question 15)
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic secondary
[] 3 Qualified worker
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Intermediate technical
[] 6 Intermediate pedagogy
[] 7 Higher education or university
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Section IV. Personal Data.

For persons 6 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)

Question 12. What is the highest level of educational you finished completely?
The objective of this question is to know what educational level the interviewee has completely finished.
It is understood that a level has been completely finished when the last year or grade has been passed, obtaining the academic title or diploma that accredits one as a graduate.
Note that the levels are the same (same code) as those listed in the previous question (11)
Mark the box corresponding to the level completed by the interviewee.
The "None" box will be used for people who claim not to have completely finished any educational level. Before marking, you must compare the information given to the previous answer, with this method giving you a method to rapidly determine if the response received is suitable or not.
Depending on the curriculum, passing a year or grade may or may not lead to completing the corresponding level.
9th grade of Basic Secondary:
12th grade of Pre-university: 3rd and 4th grade of Intermediate Technical
4th, 5th or 6th grade in Higher Education or University
Therefore it is extremely important that you ask "What is the highest level of education that you completely finished?"
[Figure omitted]

[Figure displaying examples of the relationship between questions 11 and 12 has been omitted]

If the box for 0 "None" has been checked on this question, you should proceed directly to question 15 without asking questions 13 and 14.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_EDLEV — Level of education
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Individuals age 6 and older
[Question 29 through 33 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

29. Level of education

Ask the question in accordance with the instruction manual

[] 1 Illiterate (il)
[] 2 Knows how to read and write (krw)
[] 3 Koranic school (ks)
[] 4 Primary school (pri)
[] 5 General secondary, 1st cycle (gs1)
[] 6 General secondary, 2nd cycle (gs2)
[] 7 Technical or professional secondary (tps)
[] 8 Higher education (hi)
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4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question for persons age 6 and older.

Question 29: Education level

An individual's education level is measured by the highest level that he/she has reached in his/her studies. This variable includes literacy, which is assessed by the ability to read or write in any written language.

Ask the following question, "Do you know how to read and write"?

- If "No," circle the code

[]1 = IL (Illiterate - does not know how to read or write).

If "Yes," ask, "Did you attend school?"
If "No," circle code

[] 2 = KRW (knows how to read and write)

If "yes," ask, "What is the highest level of education you have attained?" and circle the code corresponding to the answer given by the surveyed individual:


[] 3 KS = Koranic school
[] 4 PRI = Primary School - CP1 to CM2
[] 5 GS1 = General secondary school, cycle 1 - 6e to 3e
[] 6 GS2 = General secondary school, cycle 2 - Second to Final Year
[] 7 TPS = Technical or Professional Secondary education
[] 8 HI = Higher education.

Note: Individuals who have completed their education in languages other than French must be classified in categories equivalent to the level they have reached in those studies. In particular, individuals who received education in Arabic must not be systematically classified into the category KS (Koranic School).

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_EDLEV — Level of education
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Residents of age six years and over
[Question 26 through 33 asked of resident persons aged 6 and older.]

27. Level of education

Ask the questions as indicated in the manual. ____
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Attention: Questions 26-32 apply only to residents of the household who are at least 6 years of age. Therefore, these questions do not apply to: visitors, any and all resident children (present or absent) who are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years of age, or born in 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, or, 1993, or who were born between November 1 and December 31, 1992.
Resident children (present or absent) born between January 1 and October 31, 1992, are now 6 years of age; therefore, questions 26-32 apply to them.

Special case: For any child who is a resident (present or absent) and was born in 1992, without the month being specified, questions 26-32 apply. For resident children (present or absent) to whom questions 26-32 do not apply, draw a slash through column 26 and the following columns.

Question 27: Level of education
The level of education of a given individual corresponds to the last year of study completed or, in the case of students, the current year of study, at the highest level of the national education system that he/she has reached. There are four levels of study (types of instruction), with two to seven years of study each:

- Primary education (CP1 through CM2);
- Secondary education: middle school (6th class through 3rd class);
- Secondary education: high school (three years, from Seconde through Terminale)
- Vocational education (CAP1; CAP2; CAP3; BEP1; BEP2; BT1; BT2; BTS1; BTS2; etc.)
- Higher education: University and Grandes Écoles (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, Bachelor, Master, DEA, doctoral studies, etc.).

How to conduct the interview?
Regardless of the answer given to question 26: Literacy:
Ask: "Have you attended school?"

1 - If "yes," ask the following question: "Are you going to school now?"
If "yes," ask: "What course are you currently enrolled in?" Note the answer given.
If "no," ask: "What was the last course you were enrolled in?" Note the answer given.
2 - If the answer to the question, "Have you attended school?" is "no," then write "N/A."

Note: People who have studied in another education system must be classified in the equivalent categories of the Ivorian education system. For those who were educated through Arabic, you must be cautious regarding their status, as they are not necessarily literate; generally speaking, they are taught to recite verses but are unable to read or write.

Dominican Republic 1960 — source variable DO1960A_EDLEV — Highest education level completed
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12. Last year of schooling completed.
Add the letter P when the last year corresponds to primary, the letter S when secondary, the letter U when university.

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62. Question 12.Last academic year completed. The last academic year fully completed by the person at the time of enumeration is recorded in this space. If the person is registered in a school and studying, for example, the fourth grade, the "last academic year completed" is the third. Similarly, if a person has not completed one or more classes in any year, the "last academic year completed" is the year immediately preceding the current academic year.

p. 27

This question refers to the regular education that the enumerated person could have received or is receiving in a normal elementary, secondary school, or University. Therefore, education from schools with different purposes is not considered. E.g. fine arts schools, home economics schools, arts and crafts schools, industrial schools, commercial schools, etc.

The annotation that should be recorded in this space is defined below according to the different types of education or schools.

a) "In primary [elementary] schools". The following annotation is made for a person who is attending or who had attended a primary school and who declares that the "last academic year completed" is one of the 8 grades making up primary education:

1 - P
2 - P
3 - P
4 - P
5 - P
6 - P
7 - P
8 - P

b) "In secondary school". The following annotation is made for a person who declares that their "last academic year completed" is one of the 4 grades that comprise secondary education:

1 - S
2 - S
3 - S
4 - S

c) "University education". The following annotation is made if the enumerated person attends the University or has, previous to the census date, carried out professional studies in any of its faculties, corresponding to the "last academic year completed":
p. 28
1 - U
2 - U
3 - U etc.

The grade equivalent to the Dominican system is recorded for foreigners or for those who have received their education abroad.

The word "None" is recorded for those who do not know how to read or write, or for those who have attended school but who have not completed any academic year.

Some persons, principally those who are advanced in age, will claim to know how to read and write but will not be able to specify the last academic year completed because they did not receive a regular or systematic education according to the current educational programs. In these cases, the grade in primary school that the enumerator considers would correspond to the person, after investigating the type of knowledge acquired by the enumerated person, is recorded.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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Persons 5 years of age and older [Applies to questions 7-10]

8. Level of schooling. At what level were the last studies undertaken by the enumerated person? Vocational schooling (commercial, industrial, teacher-training, and in agricultural institutes) should be classified as ?secondary.?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Pre school
[] 3 Primary
[] 4 Intermediate
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Higher
[] 7 Not specified

9. Last grade completed. What was the highest grade completed by the enumerated person in the level indicated?

[] 1 First
[] 2 Second
[] 3 Third
[] 4 Fourth
[] 5 Fifth
[] 6 Sixth
[] 7 Seventh
[] 8 Eighth
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11.5.2. Educational characteristics. Questions 7-10, referring to the enumerated person's educational characteristics, are presented to those 5 years of age and older.

b) Question 8. Level of education. The levels of education that exist in the country are found printed on the census form. In order to avoid erroneous answers from the informant, who might not know all of them [levels of education], the levels are read out loud. Whenever possible, the enumerator should also judge the veracity of the answers according to the level of sophistication of the interviewee or enumerated person if present. Vocational studies (commercial, industrial, and normal) or studies carried out in agricultural institutes are classified as "5 X Secondary".
c) Question 9. Last year completed. Once the level of education is determined, the highest grade completed in that level is requested. Note that the last grade studied is not marked; rather the last year actually completed is recorded.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_EDLEVGR — Highest level and grade completed
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Only for those who answered attending, or not attending but did attend, in question 43. [Applies to questions 44 - 46]

44. What is the highest level that you studied or are studying?

[] 1 Pre-primary
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Intermediate
[] 4 High school
[] 5 Reformed secondary (media de la reforma)
[] 6 University
[] 9 Unknown

45. Did you complete this level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

46. What is the highest grade or year completed at this level?

____ Year or grade
____ Semester or ____ trimester
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Questions 44, 45, and 46 are only presented to those who answered that they are attending or that they are not attending but that they did attend in question 43.

[p. 58]

Question 44: What is the highest level studied?

The alternatives are read in the indicated order and the corresponding circle is filled in.

Question 45: Was this level completed?

The corresponding circle is filled in.

Question 46: What is the last year or grade completed at this level?

The year or grade completed, and not the current year or grade, is recorded.

Zero is recorded for those who have not yet completed the first grade or year.

For those indicating university: trimester, semester, or year is recorded according to the case.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For persons of 3 years old and more
[Questions 37-44 were asked of persons age 3+.]

40. If [the respondent] is currently attending school (question 38, answer 1 or 2): What course is he/she attending and at what level? If the answer was that [the respondent] is not currently attending school, but attended in the past (question 38, answer 4): What was the last year of study that [the respondent] completed, and at what level?

[] 1 None (Go to question 43)
Years of study _
[] 2 Preschool/initial (Go to question 43)
Years of study _
[] 3 Primary/basic (Go to question 43)
Years of study _
[] 4 Secondary/medio (Go to question 43)
Years of study _
[] 5 University
Years of study _
[] 6 Specialty
Years of study _
[] 7 Masters
Years of study _
[] 8 Doctorate
Years of study _
[] 9 Unknown (Go to question 45)

41. Did [the respondent] complete this level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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For People Age 3 or Older

Question 40: If the person currently attends school (question 38, code 1 or 2), ask the following: During the current school year, what level and grade is (NAME) attending?

First fill in the bubble that correspond to the level he/she answered, then record the number of finished years that he/she completed in the next box. (You should remember that at the college, level, master's or doctorate level, a year of study equals to a 4 trimesters or 3 quarters or 2 semesters).
If the person answered options 1, 2, 3, or 4, skip to question 43.
If the person answers the he/she is not currently going to school that in the past went to school (question 38 code 4), you should ask the following: What is the highest level of school (NAME) has attended and what is the highest grade (NAME) completed at that level?

Fill in the bubble corresponding to the declared level and record the number of years/grade that the person attended in the corresponding box.
If the person answers option 9, skip to question 45.

Question 41: Did (NAME) complete that level?

This question is only for the people that attended or attends at the level of college, university, master's or doctorate. Fill in the bubble accordingly to the answers "Yes" or "No".

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_EDATTAN — Highest level and year of schooling completed
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For persons age 3 and over

37. What is the highest level of school [the respondent] has attended: Preschool, primary/basic, secondary/high school, university?

[] 1 Preschool (skip to question 42)
[] 2 Primary/elementary
[] 3 Secondary/high school
[] 4 University or higher (skip to question 39)

38. What is the last level of school [the respondent] has completed?

Last year completed _ (skip to question 42)
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Question 37. What is the highest level of school [the respondent] has attended: preschool, primary/basic, secondary/high school, university?
The level of education refers to, "each stage of the educational system that is determined by the cognitive, emotional, and physical development of students as well as their social needs" (Art. 31, Section (a), of the Law of General Education 66-97, of the Dominican Republic). This question is aimed inasmuch as people who currently attend an academic institution as those who attended in the past.

Chart 1 shows the structure of the education system in the Dominican Republic, exhibiting the years of study, according to the level:
Preschool or Early Childhood Learning- Three years long

  • Early Childhood Learning is the first level of education and occurs before Basic or Primary Education is set up with the family and community. It targets the population of infants and young children 5 years of age or less. The final year is obligatory for children who are 5 years old.

Primary or Basic Level if Education- Eight years long

  • The first set, that lasts 4 years, includes grades 1st through 4th. This level usually begins when the child is 6 years old, and never younger than 5 years old.
  • The second set, lasts four years and includes 5th through 8th grade.

Secondary or High School- Four years long

  • The first set of grades in Secondary school is the same for all students.
  • The second set of Secondary or preparatory set is made up of three areas: General, Technical/Professional, and the Arts, in which students who complete it, will receive a diploma or degree in the area studied.

College or University- Approximately five years long

  • Universities consist of departments offering majors or "careers" that generally take between 3 and 5 years to complete depending on the specific course of study. The exception is medicine, which can take up to 7 years to complete.
  • In order to record the year in school as given by the informant, be aware that: 2 semesters equal one year, 3 trimesters equal one year, and 4 quarters are equivalent to one year.

Postgraduate Studies- Approximately five years long

  • This level of studies corresponds to the specific degree obtained by the student during their university studies, and the degree levels are called Master's, or Doctorate. Typically, a Master's degree takes about 2 years to complete, and the Doctorate is the next degree level obtained immediately following the Master's and generally takes 2 more years to complete.
Question 38. What is the highest level of education [the respondent] has completed?
This question inquires about the last year of school completed by the person being surveyed in the highest level of education that he/she is studying or has studied. It is important to remember that this means the actual years of school completed, therefore the level he/she is currently attending or any incomplete levels he/she attended do not count.
Record in the corresponding boxes the last level of school the person completed and then skip to question 42.
In order to illustrate how to record the last level of school [the respondent] has completed, see the following examples:

Example 1: If the interviewee was in the first level of secondary or high school, but did not completed it, then in question 37 you should record code 3 and in question 38 you should record 0.

Example 2: If the interviewee completed the third level of secondary or high school, but continued studying, then in question 37 record code 3 and then in question 38 you should record 3.

Example 3: If the interviewee is currently in second grade of primary or basic school, then in question 37 you should record code 2 and then in question 38 you should record 1.

Example 4: If the interviewee states that the person being surveyed is in first level of primary or basic school, then in question 37 you should record code 2 and then in question 38 you should record 0.
Example 5: If the interviewee states that the person being surveyed is currently in the first level of secondary or high school, then in question 37 you should record code 3 and in question 38 you should record 0.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_UNIVYRS — Total number of years of university study
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For persons age 3 and over

41. How many years did [the respondent] studied at the college, master's or doctorate level, including a specialty?

If less than one year, record 00 _ _
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Question 41. How many years did [the respondent] study at the college, master's or doctorate level, including a specialty?
The number of completed years a person has studied are the sum of the years of study corresponding to a career, a specialty, a master's degree or a doctorate.
Find the total number of years of university studies, based on the information in chart 1 from the previous pages.
[Page 71]
These questions are only asked for people who are 5 years of age or older, as verified by question 29 about the age of the respondents.
The goal of the following questions is to compile information about migration, internal and international, occurring in the country between November 2005 and November 2010.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_GRADE — Highest grade completed
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VIII. Educational

For those 6 years of age and older:
[Applies to questions 11 through 13]

(13) Highest grade completed

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Column 13: Highest grade or year of teaching passed.
For people 7 and older, indicate the highest grade or year of instruction that they have passed, accompanied by the first letter corresponding to the level of instruction. For example: 3P (third grade of primary); 5S (fifth year of secondary); 0U (college preparatory); 2U (second year of college); 4E (fourth year of special).

[p. 19]

Special instruction corresponds to the instruction received in schools and academies, for example: business academies, graphic arts schools, trade or technical school, radiotelegraphy schools, and other similar schools.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_EDLEV — Level of schooling
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For all individuals 6 years of age and older [Applies to questions 9-11]

11. What is the highest grade, class or year of schooling completed in primary, secondary, post-secondary, or a literacy center? Write the number of the highest grade, course or year completed on the corresponding line.

[] 00 None
____ 1. Primary
____ 2. Secondary
____ 3. Post-secondary
____ 4. Literacy center
[] 99 Unknown

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Question No. 12

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 12, "what is the last grade or highest year that you passed in primary, secondary, or post-secondary instruction?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

On the dotted line and for the appropriate level, record the grade or year that the person being enumerated reports to be the highest of those passed. For example, if the person reports 3rd [year] of primary, record: "1. Primary . . .3." [This is an example of what enumeration form should look like after being filled in.] Remember that the grade or year being researched refers only to that which was passed as part of one of the three levels of regular instruction that are imparted in schools, high schools, and public or private universities (primary, secondary, university). Therefore cooking, sewing, and telegraphy courses and short courses in stenography and typing are not considered courses of regular instruction.

[Note that this question corresponds to question 11 on the enumeration form and that both the question and response choices on the enumeration form add "literacy center" to the list of educational establishments.]

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_GRADE3 — Level and year of schooling attained
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For all individuals 6 years of age and older

11. What is the highest grade, class or year of schooling completed in the literacy center, primary, secondary, or post-secondary school?

Write the number of the highest grade, course or year completed on the corresponding line.

[] 00 None
____ 1. Literacy center
____ 2. Primary
____ 3. Secondary
____ 4. Post-secondary
[] 99 Unknown

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Questions 9, 10 and 11 on Educational characteristics should be asked of all people 6 and older.

Question 11. What is the last grade, level, or year that you passed in the literacy center, primary, secondary, or post-secondary [school]?

On the line corresponding to the level, record the number of the highest grade or year that the person passed, and not the one that they are in. Don't take into account short courses and correspondence courses.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For all individuals 6 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 9-12.]

11. What is the highest level attending or attended? Mark the appropriate box.

[] 0 None
[] 1 Literacy center
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Post-secondary (superior)
[] 5 Post-graduate
[] 9 Unknown

12. What is the highest grade, class or year completed in that level? Mark the appropriate box.

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 Unknown

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Question 11. What is the highest level of education that he/she attends or attended?

Mark the box that corresponds to the highest level to which the person attends or attended.

You should mark 'none' if the person being interviewed has not attended a formal educational center.

What is the highest level that you attend or attended? Mark the corresponding box.

[ ] 0 None
[ ] 1 Literacy center
[ ] 2 Elementary
[ ] 3 Secondary
[ ] 4 University
[ ] 5 Post-graduate
[ ] 9 Don't know

Question 12. What is the last grade or highest year that he/she completed in the indicated level?

Write the name of the grade, course of year that the person has passed in the level that the person indicated in the previous question. Take into account that, generally, the person answers the grade that he/she is currently attending and what the question asks is the last grade passed. For example, if he/she is attending second year of the university, write 1.

If the educational system in the university is a semester system, two semesters correspond to one year. On the other hand, for persons who passed or are studying in a literacy center, one year is the equivalent of two years of elementary school.

For example:

The person finished the third level of a literacy center, you should mark box 6.

For persons who are attending the first year of any level, mark box "0".

What is the highest grade, course or year that you have passed in this level? Mark the corresponding box.

[ ] 0
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 6
[ ] 7
[ ] 9 Don't know

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_EDATTAN — Highest educational level and year attained
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13. What is the highest level of education that he/she attends or attended?
[ ] 1 Literacy center
[ ] 2 Elementary
[ ] 3 Secondary
[ ] 4 Basic school
[ ] 5 Middle school
[ ] 6 Post-high school
[ ] 7 University
[ ] 8 Post-graduate
[ ] 9 Don't know

14. What is the last grade or highest year that he/she completed in the indicated level?

[ ] 00
[ ] 01
[ ] 02
[ ] 03
[ ] 04
[ ] 05
[ ] 06
[ ] 07
[ ] 08
[ ] 09
[ ] 10
[ ] 99 Don't know

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Question 13.- What is the highest level of instruction that you are attending or attended?

[There is a picture of question 13 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Mark the box that corresponds to the highest level of education the person being interviewed is attending or attended. Keep in mind that being investigated is the level of studies according to the traditional system or the current system, which refers to the curricular reform and which is being applied in some educational establishments.

You should mark none if the person being interviewed never attended any formal educational center. In that case, move on to question 16 and continue with the interview.

Question 14.- What is the last grade, course, or highest year that you passed at the level that you indicated?

[There is a picture of question 14 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Mark the box of the highest grade, course, or year that the person passed at the level they indicated in question 13 (what is the highest level of instruction that you are attending or attended?). Remember that, generally, the informant will state the grade or year that they are in; what we want to know is the last year that they passed. For example: If they are in the first year of basic, mark box 00. If they are in the fourth year at the university, mark box 3.

[There is a drawing of a man holding up 3 fingers, and box 3 for this question on the enumeration form is checked.]

If the system of studies in the university is by semesters, two correspond to one year. In contrast, for those who passed or are studying in a literacy center, one level equals two years of primary. Example:

[p. 46]

If the person states that they passed the third level at a literacy center, you should mark box number 06.

For people who are in the first year of any level, mark box 00.

Conversion Table: previous or traditional system of Studies and their equivalents in the current system of studies or curricular reform

Previous or traditional system: Kindergarten
Current system or curricular reform: First Basic

Previous or traditional system: First Grade
Current system or curricular reform: Second Basic

Previous or traditional system: Second Grade
Current system or curricular reform: Third Basic

Previous or traditional system: Third Grade
Current system or curricular reform: Fourth Basic

Previous or traditional system: Fourth Grade
Current system or curricular reform: Fifth Basic

Previous or traditional system: Fifth Grade
Current system or curricular reform: Sixth Basic

Previous or traditional system: Sixth Grade
Current system or curricular reform: Seventh Basic

Previous or traditional system: First Course
Current system or curricular reform: Eighth Basic

Previous or traditional system: Second Course
Current system or curricular reform: Ninth Basic

Previous or traditional system: Third Course
Current system or curricular reform: Tenth Basic

Previous or traditional system: Fourth Course
Current system or curricular reform: First year of Secondary Education

Previous or traditional system: Fifth Course
Current system or curricular reform: Second year of Secondary Education

Previous or traditional system: Sixth Course
Current system or curricular reform: Third year of Secondary Education

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For persons five years old or more.
[Questions 19 to 26 were asked of all people five years and older.]

23. What is the highest educational level that [the respondent] attended or attends?

[] 1 None (skip to question 27)
[] 2 Centers of alphabetization / (EBA)
[] 3 Pre-school
[] 4 Primary
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Basic education
[] 7 Baccalaureate - Middle education
[] 8 Post-baccalaureate cycle
[] 9 Superior
[] 10 Postgraduate

24. What is the highest grade, course, or year that [the respondent] attends or attended?

Grade, course, year _ _

If answered 2 through 7 in question 23, skip to question 27.
If answered 8 through 10 in question 23, continue to question 25.

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[Section 4]

Step 13: Continue with section 4, information about the population / C. Educational characteristics.

[A copy of section 4C of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.
  • Remember that this is only for people 5 years old and older.
  • If the person only knows to read or only to write mark x in box 2 and continue with question 21.
  • Questions 21, 23, and 25 have leaps.
  • Mark question 23 according to the answer of the informant. If the informant mentions having finished the school, register x in code 5; if the informant mentions that he/she is in basic education, you should mark code 6.
  • Question 24 will be registered according to the level of instruction marked in question 23.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Part B: Individual data

7. Educational status or last educational certificate
[Question 7 was asked of persons 10 years and over.]

[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write (literate)
[] 4 Certificate
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Educational status or the last certificate: Column number (7)
For the person who is less than (10) years put a circle round Number (1)
For the person (10) years and over put a circle:

Circle number (2) for the illiterate person
Circle number (3) for persons who read and write but, they have no educational certificate
If the person has an educational certificate writes the last certificate he has got next to the word certificate with mentioning the specialization if there is any:
Bachelor of accountancy trade

Bachelor of electric engineering
Agricultural secondary school
Azharya secondary school etc.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_LIT — Literate
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7. Educational status or last educational certificate
[Question 7 was asked of persons 10 years and over.]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write (literate)
[] 4 Certificate

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The educational status or the name of the highest certificate column No.(7)
For the person less than (10) years fill in ink the circle in front of No.(1) and as for the person (10) years and over fill in ink the circle:
In front of No.(2) for the illiterate
In front of No.(3) for those who read and write but, they have no certificate

Those who read and write and having an educational certificate write in front of the word highest certificate, the certificate that the person has got.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_DEGREE — Educational level
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7. Educational status or last educational certificate
[Question 7 was asked of persons 10 years and over.]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write (literate)
[] 4 Certificate

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The educational status or the name of the highest certificate column No.(7)
For the person less than (10) years fill in ink the circle in front of No.(1) and as for the person (10) years and over fill in ink the circle:
In front of No.(2) for the illiterate
In front of No.(3) for those who read and write but, they have no certificate

Those who read and write and having an educational certificate write in front of the word highest certificate, the certificate that the person has got.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_EDLEVEL — Educational level (main code)
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7. Education status, or the highest education certificate
[Age 10 or older]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write without certificate
[] 4 Primary
[] 5 Preparatory
[] 6 Intermediate degree
[] 7 Above intermediate degree
[] 8 University degree
[] 9 Above university degree (specify the highest degree and specialization) ________

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Table 1: Household characteristics

9. Educational level or the highest degree (for those 10 years and older)
There are 2 squares on the right, and 4 squares on the left.

Fill only the 2 squares on the right, leaving the rest of the squares to be coded by the Information Technology sector.

One of the following answers is written:

1. Member is below age
2. Member is illiterate
3. Member who can read and write with no certificate
4. Illiteracy eradication: for the member who was enrolled in illiteracy eradication classes and completed his/her studies and got an illiteracy eradication certificate
5. Member who obtained elementary school certificate (general / azhari)
6. Member who obtained preparatory certificate (general / industrial / agricultural / commercial)
7. Intermediate degree (general / commercial / industrial / agricultural)
8. Above intermediate degree
9. University degree
10. Higher diploma
11. Masters degree
12. Doctorate degree

If the member has a degree, the correct code is written inside the square on the right, and the highest scientific degree he/she obtained and his/her specialization are written below the squares. Nothing will be written in the four squares on the left so that the Information Technology sector can code the degree.

[Example has been omitted.]

If number (7) or (8) is marked, then the degree and specialization are written on the line below the squares, for example: (general secondary certificate - vocational secondary; commerce - vocational secondary; industry - 2 years post-secondary; commerce - vocational institute; 2 years post secondary - industry vocational institute, etc.) and the 4 squares on the left are blank to be coded by the Information Technology sector.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_EDLEVYR — Highest education level completed
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 10-13 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

12a. What is the highest level of formal schooling completed?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary or basic
[] 3 Vocational course (carrera corta) following sixth grade
[] 4 Secondary education
[] 5 Post-secondary, non-university
[] 6 Technical college
[] 7 Post-secondary, university
[] 8 Unknown

12b. What was the highest year completed at this level?

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4.5.3 For persons age 5 or older
This part just refers to people five years of age and up, as a result the interview ends with question 9b for persons younger than 5, skipping the questions 10 through 13 to the following page.

12a. Level of schooling
What is the highest level of formal education attained?

In this question the different levels of schooling offered through the formal education system are presented, where each person must be located by level according to the information given, taking into account that they have at least passed one year within the said level according to the following list:

Preschool: Preschool, kindergarten, and nursery school.

Primary or basic: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade, the last three corresponding to the first, second and third courses of the "basic plan" of the previous system.

Vocational course after sixth grade [carrera corta]: In this case these short degrees that were done only [after] having passed sixth grade will be counted, such as: bookkeeper, office technician, industrial basic plan and other vocational studies.

Middle education [secondary school]: This level includes all people who study or have studied in an current diversified two year bachelor's degree (high school diploma) and in the old two year bachelor's degree (high school diploma) in sciences and letters; also, accountants, primary teachers, commercial secretaries, expert agronomists, nurses and other courses of studies that require passing the basic plan.

Higher education (not university): In this level people are grouped together who studied or are studying in institutions that require or required a bachelor's degree (or teacher) [i.e. high school diploma], such as: technological institutes, national agronomy school, San Jose de la Montaña seminary, military school, teacher training school, school of social work, others.

[pg. 47]

Technical university: This refers to the majors that are offered by the universities such as: teaching, nursing, technicians in diverse areas.

University: These are those that studied or are studying in one of the universities for the purpose of an academic title, such as: doctor, engineer, economist, odontologist, etc.

Unknown: These are those people who have made some course of study, but by not being present, or for reasons of age were not able to report their level.

12b. Years passed
What is the last year passed at this level?

In this question nursery school will be recorded as "00" (zero zero) and year passed will be recorded starting with first grade of the regular teaching system.
For upper level education both in and outside of the university, in which courses of study follow cycles and each year includes two cycles, the year exact year will be written down carefully. To facilitate the answer, the year passed will be noted in numbers.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_EDUC — Grade attending/attended
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[Questions 9-12 are for persons age 5 or older]

11a. What is the last grade or highest school year passed?

[] 1 Nursery/kindergarten (go to questions 11d.) ____
[] 2 Primary or basic (go to questions 11d.) ____
[] 3 Secondary education [educación media] ____
[] 4 Short course of studies after the sixth grade leading to a degree ____
[] 5 Non-university, higher education ____
[] 6 University-level technical studies [técnico universitaria] ____
[] 7 Advanced university [superior universitaria] ____
[] 8 Master's ____
[] 9 Doctorate ____

11b: Have you completed your high school, technical, university, master's or doctorate degree?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_EDATTAN — Education level completed
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30. Highest grade completed

Is [person] illiterate? Write 00 for illiterate and if literate, highest grade completed.
_ _
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Column 30 - Highest Grade Completed

Each household member aged five years and over will be first asked if he/she can read and write. A person is said to be able to read and write if he/she can read and understand and also write in any language. People can read and write only their names and numbers are not considered as having educational qualification. Also those who can read only scripture- related and memorized texts are not taken as having been educated.

If the person does not read and write, the term "illiterate" will be entered in column 30 and "00" in card columns 55 and 56. However if the household member is able to read and write, he/she will be asked the highest grade he/she completed and then the correct code for the response among those in the list will be registered in the space provided in column 30 in line with the household member and this same code will be entered in card columns 55 and 56.

Highest grade completed refers to the highest educational grade individuals are currently attending or the highest grade level they completed in the past under the available curriculum in regular schools, universities, training institutes and the like.

The highest grade the household member completed will be registered in the space provided corresponding to the household member in column 30. Then the correct code among those listed below will be identified and entered in card columns 55 and 56.

00 = Illiterate. This includes those currently enrolled but not yet able to read and write and those who have attended in the past and discontinued attending before knowing to read and write and those who have forgotten to read and write .Also those who have never attended are included here.
01 = Completed first grade and able to read and write.
02 = Completed second grade and able to read and write. Those qualified to read and write under literacy program are considered as having completed second grade.
03 = Completed third grade and able to read and write.
04 = Completed fourth grade.
05 = Completed fifth grade.
06 = Completed sixth grade.
07 = Completed seventh grade.
08 = Completed eighth grade.
09 = Completed ninth grade.
10 = Completed tenth grade.
11 = Completed eleventh grade.
12 = Completed twelfth grade.
20 = Completed education of one year or more in a program above 12th grade offered in schools, institutes, colleges or universities, that is not intended to qualify with first degree /BA. BSC/.
21 = Completed education of one year or more in a program above 12th grade offered in colleges or universities, that is intended to qualify with first degree /BA. BSC/ but not yet awarded with degree.
22 = Completed education with first degree /BA, BSC, LLB/ and having similar qualification.
23 = Completed a one year or more of education above first degree in graduate program in university with but not awarded with MA, MSC, LLM.
24 = Completed education with master's degree /MA, MSC, LLM/ and having equivalent qualification.
25 = Completed education with doctorate degree or equivalent qualification.
26 = Able to read and write but their qualification cannot be classified according to the standard educational classification. For example, priests, monks, other members of the clergy, sheiks, etc. who have attended schools in churches, monasteries and mosques and in others and learned how to read and write come under this category with regard to the highest grade completed. Those who could read and write by learning on their own with the help from others prior to completing first grade come under this category. This includes those attending literacy program and who can read and write.

To determine the highest grade completed for a person who has attended or still attending other than regular school and university the number of academic years completed in the institution or equivalent level is added on the grade or level completed in regular school. For example, if some years ago the requirement for entrance to a nursing school was to complete eighth grade in regular education, and the course in the nursing school takes three years to complete the professional training then grade completed will be calculated as: 8 + 3 = 11. Hence 11 will be entered in card columns 55 and 56.

But if the requirement for admission to a nursing school was completion of 11tth grade from regular schools, then the situation has to be treated differently. One who completes a three-year nursing training without any repetition and having no further regular education is said to have completed 14, i.e. /11 + 3/. For people who have attended or currently attending evening schools, teachers training institutes, commercial, technical, telecommunications, etc. schools or institutes, their highest grade completed will have to be determined in the same way.

One thing worth noting here is that the highest grade completed for a person who has studied in different educational institutions will be the highest grade among these. For example, let us assume a nurse completed 11th grade in regular school and also 3 years training in nursing school and later completed 12th grade in evening school and further pursued her education in the university extension program for three years. The highest grade this person completed is: First) grade completed in regular school (11) plus years completed in nursing institute (3) equals 14. On the other hand if she has completed 11th grade in regular school and completed 12th grade in extension session of regular school and further completed 3rd year education in a university, then the highest grade she completed will be 15 /11 + 1 + 3/. If she completed a three year education above 12th grade under a program unintended to obtain degree, code "20" will be entered in card columns 55 and 56 or code "21" will be entered in the card columns under a program intended to obtain a degree.

As can be understood from the second example above, the standard of some vocational training institutes does not match with that in regular schools and universities. And this does not have to create any confusion because the required data is highest grade completed not the school or institute standard people have attended or are still attending.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_EDATTAN — Education level completed
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Five years and above
[Questions 26-27 were asked of resident members age 5+.]

Educational status

26. Enter grade enrolled for those now attending school

97=Attended school in the past
98=Never attended school
_ _
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Column 26 - 27: Educational status of persons aged 5 years and above
Questions in columns 18 - 20 refer only to members of a given household aged 5 years and over. During the time of enumeration, information on the school attendance status of the person and the highest grade the individual has completed will be asked and collected. All questions refer to the educational status of individuals aged 5 years and over at the time of the census.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_EDATTAN — Highest level and grade completed
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 18-20 were asked of long form respondents age 5+.]

20. What is the highest grade [the respondent] completed?

_ _
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Question 18-20:- About Literacy and Educational Status of Persons Aged 5 Years and Above.

Questions from 18-20 refer to only members of a given household aged 5 years and over. During the time of enumeration information on the ability of the person to read and write with the language he/she speaks, the school attendance status of the person and the highest grade the individual has completed will be asked and collected. All questions refer to the literacy and educational status of individuals aged 5 years and over at the period of the census.

Question 20:- What is the highest grade [the respondent] completed?

This question will be asked to persons who are reported to be attending school at the time of enumeration and to those who were attending some times in the past. The level of educational attainment or highest grade the person has completed refers to the highest grade level he/she has completed within the most advanced level attended in the educational system either in the new or the former educational system of the country where the education was received. For example, a person who is found to be attending in grade 7 at the time of enumeration is considered to have completed grade 6 in question 20. Therefore, codes 7 and 6 will be assigned to the individual on questions 19 and 20 respectively. However the person may not attend at the time of the census but reported to have taken exam in grade 8 and passed, under this circumstance the person is considered as the one who completed grade 8.

For the purpose of enabling the enumerators to assign and mark the necessary codes to the information obtained, the list of level of grades which the respondents has completed at the time of census with their corresponding list of codes are given below.

B: - Highest Grade Levels the Individuals Have Completed at the Time of Census with Their Corresponding Codes

Grade level the person has completed, Code, Description
Preschool, 00, for persons who have completed kindergarten or schools below grade 1

Grade 1, 01, for persons who have completed grade 1 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 2, 02, for persons who have completed grade 2 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 3, 03, for persons who have completed grade 3 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 4, 04, for persons who have completed grade 4 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 5, 05, for persons who have completed grade 5 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 6, 06, for persons who have completed grade 6 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 7, 07, for persons who have completed grade 7 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 8, 08, for persons who have completed grade 8 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 9, 09, for persons who have completed grade 9 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 10, 10, for persons who have complete grade 10 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 11, 11, for persons who have completed grade 11 in both former and new curriculums

Grade 12, 12, for persons who have completed grade 12 in both former and new curriculums

Certificate, 13, for those who graduated with certificate from formal education providing institutions which are above grade 12 (colleges and universities or similar institutions)

Those who do not complete diploma program, 14, for those who are attending in institutions above grade 12 and have completed at least the first year of the program which is designed to graduate persons in Diploma program but they have not graduated with Diploma

Those who do not complete degree program, 15, for those who are attending in institutions above grade 12 and have completed at least the first year of the program which is designed to graduate persons in degree but they have not graduated with Bachelors degree

People with Collage diploma, 16, for those who have completed the program which is designed to graduate persons in diploma and have graduated with diploma from higher institutions

People with first Degree, 17, for those who have completed the program which is designed to graduate persons in first degree and have graduated with first degree from higher institutions such as B.A., B.Sc. M.D., LL.B etc...

Persons in Post graduate program, 18, for those who are attending in higher educational institutions have completed at least the first year of post graduate program which is designed to graduate persons in degree of Master but they have not graduated

Persons with Degree of Master, 19, for those who have completed the post graduate program which is designed to graduate persons in second degree and have graduated with degree of Master from higher institutions such as M.A., M.Sc. M.A.D., M.LL., M.B.A etc..

Persons with Ph. Degree, 20, for those who have completed the post graduate program which is designed to graduate persons in Ph. Degree (doctorate degree) and have graduated with degree of Philosophy or Ph.D. from higher institutions

Grade 9, 21, for persons who have completed grade 9 in the new educational system

Grade 10, 22, for persons who have completed grade 10 in the new educational system

First year preparatory, 23, for persons who have completed the first year preparatory program which is designed to enable students to join higher educational institution

Second year preparatory, 24, for persons who have completed the second year preparatory program which is designed to enable students to join higher educational institution

10+1 and certificate, 25, for persons who have completed the 10+1 vocational and technical educational program and graduated with certificate

First year in 10+2, 26, for persons who have completed the first year of the 10+2 vocational and technical educational program

10+2 and certificate, 27, for persons who have completed the 10+2 vocational and technical educational program graduated with certificate.

First year in 10+3, 28, for persons who have completed the first year of the 10+3 vocational and technical educational program

Second year in 10+3, 29, for persons who have completed the second year of the 10+3 vocational and technical educational program

College diploma or 10+3, 30, for persons who have completed the 10+3 vocational and technical educational program graduated with diploma

Adult Education, 95, for persons who have completed adult education and not continued to attend in any other educational program

Non formal education, 96, for persons who are attending non-formal education like religious education at the time of enumeration or for those who are given code 96 on questions 19.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_SCHOOL — Current school attendance (level and grade)
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 18-20 were asked of long form respondents age 5+.]

19. Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

If "yes," enter the code for the grade.
If not attending, ask if attended before.
_ _
[] 97 Attended school in the past
[] 98 Never attended school (skip to question 21)
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Question 18-20:- About Literacy and Educational Status of Persons Aged 5 Years and Above.

Questions from 18-20 refer to only members of a given household aged 5 years and over. During the time of enumeration information on the ability of the person to read and write with the language he/she speaks, the school attendance status of the person and the highest grade the individual has completed will be asked and collected. All questions refer to the literacy and educational status of individuals aged 5 years and over at the period of the census.

Question 19:- Is [the respondent] currently attending school?

For those members of a household who are reported to be attending school at the time of the census, the grade levels they are attending will be asked and the information obtained will be filled in the given questionnaire and shaded. For those persons who are not attending school during the time of the census but had attended sometime in the past, code 97 will be assigned. For individuals who have never attended code 98 will be given and the enumerator should skip to question 21 without asking question 20.

This question refers to the current school attendance status of persons aged 5 year and over. All eligible persons will be asked and based on the information obtained the appropriate code will be assigned from the given list of codes. Persons who are currently attending school (those attends school at the time of enumeration) are those who are attending formal education in schools, training institutions, universities, colleges and etc... and persons who attend informal education like religious education at the time of enumeration. The education can be given by either paid or unpaid/volunteer persons/teachers.

Persons who are trying to adopt some skills during spare time with the help of their relatives or persons whom they know are not considered as individuals who are attending school such as, daily laborers who try to acquire some skills about carpentry, mechanical works and sewing while working. Nevertheless, those who are acquiring skills in training institutions at the time of the census are taken as persons who are attending school.

For those who attend in the formal educational institutions are given codes from "00" to "14" and from "20" to "22". For individuals who are reported to be attending informal education such as religious education, skill development like typing, carpentry, mechanical works, driving, sewing and etc..., code 96 will be assigned and shaded. Moreover for persons who are found to be attending adult education, code 95 will be given.

Persons who are not attending school at the time of enumeration are divided in to two categories.
Those who are not reported to be attending at the time of enumeration, but had attended sometime in the past and;
Those who have never attended school.

Those who are stated under category 1 are individuals who attended school at some point of time in the past but currently found to be not attending because of dropout or completion of the programme. For those cases code 97 will be given. However, member of a given household who stated under category 2 are the one who have never attended any form of education and for them code 98 will be assigned. However persons who were attending school but reported to be not attending at the time of the census due to the end of academic year or vacation should be considered as cases, which attend school. For instance, students who had attended grade 8 or 10 during the academic year and taken exam prior to the time of census but found to be not attending due to the end of the academic year are given code that corresponds to persons attending grade 8 or 10.

For the purpose of enabling the enumerators to assign and mark the necessary codes to the information obtained, the list of level of grades which the respondents attend at the time of census with their corresponding list of codes are given below.

A: - Grade Levels With Codes for Those Attending School at the Time of Enumeration.

Grade level, Code, Description
Preschool, 00, for persons who are attending kindergarten or schools below grade 1

Grade 1, 01, for persons who are attending grade 1

Grade 2, 02, for persons who are attending grade 2

Grade 3, 03, for persons who are attending grade 3

Grade 4, 04, for persons who are attending grade 4

Grade 5, 05, for persons who are attending grade 5

Grade 6, 06, for persons who are attending grade 6

Grade 7, 07, for persons who are attending grade 7

Grade 8, 08, for persons who are attending grade 8

Grade 9, 09, for persons who are attending grade 9

Grade 10, 10, for persons who are attending grade 10

First year preparatory, 11, for persons who are attending the first year preparatory program which enables them to join higher educational institution

Second year preparatory, 12, for persons who are attending the second year preparatory program which enables them to join higher educational institution

10+1, 13, for persons who are attending the 10+1 vocational and technical educational program that is designed to graduate students with certificate

10+2, 14, for persons who are attending the 10+2 vocational and technical educational program that is designed to graduate students with certificate.

College diploma or 10+3, 20, for persons who are attending the 10+3 vocational and technical educational program which is designed to graduate students with diploma

Degree, 21, for persons who attends program in higher institution which is designed to graduate students with degree such as B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., M.D.

Post graduate, 22, for persons who are attending post graduate program which is designed to graduate students with post graduate degree such as M.Sc., M.A. or Ph.D.

Adult Education, 95, for persons who are attending adult education

Non formal education, 96, for persons who are attending non-formal education like religious education at the time enumeration.

For Those Who Had Attended before but are Not Attending at the Time of Census

Dropout cases or those who attended before

Code: 97
Description: For persons who had attended any form of education either in the formal or non-formal educational institutions before but currently found to be not attending at the time of enumeration.

Those Who Never Attended Before

Never attended before

Code: 98
Description: For persons who have never attended any form of education either in the formal or non- formal educational institutions before

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_EDATTAN — Educational level attained
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For all persons
[Questions 1-11.]

10. Education
State highest level of education attained.

Write class, form or full-time post-secondary courses completed.

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For all persons
[Questions 1-13 were asked of all persons]

13. Educational attainment

Highest level attained

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Question 13 - Educational attainment

133. "What is the highest level of education this person has attained?"

134. State the highest class or form the person reached or is attending if still at school. If the person has never been to school, write "none". You may shorten class and form by writing "CI 4" or "F 3" or as the case may be.

135. If the person has been to secondary school, has left secondary school and has successfully completed some post-secondary training or gained some post-secondary qualification, write details -- in such cases give degrees by their usual initials. Enter "Teach TC", "Med. FSM", "Nurse FSM" or as appropriate for other training. If the person has more than one post-secondary qualification, enter the one the person considers most important.

136. If the person attended an informal or unrecognized school outside the formal primary/secondary system, such as a Bible class, write "Unrecognized" which you may shorten to "Unrec".

137. This completes the questions which are to be asked of all persons. Make sure there is an entry in each box and that the entry is correct.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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D13. Educational attainment
[Question D13 was asked of persons who are attending or attended school.]
For (AT) or (LEFT), highest level attained if at school state Kindergarten, primary class, secondary form, university/tertiary year, e.g. class 3, form 5, Diploma 1, Degree 2, etc.
For (LEFT), specify main field of study if completed Degree/Diploma/Certificate, e.g. primary school teaching, motor mechanic, economics
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Question D13 - Educational attainment

133. Ask,
'What is the highest level of education this person has attained?'

134. State the highest class or form the person reached or is attending if still at school, in which case insert:

'kindy' for kindergarten
primary class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
secondary form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
university year eg. Degree 1, Diploma 2 or Certificate 1
other tertiary eg. FIT

If the person has never been to school, write 'none'. You may shorten class and form by writing 'Cl 4' or 'F3' or as the case may be.

135. If the person has left school, state his highest qualification. In case the person has successfully completed some post-secondary training or gained some post-secondary qualification write details.

In case of degrees, diplomas, and certificates, specify main field of study eg.


BSc Physics,
BA Sociology,
Post Graduate Diploma - Marine Biology,
Certificate - Quantity Survey,
Diploma in pre-school teaching

If the person has more than one post-secondary qualification, enter the one the person considers most important.

136. If the person attended an informal or unrecognised school outside the formal primary/secondary system, such as a Bible class, write 'Unrecognised' which you may shorten to 'Unrec'.

137. This completes the questions which are to be asked of all persons. Make sure there is an entry in each person's box and that the entry is correct.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_EDATTAIN — Educational level attained
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

[Question D16b asked of persons who have left school.]
D16.b. What is the highest level of education [the person] has completed?

_ _

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_EDATTEND — Educational level attending
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

[Question D16a was asked of persons currently attending school full or part time.]

D16.a. What is the level of education [the person] is attending?

(Go to D17)
_ _

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_SCHLEV — Current level of school attendance
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D9] Is this person currently attending any formal educational institution?

Tick appropriate box.
[] 1 Full time [Go to D10a]
[] 2 Part time [Go to D10a]
[] 3 Left school [Go to D10b]
[] 4 Never been [Go to D12]

[D10a] What is the level of education this person is attending? [Go to D11] _ _

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_EDATTAIN — School completed
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D10b] What is the highest level of education this person has completed? _ _

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_EDATTAIN — Level of education
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[4] Educational structure of population
The statistics on the educational structure of the population describe the post-comprehensive school educational qualifications and degrees attained by the population aged 15 and over.

The statistics on the educational structure of the population describe the post-comprehensive school educational qualifications and degrees attained by the population aged 15 and over. Besides diverse data describing education, the statistics contain information on the age, gender, native language, nationality and migration of attainers of educational qualifications and degrees.
The data are based on Statistics Finland's Register of Completed Education and Degrees. Completers of education and degrees are classified by level of education according to the latest/highest vocational qualification. In accordance with the Statistics Act, the personal data from which these statistics are compiled are confidential. As a rule, the statistics produced from them are public.

Educational structure of the population
Educational structure of the population describes distribution of the population aged 15 and over to attainers of primary, secondary and tertiary level qualifications and degrees. Attainers of tertiary degrees are further divided into attainers of lowest level tertiary, lower university level, higher university level and doctorate level degrees.

Educational system
The Finnish educational system is comprised of the following:
Pre-primary education is provided in Finland to 6-year-old children, usually at children's day care homes. Some 6-year-old children receive pre-primary education in comprehensive schools. Attendance of pre-primary education has been compulsory since 2015.
Comprehensive school education is general knowledge education provided for entire age cohorts. All children permanently resident in Finland must attend compulsory education. Compulsory education starts in the year of the child's seventh birthday.
Compulsory education finishes when the syllabus of comprehensives school education has been completed (9-year comprehensive school), or 10 years from the start of compulsory education. In exceptional cases compulsory education may start already at the age of six and last 11 years due to a disability or illness. A student who has received a leaving certificate from comprehensive school in the same year or in the year before it may continue to attend optional additional education (10th grade).
Post-comprehensive school education, or upper secondary general education and vocational education represent secondary level of education. Upper secondary general school education is education leading to a matriculation examination. Its scope is three years and it gives general eligibility to further education. Vocational education can be either educational institution-based or apprenticeship training. In apprenticeship training, most of the studying is comprised of learning through practical work tasks at a workplace. The qualifications are initial vocational qualifications attained in three years, which also give general eligibility to further polytechnic or university studies.
Further and specialist vocational qualifications represent further vocational education. They, as well as initial vocational qualifications can be attained in a skills examination that can be taken irrespective of the way of acquisition of professional skills, and in which skills can be proven on the basis of preparatory education for a skills examination or work experience.
Attainment of university of applied sciences degrees takes 3.5 to 4.5 years and higher university of applied sciences degrees requiring work practice 1-1.5 years. Attainment of lower university degrees takes three years while higher university degrees take two years longer. Attainers of higher level university degrees may continue their studies to licentiate and doctorate level degrees.

Level of education
In the statistics on the educational structure of the population, the population's level of education is measured with the average length of the highest level of completed education per capita. For example, level of education indicator 246 means that the theoretic duration of education per capita is 2.5 years after completion of comprehensive school education. The population's level of education is calculated from the population aged 20 and over. This is because many under the age of 20 have not yet completed their studies. The measure of level of education allows easy comparisons between regions in levels of education and monitoring of temporal changes.
Up to the end of 1997, the population's level of education was calculated from the levels of educational qualifications and degrees attained by the population aged 15 and over. The indicator of level of education can range from 150 to 800. The higher the indicator figure, the higher the level of education. In the group with level of education indicator 150, everybody has completed only elementary school, middle school or comprehensive school, whereas in the group with level of education indicator 800, everyone holds a licentiate or doctorate level degree.

Tertiary degree
In the statistics on the educational structure of the population, tertiary degrees comprise all lower, higher and doctorate level tertiary degrees.
Up to the end of 2001, only degrees obtained at universities and experimental or permanent university of applied sciences in accordance with the decree on universities (464/1998) were included in tertiary degrees.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SEDATTAN — SAPHIR diploma
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Education and professional training

(For all persons born before January 1, 1952)
[Applies to questions 8 - 10]

10. Of the diplomas listed below, indicate all that you have earned:

a. General or Higher Education

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies
[] 2 General Certificate of Secondary Education [B.E.P.C.], or elementary certificate
[] 3 Baccalaureate (1st or 2nd part, including technical), or advanced level certificate [brevet superieur]
[] 4 Advanced 2nd level baccalaureates (university, engineering school, etc.)

b. Professional or Technical Training

State Diplomas
1. [] Exam indicating completed craftsman apprenticeship
2. [] Certificate of completion of F.P.A. [Certificat de fin de stage de la F.P.A.].
3. [] Vocational Training Certificate [Certificat d'Apprentissage Professionel.]
4. [] Professional degree
5. [] Certificate of industrial, commercial, social, hotelier education (1st or 2nd part, probationary or definitive [probatoire ou definitif]).
6. Student with a certificate from the ENP: technical certificate

0 [] Other professional diplomas granted by private schools or public agencies.
Indicate the corresponding specialty or specialties: ____

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SDIPLOMA — SAPHIR diploma
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Education and professional formation (for all persons born before January 1st, 1962)
[Applies to questions 8 - 11]

11. Among the following diplomas, indicate all of those which you have:

a. General education

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies (C.E.P.) [Certificat d'études primaires]
[] 2 Elementary certification (B.E.P.C.) [Brevet d'études du premier cycle], (B.E.) or junior high certification (B.E.P.S.) [Brevet d'enseignement primaire supérieur]
[] 3 High school diploma (first part, junior year, second part), including the technical series, or superior certification [Brevet supérieur]
[] 4 Diplomas of higher education after the complete high school diploma (diplomas given in universities, diplomas at the end of studies at large professional schools [Grandes Ecoles], public or private, engineering schools, etc.).

b. Professional or technical education

[] 1 Exam at the end of artisan's internship
[] 2 Certificate at the end of a F.P.A internship
[] 3 Professional aptitude certification (C.A.P.) [Certificat d'aptitude professionnel]
[] 4 Professional certificate (B.P.) [Brevet professionel], Master's certificate
[] 5 Professional business certificate (B.E.C.) [Brevet d'enseignement commercial], Industrial certificate (B.E.I.), social (B.E.S.), hotel management (B.E.H.), agriculture (B.E.A.), etc.
[] 6 Student certified in the E.N.P. [Ecole nationale polytechnique] or from a technical high school, technical certificate or master technical certificate.
[] 9 Other professional diplomas given by private schools or public institutions.

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5.6.5 Question 11: Diplomas
Just as for question 11a (general education or college- level studies) as for question 11b (technical school and professional school), several boxes can be checked. Only people who really have a diploma given should check the box which refers to it, except for those who have taken the following classes, without having obtained the diploma but believe to have attained the level of the diploma.
F.P.A. = professional adult education; E.N.P. = national professional school

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SDIP — SAPHIR-harmonized diploma
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

8. Among the following diplomas, indicate all those that you have:

a. General or secondary education

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies (C.E.P), Diploma from the end of obligatory studies (D.F.E.O).
[] 2 Elementary certification, junior high school certificate (B.E.P.C) [Brevet d'études du premier cycle], Elementary certificate (B.E.) or certificate of superior primary education (B.E.P.S.) [Brevet Européen du Premier Secours].
[] 3 High school diploma (1st part, probationary, or second part), not including the series F, G and H; superior certificate
[] 4 Diplomas of levels superior to the high school diploma (diplomas given in universities, diplomas from large specialized schools public or private, engineering schools, etc.)

b. Technical education and professional training

[] 1 Certificate of professional aptitude (C.A.P.) [Certificat d'aptitutude professionnelle] Certificate of professional education (B.E.P.) [Brevet d'études professionelles], Exam at the end of artisan's apprenticeship (E.F.A.A.) [Examen de fin d'apprentissage artisinal], Agricultural certificates (B.A.A. [Brevet d'apprentissage agricole], B.E.A. [Brevet d'enseignement agricole], B.P.A. [Brevet professionnel agricole]) Certificate at the end of the internship of the F.P.A. [Formation Professionnel des Adultes] first degree.
[] 2 Professional certificate (B.P.) [Brevet professionnel], Master's certificate, certificate at the end of the internship of the F.P.A. [Formation professionnel des adultes], 2nd degree.
[] 3 Certificate of business education (B.E.C), [Brevet d'enseignement commercial], industrial (B.E.I.) [Brevet d'enseignement industriel], social (B.E.S.) [Brevet d'enseignement social], hotel management (B.E.H.); [Brevet d'enseignement hotelier], Certificate of agricultural technical agent (B.A.T.A.) [Brevet d'agent technique agricole].
[] 4 Technician's high school diploma (series F, G or H), technician's certificate (B.T., B.T.A. [Brevet de technicien agricole], Student certified in E.N.P [Ecole nationale polytechnique] or a public technical high school, superior certificate of business education (B.S.E.C.) [Brevet supérieur d'enseignement commercial].
[] 5 Superior technician's certificate (B.T.S.), University technical diploma (D.U.T.), Graduate degree in technical studies (D.E.S.T.).
[] 6 Paramedical and social diplomas (nurse, midwife, child care, welfare, social assistant, etc.)
[] 0 Other professional diplomas. Specify ____.

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[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 8: Among the following diplomas, indicate all those which you have.
Just as for question 8a (general education or college- level studies) as for question 8b (technical school and professional school), several boxes can be checked.
People who really have a diploma given should check the box which refers to it.
Those who have taken corresponding studies, without however obtaining the diploma, should not check the box which refers to it (even if they believe to have attained the level of the diploma).

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SDIPLOMA — SAPHIR diploma
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For all person aged 14 or older

10. Indicate which of the following degrees or certificates you hold:

a) General primary or secondary education:

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies [Certificat d'études primaires], (C.A.P.); Diploma indicating completion of required schooling [Diplôme de fin d'études obligatoires] (D.F.E.O).
[] 2 General Certificate of Secondary Education [Brevet d'études du 1er cycle], (B.E.P.C.); Elementary Certificate [Brevet élémentaire], (B.E.); or Certificate of Advanced Primary Education [Brevet d'enseignement primaire supérieur], (B.E.P.S.).
[] 3 Baccalaureate (1st part, preliminary or 2nd part), not including F, G, and H series; Advanced Certificate [Brevet supérieur]; Certificate of Advanced Secondary Studies [Certificat de fin d'études secondaires], (C.F.E.S.).

b) Technical and professional education at the secondary level:

[] 1 Vocational Training Certificate [Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle], (C.A.P.); Professional Training Certificate [Brevet d'enseignement professionnel], (B.E.P.), Exam indicating completion of craftsman apprenticeship [Examan de fin d'apprentissage artisanal], (E.F.A.A.); Agricultural Certificates [Brevet agricoles], (B.A.A., B.P.A.); Certificate of completion of first level F.P.A. [Certificat de fin de stage de la F.P.A. 1er degré].
[] 2 Professional Certificate [Brevet professionnel], (B.P.); Certificate of Mastery [Brevet de maîtrise], (B.M.); Certificate indicating completion of internship for advanced F.P.A.
[] 3 Certificate of Agricultural Education [Brevet d'enseignement agricole], (B.E.A.); of Commercial Education [d'enseignement commerial], (B.E.C.); of Hotelier Instruction [d'enseignement hôtelier], (B.E.H.); of Industrial Education [d'enseignement industriel], (B.E.I.); of Social Education [d'enseignement social], (B.E.S.); Certificate to be a Technical Agricultural Agent [Brevet d'agent technique agricole], (B.A.T.A.)
[] 4 Technician's Baccalaureate [Baccalauréat de technicien] (series F, G or H); Technician's Certificate [Brevet de technicien], (B.T., B.T.A.); Certified Student of E.N.P. or of a government technical high school [Élève breveté des E.N.P. ou d'un lycée technique d'État]; Advanced Certificate in Commercial Education [Brevet supérieur d'enseignement commercial], (B.S.E.C.); basic legal qualification [Capacité en droit].

c) Higher education

[] 1 Diplomas related to healthcare and social services: midwife, nurse, physical therapist, social worker, specialized teachers (special education teachers, teachers of adjudicated youth, etc) [éducateurs specialisés]
[] 2 Advanced Technician's Diploma [Brevet de technicien supérieur], (B.T.S.); Technical Diploma from a University Technology Institute [Diplôme universitaire de téchnologie], (D.U.T.); Technical Higher Education Diploma [Diplôme d'études supérieures techniques], (D.E.S.T.)
[] 3 Preliminary University Diploma (first-year course [propédeutique], D.U.E.L., D.U.E.S., D.E.U.G., P.C.E.M. excluding D.U.T.s); Degree indicating completion of studies to teach primary school [Certificat de fin d'études normales]; Pedagogical Training Degree [Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique]
[] 4 Advanced University Degrees [Diplôme universitaires du 2e ou 3e cycle] (B.A., master's, doctorate, etc.); C.A.P.E.S., C.A.P.E.T.
[] 5 Terminal degree [diplôme de sortie] from a highly competitive public or private college [grande école publique ou privée] or engineering college.
[] 6 Other diploma. Specify type: ____

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SDIPLOMA — SAPHIR diploma
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Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

8. Indicate your highest grade level or degree

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies
[] 2 BEPC (Brevet d'études du premier cycle - certificate of first cycle studies), elementary certificate, junior high school certificate
[] 3 CAP (Certificat d'aptitutude professionnelle - certificate of professional aptitude)
[] 4 BEP (Brevet d'études professionelles - certificate of professional studies)
[] 5 High school diploma, professional certificate or technical certificate, other certificate (BEA [Brevet d'Enseignment Agricole - c. of agricultural education], BEC [Brevet d'etudes commerciales - c. of management studies], BEI [Brevet d'Enseignement Industrielles -c. of industrial education], etc.)
[] 6 University Bachelor's degree, BTS [Brevet de Technicien Supérieur - superior technician c.], DEST [Diplome d'études supérieures techniques - superior technical studies diploma], DUT [Diplome Universitaire de Technologie - technological university diploma], diploma of social professions or of health
[] 7 University graduate degree, Engineering degree, from a Grande Ecole [school of superior studies, admission to which is highly competitive], etc.

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_DEGREE — Last diploma obtained
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Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

10. Indicate your last diploma obtained

[] 0 No diploma
[] 1 Certificate of elementary studies
[] 2 BEPC, elementary certificate, middle school certificate
[] 3 CAP
[] 4 BEP
[] 5 General high school diploma (Philosophy, Sciences, etc., basic math, A, B, C, D, E, L, S, ES, etc.)
[] 6 Technical diploma (F, G, H, STI, etc.) or professional, professional certificate or technician's certificate, other certificate (BEA, BEC, BEI, etc.) basic legal qualification
[] 7 Bachelor's or Associate's degree, BTS, DUT, diploma of social or health professions
[] 8 Graduate or post-baccalaureate university diploma (including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry), engineering degree, from a teacher-training school.

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_DIPLOMA — Highest diploma achieved
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

9. What diplomas, certificates or degrees do you have?

[] 01 You have never been to school
[] 02 No diploma/certificate/degree but schooling up to primary school or high school
[] 03 No diploma/certificate/degree but schooling beyond high school
[] 11 Certificate of primary studies (CEP)
[] 12 General certificate of secondary education (BEPC); preliminary-level intermediate certificate (brevet elementaire); vocational school certificate (brevet des colleges)
[] 13 Vocational training certificate (CAP); journeyman's certificate [brevet de compagnon]
[] 14 Professional training certificate (BEP)
[] 15 General baccalaureate degree, certificate of advanced studies [brevet superieur]
[] 16 Technical or professional baccalaureate [baccalaureat technologique ou professionnel]; professional or technical vocational certificate [brevet professionnel ou de technicien]; basic legal qualification (2-year degree) [capacite en droit] ; certificate of agricultural education (BEA); certificate of business education (BEC); certificate of industrial education (BEI); BEM
[] 17 Preliminary-level university degree [diplome de 1er cycle universitaire]; advanced technical degree (BTS); technical degree from a university technology institute (DUT); degrees related to social or health-care professions, or nursing
[] 18 Advanced university degrees (including medical, pharmaceutical and dental); engineering degree, degree from a highly competitive public or private college, doctorate, etc.

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_DEGREE — Highest degree obtained
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Individual form

6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

9) What diplomas do you have?

[ ] 01 You never went to school
[ ] 02 No diploma, but educated until primary or middle school
[ ] 03 No diploma but educated past middle school
[ ] 11 CEP (Primary education certificate)
[ ] 12 BEPC, France, general certificate of secondary education
[ ] 13 CAP, vocational training qualification
[ ] 14 BEP
[ ] 15 General baccalaureate
[ ] 16 Technical or professional baccalaureate, Professional or technical certificate, BEA, BEC, BEI, BEH, basic legal qualification
[ ] 17 1st cycle university diploma, BTS, DUT, social or health professions diploma, nursing
[ ] 18 2nd or 3rd cycle university diploma (including medical, pharmacy, dental), engineering diploma, grande école, doctorate, etc.

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_PRIMARY — Completed primary school
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_PARTVOC — Completed compulsory part-time vocational school
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_GRADE10 — Completed 10th grade
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_EXAMHS — Completed final high school exam
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_FULLVOC — Completed full-time or advanced vocational school
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_ENGIN — Completed engineering school
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_UNIV — Completed university
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10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?
[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_GRADE — Highest school grade completed
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Levels of education completed information
For persons who have completed several levels of education, state all. If several degrees in one education level are present, the last degree acquired is stated.

9.a. Have you completed the eighth grade?

If yes, what year did the completion take place? ____

9.b. Have you completed the tenth grade (secondary school leaving certificate)?

If yes, what year did the completion take place? ____

9.c. Do you have the Abitur [qualification for university entrance]?

If yes, what year did the completion take place? ____

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Questions about completed level of education (Persons with several completed levels of education list all of them. In case of several completions on the same level the last one obtained is to be listed.)

9a. Did you complete grade 8?

If yes, in which year? ____

9b. Did you complete grade 10 (intermediate level)?

If yes, in which year? ____

9c. When did you complete the abitur (access to university)?

If yes, in which year? ____

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_CRAFT1 — Has skilled worker certificate
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Levels of education completed information
For persons who have completed several levels of education, state all. If several degrees in one education level are present, the last degree acquired is stated.

9.d. Do you have a skilled worker certificate?

If yes:

____Year of completion
____ Skilled trade

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Questions about completed level of education (Persons with several completed levels of education list all of them. In case of several completions on the same level the last one obtained is to be listed.)

9d. Do you have a craftsman certificate?

If yes:
____ Year of completion
____ Subject

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_CRAFT2 — Has the second skilled worker certificate
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Levels of education completed information
For persons who have completed several levels of education, state all. If several degrees in one education level are present, the last degree acquired is stated.

If a second skilled worker certificate exists:

____ Year of completion
____ Skilled trade

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Questions about completed level of education (Persons with several completed levels of education list all of them. In case of several completions on the same level the last one obtained is to be listed.)

In case of a second craftsman certificate:
____ Year of completion
____ Subject

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_CRAFTM — Has master craftsman certificate
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Levels of education completed information
For persons who have completed several levels of education, state all. If several degrees in one education level are present, the last degree acquired is stated.

9.e. Do you have a master craftsman certificate?

If yes:

____ Year of completion
____ Profession

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Questions about completed level of education (Persons with several completed levels of education list all of them. In case of several completions on the same level the last one obtained is to be listed.)

9e. Do you have a master craftsman certificate?

If yes:
____ Year of completion
____ Subject

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_TECH — Has technical college degree
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Levels of education completed information
For persons who have completed several levels of education, state all. If several degrees in one education level are present, the last degree acquired is stated.

9.f. Do you have a technical college degree?

If yes:

____ Year of completion
____ Subject area

Question 9f, 9g:

Under field, the derived job title should not be stated, so not engineer, but rather air traffic engineer; not technician rather metallurgical technician, for example.

In the field information of graduates of pedagogical fields, it must be identifiable that it involves teacher/pedagogical studies, so not mathematics rather secondary school teacher of mathematics; mathematics teacher.

This also applies for specialists with completed technical college and university education that have completed pedagogical post graduate studies; so not electrical engineering rather vocational school teacher of electrical engineering; teacher of the career-oriented education in electrical engineering.

Not considered finished technical college and university studies are:
Post graduate studies; guest studies; examination for the master's certificate even if it was passed at a vocational college; completion of a vocational school.

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Questions about completed level of education (Persons with several completed levels of education list all of them. In case of several completions on the same level the last one obtained is to be listed.)

9f. Do you have a technical college certificate?

If yes:
____Year of completion

To questions 9f and 9g:

The subject should be entered, not just the title of the degree, for example, not just engineer but engineer of aeronautics, not just technician but technician in metal mining.
For pedagogical subjects, the title should be added, for example not just mathematics but high school teacher for mathematics.

[Rest omitted]

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_UNIV — Has university degree
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Levels of education completed information
For persons who have completed several levels of education, state all. If several degrees in one education level are present, the last degree acquired is stated.

9.g. Do you have a university degree?

If yes:

____ Year of completion
____ Subject area

Question 9f, 9g:

Under field, the derived job title should not be stated, so not engineer, but rather air traffic engineer; not technician rather metallurgical technician, for example.

In the field information of graduates of pedagogical fields, it must be identifiable that it involves teacher/pedagogical studies, so not mathematics rather secondary school teacher of mathematics; mathematics teacher.

This also applies for specialists with completed technical college and university education that have completed pedagogical post graduate studies; so not electrical engineering rather vocational school teacher of electrical engineering; teacher of the career-oriented education in electrical engineering.

Not considered finished technical college and university studies are:
Post graduate studies; guest studies; examination for the master's certificate even if it was passed at a vocational college; completion of a vocational school.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions about completed level of education (Persons with several completed levels of education list all of them. In case of several completions on the same level the last one obtained is to be listed.)

9g. Do you have a university degree?

If yes:
____ Year of completion
____ Subject

To questions 9f and 9g:

The subject should be entered, not just the title of the degree, for example, not just engineer but engineer of aeronautics, not just technician but technician in metal mining.
For pedagogical subjects, the title should be added, for example not just mathematics but high school teacher for mathematics.

[Rest omitted]

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_HIGRADE — Highest school grade obtained
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9. Education completed
[] 1 Eighth grade
[] 2 Tenth grade
[] 3 Abitur [qualification for university entrance]

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 9: Education completed
The highest degree completed should be marked, for example: "Abitur" [qualification for university entrance] or "10th grade" or "8th grade." This also applies to students. Then, for example, for a student in the 11th grade "10th grade" should be marked.

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_SEMICRFT — Semi-craftsman certificate
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10. Vocational education completed (please mark all applicable circles)
[] 1 Semi-skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 2 Skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 3 Master; occupation ____
[] 4 Vocational college degree; field ____
[] 5 University degree, field ____
What other education? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 10: Vocational education completed
The vocation learned or the field of the vocational degree that was achieved through training or awarded through attestation should be stated. The complete designation according to the official school certificate (e.g. skilled worker certificate, diploma) should be stated. For example:

Not "engineer", rather "engineer for railroad construction equipment"
Not "civil engineer", rather "civil engineer for hydraulic engineering"

A semi-skilled worker degree is valid if the person concerned is in possession of a corresponding school certificate.

If a person has several degrees in the same education level, for example, two semi-skilled worker degrees, then the one last attained should be stated. "Guest studies," "post-graduate studies," "doctorate," etc. should be entered under "which other education?"

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_CRAFT — Craftsman certificate
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

10. Vocational education completed (please mark all applicable circles)
[] 1 Semi-skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 2 Skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 3 Master; occupation ____
[] 4 Vocational college degree; field ____
[] 5 University degree, field ____
What other education? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 10: Vocational education completed
The vocation learned or the field of the vocational degree that was achieved through training or awarded through attestation should be stated. The complete designation according to the official school certificate (e.g. skilled worker certificate, diploma) should be stated. For example:

Not "engineer", rather "engineer for railroad construction equipment"
Not "civil engineer", rather "civil engineer for hydraulic engineering"

A semi-skilled worker degree is valid if the person concerned is in possession of a corresponding school certificate.

If a person has several degrees in the same education level, for example, two semi-skilled worker degrees, then the one last attained should be stated. "Guest studies," "post-graduate studies," "doctorate," etc. should be entered under "which other education?"

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_MASTCRFT — Master craftsman certificate
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

10. Vocational education completed (please mark all applicable circles)
[] 1 Semi-skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 2 Skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 3 Master; occupation ____
[] 4 Vocational college degree; field ____
[] 5 University degree, field ____
What other education? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 10: Vocational education completed
The vocation learned or the field of the vocational degree that was achieved through training or awarded through attestation should be stated. The complete designation according to the official school certificate (e.g. skilled worker certificate, diploma) should be stated. For example:

Not "engineer", rather "engineer for railroad construction equipment"
Not "civil engineer", rather "civil engineer for hydraulic engineering"

A semi-skilled worker degree is valid if the person concerned is in possession of a corresponding school certificate.

If a person has several degrees in the same education level, for example, two semi-skilled worker degrees, then the one last attained should be stated. "Guest studies," "post-graduate studies," "doctorate," etc. should be entered under "which other education?"

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_TECHDIP — Technical college diploma
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

10. Vocational education completed (please mark all applicable circles)
[] 1 Semi-skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 2 Skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 3 Master; occupation ____
[] 4 Vocational college degree; field ____
[] 5 University degree, field ____
What other education? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 9: Education completed
The highest degree completed should be marked, for example: "Abitur" [qualification for university entrance] or "10th grade" or "8th grade." This also applies to students. Then, for example, for a student in the 11th grade "10th grade" should be marked.

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_UNIVDIP — University degree
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

10. Vocational education completed (please mark all applicable circles)
[] 1 Semi-skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 2 Skilled worker; occupation ____
[] 3 Master; occupation ____
[] 4 Vocational college degree; field ____
[] 5 University degree, field ____
What other education? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 9: Education completed
The highest degree completed should be marked, for example: "Abitur" [qualification for university entrance] or "10th grade" or "8th grade." This also applies to students. Then, for example, for a student in the 11th grade "10th grade" should be marked.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_EDUCLEV — Highest level of general education completed
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Question 9: What is the highest level of general education you have completed?
For this question, only the level of schooling completed should be marked. Pupils who are still attending a school of general education need not answer question 9.

In an intermediate school or a high school was not attended up to the completion of the 10th grade, mark "elementary school, post-primary school." If the person left school after the 10th grade but before the final high school examination, mark "intermediate school."

Persons who have completed a course of schooling for adults to obtain high school equivalency (e.g., evening high school/institution leading to university qualification) mark either "intermediate school" or "qualification for higher education (final high school examination)", according to the level completed.

For persons between 15 and 65 years of age
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons between 15 and 65 years]

If you have completed education at a school/university of general/vocational education:

9. What is the highest level of general education you have completed?

[] 1 Elementary school, post-primary school
[] 2 Intermediate school or equivalent (e.g., completed 10th grade)
[] 3 High school qualifying for higher education (final high school exam) or qualifying for vocational education

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_EDHIGHER — Highest level of vocational or university education completed
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Question 10: What is the highest level at a vocational school or university?
a) Full-time vocational schools are attended either in preparation for a specific trade or for a complete vocational training. They include (among others): commercial schools, schools for higher commercial studies, administrative schools, language schools and interpreters' schools, housekeeping schools, nursemaids' schools, schools for medical assistants, schools of arts and schools of dramatic arts.

Compulsory part-time vocational schools or special part-time vocational schools must not be indicated under "full-time vocational school".

Advanced full-time vocational schools provide a further education for specific occupations. They may be attended on a part-time or a full-time basis.

The advanced full-time vocational schools are normally designated as "special schools for... (occupational objective or field of interest)" -- e.g., advanced full-time technical schools (also schools for technicians), advanced full-time vocational schools for economics, agriculture, home economics, textiles and clothing, social pedagogy. These schools also include master schools.

The vocational colleges mainly emerged from the former engineering schools and higher advanced full-time vocational schools. Their objective is to provide an education on a scientific or artistic basis by means of schooling especially focused on practical training, thereby enabling the students to perform an independent activity in their professional life. The vocational colleges also include the administrative vocational colleges where junior staff is trained for the upper-grade non-technical service of the Federation and the states.

Studies at universities, teacher training colleges, theological colleges and colleges of arts as well as in scientific courses of studies at the Gesamthochschulen should be indicated under "institution of higher education."

b) Indicated here is the occupational emphasis towards which the successful completion of a full-time vocational school, advanced full-time vocational school, vocational college or university that was orientated -- e.g., agriculture, mechanical engineering electrical engineering, business management, economics, surface ground construction, underground construction, trade in goods, transport and communications, banking and insurance. If a commercial school was completed, please enter "commercial school."

For persons between 15 and 65 years of age
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons between 15 and 65 years]

If you have completed education at a school/university of general/vocational education:

10a. What is the highest level at a vocational school or a university you have completed?

[] Full-time vocational school (e.g., commercial or administrative school)
[] Advanced full-time vocational school
[] Higher technical college (engineering school, vocational college)
[] Institution of higher education (including teacher training)

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_EDLEVEL — Type of school (level)
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Answer only for persons aged 5 years and over
[Question 7 was asked of persons age 5 and older.]

7. Full-time education

(a) Have you attended or are you attending school now?
0 [] Never
1 [] Now
3 [] Past
(b) If now or past in 7a, what is the highest grade (or year) attained in the regular school attended?
0 [] Kindergarten _
1 [] Primary _
2 [] Middle _
3 [] Secondary _
[] Other, specify No. of years ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7. Full-time education.

The questions on full-time education are strictly limited, to persons aged five years and over. They refer to full-time education in an educational institution like primary, middle, secondary, commercial or technical school, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational or trade training.

This definition excludes private tuition, correspondence courses, night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, vocational training schools, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like productivity institute, auditor-general's training school, agricultural training school, forestry training school, textile training school, draughtsmanship school, military academy, police training school, survey school, labour college, etc. It also excludes ungraded schools like nurseries and the Arabic schools where nothing but the reading and writing of the Koran is taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught should automatically be excluded because there are recognized schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

1a. Have you attended or are you attending school now?

Three boxes marked never, past, now, are provided for this question and you should mark a cross in only one of them.

(a) Never- Mark a cross in this box if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Past- Mark a cross in this box if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.
(c) Now- Mark a cross in this box if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.

1b. If now or past in 7a what is the highest grade (or year) attained in the regular school attended?

Boxes have been provided for recording the grade attained in the highest type of school attended by the respondent. You should therefore write in only one box for each respondent.

For a child in kindergarten write "1" in the box provided for kindergarten.

pg. 51

The following conversion table will help you to write the appropriate number in the box for respondents who attended the former "elementary" school and the comparatively new school system and reached a particular grade.

Note that the conversion should be done in terms of the "present system" [table].

[Column headings:]
(a) Old system
(b) Present system
(c) New system

Old system: Class 1
Present system: Primary 1
New system: Primary 1

Old system: Class 2
Present system: Primary 2
New system: Primary 2

Old system: Class 3
Present system: Primary 3
New system: Primary 3

Old system: Standard 1
Present system: Primary 4
New system: Primary 3

Old system: Standard 2
Present system: Primary 5
New system: Primary 4

Old system: Standard 3
Present system: Primary 6
New system: Primary 5

Old system: Standard 4
Present system: Middle 1
New system: Primary 6

Old system: Standard 5
Present system: Middle 2
New system: Primary 7

Old system: Standard 6
Present system: Middle 3
New system: Continuation 1

Old system: Standard 7
Present system: Middle 4
New system: Continuation 2

If the respondent completed middle form 4, you should write 4 in the box provided for middle. Likewise if the respondent completed continuation 1, you should write 3 in the box for middle. Similarly for a respondent who finished secondary form 5, you must write 5 in the box for secondary. For a respondent in upper sixth form in a secondary school you should write 6 in the box for secondary. It is important that you write out the figures clearly and boldly.

The dotted line marked "other specify" has been provided for recording the other types of school which do not fall into the categories above.

These include the following:

(a) Universities
(b) Teacher training colleges
(c) Commercial and technical schools
(d) Junior secondary schools

For teacher training colleges you should distinguish between the following types:

1. Cert. B
2. Cert. A (post middle)
3. Cert. A (post B)
4. Cert. A (post-secondary)
5. Specialist training college
6. Advanced teacher training, etc.
pg. 52

For these schools indicate on the dotted line marked "no. of years", the number of years spent or the highest grade attained in the school by the respondent, e.g. for those who obtained cert. A (post B) teacher's certificate write 2 in the space marked "no. of years".

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_EDATTAN — Highest grade achieved (within level)
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Answer only for persons aged 5 years and over
[Question 7 was asked of persons age 5 and older.]

7. Full-time education

(a) Have you attended or are you attending school now?
0 [] Never
1 [] Now
3 [] Past
(b) If now or past in 7a, what is the highest grade (or year) attained in the regular school attended?
0 [] Kindergarten _
1 [] Primary _
2 [] Middle _
3 [] Secondary _
[] Other, specify No. of years ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7. Full-time education.

The questions on full-time education are strictly limited, to persons aged five years and over. They refer to full-time education in an educational institution like primary, middle, secondary, commercial or technical school, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational or trade training.

This definition excludes private tuition, correspondence courses, night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, vocational training schools, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like productivity institute, auditor-general's training school, agricultural training school, forestry training school, textile training school, draughtsmanship school, military academy, police training school, survey school, labour college, etc. It also excludes ungraded schools like nurseries and the Arabic schools where nothing but the reading and writing of the Koran is taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught should automatically be excluded because there are recognized schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

1a. Have you attended or are you attending school now?

Three boxes marked never, past, now, are provided for this question and you should mark a cross in only one of them.

(a) Never- Mark a cross in this box if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Past- Mark a cross in this box if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.
(c) Now- Mark a cross in this box if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.

1b. If now or past in 7a what is the highest grade (or year) attained in the regular school attended?

Boxes have been provided for recording the grade attained in the highest type of school attended by the respondent. You should therefore write in only one box for each respondent.

For a child in kindergarten write "1" in the box provided for kindergarten.

pg. 51

The following conversion table will help you to write the appropriate number in the box for respondents who attended the former "elementary" school and the comparatively new school system and reached a particular grade.

Note that the conversion should be done in terms of the "present system" [table].

[Column headings:]
(a) Old system
(b) Present system
(c) New system

Old system: Class 1
Present system: Primary 1
New system: Primary 1

Old system: Class 2
Present system: Primary 2
New system: Primary 2

Old system: Class 3
Present system: Primary 3
New system: Primary 3

Old system: Standard 1
Present system: Primary 4
New system: Primary 3

Old system: Standard 2
Present system: Primary 5
New system: Primary 4

Old system: Standard 3
Present system: Primary 6
New system: Primary 5

Old system: Standard 4
Present system: Middle 1
New system: Primary 6

Old system: Standard 5
Present system: Middle 2
New system: Primary 7

Old system: Standard 6
Present system: Middle 3
New system: Continuation 1

Old system: Standard 7
Present system: Middle 4
New system: Continuation 2

If the respondent completed middle form 4, you should write 4 in the box provided for middle. Likewise if the respondent completed continuation 1, you should write 3 in the box for middle. Similarly for a respondent who finished secondary form 5, you must write 5 in the box for secondary. For a respondent in upper sixth form in a secondary school you should write 6 in the box for secondary. It is important that you write out the figures clearly and boldly.

The dotted line marked "other specify" has been provided for recording the other types of school which do not fall into the categories above.

These include the following:

(a) Universities
(b) Teacher training colleges
(c) Commercial and technical schools
(d) Junior secondary schools

For teacher training colleges you should distinguish between the following types:

1. Cert. B
2. Cert. A (post middle)
3. Cert. A (post B)
4. Cert. A (post-secondary)
5. Specialist training college
6. Advanced teacher training, etc.
pg. 52

For these schools indicate on the dotted line marked "no. of years", the number of years spent or the highest grade attained in the school by the respondent, e.g. for those who obtained cert. A (post B) teacher's certificate write 2 in the space marked "no. of years".

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Answer only for persons aged 5 years and over
[Question 7 was asked of persons age 5 and older.]

7. Full-time education

(a) Have you attended or are you attending school now?
0 [] Never
1 [] Now
3 [] Past
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7. Full-time education.

The questions on full-time education are strictly limited, to persons aged five years and over. They refer to full-time education in an educational institution like primary, middle, secondary, commercial or technical school, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational or trade training.

This definition excludes private tuition, correspondence courses, night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, vocational training schools, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like productivity institute, auditor-general's training school, agricultural training school, forestry training school, textile training school, draughtsmanship school, military academy, police training school, survey school, labour college, etc. It also excludes ungraded schools like nurseries and the Arabic schools where nothing but the reading and writing of the Koran is taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught should automatically be excluded because there are recognized schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

1a. Have you attended or are you attending school now?

Three boxes marked never, past, now, are provided for this question and you should mark a cross in only one of them.

(a) Never- Mark a cross in this box if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Past- Mark a cross in this box if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.
(c) Now- Mark a cross in this box if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_EDATTAIN — Highest level and grade of education attained
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P12 Educational characteristics (Answer for persons 3 years or older)

[P12b-P12c were asked of persons have ever attended/attending school now.]

P12b If now, or past in P12a: What is the highest level of schooling (name) attending/attended?

[] 1 Pre-school
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Middle/JSS
[] 4 Secondary/SSS
[] 5 Vocational/technical/commercial
[] 6 Post secondary (Agriculture/nursing/teacher training)
[] 7 Tertiary

P12c Highest educational grade: What is the highest grade (name) completed at that level? _ _
(Record actual grade if 0-8, if 9 or more code 9)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P12: Educational characteristics: Ask all persons 3 years or older

P12a School attendance: Has (name) ever attended/attending school now?

This question refers to full time education in an educational institution such as, nursery, kindergarten (pre-school), primary, middle, junior secondary, secondary, vocational, commercial or technical, senior secondary, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four (4) hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational skill or trade training.

This definition excludes night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, adult literacy school, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like National Productivity Institute, Auditor-General's Training School, Accountant-General Training School, Labour College, Commercial Bank Training School, etc. It excludes Arabic schools where only reading and writing of the Quoran are taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught must automatically be excluded because there are recognised schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

Three Options: never, now, past are provided for this question and you must write and mark only one of them:

a. Never - Write and mark X for box 1, if the person has never at any time received full-time education. If you mark never i.e. box 1 then skip to P13 without asking P12b and P12c.
b. Now - Write and mark box 2, if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census. It includes those who are on vacation at the time of the Census and would be going back to school.
c. Past - Write and mark box 3, if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

P12b If now or past in 12a: What is the highest level of schooling (name) attending/attended?

This question seeks to elicit information on the highest level of formal schooling attended/attending. Seven levels have been identified. They are (i) Pre-school, (ii) Primary (iii) Middle/JSS (iv) Secondary/SSS (v) Vocational/Technical/Commercial (vi) Post Secondary (Agric/Nursing/Teacher Training) and (vii) Tertiary (e.g. Polytechnic or University). If the person or respondent dropped out of school at a level it means he/she had not completed that level but has attended that level. Note that the interest here is to find the highest level ever attended or attending and not completed, mark the appropriate box applicable to the person.

In some cases you will come across people who through correspondence, distant or adult education have attained some level of schooling. In such cases find the equivalent level of schooling and write and mark the appropriate box.

P12c What is the highest grade (name) completed at that level?

The highest grade completed, is the last full class, form or year completed and not the present/current one being attended. For example if the person is now in primary class five (5), then the highest grade (class) completed will be Primary four (4) since he/she has not yet completed Primary five (5). Similarly, a child who is currently or who dropped out during the second term in JSS 1, will have "0" (Zero) recorded, because no grade has been completed at that level. Record the equivalent grade for persons who have attained some level of schooling through distant, correspondence or adult education. Thus if the grade is unobtainable, the equivalence of the number of years devoted to that particular type of school will provide the required information.

[p. 41]

An example of how to complete P12b and P12c: If a child is currently in the third year of primary school then mark an X for code "2" in P12b and write 2 and mark in the box at P12c.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_EDATTAN — Highest educational level and grade completed
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Full time education: answer for persons 3 years and older
[P12a, P12b and P12c were asked for persons 3 years of age and older.]

P12b. What is the highest level of schooling [the respondent] is attending now/attended in the past?

[P12b was asked for persons who had attended school in the past or were attending school now (responded "past" or "now" to P12a).]
[] 01 Nursery
[] 02 Kindergarten
[] 03 Primary
[] 04 JSS/JHS
[] 05 Middle
[] 06 SSS/SHS
[] 07 Secondary
[] 08 Voc/technical/commercial
[] 09 Post middle/secondary certificate (teacher training/college of education, agric, nursing etc.)
[] 10 Post secondary diploma (university diploma, HND, teacher training/college of education diploma, etc)
[] 11 Bachelor degree
[] 12 Post graduate (Cert., Diploma, Masters, PHD, etc.)

P12c. Highest educational grade completed for those currently attending school or attended in the past.

[P12c was asked for persons who had attended school in the past or were attending school now (responded "past" or "now" to P12a).]
What is the highest grade (form/class/level) [the respondent] has completed at that level of schooling? _
If 0 -8, record actual grade. If 9 or more, code 9.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P12b. If now or past in 12a: What is the highest level of school (name) is attending now/attended in the past?

This question seeks to elicit information on the highest level of formal school respondent attended or is attending. 12 levels have been identified and they are:

01 Nursery
02 Kindergarten
03 Primary
05 Middle
07 Secondary
08 Vocational/technical/commercial
09 Post middle/secondary certificate (teacher training, college of education, agric., nursing, midwifery, other certificate, etc.),
10 Post secondary diploma [tertiary (university diploma, teacher training, HND, etc.)]
11 Bachelor degree
12 Post-graduate or higher (higher means post graduate diploma, master's degree, Ph.D.).

Note that the interest here is to find the highest level of formal school respondent ever attended or attending and not completed. If a respondent dropped out of school at a level it means he/she has attended that level. Also note that first degree includes undergraduates who are still in the universities and polytechnics and those who attended university but dropped out before completing the bachelor degree in addition to those who have completed their bachelor degree.

Similarly, the post graduate category includes those who have completed post graduate diploma, masters' degree and Ph.D. It also includes those who are currently doing a postgraduate course and those who started post graduate course but dropped out before completion.

Enter the code applicable to the person.

You will also come across people who through distant, sandwich course or adult education have attained some level of schooling. In such cases, find the equivalent level of schooling and record the appropriate code in the box provided.

P12c. What is the highest grade [class/form/year] (name) has completed at that level of schooling?

The highest grade completed, is the last full class, form or year completed and not the present/current one being attended. For example if the person is now in primary class five (5), then the highest grade (class) completed will be primary four (4) since he/she has not yet completed primary five (5). Similarly, a child who is currently in JHS 1 or who dropped out during the second term in JHS 1, will have "0" (Zero) recorded, because no grade has been completed at that level. Record the equivalent grade for persons who have attained some level of schooling through distant, correspondence or adult education. If the grade is unobtainable, the equivalence of the number of years devoted to that particular type of school will provide the required information. Below is an example of how to complete P12b and P12c. If a child is currently in the third year of primary school then enter code "03" in P12b. In P12c, write 2 in the appropriate box.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_EDATTAIN — Level of education
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The following questions 13-24 should only be completed for persons born in 1960 or earlier.

23. Level of education
[] 1 Degree from university or other school of higher education
[] 2 Now attending university or other school of higher education
[] 3 Secondary education certificate
[] 4 Lower secondary school certificate
[] 5 Primary school certificate
[] 6 Dropped out of primary school

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 22, Knows how to read and write [omitted]

Question 23, Level of education

188. The highest degree is to be recorded [examples omitted].

[p. 52]

Question 24, Higher degree of education [omitted]

[Rest of the document was not translated into English]

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_EDLEV — Level of education
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The following questions should be answered only by persons born in 1970 or earlier.

10. Level of education: Mark an X next to the answer that corresponds to the highest degree attained by the respondent. In addition, in cases 1 or 2, for higher education degrees from a university or other school of higher education, specify: a) the educational institution and b) the department they graduated from.

[] 1 Higher education (university) degree
___ (Educational Institution)
___ _ _ _ (Department)

[] 2 Higher education other, non-university school degree
___ (Educational Institution)
___ _ _ _ (Department)

[] 3 Now attending university or other school of higher education
[] 4 Secondary education certificate (6-grade gymnasium)
[] 5 Lower secondary school certificate
[] 6 Primary school certificate
[] 7 Dropped out of primary school but knows how to read and write
[] 8 Does not know how to read and write

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_EDATTAIN — Level of education
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

12. Level of education

-Provide only one answer, which corresponds to the highest level of study completed by the respondent.
-Answer 1 refers to those who have attained a Ph.D. or a Master's degree.


[] 1 Postgraduate (Ph.D. or Master's) degree
[] 2 Higher education (University) degree
[] 3 Technical education college degree
[] 4 Higher education school degree
[] 5 Now attending University, Technical college, or Higher education school
[] 6 Secondary education certificate (secondary school or 6-grade gymnasium or comprehensive school)
[] 7 Technical school certificate
[] 8 Technical college certificate
[] 9 Lower secondary school certificate
[] 10 Left lower secondary school without certificate
[] 11 Primary school certificate
[] 12 Left primary school without certificate, knows how to read and write
[] 13 Left primary school without certificate, does not know how to read and write
[] 14 Did not attend primary school and does not know how to read and write

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_EDATTAN — Level of Education
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14. Education
(Mark the highest level of study completed by the respondent.)
[] 1 PhD
[] 2 Master's
[] 3 Higher education degree
[] 4 Technical education college or religious education degree
[] 5 Post secondary education degree
[] 6 Secondary education certificate (secondary school or 6-grade gymnasium or comprehensive school)
[] 7 Technical school certificate
[] 8 Technical college certificate
[] 9 Lower secondary school certificate
[] 10 Primary school certificate
[] 11 Now attending primary school
[] 12 Left primary school without certificate, but knows how to read and write
[] 13 Does not know how to read and write

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 14: Only one answer, corresponding to the highest level of studies completed by the respondent. Post-secondary education comprises schools not belonging to Higher Education (Universities) for which secondary education certificate is required (e.g. Vocational Training Institutes / Centers, Colleges etc.). Not to be answered by children born later than 1-1-1995.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_EDATTAIN — Level of education completed
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11. Educational attainment.

[Answer questions 11- 12 only children born after 01/01/2005]

State the highest level of studies completed by the respondent.

[] 1 PhD
[] 2 Master's degree
[] 3 Higher education degree
[] 4 Degree of Technical Education colleges
[] 5 Certificate of high technical schools
[] 6 Post-secondary education degree
[] 7 Secondary education certificate
[] 8 Technical school certificate
[] 9 Technical college certificate
[] 10 Lower secondary school certificate
[] 11 Primary school certificate
[] 12 Left primary school, but can read and write
[] 13 Completed pre-primary education
[] 14 Illiterate
[For persons who checked answers 6 through 14, skip to question 13]
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Question 11 "Level of education"
The question is to be answered by those born up to the 31st of December 2004. Only one answer will be given, that corresponds to the highest degree acquired by the individual. The gradation level of education of inventory concerns all levels of education that is equivalent to the Greek.
Post-secondary education are considered schools that do not belong to higher education and entry into the requiring high school diploma [e.g. IEK Free Study Centers, Colleges, etc.].

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_EDATTAIN — Level and grade completed
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Educational and occupational characteristics
Persons 7 years old and more
[Questions 15 to 26 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]


18. Educational level: What was the highest grade and level of education that the person passed?

Be informed about the grade and the type of education: primary, secondary, university

[] No grade
[] 2 Elementary ____
[] 3 Secondary ____
[] 4 University ____
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Educational and occupational characteristics

These questions should be asked exclusively of the persons who have informed that they are seven years old or older.

Question 18: Educational level

In the spaces that correspond to this question, the enumerator should note with clarity, the highest grade or year that the person has completed in formal education. In this question, it is necessary to insist a bit, since generally, the informant tends to say the grade or year that he or she is attending, but what we want to know is the last grade that he or she passed. For this reason, this question should be asked to all persons, whatever the answer was to question 17. For person younger than seven years old, you should mark with an X across the box.

For those who inform not having passed any educational grade, you should write an X on the first line of this question ("no grade"), the same as for those who have passed any grade of preschool, since the question is oriented to the primary, secondary, or university levels.

The enumerator should write the grade or year on the corresponding line, according to the educational level. In this way, a person who has passed through the fifth year of elementary should have noted 5th elementary, the person who has passed 3rd year of pre-vocational should note 3rd Secondary, etc.

Be aware that under the term secondary we include the pre-vocational cycle (or general education) and the vocational cycle (or diversified), taking the first year of this last cycle as the 4th year of secondary, since the cycle of general education is comprised of three years.

If the education that is being studied is divided by semesters, you should note the highest year that the person has completed. For example, if the person passed the 5th semester of Civil Engineering, it would correspond to 2nd year of University.

For the persons who studied abroad, you should note with the best approximation, the grade that corresponds to the Guatemalan educational system, asking additional questions to the interviewee.

For persons who studied in Guatemala before the current educational systems were put into place at the several levels, you should note the highest grade that they passed according to the past systems. In this case, you should ask the enumerated persons additional questions to achieve the most accurate notation possible.

If the person does not remember the last grade passed, but does remember the level (elementary, secondary, or university), note a "d" (initial for unknown) on the respective line. For example, for a person who informs that he or she attended some years of secondary education, but cannot remember the last grade passed, you will write "of secondary". If the person does not remember even the grade nor educational level, in large letters that cover the box, write "unknown."

[p. 45]

Many college students take classes that correspond to different years; you should always write the last year that he or she has completed.

In the case of college students who finished classes but have not taken the exams to receive their college degree, you should note the last grade passed. The same will be applied in the case of professionals who have graduated from the university.

In the case of persons who have studied two fields of secondary or university studies, you should note the highest grade that corresponds to the field with the highest number of years.

As in the case of questions 16 and 17, this question refers exclusively to the formal education that is obtained in public and private institutions, schools, private education at home and college, excluding the long-distance learning and courses that are received in isolated form.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_EDLEV — Educational level
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C - Cultural characteristics
(For those 7 years of age and older)
[Questions 11 to 14 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]

12. Educational level

What was the highest grade or year of schooling you completed in primary, secondary, or higher education?

Write the grade or year according to the type of schooling indicated.

[] 00 None
[] 1 Elementary ____
[] 2 Secondary____
[] 3 Higher____
[] 99 Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C) Cultural characteristics (for persons aged seven years or older)

Questions 11-14 refer to the literacy and educational level of the enumerated person; either he or she completed the degree or is currently studying. For this reason, only persons aged seven and older are asked these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to find out the educational level of the population with respect to their demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Question 12: level of education

1. How to ask the question:

[p. 71]

Ask, "What was the last grade or year in primary or secondary school, or higher education, which you successfully completed?"

Note that two pieces of information are required here: a) the highest level of education; and b) the last year successfully completed at that level.

The normal educational system in Guatemala has several levels: a) primary; b) secondary; c) and higher education.

The following definitions will help you categorize the population correctly according to the above.

Primary education: this education is intended to provide the basic elements of instruction (grades 1-6).

Secondary education: the purpose of this level is to provide general, or specialized, or both, types of education. The minimum requirement for students is to be admitted is completion of primary education. This level of education is currently divided into basic and vocational instruction.

Higher education: this is instruction provided in universities and higher-level technical institutions. The minimum requirement for students to be admitted is completion of secondary education.

2. How to record the answer:
The form has various boxes for recording the answer given by the interviewee:

The 00 box, "none," is for the population, which has not completed any schooling.

The spaces appearing after the various levels of instruction, such as "primary 1 _ _," "secondary 2 _ _," and "higher level 3 _ _," are for recording the highest year or grade completed.

Use the 99 box, "unknown," for those persons for whom the informant is unable to provide the information.

[p. 72]

3. Example:
[This box contains question 12 of the section VI, "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_EDLEV — Educational level
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VII. People in the census household

For those 7 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 15 were asked for persons age 7+ old]

14. Educational level

What was the last grade or year of studies completed in primary, secondary or higher education?

[] 00 None
[] 1 Elementary _ _ _
[] 2 Secondary _ _ _
[] 3 Higher _ _ _
[] 99 Unknown
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C. Third block: educational characteristics (for those 7 years of age and older).

Questions 13 to 15 refer to the enumerated person's literacy and education completed or education being carried out. For this reason, only those persons 7 years of age and older are asked these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to discover the educational level of the population in relation to demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Question 14: educational level

1. How to formulate the question
What was the last grade or year of study that you completed in either primary [elementary], middle, or superior school?

Two pieces of information are required:

a) The highest level of education; and,
b) The last year completed in that level.

The Republic of Guatemala's regular educational system is made up of the following levels of education:

a) Primary
b) Middle
c) Tertiary

The following definitions will help the enumerator in correctly classifying the population in this characteristic.

Primary education: The educational system providing the first elements of instruction (1st to 6th grades).

Middle education (secondary): A general, specialized, or both, system of education. The minimum prerequisite to enter into secondary education is the completion of elementary education. This level is currently divided into basic and vocational.

[p. 74]

Tertiary education: Education provided by universities and non-university technical schools. The minimum prerequisite to enter tertiary education is the completion of secondary education.

2. How to record the data

If the person has not completed any grade, the number "00. none" is circled.

The spaces that appear before the different levels of education, "1. Primary", "2. Middle," and "3. tertiary", are provided so that the last grade or year completed can be recorded.

Finally, number "99. unknown" is provided in case the informant cannot supply the information about the person in question.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 14 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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VII. People in the census household

14. Educational level

What was the last grade or year of studies completed in pre-primary, primary, secondary or higher education?

Write down from 1 to 7 according to the grade passed.

[] 00 None
[] 10 Pre-primary
[] 2 Elementary _
[] 3 Secondary _
[] 4 Higher (university) _
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Questions for persons aged seven and older only
If the person is less than seven, do not ask him/her question 13-24. Instead, go to the next person on the list.

14. Level of education
Before continuing with this question, familiarize yourself with the following definitions:

[A graphic of box 14, "Level of education," is reproduced on the left-hand side of the page.]

- Pre-primary education: the goal of pre-primary education is to provide early stimulation and promote the psychomotor development of the child in preparation for primary education.

[p. 56]

- Primary education: this level is intended to provide the basics of education (from first to sixth grade).

- Secondary education: this level is intended to provide either general or specialized education, or both. The student must have successfully completed primary school to enter secondary school. This stage of education is divided into basic and vocational.

- Higher education: this is education taught in state or private universities or advanced technical schools. The student must have successfully completed secondary school to enter an institute of higher education.

Ask, "What was the last grade you passed in pre-primary, primary, or secondary school, or an institute of higher education.

If the person has not passed any grade, mark an X in the circle corresponding to the 00 option. If the person passed pre-primary, mark an X in the circle corresponding to the 10 option.

For primary school, secondary school, and higher education, write the last grade passed in the appropriate grid space. Write the information in digits using number from 1 to 7 (7 being the maximum).

Classes taught at a university but of limited length (6 months, etc.) are not considered higher education.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_EDLEV — Education level
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]

13. What was the last grade or year of studies completed?

[] 10 None
[] 20 Preschool

[For options 3 to 5] write 1 to 7 according to the grade completed:
[] 3 Grade school _
[] 4 Middle school _
[] 5 Superior school _
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 12-20 are for persons aged seven or older.

[p. 61]

13. Level of schooling
Ask, "What was the last level and or grade that this person passed in pre-primary, primary, middle or high school, or university?"

[A graphic of question 13, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

The levels of instruction corresponds to the regular system of formal education.

The mid-level of instruction refers to secondary education (middle and high school). Higher education corresponds to university education.

The question refers to the level and/or grade passed, and not the current level or grade.

Fill in the oval corresponding to code 10 if the respondent has not passed any grade.

Fill in the oval corresponding to code 20 if the respondent has passed pre-primary.

Write in digits (from 1 to 7) the answer corresponding to grades passed in primary, middle or high school, or university. If the answer is given in semesters, calculate an average of two semesters per grade. For example, the eighth semester would correspond to the fourth grade.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_YRSCHOOL — Years of study
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]

13. What was the last grade or year of studies completed?

[] 10 None
[] 20 Preschool

[For options 3 to 5] write 1 to 7 according to the grade completed:
[] 3 Grade school _
[] 4 Middle school _
[] 5 Superior school _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 12-20 are for persons aged seven or older.

[p. 61]

13. Level of schooling
Ask, "What was the last level and or grade that this person passed in pre-primary, primary, middle or high school, or university?"

[A graphic of question 13, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

The levels of instruction corresponds to the regular system of formal education.

The mid-level of instruction refers to secondary education (middle and high school). Higher education corresponds to university education.

The question refers to the level and/or grade passed, and not the current level or grade.

Fill in the oval corresponding to code 10 if the respondent has not passed any grade.

Fill in the oval corresponding to code 20 if the respondent has passed pre-primary.

Write in digits (from 1 to 7) the answer corresponding to grades passed in primary, middle or high school, or university. If the answer is given in semesters, calculate an average of two semesters per grade. For example, the eighth semester would correspond to the fourth grade.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_EDLEV — Level of education
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For the population aged 6 years and above: Characteristics of education
[Questions 12-14 were asked of persons aged 6 years and above.]

13. Highest grade completed ____
[The French text says "School attendance".]
Write the last grade attended, and the corresponding cycle (Cy), for instance: 1st cycle, 4th, grade, University, 2nd year. Write (-) if the person had never been to school

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B. Educational characteristics for the population aged 6 and older

Column (13): Level of Education
125. The level of education here designates the last year of study at the highest level in the system completed by the person in the country where he/she studied.

126. Ask for and record the cycle (Cy) and the last class taken by the enumerated person. For example:

First Cy, 4th year for a child having attended the 4th year of the first cycle.
Third cycle, 11th year for one having attended the 11th year of the 3rd cycle.
FAC, 3rd year for one having attended the 3rd year of a university.

127. For those who have completed their highest level of studies in a training school, note the name of the establishment and the last class attended. For example, [write] ENI, 3rd year for one who attended the 3rd year of the National Teachers Institute (ENI).

128. For someone who has never attended school, put a dash (--).

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

P14 Level of education (Highest grade completed)

____ School Cycle
____ Last grade attended
____ Education attainment

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Column P14: Level of Education
The level of education of a given individual corresponds to the last year of studies completed, or currently being completed in the case of students who are in the highest academic cycle in the national educational system. There are 4 academic cycles, which include from 3 to 7 years of study depending on the cycle:
a) Primary education
b) Middle school education (l'enseignement secondaire du 1er)
c) [Upper/high] school education
d) Vocational Training Type A (enseignement professionel du type A)
e) Vocational Training Type B (enseignement professionel du type B)
f) Higher education

A year of studies or, more precisely, a class of studies (class d'études) corresponds to a level of teaching in a given cycle.

Note: The inclusion of an individual in the category "Vocational Type A" or Vocational Type B" is linked to the level of education he/she reached on leaving the general education system. Thus:
Write "Vocational Type A" for anyone who entered the vocational track at the middle school level (collège, secondaire 2) or before;
Write "Vocational Type B" for anyone who entered the vocational track at the upper school level (lycée, secondaire 2) or later.

To fill out column P14 you will need to ask a series of 3 questions:
a) "Have you attended an educational establishment (établissement d'enseignement scolaire), either public or private?"
If the answer is no, then write "without" below the study cycle and "0" below" years of study.
If the answer is yes, then ask the following questions from b) and c), below:

[p. 45]

b) "What is the highest academic cycle you have reached?" There are six possible answers:

1) Primary school
2) Middle school (Secondaire, 1er cycle)
3) Upper/high school (Secondaire, 2ème cycle)
4) Vocational A (Professionnel A)
5) Vocational B (Professionnel B)
6) Higher education (Supérieur)

Write out the appropriate answer completely.

c) "What is the last year of study which you attended, or which you attend now, from the academic cycles indicated above?" Write out the last year declared as follows:
-1st A, 2nd A, 3rd A, 4th A, 5thA, or 6th A if the individual has attended the primary cycle;
-7th A, 8th A, 9th A, or 10th A if the individual has attended the middle school cycle (secondaire 1er cycle, college);
-11th A, 12th A or 13th A if the individual has attended the upper/high school cycle (secondaire 2ème cycle, lycée);
-1st A, 2nd A, 3rd A, if the individual has attended vocational [school] type A or B;
-1st A, 2nd A, 3rd A, 4th A, 5th A, 6th A, 7th A, 8th A, 9th A, 10th A if the individual has attended a university or higher education establishment.

Note: For the last year of high school (la terminale), write "13th A." Remember that studies carried out in Koranic schools should not be dealt with here; rather full-fledged teaching establishments. Use the classification of cycles and years used in general or vocational teaching to gather the corresponding information for people who have studied in or are studying in an Arabic school.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 3 years or more
[Questions P16- P21 were asked of resident persons aged 3 years or older.]

P18. Level of education
[The respondents are resident persons aged 3 years or older who ever attended school.]

What is the level of education of [the respondent]?

Enter the appropriate code.

[] 0 Pre-school
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Junior high
[] 3 High school
[] 4 Professional / technical
[] 5 University

P19. Class
[The respondents are resident persons aged 3 years or older who ever attended school.]

What was the last grade completed by [the respondent]? _ _

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_EDATTAN — Highest level of instruction achieved and number of completed years within that level
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[Questions 12 to 14 are asked to persons 5 years old and over]

13. Highest level of schooling completed
Write here the level of education: None, Literacy classes, Primary school, Secondary school, Technical, University, Teacher-training school

[] 0 None
[] 1 Literacy classes
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Technical
[] 5 Higher education
[] 6 University

Indicate if the education level is complete or incomplete. Choose the highest class achieved within the education level
[] 0 Complete
[] 1 Incomplete

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

C) Questions 12-14 Education

[Questions 12 to 14 are asked to persons 5 years old and over]

Column 13

a) Highest level of schooling completed. Indicate the type of education by writing an 'x' in the box corresponding to the answer you are given. The options are: none, literacy center, primary, secondary, technical, university, higher education.

None means that the person has never attended school, or any literacy center.

Literacy Center: (alph) includes all centers of this type, whether government or private, such as ONEC centers [Office National d'Education Communautaire], ONAAC centers [Office National d'Alphabétisation et d'Action Communautaire], evening programs for the illiterate

pg 32

affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, the municipality or another body, and even including the schools themselves created or operating due to volunteer work by individuals, etc.

Primary (Prim) or Secondary (Sec): All schools fitting the classic organizational description as defined by the National Education Department.

Technical (Tech): Includes all establishments whose goal is to prepare students to enter a specific trade or profession directly.

An example would the J. B. Damier School in Port au Prince; provincial farm-schools The Arts and Trades Center [Centre des Arts et Métiers]; teaching schools and rural teaching schools; commercial schools: accounting, secretarial, cosmetology; nursing schools, and medical technology schools

University (Univ): Includes all the colleges and faculties of the Sate University of Haiti, such as the College of Law and Economics; The Colleges of Medicine, Ethnology, Agronomy, Dentistry, Arts and Teaching, and the Colleges in the sciences.

Schools of Higher Education (E.S.) Includes all private or public schools providing classes at an advanced academic level, such as the free law schools [Ecoles Libres de Droit] in the provinces, and the schools educating engineers, economists and statisticians.

Indicate if the education is complete by marking an 'x' in the box corresponding to 'C', or incomplete by marking an 'x' in the box marked 'I'.

Then check off the highest class completed in the type of education indicated.

[page 33]

[Example on top of page 33 is omitted.]

Please note: Before indicating the number corresponding to the class, refer to the correspondence table in Appendix II in this instruction manual.

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_EDATTAN — Educational level attained
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C. Educational characteristics
For persons 6 years and older.
[Questions 10-16 were asked of persons 6 years of age and older.]

16. Highest level achieved: What is the last class (last year) that this person attended?

Class (or year) ____
[] 1 None
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 High school (Normale)
[] 5 University, higher education
[] 6 Technical or professional

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

C) Education
[Questions 10-16.]
71. Questions relating to education are only asked of people 6 years old or more. For all people less than 6 years old, the interrogation stops at question 9.

Question 16: Level attained
77. Record the last class or the last year of studies accomplished at the highest level in which the person succeeded in the educational system.
Then specify the level by checking one of the corresponding boxes among the levels of which the educational system in the country is made up.
Consult the chart which has been provided for you in order to fill out this part of the questionnaire.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_YREDUC — Year completed or class for completed level of education
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F2. Population aged 5 and older
[Questions F2.13 through F2.20 were asked for persons 5 years of age and older.]

16. What is the last year or class finished at this level? ____

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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For persons 5 years of age and older
[Questions 8-10 were asked of people aged 5 years or older]

10. Last year completed
[Write the] Year in numbers followed by "P" for primary, "S" for secondary, or "U" for university. Example: 3 P, 2 S, 5 U

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Educational characteristics
This section comprises questions 8, 9, and 10, and those questions should be asked to persons aged 5 years or older.

Column number 10: Last year completed
With this information, it is desired to know the educational level of the population and it is necessary that the enumerator pay special attention [to the occupant].

For the persons who have never attended school and for those who attended but did have not complete even their first year of study, a dash (-) is written down.

For the rest of the population, the number of the last year completed is written down, followed by a letter "P" for primary, "S" for secondary, or "U" for university.

[p. 21]

Some faculties in our [Honduran] University have a preparatory course. For those university students who have passed preparatory but who have not entered the first year of university studies, the annotation is "PU", which means University Preparatory.

The annotation will be as follows: 3P, 2S, 1PU, and 4U; meaning third year in primary, second year in secondary, first year in university preparatory, and fourth year in university.

Studies in the Vocational Technical Institute, School of Arts and Trades, Industrial Arts School, School of Fine Arts, and similar are considered to be secondary education.

Be careful when interviewing current students. The question refers to the last year completed and not to the current year of study. E.g. for a child attending the third year of primary, "2P" is written down since the last year completed is second.

For the child attending the first year of primary, a dash (-) is recorded since no studies have been completed.

For the person attending the first year of secondary, "6P" is recorded since the last year completed is the sixth grade in primary.

For those in their first year at the university, ask if they attended the preparatory course, if this is the case, 1PU is recorded. Otherwise, write 5S since the last year completed is the fifth grade in secondary.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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B. - Educational Characteristics

(For all individuals 6 years of age and older)

11. What is the last grade or year completed in primary, secondary or post-secondary school?

Mark the answers according to page 35 of your manual

[] 00 None
____ 1 Primary
____ 2 Secondary
____ 3 Post-secondary
[] 99 Unknown
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
B) Educational Characteristics (Only for persons aged six and older)

Questions 10-13 refer to the level of literacy and years of study the enumerated person has completed or is completing. For this reason, only ask person aged six and older these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to discover the level of education of the population in relation to its demographic, economic and social characteristics.

Question set 11: Level of education
What was the last grade or year in primary or secondary school, or higher education, that you/the person successfully completed?

Note that two pieces of information are required here: a) The highest level of education; and b) The last year successfully completed at that level.

[p. 36]

The normal educational system in Guatemala has several levels: a) Primary; b) Secondary; c) Higher education

The following definitions will help you categorize the population correctly according to the above.

Primary Education. This education is intended to provide the basic elements of instruction. (grades 1-6).

Secondary Education. The purpose of this level is to provide general, or specialized, or both, types of education. The minimum requirement for students to be admitted is completion of primary education. This level of education is currently divided into basic [junior high] and high school.

Higher Education. This is instruction provided in universities and higher-level technical institutions. The minimum requirement for students to be admitted is completion of secondary education.

The form provides several boxes for recording the respondent's answer.

The "None" box, 00, is for those who have not passed any grade or are illiterate.

The spaces after the various levels of instruction, "Primary 1___," Secondary 2___," and Higher Education 3___" are for recording the highest grade or year passed.

Box 99, "Unknown," is provided for cases where the respondent is unable to provide information about a family member. For example:

a) If a person passed the third year of primary school, write 3 after "Primary 1" (Primary 1 3).
[p. 37]
b) If a person says that he/she has passed the first year of high school, find out if it was under the new system in which case write Secondary 2 4. If it was under the old system write Secondary 2 1. Do the same for all branches of secondary.

c) If a person says s/he has passed the university preparation course (CUEG) write Higher Education 3 P.

d) Remember to ask for the last grade passed and not the grade being attended.

If the person is attending the university preparation course (CUEG) write Higher Education 2 5 or 6 according to the last grade studied in secondary school

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_EDATTAIN — Highest educational level completed
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B. Educational characteristics

11. What is the highest level of studies that you have studied or completed?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Literacy center
[] 3 Pre-primary
(For responses 1-3, skip to question 15)
[] 4 Primary
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Post-secondary non-university
[] 7 Post-secondary university

12. What is the highest grade you completed?


13. Did you complete this level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

14. To what educational level did the last year completed belong?

(Write the most important one)

____ _ _ _

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B. Educational characteristics

11. What is the highest level of study that you have studied or completed?
If the answer corresponds to one of the first three levels (none, literacy center, or pre-primary), the enumerator will skip to question 15.

If the answer is among the alternatives 4, 5, 6, or 7, the corresponding mark is made and the enumerator will proceed to the following question.

Reminder: Post-secondary non-tertiary education takes place after secondary (middle education) but is not at the tertiary level. E.g.: studies in the Teaching School, Pan American Agricultural School of Zamoran, National Agricultural School of Olancho.

12. What is the highest grade you completed?
This refers to the last year completed in the level of studies corresponding to the previous question and not the current year or semester of studies.

[These instructions refer to an illustration of the concept "last year completed"]

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_EDATTAIN — Educational level and year attained
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 5 years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older.]

9. What is the last grade, course, or year that [the person] passed?

1. None
[] Grade 0
2. Literacy courses
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
3. Pre-school
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
(If the answer is any of the above, continue to Question 12)
4. Primary
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
[] Grade 5
[] Grade 6
[] Grade 7
[] Grade 8
[] Grade 9
5. Secondary, Common Cycle
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
6. Secondary school, Diversified Cycle
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
7. Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
8. Undergraduate Studies
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
[] Grade 5
[] Grade 6
[] Grade 7
[] Grade 8
9. Graduate Studies
[] Grade 1
[] Grade 2
[] Grade 3
[] Grade 4
[] Grade 5
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For persons five years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older]

Question 9: What is the last grade, course, or year that you passed?
Enclose in a circle the number of the highest level of study that he or she studied, then in the numbers located to the right of this level, enclose in a circle the number that corresponds to the last grade, course or year that he or she passed.

For persons who are in first grade of elementary school, the answer that should be noted after asking if he or she complete the level of pre-school, is like this: circle the 3 of pre-school and the respective year; if the answer is 'no', circle the 1 of 'none'.

For the persons who are initiating the level of literacy training or pre-school, then you would register the level 1 'none'.

To register the answer you should consider that:

1. None: This will be marked for all persons who have not passed any grade.

2. Literacy training program: This level is generally attended by adults to acquire basic knowledge of writing and reading. This level is also known as continuous education.

3. Pre-school: This level includes the children who attend pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or kinder for children and preparatory for elementary school.
[p. 49]
4. Elementary: This is the school for elementary education, which consists of six grades. However, in this level you can also find educational centers that have up to nine grades and that are known as basic education.

5. Common secondary: This level is known as 'common cycle of general education' or 'basic plan' and consists of three levels.

6. Diversified secondary: This high school level is made up of the branches of basic mercantile and public accounting, elementary teacher training, baccalaureate in sciences and letters, technical baccalaureate in computation, baccalaureate in business administration, etc. Also included here are persons who studied or are studying in a private technical or polyvalent school.

7. Post-secondary non-tertiary: This level includes the persons who graduated or are students in the National School of Agriculture [ENA by its initials in Spanish] of Catacamas, the National School of Forestry Sciences [ESNACIFOR by its initials in Spanish] of Siguatepeque, The Pan-American Agricultural School [Zamorano], military academies, police schools, upper seminary "Our Lady of Suyapa", Center for Architectural Design and Construction "CEDAC", etc. This category also includes persons who graduated from what was previously the Upper School of Teaching Francisco Morazán and the Social Service School.

8. Tertiary: This is comprised of the public universities and all of the private universities of Honduras and other countries.

9. Post-graduate: In this level, you should include all of the persons who have obtained a doctorate, postgraduate, master's degree or specialty; and the persons who have obtained a licentiate and are currently studying a post-graduate degree, a specialty, a master's degree or a doctorate. Do not include those with diplomas.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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12. Educational qualification / completed grades

[] Grades of primary school
[] Grades of higher elementary school
[] Grades of secondary school
[] Years of a school of third degree [tertiary]
[] Never went to school

15. Do you have a certificate of an apprentice school?
[] Yes
[] No

[Question a-b are asked of those who answered Yes]

a. When did you obtain your qualification?

In year 1 _ _ _

b. How long did it take to obtain your qualification?

For _ years _ _ months
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Filling in part "II. Data on education of the enumerated person"

The questions related to the education should be filled in only in case the enumerated person was born in 1963 or earlier. That is in case of the children born between 1964 -1969 this part as well as part III of the questionnaire will be empty.
First question of part II collects information on the regular school attendance of the enumerated person. A regular school i.e. educational institution is

In the primary education: the general school;
In the secondary level: the grammar school,

The (so called) technical school,
The specialized secondary school;

On the higher level: the university,

The academy,
The technical school of a higher level,
The teachers training college
Training college for kindergarten teachers.

Questions 12-14 refer to the training completed in regular educational institutions. A supplementary instruction is issued to define the education obtained regarding the persons having completed studies in educational institutions already not existing.

12. Not studied in a school

In case the enumerated person did not attend the school or is studying in the first grade of the primary education, the answer is "without attending the school" and the printed boxes remain empty.

Number of levels (classes) completed
In the case of persons either conducting regular studies in an educational institution or having finished his/her studies, the number of the highest grade completed should be entered with Arabic numerals into the empty boxes. The numbering of the grades should start with the first grade of the primary school and it should continuously follow up to the last grade completed by the respective person (e. g. in case a person has a final certificate issued by a secondary educational institution or a diploma of a university the total number of grades completed will be recorded).

Only the classes (grades) completed successfully -- that is the completed grade confirmed by a certificate - should be taken into account. In case a person is visiting the 4th grade of the primary school only the 3d grade can be marked as completed. Repeated and post-graduate classes must not be considered. The evening and correspondence courses are treated equally with the daily courses.


Due to the past changes in the educational system the individuals have had different ways in obtaining the highest grade of their education. By taking into consideration the previous statement the enumerator should note (record) the facts according to the contemporary educational system.

Examples for recording the answers to question 12:
General (primary) school 4 4 8 8
Higher elementary school 4 0 0 8
Secondary school 0 8 4 4
Institution of higher education 0 0 0 5
Generally a higher level of the education is possible only after the successful completion of the lower level studies. Nevertheless there are persons who obtained the certificate on the specialized matriculation exam or the diploma of a university without completing the secondary school. These extraordinary cases occurred only in the course of some selected years only.

The courses completed in technical institutes, on technical courses must not be considered. These (e.g. courses for stenographers, typists, medical courses, apprentice schools, etc.) are not regarded as training in regular educational establishments. The specialised secondary school -- being a regular educational institution -- must not be mistaken with the apprentice school (e.g. there is a difference between medical training college and the medical secondary education).

Attention should be given to the fact that in the training of the teachers, kindergarten teachers as well as the technicians there was in the past (and as regards the latter category it is even presently) both secondary and high level education. In these categories completed, high level education can be registered if the given person obtained a final certificate (qualification document).

The schools for backward children (schools for tongue-tacked, deaf and dumb persons, blinds, the persons deficient in body, the mentally back warded persons) should be regarded as the schools in general.

Higher elementary school
Some people unduly regard the higher elementary school as a secondary school. Therefore the enumerator should whether the given person visited an ordinary or a higher elementary school. To register the higher elementary school is possible only if persons completing their studies before 1948. The number of grades/classes noted should be between 1 and 4.

Institution of higher education
One-year colleges (e.g. commercial college) are regarded as training courses consequently the completed years do not mean completed secondary or higher level education.
13. Does the person have a certificate from a secondary school
In the case of persons having certificates issued by two secondary educational institutions, only one certificate will be recorded, that is the which is more close to the person's job, work performance.
14. Person completed secondary education
In the case of persons having obtained a diploma, the final certificate should not be underlined -- that is in case the answer "the person has only a final certificate" is underlined, then the answer "diploma obtained" must not be marked. The final certificates issued by theological and military colleges are regarded as diplomas.

The answers "diploma obtained ", "the person has only a final certificate" will be marked only in case if the given person completed at least 2 years on the given higher educational institution, that is the line "higher educational institution" of question 12 at least 2 years are marked.

In the case of persons who obtained several diplomas, only one must be noted -- the one which is closer to his/her profession, job performance.

In case the persons visited or visiting the university but no diploma had been obtained (yet), the answer "no" will be underlined and the remaining part of the sub questions will not be answered.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_EDATTAN — Highest educational attainment
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11. Educational level

Only for those born before 1973.

a) Type of school
[] Primary school
[] Higher primary school
[] Apprentice school
[] Vocational school
[] Secondary school
[] Third-level school
b) Class (year) completed ____

c) School completed ____
[] 19 _ _ 0 Skilled worker's certificate
[] 19 _ _ 1 Vocational school diploma
[] 19 _ _ 2, 3 Secondary school-leaving certificate qualifying certificate
[] 19 _ _ 4-9 Diploma, leaving certificate
d) Year of obtaining the certificate 19 _ _
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11. Educational attainment

The number of the completed grade in each of the types of schools listed in sub-question 11/a will be entered into the quads in sub-question 11/b and the qualification obtained will be underlined at sub-question 11/c. The educational attainment should be enumerated according to the prevailing educational system.

Qualifications obtained at specialized courses must not be entered. The former statement does not valid in cases of specialized courses if the respective legislation is specifying that by taking some state exams the given qualification will be equivalent with a completed secondary or higher education. To accept i.e. to enter the answer to questions 11 and 12 is possible only if all the required exams had been taken by the respondent.

11/b Class (grade) completed

The completed grade is the one which might be confirmed by a certificate. In case the respondent had visited several schools of the same type the classes completed must not be summarized but the highest grade completed should be marked. In case a person born before 1973 did not attend school or at the reference date of the census is at the first grade of the primary school "0" will be entered into the quad at inscription "general, primary" and the other quads remain empty. In each of the cases after the last completed year "0" is entered and the following quads remain blank.

Schools for mentally defective persons are treated as general (primary) schools.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_EDATTAN — Highest educational attainment
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13. Education level:
If you completed any of the 1-4 forms of the grammar school or 8 forms before 1950, enter it to the number of forms of higher elementary school. Several replies may be given.

[] Attended no school
[] Form(s) of primary (elementary) school [specify number of forms]: ____
[] Form(s) of higher elementary school [specify number of forms]: ____
[] Certificate of skilled worker got at the day section of an apprentice school in the year 19 _ _
[] Certificate at the day section of a vocational school in the year 19 _ _
[] Secondary school leaving certificate, certificate of qualification
[] Certificate of higher school of non-university level
[] University certificate, diploma

Question 13.

For each person the highest grade reached in the primary (general) school and in the higher elementary school, respectively, should be registered. Further on, only those completed qualifications can be indicated which were obtained within the formal education system. Completed educational attainments are the following:
  • A certificate obtained upon the conclusion of full-time studies in an apprentice school,
  • A certificate obtained upon the conclusion of full-time studies in a vocational school,
  • The secondary school final exam certificate obtained in a grammar school or other secondary school; furthermore, the secondary school leaving certificates which were issued between 1974 and 1986,
  • A diploma or certificate obtained at a university, college or other third-level educational institution.
The following cannot be taken into consideration: qualifications given after a training-course, certificate of apprentice or vocational school obtained within the frame of adult education, specializations obtained at a third-level educational institutions after graduation (specializations in medicine, engineering, law etc.).

Certificates obtained in the Marxism-Leninism evening school can only be accepted in cases when the certificate is about specialization (equivalent to the diploma of non-university third-level education) and issued between 1958-1982.
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13. Educational attainment

The aim of the interrogation is to acquire information on the level of schooling of the population. Therefore the types of schools and the classes, grades completed and the qualifications obtained in other types of schools not listed in the questionnaire must not be recorded. The answer "without completed school (00)" is marked for persons who did not even complete the general (primary) school, irrespective of their illiteracy.

The highest education i.e. the highest grade completed (also in case of the students) in the general (primary) school must be registered in the respective boxes, while the other institutions of the official school system the marking is necessary if the person has completed studies.

The completed studies abroad should be classified according to the Hungarian system, qualifications obtainable.

The different types of schools are the following
[Comment of the translator: quite many of the school types refer to educational systems that no longer apply. The names of the institutions might seem not familiar for the experts in the (traditional) classification of the educational institutions]:

The general (primary) school includes -- with the exemption of schools for extensive training -- each educational institution of elementary training, popular school, schools for back warded pupils and the so called "civilian school", as well as the first four years of the grammar school of 8 grades.

[p. 11]

The boxes at the "civilian school" can be used only if persons born before 1935.

The educational attainment, i.e. the grades completed must not be converted into the present educational system, e.g. in case a persons completed the 4th class of the "civilian school" "4" should be marked in the respective box.

While answering the further questions only the completed studies will be marked. The following items are regarded as completed studies:

-- Certificate of profession obtained on the day course of the school for training skilled laborers (former apprentice schools);

-- The certificate of profession obtained on the day course of the former course as well as the examinations on professional qualification;

-- The General Certificate of Education obtained in a grammar school or other secondary school as well as the final certificate on completion of the secondary school in the years from 1974 to 1986;

-- The certificate, diploma obtained by completing the studies in a university or other higher educational institution.

The manual further gives a detailed list on the educational institutions of secondary and high level education, the translation of the individual items seems not necessary.

The following qualifications must not taken into account even in case those have been obtained in an educational institution of the regular school system: certificates obtained in course raining, certificate of profession obtained within the adult training, certificate on completing the grades of higher educational institutions, special exams passed in postgraduate training (e.g. specialized physician, specialized engineer, judge, etc.).

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_EDATTAN — Highest education level completed
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12.1 School attendance, qualification
[] 1 Nursery school, kindergarten (Skip to 13)
[] 0 Do not attend school, never completed any class (Skip to 13)

Type of education
Elementary school

Being attended _ _
Completed _ _

Higher elementary school

Completed _

Apprentice school

Completed _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Typist and stenographic, health and housekeeping

Completed _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Class other specialized secondary school _ _

Being attended _ _
Completed _ _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Basic level vocational training

Being attended _
Completed _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Class grammar school _ _

Being attended _ _
Completed _ _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Class other secondary school _

Being attended _ _
Completed _ _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Class other technical school _

Being attended _ _
Completed _ _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Bilingual _ class (specialized) secondary school

[] 1 Being attended
[] 1 Completed
Year of completion _ _ _ _

Secondary level vocational training

Being attended _
Completed _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

High level, accredited vocational training

Being attended _
Completed _
Year of completion _ _ _ _

High school

Being attended _
Completed _

Post-graduation in high school

Being attended _
Completed _


Being attended _
Completed _

Post-graduation in university (PhD, DLA)

Being attended _
Completed _

12.1--12.6. All educational qualifications have to be taken into account. It is not enough if you give the highest level one only. You must not write in courses. You must not make difference between qualifications obtained via regular or non-regular form of education (evening or mail course, distance teaching, private).

12.1 The number of classes (years) must not be converted into the current education system. Currently someone goes to school if he/she is enrolled for the 2000/2001 school year in one of the listed types of school.

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Question 12.1: School attendance, qualification

The question will be answered by taking into account the number of grades (classes) of the studies, attainment in the frame of the school system. The question -- irrespective of the age of the persons -- must be answered by everybody. The different courses, qualifications obtained outside the school system will not be taken into account.

If the person in question is attending the day nursery -- irrespective of the level of the day nursery attended -- the interrogation will commence with question 13. The schools for handicapped children in some cases introduce a preparatory training for the children under school-age. The children participating in that so called pre-school education should be regarded as attending the day nursery.

The answer is "does not attend the school not even one grade completed" is marked in cases of persons who had not complete even one grade of the primary (elementary) school and who do not attend any educational institution, irrespective of their literacy. In case of the latter persons, the interrogation should be continued with question 13.

That is: if a person is simultaneously attending several educational institutions or has several final educations at different levels, the answer should be given to the respective questions in the appropriate line.

The questions should be asked from every persons either attending or completed any school in the sequence as printed on the questionnaire:
In cases of persons attending an educational institution the number of the grade he/she was enrolled for the school-year 2000/2001 further.

In cases of every person the highest grade of education completed as well as
The calendar year of completing the highest grade of the given type of school.

Consequently the corresponding table contains four columns:

The former educational institutions' grades must not be converted into the grades of the contemporary educational system. Similarly it is not allowed the conversion of the grades between the day-courses and evening, correspondence, etc. courses of the different educational institutions. The marking of the highest grade completed should follow the prevailing educational system. The present educational system allots an ascending number to the grades of the schooling as from the first class till the last grade (class) of the secondary education. Taking into account that the proper knowledge of the system (especially among the elderly people) is not well known e.g. instead of marking the 11th grade of the education also the 3d grade of the secondary school is acceptable.

It is possible that an enumerated person completed his studies in a given type of education and currently is attending a school of the same type of the educational system (e.g. the person is studying for getting his second general education with profession, or even if graduate of a university he/she is conducting studies at an other university). In this case:

In case a person completed two educational institutions of the same type (e.g. the person completed formerly two universities or two professional schools), the completion of the columns should refer to the institution having had higher number of grades.

In case the enumerated person is visiting (or completed) a bilingual secondary school, the number of grades should be entered into the line corresponding to the type of school. In the past the bilingual secondary schools commenced with ("0" grade) preparatory classes; this should be marked in the respective line.

The preparatory grades ("0" semesters) of the universities, in the higher educational institutions are not part of the educational system; consequently those must not be marked on the questionnaire.

In the educational system the professional training, education might be obtained on base-, medium- and high level. The former apprentice schools do not exists anymore. In the contemporary educational system the educational institutions of professional training (specialized secondary schools, professional schools, etc.) denote the grades with two numbers separated by "/". The first number is for the grade of the professional while the second number for the grade of the general training, education. In these cases the enumerator should ask the person in question whether
What is the level (base-, medium- or higher) of the professional education,
As regards the professional education what is the grade currently visited and completed respectively and
What is the grade currently attended and completed in the general education.

E.g.: If the enumerated person answers that he is visiting the 1/11th grade of the professional secondary school, he is studying in the first grade (marked with "1") of the base professional education and in the 11th grade of the general education, meaning the latter number will be marked in the boxes showing the educational grade.

The first grade of the professional training not requiring any previous education (e.g. florist) is marked as 1/8. In this case the number '"1" marks the base professional education, while number "8" should be entered into the respective boxes at the general primary school.

Professional training lasting for less than a year corresponds to one grade of training.

Some of the secondary schools (anew) are using the denomination "technical school" in its name because it assures a training of medium level technical training or high level training of engineer assistants. The given educational establishments must not be regarded as equal to the former secondary institutions ensuring general certificate of education with secondary professional training as technician and with those which produced technicians of a high level. These establishments should be regarded as specialized schools, specialized secondary schools.

In case of higher educational institutions, universities where the passing of an exam depends on collecting the so called credit points the attendance and completion of the studies should be defined according to the credits collected

In case the person enumerated visited several educational establishment of the same type, the grades completed must not be sum up but the highest grade completed should be marked.
The classes of the extension courses completed before 1960 must not be added to the number of grades completed in the primary education.
Educational attainment acquired abroad should be classified according to the Hungarian educational system.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_EDATTAIN — Highest educational attainment completed in the school system
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Personal questionnaire

II. Education attainment
Take into account studies and qualifications only in formal education.

[Question were of all persons]
19. What is your highest completed level of education?

[] 1 Lower than eight grade in primary (general higher general) school [Skip to question 21]
[] 2 Eight grade in primary (general, higher general) school [Skip to question 21]
[] 3 Certificate of apprentice school education
[] 4 Certificate of vocational school education
[] 5 General certificate of education without qualifications
[] 6 General certificate of education with qualifications school- leaving certificate
[] 7 Certificate of vocational programs built on general certificate of education
[] 8 Certificated of higher (also accredited) vocational programs (granted only after 1998)
[] 9 College (or equivalent e.g. BA/BSc) diploma
[] 10 University (or equivalent e.g. MA/MSc) diploma
[] 11 PhD or DLA degree
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II. Educational attainment

Studies and qualifications obtained in formal education have to be taken into account in questions 17.1.--20

Persons in formal education are in legal status with the school as pupils or students. Questions regarding school attendance must be answered only in case the respondent is in legal status with the school as pupil or student (question 17.1 must be answered also in case of attending infant nursery or kindergarten), completed educational attainment must be taken into account only if it had been obtained in formal education. Persons attending schools outside formal education (e.g. trainings) are not in legal status with the school, so these studies and certificates must not be counted.

19. What is your highest completed level of education?
The order of the pre-printed answers defines the possible educational levels: the first is the lowest and the last is the highest educational level. The only one answer has to be marked which relates to the person.

The highest educational attainment relates to the schools completed only in the educational system.

Qualifications obtained in courses and vocational training or apprentice school certificates obtained during part-time education must not be taken into account. These qualifications are not part of the educational system.

If the person got a university or colleague degree but did not get final exam, it is not meant to be education completed, so this should not be taken into account when defining the highest educational level.

Qualifications attained abroad have to be classified according to the Hungarian school system levels.

Not even the first grade of general (primary) school completed is the education of those having completed 1--7th years of general (primary) school, 1--3rd years in civil school, 1st year in 6 grades secondary school and 1-3rd years in 8 grades secondary school. Moreover include those who not even attend one grade of any school.

General (primary) school is the education of those having completed the 8th grade of general (primary) school, 4-6th years of the civil school and do not have higher education or attended some years in secondary level of education but did not get either vocational exam or final examination.

Secondary level without final examination, with final vocational exam is the education of those having attained certificate of profession in vocational training school or certificate of profession in apprentice school. Defining the highest educational attainment from the earlier vocational training schools only those are included in this category which had been completed in 1961 or later, and from the sanitary apprentice schools or typing schools only those which had been completed in 1976 or later all attended in full-time.

Secondary level with final examination is the education of those having secondary level with final examinations either general or with vocational and of those who completed some grades in university or college etc. but did not get any diploma, certification. Secondary level with final examination educational attainment comprises of the following groups:

General certificate of education is the highest educational attainment of those who got general certificate of education in secondary general school or secondary vocational school and do not have a vocational exam based on the general certification or higher education. This group includes also those persons who got final secondary examination between 1974 and 1986.

General certificate of education with qualifications is the highest educational attainment of those who got their general certificate with qualifications in secondary vocational school, technical school, upper-commercial school, secondary level teacher and kindergarten teacher institution and do not have higher education completed. This group includes also those persons who completed a vocational final exam between 1949 and 1955.

Certificate of vocational programs is the highest educational attainment of those who got general certificate in secondary vocational school between 1985 and 2002 and after the general certificate they got technical certificate in 1-3 grades and those who got secondary or higher level vocational certification listed in the National Vocational Register (OKJ) in secondary vocational school after doing general certificate and do not have higher education completed. This group includes also those persons who got general certificate of education in secondary vocational school for apprentice school for skilled workman.

Certificate of higher vocational programs is the highest educational attainment of those who got higher vocational certification in secondary vocational school or tertiary educational institution after 1998 and do not have college or university diploma.

University, college, etc. with degree is the education of those having a college (or equivalent, e.g. BA/BSc) degree or a university (or equivalent, e.g. MA/Msc) degree, or completed supplementary university courses (PhD or DLA).

College diploma (or equivalent, e.g. BA/BSc) is the highest educational attainment of those who got diploma in college, tertiary level technical school, tertiary level vocational school, tertiary level kindergarten teacher or teacher institution etc. This group includes also those persons who got BA, BSc degree in tertiary educational system in basic training.

University diploma (or equivalent, e.g. MA, MSc) is the highest educational attainment of those who got certificate or diploma in university, equivalent level tertiary level institution in basic or supplementary training and in professional further training. This group includes also those persons who got master degree (MA MSc) in the current tertiary educational system in master training or unified training.

PhD or DLA degree is the highest educational attainment of those who got doctoral scientific degree achieved in doctoral regulations. Defining the highest educational attainment only those scientific doctoral degrees are included in this category which had been attained in 1991 or after. Those who got doctoral name together with the university diploma (lawyer, doctor, dentist, chemist, or veterinarian) do not belong to this group.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level completed
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

9. Highest grade completed

General (skip to question 11)

[] None
[] Not completed [elementary school]
[] Elementary school
[] Junior high school
[] High school


[] Junior high school
[] High school

[] Academy
[] University

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

6.10. Question 9: Education
6.10.1. Concept and definition
1. Uneducated
Has never gone to school.
2. Not graduated elementary school
Those who currently study in a 6-year elementary school or have studied in elementary school but never graduated. Those who only studied in elementary school for 3 years are also considered not graduated from elementary school.
3. Elementary school
Those who have graduated from a 5-7 year elementary school or Madrasah Ibtidaijah [Islamic primary school].
4. Junior high school
Those who have graduated from junior high school, for example, M.U.L.O., 3-year H.B.S., S.M.P., or Madrasah Tsanawiyah [Islamic junior secondary school].
5. High school
Those who have graduated from High School, for example, 5-year H.B.S., A.M.S., S.M.A., Madrasah Alijah [Islamic secondary school], etc.
6. Vocational school
Those who have graduated from vocational school, for example, S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T. ,S.M.E.P., P.G.A., etc.
7. Higher vocational school
Those who have graduated from higher vocational school, for example, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., SMEA, SKMA, SPMA, etc.
8. Academy
Those who have graduated from Academy, for example, Indonesian Flight Academy (A.P.I.), Academy of Studies (A.I.P.), Foreign Language Academy (A.B.A), etc.
9. University or higher
Those who have graduated from a faculty in any university or institution, for example, Medical Faculty, Economics Faculty, Law Faculty, Military Law Institution, etc.

6.10.2. Procedure
Ask this question:
"What school did you graduate from?"

Fill the answer in the appropriate box. If the answer is in the vocational schools category, fill in the field of study box in Question 10. If the answer is otherwise, skip Question 10 and move on to Question 11.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_EDATTAN — Highest grade attending/attended
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A8-9. Education

A8. Are you still in school?

[] Y Yes
[] T No

A9a. What level of school are you currently attending?

If A8 = code Y
[Question A9a was asked of persons still in school, per question A8.]


A9b. What level of school did you last attend?
If A9 = code T
[Question A9b was asked of persons not in school, per question A8.]

[] 1 Never attended school
[] 2 Elementary school
[] 3 Junior high - general
[] 4 Junior high - vocational
[] 5 Senior high - general
[] 6 Senior high - vocational
[] 7 Academy
[] 8 University

If ever/currently attending school, write in number of highest class ever/currently attended. If completed, write in code 8.
[Question asked of persons ever/currently attending school]
[Highest class]: _

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Column (5), (6), (7) Education

Column (6) Present/last school attended

Concept and definitions
What is intended here is as school attendance is studying in a particular public or private school and not just taking courses.

1. No schooling/not yet in school

2. Elementary school for 5/6 years or equivalent, for example Ibtidaiyah

3. Secondary general school
S.L.P. Umum, S.M.P, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, H.B.S. 3 years, M.U.L.O. etc.

4. Secondary vocational school
S.L.P. Kejuruan; S.G.B., S.K.P., S.T., SMEP, PGA, etc.

5. Senior general high school
S.L.A. Umum, S.M.A., Madrasah Aliyah, MBS 5 year, AMS, etc.

6. Senior vocational high school
S.L.A. Kejuruan, S.G.A., S.G.K.P., S.G.T.K., S.T.M., S.M.E.A., S.K.M.A., S.P.M.A., etc.

7. Academy, for example; A.P.I, A.I.P., A.B.A., Academy Koperasi, etc.

8. University.
University/faculty or college; for example: Fakultas Kedokteran (medical school), Fakultas Ekonomi (school of economics), Fakultas Hukum (law school), Fakulas Publistlk (school of communications), P.T.I.K. (police academy), P.T.H.M. (college of military law), etc.

Method of filling in the form:
If the code in column (5) is "Y", this means the person is still attending school. Ask the following question: "What school are you attending now?"

Fill in the code for the respondent's answer, and then ask which class or level and then fill in column (6).

If the code in column (5) is "T" (not attending school), then ask:
"What is the highest level of school you ever attended?"
"And what was the highest grade/class attended?"

Fill in the school code in column (6) and grade/class attended in column (7). If the respondent graduated from the school mentioned in column (6), then enter code 8 in column (7).

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_EDUCATT — Highest grade attended/attending in highest type of school attended
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21. Highest grade attended/attending
[Question 21 was asked of persons who have ever attended school, as per question 19.]

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 (completed)

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_EDATTEND — Highest grade attending/attended
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VII. B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

Q.3 Type of highest education ever or being attended

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 Junior high
[] 3 Vocational junior high school
[] 4 High school
[] 5 Vocational high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Academy/Diploma III
[] 8 University

Q.4 Highest level/class ever or being attended

[] 1 Class 1
[] 2 Class 2
[] 3 Class 3
[] 4 Class 4
[] 5 Class 5
[] 6 Class 6
[] 7 Class 7
[] 8 Completed

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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

C. Block VII.B: Persons age 5 or older

Question 3: Highest educational level ever attended
The highest educational level ever attended is the highest level of schooling [primary, junior high school, etc.] that the respondent ever attended or is currently attending regardless of whether that level has been completed or not.


1. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending the Banking Academy, level II; the highest educational level ever attended is academy.
2. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is not attending any school; the highest educational level ever attended is high school.
3. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma I/II program; the highest educational level ever attended is diploma I/II.
4. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma II program; the highest educational level ever attended is diploma I/II.
5. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma III program; the highest educational level ever attended is academy/diploma III.
6. Someone has completed high school and at the time of the enumeration is attending a diploma IV program; the highest educational level ever attended is university/diploma IV.

Question 4: Highest grade/class ever attended/currently attended
If the respondent has completed the highest class of the highest educational level ever attended circle code "8".

a. Those who completed primary, junior high school or high school, circle code "8".

[pg. 56]

b. Those who completed a bachelor's degree and are now studying in a master degree program, circle code "6".
c. Those who completed a bachelor's degree and are now studying in a doctoral program (Ph.D.), circle code "7".
d. Those who are currently obtaining a diploma I program, circle code "1". If the person has completed the program, circle code "8".
e. Those who are currently obtaining a diploma II program, circle code "2". If the person has completed the program, circle code "8".

For the person who is currently attending a program at a university that uses the credit system (semester credit unit), information about grade/class attended can be obtained by asking the additional question as follows: "How many credits have you obtained up to the present time?"
As a guide, use the following:

  • Level I: up to 30 credits; Level II: up to 60 credits; Level III: up to 90 credits; Level IV: up to 120 credits; Level V: up to 150 credits

If the respondent has 57 credits, then he/she is currently in class/level II.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_EDATTEND — Highest grade/level attended or currently attending
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VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

VI-B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 14-23.]

15. School status

[] 1 No school (skip to question 20)
[] 2 In school
[] 3 No longer in school

16. Highest education ever or currently attending

[Question 16 was asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 15.]

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 Junior high school
[] 3 Senior high school
[] 4 Vocational junior
[] 5 Vocational senior
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Academy/Diploma III
[] 8 University/Diploma IV

17. Level/grade of education ever attended

[Question 17 was asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 15.]

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 (completed)

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B. Sub Block VIb. For respondents age 5 or older

Question 15: School status
School status shall be as follows:

Never attended school: are those who never attended school, including those who have passed or never passed kindergarten and did not continue to elementary school.
Attending school are those who are still attending a formal school, starting from elementary, secondary or high school/equivalent.
No longer attending school are those who have attended elementary school, secondary or high school but during the enumeration are no longer attending a school.

If the answer in question 15 is coded 1 ("Never attended school"), continue to question 20. Leave questions 16 through 19 blank. If the answer is 2 or 3, then continue to question16.

Question 17: Highest year/grade ever attained/currently attending
Graduated is: has completed studies from a class/highest level of a school/education level and received a certificate/diploma either from a state or private school. A person who has not attended classes from a highest level of a school but has followed an examination and passed, is considered to be a graduate.

a. A person who has graduated from any formal education level is coded 8 ("Graduated").
b. A person who is attending a master program is coded 6
c. A person who is attending a doctoral program is coded 7
d. A person who is attending a Diploma I program is coded 1; if he/she has graduated, he/she is coded 8
e. A person who is attending the first year of a Diploma II program is coded 1; if he/she has graduated, he/she is coded 8

For those who attend a university that uses the Credit Point System, information on the level/class that is currently attended can be obtained by asking extra questions as follows: "How many credit points have you achieved?" As guidance, a year is valued at 30 credits, so in order to determine how many levels/classes have been passed, please use the following conversion guide:
Total credit points achieved attending level/class:
0-30 credits = 1
31-60 credits = 2
61-90 credits = 3
91-120 credits = 4
121+ credits = 5

Example: if 57 credit points have been reached, then the respondent is in grade 2.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_EDUCATT — Highest education level attended/attending
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

[Questions 517-519 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 516.]

517. Highest level of education attended/attending

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 General junior high school
[] 3 General senior high school
[] 4 Vocational junior high school
[] 5 Vocational senior high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Academy/diploma III
[] 8 University/diploma IV

518. Highest grade attended/attending

[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5
[] 6 6
[] 7 7
[] 8 Completed

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6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Question 517: Highest education level ever attained/current education level
The highest education level that is ever attained is the education level that has ever been reached by someone who is no longer in school/the current education level of a person who is now attending school.

1. Syamsudin has passed a public high school, and during enumeration he was studying at the 2nd year of a Bank Academy so the highest education level that is currently attended is "Academy/Diploma III".
2. Cecep has passed a public high school, but during enumeration he was no longer attending a school, so the highest education level attained is "High school".
3. Ujang has passed a public high school and has followed a Diploma I program, so the highest education level attained is "Diploma I".
4. Djamil is now studying at the University of Halu Oleo so the highest education level that is currently attended is "University/Diploma IV".
5. Ir. Hasan is now studying at the University of Gajah Mada for his master's program so the highest education level that is currently attended is "University/Diploma IV".
6. Mardani, M. A. is now studying at the University of Sebelas Maret for her doctoral program so the highest education level that is currently attended is "University/Diploma IV".
7. Wati is an undergraduate student from the Faculty of Technics University of Hasanuddin and now is studying at the Bank of Indonesia Academy so the highest education level that is currently attended is "Academy/Diploma III".

Question 518: Highest year/grade that has ever been attained/currently attended
Ask the highest year/grade that has ever been attained/currently attended, then circle the appropriate code.

1. A person who is attending a Master's program is coded 6 [University/Diploma IV]
2. A person who is attending a doctoral program is coded 7 [University/Diploma IV]
3. A person who is attending a Diploma I program is coded 1 and if has graduated code it 8
4. A person who is attending the first year of a Diploma II program is coded 1 and if has graduated, code it 8
5. A person who graduated from any formal education and did not continue afterward, code it 8 (graduated).

Graduated is: having completed studies from a class/highest level of a school/education level and received a certificate/diploma either from a state or private school. A person who has not attended classes from the highest level of a school but has followed an examination and passed is considered to have graduated.

1. For those who have/are attending a university that uses the Credit Point System, information on the level/class that is currently attended can be obtained by asking extra questions as follows: "How many Credit Points have you achieved?" As guidance, a year is valued as 30 credits, so in order to determine how many levels/class that have been achieved, please use the following conversion guide:

Total credit points achieved -- attending level/class

20 credits -- 1
31-60 credits -- 2


61-90 credits -- 3
91-120 credits -- 4
121+ -- 5

2. A person who is following a transfer program from an academy/diploma III to a university with the level being determined by the total credit points that have been converted, added on to the points achieved at the university.

3. In a study group package, the equivalent grade/class to elementary school is as follows:

Current type of package/has attended -- equivalent grade
A1-A20 -- 1
A21-A40 -- 2
A41-A60 -- 3
A61-A80 -- 4
A81-A100 -- 5

A person who completed an A100 program but has not achieved an equivalent elementary school certificate is categorized as has completed the 5th grade, but is categorized as graduated elementary school if [he/she] achieved an equivalent certificate of elementary school.

Indonesia 2000 — source variable ID2000A_EDATTAIN — Highest education completed
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10. Highest education completed
[] 1 No schooling
[] 2 Primary school
[] 3 Junior high school
[] 4 Senior high school
[] 5 College [1-2 year. diploma]
[] 6 Academy [3 year diploma]
[] 7 Undergraduate/graduate [diploma in 4 or more years]

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Question 10: Highest certificate/diploma
The highest certificate/diploma is similar to the highest educational level [from which a person] graduated. Graduated is a classification for those who passed the highest level of a particular school with a certificate or diploma, regardless of whether the school is government or privately managed. In addition, a person who took the final examination at the highest level and passed is regarded as having graduated, even though the person did not go through the highest level. In the 2000 Population Census, highest education was divided into seven categories:
The highest certificate/diploma:
1. No schooling
2. Primary school
3. Junior high school
4. Senior high school
5. College
6. Academy
7. Undergraduate

Blacken [the oval] of the appropriate box for the highest level of certificate/diploma that the respondent received.

There is a possibility that a person completed a certain level of education, but that during the interview [he/she] was attending a lower level of education than what was achieved previously. Please reconfirm this matter by asking the respondent the question once more. If this situation appears frequently, please elaborate in the notes block by writing the name and serial number of the household member.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_EDUCATT — Highest grade attending/attended
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[Questions 617 - 619 were asked of persons age 5 or older who are "Attending school" or "Not attending school any more", as per question 616.]

617. What is your completed highest level of education; or, what education level do you currently attend?

[] 1 Primary school
[] 2 Junior high school
[] 3 Senior high school
[] 4 Vocational senior high school
[] 5 Diploma I/II
[] 6 Diploma III/bachelor
[] 7 Diploma IV/undergraduate
[] 8 Postgraduate

618. What is your highest grade of attended/attending education? (Completed = 7)
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7.7.2 Block VI.B. Household members age 5 or older
[Questions Q611 through Q625 are asked only to members of the household age 5 or older]

Question 617: Highest level of education ever attended/currently attending
Use codes 1 through 8 for highest level of education ever attended/currently attending which is the highest level of education the respondent ever attended regardless of whether he/she is currently attending school or is no longer attending school.

Elementary school/Madrasah ibtidaiyah is basic level education of 5/6/7 years or equivalent (including basic level of special schools for disabled children, schools organized and managed by society, parents, and teachers).

[p. 101]

Junior high school/Madrasah tsanawiyah or equivalent/vocational is a junior level of basic level education either general or vocational, Madrasah Tsanawiyah or equivalent [MULO, HBS 3 year, special schools for children with disabilities at junior high school level, home economics school for Girls (SKP), economics junior high school (SMEP), technical junior high school (ST), family welfare junior high school (SKKP), vocational skill junior high school, farm management junior high school, agricultural junior high school, teacher's aide school (SGB), school for Islamic educators (PGA), public administration Courses (KPA), school for religious court staff].

General senior high school/Madrasah aliyah or equivalent is an intermediate level general education (SMU), Madrasah aliyah or equivalent (HBS 5 year, AMS, and public administration senior level courses (KPAA)).

Vocational high school is vocational education at the level of senior high school such as social work senior high school (SMPS), senior high school for craft industry, fine arts senior high school, senior high school of Indonesian dance (SMKI), senior high school of music, technology for development senior high school, economics senior high school (SMEA), technical senior high school (STM), agricultural technology senior high school, shipping technology senior high school, mining technology senior high school, graphic arts senior high school, physical education senior high school (SGO), teachers for special schools for children with disabilities (SGPLB), high school for Islamic educators 6 years, school for kindergarten teachers, teacher training courses (KPG), chemistry analysis high school (SMAK), school for pharmacists' assistants (SAA), school for mid-wives, school for radiology assistants.

Diploma I/II are diploma programs at an institution of higher learning for a formal education of one or two years.

Diploma III/Sarmud is a diploma program at an institution of higher learning for a formal education of three years to obtain a three-year diploma or a three-year degree (Sarjana muda). For example, Indonesian music academy, Indonesian dance academy, foreign languages academy, business management academy, chemical analyst academy, meteorology and geophysics academy.

[p. 102]

Diploma IV/S1 is a diploma program at an institution of higher learning for a formal education of four years or a bachelor's degree. The Akta IV Program is equivalent to the Diploma IV level.

S2 and S3 are post-graduate education programs (master or doctoral), specialist 1 or 2 at an institution of higher learning.

Question 618: Highest grade/class ever attended/currently attending
Use codes 1 through 7.
a. Those who completed the highest grade of the highest level of education attended are given code "7".
b. Those who are currently attending/have ever attended post-graduate courses for the master degree program (S2) or doctoral degree program (S3) are given code "6".
c. Those who are currently attending/have ever attended the highest grade at the graduate program S1 are given code "5".

"Completed school" means that a person has passed the final exam of the highest grade of the level of education in which he/she was enrolled either in the public or private sector and has obtained a diploma/certificate of completion. Someone who has not yet attended the highest grade of a particular level of education, but he/she has passed the final exam of that level of education is considered to have completed school.

Note: For those who are currently attending/have ever attended an education program at a university or college that uses the course credit system (SKS), the information about grade/class attended can be obtained by asking an additional question as follows: "How many credit hours have you completed?" The respondent's answer can be converted using the follow guidelines:
0 - 30 credits -- Level 1
31 - 60 credits -- Level 2
61 - 90 credits -- Level 3
91 - 120 credits -- Level 4
121 credits or more -- Level 5


[p. 103]

1. A person who is currently attending/has ever attended courses in a college or university and has completed 30, 31, and 65 credits should be coded as follows:
Number of credits completed: 30 credits
Level ever attended: 1
Level currently attending: 2

Number of credits completed: 31 credits
Level ever attended: 2
Level currently attending: 2

Number of credits completed: 65 credits
Level ever attended: 3
Level currently attending: 3

2. For someone who transfers from the academy/diploma program III to a university using a converted credit score, then the level is determined based on the converted credit score plus the credit hours obtained from the university.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_EDUC — Highest education level completed
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 209-214 were asked of persons aged 5+.)

[Questions 213-214 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school.]

213. What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed?

[] 1 Never/not yet completed primary school
[] 2 Primary school
[] 3 Junior high school
[] 4 Senior high school
[] 5 Vocational high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Diploma III/Academy
[] 8 Diploma IV/Undergraduate
[] 9 Postgraduate

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Household members 5 years and older
Questions 209 through 214 are asked only to those household members who are 5 years old or older. See Q204; if the age is 05, 06, 07? 98, then continue the interview with Q209 through Q214. If Q204 has entries 00, 01, 02, 03, or 04, then the interview with this household member is complete and Q209 through Q221 should be left blank. The interview should continue with the next household member.

[Questions 213-214 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school.]

Question 213: Has received a diploma/letter certifying course completion
Ask the highest level of education for which the household member has received a diploma/letter of course completion and make a mark in the oval for the code which corresponds to the respondent's answer.
Diploma/Letters of Course Completion include:

1. Never/not yet completed elementary school is the category for the person who has ever attended elementary school but never/has not yet completed elementary school, the elementary level of special schools for disabled children, elementary level of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Moslem religious education school), local elementary school organized by community, parents and teachers, Three Year Elementary School, A1 through A100 Packages, a pioneering project development elementary school or an Indonesian elementary school abroad. Those who have completed the third year of elementary school or an equivalent are considered not to have completed elementary school.
2. Completed elementary school or its equivalent means completed an elementary school/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Moslem religious education school), or an equivalent such as the elementary level of special schools for disabled children, local elementary school organized by community, parents and teachers, Three Year Elementary School, A1 through A100 Packages, a pioneering project development elementary school or an Indonesian elementary school abroad.
3. Completed Junior High School or its equivalent means completed junior high school (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) or an equivalent such as: MULO (junior high school during the Dutch time), HBS 3 years (type of school during the Dutch time), Secondary School for Children with Disabilities, Secondary School for Pioneering Project Development, Indonesian Junior High School (abroad) and Sports Junior High School.
4. Completed General Senior High School or its equivalent means completed general senior high school (Madrasah Aliyah) or similar schools such as: HBS 5 years and AMS (senior high schools during Dutch time), Senior High School for Development, Senior High School for Pioneering Project Development, Indonesian High School (abroad) and Senior High School for Sports.
5. Completed Vocational Senior High School means completed senior vocational school such as: Senior High School for Indonesian Crafts, Senior High School for the Arts, Senior High School for Traditional Music, Senior High School for Music, Senior High School for Agricultural Technology, Senior High School for Shipbuilding Technology, Senior High School for Mining Technology, Senior High School for Graphic Arts, Senior High School for Social Work, Senior High School for Family Welfare, Senior High School for Economics, Senior High School for Kindergarten Teachers, Senior High School for Pharmacy Assistant, Senior High School for Public Administration, Senior High School for Special Education Teachers, and Senior High School for Chemical Analysis.
6. Completed Diploma I/II means completed program DI/DII in an educational institution of higher learning which has the diploma I/II formal education program. The Akta I and II Programs are considered to be included in the DI/DII program.
7. Completed Diploma III/Academy means completed the DIII program or obtained a baccalaureate degree at an academy or an institution of higher learning which has such a program and confers a baccalaureate degree (sarjana muda) such as Academy of Arts of Indonesian Music, Academy of Arts of Indonesian Dance, Academy of Foreign Language, Academy of Management, Academy of Chemical Analysis, Academy of Meteorology and Geophysics.
8. Completed Diploma IV/S1 means completed a Diploma IV educational program or bachelor's degree at a University/Higher Learning Institution; the Akta IV Program is equivalent to the Diploma IV program.
9. Completed S2/S3 means completed a post graduate educational program including a Doctorate or Specialists I and II at a University or Institution of Higher Learning.

Note: Elementary, junior high and senior high students who have just passed the exam for their level of education can be considered as having received a diploma for that level.
Examples of enumerating household members who are attending Package A schools:
1. A household member studying Package A should be recorded as: Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 1.
2. A household member who has ever attended Package A but did not complete it (currently not active): Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 1.
3. A household member who has ever attended Package A and completed it and has passed the elementary school equivalent examination (currently not in school): Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 2.
4. A household member who has ever attended Package A and completed it (currently attending Package B): Q212 = 3 and Q213 = 2.
5. A household member who has ever attended Package A and completed it (currently attending junior high school): Q212 = 2 and Q213 = 2.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_EDATTAIN — Grade, course or degree
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For code 1 in column 20
[Questions 21-22 were asked of literate persons]

21. Grade, course or degree ________

For school students: grade; for university students: course of study; for others: highest certificate or degree attained.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

21.3. Grade, course or degree and the field of study, Columns 21 and 22
Fill columns 21 and 22 only for those who are literate (code 1, column 20) and leave it blank for others. Since the responses to questions about degree and the field of study will be coded based on standard international classification, it is necessary to write the answers accurately and precisely based on the following description:
Just a reminder: Iran's education system is as follows:
5 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school, 3 years of high school, 1 year precollege, 2 years of community college and/or 4 years of college, 2 years of graduate school, 5 years of PhD (higher education duration can be different from one field of study to another)

21.3.1. Grade, course or degree, Column 21
Follow the order based on the individual's grade:
a. Elementary and middle school (junior high) students
For students (codes 1 and 2, column 19) from entrance to the end of middle school, write down their grade and the school they are at. For instance, "1st grade elementary school" or "7th grade junior high" (middle school) include both the grade and the course.

- For those who are in primary levels in a literacy school, do the same as elementary school students.

b. Elementary and middle school non-students
For non-students who have not finished elementary school, write down the highest grade completed with the name of course, for instance, "3rd grade elementary school".
For non-students who have not finished middle school (junior high), write down the highest degree or grade they have finished and the name of the course, for example, "7th grade middle school".
For those non-students whose last degree is elementary or middle school, write down: "end of elementary school" or "end of middle school".
c. High school students
For high school students, mention grade and the word "high school", their field of study and the type of school system, like, "2nd grade high school, technical-credit system" or "2nd grade high school, theoretical-credit system". In these examples, technical and theoretical are the field of study and the word "credit system" represents the type of school system. Because in the 1st grade of high school, the field study is yet to be defined, write for those students "1st grade high school, credit system".
For those in precollege courses, write "precollege".
d. High school non-students
For high school non-students (prior to finishing high school), write down the last degree or highest grade along with the word "high school", their field of study and type of school system. For instance:
"2nd grade high school, technical -- credit system"
"3rd grade high school, agriculture -- 4-years system"
"1st grade high school -- 6-years system"
"5th grade high school -- 6-years system"
For those non-students whose last degree was a high school diploma, write "high school diploma" along with field of study and type of school system. For instance:
"High school diploma, theoretical -- credit system"
"High school diploma, natural science -- 4-year system"
"High school diploma, literature -- 6-year system"
"High school diploma, arts -- 6-year system"
For those non-students whose last degree is precollege, write "precollege".
e. Higher education students
For university and higher education institutes, put down the name of education level. For example, "community college", "college (undergraduate)", "graduate", "doctorate", "PhD".
f. Higher education graduates (non-students)
For non-students who have a higher education degree or its equivalent, put down the highest degree awarded. For example, "community college", "college (undergraduate)", "graduate", "doctorate", "PhD".
For an individual in higher education who left school before finishing the degree, write down the last awarded degree. For instance, for someone who entered college after receiving a precollege degree and dropped out of school in the 2nd year of college, write "precollege" in this column.
g. Students and non-students in theological science
For students and non-students of theological school, since theological science includes different levels (preliminaries, levels 1 to 4 and 1st and 2nd kharej), write down the name of level and the word "theological science"; such as "theological science preliminaries", "theological science, level 3", or "theological science, 2nd kharej".
For other religions write as follows:
  • "Sunni theological science", for Sunnite.
  • "Other sects' theological science", for other Islamic sects.
  • "Other religions' theological science", for other religions.

h. Adult students
For adult students in adult literacy schools, besides 5th graders, write down "movement" ["movement" stands for adult literacy and education programs], and for 5th graders put down "movement 5th".
i. Adult non-students (graduates)
For adult literacy schools and other literacy programs graduates (Akaber, Battle Against Illiteracy) whose last degree is prior to finishing the program, write down "movement" and for those with the 5th grade degree, write down "movement 5th".
j. Students and graduates of abroad programs
For those who study or have graduated abroad, do as follows:
If their highest degree is high school, convert their years of education (not including failed years) to its equivalent in the current Iranian education system. Act exactly like as instructed about students and non-students of high school. For instance, for someone who has studied in the U.K. for 8 years, write down "End of middle school" and for someone who has studied in Canada for 10 years, put down "2nd grade high school - credit system". Also for someone who has finished their 11 years of education, write down "high school diploma - credit system". For someone who has finished their 12 years of education, write down "precollege".
If the above mentioned individuals do not have an official degree, have studied theological science or have higher education, proceed as stated before.
k. Literate individuals without a degree
For those who are literate but do not have an official transcript or degree, write "unofficial" in this column.

Table A: guide to fill columns 21 and 22 for students
Education status: Elementary school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 5th grade and the word "elementary"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 3rd grade and the word "middle school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: High school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Grade, the word "high school", name of the subdivision, credit system
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Precollege
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "precollege"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Adult literacy program
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "Movement" or word "movement 5th"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Theological science
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level and word "theological science"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field or the word "theological science"
Education status: Higher education
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Table B: guide to fill columns 21 and 22 for non-students
Education status: Has not finished elementary
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 4th grade elementary -- 5-years / 1st to 5th grade elementary -- 6-years
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has finished elementary
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "End of elementary school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has not finished middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st or 2nd grade middle school
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has finished middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "End of middle school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: 1st grade high school-credit system
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "1st grade high school -- credit system"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: High school (excluding 1st grade credit system)
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Last level or highest degree, the word "high school", name of the subdivision and type of education system
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Precollege
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "precollege"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Adult literacy program
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "Movement" or "movement 5th"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Theological science
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level and the word "theological science"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field or the word "theological science"
Education status: Higher education
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Highest degree
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_EDLEV2 — Highest certificate
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The fields (68-70) are filled for those who are more than (10) years old, excluding the students who were born in 1987 or earlier.

69. For persons with certificates (mark with an [x] the highest certificate)

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Intermediate
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Vocational
[] 5 Diploma
[] 6 B.A. or B.SCB
[] 7 Higher diploma
[] 8 M.A. or MSC
[] 9 Ph.D.
[] Higher degree acquired
[] Others

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69. For person with certificate:
The certificate here means the certificates accepted by the ministry or Education or the ministry of Higher education and scientific Research, if the person acquires a primary certificate the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (primary), if the person completed the intermediate level the sign (x) is put in the square opposite to the word (intermediate), if the person gets a certificate from one of the industrial preparatory schools or agricultural or commercial the sign is put in the square opposite to the (vocational). If the person gets Bachelor the sign put in the square opposite to the word (bachelor), if the person gets a higher professional certificate the sign is put in the square opposite to the phrase (higher professional certificate) for example (M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S., and so on. If the person gets a certificate not mentioned in the questionnaire the sign is put opposite to the word (others).

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_EDATTAN — Educational level and grade studying
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Questions 65-67 are for students continuing their studies

65. Educational level

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Intermediate and secondary
[] 3 Vocational
[] 4 Institutes
[] 5 College
[] 6 High diploma
[] 7 M.SC
[] 8 Ph.D.
[] 9 Highest degree acquired
[] 10 Others

66. Class or level ____

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_YRSSECED — Number of years of secondary education
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

17. Full-time education received:

If the person attended the following types of school or college full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend, write "None".

State age at which full-time education ended____

Secondary: ___ years

Vocational, technical, or commercial: ___ years

University or higher technical: ____ years

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Question 17 - Education.
Entries in this section of the form are required only in respect of persons who have ceased full-time education and should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for children who are still at school or college or for persons attending universities or day courses in vocational schools or business colleges. For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at the type of school, college etc. "None" should be entered if the particular type of school etc. was not attended full-time. It should be particularly noted that the information required is in respect of type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job, who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_YRSVOCED — Number of years of vocational education
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

17. Full-time education received:

If the person attended the following types of school or college full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend, write "None".

State age at which full-time education ended____

Secondary: ___ years

Vocational, technical, or commercial: ___ years

University or higher technical: ____ years

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17 - Education.
Entries in this section of the form are required only in respect of persons who have ceased full-time education and should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for children who are still at school or college or for persons attending universities or day courses in vocational schools or business colleges. For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at the type of school, college etc. "None" should be entered if the particular type of school etc. was not attended full-time. It should be particularly noted that the information required is in respect of type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job, who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_YRSTERED — Number of years of tertiary education
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

17. Full-time education received:

If the person attended the following types of school or college full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend, write "None".

State age at which full-time education ended____

Secondary: ___ years

Vocational, technical, or commercial: ___ years

University or higher technical: ____ years

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Question 17 - Education.
Entries in this section of the form are required only in respect of persons who have ceased full-time education and should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for children who are still at school or college or for persons attending universities or day courses in vocational schools or business colleges. For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at the type of school, college etc. "None" should be entered if the particular type of school etc. was not attended full-time. It should be particularly noted that the information required is in respect of type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job, who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_AGEEDUC — Age when education ceased
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

17. Full-time education received:

If the person attended the following types of school or college full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend, write "None".

State age at which full-time education ended____

Secondary: ___ years

Vocational, technical, or commercial: ___ years

University or higher technical: ____ years

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17 - Education.
Entries in this section of the form are required only in respect of persons who have ceased full-time education and should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for children who are still at school or college or for persons attending universities or day courses in vocational schools or business colleges. For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at the type of school, college etc. "None" should be entered if the particular type of school etc. was not attended full-time. It should be particularly noted that the information required is in respect of type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job, who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_YRSPRIM — Number of years of primary education
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[Q.21 to be completed for each person whose full-time education has ceased]

Q.21 Full-time education received.

If the person attended any of the following types of school, etc., full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend write "None".

Primary: ___years

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Q.21: Full time education received
Entries in this section of the form are required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full time education ad should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for persons who are still at school or college or full-time students at universities or persons attending day courses in vocational schools at business colleges.

For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at each type of school, college etc. specified. "None" should be entered in the particular type of school etc., that was not attended full-time. It should be especially noted that the information required is in respect of the type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_YRSSEC — Number of years of secondary education
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[Q.21 to be completed for each person whose full-time education has ceased]

Q.21 Full-time education received.

If the person attended any of the following types of school, etc., full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend write "None".

Secondary, community or comprehensive: ___years

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.21: Full time education received
Entries in this section of the form are required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full time education ad should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for persons who are still at school or college or full-time students at universities or persons attending day courses in vocational schools at business colleges.

For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at each type of school, college etc. specified. "None" should be entered in the particular type of school etc., that was not attended full-time. It should be especially noted that the information required is in respect of the type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_YRSVOC — Number of years of vocational education
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[Q.21 to be completed for each person whose full-time education has ceased]

Q.21 Full-time education received.

If the person attended any of the following types of school, etc., full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend write "None".

Vocational, technical or commercial: ___years

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Q.21: Full time education received
Entries in this section of the form are required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full time education ad should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for persons who are still at school or college or full-time students at universities or persons attending day courses in vocational schools at business colleges.

For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at each type of school, college etc. specified. "None" should be entered in the particular type of school etc., that was not attended full-time. It should be especially noted that the information required is in respect of the type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_YRSTERT — Number of years of university or tertiary education
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[Q.21 to be completed for each person whose full-time education has ceased]

Q.21 Full-time education received.

If the person attended any of the following types of school, etc., full-time, state the number of years in each case. If the person did not attend write "None".

University or other third level: ___years

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.21: Full time education received
Entries in this section of the form are required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full time education ad should relate only to the full-time education received. No entries are required for persons who are still at school or college or full-time students at universities or persons attending day courses in vocational schools at business colleges.

For a person who has ceased full-time education, the age at which he or she ceased receiving full-time education should be inserted in the first column. In the other columns should be entered the number of years spent in full-time attendance at each type of school, college etc. specified. "None" should be entered in the particular type of school etc., that was not attended full-time. It should be especially noted that the information required is in respect of the type of school or college etc. attended, regardless of whether or not certificates or qualifications were obtained. In the case of a person with a job who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be in respect of the educational establishments which that person had attended full-time.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_LEVELED — Highest level of education completed
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[Questions 16-24 relate to persons aged 15 years and over]

Education received [Q.16 and Q.17] (to be completed only for person's whose full-time education has ceased)

Q.17 What is the highest level of education (full-time or part-time) that was actually completed?

Insert a check mark in the appropriate box.

[] 1 No formal education
[] 2 Primary education
[] 3 Lower secondary (intermediate certificate, group certificate, "O" levels)

Upper secondary:
[] 4 Technical or vocational
[] 5 Leaving certificate
[] 6 Both technical/vocational course and leaving certificate

Third level:
[] 7 Sub-degree qualification
[] 8 Primary university degree
[] 9 Professional qualification (of degree status at least)
[] 10 Both a degree and a professional qualification
[] 11 Post-graduate degree
Explanatory notes

Question 17: Education received (highest level of education completed)

Persons who received their education when institutional arrangements were different to those currently in place or who were not educated in Ireland should select an equivalent option.

(i) Box 2 should be selected for a person who has attended some form of specialized education. Schooling for handicapped children should be taken as having the equivalent to Primary.
(ii) Box 2 should be selected for a person who has attended Primary level only. Moreover, without sitting for the Intermediate Certificate, Group Certificate or '0', box 2 should be selected for a person who attended a second level school but dropped out Levels.
(iii) A person who sat for the Intermediate Certificate, Group Certificate results achieved or '0' (but no higher level) should select box 3 irrespective of the Levels.
(iv) Completing an apprenticeship should be regarded as equivalent to completing a technical or vocational education at the second level, and box 4 should be selected. However, if the apprenticeship was completed in addition to the Leaving Certificate, then Box 6 should be selected.
(v) A person who sat for the Leaving Certificate (but who completed no further course) should select box 5 irrespective of the results achieved.
(vi) A person who attempted a third level course but did not obtain the certificate, diploma or degree in question should select the appropriate box for the upper secondary level.
(vii) A sub-degree qualification at the third level (i.e., box 7) should be selected for a person who obtained a certificate/diploma (not equivalent to a university degree) from a course for which the entry requirement was the completion of the upper secondary level to a certain minimum standard.
(viii) A post-graduate degree refers to a degree at the masters or higher level. A person with a post-graduate diploma such as the higher diploma in education (but without a masters or higher-level degree) should select box 8 for Census purposes.
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Appendix 1

Q.16 and Q.17: Education received
Entries in this section of the form are required for persons aged 15 years or over who have ceased full-time education. No entries are required for persons who are still at school/college or who are fulltime students at universities or who are attending day courses in vocational schools or business colleges. The age (in years) at which a person ceased to receive full-time education should be inserted at Question 16. Only one box should be chosen at Question 17 and that should reflect the highest level of education completed (general criterion of completion: "Exam sat for" below third level; diploma/certificate/degree received at third level) irrespective of whether it was on a full-time or part-time basis. In the case of a person with a job who is attending a technical school or university part-time, no entry in respect of this part-time education should be made; the particulars entered should be ill respect of the highest level of education which that person has completed (full-time or part-time). You should ensure that you are thoroughly aware of the content of the Notes relating to these questions in particular.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_LEVELED — Highest level of education completed
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[Questions 15-24 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

Q.15 Education

What is the highest level of education (full-time or part-time) actually completed to date?
Insert check mark in the appropriate box.

[] 1 No formal education
[] 2 Primary Education
[] 3 Lower secondary (Junior/Inter/Group Cert., "O" levels)

Upper secondary:
[] 4 Technical or vocational
[] 5 Leaving Certificate
[] 6 Both technical/vocational course and Leaving Certificate

Third Level:
[] 7 Non-degree qualification
[] 8 Primary university degree
[] 9 Professional qualification (of degree status at least)
[] 10 Both a degree and a professional qualification
[] 11 Post-graduate degree (excluding post-graduate diplomas)
Explanatory notes

[Questions 15-24 relate only to persons aged 15 years and over]

Question 15 - Education received (highest level of education completed)

Persons who received their education when institutional arrangements were different to those currently in place or who were not educated in Ireland should select an equivalent option.
  • A person who has attended Primary level only should select Box 2. Moreover, a person who attended a second level school but dropped out without sitting for the Junior Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Group Certificate, '0' Levels or GCSE should select Box 2.
  • A person who sat for the Junior Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Group Certificate, '0' Levels or GCSE (but no higher level) should select Box 3 irrespective of the results achieved.
  • Completing an apprenticeship should be regarded as equivalent to completing technical or vocational education at second level and Box 4 should be selected. However, if the apprenticeship was completed in addition to the Leaving Certificate then Box 6 should be selected.
  • A person who sat for the Leaving Certificate (but who completed no further course) should select Box 5 irrespective of the results achieved.
  • A person who successfully completed a Post Leaving Certificate programme (VPT2) or a secretarial or commercial course lasting a year or more in addition to a Leaving Certificate should select Box 6.
  • A person who attempted a third level course but without obtaining the certificate, diploma or degree in question should select the appropriate Box at Upper Secondary level.
  • A non-degree qualification at Third level (i.e. Box 7) should be selected for a person who has obtained a certificate/diploma (not equivalent to a university degree) from a course for which the entry requirement was the completion of the Upper Secondary level to a certain minimum standard.
  • A post-graduate degree refers to a degree at Master or higher level. A person with a post-graduate diploma such as the Higher Diploma in Education (but without a degree to Master or higher level) should for Census purposes select Box 8.
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Questions which cover persons 15 years and over

Q.15: Education Received
This question relates to all persons aged 15 years and over regardless of whether they have completed their education. Students should tick the box which indicates the highest level of education completed to date.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_LEVELED — Highest level of education completed
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[Questions 20-26 apply to people aged 15 and over]

21 What is the highest level of education (full-time or part-time) which you have completed to date?

Check one box only.

[] 1 No formal education
[] 2 Primary education
Second level
[] 3 Lower secondary: Junior/Intermediate/Group Certificate, "O" Levels/GCSEs, NCVA Foundation Certificate, Basic Skills Training Certificate, or equivalent
[] 4 Upper secondary:
Leaving certificate (including Applied and Vocational Programmes), "A" Levels, NCVA Level 1 Certificate or equivalent
[] 5 Technical or vocational qualification: completed apprenticeship, NCVA Level 2/3 Certificate, NCEA Foundation Certificate, Teagasc certificate/diploma or equivalent
[] 6 Both upper secondary and technical or vocational qualification
Third level
[] 7 Non degree: National Certificate, Diploma NCEA/Institute of Technology, or equivalent
[] 8 Primary degree (Third level Bachelor degree)
[] 9 Professional qualification (of degree status at least)
[] 10 Both degree and a professional qualification
[] 11 Postgraduate certificate or diploma
[] 12 Postgraduate degree (Masters)
[] 13 Doctorate (PhD)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

21. What is the highest level of education (full-time or part-time) which you have completed to date?
[] 1 No formal education
[] 2 Primary education
Secondary level
[] 3 Lower secondary: Junior/Intermediate/Group Certificate, "O" Levels/GCSEs, NCVA Foundation Certificate, Basic Skills Training Certificate or equivalent
[] 4 Upper Secondary: Leaving certificate (including Applied and Vocational Progammes), "A" Levels, NCVA Level 1 Certificate or equivalent
[] 5 Technical or vocational qualification: Completed apprenticeship, NCVA Level 2/3 Certificate, NCEA Foundation Certificate, Teagasc certificate/diploma or equivalent
[] 6 Both upper secondary and technical or vocational qualification
Third level
[] 7 Non degree: National Certificate, diploma NCEA/Institute of Technology or equivalent
[] 8 Primary degree (third level Bachelor degree)
[] 9 Professional qualification (of degree status at least)
[] 10 Both degree and a professional qualification
[] 11 Postgraduate certificate or diploma
[] 12 Postgraduate Degree (Masters)
[] 13 Doctorate (Ph.D.)

Some guidelines on answering question 21:

  • Persons who received their education when institutional arrangements were different to those currently in place or who were not educated in Ireland, should select an equivalent option.
  • A person who attended primary level only should select 2- Primary education. A person who attended a second level school but left without sitting for the Junior Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Group Certificate, etc. should also select this option.
  • A person who has sat for the examinations listed under options 3 (Lower secondary) and 4 (Upper secondary), should select the appropriate level of education completed irrespective of the results achieved.
  • A person who successfully completed a Post Leaving Certificate programme (VPT2) or a secretarial or commercial course lasting a year or more in addition to the Leaving Certificate should select 6 - Both Upper secondary or Technical?.
  • A person who attempted a third level course but without obtaining the certificate, diploma or degree in question should select the appropriate option at Second Level.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_LEVEDUC — Highest level of education completed
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B. Person Form

23. What is the highest level of education (full-time or part-time) which you have completed to date? Check only one box.

[] 1 No formal education
[] 2 Primary education
Secondary level:
[] 3 Lower secondary: Junior/intermediate/Group certificate, "O" levels/GCSEs, NCVA Foundation Certificate, Basic Skills Training Certificate or equivalent
[] 4 Upper secondary: Leaving certificate (including Applied and Vocational Programmes), "A" levels, NCVA Level 1 Certificate or equivalent
[] 5 Technical or vocational qualification: Completed Apprenticeship, NCVA Level 2/3 Certificate, Teagasc Certificate/Diploma or equivalent
[] 6 Both Upper Secondary and Technical or Vocational qualification
Third level:
[] 7 Non degree: National Certificate, Diploma NCEA/Institute of Technology or equivalent, nursing diploma
[] 8 Primary degree (Third level Bachelor degree)
[] 9 Professional qualification (of degree status at least)
[] 10 Both a degree and a professional qualification
[] 11 Postgraduate certificate or diploma
[] 12 Postgraduate degree (Masters)
[] 13 Doctorate (PhD)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
The replies to questions 22 and 23 will be used to monitor the impact of education policies, changing skill levels and the extent to which people use their formal qualifications.

23 What is the highest level of education (full-time or part-time) which you have completed to date?

Check only one box.
[] 1 No formal education
[] 2 Primary education
Secondary level:
[] 3 Lower secondary:
Junior/intermediate/Group certificate, O levels/GCSEs, NCVA Foundation Certificate, Basic Skills Training Certificate or equivalent
[] 4 Upper secondary: Leaving certificate (including Applied and Vocational Programmes), A levels, NCVA Level 1 Certificate or equivalent
[] 5 Technical or Vocational qualification: Completed Apprenticeship, NCVA Level 2/3 Certificate, Teagasc Certificate/Diploma or equivalent
[] 6 Both Upper Secondary and Technical or Vocational qualification
Third Level
[] 7 Non-degree: National Certificate, Diploma NCEA/Institute of Technology or equivalent, Nursing Diploma
[] 8 Primary Degree (Third-level Bachelor Degree)
[] 9 Professional qualification (of Degree status at least)
[] 10 Both a Degree and a Professional qualification
[] 11 Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma
[] 12 Postgraduate Degree (Masters)
[] 13 Doctorate (Ph.D.)

Some guidelines on answering question 23:

  • Persons who received their education when institutional arrangements were different to those currently in place or who were not educated in Ireland, should select an equivalent option.
  • A person who attended primary level only should select 2@ Primary education. A person who attended a second level school but left without sitting for the Junior Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Group Certificate, etc. should also select this option.
  • A person who has sat for the examinations listed under options 3 (Lower secondary) and 4 (Upper secondary), should select the appropriate level of education completed irrespective of the results achieved.
  • A person who successfully completed a Post Leaving Certificate programme (VPT2) or a secretarial or commercial course lasting a year or more in addition to the Leaving Certificate should select 6 Both Upper secondary and Technical ....
  • A person who attempted a third level course but without obtaining the certificate, diploma or degree in question should select the appropriate option at Second Level.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_LEVEDUC — Highest level of education completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
23. If you are aged under 15
Go to Q34
[Questions 24-33 were asked for persons age 15+.]
25. What is the highest level of education/training (full-time or part-time) which you have completed to date?
Mark one box only
[] 1 No formal education/training
[] 2 Primary education
NFQ Levels 1 or 2
FETAC Level 1 or 2 Cert. or equivalent
[] 3 Lower Secondary
NFQ Level 3
Junior/Inter/Group Cert., FETAC Level 3 Cert., FÁS Introductory Skills, NCVA Foundation Cert. or equivalent
[] 4 Upper Secondary
NFQ Levels 4 or 5
Leaving Cert. (including Applied and Vocational programmes) or equivalent
[] 5 Technical or Vocational
NFQ Levels 4 or 5
FETAC Level 4/5 Cert., NCVA Level 1/2, FÁS Specific Skills, Teagasc Cert. in Agriculture, CERT Craft Cert. or equivalent
[] 6 Advanced Certificate/Completed Apprenticeship
NFQ Level 6
FETAC Advanced Cert., NCVA Level 3, FÁS National Craft Cert., Teagasc Farming Cert., CERT Professional Cookery Cert. or equivalent
[] 7 Higher Certificate
NFQ Level 6
NCEA/HETAC National Cert. or equivalent
[] 8 Ordinary Bachelor Degree or
National Diploma
NFQ Level 7
[] 9 Honours Bachelor Degree/ Professional qualification or both
NFQ Level 8
[] 10 Postgraduate Diploma or Degree
NFQ Level 9
Postgraduate Diploma, Master's Degree or equivalent
[] 11 Doctorate (Ph.D.) or higher
NFQ Level 10
Question 25 -- What is the highest level of education/training (full-time or parttime) which you have completed to date?
The categories distinguished in this question follow the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). Further details can be found at

Further information on FETAC, HETAC, foreign qualifications and all other qualifications in general can be found at

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Questions 24 and 25. The replies to Questions 24 and 25 will be used to monitor the impact of education policies, changing skill levels and the extent to which people use their formal qualifications.

  • Persons who received their education when institutional arrangements were different to those currently in place or who were not educated in Ireland should select an equivalent option. For more information on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), see
  • A person who attended primary level only should select Primary education. A person who attended a second level school but left without sitting the Group, Intermediate, or Junior Cert should also mark Primary Education.
  • A person who sat the Group, Intermediate or Junior Cert should mark Lower Secondary, regardless of the results achieved. Similarly, a person who sat the Leaving Cert should mark Upper Secondary regardless of the results achieved.
  • A person who attempted a third level course but without obtaining the certificate, diploma or degree in question should select the appropriate option at second level.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
25. What is the highest level of education/training (full-time or part-time) which you have completed to date?

Mark one box only

[] 1. No formal education/training
[] 2. Primary education
NFQ Levels 1 or 2
FETAC Level 1 or 2 Cert. or equivalent
[] 3. Lower Secondary
NFQ Level 3
Junior/Inter/Group Cert., FETAC Level 3 Cert., FÁS Introductory Skills, NCVA Foundation Cert. or equivalent
[] 4. Upper Secondary
NFQ Levels 4 or 5
Leaving Cert. (including Applied and Vocational programmes) or equivalent
[] 5. Technical or Vocational
NFQ Levels 4 or 5
FETAC Level 4/5 Cert., NCVA Level 1/2, FÁS Specific Skills, Teagasc Cert. in Agriculture, CERT Craft Cert. or equivalent
[] 6. Advanced Certificate/Completed Apprenticeship
NFQ Level 6
FETAC Advanced Cert., NCVA Level 3, FÁS National Craft Cert., Teagasc Farming Cert., CERT Professional Cookery Cert. or equivalent
[] 7. Higher Certificate
NFQ Level 6
NCEA/HETAC National Cert. or equivalent
[] 8. Ordinary Bachelor Degree or National Diploma
NFQ Level 7
[] 9. Honours Bachelor Degree/Professional qualification or both
NFQ Level 8
[] 10. Postgraduate Diploma or Degree
NFQ Level 9
Postgraduate Diploma, Masters Degree or equivalent
[] 11. Doctorate (Ph.D) or higher
NFQ Level 10
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

[Question 24: Have you ceased your full time education?]

[Question 25: What is the highest level of education / training (full time or part time) which you have completed to date?]

The replies to questions 24 and 25 will be used to monitor the impact of education policies, changing skill levels and the extent to which people use their formal qualifications.

Persons who received their education when institutional arrangements were different to those currently in place or who were not educated in Ireland should select an equivalent option. For more information on the national framework of qualifications (NFQ), see

A person who attended primary level only should select primary education. A person who attended a second level school but left without sitting the group, intermediate or junior cert should also mark primary education.

A person who sat the group, intermediate or junior cert should mark lower secondary, regardless of the results achieved. Similarly, a person who sat the leaving cert should mark upper secondary regardless of the results achieved.

A person who attempted a third level course but without obtaining the certificate, diploma or degree in question should select the appropriate option at second level.

[The original document includes an image below.]

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_EDATTAN — Years of schooling and certificate
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[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]

Considered as schools: studies in evening school, Yeshiva, university, academy of music, etc. Will not be considered schools: courses of under one year, correspondence courses, language courses etc.

[Questions 8-10 were asked of persons aged 14+ who presently study at a school or studied in past, per question 6]

8. How many years altogether did you study at school? ____

If you are studying at present, please include current year of studies. Do not include: kindergarten, an uncompleted year of studies, another year in the same grade, short courses.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_DEGREE — Highest degree/certificate
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

[Question 8-12]

[Questions 9-12 are asked only of persons age 15+ who ever attended school, per question 8]

12. What is the highest certificate (degree) you received in your studies?

If you received both an academic degree and an academic certificate, circle the academic degree and not the certificate.

[] 1 Certificate of graduation from primary school or junior high school (between primary and high school)
[] 2 Certificate of graduation from high school (other than matriculation)
[] 3 Matriculation (or other certificate entitling the holder to continue to a university)
[] 4 Non-academic certificate of graduation from a post-secondary school (such as: teaching certificate, practical engineering certificate, etc.)
[] 5 First academic degree (e.g. B.A.)
[] 6 Higher academic degree (such as: M.A., Ph.D., MD)
[] 7 Other certificate: ____
[] 8 Did not receive any certificate

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14. Question 12 -- explanations: Highest certificate (degree)

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 12.]

In this question the intention is to the highest degree the person received for studies in a school (see definition in explanations for question 8). This does not mean excellence/participation/appreciation certificates.

A certificate the person is entitled to should also be specified, even if he/she doesn't have it yet. For example: a person who completed the matriculation exams successfully, but still has not received the certificate or a student who completed his/her studies in the university and is entitled for a degree, but the ceremony hasn't been held yet.

List of types of certificate (as appear in the questionnaire)
1. Certificate of graduation from elementary school/junior high

2. Certificate of graduation from high school -- this category will include persons who graduated from high school and do not have a matriculation certificate.

For a person who studied in high school and passed only part of the matriculation exams, and therefore is not entitled for the matriculation certificate, mark this answer (2).

3. Matriculation certificate -- including external matriculation certificate.

4. Non-academic certificate of graduation from a post-secondary school, e.g. teaching authorization certificate, practical engineer certificate, authorized nurse certificate, etc.

[p. 26]

5. Academic Bachelor's degree -- if a person received an academic degree and another certificate, register the academic degree and not the other certificate (answer no. 5).

6. Academic degree - master's or above

7. Other certificate -- a certificate which can not be classified as fitting one of the previous answers should be specified in this answer.

If the person studied abroad and can not classify the certificate, he/she is entitled to write the type of certificate, in foreign language, under this answer.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_DEGREE — Highest certificate
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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

[Questions 15-16 were asked of persons age 15+ who presently attend school or attended school in the past, per question 14]

16. What is the highest diploma (or degree) you achieved during your studies?

If you earned both an academic degree and an academic diploma please mark the academic degree only.

[] 1. I did not receive any diploma
[] 2. Elementary or junior high school diploma
[] 3. High school diploma, which is not a matriculation certificate
[] 4. Matriculation certificate
[] 5. Higher education, non academic diploma, such as: teachers' certificate, technician, nurse
[] 6. First academic degree, B.A. or parallel degree
[] 7. Second academic degree, M.A. or parallel degree
[] 8. Third academic degree, Ph.D. or parallel degree
[] 9. Other degrees; please specify ____

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5. Question 16

16. What is the highest diploma (or degree) that you have received during your studies?

If you received an academic degree and an academic diploma, mark the academic degree

[] 1 Never received a diploma
[] 2 Elementary or junior high school diploma
[] 3 High school diploma, which is not a matriculation certificate
[] 4 Matriculation certificate
[] 5 Higher education diploma, which is not an academic diploma
Like: teacher's certificate, practical engineer certificate, technician, nurse etc.
[] 6 First academic degree -- BA or parallel degrees
[] 7 Second academic degree -- MA or parallel degrees
[] 8 Third academic degree -- PhD or parallel degrees
[] 9 Other diploma. Specify ____

It is the highest diploma a person received for graduating from an institution considered as school.

It does not include certificates for distinguished achievements, participation in competitions, honorary certificates, driver's license etc.

Mark also the diploma the person is entitled to, since he has finished his studying obligations, even if the diploma is not in his hands yet.

Example: A person who has successfully passed all the matriculations exams, but has not received the certificate yet, will mark answer 4 -- matriculation certificate.

The following table presents a list with different types of diploma, with explanations and comments concerning each type.

[p. 46]

1. Never received a diploma
Comments: To those learned only few years and to those learned in Yeshiva (where a diploma is not given).

2. Elementary or junior high school diploma

3. High school diploma, which is not a matriculation certificate. Include also:
To people who learned toward a matriculation certificate, but passed only part of the exams.

Comments: To those finished studies in high school, who are not eligible to matriculation certificate.

4. Matriculation certificate. Include also:
-- External matriculation certificate
-- A certificate from abroad, parallel to matriculation certificate that opens the possibility to be accepted to academic studies.

5. Higher education diploma, which is not an academic diploma. Include also:
For example: Teaching certificate, nurse certificate, technical engineer certificate, technician certificate. In the former Soviet Union: Graduation certificate from Teknikum or Uchilishe.

6. First academic degree
-- B.A., B.Ed., L.L.B., B.Sc., etc.
-- In the former Soviet Union: A teaching certificate for elementary school is parallel to first academic degree.

Comments: If a person has an academic degree and an academic certificate, he has to mark the academic degree and not the certificate. For example, If a person has a BA in Sociology and a teaching certificate, he has to mark an X next to the first academic degree (answer 6).

7. Second academic degree
-- M.A., L.L.M., M.Sc., M.B.A., M.S.W., etc.
-- In the former Soviet Union: Diplom ob okonchanii Vuza

8. Third academic degree
- PhD and parallel degrees: Dr. Sc.
- In the former Soviet Union: Candidat Nauk or Doctor Nauk

9. Other diploma
Comments: It means a diploma, which cannot be classified to one of the other categories. Write the type in words in addition to the X mark in the box (You can write it in foreign language).

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_EDATTAIN — Highest diploma
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Questions on education and work
[Questions 43-58 asked of persons aged 15 or older]

43. Have you studied in the past, or are you studying today, in a school (educational institution)?
School also includes university, evening school, courses of at least one academic year, Yeshiva or Kollel.

1 [] Studied only in the past
2 [] Studying today
3 [] Never studied at all (Go to Question No. 47)

46. What is the highest certificate or degree you received in your studies?

[] 1 Completion certificate from primary or intermediate school
[] 2 Completion certificate from high school (that is not a Matriculation certificate)
[] 3 Matriculation certificate
[] 4 Completion certificate from post-secondary school that is not an academic degree (such as teaching certificate, practical engineering certificate, technician certificate, nursing certificate)
[] 5 First academic degree, B.A. or equivalent
[] 6 Second academic degree, M.A. or equivalent (including doctor of medicine)
[] 7 Second academic degree, Ph.D or equivalent
[] 8 Didn't receive any degree or certificate
[] 9 Other
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Part G: Education

This part of the questionnaire deals with the subject of education. The goal of the questions is to receive information on the population's education level and type of education.
The data received will allow us to study, among other things, the distribution of different population groups according to people's number of schooling years in different types of schools (high school, post-secondary school or higher education), how many of them received matriculation certificates, how many received other diplomas, and the number of academics in Israel. The data allows us to analyze the relations between education and people's occupations, or between education and housing conditions, etc.
In addition, the data is used for assessing the population's education resources and for planning education services, such as frameworks for professional studies, adult education, etc.
All questions in this part are addressed at persons aged 15 or more.

2. Instructions for answering questions

d. The highest diploma/degree
The goal of this question is to receive data on the population's level of formal education. This information allows us to study the distribution of the population's education level. For example: the number of people with academic degrees, the number of people with matriculation diplomas, etc.
Question 6.40 - What was the highest diploma or degree you received in your studies?

Enumerator, please note: if received an academic degree and an academic diploma, only mention the academic degree
1. Elementary school or junior high school graduation diploma
2. High school graduation diploma (which is not a matriculation certificate)
3. Matriculation certificate
4. Non-academic post-secondary school diploma (such as a teaching certificate, practical engineer certificate, technician certificate, nurse certificate)
5. Bachelor's degree, B.A. or equivalent
6. Master's degree, M.A. or equivalent (including M.D.)
7. PhD, or equivalent degree
8. Never received a diploma or certificate
9. Other, elaborate

- This question refers to the highest diploma a person has received after completing his studies in a framework that is considered a school (an academic institution). This does not refer to honors certificates, certificates for participating in competitions, certificates of appreciation, etc.
- Also indicate a diploma or degree that a person is entitled to receive since he completed all of his study requirements, even if he still doesn't have the certificate. For example, if a person successfully passed all of his matriculation exams, but still hasn't received the matriculation certificate, write that he has received a matriculation certificate (answer 3).
- If a person has an academic certificate and an academic degree, treat his academic degree as the highest diploma. For example, if a person has an academic teaching certificate and a bachelor's degree in sociology, his bachelor's degree is the highest diploma.
- Examples of different types of diplomas and certificates can be found in paragraph 3.b of this chapter.

3. Detailed definitions
In this part you will find a list of different school types and different certificate and diploma types, as well as what is included in each category. Furthermore, you will find here a lexicon with definitions of religious education institutions.

b. Certificate and diploma types
Certificate/ diploma type

Elementary school or junior high school graduation diploma (answer 1)
Studied in high school but did not complete their studies there.
Completed elementary school or junior high school and did not study in a high school at all.
Studied 5 years or more in an elementary school.
Matriculation certificate (answer 3)
External matriculation certificate.
Certificate from abroad, parallel to a matriculation certificate - allows students to be admitted to academic degree studies.
Non-academic post-secondary school diploma (answer 4)
Teacher's certificate, kindergarten teacher's certificate, graduation diploma from teachers' or kindergarten teachers' seminar, registered nurse certificate, practical engineer certificate, diploma from a Hesder yeshiva, rabbi certificate.
Pay attention,
In the former Soviet Union: graduation diploma from a 'Technikum' - Diplom Ob Okonchanii Technikuma or graduation diploma from an Uchilishcha - Diplom Ob Okonchanii Uchilishcha.
Bachelor's degree (answer 5)
Bachelor's degree - B.A., L.Lb, B.Ed., B.Sc.T.E., B.Sc., B.Ed. Tech.
Master's degree (answer 6)
M.A., L.L.M., M.Sc., M.B.A., M.S.W., M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D.
Pay attention,
In the former Soviet Union: Diplom ob Okonchanii VUZA
Medical doctors are considered to have a degree equivalent to a master's degree, unless they have a Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) in another field.
Ph.D. (answer 7)
Ph.D., or equivalent degrees: Dr.Sc, L.L.D., or Professor
Pay attention,
In the former Soviet Union: Candidat Nauk, Doctor Nauk

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_EDATTAN — Highest educational degree obtained
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For persons over 6 years of age
[Questions 5.2 to 5.10 were asked for persons over 6 years of age.]

5.2 Indicate the highest educational degree obtained amongst those listed below

[] 01 No educational degree, cannot read nor write [skip to question 5.8]
[] 02 No educational degree, but can read and write [skip to question 5.8]
[] 03 Primary school certificate [skip to question 5.6]
[] 04 Lower secondary school certificate [skip to question 5.6]

Secondary school diploma obtained at:

[] 05 Secondary school in Classical Studies [skip to question 5.6]
[] 06 Secondary school in Scientific Studies [skip to question 5.6]
[] 07 Secondary school in Linguistic Studies [skip to question 5.6]
[] 08 Secondary school in Artistic Studies (4-5 year course)
[] 09 Professional Institute [answer question 5.3]
[] 10 Teachers Schools [answer question 5.3]
[] 11 Institute of Arts [answer question 5.3]
[] 12 Technical Institute (5 year course) [skip to question 5.4]
[] 13 Teachers Institute (4-5 year course) [skip to question 5.4]

[] 14 Post graduate non-University Diploma [skip to question 5.4]
[] 15 University diploma (Special or University equivalent school, short degree) [skip to question 5.4]
[] 16 Degree [skip to question 5.4]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 5.2 and 5.3
Question 5.2 must be answered by those who are over 6 years of age, and those who are less than 6 years old and are in first grade of elementary school (for example children born between 22 October and 31 December 1995).
Only those who crossed one of the boxes from 09 to 11 of Question 5.2 must answer Question 5.3.
Educational degree refers to the official title attributed after successfully completing an educational course.
In order to properly answer questions 5.2 and 5.3, the following instructions must be observed:
Any person with two or more educational degrees at the same level, must indicate only the one considered to be the most important, in relationship with the profession practiced.
Students in first grade of primary school must cross box 02.
Any person with a discharge certificate (3rd grade primary school) must cross: box 01 if they cannot read nor write ("No educational degree and cannot read nor write"); box 02 if they can read and write ("No educational degree but can read and write");
Any person (in particular foreign citizens) who obtained their highest degree abroad must cross the box relative to the corresponding Italian educational degree
Foreign citizens who have not obtained any type of educational degree must chose between 01 ("No educational degree and cannot read nor write") and 02 ("No educational degree but can read and write") with reference to their mother tongue.
Primary school certificate: corresponds to completion of the first level of basic education.
Lower Secondary School Certificate: corresponds to the completion of second level basic education. A primary school diploma is required in order to be admitted to these courses.
Secondary school certificate obtained from a Classics, Scientific, Linguistic or Artistic Secondary school: obtained upon completion of a 4 or 5 years secondary school course and needed to enroll in University. A Lower Secondary School Certificate is required in order to be admitted to this course. At question 5.2, those whose highest level of education is the School Leaving Certificate (or state exams) held at a Classics, Scientific, Linguistic or Artistic Secondary School, must cross one of the boxes between 05 and 08.
Secondary school certificate obtained from a Professional Institute, a Teaching School, a Fine Arts Institute, a Technical Institute or a Teachers College. It is broken down into:
a) Professional Institute, Institute of Fine Arts or Teaching School certificate: an educational degree obtained upon completion of secondary school studies with a duration of less than 4 years (2-3 year courses) which does not allow enrollment into University. A Lower Secondary School Certificate is required to be admitted to these courses. Those whose highest degree of education is a diploma from the Professional Institute, Institute of Fine Arts or Teaching School must cross one of the boxes between 09 and 11 in question 5.2, and box 1 in question 5.3;
b) School Leaving Certificate (State exams): obtained after completing secondary school studies with a duration of 4 or 5 years and enables enrollment into University. A Lower Secondary School Certificate is required to be admitted to these courses. Those whose highest degree of education is a secondary school certificate (or state exam) obtained from a Professional Institute, Teaching School, Fine Arts Institute, Technical Institute or Teaching College must cross one of the boxes between 09 and 13 in question 5.2. If the secondary school certificate (or state exam) was obtained from a Professional Institute, Teaching School, Fine Arts Institute cross box 2 in question 5.3;

Post School Leaving non-University Diploma: obtained after completing non-university studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, School of Artistic Industries, National Dramatics Academy, National Dance Academy (3-year specialization course), Academy of Music or Recognized School of Music (2-3 year specialization course), School for Interpreters and Translators or the School for Filing, Paleography and Diplomacy. The duration varies depending on the course selected. A secondary school certificate (4-5 year course) is needed in order to be admitted to these courses. Post-secondary school professional training courses are excluded.
University certificate (Special direct or para-university schools, and short degrees): obtained after completing a university certificate or special direct school course. This certificate is obtained after attending a course of no less than 2 years and no more than 3 (statistics diploma, elementary school surveillance, ISEF diploma, diploma in paleography and musical philology, etc.). The University certificate or short degree internationally corresponds to the first step of the first series of university studies (e.g. bachelor's degree - or first degree - English). A secondary school certificate (4-5 year course) is needed in order to be admitted to these courses.
Degree: obtained after having completed a university course of studies with a duration of no less than 4 years and no more than 6. A degree course aimed at providing students with adequate knowledge on cultural, scientific and professional methods and contents at a higher level. A secondary school certificate (4-5 year course) is needed in order to be admitted to these courses. Internationally, a degree corresponds to the second step of the first series of university studies (e.g. French maitrise).

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_EDATTAIN — Highest educational level
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

Questions 5.3 through 5.9 are asked for those persons ages 6 years or more

5.3 What is the highest educational qualification you have attained from among those listed below?

[] 1 No formal education and can neither read nor write [skip to question 5.11]
[] 2 No formal education but can both read and write [skip to question 5.11]
[] 3 Elementary school qualification (or equivalent) [skip to question 5.9]
[] 4 Middle school (or vocational school) qualification [skip to question 5.7]
[] 5 Completion of lower/middle level of the Music Conservatory or National Academy of Dance (2-3 years) [skip to question 5.5]
[] 6 Vocational school diploma [go to question 5.4]
[] 7 Teacher training school diploma [go to question 5.4]
[] 8 Art school diploma [go to question 5.4]
[] 9 Technical institute diploma [skip to question 5.5]
[] 10 Teacher training institute diploma [skip to question 5.5]
[] 11 High school diploma (classical, scientific, etc.) [skip to question 5.5]
[] 12 Diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts, Dramatic Arts, ISIA, etc., Conservatory (former system) [skip to question 5.5]
[] 13 University degree (2-3 years) under the former system (including schools dedicated to specialized programs and vocationally-oriented community colleges [skip to question 5.5]
[] 14 Academic diploma of Higher Artistic, Music and Dance Training (A.F.A.M.), level I [skip to question 5.5]
[] 15 Three-year degree (level I) under the new system [skip to question 5.5]
[] 16 Academic degree of Higher Artistic, Music or Dance Training (A.F.A.M.), level II [skip to question 5.5]
[] 17 Degree (4-6 years) under the former system, single-cycle specialized Level II degrees or specialistica or magistrale under the new system, two-year specialized degree (level II) under the new system [skip to question 5.5]

5.4 The duration of the course was

[This question is asked only if choices 6 through 8 were selected in question 5.3.]

[] 1 2-3 years
[] 2 4-5 years
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Questions 5.3 and 5.4
For ages 6 and older.

The educational qualifications listed here are the ones awarded in the Italian educational system.
- First graders in elementary school (primary school) should check box 02.
- Individuals with two or more educational qualifications for the same grade should indicate the one they consider most relevant to their actual occupation.
- Individuals (especially foreign citizens) who gained higher educational qualifications while abroad should check the box for the corresponding Italian qualification.
- Foreign citizens without any educational qualifications should choose between category 01 ("No educational qualification and cannot read or write") and 02 ("No educational qualification but can read and write") in reference to their native language.
- Only those who checked box 06 or 08 in question 5.3 should answer question 5.4.

The following instructions need to be followed to provide appropriate responses to questions 5.3 and 5.4:
-Category 03: Elementary school qualification (or equivalent) corresponds to completion of the first level of basic education. The qualification awarded on completion of a type C qualification awarded by public schools is comparable to the elementary qualification;

-Category 04: Middle school qualification (or vocational school), as awarded prior to the institution of comprehensive middle schools, corresponds to completion of the second level of basic education. An elementary school qualification (or equivalent) is required for admission to this level;

-Category 05: Compimento inferiore/medio, Music conservatory or National Academy of Dance.
These correspond to intermediate qualifications awarded by a Music Conservatory or National Academy of Dance prior to the reforms of 1999 (Law no. 508/99) in A.F.A.M.
This category includes the final diploma awarded by a Music conservatory or Dance Academy but not the upper secondary school diploma.
Holders of a final diploma from the Music conservatory or Dance Academy and an upper secondary school diploma should check box 12 ("Diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts, etc.");

-Categories 06, 07 and 08: Vocational school, Teacher training school and Art school diplomas from Vocational schools, Teacher training schools or Art schools are divided into:

- vocational school qualification, teacher training school license or art school qualification awarded at the end of an upper secondary school study program that lasts less than 4 years (2-3 year programs); insufficient to begin university studies. A middle school (or basic vocational foundation) qualification is required for admission. Individuals whose highest educational qualification is the vocational school qualification, teacher training school license or art school qualification should check box 1 in question 5.4;
- high school diploma (or state exam) awarded upon completion of a 4-5 year course of upper secondary studies that is sufficient for beginning university studies. A lower middle school (or vocational school) qualification is required for admission to the course. Individuals whose highest educational qualification is the high school diploma (state exam) awarded by a vocational school, teacher training school or art school should check box 2 in question 5.4;

-Category 09: Technical school diploma awarded upon completion of a 4-5 year course of upper secondary studies that is sufficient for beginning university studies. A lower middle school (or vocational school) qualification is required for admission;

-Category 10: Teacher training school diploma awarded upon completion of a 4-5 year course of upper secondary studies that is sufficient for beginning university studies. A lower middle school (or vocational school) qualification is required for admission;

-Category 11: High school diploma (classical, scientific, etc.) upper secondary school diploma awarded upon completion of a course of studies at a classical, scientific, linguistic, artistic or socio-psycho-pedagogical high school. It is attained upon completion of a 4-5 year course of upper secondary studies and is sufficient for beginning university studies. A middle (or vocational school) school qualification is required for admission;

-Category 12: Diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts, Dance, Dramatic Arts, ISIA, etc., Conservatory (former system) refers to courses that were active prior to the institution of Higher Artistic, Music, and Dance Training (A.F.A.M.) courses and includes:

- final diploma awarded by an Academy of Fine Arts, National Academy of Dramatic Arts, National Academy of Dance, Music Conservatory or Higher Institute for Artistic Industries (ISIA) under the former system prior to the reform of the
A.F.A.M. sector (Law no. 508/99).
Check category 05 if you also do not have an upper secondary school diploma. Check box 14 even if you attended the supplementary post-diploma course.
- diploma awarded by a School for Interpreters and Translators prior to Law no. 697/86 (see category 15);

-Category 13: University degree (2-3 years) under the former system (including schools dedicated to specialized programs and vocationally-oriented community colleges) awarded upon completion of a university degree program or other specialized programs. It is attained after a course of studies lasting no less than 2 but no more than 3 years (degree in statistics, elementary school supervision, ISEF degree under the former system, degree in paleography or musical philology, etc.). In international terms, the university degree represents the first step of the level I university course of studies (e.g. bachelor?s degree - or first degree - in England). Admission to these programs requires an upper secondary school diploma (4-5 year program);

-Category 14: Academic degree of Higher Artistic, Music and Dance Training (A.F.A.M.), level I.
This refers to programs that were enacted after the A.F.A.M. sector reforms (Law no. 508/99), which are accessible after obtaining an upper secondary school diploma. These include academic degrees awarded by an Academy of Fine Arts, National Academy of Dramatic Arts, National Academy of Dance, Music Conservatory or Higher Institute for Artistic Industries (ISIA), which are programs under the new system.
They correspond to degrees awarded upon completion of three-year programs;

-Category 15: Three-year degree (level I) under the new system.
Following the reforms in higher education, two consecutive cycles were defined: the Level I degree and Level II degree (laurea specialistica/magistrale). The three-year level I Degree is a three-year program, and includes the qualifications awarded by an Advanced school for linguistic mediators) established after the reform (Law no. 697/86);

-Category 16: Academic degree of Higher Artistic, Music or Dance Training (A.F.A.M.), level II.
These refer to programs enacted following A.F.A.M. sector reforms (Law no. 508/99), and are only accessible with a level I upper secondary school diploma or three-year degree. They include academic degrees awarded by an Academy of Fine Arts, National Academy of Dramatic Arts, National Academy of Dance, Music Conservatory or Higher Institute for Artistic Industries (ISIA), which are programs under the new system.
They correspond to the degrees awarded upon completion of two-year programs;

-Category 17: Degree (4-6 years) under the former system, single-cycle level II degrees (laurea specialistica/magistrale) under the new system includes:

- Extended degree under the former system, the qualification obtained upon completion of a university course of studies lasting no less than 4 and no more than 6 years. Admission to these programs requires an upper secondary school diploma (4-5 year program). In international terms, this degree represents the second step in the first cycle of university education (e.g. the French maitrise);
- Single-cycle Level II degrees (lauree specialistiche/magistrali) include Pharmacy, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Architecture/Construction Engineering (lasting 5 years), Medicine (6 years) and Law (active since 2007-2008). The first 3 years of these programs do not culminate in any qualification, which is not awarded until the entire program is completed.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_HGHSTED — Highest level of educational attainment
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Section 4: Education
[All ages]

21. Highest level of educational attainment (including persons still at school):

a) Type of school/university:

[] None
[] Nursery infant
[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] University
[] Other
[] JAMAL (Jamaican Movement for the Advancement of Literacy)
[] Not stated

b) Years of schooling:

[] 0
[] 1-2
[] 3-4
[] 5-6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11+
[] Not stated

c) Exam passed:

[] None
[] J.S.C. (5) or 3rd JLCL
[] G.C.E. (O) 3-4
[] G.C.E. (O) 5 S.C. OR G.C.E. (A) 1-2
[] G.C.E. (A) 3 or more or higher schooling
[] Dip
[] Degree
[] Other
[] Not stated

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section 4 - Education

5.34 General
These questions are to be answered for every individual. For babies the answers to these questions will obviously be None or Not Applicable. This may also apply to very young children. Thus for children up to two years you need not ask the question at all but score in the appropriate boxes. For children over two years you should ask the question since it is possible that very young children, certainly from about three years old, are sometimes sent to school.

5.37 Question 21 - Highest Level of Educational Attainment
This question is divided into three parts and relates to the whole population. It therefore includes persons who are still attending school. It relates to education already received. In cases where the individual was educated abroad, try to determine the equivalent level to those identified in the questionnaire and score. For persons attending JAMAL classes, obtain the highest level attained before JAMAL, score JAMAL only if the person has not attended school before.

5.38 Question 21(a) - Type of School/University Attended

[Image omitted here.]

For persons who are not now attending school or university, ask the question this way: "What was the last type of School you (he/she) last attended"? Depending on the reply then you may have to ask: "Did you (he/her) go on to University?"


For those persons who are still attending school, the highest level attained will be related to the School which is now being attended.
None - Mark this for individuals who have had no education (Remember to include babies here).

What is required here is the level of the educational institution attended. Thus education obtained through private study or correspondence courses would not be reflected here.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_SCHLTYP — Type of school attending/last attended
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Section 5: Education
[All persons]

(i) For children under 4 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and go to question 8.1
(ii) For persons over 50 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and proceed from question 5.2 in relation to the last institution attended.
(iii) For persons between ages 30 and 50 years, say: "It is known that some people try to further their education as they get older" before asking question 5.1.
(iv) For all other persons, i.e. 4-29 years old, proceed directly to question 5.1.

5.2. What type of educational institution are you / is [the respondent] attending / did you / did [the respondent] last attend?

[] None (go to Question 6.1)
[] Nursery/infant (go to Question 5.5)
[] Primary/preparatory (go to Question 5.4)
[] All age/elementary (go to Question 5.4)
[] Junior secondary (go to Question 5.4)
[] New secondary (go to Question 5.4)
[] Secondary high (go to Question 5.4)
[] Vocational
[] Commercial/secretarial
[] University (go to Question 5.5)
[] Other tertiary (specify _____)
[] Special school (go to Question 5.4)
[] Other (go to Question 5.4)
[] Not stated (go to Question 5.4)

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Section 5 - Education

5.52 General
The aim of the section is to obtain information on the highest level of educational attainment among the entire population. Questions relate not just to current attendance but also to past attendance. As such, this section is relevant not only to school children but also to adults who may be furthering their education full-time or part-time.

You must pay close attention to the instruction on the questionnaire which precede the questions in this section.

5.53 For babies and young children not of school age, the question will obviously not be applicable. You should also be careful in the case of older persons who are not likely to be currently attending an educational institution, but for whom the questions on past attendance are applicable. It is recognized however, that adults do continue their education and the questions are therefore relevant.

5.55 You must remember to word Q5.2 accurately to distinguish between current attendance and past attendance. If the answer to Q5.1 is "Yes" then Q5.2 should be "what type of institution are you/is __ attending?" If the answer to Q5.1 is "No" then Q5.2 should be "what type of institution did you/did last attend?"

Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however, the person just completed the last term score, "No" at Q5.1.

5.56 It is important for you to be aware of the fact that school attendance outside of Jamaica is also to be included. The Section seeks to obtain information on the educational attainment of the population whether they were educated in Jamaica or not.

5.57 Question 5.2 The emphasis here is on attendance at an institution. Thus, education obtained through private study or correspondence courses would not be reflected here.

Score the position which identifies the school or university being attended or last attended. If the school is on holidays then enter the type attended prior to the holidays.

Nursery/Kindergarten - This is applicable to kindergarten, nursery school, the infant department of a primary or all-age school, a basic school.

Primary/Preparatory - This applies to a preparatory school (commonly called "prep" school), primary school whether junior or senior department

All Age - This applies not only to the All Age School as recognized but also to Elementary and Senior Schools.

Secondary High - Include here with the traditional secondary high school, comprehensive and technical high schools.

Vocational - This applies to secondary level institutions where the emphasis is on skills training. Examples of this type of institution are Knockalva and Elim Agricultural schools and Carron Hall. Include here also trainees registered in the H.E.A.R.T. program.

Commercial and Secretarial - This applies to institutions which offer commercial and secretarial training only. Secondary level institutions offering subjects in addition to the regular curriculum should NOT be included here.


University - This refers to enrollment in degree courses at university whether as a day student or as an evening student

Other Tertiary - This applies to tertiary institutions other than university. Include here Teacher Training Colleges, Community Colleges, CAST, College of Agriculture, Cultural Training Centre, G.C. Fostet: College of Physical Education and Sports, West Indies College.

Special Schools - This category includes schools for the Blind, Deaf, Mentally Handicapped

Other - Include here all persons attending Jamal classes and any other type of educational institution not listed above.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education attained
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1.16 What is the highest level of education that you have/ [the respondent] has attained? (Read categories)
[For all persons 4 years old and older]

[] 1 None
[] 2 Pre-primary
[] 3 Primary
[] 4 Secondary
[] 5 University
[] 6 Other tertiary
[] 7 Special school
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated

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5.52 Education
Questions on education are designed to determine current enrollment in educational programs and highest level of attainment. The categories indicated at Q1.14 are in recognition of the fact that persons need not be studying within an institution but may be involved in private study. The level of education is generally indicated by the type of institution attended, but there are instances where this might not be so. There may be for instance within a tertiary institution (like the university or a community college) a program for preparing students for CXC or GCE "A" level examinations, in which case the level would be secondary.

Please note the following:

(1) Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however the person just completed the term and is not enrolled in any other program, score "No" at Q1.14.

(2) If a person has recently registered in a program of study but has not actually started, score "Yes".

(3) Study outside of Jamaica is to be included, assessing the level of attainment.

(4) Enrollment in a Jamal program is not to be included.

5.55 Question 1.16: Educational attainment
[Check "None" for persons younger than 4]

This question seeks to establish the highest level of educational attainment of the population. It does not refer to exams passed. Generally, this refers to the last school [grade] attended for persons not currently attending school, and the one being attended for those persons who are currently attending. Use as a reference the last grade, form, or class in which the person was placed, as certain types of schools offer two different levels of education and this is indicated by the grade. It is important to note that school attendance outside of Jamaica should be included. Score the position that identifies the highest level attained.

None: Score this for children younger than 4, and for all persons who indicate that they never attended school.

Pre-primary: This is applicable to kindergarten, nursery school, the infant department of a primary, preparatory or all-age school, and basic school.

Primary: This applies to a preparatory school (commonly called "Prep" school), primary school, elementary, and grades 1 through 6 of all-age schools.

Secondary: Include here the traditional secondary high schools, senior schools, junior secondary, comprehensive and technical high schools, and grades 7 through 9 of all-age schools. Include persons registered in a HEART Program at a secondary level.

[The next two categories comprise tertiary level institutions. Refer to appendix iii for a complete list]

University: This refers to enrollment in courses at a university, whether as a day student, as an evening student, or by correspondence. Persons enrolled in the University of Technology (UTECH) and the Northern Caribbean University should be included here. If however they attended these institutions prior to the granting of university status, they should be scored at "Other tertiary".

Other tertiary: This applies to tertiary institutions other than university. Include here are: CAST, West Indies College, Teacher training colleges, community colleges, College of Agriculture, Cultural Training Centre, G. C. Foster College of Physical Education and Sports, etc. Include here also persons attending institutions offering post secondary training, such as the Institute of Management and Production (IMP), Jamaica Institute of Management (JIM), UWI School of Continuing Studies (formerly Extra Mural Department), as well as institutions offering training in data processing, insurance etc. Include also all persons registered in a HEART program at an institution at a tertiary level.

Other: Include here all persons attending Jamal classes and any other types of educational institutions not listed above.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_EDUC — Level and grade of current enrollment
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219. Has [name] ever been to school?
For persons 5 years of age and over.
[] 1 Yes currently enrolled
[] 2 Yes ever enrolled (skip to 222)
[] 3 No (skip to 222)

220. Grade _ _
[Question 220 was asked of persons age 5+ who were enrolled in school at the time of interview, per Question 219.]

221. Stage

[Question 221 was asked of persons age 5+ who were enrolled in school at the time of interview, per Question 219.]
[] 1 Basic education
[] 2 Vocational apprenticeship
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Intermediate diploma
[] 5 B.A, B. Sc
[] 6 Higher diploma
[] 7 M.A, M.Sc
[] 8 Ph.D

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_EDLEV2 — Educational status
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222. Educational status _ _
[Question 222 was asked of persons age 15+.]
[] 01 Illiterate (skip to 224)
[] 02 Read and write (skip to 224)
[] 03 Elementary (skip to 224)
[] 04 Preparatory (skip to 224)
[] 05 Basic education (skip to 224)
[] 06 Vocational apprenticeship (skip to 224)
[] 07 Secondary
[] 08 Intermediate diploma
[] 09 B.A
[] 10 Higher diploma
[] 11 M.A
[] 12 Ph.D

Kenya 1969 — source variable KE1969A_EDLEV — Education level
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h. Education: ____ _ _
(State highest standard or form completed.)

Kenya 1979 — source variable KE1979A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For all persons

[If the person has been to school or is at school]

i. Education: ____

What was/is the highest class or form reached?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

113. If the person has been to school or is at school, ask,
'What was or is the highest class or form he or she has reached?'

114. Enter, in column (h), the highest class or form the person has reached in the formal primary and secondary school system.

115. You may shorten 'standard' and 'form' by writing 'St, 4', 'F3', or as the case may be. If the person has attended University, or is doing so, write 'univ'. The census is not concerned with other post-secondary or vocational training, nor is it concerned with educational qualifications.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_EDLEV — Educational attainment
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B. Persons aged 6 years and over

P21. What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed? (e.g., class, form, university) _ _

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Column P21- Level of education attained.

123. If the person has been to school or is at school, ask, 'what was or is the highest class or form he/she has completed?'

124. In column P21, code the highest class or form the person has completed in the formal primary and secondary school system (e.g., a person in form one will have completed std 8 and therefore should be coded as having completed std 8). Use the categories provided at the back of the front cover. Use code 03 if the person has completed 'standard' 3, code 11 for those who have completed 'form' one, etc.

125. If a person has sat for 'O' level or 'A' level Exams through correspondence courses - that is, the person has not gone to school to achieve these certificates - code his/her highest level of education according to the highest exam he/she has taken and passed (e.g., code 14 for 'O' level passed exams, etc.).

126. If the person has attended university but never completed or is currently attending under-graduate studies, use code 17. Use code 198 if the person has completed under-graduate studies and above.

127. Columns P30 to P33 contain questions pertaining to economic activities during the week preceding the census night. These questions should be asked of all persons age 10 and above.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_EDCOMP — Education level completed
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B. Information regarding persons aged 5 years and above:


P-24. What is the highest level completed by [the respondent]? ____

Write the appropriate code using the categories shown inside the front cover. [Use] code 97 if P-22 = 3

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Columns P22, 23 and 24: Education

80. The questions on education are applicable to persons aged 5 years and over. They refer to full-time education at formal educational institutions i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary, and university.

Column P23: Highest level of education reached

82. What is the highest level of education this person has reached? Code in column P23 the highest level of formal education the person has reached i.e. class, form, University, the person has reached. If a person reached standard 4 and dropped out of school before completing it, he/she should be coded "04", etc. Refer to the code list on the cover page of the questionnaire.

Column P24: Highest level of education completed

83. What is the highest class or form this person has completed? If a person was at school and left before completing standard 4 he/she should be coded as having completed standard 3 hence code "03". If a person is at school and is attending standard 4 he/she should be coded as having completed standard 3 hence code "03". Refer to the code list on the cover page of the questionnaire.

84. The simple rule here is that for all persons attending school this year the highest level completed should be one level lower than the highest level reached. And for persons not attending school this year the highest level completed may be the same as the Highest Level Reached or one level below it, but not greater.

85. For example: record the highest class or form the person has completed in the formal primary and secondary school system e.g. a person in form one will have completed standard 8 and therefore should be coded as having completed standard 8, while those who have completed form one should be coded "11 ".1

(a) If a person has sat for 'O' level or 'A' level exams, through correspondence courses etc., that is, the person has not gone to formal school to achieve these certificates, code his/her highest level of education according to the highest exam he/she has sat and passed e.g. code "14" for 'O' level passed exams etc.

(b) If the person has attended university but never completed or is currently attending under-graduate studies code "17": If the person has completed under-graduate and above, code "18".

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_EDATTAN — Highest education level completed
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D: Information regarding persons aged 3 years and above
[Questions P-39 to P-41 were asked of all individuals age 3+.]

P-41. What is the highest standard/form/level completed by [person]? _ _

The code list is provided. Write "97" if P-39 equals 3 or 9.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

- Section D: Information regarding education status for persons aged 3 years old and above. This section covers columns p39 to p41. Questions on education shall be asked of all persons aged 3 years and above.

33.5 Column P41: Highest standard/form/level of education completed

Ask: What is the highest standard/form/level completed by [the respondent]?
If a person was at school in standard 4 and left before completing, he/she should be coded as having completed standard 3 hence code "3". If a person is at school and is attending standard 4, he/she should be coded as having completed standard 3 hence code "3". Refer to the code list provided. If P39=3 or 9 then write 97.

- The simple rule here is that for all persons attending school this year the highest level completed should be one level lower than the highest level reached and for persons not attending school during the year, the highest level completed may be the same as the highest level reached or one level below it, but not greater.
- For example: record the highest class or form the person has completed in the formal primary and secondary school system e.g. a person in form one will have completed standard 8 and therefore should be coded as having completed standard 8, while those who have completed form one should be coded "9".
- If a person has not gone to a formal school but has sat for KCPE/CPE or 'O' level or 'A' level exams, through correspondence or adult and continuing education classes code his/her highest level of education according to the highest exam he/she has sat and passed e.g. code "8" for KCPE exams passed or code "12" for 'O' level exams passed etc.
- If a person has attended youth polytechnic but never completed or is currently attending the youth polytechnic studies and he finished Std. 8 then code "8" or he finished Form 3 then code '11': If the person has completed the youth polytechnic studies then code "24".
- If a person has attended university but never completed or is currently attending undergraduate studies and his/her last level completed was Form 4 then code "12" and if his/her last level was Form 6, then code ''14'': If the person has completed undergraduate, then, code "18". If the person is attending a masters or a doctorate degree then his completed level is undergraduate, and code ''19''.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_EDLEV — Education
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Persons aged 6 years and over
[Questions 11 to 12 were asked of persons aged 6 years and over.]

11. Education

[] 1 Higher
[] 2 Incomplete higher
[] 3 Secondary specialized
[] 4 Secondary general
[] 5 Primary general
[] 6 Elementary general
[] 7 Without elementary general
[] 8 Illiterate
[] 9 Have graduated from vocational school

Persons with scientific degree, specify

[] 10 Candidate of sciences
[] 11 Doctor of sciences

Educational qualification specified in diploma (codes 1, 2, 3) ____ _ _ _ _

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Question 11. Education

This question is asked of persons aged 6 years and over, in which case the code corresponding to one of the prompts given is to be circled.
Code 1 "Higher" is to be marked for those graduated from higher education institutions (university, institute, academy) and holding a diploma.
Code 2 "Incomplete higher" is to be marked for persons who attend now or attended earlier higher education establishments and completed half or more of a basic programme of higher education.
For persons who completed in a higher education establishment less than half of educational programme, the educational attainment they had before the higher education establishment is to be marked, i.e. "secondary general" or "secondary specialized".
Code 3 "Secondary specialized" is to be marked for those who graduated from secondary specialized education establishments: technical school, training school (medical, musical, art, trade and culinary, etc.) and received a diploma.
Code 4 "Secondary general" is to be encircled for those who graduated from secondary general education schools (including those with in-depth study of some subjects), gymnasia, lyceums, etc. and received a certificate of secondary general education.
When circling codes for the educational levels "Basic general" - Code 5 (i.e. incomplete secondary) and "Primary general" - Code 6 (i.e. primary), it is expedient to use the table given in Annex 2.
Code 7 "No primary general" is to be circled for persons aged 6 years and over (both pupils and not) who have no primary education but can read and write or only read (even if slowly).
Code 8 "Illiterate" is to be circled for persons aged 6 years and over who can not read.
If when completing enumeration forms the enumerator comes across illiterate persons aged 9-49 years, he/she should record data on those in Form 5.
Code 9 "Have you graduated from vocational school?" is to be circled for persons graduated from secondary or other vocational-technical school (industrial school, specialized industrial and technical school), sectoral vocational school, factory apprenticeship school, and technical school. For persons who graduated from a vocational school and received a certificate of secondary education, code 4 "Secondary general" is also to be marked.

For persons attending now or graduated from religious educational establishments the code corresponding to the educational level attained is to be marked.

For students and graduates of educational establishments not providing general education (e.g., refresher courses, professional development courses, access courses at educational institutions, accounting courses, etc.) the educational attainment is to be recorded, which was achieved before the admission to those educational establishments.

Graduation from correspondence or evening educational establishments, as well as externship, is assimilated with the graduation from relevant educational establishments.

If the enumerator finds difficult to determine the educational attainment, he/she should note on a clear part the name of the educational establishment the person in question graduated from, how many grades he/she completed and in which year.

This question is not to be completed for children under 6 years of age.

For persons having higher education (Code 1), incomplete higher (Code 2) or secondary specialized education (Code 3) the qualification given as a result of graduation from the relevant educational establishment is to be recorded in a specially dedicated place. If a person graduated from two or more educational establishments and received different occupations, the qualification given after graduation from the last educational establishment is to be recorded for him/her.

Qualification is not to be indicated for persons with incomplete higher education (Question 11, Code 2) who continue training in a higher educational establishment (Question 12, Code 1).

This question is not to be completed for persons without higher, incomplete higher or secondary special education.

For persons having an academic degree the relevant code is to be entered: Code 10 "Candidate of Science" or Code 11 "Doctor of Science".

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_EDLEVEL — Education level
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11. Education
(for persons 10 years and over)

[] 1 Higher - Bachelor
[] 2 Higher - Specialist
[] 3 Higher - Magister
[] 4 Higher incomplete
[] 5 Secondary specialized
[] 6 Prevocational (vocational)
[] 7 Secondary general
[] 8 Basic (compulsory general)
[] 9 Elementary general
[] 10 Without elementary general education

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Question 11. Education (for persons aged 10 and over)
To be completed for persons aged 10 and over.

"Higher vocational (higher)" is to be completed for those graduated from higher education establishments: institute, university, academy, etc. by encircling the relevant code.
Code 1 "bachelor" - to be encircled for persons who completed a programme of basic higher education (four years) in a certain area (advanced general-theoretical training and specialization).
Code 2 "specialist" ? to be encircled for persons who completed a programme of full higher education in a certain line of profession.
Code 3 "master" - to be encircled for those who completed a programme of full higher education in a certain area with advanced general-theoretical training and specialization, including compulsory scientific research and the defense of master's thesis.
Code 4 "incomplete higher vocational (incomplete higher)" is to be encircled for persons who study now or studied earlier and completed half or more of the basic programme of higher vocational education.
Code 5 "secondary vocational (secondary specialized)" is to be marked for those who graduated from secondary specialized education establishments: technical school, training school (medical, musical, art, trade and culinary), college, etc. and received a diploma.
Code 6 "basic vocational (vocational-technical)" is to be encircled for persons who graduated from primary vocational education establishments, and received a certificate of secondary general education (graduates of vocational (technical) schools, etc.).
Code 7 "secondary general (complete)" is to be encircled for those who graduated from secondary general education schools (including those with in-depth study of some subjects), gymnasia, lyceums, etc., and received a certificate of secondary general education.
Code 8 "basic general (incomplete secondary)" and Code 9 "primary general (primary)" are to be filled in using the table given in Annex 2.
Code 10 "no primary general (primary) education" is to be encircled for persons never taught in the educational system, in which case the enumerator should inquire if the person can read and write.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_EDATTAIN — Highest education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 11-13 were asked of persons aged 6 years and above]

13. What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed?

Enter code from code list:

[] 00 None
[] 11 Primary 1
[] 12 Primary 2
[] 13 Primary 3
[] 14 Primary 4
[] 15 Primary 5
[] 16 Primary 6
[] 21 Low Sec 1
[] 22 Low Sec 2
[] 23 Low Sec 3
[] 24 Low Sec 4
[] 31 Upper Sec 1
[] 32 Upper Sec 2
[] 33 Upper Sec 3

Vocational education
[] 41 First level
[] 42 Middle level
[] 43 High level/university

[] 44 Post graduate level
[] 45 Others
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years, section C, D and E should be marked "N/A".

Question 13: What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.

Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".

Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For 6 years and above
[Questions 11-14 were asked of persons 6 years and older]

13. What is [the respondent]'s highest level of education?

Enter education code.

[] 1 No education
[] 11 Grade 1
[] 12 Grade 2
[] 13 Grade 3
[] 14 Grade 4
[] 15 Grade 5
[] 16 Grade 6
[] 21 Lower secondary 1
[] 22 Lower secondary 2
[] 23 Lower secondary 3
[] 31 Upper secondary 1
[] 32 Upper secondary 2
[] 33 Upper secondary 3
[] 99 Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years of age, tick alternative "6" for question 11, and leave questions 12 -- 19 blank.

Question 13: What is [the respondent]'s highest level of education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.
[pg. 22]
Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".
Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_EDVOC — Highest level of vocational education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For 6 years and above
[Questions 11-14 were asked of persons 6 years and older]

14. What is [the respondent]'s highest level of vocational education?

Enter code.

[] 1 First level
[] 2 Middle level
[] 3 High / university
[] 4 Post graduate level
[] 5 Other
[] 9 Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years of age, tick alternative "6" for question 11, and leave questions 12 -- 19 blank.

Question 14: What is [the respondent]'s highest level of vocational education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.
Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".
Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For persons 6 and above
[Questions Q18-Q21 are asked of persons age 6 and above only]

Q20. What is your highest level of education achieved? _ _

(Enter the code from the code list in the next page)

Cost list:
[] 00. No grade
[] 11. Grade 1
[] 12. Grade 2
[] 13. Grade 3
[] 14. Grade 4
[] 15. Grade 5
[] 16. Grade 6
[] 21. Lower secondary 1
[] 22. Lower secondary 2
[] 23. Lower secondary 3
[] 24. Lower secondary 4
[] 32. Upper secondary 1
[] 33. Upper secondary 2
[] 34. Upper secondary 3
[] 41. Vocation education first level
[] 42. Vocation education middle level
[] 43. Vocation education high level
[] 44. Graduate - degree holder
[] 45. Post graduate - master's degree
[] 46. Higher than post graduate
[] 99. Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.4 Section C: For individuals 6 years old and above
Section "C" is an educational question that must be asked to everyone who is 6 years old and above. Children under the age of 6 are not required to answer the questions in section "C", the interviewee can stop interviewing that child and continue with other household members.

Question Q20: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
The purpose of this question is to find out about the highest level of education of the household members.
The highest level of education means the highest level of education that the household members have completed according to the official education system. For the answer code, see the back of the questionnaire
[A figure is omitted here]
Example: Mr. A is studying in the 4th grade, he recently finished the 3rd grade, which means his highest education is the 3rd grade (answer code is 13).

1) A person who completed grade 6 in high school and grade 3 in secondary school before 2010 should record as follows: grade 6 = grade 7 and grade 3 = grade 4.
2) A person who completed grade 6 in primary school or completed primary school before 1975 is registered as grade 5 in primary school.
3) A person who graduated from abroad is comparable to one who graduated in the Lao PDR.
4) A person who has completed public education Bor 1, Bor 2, Bor 3, the educational level shall be recorded as Bor 1 = grade 3, Bor 2 = grade 4, Bor 3 = grade 5.

Comparing the level or qualifications of monks with general education is to be done as follows: 

1) Certificates of completion of the monk class and the completion of the common primary level of monks are equal to the complete primary level of education (general education).
2) Completion of primary education and secondary education is equivalent to secondary education (general education).
3) High school diplomas and high school of a monk are equivalent to high school education (general education).
4) The bachelor's degree of monks is equal to the bachelor's degree of ordinary people (general education).
5) The Master's degree of monks is equal to the Master's degree of ordinary people (general education).
6) The doctorate of monks is equal to the doctorate of ordinary people (general education).

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section C. For all persons aged 5 years and over

17. What is (the respondent's) highest level of education completed?

[] 1 Standard 1
[] 2 Standard 2
[] 3 Standard 3
[] 4 Standard 4
[] 5 Standard 5
[] 6 Standard 6
[] 7 Standard 7
[] 11 Form 1
[] 12 Form 2
[] 13 Form 3
[] 14 Form 4
[] 15 Form 5
[] 20 Diploma/ Certificate after primary
[] 21 Vocational training after primary
[] 22 Diploma/ Certificate after secondary
[] 23 Vocational after secondary
[] 24 Diploma/ Certificate after High School
[] 25 Vocational after High School
[] 26 Graduate/ Post Graduate
[] 99 Don't know
[] Other, Specify ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
3. Part C of the questionnaire

123. Column 17: If ever attended school give highest standard passed.
Give highest qualification held, even if obtained through part-time education, using the code from the list provided. Make sure that Code NA is for persons who either never attended school, or are too young, or are attending/attended school but have not passed standard 1, or are attending school but are under the age of 5 years even if they have passed standard 1.

Code 01 for persons who have passed standard 1; 02 for persons who have passed standard 2 etc.;
Code 07 for those who passed old standard 6 and latest standard 7 (refer to conversion table in paragraph 124).

For persons who have passed Form A, enter code 11; Form B, failed JC, code 12, Form C, failed form D, code 13; Form D, failed Form E code 14 and Form E or COSC/Matric code 15.

Code 20 for persons who have had any training including vocational training after standard 7.

Code 21 Post JC for persons with post JC qualifications other than Form D or E, these include persons who have had vocational training after J.C, nursing, LPTC, PH etc.

Code 22 for persons with post COSC qualifications, these include persons who have had vocational training after COSC, S.T.C, S.T.T.C., Certificate in Agriculture, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Science and Certificate in Statistics.

Note that these qualifications are not equivalent to a University Degree. Code for university degree is 23.

124. The following conversion table will help you to write the appropriate standard for respondents who attended the former "elementary" school and the comparatively new school system and reached a particular grade.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_EDATTAIN — Education attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section D. Education
[For all persons aged 2 years and over.]

22. What is (the respondent's) highest level of education completed?

[] 00 Pre School
[] 1 Standard 1
[] 2 Standard 2
[] 3 Standard 3
[] 4 Standard 4
[] 5 Standard 5
[] 6 Standard 6
[] 7 Standard 7
[] 11 Form 1
[] 12 Form 2
[] 13 Form 3
[] 14 Form 4
[] 15 Form 5
[] 20 Diploma/ Certificate after primary
[] 21 Vocational training after primary
[] 22 Diploma/ Certificate after secondary
[] 23 Vocational after secondary
[] 24 Diploma/ Certificate after High School
[] 25 Vocational after High School
[] 26 Graduate
[] 27 Post Graduate
[] 28 Non formal education
[] 29 None
[] 30 Other, Specify ____
[] 88 Not applicable
[] 99 Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part D of the Questionnaire
For persons aged 2 years and over

91. Column 22: What is (name's) highest level of education completed?

Give highest qualification held, even if obtained through part-time education, using codes from the list provided. Make sure that code 88 is for persons who are less than two years of age.
Code 01 for persons who have passed standard 1; 02 for persons who have passed standard 2 etc.; 07 for those who have passed standard 7 or the old standard 6 (refer to conversion table in paragraph 93). For persons who have passed Form A, enter code 11; Form B, failed JC, code 12, Form C, failed Form D, code 13 and Form E or COSC/Matric code 15.
Code 20 for persons who have had any training in diploma/certificate after primary.
Code 22 Post JC for persons with post JC qualifications other than Form D or E, these include persons who have had vocational training after JC, nursing, LPTC, PhD, etc.
Code 24 for persons with post COSC qualifications, these include persons who have had vocational training after COSC, S.T.C, S.T.T.C, Certificate in Agriculture, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Science, and Certificate in Statistics.
Note: that these qualifications are not equivalent to a University Degree. Codes for University Degrees are 26 and 27.

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_EDATTAN — Highest degree completed
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Ask all persons over the age of five years

12. Highest grade completed
What was the highest grade completed? ___________
If none enter "00"

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_EDATTAN — Highest grade level attained
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Persons 5 years and over

P20. Highest level attended

What is the highest level that [the respondent] attained?

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Persons age 5 or older
[Questions J and K were asked of persons age 5 or older]

k. Education

Highest level attended? _ _

No: No education
S1: Standard 1 etc. [S2 = Standard 2, S3 = Standard 3...]
F1: Form 1 etc. [F2 = Form 2, F3 = Form 3...]

U1: First year etc. [U2 = Second year, U3 = Third year...]
D: Diploma
G: Graduate

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Highest level attended at primary or secondary school or university

52. This question refers to every person age 5 years or older irrespective of whether or not they were attending school in June, 1987. The purpose of the question is to find the highest level attended by each person. NOTE that we are asking for the highest level attended irrespective of whether or not he or she has actually written or passed any examination at that level.

53. In the case of primary and secondary schooling, you have to write in the highest class or form attended. Most people who left school before 1966 will tend to give the names of the classes used when they were at school and which may no longer be used. In this case, before you enter the number of the highest class reached, you must ask for the year in which they left school to enable you to convert their answer to the modern class names through the use of an "Educational Conversion Chart," which is on page 23 of this manual. For instance, Sub A and Sub B are to be recorded as Standards 1 and 2; old standard 5 as standard 7; old standard 8 as Form 2, etc. You should always check whether a person is giving old class names or the new class names before making an entry in the questionnaire. You are not required to write in the word "Standard" or "Form". You should only enter the letters: "S" for "Standard", "F" for "Form", and the Arabic number such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

54. Some people may not remember the highest class or standard they reached, and others may have been educated in another country where different names are given to classes. In such cases you should ask how many years they spent at school and enter the appropriate standard from your chart. Bear in mind


that pupils sometimes repeat classes and where appropriate you should ask a question about this. In particular you must not assume that because a person spent more than eight years at school then it means he attended a secondary school. You will only record him as attending a secondary school if he confirms that he actually did so.

Persons aged 5 years or more

[Questions (j) and (k) on Literacy and Education apply only to persons aged 5 years or more. Never ask any of these questions to persons younger than 5 years]

(k) Education

Highest level attended: Write the highest level of education attended by each person in a formal educational institution in the appropriate space provided before columns 33-34 using the following abbreviations:

[] NO No education
[] S1 Standard 1
[] S2 Standard 2
[] S3 Standard 3
[] S4 Standard 4
[] S5 Standard 5
[] S6 Standard 6
[] S7 Standard 7
[] S8 Standard 8
[] F1 Form 1
[] F2 Form 2
[] F3 Form 3
[] F4 Form 4
[] F5 Form 5
[] F6 Form 6

[p. 23]

[] U1 University 1st year
[] U2 University 2nd year
[] U3 University 3rd year
[] U4 University 4th year
[] U5 University 5th year
[] U6 University 6th year

[] D Diplomate
[] G Graduate

Leave columns 33-34 blank for office use.

For those who report to have attended up to primary school any time before 1962 or up to secondary school before 1966. You should use the Education Conversation Chart below to convert their responses to conform to the present class levels as given in the column for 1966-87.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_EDATTAN — Highest education grade attended
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[Questions B10-B15 are for persons age 5 and older]

B14. Education: highest level attended?

[] 00 None

[] 01 Standard 1
[] 02 Standard 2
[] 03 Standard 3
[] 04 Standard 4
[] 05 Standard 5
[] 06 Standard 6
[] 07 Standard 7
[] 08 Standard 8


[] 09 Form 1
[] 10 Form 2
[] 11 Form 3
[] 12 Form 4
[] 13 Form 5
[] 14 Form 6


[] 15 Year 1
[] 16 Year 2
[] 17 Year 3
[] 18 Year 4
[] 19 Year 5
[] 20 Year 6
[] 21 Year 7

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

3. Persons age 5 years or older

Highest level of education attended: This refers to the highest level of education a person attended, irrespective of whether or not he or she has actually written or passed any examination at that level. This is also irrespective of whether or not one was in school or not in August, 1998.

B14. Highest level attended: Ask the respondent about the highest level of education attended for each member of the household aged 5 years or over. Record the appropriate code in the two boxes in column B14. For example, for a man who reached but did not complete standard 7, he should be considered as having attended 7 years of primary school. You should record '07' in column B14. If a girl repeated standard 8, her highest level attended will be standard 8 and you should record "08" in column B14.

a. In the case of primary and secondary schools, you should record the highest class or form attended. Most people who left school before 1966 will tend to give the names of the classes used when they were at school and which are no longer being used. In this case, before you enter the number referring to the highest class reached, you must ask for the year in which they left school. This will enable you to convert their answers to the modern class names through the use of an "Educational Conversion Chart" which is on page 17 of this manual. For instance, Sub A and Sub B are to be recorded as standards 1 and 2 respectively; old standard 5 as standard 7; old standard 8 as form 2, respectively, etc. You should always check whether the person is giving old class names before making an entry in the questionnaire.
b. Some people may not remember the highest class or standard they reached, and others may have been educated in another country where different names are given to classes. In such cases you should ask how many years that they spent at school and enter the appropriate code for the class from the chart. Bear in mind that pupils sometimes repeat classes and where appropriate you should ask a question about this. In particular you must not assume that because a person spent more than eight years at school then it means he attended a secondary school. You will only record him as attending secondary school if he confirms that he actually did so.

[Education conversion chart, showing current equivalence to historical education classifications is omitted]

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_EDATTAIN — Highest school level and grade attended
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[Questions P16-P19 were asked of residents age 3 years or older]

P18. What is the highest level of school [the respondent] attended or is attending? And how many years of school did he/she complete at that level?

[] 0 Preschool
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary
[] 3 University
[] 4 Other tertiary

Number of years [up to 8]: ____

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Household members age 3 years or older
[Questions P16-P19 were asked of persons age 3 years or older]

P18. Highest level of school and years attended
The question should only be asked to household members age 3 years or older. Two types of questions should be asked: highest level of school and number of years of schooling.

The highest level should be irrespective of whether or not he/she has actually written or passed any examination at that level. It should be irrespective of whether or not one is currently in school or not.

The enumerator should also shade, in the second row, the appropriate code for the number of years attended at that particular level.

Example: If a man/woman reached but did not complete standard 7, he/she should be considered as having attended 7 years of primary school. Thus, Shade code 1 for highest level and 7 for number of years attended. If one repeated standard 8, shade 1 for highest level attended and 8 for years attended.

Most people who left school before 1966 will tend to give the names of the classes used when they were at school and which are no longer being used. In this case, before you enter the number referring to the highest class reached, you must ask for the year in which they left school. This will enable you to convert their answers to the modern class names through the use of an "Educational conversion chart" which is on page 45 of this manual. For instance, Sub A and Sub B are to be recorded as standards 1 and 2 respectively; old standard 5 as standard 7; old standard 8 as form 2, respectively, etc. You should always check whether the person is giving old class names before making an entry in the questionnaire.

Some people may not remember the highest class or standard they reached, and others may have been educated in another country where different names are given to classes. In such cases you should ask how many years they spent at school and shade the appropriate code for the class from the chart. Bear in mind that pupils sometimes repeat classes and where appropriate you should ask a question about this. In particular you must not assume that because a person spent more than eight years at school then it means he/she attended a secondary school. You will only record him as attending secondary school if he/she confirms that he actually did so.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_EDATTAN — Highest level of schooling completed
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[Questions12-13 were asked if the person had ever been to school.]

12. What was the highest level you completed?

a. Primary:
[] Some years
[] Completed all years
b. Secondary:
[] 1-2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 lower
[] 6 upper

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 12-13 were asked of persons who had ever been to school.]

12. What was/is the highest level of schooling you completed/are currently attending?


[] Std. 1
[] Std. 2
[] Std. 3
[] Std. 4
[] Std. 5
[] Std. 6


[] Remove/Form 1
[] Form 2
[] Form 3
[] Form 4
[] Form 5
[] Lower 6
[] Upped 6


[] Form 4
[] Form 5


[] University/College

13. What is the highest certificate you obtained?

[] None
[] S.R.P./L.C.E.
[] S.P.M/S.P./M.C.E/S.C.
[] S.P.V.M./M.C.V.E.
[] S.T.P./H.S.C.
[] Diploma
[] Degree

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 12
This question is to be asked of persons who had ever been to school, that is, both who are currently attending school and those who had completed schooling.

We are interested in only the highest level a person has completed, thus only one box is to be marked. If the person is not currently attending a school, you are to mark the level he/she had completed. If the person is currently going to school record the level he is currently attending, assuming that he would complete the level at the end of the year. If the person had left school during a year and did not complete that year, you are to mark the next level down, that is, the level which he did complete.

Persons who completed their schooling a long time ago or who were educated overseas may sometimes give an answer which you cannot fit into the boxes. The only solution is to ask them what they consider to be the present-day or Malaysian equivalent. Matriculation class is to be equated to the level 'Upper 6'.

The boxes presented in the question give the various levels (or Forms) in the current Bahasa Malaysia and English language streams. A table is attached which sets out the equivalent levels in other language streams and the pre-1954 English language equivalents. (See Form 14(a)/ 14(b)/14(c)).

Note that Vocational 1 in Sabah and Sarawak is equivalent to Form 4 (Vocational) in
Peninsular Malaysia. Vocational 2 and 3 in Sabah and Sarawak are equivalent to Form 5 (Vocational) in Peninsular Malaysia. For Sabah, Senior Middle III in the Chinese Medium school is to be equated to Form 5.

Question 13
You are to ask in this question the highest qualification a person has. Only the highest certificate which a person has received is to be marked.

There may be cases where the names of the certificates of respondents are not the same as given in the question. This may be because the examination was taken some time in the past or is an Overseas examination. As in Question 12 you are required to find out what the certificate is equivalent to in terms of the present-day Malaysian certificates. For example, a professional qualification may be equivalent to a degree. You are to ask the person what he considers to be the equivalent for his certificate.

The abbreviations shown stand for the following:

S.R.P./L.C.E. = Sijil Rendah Pelajaran/Lower Certificate of Education.

S.P.M./S.P./M C.E./S.C. = Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia/Malaysian Certificate of Education/School Certificate.

S.P.V.M./M.C.V.E. = Sijil Pelajaran Vokesyenal Malaysia/Malaysian Certificate of Vocational Education.

S.T.P./H.S. C. = Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan/Higher School Certificate.

In the case of Sarawak, the Sarawak Local Junior Certificate is to be equated to S.R.P./L.C.E.

If a person has obtained a diploma after getting a degree (post-graduate diploma) you are to mark 'degree' and not diploma. Only if a person has a diploma without getting a degree is he to be marked under 'Diploma: Persons who obtained certificates higher than Bachelor degrees, e.g. Masters, PhD. etc. are to be marked in the box 'Degree'.

Mark 'None' if the person has not passed any of the examinations. This will include those who are too young to sit for such examinations.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_EDATTAN — Level of schooling
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

[Questions C12-14 were asked of persons who had ever attended school.]

C13. What is the highest level of schooling completed/still attending?


[] 01 Kindergarten


[] 02 Standard 1
[] 03 Standard 2
[] 04 Standard 3
[] 05 Standard 4
[] 06 Standard 5
[] 07 Standard 6


[] 08 Remove/Form 1
[] 09 Form 2
[] 10 Form 3
[] 11 Form 4
[] 12 Form 5
[] 13 Form 6 Lower
[] 14 Form 6 Upper


[] 15 Form 4
[] 16 Form 5


[] 17 College
[] 18 University

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question C11-C14

The purpose of these questions is to obtain information for each person including:
The level of education, that is, whether the person has ever been to school or not, and whether he/she is currently attending school or has completed schooling.
The highest level of schooling completed/still attending.
The highest certificate obtained.

Question C13

[Question C13 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]

How to ask the question

Ask this question as follows:
"What is ____ (member's name) highest level of schooling completed/still attending?"

How to record the answer
If the person is still schooling/attending, you are to write the level he is currently attending, assuming that he would complete his current level at the end of the year/academic year.


If the person has completed his schooling at the time of interview, you are to get the level he/she has completed.

If the person has left school during a certain year without completing that level fully, mark the nearest level which he has completed fully.

For persons who have completed their schooling in Malaysia a long time ago and there are differences with the present-day educational system, you are to refer to Code Card (Document 6) to get the equivalent levels.

For persons who were educated overseas, you are to get the total years of study and to give the equivalent levels in the present-day educational system, e.g., for persons who have studied overseas for 8 years, you are to mark the equivalent level of schooling which if Form 2 (Code 9).

Matriculation class is assumed to be equivalent to Form 6 Upper (Code 14).
Vocational 1 is Sabah and Sarawak is equivalent to Form 4 (Vocational) in Peninsular Malaysia (Code 15) whereas Vocational 2 and 3 in Sabah and Sarawak are equivalent to Form 5 (Vocational) in Peninsular Malaysia (Code 16).
College category (Code 17) includes polytechnics.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_EDLEV — Highest education level
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C16. What is the highest level of education attained/currently studying?
[C16 is asked of persons who did not choose "4" and "5" in C15.]

[] 1 Pre-school
[] 2 Primary school (Standard/Year 1 till 6)
[] 3 Lower secondary (Remove/Form 1 till 3)
[] 4 Upper secondary (Form 4 till 5, GCE O level)
[] 5 Vocational/Technical (Form 4 till 5)
[] 6 Trade and technical skills institution
[] 7 Post secondary (Form 6, GCE A level, Matriculation)
[] 8 Tertiary (Polytechnic/College/University)

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_EDATTAN — Last grade attended
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]

15. Last school grade attended


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This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.

15. Last grade attended

In this case write the last grade attended (or successfully completed) of people who are currently in school, or who have already been to school. The schools in questions are: French schools, Franco-Arab schools, Koranic schools and schools for functional literacy

Ask household members the following question about the last grade attended: "What was the last grade that you attended?" For those who are literate in one of the national languages this will be the name of a training campaign.

Write the answer in column 15 according to their response. Write:

a. NONE for people who have never been to school;
b. For students and all people who have been to school, write the last grade.

Example 1: If a student is in 6th grade of basic schooling, the last class attended will be 6th A F

Example 2: If an individual left school in the 8th year of basic schooling, the last grade he attended

[The rest of text is cut off at bottom of page]

[Page 31]

Example 3: A civil servant has his 4th year diploma from an institution of higher learning (FNA, ENI, ENSup, I.P.R. etc.). His last grade or level would the one in which he obtained his diploma, or 4th A. Sup.

The table below shows the way to fill in the responses:

[Table not reported here]

The last grade attended is indicated in the last column. Pay special attention to cases where the names of the years have changed (basic school).

1st and 2nd cycle uses a double name (general secondary and technical education).

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_EDATTAIN — Last school grade completed
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]


16. Level of education

[] 00 Not applicable
[] 01 Fundamental, first cycle
[] 02 Fundamental, second cycle
[] 03 Medersa, first cycle
[] 04 Medersa, second cycle
[] 05 Secondary school, general
[] 06 Secondary school, technical
[] 07 School for teachers
[] 08 Vocational school, grade 5 (CEPE)
[] 09 Vocational school, grade 9 (DEF)
[] 10 Vocational school, grade 12+ (BAC)
[] 11 University
[] 13 Post-university [code 12 is absent from the original form]
[] 14 Koranic school
[] 15 Center for adult literacy

17. Last school grade completed

_ _ _ _

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

1.2.2. Questions for persons aged 6 years and above

This is the second group of questions, concerning the characteristics of household members. They concern only the persons aged 6 years and above.

For persons aged less than 6 years (children), write (0) or (00) depending on column width in Columns P16 to P30.

Column P16-P18: Level of education

This group of questions provides together an idea on the level of education of the population.

16. Column P16 -- the level of education attained
17. Column P17 -- highest grade completed
18. Column P18 -- highest diploma obtained

The question to be asked to the household members aged 6 years and above will be: "Has name ever been to school?"
If no, then write (00) in Columns P16, P17 and P18.

If yes, then write:

In Column P16 le number corresponding to the level attained
In Column P17 the last grade attended in this level of education
In Column P18 the highest diploma obtained, while using the instructions at the bottom of the questionnaire.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_EDATTEND — Highest class attended within education level
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Population age three or older
[Questions P18-P23 were asked for persons age 3+.]

P19) Level
What is [Name]?s education level?

Record the code corresponding to the response (compare from bottom of the page)

[] 00 Not applicable (less than 3 years)
[] 01 None
[] 02 Instruction in the Koran (not trained)
[] 03 Literate (not trained)
[] 04 Preschool
[] 05 Fundamental 1st cycle
[] 06 Fundamental 2nd cycle
[] 07 Madras 1st cycle
[] 08 Madras 2nd cycle
[] 09 Secondary
[] 10 Technical and Professional
[] 11 Teaching school
[] 12 University
[] 13 Post University
P20) Class
What is the highest class in this level of school [Name] has attended?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Education level (Column P19)
The agent ask the following question: "What is [Name] educational level?." Enter the appropriate code (available at the bottom of the page of the questionnaire). If the person is not applicable (less than three years), enter the code "00" and if the person does not attend school, enter the code "01."

00 = Not relevant (under 3 years)
01 = None (uneducated)
02 = Education of the Koran
03 = literate
04 = Preschool
05 = Fundamental 1st cycle
06 = Fundamental 2nd cycle
07 = 1st cycle Medersa
08 = 2nd cycle Medersa
09 = Secondary
10 = Technical and Vocational
11 = Teacher training
12 = University
13 = Post University Class (Last class taken) (Column P20)
The enumerator asks the question: "What is the last class that [Name] took at this level of education?" This is the last class or year successfully completed by [NAME] at the level of education.

[Omitted example]

Instruction: For those not relevant (less than 3 years old), people without any education, for those who attended school on the Koran or a literacy program, the agent records code "00."

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_EDATTAIN — Primary and secondary education
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 2 years and over:

21 Primary and secondary education ____

If now attending pre-primary, primary, or secondary school, write standard or form being attended.
If attended primary or secondary school in the past, write highest standard or form completed or highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained.
If never attended school, write 'nil'.
Please report tertiary education in col. 22.
[Stop here for persons under 12 years]
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Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 21
Primary and secondary education
Please note that this column refers only to primary and secondary education. Tertiary education is reported in columns 22a and 22b, whilst vocational and technical training are reported in columns 23a and 23b.

(i) For persons reported 'now' in column 20:
If the person is now attending primary or secondary school, write the standard or form being attended. For children attending preprimary school, write 'Preprimary'.

(ii) For persons reported 'past in column 20:
If the person has attended primary or primary and secondary school in the past, write the highest standard or torrri completed or the highest certificate obtained, if any.
For example, for a person who has completed only Standard III, write 'Std III'; for a person who has completed only Form IV, write 'Form IV'.
[Next Page]
For a person who has completed only the primary cycle, write 'CPE' or 'PSLC' if he has in fact passed the Primary School Leaving Certificate; if not, write 'Std VI'.
For a person who has completed Form V or an equivalent level, write 'SC' or 'GCE. (OL)' or 'BEPC' only if he/she has obtained the relevant Certificate; if not, write 'Form v·.
For a person who has studied up to the Higher School Certificate or equivalent level, write 'HSC', or 'GCE (AL)', etc. only if the person has obtained the relevant certificate; if not, write 'Form VI'.
(iii) For persons reported 'never' in column 20:
If the person has never attended school, write 'NIL'. However, if the person has studied privately or by correspondence, then report the equivalent level of primary or secondary education completed or the highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained.
Stop at column 21 for persons under 12 years of age

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_EDDURTER — Duration of tertiary education (months)
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

22 Tertiary education

(a) Duration of schooling ____
How many months of schooling or training has the person completed in universities or similar post-secondary institutions?
Write as appropriate:
Less than 1 month
1 month
36 months, etc.
Please report vocational and technical training in col. 23.
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Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 22a
Duration of tertiary education
For every person aged 12 years or over, write the total number of months of schooling or training which he/she has received in universities. Include also the number or months spent ln postsecondary institutions offering courses similar to University courses, for example, professional programs in engineering, accountancy, law, pharmacy, or computer science.
Any training received at the postsecondary level should be counted as tertiary education, for example, diploma or PGCE course in teacher training at the Mauritius Institute of Education. However, training courses below the tertiary (or university) level should be included in columns 23a and 23b; for example, a certificate course in teacher training for primary school teachers, or a certificate course in nursing for student nurses, are not of a post-secondary level and should be reported in columns 23a and 23b.

If the person is now receiving tertiary education, insert the duration up to now; do not insert the total number of months during which the course is going to last.

lf the person received tertiary education by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, please convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular program.

[Next Page]

Please note that the duration is to be reported in months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual training during the year may have been for somewhat less than 12 months.

If the person has had no training in universities or similar postsecondary institutions, write 'nil'. Write 'nil' also for persons who are too young to go to university. Do not leave the space blank.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_EDFIELDTER — Field of highest qualification in tertiary education (1-digit)
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

22 Tertiary education

(b) Highest qualification ____
Insert the highest post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma received by the person and the major field of study.
Write 'none' if person does not have a post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma.
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Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 22b
Highest post-secondary qualification
Insert the highest post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma received by the person, as well as the corresponding major field(s) of study.

If the person has more than one degree and you have difficulty in deciding which is the highest, insert the one which was obtained most recently.

If the person does not hold any post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma, write 'None', even if he/she has been to a university or other post-secondary Institution.

Write 'none' also for a person who is now following a post-secondary course but does not yet have a post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma; do not insert the name of the course he/she is following.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_EDLEVVOC — Level of vocational or technical training
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

23 Vocational/technical training

(b) Highest certificate ____
Insert the highest degree, certificate, or diploma received and the major field of vocational or technical training.
Write 'none' if person has no degree, certificate or diploma in vocational or technical training.
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Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 23b
Highest vocational or technical qualification
Insert the highest vocational or technical degree, certificate, or diploma received by the person and the major field of study covered.

[Next Page]

If the person has more than one vocational or technical qualification and you have difficulty in deciding which is the highest, insert the one which was obtained most recently.
If the person has followed a technical or vocational course which does not lead to a certificate, insert only the field of study.
If the person has not received any technical or vocational training, write 'none'.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_EDATTAIN — Primary and secondary education
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 2 years and over:
[Column 19 to 21 were asked of persons age 2 and older.]

21. Primary and secondary education _ _

If now attending pre-primary, primary, or secondary school, write standard or form being attended. If attended primary or secondary school in the past, write highest standard or form completed or highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained. If never attended school, write 'nil'.
(Stop here for persons under 12 years)
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

[Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age. Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over.]

Column 21 - Primary and secondary education
Please note that this column refers only to primary and secondary education. Other education, including tertiary education is covered in column 22.

(i) For persons reported 'now' in column 20:
If person is now attending pre-primary school: write "pre-primary".
If person is now attending primary or secondary school: write the standard or form being attended.
(ii)For persons reported 'past' in column 20:
If the person has attended primary or primary and secondary school in the past, write the highest standard or form completed or the highest certificate obtained, if any.
-For a person who has completed only Standard III, write "STD III".
-For a person who has completed only the primary cycle, write "CPE" or "PSLC" If he/she has passed the Certificate of Primary Education or the Primary School Leaving Certificate; if not write "STD VI".
-For a person who has completed only Form IV, write "Form IV".
-For a person who has completed Form V or an equivalent level, write "SC" or "GCE(OL)" or "BEPC" only if he/she has obtained the relevant certificate; if not, write "Form VI".
-For a person who has studied up to the Higher School Certificate or an equivalent level, write "HSC" or "GCE(AL)", etc. only if he/she has obtained the relevant certificate; if not, write "Form VI".
(iii) For persons reported ?never? in column 20:
If person has never attended school, write 'NIL'.

However, if the person has studied privately or by correspondence or followed any special education classes (such as schools for the disabled, adult education programmes), then report the equivalent level of primary or secondary education completed or the highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_EDDUR1 — Duration of training for highest qualification (months)
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 12 years and over:
[Column 22 to 34 were asked of persons aged 12 years and older.]

22. Qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels

Has the person obtained any qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels already reported in column 21? E.g., degrees, diplomas, nursing or teaching qualifications, membership of professional institutions, other professional, educational, technical or vocational qualifications, etc.

If 'no', write 'none' in all six columns below.

If 'yes', give details for the 3 highest qualifications as follows:
- duration of training in full time equivalent months
- title of qualification obtained, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification (e.g. BSc Civil Engineering - University of Mauritius; NCC International Diploma in Computer Studies - SITRAC; NTC 1 Hotel management - Hotel School of Mauritius, etc.)
If allotted space is not sufficient, write where space is available and link with an arrow.

Highest qualification
(1a) Duration of training in months _ _
(1b) Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification _ _ _ _
Second highest qualification
(2a) Duration of training in months _ _
(2b) Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification _ _ _ _
Third highest qualification
(3a) Duration of training in months _ _
(3b) Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification _ _ _ _
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 22 - Qualifications obtained other than those of the primary and secondary levels
This question asks whether the person has obtained any qualifications other than those of primary/secondary levels already reported in column 21. E.g. degrees, diplomas, nursing or teaching qualifications, graduate or corporate membership of professional institutions, other professional, educational, technical or vocational training. Include also any qualifications obtained on trade, craft, industrial and home economics courses.
If person does not have any such qualifications, write "NONE" in all six columns. Write "NONE" also for persons still following primary or secondary education.
If person has such qualifications, insert details for the 3 highest qualifications obtained as explained below.
For each qualification obtained, give details as follows starting with the highest qualification:

- duration of training in months,
- title of qualification obtained, the major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification.

Space is allowed for reporting the 3 highest qualifications obtained. Columns (1a) and (1b) relate to the highest qualification, columns (2a) and (2b) to the second highest and columns (3a) and (3b) to the third highest. If the person has only one qualification, fill in the necessary details in columns (1a) and (1b); if person has two qualifications, fill in columns (1a) and (1 b) as well as (2a) and (2b).

(1a), (2a), (3a) - Duration of training
Insert the duration of schooling/training in full time equivalent months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual training during the year may have been somewhat less than 12 months.
For a person who received training by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular programme.

(1b), (2b), (3b) - Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification
For each qualification obtained, give the title of the qualification, the corresponding major field of study and the name of the awarding institution.

-Graduate Diploma In Statistics - Royal Statistical Society.
-BSc Clvll Engineering - University of Sussex.
-BSc Agriculture - University of Mauritius.
-Diploma course in teacher training - MIE.
-NCC lnternational Diploma in Computer Studies - SITRAC.
-NCC Certificate In Multimedia - SITRAC.
-NTC 1 Hotel management - Hotel School of Mauritius.
-NTC 3 Furniture making - S.K. Jagatslngh Training Centre.

For a person who is now following a course and has not yet obtained any qualification, write "NONE" in all columns. However, if he/she is currently following a course, but has qualifications other than those reported in column 21, give details for the qualifications already obtained and not the course he/she is now following.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_EDLEV1 — Level of highest educational attainment
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 12 years and over:
[Column 22 to 34 were asked of persons aged 12 years and older.]

22. Qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels

Has the person obtained any qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels already reported in column 21? E.g., degrees, diplomas, nursing or teaching qualifications, membership of professional institutions, other professional, educational, technical or vocational qualifications, etc.

If 'no', write 'none' in all six columns below.

If 'yes', give details for the 3 highest qualifications as follows:
- duration of training in full time equivalent months
- title of qualification obtained, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification (e.g. BSc Civil Engineering - University of Mauritius; NCC International Diploma in Computer Studies - SITRAC; NTC 1 Hotel management - Hotel School of Mauritius, etc.)
If allotted space is not sufficient, write where space is available and link with an arrow.

Highest qualification
(1a) Duration of training in months _ _
(1b) Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification _ _ _ _
Second highest qualification
(2a) Duration of training in months _ _
(2b) Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification _ _ _ _
Third highest qualification
(3a) Duration of training in months _ _
(3b) Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification _ _ _ _
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 22 - Qualifications obtained other than those of the primary and secondary levels
This question asks whether the person has obtained any qualifications other than those of primary/secondary levels already reported in column 21. E.g. degrees, diplomas, nursing or teaching qualifications, graduate or corporate membership of professional institutions, other professional, educational, technical or vocational training. Include also any qualifications obtained on trade, craft, industrial and home economics courses.
If person does not have any such qualifications, write "NONE" in all six columns. Write "NONE" also for persons still following primary or secondary education.
If person has such qualifications, insert details for the 3 highest qualifications obtained as explained below.
For each qualification obtained, give details as follows starting with the highest qualification:

- duration of training in months,
- title of qualification obtained, the major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification.

Space is allowed for reporting the 3 highest qualifications obtained. Columns (1a) and (1b) relate to the highest qualification, columns (2a) and (2b) to the second highest and columns (3a) and (3b) to the third highest. If the person has only one qualification, fill in the necessary details in columns (1a) and (1b); if person has two qualifications, fill in columns (1a) and (1 b) as well as (2a) and (2b).

(1a), (2a), (3a) - Duration of training
Insert the duration of schooling/training in full time equivalent months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual training during the year may have been somewhat less than 12 months.
For a person who received training by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular programme.

(1b), (2b), (3b) - Qualification received, major field of study and name of institution awarding the qualification
For each qualification obtained, give the title of the qualification, the corresponding major field of study and the name of the awarding institution.

-Graduate Diploma In Statistics - Royal Statistical Society.
-BSc Clvll Engineering - University of Sussex.
-BSc Agriculture - University of Mauritius.
-Diploma course in teacher training - MIE.
-NCC lnternational Diploma in Computer Studies - SITRAC.
-NCC Certificate In Multimedia - SITRAC.
-NTC 1 Hotel management - Hotel School of Mauritius.
-NTC 3 Furniture making - S.K. Jagatslngh Training Centre.

For a person who is now following a course and has not yet obtained any qualification, write "NONE" in all columns. However, if he/she is currently following a course, but has qualifications other than those reported in column 21, give details for the qualifications already obtained and not the course he/she is now following.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_EDATTAIN — Primary and secondary education
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Individual form

[Question P20 to P22 were asked of persons aged 2 years and over]

P22. Primary and secondary education

If "now" attending school, write the standard or form being attended as listed below:
If attended school in the past, write the highest level completed as listed below:
If "Never" or "child not in school", write [0] for "None".

[] 0 None
[] 1 Pre-primary
[] 11 Standard I
[] 12 Standard II
[] 13 Standard III
[] 14 Standard IV
[] 15 Standard V
[] 16 Standard VI or equivalent - not passed
[] 17 Standard VI or equivalent - passed
[] 19 Primary, not known
[] 21 Form I
[] 22 Form II
[] 23 Form III
[] 24 Form IV
[] 25 Form V or equivalent - not passed
[] 26 Form V or equivalent - passed
[] 27 Form VI or equivalent - not passed
[] 28 Form VI or equivalent - passed
[] 29 Secondary, not known
[] 31 Form I prevocational
[] 32 Form II prevocational
[] 33 Form III prevocational
[] 98 Specialized schools for the handicapped
[] 99 Unknown
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P22 - Primary and Secondary education
Information on level of education is used to measure the national capacity for technological development, and the need for further education in the light of the requirements of the sectors of employment.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P22 - Primary and secondary education
[figure omitted]

Question P22 applies only to primary and secondary education.

For persons reporting "1 Now - Full Time or "2 Now - Part Time" at P21

(i) If the person is now attending pre-primary school: Write "1" in the boxes provided.
(ii) If the person is now attending primary or secondary school, write the Standard or Form being attended.
(iii) If the person is presently in Form I or Form II or Form III, you should enquire whether he/she is following the academic stream or prevocational stream.
- Write "21"for Form I academic or "31" for Form I prevocational
- Write "22" for Form II academic or "32" for Form II prevocational
- Write "23" for Form III academic or "33" for Form III prevocational
(iv) If a person is attending a specialized school for example APEIM; write "98".

For persons reporting "3 Past" at P21

(i) If the person has attended pre-primary or primary and secondary school in the past, write the highest Standard or Form completed or the highest certificate obtained, if any. E.g.: For a person, who has completed only Standard III, write "23".
(ii) If the person who has completed only the primary cycle, insert "17" if he/she has passed the Certificate of Primary Education or the Primary School Leaving Certificate; if not passed CPE or PSLC; write "16".
(iii) For a person who has completed only Form IV, write "24".
(iv) For a person who has completed Form V or an equivalent level, write "26" only if he/she has obtained the relevant certificate; if not, write "25".
(v) For a person who has studied up to the Higher School Certificate or an equivalent, write "28" if he/she has obtained the relevant certificate. If he/she has studied up to Lower VI or up to Upper VI but not passed HSC, write "27" in the boxes.

For persons reporting "Never" or "Child not yet at school (CNYS)" at P21

Write "0" in the boxes provided.

For persons who have not attended school in the past but have studied either privately, or by correspondence, or by following any special education classes (such as schools for the disabled, adult education programs)

[p. 44]

State the equivalent level of primary or secondary education completed or the highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained.

For persons who are not presently attending school but are studying either privately, or by correspondence, or by following any special education classes (such as schools for the disabled, adult education programs)

State the equivalent level of primary or secondary education completed or the highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained.

Please use the equivalence table below if a person has followed an English or French system of education. You should record the equivalent level of primary or secondary education completed or the highest primary or secondary school certificate obtained as per list below:
[equivalence table omitted]

[Stop at P22 for persons under 12 years of age]

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_DIPLOMA1 — Highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary
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Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P23B. Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - Past

Highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) MSC; (ii) Statistics. (i) Diploma; (ii) Hospitality management, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Second highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received, (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) BSC (ii) economics (i) certificate (ii) communication, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Third highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) Diploma; (ii) Humanities. (i) Certificate; (ii) Town and country planning, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P23A and P23B - Tertiary education, professional, technical and vocational course/qualifications
The questions help to determine the resources of the country in terms of specialized manpower and to show whether there are too few or too many people with specific qualifications and skills to satisfy the needs of the labor market. The information is useful to measure the need for continuing education and retraining programs that would respond to the changing demands of the labor market.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P23B- Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - past
[figure omitted]

Enter information related to the 3 highest qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels (e.g. degree, diploma, certificate or other qualifications) that the person has obtained in the past.

Please note that P23B is applicable for all persons who have qualifications other than those of the Primary and Secondary levels, even though they are now following another course.

[p. 46]

Start with the highest qualification. For each qualification, write the following in the boxes provided:

(a) Duration of the course
Insert the duration of schooling/training in full time equivalent months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual course/training during the year may have been less than 12 months.
For a person who received training by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular program.
(b) Qualification received
For each qualification received, write the title of the qualification, e.g. BSC, diploma, certificate, etc., in boxes labeled as (i).
(c) Major field of study
For each qualification obtained, write the corresponding major field of study, e.g.: hospitality management, civil engineering, agriculture, teacher training, etc., in the boxes labeled as (ii).

An example is given below for a 2-year course to obtain a diploma in hospitality management.

[figure omitted]

If a person does not have any such qualifications, leave P23B blank

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_DIPLOMA2 — Second highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary
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Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P23B. Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - Past

Highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) MSC; (ii) Statistics. (i) Diploma; (ii) Hospitality management, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Second highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received, (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) BSC (ii) economics (i) certificate (ii) communication, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Third highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) Diploma; (ii) Humanities. (i) Certificate; (ii) Town and country planning, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P23A and P23B - Tertiary education, professional, technical and vocational course/qualifications
The questions help to determine the resources of the country in terms of specialized manpower and to show whether there are too few or too many people with specific qualifications and skills to satisfy the needs of the labor market. The information is useful to measure the need for continuing education and retraining programs that would respond to the changing demands of the labor market.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P23B- Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - past
[figure omitted]

Enter information related to the 3 highest qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels (e.g. degree, diploma, certificate or other qualifications) that the person has obtained in the past.

Please note that P23B is applicable for all persons who have qualifications other than those of the Primary and Secondary levels, even though they are now following another course.

[p. 46]

Start with the highest qualification. For each qualification, write the following in the boxes provided:

(a) Duration of the course
Insert the duration of schooling/training in full time equivalent months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual course/training during the year may have been less than 12 months.
For a person who received training by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular program.
(b) Qualification received
For each qualification received, write the title of the qualification, e.g. BSC, diploma, certificate, etc., in boxes labeled as (i).
(c) Major field of study
For each qualification obtained, write the corresponding major field of study, e.g.: hospitality management, civil engineering, agriculture, teacher training, etc., in the boxes labeled as (ii).

An example is given below for a 2-year course to obtain a diploma in hospitality management.

[figure omitted]

If a person does not have any such qualifications, leave P23B blank

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_DIPLOMA3 — Third highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P23B. Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - Past

Highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) MSC; (ii) Statistics. (i) Diploma; (ii) Hospitality management, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Second highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received, (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) BSC (ii) economics (i) certificate (ii) communication, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
Third highest qualification
Write the duration of course in months _ _

Write the (i) qualification received; (ii) the major field of study. E.g. (i) Diploma; (ii) Humanities. (i) Certificate; (ii) Town and country planning, etc.

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P23A and P23B - Tertiary education, professional, technical and vocational course/qualifications
The questions help to determine the resources of the country in terms of specialized manpower and to show whether there are too few or too many people with specific qualifications and skills to satisfy the needs of the labor market. The information is useful to measure the need for continuing education and retraining programs that would respond to the changing demands of the labor market.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P23B- Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - past
[figure omitted]

Enter information related to the 3 highest qualifications other than those of the primary and secondary levels (e.g. degree, diploma, certificate or other qualifications) that the person has obtained in the past.

Please note that P23B is applicable for all persons who have qualifications other than those of the Primary and Secondary levels, even though they are now following another course.

[p. 46]

Start with the highest qualification. For each qualification, write the following in the boxes provided:

(a) Duration of the course
Insert the duration of schooling/training in full time equivalent months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual course/training during the year may have been less than 12 months.
For a person who received training by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular program.
(b) Qualification received
For each qualification received, write the title of the qualification, e.g. BSC, diploma, certificate, etc., in boxes labeled as (i).
(c) Major field of study
For each qualification obtained, write the corresponding major field of study, e.g.: hospitality management, civil engineering, agriculture, teacher training, etc., in the boxes labeled as (ii).

An example is given below for a 2-year course to obtain a diploma in hospitality management.

[figure omitted]

If a person does not have any such qualifications, leave P23B blank

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_YRSCH1 — Years of schooling
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
20. Years of elementary education completed and passed (From first to the sixth grade)


Column 20: Pay attention that in this column you should note the number of years passed only in elementary school and this can only be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years, whether in official [public] or private schools.
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(Very important)

Column 19. If the enumerated declares that they can currently read and write, the word YES should be written in this column. If they declare that they only know how to read, but not how to write, or they only write but do not read, or they declare that they do not know to read nor right, the word No will be written.

Column 20. Your attention is called to the fact that the number of years of primary instruction study (elementary and superior) that the enumerated has finished and approved in official or private schools should be written in this column. Only one of the following numbers will be written in this column: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, since primary instruction only includes up to 6 years.

Column 21. The number of years of study finished should be written, that is, attained in a school of a higher grade than that of primary. All the years beyond primary should be added up; therefore, the primary years should not be included, since they were [P. 22] asked about this in column 20. The words "Studies finished" in column 21 means years of study attained.

Column 22. This column is earmarked for collecting data about the type and grade of instruction that the enumerated is receiving on the census date, generally, by way of assistance at a school and, in exceptional cases, by way of classes received in their home or by correspondence. Write the type or studies and the year. For example: Primary 3rd, Secondary 1st, Preparatory 2nd, Medicine 2nd, Architecture 3rd, Electronics by correspondence, etc. Be careful not to write down the type of studies or the grade of instruction received previously by the enumerated, but rather only those that they are receiving on the census date.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_EDLEV1 — Level of schooling
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all persons 6 years old or more

9. Level of education

This person passed some year of study?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

How many years did the person pass?

[90] In Elementary School? _____
[80] In Secondary School or Prevocational? _____
[70] In College Preparatory High School or Vocational? _____
In another type of instruction? _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Level of instruction

Column 9

In this box, the grade or years finished and passed at each level should be written, and not just the last years finished.

Example: for a person who finished and passed six years of primary, three of secondary, two of preparatory, and five of Law School, the Annotations should be done in the following way. [Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."]

[P. 37]

Read everything that is in bold type. Even though some people did not attend secondary, prevocational, preparatory, or vocational school, they might have had "other type of instruction."

[Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."] Example: A person who has finished and passed all of primary and up to the 3rd [year] of Shorthand Secretary.


[Drawing] Remember that this refers to school or academic years finished and approved at each level.

In a special case in which one person carried out two different types of studies, which correspond to the same cycle or level, for example: "Secondary," and "Radio and television technician," or "Economics degree" and "Management degree," the one which is written down will only be the one which the interviewee considers as principle or which was required for the superior studies of the interviewee.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_GRADE1 — Grade of schooling achieved
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all persons 6 years old or more

9. Level of education

This person passed some year of study?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

How many years did the person pass?

[90] In Elementary School? _____
[80] In Secondary School or Prevocational? _____
[70] In College Preparatory High School or Vocational? _____
In another type of instruction? _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Level of instruction

Column 9

In this box, the grade or years finished and passed at each level should be written, and not just the last years finished.

Example: for a person who finished and passed six years of primary, three of secondary, two of preparatory, and five of Law School, the Annotations should be done in the following way. [Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."]

[P. 37]

Read everything that is in bold type. Even though some people did not attend secondary, prevocational, preparatory, or vocational school, they might have had "other type of instruction."

[Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."] Example: A person who has finished and passed all of primary and up to the 3rd [year] of Shorthand Secretary.


[Drawing] Remember that this refers to school or academic years finished and approved at each level.

In a special case in which one person carried out two different types of studies, which correspond to the same cycle or level, for example: "Secondary," and "Radio and television technician," or "Economics degree" and "Management degree," the one which is written down will only be the one which the interviewee considers as principle or which was required for the superior studies of the interviewee.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_EDLEVEL — Level of schooling
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Ask only if this person is five years old or more

If the answer is yes ask:

How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)

Pre-school or kindergarten

_____ years


Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
_____ years

Secondary school

Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
_____ years

College preparatory
_____ years

Teacher training
_____ years

_____ years

What is the name of the course of study?
_____Write the name of the course of study


Continue with the questions for person number one in the list

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

10. Grades completed

With this question you want to know if the person who is interviewed approved or passed any grade or year of studies, and if he/she did, how many grades or years he/she approved or passed at the various levels of education.

It is important that you are clear that this is about years completed or passed. The years that were failed (repeated), the years that are in progress, or the incomplete years do not count.

If the person approved or passed any grade or year of studies, read to the informant all of the educational levels that are in the question.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


-How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?


-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?

I didn't study that.



-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

One year of nursing school, but I dropped out.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?

No. Then I studied teacher's training for 4 years and then I stopped studying.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?

I didn't go.

-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?




-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

I didn't study that.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?


-Teacher's training?



Well, I went for a few days but I didn't finish any years.

[End of illustration]

If the answer is that the person did not pass any grade or year of studies, continue with the next page where the questions continue for this person.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_GRADE — Years of schooling completed at highest level
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Ask only if this person is five years old or more

If the answer is yes ask:

How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)

Pre-school or kindergarten

_____ years


Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
_____ years

Secondary school

Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
_____ years

College preparatory
_____ years

Teacher training
_____ years

_____ years

What is the name of the course of study?
_____Write the name of the course of study


Continue with the questions for person number one in the list

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

10. Grades completed

With this question you want to know if the person who is interviewed approved or passed any grade or year of studies, and if he/she did, how many grades or years he/she approved or passed at the various levels of education.

It is important that you are clear that this is about years completed or passed. The years that were failed (repeated), the years that are in progress, or the incomplete years do not count.

If the person approved or passed any grade or year of studies, read to the informant all of the educational levels that are in the question.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


-How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?


-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?

I didn't study that.



-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

One year of nursing school, but I dropped out.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?

No. Then I studied teacher's training for 4 years and then I stopped studying.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?

I didn't go.

-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?




-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

I didn't study that.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?


-Teacher's training?



Well, I went for a few days but I didn't finish any years.

[End of illustration]

If the answer is that the person did not pass any grade or year of studies, continue with the next page where the questions continue for this person.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_SCHTECHP — Years of technical schooling after primary completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Ask only if this person is five years old or more

If the answer is yes ask:

How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)

Pre-school or kindergarten

_____ years


Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
_____ years

Secondary school

Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
_____ years

College preparatory
_____ years

Teacher training
_____ years

_____ years

What is the name of the course of study?
_____Write the name of the course of study


Continue with the questions for person number one in the list

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

10. Grades completed

With this question you want to know if the person who is interviewed approved or passed any grade or year of studies, and if he/she did, how many grades or years he/she approved or passed at the various levels of education.

It is important that you are clear that this is about years completed or passed. The years that were failed (repeated), the years that are in progress, or the incomplete years do not count.

If the person approved or passed any grade or year of studies, read to the informant all of the educational levels that are in the question.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


-How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?


-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?

I didn't study that.



-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

One year of nursing school, but I dropped out.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?

No. Then I studied teacher's training for 4 years and then I stopped studying.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?

I didn't go.

-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?




-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

I didn't study that.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?


-Teacher's training?



Well, I went for a few days but I didn't finish any years.

[End of illustration]

If the answer is that the person did not pass any grade or year of studies, continue with the next page where the questions continue for this person.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_SCHTECHS — Years of technical schooling after secondary completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Ask only if this person is five years old or more

If the answer is yes ask:

How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)

Pre-school or kindergarten

_____ years


Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
_____ years

Secondary school

Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
_____ years

College preparatory
_____ years

Teacher training
_____ years

_____ years

What is the name of the course of study?
_____Write the name of the course of study


Continue with the questions for person number one in the list

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

10. Grades completed

With this question you want to know if the person who is interviewed approved or passed any grade or year of studies, and if he/she did, how many grades or years he/she approved or passed at the various levels of education.

It is important that you are clear that this is about years completed or passed. The years that were failed (repeated), the years that are in progress, or the incomplete years do not count.

If the person approved or passed any grade or year of studies, read to the informant all of the educational levels that are in the question.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


-How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?


-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?

I didn't study that.



-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

One year of nursing school, but I dropped out.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?

No. Then I studied teacher's training for 4 years and then I stopped studying.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?

I didn't go.

-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?




-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

I didn't study that.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?


-Teacher's training?



Well, I went for a few days but I didn't finish any years.

[End of illustration]

If the answer is that the person did not pass any grade or year of studies, continue with the next page where the questions continue for this person.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For people 5 years old or older
[Applies to questions 5.1 to 5.4]

Level of instruction
5.4 What is the last year or grade that (Name) spent or passed in school?

00. None
1. Preschool or kindergarten
2. Primary
3. Secondary
4. Preparatory
5. Basic normal
6. Professional
7. Post graduate
99. Does not know

5.4A Grades ____
5.4B Level ____

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5.1 Illiteracy

The question is directed to the population five years old or older. With it, the ability of the population between six and fourteen years old to read and write is to be known. Also it permits us to distinguish people 15 years older or older who know how to read and write (literate) from those who do not (illiterate).

When the answer is affirmative, circle code 1, in the contrary case, circle code 2.

[p. 102]

A person knows how to read to write when he or she can read and write a message. Not knowing how to read and write is considered when a person can only write his or her name, isolated words, some numbers or can only read ads, signs his or her name and small phrases.

If an informant responds "a little, " "not much," "more or less," "I write with ugly penmanship," it is necessary to know if the person can really read or write. For this, questions are asked like "can you read and write a letter?" or "Can you write something that has happened to you?"

Consider that there are people who know how to read and write and do not necessarily attend or attended school. Also, there are those who attend school yet do not know how to read or write. Because of this, whatever the answer the following questions should not be omitted.

5.4 Level of instruction

The question is asked to all people 5 years old or older with the goal of finding out the highest level of study passed by a person.

Level of instruction is the last grade of studies passed by a person within the formal educational system (preschool or kindergarten, primary, secondary, preparatory, or high school, basic normal, professional and post graduate).

[graphic of the question from the census form]

In this question, only grades or years passed are taking into account, and are written down in column 5.4A, in 5.4B the corresponding code of educational level is registered.

Question 5.4 has the following answer options.

Preschool or kindergarten 1

Register in 5.4A grades or years passed in preschool and in 5.4B code 1 if it is the last level studied by the person.

Primary 2

Code 2 is registered in 5.4B if the person declares those that form this level (from 1st to 4th grade) as the last grade passed. For example, if the response is took the third year of primary, 2 years have been passed, for which 2 grades in level 2 should be written down.

[p. 105]

When a person takes the first year of primary school and declarers to have attended it and
left it not passed and unfinished, ask for the years passed in preschool. If none, register 0 in the grade column and 0 in level. If a person is 12 years old or older go to question 5.5 of Other studies, if younger than this age, continue with the next person on the list.

When it is mentioned "went until fifth," it is important to distinguish if the year mentioned was passed, was not passed or was not finished. The expression "went to fourth" means took the fourth year and, therefore, there are three passed grades in primary school.

For people who mention having completed the six grades of study of primary school in four years, and got their certificate of complete primary school because the plan is structured as such, consider that if they did finish primary school and write down 6 in grades and 2 in level.

On the other hand, when a person has completed primary school in less years then required because of studying in a program of adult education in the system of open education, and received the certificate of complete primary education, register 6 in grades and 2 in level.

For people older than 50 years who declare to have finished primary school, but did not receive the corresponding certificate since they only passed three or four years of study because the there was no possibility of continuing due to the lack of teachers of school being far away, write down the years passed since it is not considered complete primary school.

Secondary 3

People who passed the last year of any of the grades of this level, even in general secondary schools, technical or tele-secondary schools are registered.

When a person declares to have studied secondary school in an open system of adult education, equate it as three years, that is, if it was completed in one year, write down 3 in grades and 3 in level.

In the case of people with any disability (cerebral palsy, mental weaknesses, etc) who have passed years of basic education (primary or secondary), in schools of special education, write down the grades passed and the level in the corresponding spaces. If a person has not or did not pass any year, write down 0 in grades and 0 in level.

[p. 106]

Preparatory or high school 4

Here people who passed the last level and grade in preparatory school, high schools, and technical schools that are equivalent are considered. When this is the situation, write down in 5.4A the grades passed and code 4 in 5.4B.

The educational centers that offer studies equivalent to preparatory or high school are the following:

- School of secondary education.
- School of Sciences and Humanities (CCH).
- Center of Secondary Industrial and Service Technology (CBTIS).
- Center of Secondary Agricultural and Livestock Technology (CBTA).
- Center of Scientific and Technological Studies (CECyT), before vocational.
- Center of Studies of the Sea (CETMar).
- Center of Technological Studies of Continental Waters (CETAC).
- Center of Secondary Forestry Technology (CBTF)
- Preparatory schools

It should be mentioned that in this level, studies done in Conlep (National School of Professional Technical Education) and CETI (Center of Technical Industrial Education) are not considered, since they are not studies equivalent to preparatory, but rather they are for technical purposes. When they tell you this type of study, write down the years passed in secondary school in question 5.4 and, later, register in the question in Other studies, the information about the technical career.

Also , if a person finished preparatory school in two years and can request the certificate write down 3 in grades and 4 in level, since it is equivalent to those normally required.

Normal basic 5

This option finds out information about people who take the Normal Basic whose requisite for joining was finish secondary school. If the requisite is preparatory, then they are considered within the professional level and option 6 is written down.

When an informant declares studies of normal basic and preparatory (high school), ask to pick one and register the grades and level in the corresponding spaces.

Professional 6

Include people with studies at the degree level done in universities, technologies, polytechnics, and other institutions of superior education, public or private, whose requisite to join is preparatory or high school.

[p. 107]

Studies done in the CETAS (Center of Technological Studies in Sub-Aquatic Activities) and Unitec (Technological University) since the precedent or requisite is preparatory or high school and they are three year schools and are not granted the level of degree are not considered in level of instruction. If they declare studies done in any of these institutions, register it as years passed in preparatory in question 5.4 and later, write down the information of technical career in the questions of Other studies.

When an informant responds that the person has finished the career, but does not know how many years were passed, register 4 in grades and 6 in level.

If a case is presented in which the preparatory or degree level is divided in trimesters or semesters, make the conversion to the calendar year according to the following information:

Two semesters, three four semesters, four trimesters, or six two month semesters equal a year.

For example, if an informant declares to have taken three semesters of professional, write down 1 in grades and 6 in level and went to the fifth semester, write down 2 in grades and 6 in level.

Some careers are taken in four and a half years, that is, nine semesters; in the case of passing all of them, only register 4 in grades.

For people who studied two degrees, only register the career that the informant selects, or the one where most years were taken.

In cases of careers that last more than eight years (music in the Conservatory), register 8 in grades and 6 in level.

Social service required in all careers and interment in the case of medicine are not considered passed grades. For example, if an informant declares to have taken the medical career in 7 years, ask if social service is being considered, and if the informant says it is, register 5 in grades.

Post graduate 7

This level means the studies of master and doctorate done after completing and having obtained a degree.

In the case of people who have passed any year of doctorate, add it to the years passed in masters and register them in the corresponding columns.

It should be clear that the specialties of doctors, whose duration is three years, can be equivalent to masters. Also, the subspecialty corresponds [p. 108] with the doctorate and they are studies with the duration of one to three years, so when they declare studies of this type, register them in this option.

On the other hand, diplomas and courses of specialization remain exclusively at the level of instruction, since they are not granted and academic grade and their scholarly precedence and duration vary. When they declare this type of studies, ask for the last grade and level passed in the formal educational system.

In the same way, when a person does not know how many years have been studied due to taking it in an open system of education in parts (primary and secondary) or subject matters (preparatory), make the conversion into calendar years, according to the following scheme:

Level / Grades / Level


Finished the first part / 4 / 2
Finished the second part / 6 / 2


Finished the first part / 1 / 3
Finished the second part / 2 / 3
Finished the third part / 3 / 3


From 12 to 23 subject matters passed / 1 / 4
From 24 to 35 subject matters passed / 2 / 4
36 subject matters or more / 3 / 4

When a person declares to be taking the first grade of any level, register the grades passed in the previous level. For example, if the first year of secondary school is being taken, write down 6 in grades and 2 in level, which indicates that primary school was completed; or if the first year of preparatory school is being taken, write down 3 in grades and 3 in the level that corresponds to the finished secondary school.

If any person has studied in the United States, given the closeness with Mexico, make the following equivalents:

[The column to the left is in English]

Elementary School / Primary
Junior High / Secondary
High school / Preparatory or high school
College or University / Professional
Master or Doctor / Post graduate

When a person studied in any other country, ask what educational level corresponds to their studies with the levels included in the question. Also, investigate the total number of years passed.

[p. 109]

Does not know 99

Finally, if an informant does not know the information about any of the people on the list, register 9 in grades and 9 in level (Does not know).

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_RESMUN — Municipality of residence in 1990
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For people five years old or older who are habitual residents
[Applies to questions 4.6 and 4.7]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

IV Migration

In this section the changes of habitual residence of the population from one entity to another or to a country other than Mexico are registered.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Migration is understood to be a change in habitual residence from one entity to another or from one municipality (delegation) to another (internal migration); also from one country to another (international migration).

This section contains two focuses described below:

To investigate the state and international migration (number of people who came to or left Mexico), based on the previous place of residence (questions 4.1 to 4.5).

To know the place of residence on a set date (November 1990) and therefore the migration at the municipal and state level as well as international immigration (questions 4.6 to 4.7).

4.6 Place of residence in 1990

With this question the country or entity and municipality (delegation) where a person resided five years ago, that is, November 1990 is known.

Observe that in the upper part of the questionnaire appears the cut off age for indicating that it is asked to only habitual residents 5 years old or older.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

[p. 100]

If a person five years ago was living in a country other than Mexico, write down the name of the country in column 4.6A and go directly to question 5.1 Illiteracy.

If a declared federal entity is the same where the interview takes place, circle 4.6B Here, and ask for the municipality (delegation) where lived in it.

In the same way, if another entity is declared in the Mexican Republic different than that of the interview, write down the answer in 4.6A and ask for the name of the municipality or delegation.

Also if an informant mentions a municipality and does not know or remember the name of the entity to which it belongs, write down the name of it in 4.6A.

If an answer referred to in municipality is different than the place of the interview write it down in 4.6C. If it coincides with municipality of the interview, circle 2 (Here) in 4.6D.

When an informant does not know the name of the municipality or delegation where the person has lived, but remembers the name of the locality (colony for DF) try to find out what is the corresponding municipality (delegation) and if it can't be determined, write down what they declare to you.

When an informant does not know or remember the name of the federal entity or country where the person lived in November 1990, and after investigating it cannot be determined, write down "Does not know" in 4.6A. Do it in the same way as the case of the municipality of residence in November 1990, writing down "Does not know" 4.6C.

Next, go to question 5.1

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_EDLEV2 — Academic level and schooling antecedent
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For person five years old or more

17. Educational history

To enter the course of schooling (teaching, technical, commercial or professional) what schooling was a prerequisite? Circle only one answer.

1 Elementary completed
2 Secondary completed
3 Preparatory completed

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17. Scholastic History

When, in question 16, schooling, you have written a quantity in the options for teaching school, technical, commercial, or professional major, ask what studies they had to complete in order to enter into this degree and circle the corresponding code.

If, in order to study in a post-secondary teaching school or in some subject specialty, the prerequisite was basic teaching school, circle code 2. Finished secondary.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_SCHYR — School grade completed
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For person five years old or more

How many grades or years did the person pass in school?


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16. Schooling

Record the last year or grade that the person passed in school and circle the code of the corresponding level; keep in mind the following in answering the question:

If the person is attending a grade in school, write down the previous year or grade that they passed.

If the person finished studying in fewer years, register the grades or years passed, as if they had attended the regular or a different schooling system of education. For example, when they have finished secondary school in the National Institute for the Education of Adults (INEA) in one year, record three years in option 3.Secondary.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

When they declare semesters, trimesters, etc. write the equivalent in years attained; for this, take into account the following equivalencies: 2 semesters, 3 four-month periods, 4 trimesters, and 6 two-month periods each equal 1 year.

For example, if a person is attending the fourth semester of high school this means that they have not yet finished the second year, thus, write one year for this level.

If they mention that the person studies or studied high school and, as part of this study, a technical major, write the number of years passed under option 4.Preparatory or high school.

If they give you the name of a school ("Unitec", "Conalep", technological or other) or that of a degree (accountant, architecture, social work, nursing, etc.), ask if their studies are at a technical or professional level and record the number of years passed in the corresponding option.

Don't count trained hairdressers, special training and specialty courses. Only for medical specialties (pediatrics, cardiology, among others) should the number of years passed be recorded under the option Masters or doctorate.

[P. 74]

-If the person has done some number of years of a doctorate, add these to the number of years that the masters lasted and write the total number of years under this level.

-If the person studied in another country, ask them to tell you what educational level they studied in, as well as the number of years, and record this in the corresponding level.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_EDLEV1 — Academic level
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For person five years old or more

Write the number of the last grade attained and circle the level code.

0 None (write 0) ____
1 Pre-school or kindergarten_____
2 Elementary _____
3 Secondary school _____
4 College preparatory _____
5 Teacher training _____
6 Technical or commercial studies _____
7 Professional _____
8 Post-graduate_____

Answers 0, 1,2,3,4 continue with question number 19; answers 5, 6, 7 continue with question 17.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

16. Schooling

Record the last year or grade that the person passed in school and circle the code of the corresponding level; keep in mind the following in answering the question:

If the person is attending a grade in school, write down the previous year or grade that they passed.

If the person finished studying in fewer years, register the grades or years passed, as if they had attended the regular or a different schooling system of education. For example, when they have finished secondary school in the National Institute for the Education of Adults (INEA) in one year, record three years in option 3.Secondary.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

When they declare semesters, trimesters, etc. write the equivalent in years attained; for this, take into account the following equivalencies: 2 semesters, 3 four-month periods, 4 trimesters, and 6 two-month periods each equal 1 year.

For example, if a person is attending the fourth semester of high school this means that they have not yet finished the second year, thus, write one year for this level.

If they mention that the person studies or studied high school and, as part of this study, a technical major, write the number of years passed under option 4.Preparatory or high school.

If they give you the name of a school ("Unitec", "Conalep", technological or other) or that of a degree (accountant, architecture, social work, nursing, etc.), ask if their studies are at a technical or professional level and record the number of years passed in the corresponding option.

Don't count trained hairdressers, special training and specialty courses. Only for medical specialties (pediatrics, cardiology, among others) should the number of years passed be recorded under the option Masters or doctorate.

[P. 74]

-If the person has done some number of years of a doctorate, add these to the number of years that the masters lasted and write the total number of years under this level.

-If the person studied in another country, ask them to tell you what educational level they studied in, as well as the number of years, and record this in the corresponding level.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For people 5 years old or older

3.9 Level of instruction

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Questions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 and 3.10 are asked to people who are 5 years old or older. For this, check the answer that you wrote down in question 3.3 Age.

If a person who you are interviewing is less than 5 years old, go to the next person in the list.

3.9 Level of instruction

The question permits us to know the highest grade passed by the person in the highest educational level.

Register in the corresponding box the educational level declared, grades or years that a person passed.

[To the right of the text is a form for 3.9 Level of instruction.]


They are people who did not pass any grade of studies in school. Include those who only took literacy classes also.


They are people who took classes in any grade in preschool or kindergarten.

Primary school

They are people who passed grades 1 to 6 offered in this level.

Secondary school

They are people who passed grades 1 to 3 in this level.

Preparatory school or high school

They are people who passed grades 1 to 3 offered at this level. Some of the schools that offer equivalent studies are:

- High school.
- National Preparatory School.
- Schools of Sciences and Humanities (CCH).
- Center of Artistic Education (CEDART).
- Center of Technical, Industrial and Services School (CBTIS).
- Center of Agricultural and Livestock Technology School (CBTA).
- Center of Scientific and Technology Studies (CECYT) before vocational.
- Center of Studies of the Sea (CETMAR).
- Center of Technological Studies of Continental Waters (CETAC).
- Center of Forestry Technology Schools (CBTF).
- Center of Technological, Industrial and Service Studies (CETIS).
- National School of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP).


They are people who study or studied to become professors of preschool, primary or secondary schools.

Technical or commercial career

They are people who passed any grade of technical or commercial studies.


They are people with studies for degrees or its equivalent (engineering, medicine, chemistry) done in universities, technological universities, polytechnic or other institutions of superior education.


They are people with any grade passed at this level. Include people with grades passed in any medical specialization.


They are people who passed any grade at this level.

[p. 79]

Take into account the following indications:
- If a person declares the grade being taken, write down the previous grade passed.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

- If a person stopped studying an educational level in more or less years, register the grade passed as if the system of regular or scholarly education had been taken.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

[p. 80]
- When the answer is in semesters, trimesters, etc. ask for the equivalent in years passed.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

- If the name of a school (Unitec, Conalep, Monterrey Technology or others) or the name of a major (accounting, architecture, social work, nursing, etc) is declared to you, ask for the level the studies correspond to and write down the grades passed according to the answer.

- If a person studied in another country, ask for the equivalent level of studies in relation to the answer options and write down the grades passed in the corresponding boxes.

3.10 Academic requirements

This question is a complement to the previous. It is applied when the answer in 3.9 Level of instruction, corresponds to any of the codes from 5 to 9 (normal, technical or commercial career, professional, masters or doctorate).

[Below the text are forms for 3.9 Level of instruction and 3.9 Scholarly objective.]

[p. 81]

Ask the question mentioning the level marked previously.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

- If for studying the normal they indicate to you that the requirement was normal basic, mark code 3, Preparatory school or high school.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade and level completed
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For persons age 3 or older
[Questions 12-20 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

18. Education
What is the last year or grade that [the respondent] passed in school?

Write the last grade and circle the level code.

Grade level:
[] 00 None (write "0") (go to 21)
[] 01 Preschool (go to 21)
[] 02 Primary (go to 21)
[] 03 Middle school (go to 22)
[] 04 High school (go to 22)
[] 05 Basic certificate in teaching
[] 06 Technical or commercial studies having finished primary school
[] 07 Technical or commercial studies having finished middle school
[] 08 Technical or commercial studies having finished high school
[] 09 Bachelor's degree [licenciatura] in teaching
[] 10 Bachelor's or professional degree
[] 11 Master's
[] 12 Doctorate

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For people age 3 or older.
[Questions 12-20 are for persons age 3 or older]

18. Education
Record the last year or grade that the person passed in school and circle the level code that corresponds.

Keep in mind the following considerations:

  • If the person at the moment of the interview is enrolled in some grade or school year, note the previous year or grade that he/she passed.
  • If he/she finished studying in less years in the System of Open Education, record the years passed as if he/she had passed in the regular education system.

  • If he/she finished the elementary school in the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) in a year and a half, record six years and circle level 2 code.
  • If he/she finished middle school in the INEA in a year, record 3 years and circle the level 3 code.
  • When the response is a bimestre, trimester, quarter, semester, circle the number equivalent to the years passed as follows:
  • 2 semesters, 3 trimesters, 4 quarters, 6 bimestres -- is equal to one year. But if the year has not concluded, record the last grade finished.
  • Record the last grade passed and circle the level 4 code if he/she studied in high school and technical school and the same time.

[p. 103]

  • If he/she studied in the teacher training college, ask if it was a basic teacher training college -- if so, ask the grades or years passed and circle the level 5 code. If the response is an undergraduate teaching training college, write the grades and years passed and circle option 9.
  • When trades are declared such as: carpentry, blacksmith work, beautician work, cooking, plumbing, sewing, electricity, among others, or technical or commercial careers such as: auto mechanic, bilingual secretary, private accountant, computer technician, food technician, among others, investigate what prerequisite was needed to enroll (elementary or middle school), record the years passed in the career, and circle the level code in the corresponding option.

It is important that you consider the grade passed that the informer mentions, since this determines the level in which you should record it (consult the equivalency table aforementioned).

For example:
Interviewer: "What is the last year that Carlos passed in school?"
Informer: "He studied private accounting".
Interviewer: "How much time did his schooling last and what education did he need to enter the career?"
Informer: "Two years and he needed middle school".

  • Record in the level 8 code the last grade of technical or commercial studies passed with high school finished. When the response is Superior University Technician, record the last grade passed and circle that same level.
  • Investigate if the career is technical (1 to 2 years) or at the undergraduate level (3 or more years). If it is a technical career, record the grade passed and circle the level 8 code. Note the last grade passed and circle the level 8 code. Note the last grade that the person passed and circle level 10 if he/she declares a university degree.
  • Also consider as a masters the medical concentration (general surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, etc.), record the grade, and circle the level 11 code. In the same way, record and circle the years passed in the level 12, 'Doctorate' for the different concentrations and subspecialties of medicine (cardiovascular surgery, cardiology, pediatric cardiology, etc.)
  • If he/she studied in another country, ask that he/she signals the equivalency of the studies, such as the years passed, and record them in the level that corresponds.
  • If the response is that the person is on vacation, note the age or grade and education level that he/she has just finished or concluded.

[p. 104]

  • Note the years passed in the level code that corresponds if the response is the name of the school where he/she studied (UNITEC, CONALEP, CBESTIS, etc.), or the name of the major that he/she finished or is studying (accounting, architecture, social work, nursing, etc.) -- in these cases ask to what level the studies correspond and record the corresponding option.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_EDLEVEL — Educational level completed
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22. Level of schooling
What was the last year or grade in school completed by [the respondent]?
[Record the grade and circle the level code]

[] Level 0: None [record "0"] ____
[] Level 1: Preschool or kindergarten ____
[] Level 2: Elementary ____
[] Level 3: Secondary ____
[] Level 4: Preparatory or High School ____
[] Level 5: Technical High School ____
[] Level 6: Technical or commercial studies with elementary finished ____
[] Level 7: Technical or commercial studies with secondary finished ____
[] Level 8: Technical or commercial studies with high school finished ____
[] Level 9: Teacher Education with elementary or secondary finished ____
[] Level 10: Teacher Education for High School ____
[] Level 11: Bachelor?s degree ____
[] Level 12: Professional degree ____
[] Level 13: Master?s ____
[] Level 14: Doctorate ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
This question identifies the last grade (year) and educational level of the population in the National Educational System (SEN by its acronym in Spanish) or equivalent and it considers studies from kindergarten to doctorate.

[Figures are omitted]

Because the last degree approved by the person is information of interest, when the person is studying a year or grade level at the time of the interview, record the year or grade already completed, not the current one.

To properly register people according to the latest educational level approved, taking into account the following criteria:

[] None. Include in this option people who have never been to school, people who only learned to read and write and did not complete any school year. Also include in this option to children who are enrolled in the first year of preschool at the time of the survey.
[] Preschool or kindergarten. Include in this option people who completed preschool or kindergarten. Because some children do not attend the first or second year of preschool and enter directly to third year, record the previous year to the year that are studying although they did attend that year or the degree completed.
[] Primary. Register here people who have completed primary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the regular system of education. For example, if the person finished elementary at the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in three years, recorded six years and circle code 2 "Primary".
[] Secondary. Include in this option people who have completed secondary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System records the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular education. For example, if the person finished high school at the National Institute for Education Adults (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in one year, recorded three years and circle the code 3 "Secondary".
[] Preparatory or General Baccalaureate. Register in this option people who just completed their studies or are studying in high schools or general baccalaureate. When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-months period, you must round it to the equivalent in approved years.
One year equals to:
[] 2 semesters
[] 3 quarters
[] 4 quarters
[] 6 two-month periods
If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Education System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular system of education. For example, if he/she finished high school in open system in one year, record three years and circle the code 4 "Preparatory or general baccalaureate".
[] Technical Baccalaureate. Classify in this level people who studied simultaneously the baccalaureate and technical studies, at the same school. Also, circle this option when the person mentions that studied at:
[] CBTIS. Center for Baccalaureate of Technology, Industrial, and Services.
[] CBTA. Center for Baccalaureate Technology Agricultural.
[] CECYT. Center for Scientific and Technological Studies, also called Vocational Studies.
[] CETMAR. Center for Sea Studies.
[] CETAC. Centre for Technological Studies of Inland Water.
[] CBTF. Center for Baccalaureate of Technological Forestry.
[] CETIS. Center for Studies of Industrial Technology and Services.
[] CONALEP. When studies include baccalaureate.
When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-month periods, the answer must be rounded to the equivalent in approved years.
[] Technical or commercial studies with primary or secondary completed. Register here people who are currently studying or studied a technical degree. To place them in the correct level, ask to the person which studies were requested to enter in that program.

If the person is pursuing a technical career simultaneously to primary, secondary, or preparatory, do not register him/her in this category, instead record him/her in primary, secondary, or technological baccalaureate, respectively.

Consider that technical studies with completed primary are also called job training. Furthermore, technical studies with completed preparatory are also called as technical college degree (TSU for its acronym in Spanish) or associated professional.

[] Education degree with completed primary or secondary, and Education degree in college. Register here people who are studying or studied Education, you must ask what requirements they needed to enter to place them in the correct level.
[] Degree. Circle this option when people claim to have or to study any baccalaureate, for example, Engineering, General Medicine, Actuarial Sciences, Architecture, among others.
[] Specialty. This course last at least one year, which is taken after the degree and goes in depth the knowledge on a specific topic. Therefore this category includes people with medical specialties (General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, among others) and subspecialties (Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology, among others); there are also specialties in other areas. Certification programs or language courses are not included in this option.

When the answer is "baccalaureate with specialty" asks whether specialty studies were taken at the end of the baccalaureate or at the same time. If the specialty was at the same time, it must be recorded as baccalaureate; if it was after concluding the baccalaureate, it is recorded as a specialty.

[] Master's degree. Register in this category people with studies after the degree, it lasts at least two years.
[] Doctorate. This is a study subsequent to the degree or master's degree; and it lasts at least two years. Classify in this category people who declare it, as well as people who mention having a postdoc.

If the person studied in another country, ask what educational level is equivalent to his/her studies, as well as the number of years approved, and register this information at the corresponding level. If the person studied in the United States of America, to make conversions use the conversion table which is in the Annex.

When the person is on vacations, record the degree that just passed and circle the corresponding educational level.

If the respondent states that has no an educational level, preschool or primary, continue with question 23 "Literacy"; if his/her educational level is secondary or more pass to question 24 "Municipality of residence in 2010".

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_GRADE — Grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
What was the last year or grade in school completed by [the respondent]?
[Record the grade and circle the level code]

[] Level 0: None [record "0"] ____
[] Level 1: Preschool or kindergarten ____
[] Level 2: Elementary ____
[] Level 3: Secondary ____
[] Level 4: Preparatory or High School ____
[] Level 5: Technical High School ____
[] Level 6: Technical or commercial studies with elementary finished ____
[] Level 7: Technical or commercial studies with secondary finished ____
[] Level 8: Technical or commercial studies with high school finished ____
[] Level 9: Teacher Education with elementary or secondary finished ____
[] Level 10: Teacher Education for High School ____
[] Level 11: Bachelor?s degree ____
[] Level 12: Professional degree ____
[] Level 13: Master?s ____
[] Level 14: Doctorate ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
This question identifies the last grade (year) and educational level of the population in the National Educational System (SEN by its acronym in Spanish) or equivalent and it considers studies from kindergarten to doctorate.

[Figures are omitted]

Because the last degree approved by the person is information of interest, when the person is studying a year or grade level at the time of the interview, record the year or grade already completed, not the current one.

To properly register people according to the latest educational level approved, taking into account the following criteria:

[] None. Include in this option people who have never been to school, people who only learned to read and write and did not complete any school year. Also include in this option to children who are enrolled in the first year of preschool at the time of the survey.
[] Preschool or kindergarten. Include in this option people who completed preschool or kindergarten. Because some children do not attend the first or second year of preschool and enter directly to third year, record the previous year to the year that are studying although they did attend that year or the degree completed.
[] Primary. Register here people who have completed primary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the regular system of education. For example, if the person finished elementary at the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in three years, recorded six years and circle code 2 "Primary".
[] Secondary. Include in this option people who have completed secondary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System records the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular education. For example, if the person finished high school at the National Institute for Education Adults (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in one year, recorded three years and circle the code 3 "Secondary".
[] Preparatory or General Baccalaureate. Register in this option people who just completed their studies or are studying in high schools or general baccalaureate. When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-months period, you must round it to the equivalent in approved years.
One year equals to:
[] 2 semesters
[] 3 quarters
[] 4 quarters
[] 6 two-month periods
If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Education System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular system of education. For example, if he/she finished high school in open system in one year, record three years and circle the code 4 "Preparatory or general baccalaureate".
[] Technical Baccalaureate. Classify in this level people who studied simultaneously the baccalaureate and technical studies, at the same school. Also, circle this option when the person mentions that studied at:
[] CBTIS. Center for Baccalaureate of Technology, Industrial, and Services.
[] CBTA. Center for Baccalaureate Technology Agricultural.
[] CECYT. Center for Scientific and Technological Studies, also called Vocational Studies.
[] CETMAR. Center for Sea Studies.
[] CETAC. Centre for Technological Studies of Inland Water.
[] CBTF. Center for Baccalaureate of Technological Forestry.
[] CETIS. Center for Studies of Industrial Technology and Services.
[] CONALEP. When studies include baccalaureate.
When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-month periods, the answer must be rounded to the equivalent in approved years.
[] Technical or commercial studies with primary or secondary completed. Register here people who are currently studying or studied a technical degree. To place them in the correct level, ask to the person which studies were requested to enter in that program.

If the person is pursuing a technical career simultaneously to primary, secondary, or preparatory, do not register him/her in this category, instead record him/her in primary, secondary, or technological baccalaureate, respectively.

Consider that technical studies with completed primary are also called job training. Furthermore, technical studies with completed preparatory are also called as technical college degree (TSU for its acronym in Spanish) or associated professional.

[] Education degree with completed primary or secondary, and Education degree in college. Register here people who are studying or studied Education, you must ask what requirements they needed to enter to place them in the correct level.
[] Degree. Circle this option when people claim to have or to study any baccalaureate, for example, Engineering, General Medicine, Actuarial Sciences, Architecture, among others.
[] Specialty. This course last at least one year, which is taken after the degree and goes in depth the knowledge on a specific topic. Therefore this category includes people with medical specialties (General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, among others) and subspecialties (Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology, among others); there are also specialties in other areas. Certification programs or language courses are not included in this option.

When the answer is "baccalaureate with specialty" asks whether specialty studies were taken at the end of the baccalaureate or at the same time. If the specialty was at the same time, it must be recorded as baccalaureate; if it was after concluding the baccalaureate, it is recorded as a specialty.

[] Master's degree. Register in this category people with studies after the degree, it lasts at least two years.
[] Doctorate. This is a study subsequent to the degree or master's degree; and it lasts at least two years. Classify in this category people who declare it, as well as people who mention having a postdoc.

If the person studied in another country, ask what educational level is equivalent to his/her studies, as well as the number of years approved, and register this information at the corresponding level. If the person studied in the United States of America, to make conversions use the conversion table which is in the Annex.

When the person is on vacations, record the degree that just passed and circle the corresponding educational level.

If the respondent states that has no an educational level, preschool or primary, continue with question 23 "Literacy"; if his/her educational level is secondary or more pass to question 24 "Municipality of residence in 2010".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_EDLEVEL — Educational level completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of education: What is the last year or grade [the respondent] passed in school?

Convert to years or grades, write the last on passed, and circle the level code

Grade level
[] 0 None (write 0 and go to 24)
[] 1 Preschool (go to 24)
[] 2 Elementary school (go to 24)
[] 3 Middle school (go to 25)
[] 4 High school (go to 25)
[] 5 Technological high school
[] 6 Technical or commercial studies with completed elementary school
[] 7 Technical or commercial studies with completed middle school
[] 8 Technical or commercial studies with completed high school
[] 9 Teacher college with completed elementary or middle school
[] 10 Teacher college with bachelor's degree
[] 11 Bachelor's degree
[] 12 Specialization
[] 13 Master's degree
[] 14 Doctorate
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

22. Schooling
This question identifies the last grade (year) of the highest level of education attained by people who are of 3 years of age or older, in the National Education System (NES) or its equivalent; it considers studies from preschool to doctorate.

[p. 342]

Read the question mentioning the name of the person, record the grades or years passed in the box, and circle the code of the corresponding level.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

When the person is in any school year or grade at the time of the interview, write down the previous year or grade that he/she passed.

If the answer is in semesters, quarters, trimesters, or two-month periods, convert them to years. Please refer to the following table:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 343]

If the answer is given in academic credits, modules, subjects, or others, ask the person who informs you to provide it in grades or years.

If the person is on vacation due to the end of the school year, write down the grade and level he/she has just passed.

In order to correctly record the highest level passed, also consider that:

- None. This includes people who have never been to school and those who only learned to read and write and did not complete any level of education. It also includes children who are in the first year of preschool at the time of the interview. Circle code 0.

- Preschool. Classify here people who attended preschool or kindergarten. Keep in mind that some children do not attend the first or second year of preschool or kindergarten and enter directly into third grade, so write down the year prior to the one they are in, even if they have not attended it. If they attend a daycare center, ask if they are in preschool (kindergarten); if so, record it in this option.

- Elementary. Record the people who study or studied in an elementary school at this level. If the person completed fewer years of study in the Open Education System, record the years passed as if he/she had completed them in the regular or school education system. For example, if he/she completed elementary school at the National Institute for Adult Education (NIAE), record 6 years.
[p. 344]
- Junior high school. Record the people who are or have been in junior high school in this option. If the person finished studying this level in fewer years in the Open Education System, remote education, or through the Special Certification Program, record the years passed as if he/she had studied them in the regular or school education system. For example, if he/she completed junior high school at the National Institute for Adult Education (NIAE), record 3 years.

- High school or general high school education. Record people who only finished their studies or are studying in high school institutions. If he/she completed fewer years of study in Open Education, remote learning, online, or through the Special Certification Program, record 3 years as if he/she had completed them in the regular or school education system and select this level.

- Technological high school. People who are studying or have studied high school whose program offers, simultaneously, a technical career, are classified in this level. Also when they mention that they studied in:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

- CBTIS. Technological, Industrial, and Services High School.
- CBTA. Agricultural and Livestock Technological High School.
[p. 345]
- CECyT. Center for Scientific and Technological Studies, formerly called vocational.
- CETMAR. Center for Technological Studies of the Sea.
- CETAC. Center for Technological Studies of Inland Waters.
- CBTF. Forestry Technological High School.
- CETIS. Center for Technological, Industrial and Service Studies.
- CONALEP. When the career includes a high school diploma.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

- Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed and Technical or commercial studies with junior high school completed. Record the people who study or have studied a technical career here. To place them in the correct level, ask what studies they were required to enter that career. Circle code 6, if you were asked to have completed elementary school as a requirement; or code 7 if you were asked to have completed junior high school.

If he/she is taking or has taken the technical career at the same time as elementary or junior high school, do not record him/her here, but in 2. Elementary o 3. Junior high school, respectively.

[Figure omitted: images with text]

[p. 346]

For example:

Interviewer: What is the last year or grade Camila passed in school?

Respondent: She is a childcare technician.

Interviewer: How long did her studies last and what level of education did she need to enter the career?

Respondent: Three years and she needed to finish junior high school.

Technical or commercial studies with completed high school. Here are recorded the people who study or have studied a technical career and for which they were asked to have completed high school as a requirement; they can be: Higher University Technician (HUT), Associate Professional, and Professional License.

Please note that these careers are generally taught in technological or polytechnic universities. TSU and Associate Professional studies last from 2 to 3 years, while the Professional License can last one more year after completing the HUT degree. None is equivalent to a bachelor's degree. Remember that if he/she is taking or has taken the technical career simultaneously with high school, do not record him/her here, but in 5. Technological high school.

Normal with completed elementary or junior high school and Normal Bachelor's degree. Record the people who study or studied at the normal school here, ask them what studies they were required to enter, and record them at the correct level. If elementary or junior high school was a requirement, circle code 9; but if he/she states that it is a bachelor's degree, circle code 10. Normal undergraduate.

[Figure omitted: images with text]

If the answer is "normal superior", ask for the level of education completed at the normal superior, which may be a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree, and circle the appropriate code.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_GRADE — Grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of education: What is the last year or grade [the respondent] passed in school?

Convert to years or grades, write the last on passed, and circle the level code

Grade level
[] 0 None (write 0 and go to 24)
[] 1 Preschool (go to 24)
[] 2 Elementary school (go to 24)
[] 3 Middle school (go to 25)
[] 4 High school (go to 25)
[] 5 Technological high school
[] 6 Technical or commercial studies with completed elementary school
[] 7 Technical or commercial studies with completed middle school
[] 8 Technical or commercial studies with completed high school
[] 9 Teacher college with completed elementary or middle school
[] 10 Teacher college with bachelor's degree
[] 11 Bachelor's degree
[] 12 Specialization
[] 13 Master's degree
[] 14 Doctorate
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

Bachelor's degree. Select this option when people are studying or have studied a bachelor's degree, for example: Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication, Bachelor's Degree in Human Geography, Industrial Biochemical Engineering, Bioelectronic Engineering, General Medicine, Stomatology, Nursing, Architecture, and so on.

If he/she passed a bachelor's degree in a single exam, ask how many years he/she would have taken it in the education system, and record the answer.

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Specialty. These are studies that broaden knowledge on a specific subject, which are taken after the bachelor's degree.

In this option, medical specialties and subspecialties are not recorded, since they will be perceived as master's and doctoral studies.

When the answer is "bachelor's degree with specialization", inquire whether the studies were done at the end of the bachelor's degree or while studying it; if it was at the same time, record the person in code 11. Bachelor's degree; if it was after completion, it is recorded as 12. Specialty. Diplomas or language courses are not considered as an educational level and are not included in this option.

Master's degree. These studies require the completion of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. Record the people who declare so in this level. Also, record medical specialties here such as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Otolaryngology, etcetera.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Doctorate. These are studies subsequent to the bachelor's or master's degree. Record those people who state so and those who mention that they have a postdoctorate or a medical subspecialty in this level; the latter one can be identified by having names composed of two specialties: Cardiovascular surgery, gynecologic oncology, etcetera.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

If the person answers the name of a career, for example, Nursing or Social Work, ask what educational requirement the person was asked to enter and place them in the correct level, or if they mention the name of the school, for example: UNITEC, CCH SUR, Normal, ask to which level it corresponds.

If the person studied in another country, find out what educational level his/her studies are equivalent to, as well as the years passed, and record them in the corresponding level; if he or she studied in the United States of America, use the equivalences shown in this table.

[p. 349]

[Figure omitted: image with text]

If the person's level of education is none, preschool or elementary school, continue with question 24. literacy; if it is junior high or high school or general high school and the person is of 5 years of age or older, continue with question 25. State or country of residence in 2015.

The information for the question schooling is recorded as shown in the following images:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

[p. 350]
[p. 351]

Click on the image below to watch the video on the level of education.

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_EDU — Education level
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12. Education:
[] 1 Completed high
[] 2 Non completed high
[] 3 Technical vocational
[] 4 General education Grade 9-10
[] 5 General education Grade 4-8
[] 6 Primary
[] 7 Literate
[] 8 Illiterate

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question Twelve. Education

181. Complete High. People who graduated from University of Institute either locally or internationally shall be considered as being educated at "Complete High" level.
Also people who graduated from the Pedagogical Institute before the year of 1959 shall be considered to be as having a "Complete High" education.

182. Incomplete High. People who are studying at Universities or Institutes or people who graduated from the Pedagogical Institute after the year of 1959 or graduates from of Marxism -- Leninism Evening Institute or Institute of Eastern Studies or two years courses at Party's Institute shall be considered to be as having an "Incomplete High" education.

183. Vocational School. People who graduated from technicums or vocational schools or music and dance schools either in Mongolia or abroad shall be considered as having education of a Vocational School.

184. Education of Secondary School. People who finished the 10th grade of a secondary school shall be considered to be as having "complete secondary education"; people who finished the 7th (by an old system) or the 8th grade as having "incomplete secondary education" and people who finished the only 4th (by an old system) or the 3rd grade as having "primary education".

185. Literate or Illiterate. This question shall be answered by those people who are older than 11 and do not have any education. A person who can read and write in Cyrillic or old Mongolian script or any other county's language shall be considered as literate. However, if the person is not able to read at all he/she shall be considered illiterate.

186. School children of the second and third grades shall be considered as literate.

187. For school children of the first grade or children mentally retarded who are younger than 9 and do not go to school the section for education shall not be filled out.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_EDUC — Education
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Persons aged 7 and above should answer.
[Questions 11-13 were asked of persons aged 7 and over.]

11. Education:

[] 1 Less than primary
[] 2 Primary [skip to question 13]
[] 3 Grade 4-8 [skip to question 13]
[] 4 Grade 9-10 [skip to question 13]
[] 5 Technical vocational [skip to question 13]
[] 6 Diploma [skip to question 13]
[] 7 High [skip to question 13]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question: Eleven.

Education. This question aims to clarify the respondent's educational background and level. The enumerator should ask the respondent whether he or she has any education and if the answer is "No", circle code No-1 and skip to question 12.

If the response is "Yes", ask the level of education and circle the suitable code and skip to question 13. If the person graduated from more than one school, note the last obtained as high education. For example: if the respondent is a teacher then graduated from university or institute as economist and has diploma with BA, MA degree in this case this person will be considered as person with high education.

High education. Not depending on a high education diploma or equivalent certificate level (BA, MA), all persons who graduated from an internal and external university and institute will be considered as person with high education. Also persons who graduated from a college or equivalent school with a BA and above degree will be considered as a person with high education.

Diploma education. This category will cover people who graduated with a diploma degree from internal and external especially professional secondary schools or equivalent schools, colleges and other occupational schools.

Primary technical education. People who graduated from technical schools and have a diploma from primary technical education will belong to this category.

Complete secondary education (grade 9-10). Persons who graduated from the 10th grade of secondary school in the day or evening time will be considered as persons with complete secondary education.

Secondary education. Persons who graduated from 7th grade of secondary school (until 1975 as old system) and graduated from 8th grade of secondary school will be considered persons with a secondary education.

Primary education. Persons who graduated from 4th grade of secondary school (until 1975 as old system) and in 1975-1996 graduated from 3rd grade of secondary school and since 1997 graduated from 4th grade of secondary school will be considered persons with primary education.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_LSTGRADE — Last general education level completed
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[Questions 14-17 are for persons age 10 or older]

Q16: Level of education

Highest grade completed in general education system


Examples: Kindergarten; Preschool (maternelle); Koranic school; Primary school, third grade (CE2); Secondary school, eight grade (4-ème); Medical school, second year; etc.

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For persons age 10 or older

16. Last educational level attained in public school:

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_EDLEVEL — Level of education / last grade completed (detailed)
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Q17. Last educational level attained in public school____
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Individuals: (multiple records)

For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 15-16.]

Q17. Last educational level attained in public school____

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_EDLEVEL2 — Level of education (detailed)
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Individual form / population structure

Literacy and education

12. Level of education

12a. Highest grade completed in school:

[] 00 None
[] 03 Koranic school
[] 10 Basic education, first grade (1st primaire)
[] 11 Basic education, second grade (2nd primaire)
[] 12 Basic education, third grade (3rd primaire)
[] 13 Basic education, fourth grade (4th primaire)
[] 14 Basic education, fifth grade (5th primaire)
[] 15 Basic education, sixth grade (6th fondamental)
[] Other, specify _______________
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Literacy and education
For persons age 10 or older

Q12: Level of education:
Q12A: Highest grade completed in school:

[] 00 None
[] 03 Koranic school
[] 10 Basic education, first grade (1st primaire)
[] 11 Basic education, second grade (2nd primaire)
[] 12 Basic education, third grade (3rd primaire)
[] 13 Basic education, fourth grade (4th primaire)
[] 14 Basic education, fifth grade (5th primaire)
[] 15 Basic education, sixth grade (6th fondamental)
[] Other, specify _______________

For people who are in professional training, enter the last year in school before the professional training. For current students, enter the level attained in the 2003-2004 school year. Regarding persons who never went to school or Koranic school, enter "00".

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Education and literacy

23. Last class taken in general education _ _

For all members of the household

Specify and write in the code for the last year of classes attended

- None
- 4th year of primary school (AS)
- 3rd year of foundational school (NS1) (lower secondary)
- 2nd year of high school (NS2)

[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


18. Say whether (the person):

[] Is attending an educational establishment
[] Attended an educational establishment
[] Has never attended an educational establishment ? Go to #2
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only Directed For People With 5 Years And Older

P18. Say if:
This question refers to attendance at a regular educational institution, official or private.
Keep in mind that:

- it is not considered as participation in school-year: courses in sewing, computing, languages (except if it is a requirement to obtain an academic degree, etc.).
- Check box number 1 if the interviewee is attending any school;
- Check box number 2 if the respondent is not attending any educational establishment, but he had attended before;
- Check box number 3 if the respondent has never attended any educational establishment. Skip to P21.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_LEVELATT — Level of education attended
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


19. What level of educational does (the person) attend or has attended (even if incomplete)?

[] Literacy
[] Primary School (1st ? 5th grade)
[] Primary School (6th ? 7th grade)
[] General Secondary School ? 1st Cycle (8th ? 10th grade)
[] General Secondary School ? 2nd Cycle (11th ? 12th grade)
[] Elementary Technical School
[] Basic Technical School
[] Upper Technical School
[] Primary Teacher Training Course
[] Higher Education
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only Directed For People With 5 Years And Older

P19. What level of education are you attending or what is the highest level of education that you had attended (even if incomplete)?
Must answer this question people who answered 1 or 2 at question P18. For example, if Mr. Taibo attends technical education, then mark X in box number 8.
If the person answered 1 at question P18 (attends school), you must indicate the level of education that the person is attending.
If the person answered 2 at question P18 (attended an educational institution), you must indicate the highest level that the person attended, even though the person has not completed. For example, if Mr. Taibo attended higher education, but did not complete, then you should mark X in box number 10 - Tertiary.
Keep in mind that you must include:

- At "Literacy" all persons who participated in the literacy courses offered by the structures of the Ministry of Education, business, religious, etc.
- At "Training course for teachers" all teachers who participated in training courses for teachers of primary and secondary schools. In this case you should always ask the interviewee the level of the course they'd participated;
- At "Higher education" all the people who attended or were attending any course of higher level, either within or outside the country. In this category includes the Eduardo Mondlane University, Pedagogical University, Catholic University, Institute of International Relations, Higher Polytechnic and Universitary Institute.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_EDLEVELC — Level of education completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


20a. Has (the person) completed the level indicated in the previous question?

[] Yes ? Go to #2
[] No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only Directed For People With 5 Years And Older

P19. What level of education are you attending or what is the highest level of education that you had attended (even if incomplete)?
Must answer this question people who answered 1 or 2 at question P18. For example, if Mr. Taibo attends technical education, then mark X in box number 8.
If the person answered 1 at question P18 (attends school), you must indicate the level of education that the person is attending.
If the person answered 2 at question P18 (attended an educational institution), you must indicate the highest level that the person attended, even though the person has not completed. For example, if Mr. Taibo attended higher education, but did not complete, then you should mark X in box number 10 - Tertiary.
Keep in mind that you must include:

- At "Literacy" all persons who participated in the literacy courses offered by the structures of the Ministry of Education, business, religious, etc.
- At "Training course for teachers" all teachers who participated in training courses for teachers of primary and secondary schools. In this case you should always ask the interviewee the level of the course they'd participated;
- At "Higher education" all the people who attended or were attending any course of higher level, either within or outside the country. In this category includes the Eduardo Mondlane University, Pedagogical University, Catholic University, Institute of International Relations, Higher Polytechnic and Universitary Institute.
P20a. Have you completed the level indicated in the previous question?
All respondents to P19 must indicate whether or not completed the level declared. If the answer is 1 (yes) go to P21, otherwise mark 2 (No) and go to P20b.
Keep in mind that:

- to decide whether or not the respondent completed the level indicated, ask the class or year level of instruction that stated at P19. See the last page of the bulletin for the length of each level of education.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_EDLEVEL — Highest level completed
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


20b. If not, indicate the highest level and year/grade completed.

Level: ________
Year/grade: _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only Directed For People With 5 Years And Older

P19. What level of education are you attending or what is the highest level of education that you had attended (even if incomplete)?
Must answer this question people who answered 1 or 2 at question P18. For example, if Mr. Taibo attends technical education, then mark X in box number 8.
If the person answered 1 at question P18 (attends school), you must indicate the level of education that the person is attending.
If the person answered 2 at question P18 (attended an educational institution), you must indicate the highest level that the person attended, even though the person has not completed. For example, if Mr. Taibo attended higher education, but did not complete, then you should mark X in box number 10 - Tertiary.
Keep in mind that you must include:

- At "Literacy" all persons who participated in the literacy courses offered by the structures of the Ministry of Education, business, religious, etc.
- At "Training course for teachers" all teachers who participated in training courses for teachers of primary and secondary schools. In this case you should always ask the interviewee the level of the course they'd participated;
- At "Higher education" all the people who attended or were attending any course of higher level, either within or outside the country. In this category includes the Eduardo Mondlane University, Pedagogical University, Catholic University, Institute of International Relations, Higher Polytechnic and Universitary Institute.
P20b. If not completed, and indicate the grade level/year higher you concluded:
All respondents stated that the question P20a who did not complete the levels indicated in question P19, either because they are still studying or dropped out, should indicate the level and class or higher years that has completed.
Keep in mind that:

- The most higher class (or year) that attended and always previous of the one that attends (in the case of those still studying) or attended (for those not attending);
- there can be only one answer.


- at the census time the respondent attends a university degree (2nd year of Mechanical Engineering), the highest level and class completed is the first year. Write in the space reserved:


- the respondent who attends or attended the 1st year of college, the highest grade and level completed, must be one of the above previous levels. For example, the 3rd year of Technical Education School.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_EDGRADE — Grade and year completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


20b. If not, indicate the highest level and year/grade completed.

Level: ________
Year/grade: _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only Directed For People With 5 Years And Older

P19. What level of education are you attending or what is the highest level of education that you had attended (even if incomplete)?
Must answer this question people who answered 1 or 2 at question P18. For example, if Mr. Taibo attends technical education, then mark X in box number 8.
If the person answered 1 at question P18 (attends school), you must indicate the level of education that the person is attending.
If the person answered 2 at question P18 (attended an educational institution), you must indicate the highest level that the person attended, even though the person has not completed. For example, if Mr. Taibo attended higher education, but did not complete, then you should mark X in box number 10 - Tertiary.
Keep in mind that you must include:

- At "Literacy" all persons who participated in the literacy courses offered by the structures of the Ministry of Education, business, religious, etc.
- At "Training course for teachers" all teachers who participated in training courses for teachers of primary and secondary schools. In this case you should always ask the interviewee the level of the course they'd participated;
- At "Higher education" all the people who attended or were attending any course of higher level, either within or outside the country. In this category includes the Eduardo Mondlane University, Pedagogical University, Catholic University, Institute of International Relations, Higher Polytechnic and Universitary Institute.
P20b. If not completed, and indicate the grade level/year higher you concluded:
All respondents stated that the question P20a who did not complete the levels indicated in question P19, either because they are still studying or dropped out, should indicate the level and class or higher years that has completed.
Keep in mind that:

- The most higher class (or year) that attended and always previous of the one that attends (in the case of those still studying) or attended (for those not attending);
- there can be only one answer.


- at the census time the respondent attends a university degree (2nd year of Mechanical Engineering), the highest level and class completed is the first year. Write in the space reserved:


- the respondent who attends or attended the 1st year of college, the highest grade and level completed, must be one of the above previous levels. For example, the 3rd year of Technical Education School.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For peopled aged 5+ only.

23. What level of education does (the person) attend or, if no longer studying, the highest level they have attended.

[] 1 Literacy
[] 2 Primary School (1st ? 5th grade)
[] 3 Primary School (6th ? 7th grade)
[] 4 General Secondary School ? 1st Cycle (8th ? 10th grade)
[] 5 General Secondary School ? 2nd Cycle (11th ? 12th grade)
[] 6 Elementary Technical School
[] 7 Basic Technical School
[] 8 Upper Technical School
[] 9 Primary Teacher Training Course
[] 10 Higher Education
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people aged 5+ only

P23. What level of education does (the person) attend or, if no longer studying, the highest level they have attended.

This Question should be responded by those who answered 1 or 2 in P22. For example, Mr. Taibo attends Upper Technical School, mark an X in box number 8.
If the Person responded 1 for P22 (Is currently attending school) they should indicate what level it is.

If the Person responded 2 for P22 (has attended school) they should indicate the highest level they have attended, even if incomplete. For example, Mrs. Maria attended College but did not finish it. You should mark an X in box number 10: Higher Education.

Be aware that you should include:

In Literacy all persons who attended literacy courses taught by institutions of the Ministry of Education, companies, religious institutions, etc.
In Primary Teacher Training Course all persons who attended teacher training courses at the Primary level only. Those who attended teacher training courses at college level should be included in alternative 10 of P23.
For persons who studied abroad, the level of education should be set within those established in this country.

For Higher Education you should include all persons who attend or have attended any course at a Higher level, either in or out of the country. For example, you should include within this category those who attend or have attended:
[Illustration with list of institutions is omitted]

In the Census we will find people who attended different educational systems. SEE THE LAST PAGE OF THE ENUMERATION FORM to check the equivalence in relation to the actual system.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_EDCOMP — Completed highest level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For peopled aged 5+ only.

23. What level of education does (the person) attend or, if no longer studying, the highest level they have attended.

[] 1 Literacy
[] 2 Primary School (1st ? 5th grade)
[] 3 Primary School (6th ? 7th grade)
[] 4 General Secondary School ? 1st Cycle (8th ? 10th grade)
[] 5 General Secondary School ? 2nd Cycle (11th ? 12th grade)
[] 6 Elementary Technical School
[] 7 Basic Technical School
[] 8 Upper Technical School
[] 9 Primary Teacher Training Course
[] 10 Higher Education
24. Has [the person] completed the level indicated in the previous question?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No- Go to question 26
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people aged 5+ only

P23. What level of education does (the person) attend or, if no longer studying, the highest level they have attended.

This Question should be responded by those who answered 1 or 2 in P22. For example, Mr. Taibo attends Upper Technical School, mark an X in box number 8.
If the Person responded 1 for P22 (Is currently attending school) they should indicate what level it is.

If the Person responded 2 for P22 (has attended school) they should indicate the highest level they have attended, even if incomplete. For example, Mrs. Maria attended College but did not finish it. You should mark an X in box number 10: Higher Education.

Be aware that you should include:

In Literacy all persons who attended literacy courses taught by institutions of the Ministry of Education, companies, religious institutions, etc.
In Primary Teacher Training Course all persons who attended teacher training courses at the Primary level only. Those who attended teacher training courses at college level should be included in alternative 10 of P23.
For persons who studied abroad, the level of education should be set within those established in this country.

For Higher Education you should include all persons who attend or have attended any course at a Higher level, either in or out of the country. For example, you should include within this category those who attend or have attended:
[Illustration with list of institutions is omitted]

In the Census we will find people who attended different educational systems. SEE THE LAST PAGE OF THE ENUMERATION FORM to check the equivalence in relation to the actual system.

P24. Has (the person) completed the level indicated in the previous question?

All persons who responded to P23 should indicate whether they have or not competed the level declared. If the response is (Yes), mark an X in 1 and go to P25. Otherwise, mark 2 (No) and go to P26.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_SCHOOL — School attendance
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For peopled aged 5+ only.

22. Say whether [the person]:

[] 1 Is attending school
[] 2 Has attended school
[] 3 Has never attended school - Go to question 26
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people aged 5+ only

P22. Say whether (the person):

This Question refers to the school attendance at a regular educational establishment, either public or private, including the distance learning courses.

Mark an X in box number 1 if the respondent is currently attending school;
Mark an X in box number 2 if the respondent is not currently attending school;
Mark an X in box number 3 if the respondent has never attended school. Please go to P26.

Be aware that:
Participation in sewing, computing and language courses (except for academic level) is not considered as school attendance.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade
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Age 5 and above (19 through 21)
[Question 19 through 21 were asked of persons age 5 and older.]

Education (19 through 21)

21. What is the highest education grade/level [the respondent] _ _ completed?

Use the following codes corresponding to the education grade/level:

[] 00 None
[] 01 - 11 Grade
[] 12 College
[] 13 Vocational training
[] 14 Undergraduate diploma
[] 15 Graduate
[] 16 Postgraduate diploma
[] 17 Masters Degree
[] 18 PhD
[] 19 Other, specify
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Education Section
Education questions are asked to all persons aged 5 years and above.

Question 21: Highest grade/level completed?

168. Ask "what is the highest education grade/level has [the respondent] completed? The available options are listed below so record appropriately.

[] 00 None
[] 01-11 Grade
[] 12 College
[] 13 Vocational training
[] 14 Under grade diploma
[] 15 Graduate
[] 16 Post graduate diploma
[] 17 Master degree
[] 18 PhD
[] 19 Other

169. In this question, you will record either the highest education level an individual has completed if a person has previously attended or is attending school. For those attending school, in most cases the education level completed is always not the grade/level they are presently enrolled in, but the previous grade/level. For example, if a child is presently enrolled in grade 6, the highest grade completed will be grade 5, and should be recorded as" 05" on the questionnaire. For children attending first grade write "00".

170. Vocational training (record "13") means that completed education/training after high school for certain professions, for example, plumbing, electrical, roofing, refrigeration, carpentry, cabinet making, hair dressing, cosmetology, tailoring etc.

171. College "12" means a person is a student at under-graduate university level; Bachelor degrees (Graduate) are coded "15"; all Masters of Arts, Masters of Science and Masters of Philosophy degrees are marked as option "17". Doctorate degree (Ph. D., option "18") is an advanced research university degree, which for successful completion, requires the submission of a thesis or dissertation of publishable quality. For someone who has had no schooling, code "00".

172. There are respondents who went to school during different system of education in Myanmar. That is during the colonial period, in the former education system and the current education system. A table has been prepared and presented below to assist in coding of education attainment question. It will also be given to interviewers during field enumeration. If for example, a respondent tells you that he completed Standard 9 during former education system, check the correct code using the conversion table, according to the first column and last column the correct code is "10". The conversion table will prove very useful for those respondents who went through the pre-colonial and former system of education. It should also be used for foreigners who schooled in different education systems. Those who have completed education level i.e. high school - "11", diploma - "14", university - "15", should be coded appropriately.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_EDLEVEL — Level of education passed
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Only for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 8-10 are asked of persons who are aged 6 years and above.]

8. Can ____ read and write?

(If read only 1, if read and write 2, and if illiterate 3)

[] 1 Read only (skip to column 10)
[] 2 Read and write
[] 3 Illiterate (skip to column 10)

9. What is ____ level of education passed?

(Only code 2 in column 8)
[Question 9 was asked of persons who can read and write, per question 8.]

1. Level passed: ____

2. Field of study for above SLC: ____

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Column 9: What ____ is level of education passed?
[] 1. Level passed ____
[] 2. Field of study for SLC above ____

This question has two parts: level passed and field of study for SLC and above. The meaning of level of education passed (for read and write) refers the level passed of formal education or which of the level of study is completed by the respondent. For collecting the information on educational qualification, level passed should be written. If the level passed is SLC and above then the major field of study should also be mentioned.

1. Level passed: For the level passed, the educational qualification of the highest level passed by the respondent should be mentioned. If the respondent has passed the examination of different subjects of the same level then any one among the level passed should be mentioned as reporting interests of the respondents; however, the ongoing level should not be mentioned. In case of formal education, if the person studied in all types of educational institution like school, campus (college) or university and passed some level, then he/she should have the certificate of educational level passed. If the level passed is in school level then level passed should be ranges from 1 to 10 or SLC. For campus or university level, level passed might be certificate level (intermediate), diploma, degree, PhD etc. The respondents should be asked for their highest level passed and should be written after confirming it.

Example: If Pramila Kumari Chaudhary is studying on class nine, then level passed for her should be mentioned class 8. If any person appeared in SLC but the result is not published then the level passed should be written as class 10. For those people who failed the examination of SLC the level passed should also be written as class 10. For those who have old Nepali educational qualification, they should be asked for their level passed and it should be mentioned same as their answer e.g. Nepali 7, Nepali 11, etc. For the person studied Sanskrit, the level passed: prathama (level first), madhyama (intermediate), Sastri (equivalent to diploma) acharya (equivalent to master degree) should be asked and written carefully. For those respondents who have taken training only, mention the level passed only if their level is clear.

Note: If the person can read and write but a formal level is not passed, then "simple" should be written for mentioning the level passed.

2. Major Field for SLC above: If the level passed of the respondent is SLC or above, IA, BA, MA, etc., then the major field should be mentioned after specifying the level passed. For those respondent whose level passed is certificate and above, the major field of study among humanities, commerce, science, education, engineering medical science, etc., should be mentioned clearly.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Personal Information

For person 5 years and above
[Question 13 to 15 asked of persons 5 years and above.]

[15] What is the level of education of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Pass level ____
[] 2 Major subject [above SLC] ____
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 15: what is the highest education level of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Grade/level completed ____
[] 2 If above is a (School Leaving Certificate) (SLC), write the key area/subject ____

(Do not ask this question to persons who cannot read or write, nor who do not go to school/college).

The grade/level of education means the highest level completed by persons who have attended the formal education system. Write the completed level of education. If the person has completed above SLC education, specify the area of expertise or major.

1. The level of education completed - Write the highest level of education that the person has completed. If a person has completed various subjects of same level, write the subjects that the person wants to report. Do not write the level that the person is currently studying. In the formal education system, if a person has completed a certain level of school, college or university, he/she would have taken certificate of completion. If the person has only completed school level, it could be from grade 1 to 10 or SLC. If it was college or university level, it could be intermediate, bachelor, master, or PhD. Ask the person which level he/she has completed, and write the completed level. Nowadays, children starts to go in early age. In this condition, the children who are 5 years old but are studying are attending an early grade or can only read and write. Write "00" to specify the completed level of such children.

Example - If Pramila Kumari Choudhari is currently studying in grade 9, then her completed grade should be written as 8. If someone has taken SLC exam but the result is not out yet, write the completed level as 10. For the person who failed SLC, write 10 as completed level. For people who have completed the old Nepalese school, write the current level completed (e.g. Nepalese 7, Nepalese 11, etc.). For the people who have studied Sanskrit, write the completed level as Prathma, Madhyama, Shastri, or Acharya whichever they have completed. For people who have taken some kind of training, write their completed level only if it is specified.

NB: - If a person has learned through informal education or self-study, but has not completed any formal education level, write "informal" in the place of completed level.

2. Main area/subject (If above SLC) - if a person has completed above SLC level (e.g. IA, BA, MA), write main area/subject studied after specifying completed level. If the certificate or above level completed identifies which is the main area of study (e.g. Humanities, Commerce, Science, Education, Engineering, Medicine, etc.) write it.

Example - Shyamkrishn Dhobi is studying his bachelor in Humanities. He has completed ISc (Science). In this situation, write the completed level as certificate level and area of study as Science. If Ratnamaya Nakarmi is studying her bachelor in Civil Engineering, then her completed level would be certificate level (Engineering).

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_EDLEV — Educational level
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For those 6 years of age or older
[Applies to Section C]

12. Level of schooling

What is the highest grade or year of studies you completed in primary, secondary or post-secondary education?

Write the grade or year following the type of schooling indicated.

[] 00 None
[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 Post-secondary ____
[] 99 Unknown

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Cultural [educational] characteristics
Questions 11, 12, and 13 refer to the studies that the enumerated person has completed or is completing. Because of this, these questions are only presented to those persons age 6 or older.

The purpose of these questions is to investigate the population's level of education in relation to demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_EDATTAIN — Highest schooling completed
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 5-11 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

10. What is the highest school year or grade completed?

[Check the] level / [Fill in the] grade or year

[] 0 None / "00"
[] 1 Literacy / _
[] 2 Preschool / _
[] 3 Primary / _
[] 4 Secondary / _
[] 5 Basic technical / _
[] 6 Middle level technical / _
[] 7 Higher technical / _
[] 8 University / _

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Question 10: Schooling
This question refers only to the grade, year, or level that was passed completely. This is not the grade or year that was left unfinished or the current one. This is the last, highest grade passed.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

16. What is the highest grade or school year that [the person] passed?

[] 0 None; Grade or year _
[] 1 Pre-school; Grade or year _
[] 2 Primary; Grade or year _
[] 3 Secondary; Grade or year _
[] 4 Basic technical; Grade or year _
[] 5 Middle technical; Grade or year _
[] 6 Advanced technical; Grade or year _
[] 7 University; Grade or year _

If choices "0"-"3" selected, continue to question 19

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Level of education:

Basic technical certificate
This is the first cycle or level of technical training; having passed primary school is a prerequisite. Training is held in specialized centers authorized by the National Technological Institute [INATEC]. Examples are carpentry, soldering, mechanics, nursing assistant, etc.

Mid-level technical certificate
This is the second cycle or level of technical training; having passed the first three years of secondary education is a prerequisite. Most degrees take three years to complete. Training is held in specialized centers authorized by the National Technological Institute [INATEC]. Examples are mid-level certificates in commercial accounting or business administration. It includes school teachers.

Advanced technical certificate
This is the highest level within the technical training system accredited by the university. Degrees take three years to complete and having finished secondary education (having a high-school diploma) is a prerequisite for entering the program.

This section consists of four parts. The questions are grouped according to the four age and gender divisions seen in the structure of the form.

For persons age 5 or older (Questions 11-18)

Question 16. What is the highest grade or school year that [the person] passed?

This question refers to the highest complete grade or school year that the person passed, and not a grade or year that the person did not complete, or in which the person is currently enrolled.

Write the highest grade or school year passed in the appropriate grid space.

If the answer is "None", write "0" in the appropriate box.

If you wrote a response in any one of options 0-3, go to question 19.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_EDATTAN — Level of education
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Educational characteristics
(For persons 5 years of age and above)
[Questions 11-14.]

13. Highest grade/level passed in general or specialized or Madrassah education
Write highest grade/level passed in general, specialized, Madrassah education, viz. Matric M.Sc., B.Edl, Allm, Fazil, etc. ____

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Educational characteristics (for persons of five years and above)

School or college attendance means that a person has been going to an educational institution, Government or private, for attaining regular education. A private school or college, registered or not, where education is given under educational system and students are prepared for examination as private candidates for any level of education of educational board or university. The attendance in these schools or college will also be considered similar, provided the persons who are studying in such institutions are full time students. The attendance in any class of such schools and Madarsah will be treated as attendance of the schools where regular classes or levels under educational system are taken.

Attendance at such institutions which provide training before employment (e.g., technical training centre, P. T. (physical training teachers), C.T. (teaching certificate), J.V. (junior vernacular), S.V. (senior vernacular), B.T., B.Ed, etc.) will be treated as attendance in [Pg. 38] special educational institutions provided the duration of the full time course. The people who are attending such intuitions is six months or equivalent to it a part time course, all such persons will be considered as admitted in the institutions.

Different professional education which is not the part of any authentic educational system of the country (e.g., education given during job in-staff, college, or training centers) will not be considered equivalent to attendance in school or college for this survey. Similarly, attending a short time class, evening coaching centre, business examinations, languages and class of hobbies will also not be treated as attendance in school or college. The following institutions where there is no arrangement of education according to classes or levels will not come under the definitions of school or college.

1. Below primary, Kindergarten, Montessori, etc.
2. Adult education
3. Institution of laborers education
4. Schools of physical, mental or social education for disabled

The institutions which give on the job training will also be considered as school or college (e.g., training centre of nurses, railways training centre, training centre of post offices, National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), government sector training institute, staff college, etc. and similar armed or semi armed intuitions).

Apprenticeships will also not be treated as attendance in a school or college. Infect attendance means that some body attending an institution with a purpose that he will attain regular education of a course under a syllabus of educational system. Although there may be some temporary break in attendance due to illness or leave. The school or college attendance has been divided into three types.

1. General
2. Specialized education
3. Madrasah education

[Pg. 39]

1. General Education. General education means primary (first to fifth class), middle (Sixth to eight class), secondary school (ninth and tenth class) and arts course and science degree, including eleventh to fourteenth class. If such students are studying in intermediate or degree colleges they will be considered as studying general education. Those students who have passed B.A. or B.S. courses (i.e., studying in thirteen and fourteen classes) of the universities, they will be considered as attaining general education.

2. Specialized education. The definition of general education given above, education besides arts, commerce ,and science given in universities will be considered as specialized education. Professional arts (technical) and Masters of every type and every level are included in it such as B.Sc. engineering, (pass honors), MBBS, or B.Ed., etc.). Moreover, higher education of arts, commerce and science in B.A. honors and B.Sc. (honor) and Masters of every subject will be treated as specialized education.

Apprenticeship before employment: Technical or professional education will also be treated as specialized education, but on job training (e.g., technical training or some other training obtained during employment) will not included in it. Degree or higher professional education (e.g., education in agricultural, veterinary, engineering, law, etc.) will also be considered specialized education.

3. Education in Madarsah. Madarsah is that place where "Imam," "Molvi," or some other teacher of the Holy Quran, and at some other places in urban or local languages give education. Madarsah is such an institution where regular education according to the Eastern system or religious education is given.

Although Madarsahs and schools are considered as educational institutions in Pakistan, they are not treated equivalent to general education special education as primary or middle or high school. Due to this reason, it is not a part of special education, but this fact cannot be ignored that education of Madarsah is also a step [Pg. 40] towards different grades of education. It requires four years initial class admission 4 to 6 years. Alam 4 or 3 complete 2 years total (16 years in total). Therefore, it is considered a different type. All students who got education in Madarsahs or school they will be kept under education in Madarsah. The people who are not getting education in any institution are of two types.

1. The people who got admission in a school or college some time earlier and studied but now has before the school or college. They will be kept under category "Left the school."

2. The people who have never attended any educational institutions for education they will be included in the category "Not attended any school."

General, specialized or the highest class/level completed through education in Madarsah Col. 13.

Information about every person of five years or above in Col. 13 will be asked. The following questions will be asked in this connection which highest grade level (ask by name of entered household member) in general, specialized or education of madarsah has completed. The people who never attended any educational institution for studies and code No. 5 has been entered in column 12 a dash may be put for such people in this box. The highest grade/class passed will be entered for them in the following way.

The highest grade/level will be entered under general education like primary, middle, metric Inter and B.A. the student who are studying in ninth or tenth class. Middle will be entered for them. The students who are studying in intermediate have passed metric, therefore metric will be entered against their names. Similarly other classes will be entered. However no name of class before completion of primary will be entered such as class II, class III or class IV (the one who has passed class V, primary will be entered for him)

[Pg. 41]

As far as specialized education is concerned, for the education level below M. A the highest grades/level will be entered along with general education provided the level of general education is highest than that is necessary for admission in specialized education (e.g., Metric, PT, Metric, J.V, Inter arts, CT, BA, S.V., Inter Science, Diploma in Engineering, MA LLB, etc.). As regards the level of general education compulsory for specialized education, there is no need for its explanation (e.g., (BA Hon) BSc (Hon) B.E, BSc (Agriculture), MBBS, etc.).

As regards the Madarssah education the completed level/grade will also be entered under it (e.g., initial, entry, Alam, Fazal, Kamal). If these levels are different in different areas than these, they may be entered as equivalent to the above mentioned level/grades. The duration of the level may be kept in view which is necessary for completion of the grade.

Pakistan 1981 — source variable PK1981A_EDATTAN — Highest educational level passed/completed
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[Questions 9-10 for persons 5 years and above.]

9. Can ____ read newspaper etc, and write a simple letter?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Question 10 was asked of persons who can read and write, per question 9.]

10. If yes in column 9, what is his/her highest educational level passed/completed?

[] 0 Primary
[] 1 Middle
[] 2 Matric
[] 3 Intermediate
[] 4 Certificate diploma/undergraduate
[] 5 B.A./B.Sc.
[] 6 M.A./M.Sc. and above
[] 7 BSc. and above (engineering)
[] 8 MBBS/BDS and above
[] 9 LLB and above
[] 10 Others

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2.4.12. Education status

This column will be filled about only those persons for whom code "1" or "2" has been written in 2.4.11 (for those persons who are/were students)

2.4.12. Level of education

The highest level of education which has been completed by this person will be written in this column. If any person could not pass examination of any level or did not appear in the examination or could not complete it but have studied in this level, such persons will be treated as possessing this level of education and his education level will be considered as lower level of education then this; i.e., that level which he has completed or relevance code of completed level of education be written. Detail of levels is as below:

[] 00 Primary
[] 01 Middle
[] 02 Matric
[] 03 Intermediate
[] 04 Certificate/diploma (less then degree)
[] 05 BA/BSc
[] 06 MA/MSc or higher level
[] 07 BSc engineering or higher level
[] 08 MBBS/BDS or higher level
[] 09 LLB or higher level
[] 10 Other level of education

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_EDLEV — Level of education
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For five years and above
[Questions 10-11.]

11. Level of education completed/passed

[] 0 Never attended
[] 1 Under primary
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Middle
[] 4 Matric
[] 5 Intermediate
[] 6 B.A./B.Sc. or equal
[] 7 M.A./M.Sc. equal or above
[] 8 Diploma/certificate
[] 9 Others

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Column No.15: Education in educational institutions
Ask persons of age five years or more whether he/she ever studied in any school/college/university/madarsa/maktaba. Fill the oval relevant to answer.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For persons 10 years and over
[Questions 50 and 51 were asked of people aged 10 years or older.]

50. Level of education and specialization (write illiterate, literate, highest scientific certificate with specialization) ____

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 69-72: Persons age 10 or older]

Educational level and specialization

69. Education level

[] 1 Illiterate
[] 2 Can read and write
[] 3 Elementary
[] 4 Preparatory
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Intermediate diploma
[] 7 Bachelor
[] 8 Higher diploma
[] 9 Master
[] 10 Ph.D.

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Part two (cont.): Household members data

For persons (10 years and over)
[Question 70 to 73 are asked of persons who were older than 10 years old]

Educational attainment and specialization
[Question 70 to 71]

70. Educational attainment

[] 1. Illiterate
[] 2. Can read and write
[] 3. Elementary
[] 4. Preparatory
[] 5. Secondary
[] 6. Intermediate diploma
[] 7. Bachelor
[] 8. Higher diploma
[] 9. Master
[] 10. PhD
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Educational attainment:
It refers to the highest successfully completed educational attainment level. The educational level for persons aged 10 years and over.

It applies to persons unable to read or write in any language and who were never awarded a certificate from any formal education system.

Can read and write:
It applies to persons who are able to read and write without completing any of the educational stages. Such persons are generally able to read and write simple sentences.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_EDATTAN — Educational level attained
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Only for persons 7 years of age and older
[Questions 11-13 were asked only of persons aged 7 and older.]

11. What is the highest grade or year of schooling completed?

Write the number [of the grade or year] in the line corresponding to the class of schooling. If no grade was completed mark the box 04.

[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
[] 4 No grade

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(Only for persons 7 years old or more)

Question 11 What is the highest grade or year of schooling completed?

Write down the grade as a number in the line that corresponds to the level of schooling. For example, if the person says [p. 39] that fifth grade in primary school was passed, the annotation will be in the following form: Primary 1 ___5. If the third year of secondary school was passed, it will be written down: Secondary 2 ___3.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 11 of the census form.]

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year completely passed is being sought and consequently half years and grades that have not been finished or completely passed will not be written down.
If the person has received instruction abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down with the closest approximation the equivalent grade in the regular system of education of this country. For example: The 8th grade in schools in the Panama Canal Zone is equal to the 2nd year of secondary education in Panama.
If the person did not pass any grade or year, mark X in box 4.
Keep in mind that the grade or year refers only to that which was passed within the three levels of regular education (primary, secondary and university) that is given in public or private schools (See Annex 2 which refers to the schools of regular secondary education).
Therefore, special studies or vocations that do not require passing from a first cycle such as sewing schools, business schools, cooking schools, confectionary schools, secretary schools, telegraph schools and other such schools including correspondence schools will not be considered courses of regular education. If the person claims to have taken one of these classes of special studies, insist on obtaining the information that refers to the last grade or school year passed in schools of regular education.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_EDATTAN — Highest grade attained
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B. Educational Characteristics

[Questions 9 to 12 are asked for those who 6 years old or older]

9. What is the highest grade or school year you have completed?

Write the number on the corresponding line according to the type of schooling. If no grade was completed, mark the box 04.

[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
[] 4 None

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

B. Educational Characteristics

(Questions 9 to 12)
(Only for persons 6 years old or older)

Question 9 What is the highest grade or school year you have completed?

Before making the corresponding annotations, follow these instructions:

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has received education abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of this country with the closest possible approximation. For example: the 8th grade of the schools of the Canal Zone of Panama is equivalent to the 2nd grade of secondary schooling in Panama.
Keep in mind that the grade or year that is wanted refers only to what was passed within the three levels of regular education (primary, secondary, university) that is taught in public or private schools. (See annex 1 that refers to the schools of regular secondary education.)

[p. 35]

Therefore, courses of regular education, special or vocational studies that do not require the passing from a first cycle, such as some sewing schools, business schools, cooking schools, confectionary schools, secretary schools, telegraph schools, and other similar schools as well as correspondence schools will not be considered. Example [all refer to specific, well-known schools in Panama]:

The Applied School of Commerce
Accounting and Commerce Technical
The Muñoz School of Diesel Motors
The Thomas Alva Edison Institute

If the person claims to have taken one of these classes of special studies, insist on obtaining the information that refers to the last grade or school year passed in schools of regular education.
Below, examples of how to fill out the corresponding boxes are described:
Write down the grade in the line corresponding to the class of regular education. Examples:
Case 1: The person claims to have passed the sixth grade of primary school.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of case 1 of question 9 of the census form.]

Case 2: The person claims to have passed the second year of secondary school.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of case 2 of question 9 of the census form.]

If the person says that he/she is attending the first grade of primary school, mark box 4, this box is for persons who have never attended school.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_EDLEV — Highest grade attained
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10. What is the highest grade or school year of regular education you completed?
Write the number in the corresponding box, or mark in the box "No grade."
[The first three options have two boxes with the first digit (1, 2 or 3) already filled in and a second blank box to be filled in indicating the grade.

[1] Primary ____
[2] Secondary ____
[3] University ____
[] 04 No grade

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Only for persons 4 years old and older

Question 10 What is the highest grade or school year of regular education you completed?

[Below the text is a picture of a schoolgirl]

[The instructions refer a graph in question 10 on the census form.]

Before making the corresponding annotations, follow these instructions:
Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has received education abroad, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of this country with the closest possible approximation. For example: the 9th grade in schools abroad is equivalent to the 3rd year of secondary school in Panama.
Keep in mind that the grade or year that is wanted refers only to what was passed within the three levels of [p. 75] regular education (primary, secondary, university) that is taught in public or private schools. (See annex 1 that refers to the schools of regular secondary education).
Therefore, courses of regular education, special or vocational studies that do not require the passing from a first cycle, such as some sewing schools, business schools, cooking schools, confectionary schools, secretary schools, telegraph schools, and other similar schools will not be considered. Example [all refer to specific, well-known schools in Panama]:

The Applied School of Commerce
Accounting and Commerce Technical
The Muñoz School of Diesel Motors
The Thomas Alva Edison Institute

If the person claims to have taken one of these classes of special studies, insist on obtaining the information that refers to the last grade or school year passed in schools of regular education.
Studies or correspondence courses will not be considered regular education.
Below, examples of how to fill out the corresponding boxes are described:
Write down the grade in the box corresponding to the class of regular education. Examples:
a) The person claims to have passed the forth grade of primary school, the annotation will be made like: Primary (1) (4)
b) For the case of persons who declare to have passed any grade in the basic cycle, the annotation should be done on the level of primary. Example: If the person passed the eighth grade, it will be written down as: Primary (1) (8)

[p. 76]

c) The person claims to have passed the third year of university, annotation would be: University (3) (3)

If the person claims to be attending the first grade of primary school, or attends a kindergarten or children's center, mark the box "No grade" (X) 04. Also include in this box persons who have never attended school.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_EDATTAN — Level of education attained
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V. Residence 5 years ago and educational characteristics
For individuals 5 years of age and older
[Questions 10 to 12a were asked of people 5 years and older.]

12. What is the highest grade or school year you have completed?

[] 00 No grade
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary
[] 3 University
[] 4 Post-graduate
[] 5 Vocational

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Section V. Residence 5 years ago and educational characteristics

(Questions 10 to 12)
(For persons 5 years old or older)

Question Number 12: What is the highest grade or school year you completed?
Write down in the corresponding space the level of education, [or] the number of years that the person passed.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out form.]

[p. 59]

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has received education abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of the country with the closest possible approximation. for example: the 8th grade of the schools of the canal zone of panama is equivalent to the 2nd grade of secondary schooling in panama.
Consider as a vocational school those that are not incorporated in the system of regular education and that teach hairstyling, mechanics, electricity, commerce arbitrator (perito), etc. Do not include in this category schools and official schools known as vocational but that are incorporated into the system of regular education, such as is the case of the School of Arts and Crafts and the professional and technical institutes that are found in different parts of the national territory.
If a person studies in a school of regular education and also in a vocational school, write down the grade in the level that the person considers most important.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_EDLEV1 — Level of schooling
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For individuals 4 years of age and older.

[Questions 10 -11 were asked of persons aged 4 and older.]

11. What was the highest grade or school year you passed?

[] 01 No grade
[] 02 Preschool
[] 03 Special education
1 _ Primary
[For any response above,] (Go on to question 12)

2 _ Vocational
3 _ Secondary
4 _ Superior non-university
5 _ Superior University
6 _ Post-graduate
7 _ Master's degree
8 _ Doctorate
[For any response above,] (Skip to question 13)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For persons 4 years old or older

Question No. 11: What was the highest grade or school year you passed?

The objective of this question is to know the maximum grade of education achieved by persons in order to distinguish between those who finished or not, every one of the educative levels, besides, it permits us to detect if there have been, with time, changes in the educational structure.
Remember that this question is applied to persons 4 years old or older.
Mark the circle or write down in the corresponding space agreeing with the level of education, the number of years the person passed.
Keep in mind the following definitions:

a) No Grade: is when a person did not go to school or did not finish first grade of primary school.

b) Pre-school: is understood to be care centers or learning centers for children generally under 6 years, here is included both centers of adaptation like nurseries, day care, children's centers, pre-kindergarten, and Centers for Infant Orientation where they take care of infants, as well as centers of education like Kindergartens and Day-Care.

c) Special Education: is the actions meant for providing educational opportunities to those whose physical, mental, emotional, social or pedagogical conditions require particular attention with the goal of developing the maximum of their capacities. Example: Panamanian Institute of Special Needs (IPHE).

d) Primary: This type of education is free and obligatory for all minors understood to be between six (6) to fifteen (15) years of completed age. Nevertheless, it is possible to find students with ages between five (5) and eighteen (18), attending primary school.

e) Vocational: Its purpose is to prepare directly the students for a craft of profession, consisting of a basic cycle of vocational orientation of two (2) years of duration, has as a requisite the possession of a certificate of finishing primary studies.

f) Secondary: This educational level has as a prerequisite the passing of the primary level of education, and is at the same time required for superior education. Middle education is integrated by two cycles:

[p. 80]

First Cycle: usually consists of three (3) years. It requires a certificate of finishing primary studies.

Second Cycle: generally is represented by a Bachelor in sciences, letters or business. Its pre-requisite is possessing a certificate of first cycle. Normal education which also prepares for teacher training also requires the same pre-requisite.

g) Superior Non-University: is the education that superior institutes of diverse specialties offer, these institutes have their own programs, curriculum and because of their characteristics are not considered university courses, such as Tourism, Institute of Computer Science, etc. its requirement is to have a bachelor or secondary degree, and its duration is two (2) years.

h) Superior University: is the education that is imparted at the [The following is a list of specific universities in Panama.] University of Panama, "Technología" of Panama, Santa María La Antigua, del Istmo, Latina de Costa Rica, Interamericana, ULACIT and others.

i) Graduate: is studies that are done corresponding to the superior university level after the academic level.

j) Masters: refers to the superior academic level, after having obtained a degree.

k) Doctorate: refers to the highest academic level that a person can aspire to, having finished the degree is required.

These last three stages of study can be of one, two or three years, either in the country or abroad.

[p. 81]

Examples: Declared Information

[Below the text is a chart with a column for case number, declared information, which category that pertains to and how it should be marked on the questionnaire.]

Case 1
A person declares to have passed 4th grade of primary school.

Case 2
A person states to have not attended school or did not finish first grade of primary school and at the moment of the interview is taking first grade.
No Grade

Case 3
A person declares to have graduated from Systems Engineering of the Technologic University (5 years).
University Superior

Case 4
A person declares that their child attends classes in the IPHE.
Special Education

Case 5
A person declares to have just completed a Graduate School in Finance (1 year).

Case 6
A mother states that her child of 4 years attends the Center of Infant Orientation.

Case 7
A person obtained a degree in dressmaking in a Vocational school.

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
In those schools or secondary schools in which premedia [equivalent to middle school] has been implemented, if a person claims to study the 7th, 8th or 9th grade, remember that it refers to the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of formal secondary education.
If a person has received education abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of the country with the closest possible approximation. For example: the 8th grade of the schools of the Canal Zone of Panama is equivalent to the 2nd grade of secondary schooling in Panama.

[p. 82]

Consider as a vocational school those that are not incorporated in the system of regular education and that teach dressmaking, mechanics, electricity, commerce arbitrator, etc. Do not include in this category schools and official schools known as vocational but that are incorporated into the system of regular education, such as is the case of the School of Arts and Crafts and the professional and technical institutes that are found in different parts of the national territory.
Note: If a person has studied in a school of regular education and also, in a vocational school, consider as level passed as the one of regular education, always and when this one is the highest; in the case of them being the same in both schools, write down the one of the regular school

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_EDATTAN — Highest level of education passed
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[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to individuals 4 years old and older]

14. What is the highest level and grade or school year that you have completed?

[] 01 No grade
[] 02 Preschool
[] 03 Special education
1 _ Elementary
For any response above, continue with question 15
2 _ Vocational
3 _ Secondary
4 _ Higher, non-university
5 _ Higher, university
6 _ Specialization (graduate)
7 _ Master's
8 _ Doctorate
Continue with question 16.

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[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to individuals 4 years old and older]

Question No. 14: What is the highest level and grade or school year you have completed?
[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to persons 4 years old and over]
The objective of this question is to know the maximum grade of education achieved by persons in order to distinguish between those who finished or not, every one of the educative levels, besides, it allows us to detect if there have been, over time, changes in the educational structure.
Remember that this question applies to those 4 years old and older.
Mark the circle or write down in the corresponding, according to the level of education, the number of years a person approved.
Consider the following definitions:
Level of education: It is defined as the degree or highest degree level approved in the regular education system as it is imparted in schools or public or private universities in the country, i.e. primary, premedia [equivalent to middle school], secondary, vocational and university .
The latter may be at a technical, undergraduate, graduate, masters or doctorate level. If the person has received education abroad, please report a nearly as possible equivalent degree in the regular education system of the country. Distance courses are not considered regular education.

a) No grade: is when a person did not go to school, or did not complete the first grade of primary school.
b) Pre-school: Includes care centers or learning centers for children, usually under age 6. This includes both adaptation centers, such as nurseries, day-cares, children's centers, pre-kindergarten, and centers for infant orientation where they take care for infants, and education centers such as kindergartens or day-cares.
c) Special Education: Comprises the actions meant for providing educational opportunities to those whose physical, mental, emotional, social or educational, conditions require special attention in order to develop their full potential. Example: Panamanian Special Institute (IPHE).
d) Primary: This type of education is free and compulsory for all children within the ages of six (6) to fifteen (15) years old. However, you may find students aged between five (5) and eighteen (18) years attending primary school.

[p. 158]
e) Vocational: Its purpose is to prepare students directly for a trade or profession; it consists of a basic cycle of vocational training of two to three years in length and has as a requisite the possession of a certificate of completion of primary studies in progress.
f) Middle or Secondary Education: This level of education has as a prerequisite the completion of the primary level of education, and it is, in turn, required for higher education. Secondary education consists of two cycles:

First Cycle or premedia [equivalent to middle school]: usually consists of three (3) years. It requires a certificate of completion of primary education in progress or the completion of primary education.
Second cycle or Middle: It is usually represented by a degree in sciences, arts and commerce. Its prerequisite is having a certificate of completion of the first cycle of secondary education or a certificate of completion of premedia studies. Normal education that prepares for the teaching practice also requires the same pre-requisite.

g) Higher, non-university: is the education that superior institutes of diverse specialties offer; these institutes have their own programs, curriculum, and because of their characteristics they are not considered university degrees, such as tourism, Institute of Computer Science, etc. Its requirement is to have a bachelor or secondary education degree, and its duration is two years.
h) Higher, university: is the education taught at universities such as: University of Panama, Universidad Tecnologica of Panama, Santa María La Antigua, Universidad del Istmo, Universidad Latina, Interamericana, ULACIT and others.
For private universities, list the years actually approved, not quarters or semesters.
i) Specialization or graduate: Studies carried out after obtaining an undergraduate degree; diplomados [equivalent to a diploma or certificate] are excluded. Duration: 1 year.
j) Master's: Refers to a higher academic degree, after having obtained an undergraduate degree. Maximum duration: 2 years.
k) Doctorate: refers to the highest academic level that a person can aspire to; having completed an undergraduate degree is required. Duration: 3-4 years.

These stages of study can be performed, either in the country or abroad.
As you can observe, there is a code on each answer choice so you only have to put the last digit according to the respondent's answer.
[p. 159]

[Above the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest degree or year entirely approved is requested and consequently neither half a degree nor degrees that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has been educated abroad or in schools operating in the Panama Canal Area, write down as nearly as possible the equivalent grade in the regular education system of the country. Example: The 8th grade in those schools is equivalent to the 2nd year of secondary school in Panama.
Consider as a vocational school those that are not incorporated in the regular school system and that teach dressmaking, mechanics, electricity, commerce arbitrator, among others. Do not include in this category public schools such as the School of Arts and Crafts (Melchor Lasso de la Vega) and professional and technical institutes located in different parts of the national territory.
In those schools or colleges where premedia [equivalent to middle school] has been implemented, if a person indicates that she is in 7th, 8th or 9th grade, remember that she refers to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of formal secondary education.
[p. 160]
Note: If a person has studied in a school of regular education and also, in a vocational school, consider as level passed the one in a school of regular education, as long as this one is the highest one or [at least] the same.
Maximum values for grade levels.
The maximum parameters are listed for each level as follows:
Primary [1] [6]
Vocational [2] [3]
Secondary [3] [6]
High - Not University [4] [2]
High - University [5] [6]
Specialization (Graduate) [6] [1]
Master's degree [7] [2]
Doctorate [8] [4]

[p. 161]
Example No. 1: The respondent declares she has just completed a Masters in Advertising (2 years), after finishing an undergraduate degree (four years).
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Example No. 2: The person got an undergraduate degree in Electro-mechanics at a vocational school (3 years).

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 4-14 were asked of all persons who stayed in the residence last night.]

11. What is the highest grade you finished at school?

Write number of grades finished or 'NIL'____
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Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Question 11

What is the highest grade you finished at school?

Grades one to six are primary school level grades seven to twelve are high school level.
Write down the last grade fully completed e.g. If someone is in grade five now, this means he has fully completed grade four. So write G4.
Primary schools were standards 1 to 6.
Secondary schools were forms 1 to 4.
If you get an answer form 2 then write F2.
If you get an answer Standard 6 then write S6.
Include any correspondence study. If a person has passed grade 10 fully by correspondence then write grade 10.


University preliminary year is equivalent to grade 12.
Ask this question for any person in the family.
If a person is now doing tertiary education, you must still ask this question as you cannot take it for granted that he has necessarily completed grade twelve.
For people with overseas schooling write down the highest level they finished at a school overseas.
Be careful not to embarrass old people.
Bible schools and Tok Ples schools are a problem. In most cases these do not have an official grade and thus if someone only went to one of these write 'NIL'. We are looking for recognized schooling for the purposes of getting a job.
Vocational schools do not count as a grade unless they actually obtain a certificate saying that they have passed grade 8 or grade 10. Some vocational schools do the correspondence course.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education attained
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

For all persons
[Questions 12-15 were asked of all persons.]

13. Highest formal educational level completed

Enter the highest grade of educational level completed. Enter "00" for no education in the boxes

Education _ _

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Continue only for persons aged 5 years or more
[Questions 11-12 were asked of persons age 5+.]

12. What is the highest formal education grade [the respondent] completed?

_ _
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Questions on Education
The next four questions are on education and literacy. Information on education and literacy is important because it tells us how many people have attended school and helps us plan for the education needs of the community in the future.

Question 12: Educational Attainment
This question is about the level of education people have completed.

Q12. What is the highest formal educational grade completed?
____ _ _

Who to ask: As the head of the household or the person responding.

Get this information for:
All persons 5 years and older. That is, all persons born before 9 July 1995. If date of birth is not recorded, use age given in years.
Person who were given code 1 and 2 in Q11.

How to ask: "What is the highest grade/level of education that the person has completed?"

How to record: Write the highest grade completed in the two boxes, Formal education grades are Grade 01 to Grade 2. For example, for Grade 5 write "05".

-Write "00" for no schooling, or no grades completed.
-Record only the grades completed. If they are still at school, do not include the grade the person is in now. For example: Ila is in Grade 9 this year. He completed Grade 8 last year, so write "08" in the code boxes.
-In most cases you will not need to write anything in the space provided before the boxes.
-If the person was educated overseas, write the highest level achieved in the blank space provided (e.g., high school).
-Then write the number of years of schooling in the two boxes.
-Write "00" for persons who have never attended school and those who are in their first year of formal school, attending pre-schools, elementary or Tok Ples schools.
-Only write the highest grade completed in the formal school system. Do not include education after leaving high school. For example, if a person completed Grade 10 before completing a computer correspondence course, write 10 in the box.

Note: Record the grade completed and not the grade he/she doing now.

Paraguay 1962 — source variable PY1962A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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Educational characteristics

For persons 7 years of age and older

13. Educational level:

Note by number the last year completed by the person, on the dotted line corresponding to the level of instruction received (primary, basic, etc.) For those without any schooling, write 0 (zero).

____ [] 0 No schooling
____ [] 1 Primary
____ [] 2 Basic
____ [] 3 High school
____ [] 4 Teacher training
____ [] 5 Commercial
____ [] 6 University
____ [] 7 Other

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Educational characteristics

Item XIII: Education level

164 - Annotate (with a number) the last year of studies attained by the person on the dotted line corresponding to the type of instruction that they have received in a regular education establishment.

165 - On the Census form there have been six levels of instruction specifically considered, plus an additional level under the heading: "other;" whose particular cases should be appropriately studied in the process of revision of information, after the enumeration.

166 - The aforementioned levels of information are the following: Primary education, which is imparted in Primary Schools, daytime or nighttime and Agricultural Schools; Basic, in the national schools and lyceums; in the Secondary/High schools, Military School, metropolitan and regional Seminaries, and Military Lyceum; Teacher Training, in the National schools for Teachers and Regional schools; Commercial, in the Schools of Commerce; University, in the Schools of Law, Medicine, Economic Sciences, Philosophy and Letters, Architecture, Physical Sciences and Math, Chemistry and Pharmacology, Dentistry, Veterinary, and Agronomics.

167 - Education that does not exactly correspond to any of the previous levels is considered under the heading "other," particularly studies in bachelors/high school graduates or University.

168 - Among these, for example, is the education dictated in the Professional Training Schools for women: dieticians, midwives, nurses, social services, fine arts, and music. For males, vocational schools, or technical schools.

[pg. 23]

169 - The numbers 0 (zero) through 6 are printed immediately after the specific name of each level of instruction, corresponding to the code by which each level is differentiated. The number corresponding to the years of study attained, within the respective level of instruction, should be annotated on the dotted line immediately after this code. Thus, for example, for a person who attained the fourth year if Primary, the annotation on the form would read: Primary 1 x 4; if they attained the Third year of Basic, it would read: Basic 2 x 3; if they attained the Second year of Teacher Training, it would read: Teacher Training 4 x 2, and so on, depending on the case.

170 - For the registration of the information under the heading "other," one should proceed in the same way as for the cases indicated in paragraphs 167 and 168. For example, for a Nurse who attained the first year of study, under the heading "other" write: Nurse 1. And so on depending on the case.

171 - For a person who never attained a single year of school annotate a 0 (zero) after the code corresponding to the heading "No education," so that the annotation reads: No education 0 x 0.

172 - If the person remembers the level of education attained but not the last year attained, annotate an "X" on the dotted line corresponding to the last level of instruction. For example: Primary 1 x

173 - If the person does not remember the level of instruction or the year of study attained, but, being literate, is sure that they attained some year of regular study, annotate a double (XX) on the line corresponding to the heading "Other." For example: Other XX.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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B. Educational characteristics

Only for those persons 7 years of age and older
[Questions 11 to 14 were asked of persons age 7 and older]

11. What is your highest grade or course completed in an institution of regular schooling?

Write the grade or course on the appropriate line. Also indicate the degrees obtained (regular and other schooling).

[] 00 None
[] 99 Unknown
[] 1 ____ Primary
[] 2 ____ Basic
[] 3 ____ Humanities secondary
[] 4 ____ High school
[] 5 ____ Teacher-training
[] 6 ____ University

____ Degrees obtained (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
IV. Information about the Population

B. Educational characteristics
These questions are asked only of persons seven years old and older.

11. Level of instruction
We understand as regular education, that given in schools, private schools, and universities (public or private) and that given by other institutions that extend equivalent degrees, even if they are of different nature (military schools and institutions, seminaries, technical or vocational schools, agricultural schools, etc.).

Not considered as institutions for regular education: the academies for clothing design and production, short-hand, hair dressing, dancing, etc.

If the enumerated person does not have any passed grade, mark the box, "none".
If he/she studied only in the elementary school, note in the line "elementary", and next to the printed 1, write the last grade passed, in numbers.

The same procedure should be followed for the levels of study. For persons who have done "literacy courses for adults", you should use the following equivalencies:

Adult literacy / Regular elementary education
1st cycle passed / 3rd grade passed
2nd cycle passed / 5th grade passed
3rd cycle passed / 6th grade passed

The secondary education is shown divided according to specialties.
On the line "degrees obtained" you should note all of those obtain by the enumerated person, from regular education institutions or not.

11. What is the last grade or course that you passed in regular educational institutions?

[] 00 None
[] 99 Not known
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic [or middle school]
[] 3 Humanistic Secondary
[] 4 Commercial Secondary
[] 5 Teacher's training
[] 6 University
Degrees obtained (specify) ____

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_EDLEV — Educational level
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
II. Educational characteristics

For those 7 years of age and older

13. What is the highest grade or course of regular schooling you completed?

Write the grade or course on the appropriate line. Also indicate the degrees obtained (regular schooling).

[] 00 None
[] 99 Unknown
[] 1 ____ Primary
[] 2 ____ Basic
[] 3 ____ Humanities secondary
[] 4 ____ High school
[] 5 ____ Normal
[] 6 ____ Teacher-training
[] 7 ____ University

____ Degrees obtained (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. For persons age 7 and older. Educational characteristics

Question 13. What is the last grade or course attained in regular instruction?

Read each of the options. Write down the grade or course in the corresponding life. Make an X in the box corresponding to none if the person did not attain any grade. Make an X in the box corresponding to unknown if the person giving the information does not know the level of instruction of the person.

[A depiction of Question 13 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Regular instruction means the instruction imparted in schools, high schools [colegios], and Universities (public or private), and the instruction imparted by other institutions that offer equivalent titles, even if they are of a distinct nature: military academies, religious schools [Salesianos], technical and vocational schools, agricultural school, etc.

[P. 46]

For those persons who have completed adult literacy courses, use the following equivalencies:

Adult literacy :

1st course attained
2nd course attained
3rd course attained

Regular instruction:
3rd grade attained
5th grade attained
6th grade attained

Titles obtained: On this line, write the titles obtained by the person in the institutions of regular teaching.

Example: Bachelor of commerce, bachelor of humanities, lawyer, civil engineer, etc.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_GRADE — Last grade completed
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II. Educational characteristics

For those 7 years of age and older

13. What is the highest grade or course of regular schooling you completed?

Write the grade or course on the appropriate line. Also indicate the degrees obtained (regular schooling).

[] 00 None
[] 99 Unknown
[] 1 ____ Primary
[] 2 ____ Basic
[] 3 ____ Humanities secondary
[] 4 ____ High school
[] 5 ____ Normal
[] 6 ____ Teacher-training
[] 7 ____ University

____ Degrees obtained (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. For persons age 7 and older. Educational characteristics

Question 13. What is the last grade or course attained in regular instruction?

Read each of the options. Write down the grade or course in the corresponding life. Make an X in the box corresponding to none if the person did not attain any grade. Make an X in the box corresponding to unknown if the person giving the information does not know the level of instruction of the person.

[A depiction of Question 13 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Regular instruction means the instruction imparted in schools, high schools [colegios], and Universities (public or private), and the instruction imparted by other institutions that offer equivalent titles, even if they are of a distinct nature: military academies, religious schools [Salesianos], technical and vocational schools, agricultural school, etc.

[P. 46]

For those persons who have completed adult literacy courses, use the following equivalencies:

Adult literacy :

1st course attained
2nd course attained
3rd course attained

Regular instruction:
3rd grade attained
5th grade attained
6th grade attained

Titles obtained: On this line, write the titles obtained by the person in the institutions of regular teaching.

Example: Bachelor of commerce, bachelor of humanities, lawyer, civil engineer, etc.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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Section IV. Population information

For persons 5 years of age and older

10. What is the last grade or course of study completed?

Mark the last grade or course completed in the highest corresponding level.
Secondary level: Includes basic, high school, social sciences, commercial, technical, normal and business school.
Superior level: teacher-training, military, and police training.

[] 0 None

[] 0

[] 1 Pre-school

[] 1

[] 2 Primary

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

[] 3 Secondary

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7

[] 4 Superior

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4

[] 5 University

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 10: What is the last grade or course that you passed?

This refers only to the last grade or course that was passed and not the one that he/she is currently enrolled in.

If the grade passed is pre-school, note pre-elementary. If he/she is in the first grade and did not attend pre-elementary, (pre-school) mark "none".

10. What is the last grade or course passed?

(Mark the last grade or course passed in the corresponding level).
Secondary level: includes Basic education, secondary in Humanistic, Commercial, Technical, teacher's training, and Commerce education.
Higher: Teacher's Preparation, Military and Police Training.

None [0] [] 0
Pre-school [1] [] 1
Elementary [2] [] [] [] [] [] []
Secondary [3] [] [] [] [] [x] [] []
Higher [4] [] [] [] []
University [5] [] [] [] [] [] []

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_EDLEV — Highest grade or level attained
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F.

For those 5 years of age and older

12. What is the highest level and grade (cycle) or course you have completed?

0 Special education
[] 0
1 Adult basic education
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
0 None
[] 0
3 Preschool
[] 0

4 Primary or basic schooling
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
5 Secondary
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

For all of the above answers, skip to question 16 [from special education to grade 5 of secondary]

[] 6
[] 7

For these two answers [grade 6 or 7], go on to question 13
6 Superior, non-university
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
7 University
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
For answers in categories 6 and 7 [superior non-university or university], skip to question 14
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F. Information about the population
For persons 5 years of age and older

Question 12: What is the highest level and grade, cycle or course that you passed?

This refers to the last grade, cycle or course passed, and not the one that is currently being taken.

Special education: This is the formation given to special persons with some type of physical and/or mental alternation that impedes that said person form part of students in regular [formal] education.

Upper non-university: includes primarily the institutions for teacher's training, police and military training.

Excludes: private academies and institutions that do not belong to the formal system. For example: courses for foreign languages, musical instruments, teacher's continuing education, hairdressing courses, brief courses in computers, electricity, auto mechanics, etc.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_EDATTAN — Educational level completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For those 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

11. What is the last year, grade of study, or level completed?

Circle the appropriate number:

[] 0 No level
[] 1 Initial or preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Basic regular
[] 5 Basic vocational (craftsmanship)

[Bracket around responses 2-5:] ____ Write the year or grade completed

Higher non-university:

[] 6 Incomplete
[] 7 Complete

Higher university:

[] 8 Incomplete
[] 9 Complete

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For people 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

Question No. 11: What is the last year, grade of study or level that you completed?
This question is only for those who answered with option 1 or 2 in question 10.
Read the question. Wait for the informant's response. Then, circle the corresponding number.
[There is a picture of question 11 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
If the informant reports having passed Primary, Secondary, Regular Basic, or Trade School Basic, in addition to circling the number that corresponds to that level, you should record the year or grade passed in the box at the right.
If the informant reports Superior (Non-University) or Superior (University, complete, or incomplete), circle the corresponding number.
Remember that:

Initial or preschool: includes day care (nido) and Kindergarten.
Primary: According to the current Educational System, it includes from 1st to 6th grade, whether for minors or adults.
Secondary: According to the current Educational System, it includes from 1st to 5th grade, whether for minors or adults.
Regular basic (daytime): Includes from 1st to 9th grade of Regular Basic Education.
Basic vocational (nighttime): Includes from 1st to 9th grade of Trade School Basic education.
Higher (Non-University): This includes Normal Schools, Professional Education Superior Schools, Superior Technology Institutes, Armed Forces and National Police Non-Commissioned Officer Schools, and Business Administration Superior Schools.

[p. 44]
Superior (Non-University) will be considered completed when the person has finished the last cycle, grade, or year of the program that they studied. Otherwise, it will be considered incomplete.
Higher (University): This includes universities, Armed Forces and National Police Officer schools, religious seminaries, the Superior Institute of Art of Peru, the National Pedagogical Institute, and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru.
Superior (University) will be considered completed when the person has finished the last cycle, grade, or year of the program that they studied. Otherwise, it will be considered incomplete.

Remember that, beginning with the next question, information is only requested for people 6 years of age and older.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_EDATTAIN — Education level completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged three or older
[Applies to questions 9-12]

11. What was the last level and grade or year you successfully completed in school? (Circle only one number. For primary write the grade or year and for secondary [high school] write only the year)

[] 1 No level
[] 2 Initial Education
[] 3 Primary

Grade _
Year _

[] 4 Secondary [High school]

Year _

[] 5 Non-university higher education -- incomplete
[] 6 Non-university higher education -- complete
[] 7 University higher education -- incomplete
[] 8 University higher education -- complete

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged three and older
[Applies to questions 9-12]

Question 11: What was the last level and grade or year you successfully completed in school?

  • If the respondent only passed the last pre-primary grade [transición], circle option 3, "Primary", and write 0 (zero) in the grid space.
  • If the respondent states primary, ask which year or grade he/she passed and write it in the appropriate grid space. The individual "Grade" and "Year" spaces may not contain both pieces of information.
  • If the respondent states secondary, ask which year he/she passed and write it in the appropriate grid space.
  • If the respondent states non-university higher education, find out whether the degree was completed or not and circle the appropriate option.
  • If the person studied in a non-traditional setting [Educación No Escolarizada, when students do not attend classes in a physical school on a daily basis], write the year passed and the appropriate level.

[p. 50]
No Level. This is when the person never attended a school. Include children who were in pre-primary classes [Educación Inicial] on the day of the census.
Pre-primary. This includes those who finished the following classes: early childhood center [estudios de nido], day-care [Cuna guarderia], kindergarten, national pre-primary non-traditional program [Programa Nacional no Escolarizado de Educacion Inicial] (Pronoei) and day care for children less than 4 years old [Wawa wasi].
Primary. According to the current educational system, this includes grades one through six. In the previous educational system it included the final pre-primary grade [transicion] and grades one through five for both children and adults.
Secondary. According to the current educational system, this includes years one through five for both children and adults.
Non-University Higher Education. This includes teacher training schools [escuelas normales]; professional training schools [escuelas superiores de educacion profesional]; non-commissioned officer training in the armed forces; business schools; technical colleges; and teaching colleges [institutos superiores pedagogicos]. In all of these schools the length of study is generally at least three years.
University Higher Education. This includes universities; officer training schools for the police and the armed forces; seminary schools; the Peru College of Art; the National Teaching College; nursing college; journalism school; and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. In all of these schools the length of study is at least four years.
  • Ana only passed the last year before primary school [transición]. Circle option 3, "Primary," and write 0 in the box which corresponds to year. Leave the space for "Grade" blank.
  • Lupita passed sixth grade. Circle option 3, "Primary," and write 6 in the space which corresponds to grade. Leave the space which corresponds to year blank.
  • Levi studies psychology at the university and has passed his fourth year. Circle option 7, "University Higher Education -- Incomplete."
  • Ricky is studying accounting in a college [instituto superior], not a university. He passed his fourth-semester of classes. Circle option 5, "Non-University Higher Education -- Incomplete."

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_EDATTAIN — Level of education completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section V. Characteristics of the population

13. What is the last level and grade or year of study you passed?

(Fill in one oval only. For elementary school, indicate grade or year)

[] 1 No level
[] 2 Initial
[] 3 Elementary school
Grade or year _
[] 4 High school
Year _
[] 5 Basic special school
Year _
[] 6 Incomplete non-university higher education
[] 7 Complete non-university higher education
[] 8 Incomplete university education
[] 9 Complete university education
[] 10 Master's / doctorate degree
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For people of 3 years of age and older
[Questions 11 to 15 are asked of persons age 3 or older]

Question 13: What is the last level and grade or year of study you passed?

If the respondent:

- State elementary school, ask for year or grade of study he/she passed and write it down in the corresponding box.
- Passed transition only, fill in the oval of option 3, "elementary school", and in the box "year" write down: 0 (zero).
- If he/she declares high school, ask for the year of studies he/she passed and write it in the corresponding box.
- If he/she studied non-school education, write the year he/she passed in his/her corresponding level.
- If he/she states non-university higher education or university education, ask if it is complete or incomplete and fill in the oval of the corresponding option.
- If he/she has a master's or doctorate degree, ask if he/she has completed the first year of studies. If so, fill in the oval of option 10, "master's/doctorate degree".
- The "basic special school" option is for the exclusive use of those who study in basic special education centers. Ask for the last year he/she attended and write it down in the corresponding box. This option does not include people in regular classrooms (inclusive education).
No level: This is when the person never attended an educational institution. It includes children who are attending Initial Education on Census day.

Basic school: Basic School is organized into Basic Regular School (EBR), Basic Special School (EBE) and Basic Alternative School (EBA). Basic Regular School is the modality that encompasses the initial, elementary and high school levels; it is aimed at children and adolescents who go through the educational process in a timely manner.

Initial education: It comprises the person who completed the studies of Nursery School, Kindergarten, National Non-Schooling Program of Initial Education (Pronoei), Wawa Wasi and Comprehensive Programs of Early Education based on the Family (Pietbaf).

Elementary school: According to the current educational system, it comprises from 1st to 6th grade. In the previous educational system, it covered: Transition and from 1st to 5th grade, either in the junior or adult modality.

High school: In accordance with the current educational system, it comprises 1st to 5th grade, either in the junior or adult modality.

Basic special education: It is a modality of basic education whose focus is Inclusive Education and serves people with special educational needs. It is addressed to:

a) People who have a type of disability that makes regular learning difficult.

b) Gifted children and adolescents with specific talents.
In both cases, it is given with the aim of including the students in regular classrooms, without impacting on the complementary and personalized attention they require.

If the person is in a regular classroom (EBR), you must consider it in the corresponding answer option (3. elementary school or 4. high school).

Non-university higher education: It includes the normal schools, Higher Schools of Professional Education (ESEP), School of Non-Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces, Higher Schools of Business Administration, Higher Technological Institutes and Higher Pedagogical Institutes. In all these cases, the study period generally lasts no less than 3 years.

University higher education: It includes Universities, Armed Forces and Police Officers' Schools, religious seminaries, Higher Institute of Art in Peru, National Pedagogical Institute, school of nurses, School of Journalism and Diplomatic Academy of Peru. In all these cases, the study period is not less than 4 years.

Master's/doctorate degree: These are specialization studies that can be carried out once the undergraduate studies have been completed, with a duration of no less than 1 year.


- Ana passed only transition; then, fill in option 3, "elementary school", write in the corresponding box for Year: 0 and leave the grade box blank.

- Leví is studying psychology at the university and passed the fourth year, so fill in option 8, "incomplete university education".

- Lupita passed the sixth grade of elementary school; then fill in option 3, "elementary school", write down in the corresponding box for grade: 6 and leave the Year box blank.

- Ricky is studying accounting in a higher education institute (non-university) and passed the fourth cycle, so fill in option 6, "incomplete non-university higher education".

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_EDATTAN — Highest educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

5 Years Old and Older
[Questions P15-P22 apply to persons 5 years old and over]

P22. Highest Educational Attainment

___ What is the highest grade/year completed by [respondent]?

___ If graduate of post-secondary or college course, specify field of study.

[Enter code from list below.]

0000 No grade completed
0100 Pre-school


1100 Grade 1
1200 Grade 2
1300 Grade 3
1400 Grade 4
1500 Grade 5
1600 Grade 6 or 7

High School

2100 1st Year
2200 2nd Year
2300 3rd Year
2400 4th Year
3000 Undergraduate post-secondary


3100 1st Year
3200 2nd Year
3300 3rd Year
3400 4th Year
3500 5th Year

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P22 Highest Educational Attainment

[The publication states: "Refer to Section 7.3 (p. 78) in filling up this item." This section is pasted from Common Household Questionnaire instructions, section 7.3]

Data on highest educational attainment furnish material for a comparison of the present educational equipment of the adult population with the present and anticipated future requirements of manpower for various types of economic activities.

Highest educational attainment refers to the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university.

Ask the question in P22, "What is the highest grade/year completed by ___?" for all persons 5 years old and over.

If the answer given is in terms of the level of the school only and not the specific grade or year completed, determine the specific grade or year by asking the respondent additional questions. The answer "Elementary" or "High School" is insufficient. It is necessary to know the highest grade or year of elementary school or high school attended and passed.

Enter in P22 the code corresponding to the highest educational attainment. For example, enter 1100 if the person has only completed Grade 1, 1300 for Grade 3 or 2200 for 2nd year High School. If the person has not completed any grade at all, enter 0000. Codes for highest grade completed are listed at the bottom of the questionnaire.

Report also in P22 the post secondary course that a person has completed. Post secondary course refers to the stage of formal education following the secondary education level covering non-degree programs that have varying duration lasting up to three years, concerned primarily with developing strong and appropriately trained middle level manpower.

Include here those vocational/technical courses under post secondary education (formal education). These courses are offered in school, university/college and require completion of high school course (high school graduate). Exclude those post secondary courses taken in NMYC and other schools that are not within the regular system of education.

In order to determine whether the vocational/technical course reported by the respondent is under post secondary education (formal education) the following probing questions should be asked:

a. Is the course offered/taken in school, college/ university or NMYC? If in NMYC, the course is non-formal and therefore, will not be considered as post secondary education. If in school, college/university, the following question should be asked:

b. Is completion of high school course a requirement for admission? If yes, the course is considered formal.

Undergraduate post secondary students - refer to those who have taken a post secondary course at least a year but have not completed the course. For example, a person, who at the time of census, is a 2nd year student of a 2-year Automotive Technology. If he has finished his 1st year in Automotive Technology, he is considered as undergraduate post secondary student.

If the person has successfully completed his post secondary education, specify the title of the course/certificate completed and its corresponding duration on the space below the code boxes.


2-Yr. Associate in Arts
2-Yr. Certificate in Physical Education
6-Mo. Basic Computer System
6-Mo. Auto Diesel Technology

Take note of the following cases:

1. If a person finished a post secondary course and is currently a 1st year college student, his post secondary course should be reported.

2. If a person is currently enrolled in a 6-month or 1-year post secondary course but has not finished the course, he should be reported as a high school graduate.

3. If a person is currently in 1st year college or post secondary, do not assume that he is only a high school graduate. Verify if he has taken/completed other courses (degree or non-degree courses).

Usually, it is difficult to differentiate certificate and diploma courses that are under post secondary education from post graduate courses. In order to determine whether the course reported by the respondent is a post secondary or post graduate course, the following question should be asked:

a. Is a baccalaureate or a college degree a requirement for admission to certificate or diploma course? If yes, the course is considered under post graduate course. Otherwise, it is classified as post secondary course.


Certificate in Development Economics - post graduate course
Diploma in Population Communication - post graduate course
Diploma in Junior Secretarial - post secondary
Certificate in Agri-Business - post secondary

If the person is a college undergraduate, i.e., he has not earned a degree, enter the code for the year of his completed education as 3100 for 1st year college, 3400 for 4th year college, etc. Note that code 3500 stands for 5th or higher year in college, without earning a bachelor's degree.

The acquisition of a college degree implies the successful completion of a course study. Information on degree received should be collected only for persons who have completed a course study at the third level of education. Such information should include the title of the highest degree received, and an indication of the field of study if the title does not make it clear.

For a college graduate, enter in the space provided the specific Bachelor's or higher degree obtained.


BS Commerce
BS Chemical Engineering
BS Math
Doctor of Medicine

For law or medical students who have earned a degree, e.g.., BS Political Science, BS Zoology, BS Med Tech, etc. but are still in law or medical school, report the specific degree obtained. The same rule applies to graduate students who are still working for their master's degree. For students taking doctorate studies, report master's degree completed, if any.

For those who have pursued and completed two or more degrees of the same level and duration, report only one degree or whichever degree the person preferred to be reported.

Verify from the respondent if a very high educational attainment in relation to the age of the person is reported. For example: 3rd year high school for a boy who is 13 years old or BS Commerce for a person who is 17 years old.

On the next page is the correct way of filling up items P13 to P22.

[Picture: Illustration 8.1 Filling up items P13 to P22 of CPH form 3]

Note: For persons below 10 years old in P5, end interview in P22. Draw a straight line from P23 to P35. P23 to P35 are no longer applicable for persons below 10 years old.

Philippines 1995 — source variable PH1995A_EDATTAN — Highest grade completed
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5 Years Old and Over

P11. What is the highest grade completed by [respondent]?
Enter code. (See codes sheet)

[] 00. No Grade Completed
[] 01. Pre-school
[] 11. Grade 1
[] 12. Grade 2
[] 13. Grade 3
[] 14. Grade 4
[] 15. Grade 5
[] 16. Grade 6
[] 17. Grade 7
[] 21. 1st Year High School
[] 22. 2nd Year High School
[] 23. 3rd Year High School
[] 24. 4th Year High School
[] 25. High School Graduate
[] 31. Postsecondary 1 year
[] 32. Postsecondary 2 years
[] 41. 1st Year College
[] 42. 2nd Year College
[] 43. 3rd Year College
[] 44. 4th Year College
[] 45. 5th Year College
[] 46. 6th Year College
[] 47. College Graduate
[] 51. Post-Baccalaureate

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Highest Grade Completed (P11)

Highest grade completed refers to the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university as of September 1, 1995. This may be any one of the specific grades or years in elementary, high school, postsecondary school, college, and post-baccalaureate levels of schooling. It also includes pre-school education.

Ask the question in P11, "What is the highest grade/year completed by ___? " for all persons 5 years old and over. Enter in P11 the two-digit code corresponding to the highest grade completed which are given in the Codes Sheet.

If the answer given by the respondent is in terms of the level of schooling only (e.g., elementary, high school, college) and not the specific grade or year completed, determine the specific grade or year by asking the respondent additional questions. The answer "Elementary", "High School" or "College" is insufficient.


1. Enter "11" if the person has only completed Grade 1, "13" for grade 3 and "22" for 2nd year high school.

2. If the person has not completed any grade at all, enter "00".

3. The code for pre-school is "01".

[p. 96 ]

4. A student who is enrolled in 2nd year high school at the time of the census has completed 1st year and should therefore be reported as 1st year high school - code "21".

Postsecondary 1 year is the highest grade completed by a person who has taken a postsecondary course for at least a year but has not yet completed the course at the time of the POPCEN. Consider, for example, a person who at the time of census is a 2nd year student of a 2-year course in Automotive Technology. Since he has finished his 1st year in Automotive Technology, he is considered under this category and the correct code is "31".

Postsecondary 2 years is the highest grade completed by a person who has successfully completed his postsecondary education. The appropriate code for this is "32".

In order to determine whether the vocational/technical course reported by the respondent is under postsecondary education (formal education) the following probing questions should be asked:

1. Is the course offered/taken in school, college/university or NMYC? If in NMYC, the course is non-formal and therefore, will not be considered as postsecondary education. If in school, college/ university, the following question should be asked:

2. Is completion of high school course a requirement for admission? If yes, the course is considered formal, hence, postsecondary. If the person is a college undergraduate, i.e., he has not earned a degree, enter the code for the year of his completed education as "41" for 1st year college, "44" for 4th year college, etc. Note that code "46" stands for 6th or higher year in college. If he has graduated from college but has never been enrolled in any post-baccalaureate course, the appropriate code will be 47.

Post-baccalaureate refers to any course for which an undergraduate degree is required. Masters and doctoral degree students and graduates fall under this category. In addition, law or medical students who have earned a degree, e.g., BS Political Science, BS Zoology, BS Med Tech, etc. but are still in law or medical school should also be considered under this category. The appropriate code for this educational level is "51". The same rule applies to graduate students who are still working for their master's degree and for [p.97] persons who have completed master's or doctoral degree. For both cases, enter "51".

If an unusually high 'highest grade completed' is reported in relation to the age of the person, verify the report from the respondent. For example: 3rd year high school for a boy who is 13 years old or college graduate for a person who is 17 years old.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_EDATTAN — Highest grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For Persons 5 years Old and Over

P22. What is the highest grade/year completed by [respondent]?
(Please see code book)

_ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

P22 Highest educational attainment

Data on highest educational attainment furnish material for a comparison of the present educational equipment of the adult population with the present and anticipated future requirements of manpower for various types of economic activities.

Highest educational attainment refers to the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university as of May 1, 2000. This may be any one of the specific grades or years in elementary, high school, post secondary school, college and post-baccalaureate levels of schooling. It also includes pre-school education.

Ask the question in P22: "What is the highest grade/year completed by ___?" for all persons 5 years old and over. Enter in P22 the two-digit code corresponding to the highest educational attainment, which are listed in the Code Book.

If the answer given by the respondent is in terms of the level of schooling only (e.g., elementary, high school, college) and not the specific grade or year completed, determine the specific grade or year by asking the respondent additional questions. The answer "Elementary" or "High School" is insufficient.


1. Enter 11 if the person has only completed Grade 1, 13 for Grade 3 or 22 for 2nd Year High School.
2. If the person has not completed any grade at all, enter 00.
3. The code for pre-school is 01.
4. A student who is enrolled in 2nd year high school at the time of the census has completed 1st year and should therefore be reported as 1st year high school - 21.

Report also in P22 the post secondary course that a person has completed. Post secondary course refers to the stage of formal education following the secondary education level covering non-degree programs that have varying duration lasting up to three years, concerned primarily with developing strong and appropriately trained middle level manpower.

Post Secondary 1 year is the highest grade completed by a person who has taken a post secondary course for at least a year but has not yet completed the course at the time of Census 2000. Consider, for example, a person who at the time of the census is a 2nd year student of a 2-year course in Automotive Technology. Since he has finished his 1st year in Automotive Technology, he is considered under this category and the correct code is 31.
Post Secondary 2 years is the highest grade completed by a person who has taken at least two year but has not yet completed the course at the time of Census 2000. The appropriate code for this is 32.

In order to determine whether the vocational/technical course reported by the respondent is under post secondary education (formal education) the following probing questions should be asked:

1. Is the course offered/taken in school, college/university or NMYC? If in
NMYC, the course is non-formal and therefore, will not be considered as post secondary education.

If in school, college/university the following question should be asked:

2. Is completion of high school course a requirement for admission? If yes, the course is considered formal, hence, post secondary.

If the person has successfully completed his post secondary education, enter the code of the course/certificate completed in the code boxes and specify its title and corresponding duration on the space provided. The codes (50 - 58) are provided in the Code Book.


2-Yr. Associate in Art, code 50
2-Yr. Certificate in Physical Education, code 51
6-Mo. Basic Computer System, code 54
6-Mo. Auto Diesel Technology, code 56

Take note of the following cases:

1. If a person finished a post secondary course and is currently a 1st year college student, his post secondary course should be reported.

2. If a person is currently enrolled in a (6-month or 1-year) post secondary course but has not finished the course, he should be reported as a high school graduate.

3. If a person is currently in 1st year college or post secondary, do not assume that he is only a high school graduate. Verify if he has taken/completed other courses (degree or non-degree courses).

If the person is a college undergraduate, i.e., he has not earned a degree; enter the code for the year of his completed education as 41 for 1st year college, 44 for 4th year college, etc.

Note that code 46 stands for 6th or higher year in college. If he has graduated from college but has never been enrolled in any post-baccalaureate course, the appropriate code may either be 60 to 68, depending on the college course finished. Different categories are listed in the Code Book.

Usually, it is difficult to differentiate certificate and diploma courses that are under post secondary education from post-graduate courses. In order to determine whether the course reported by the respondent is a post secondary or post-graduate course, the following question should be asked:

Is a baccalaureate or a college degree a requirement for admission to certificate or diploma course? If yes, the course is considered under postgraduate course. Otherwise, it is classified as post secondary course.


Certificate in Development Economics - post graduate course
Diploma in Population Communication - post graduate course
Diploma in Junior Secretarial - post secondary
Certificate in Agri-Business - post secondary

The acquisition of a college degree implies the successful completion of a course study. Information on degree received should be collected only for persons who have completed a course study at the third level of education. Such information should include the title of the highest degree received, and an indication of the field of study if the title does not make it clear.
For a college graduate, enter the corresponding code of the specific Bachelor's or higher degree obtained. The codes (60 - 68) are provided in the Code Book.


B.S. Commerce, code 63
B.S. Chemical Engineering, code 65
B.S. Math, code 64

For those who have pursued and completed two or more degrees of the same level and duration, report only one degree or whichever degree the person preferred to be reported.

Post-baccalaureate refers to any course for which an under graduate degree is required. Masters and doctoral degree students and graduates fall under this category. In addition, law or medical students who have earned a degree, e.g., BS Political Science, BS Zoology, BS Med. Tech., etc. but are still in law or medical school should also be considered under this category. The appropriate code for this educational level is 71. The same rule applies to graduate students who are still working for their master's degree, taking doctorate studies and for a person who have completed masters or doctoral degree. For both cases enter 71.

If an unusually high "highest educational attainment" is reported in relation to the age of the person, verify the report from the respondent. For example: 3rd year high school for a boy who is 13 years old or college graduate for a person who is 17 years old.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Population Census Questions

For all 5 years old and over.
[Questions P13 to P16 were asked of persons 5 years or over.]

P16. Highest grade/ year completed- What is the highest grade/year completed by [the respondent]?

Write the answer on the space provided. If graduate in post-secondary or college, specify the course. See codes at the bottom.
[] 000 No Grade Completed
[] 010 Pre-School

[] 210 Grade 1
[] 220 Grade 2
[] 230 Grade 3
[] 240 Grade 4
[] 250 Grade 5
[] 260 Grade 6
[] 270 Grade 7
[] 280 Elementary graduate
High school
[] 310 1st year
[] 320 2nd year
[] 330 3rd year
[] 340 4th year
[] 350 High school graduate
[] 410 1st year
[] 420 2nd year
[] 430 3rd year
If graduate, specify course____
[] 810 1st year
[] 820 2nd year
[] 830 3rd year
[] 840 4th year
[] 850 5th year
[] 860 6th year or higher
[] 900 Post baccalaureate
If graduate, specify course____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns P13, P14 and P16 for All 5 Years Old and Over
Columns P13, P14 and P16 are to be accomplished only for household members five years old and over. Thus, if a household member is less than five years old leave columns P13, P14 and P16 blank.

P16-Highest Grade/Year Completed
Data on highest grade/year completed furnish information for a comparison of the present educational qualification of the population with the present and anticipated future requirements of manpower for various types of economic activities.
Highest grade/year completed refers to the highest grade or year completed in school, college, or university as of May 1, 2010. This may be any one of the specific grades or years in elementary, high school, post-secondary school, college, and post baccalaureate levels of schooling. It also includes preschool education.
Ask the respondent, "What is the highest grade/year completed by [the respondent]?" for all persons five years old and over.
Write the grade/year level of schooling completed on the space provided and the appropriate codes in the boxes. The codes for highest grade/year completed can be found at the bottom of page 2C. For graduates of post-secondary course or college degree, write on the space provided the specific course or degree obtained. This will be coded during manual processing at the Provincial Office.
An answer such as elementary, high school, or college is insufficient. Determine the specific grade or year by asking the respondent additional question, "What particular grade in elementary/year in high school or college did complete?"

Examples: If the person has completed Grade 1, write "grade l" on the space provided and enter "210" in the boxes.
If the person has not completed any grade at all, write "no grade completed" on the space provided and enter "000" in the boxes.
If the person finished nursery, write "nursery" on the space provided and enter "010" in the boxes. Preschool includes nursery, kindergarten, and preparatory school.
A student who is enrolled in 2nd year high school at the time of the census has completed 1st year and should be reported as 1st year high school -- code "310"

Note that for an elementary graduate, meaning he/she finished Grade 6 or Grade 7, as the case may be, the code should be "280". For a high school graduate, meaning he/she finished 4th Year High School, the code should be "350".
Report also in Column P16 the post-secondary course that a person has completed.
Post-secondary course refers to the stage of formal education following the secondary education level covering non-degree programs that have varying duration lasting up to three years. This course is concerned primarily with developing strong and appropriately trained middle level manpower.
Post-secondary 1st year is the highest grade completed by a person who has taken a post-secondary course for at least a year but has not yet completed the course at the time of the 2010 CPH. Consider, for example, a person who at the time of the census is a 2nd year student of a two-year course in Automotive Technology. Since he/she has finished his/her 1st year in Automotive Technology, he/she is considered under this category and the correct code is "410".
Post-secondary 2nd year is the highest grade completed by a person who has taken post-secondary course for at least two years but has not yet completed the course at the time of the 2010 CPH. The appropriate code for this is "420".
Post-secondary 3rd year is the highest grade completed by a person who has taken post-secondary course for at least three years but has not yet completed the course at the time of the 2010 CPH. The appropriate code for this is "430".
In order to determine whether the vocational/technical course reported by the respondent is under a post-secondary education (formal education), the following probing questions should be asked:

Is the course offered/taken in school, college/university, or Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)? If the course is taken in TESDA, the course is non-formal and, therefore, will not be considered as post-secondary education.

If the course is taken in a school, college or university, this question should be asked:

Is completion of a high school course a requirement for admission? If yes, the course is considered formal, hence, post-secondary

If the person has successfully completed his/her post-secondary education, specify its title and corresponding duration on the space provided. This will be coded during manual processing at the Provincial Office.

[] 2-Year Associate in Arts
[] 2-Year Certificate in Physical Education
[] 6-Month Basic Computer System
[] 6-Month Auto Diesel Technology

Take note of the following cases:

If a person finished a post-secondary course and is currently a 1st year college student, his/her post-secondary course should be reported.
If a person is currently enrolled in a 6-month or 1-year post-secondary course but has not finished the course yet, he/she should be reported as a high school graduate.
If a person is currently in 1st year college or post-secondary, do not assume that he/she is only a high school graduate. Verify if he/she has taken/completed other courses (degree or non-degree courses).

If the person is a college undergraduate, that is, he/she has not yet earned a degree, enter the code of the year he/she has completed -- "810" for 1st year college, "840" for 4th year college, and others. Note that code "860" stands for 6th or higher year in college.
Usually, it is difficult to differentiate certificate and diploma courses that are under post-secondary education from post graduate courses. In order to determine whether the course reported by the respondent is a post-secondary or a post graduate course, this question should be asked:
Is a baccalaureate or college degree a requirement for admission to certificate or diploma course? If yes, the course is considered under post graduate course. Otherwise, it is classified as post-secondary course. [Examples omitted.]

The acquisition of a college degree implies the successful completion of a course study. Information on degree received should be collected only for persons who have completed a course study at the third level of education. Such information should include the title of the highest degree received, and an indication of the field of study if the title does not make it clear.
For a college graduate, write on the space provided the specific Bachelor's degree obtained. This will also be coded during manual processing at the Provincial Office. Examples: BS Commerce, BS Chemical Engineering, BS Statistics.
For those who have pursued and completed two or more degrees of the same level and duration, say, nursing and medical technology (both are 4-year courses), report only one degree or whichever degree the person prefers to be reported.
Post baccalaureate course refers to any course for which an undergraduate degree is required. Masters and doctoral degree students and graduates both fall under this category. In instances where law or medical students have usually earned a degree in AB Political Science, BS Zoology, BS Medical Technology, and others, but are still in law or medical school, the appropriate code for this educational level is "900" for post baccalaureate. The same rule applies to students who are still working on their master's degree, taking doctorate studies and for a person who has already completed masters or doctoral degree. For both cases, enter "900".
If an unusually high "highest grade/year completed" is reported in relation to the age of the person, verify the report from the respondent. For example: 3rd year high school for a boy/girl who is 11 years old, or college graduate for a person who is 15 years old, put a remark if this person had been accelerated.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_EDATTAIN — Education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Education attainment (for persons born in 1963 or earlier one of the education categories should be written in) ____

Higher education completed
Higher education not completed - after general education
Higher education not completed - after vocational education
Post-secondary completed
Secondary education completed
Secondary education not completed
Basic vocational completed
Primary education completed
Primary education not completed
Reading only
Neither writing nor reading
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
41 Education attainment (for persons born in 1963 or earlier, one of the education categories listed in the footnote xxx should be written in) (Question 11) [p.55]
1. For all the individuals aged 15 and over, so born in 1963 or earlier, the highest level of education completed shall be specified. The surveyed individual shall be asked if he or she has obtained a document justifying graduation form a given school (graduation diploma, school completion diploma, certain number of classes completion diploma, etc.). While asking about the said diploma, the census enumerator shall not request it to be presented, unless the examined individual expresses the willingness to do so.
Night and part time schools shall be treated similarly to those typical ones. The case is similar with schools operating abroad. So-called "externs", who have taken an external school-leaving exam and passed it shall be also considered as graduates of such schools.
In general, courses shall not be taken into account while specifying education attainment. Only exception are those courses which are equivalents to obtaining a given education degree, for example:
- Tele-technical and telecommunication-related courses organized by the Postal Services and Telegraphy Ministry between 1950-1953, being equivalent to graduating from a high school,
- Remote agricultural courses, being equivalent to graduating from a vocational school,
- Courses for workers, being equivalent to graduating from a primary school.

In the interwar period, some schools offered so-called "courses" (for example: "Commercial Courses"). The course completion diplomas shall be considered to be equivalent to school diplomas.
2. While providing the answer to question 11, one of the terms provided at the bottom of page 2 of the A form shall be utilized, as they apply to the highest education level achieved.
"Higher education completed" shall be written down for the individuals being in possession of a university graduation diploma, regardless whether engineer or master of arts title has been achieved by the said individuals. Both second and first level diplomas fall into this category, as for example engineer or economy specialist diplomas.
"Higher education not completed after general education" or "Higher education not completed after vocational education" shall be written down for the individuals, who have been attending a university and successfully completed at least 2 years of education (four semesters), but have not completed the said school yet. Moreover, the individuals with high school "certificate of completion" also fall into this category. The title shall be based on the previously completed high school general or vocational one.
The said category does not concern individuals, who have started studying after graduating from post-secondary schools and those who have started tertiary education but have not managed to complete it. Such individuals fall into the "Post-secondary completed" category (see below). Individuals, who have started their tertiary education but have not completed two years of it, shall have the "Secondary education completed" annotation written down.
"Post-secondary completed" concerns individuals who have graduated from a post-secondary school, for the attendance to which the school-leaving exam was needed up to 1972 and afterwards completion of a high school. Names of such schools might have changed throughout the consecutive years (however, no "upper" constituent has been used). Similar approach was used for both vocational and general study centers, for example "Study center for teachers". Those are also post-secondary schools and shall not be referred to as universities or tertiary education units.
The "Post-secondary completed" annotation shall be also written down for the individuals, who after graduating from such a unit have started tertiary education but have not managed to complete it, regardless of the number of finished semesters.
"Secondary education completed" shall be written down for all the individuals who have managed to graduate from a high school (general or vocational one), regardless whether they have been awarded with a school-leaving diploma or a technician degree.
"Secondary education not completed" shall be written down for the individuals, who have attended a high school after graduating from a primary school, and successfully completed at least two years of education there. The individuals who graduated from 4-year gymnasiums which operated in the thirties and shortly after the war, shall also fall into this category.
The said category does not include the individuals, who started secondary education after completing a basic vocational education. Those individuals (with no high school education completed, regardless of the number of successfully completed years) shall have the "Basic vocational completed" annotation written down (see below). The individuals , who have not completed two years of education in a high school and entered it after finishing a primary school shall have the "Primary education completed" annotation written down.
"Basic vocational completed" shall be indicated for the individuals who have graduated from 2- or 3-year basic vocational school (basic agricultural school, basic vocational school, masters' school, industrial school, vocational gymnasium, etc.), as well as for the individuals who have attended a high school but have not completed it.
"Primary education completed" shall be indicated for the individuals who have been awarded with a primary school completion diploma, common school completion diploma (before the war), and vocational courses completion diplomas.
Finishing primary education is equal to successfully completing the last year of education in such a unit, regardless of how many years of education there have been, as primary schools have been 7-, 8- ,and even in the past 4-year ones.
"Primary education not completed" shall be indicated for the individuals who have been studying in a primary school, as well as for those, who have not completed primary education, regardless of the number of years of education finished.
For the individuals who have never attended any school (or have done so, but have not managed to finish even the first year of a primary school), shall have one of the following ascribed:

- Self-education if they know how to read and write,
- Reading only, or
-Neither writing nor reading

Person who is capable of reading a newspaper shall be considered as those able to read. An individual who is capable of writing a letter (even without complying with grammatical rules) shall be considered as able to write. It shall be assumed that a person who can write can read as well (self-education). The ability of writing and reading may be in any language (reading and writing in Polish is not compulsory).
Individuals up to 15, so born between 1964-1978, shall have a straight line ("___") written down as an answer to question 11.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Census of population (inhabitants)

10. Education attainment ____ _

For persons born in 1973 or earlier write in a relevant code and a description.
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Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

27. Educational attainment (question 10) [p.26]
All individuals born in 1973 and earlier (that is -- having at least 15 years) should have their highest level of education obtained in school specified.

Night schools and part-time schools should be treated in the same manner as day schools, as well as abroad schools. So called externs, who passed final exams (extern exams) outside the school on a level of particular school, should be considered as graduates of such schools.

While specifying the education level, the enumerator should follow principles presented below:

'1. Finished higher education' -- it should be indicated for individuals having a diploma of graduation from university.
'2. Unfinished higher education -- after secondary general education' or,
'3. Unfinished higher education -- after secondary vocational education' -- should be indicated for individuals, who -- after graduating from high school or vocational school -- are attending university and finished at least two years of studies (four terms), but they haven't finished it yet, as well as for individuals with university's 'absolutory'. Appropriate term should be defined after specifying the last finished school.
'4. Finished post-secondary education' - should be indicated for individuals, who have a diploma (certificate) of post-secondary school finishing, attending to which was connected with obtaining secondary school leaving diploma, and up to 1972 -- only graduating from high school.
Note. '4 Finished post-secondary education' should be also indicated for individuals, who have started higher education after graduating from post-secondary school, but haven't finish it yet, regardless of number of terms.
'5. Finished secondary education' should be indicated for individuals, who graduated from high school (general or vocational), regardless, whether they obtained secondary school leaving diploma, or only graduation deed.
This category includes also individuals, who started education on university, but haven't finished 2 years (4 terms) of it.
'6. Unfinished secondary education' - Should be indicated for individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from primary school, and have finished at least 2 years of education.
'7. Finished basic vocational education' -- should be indicated for individuals having a certificate of graduation from:
2 or 3 year vocational school (basic or agricultural vocational school, industrial school, vocational high school etc.)
Vocational or agricultural preparation school
Master's school
Remote agricultural course on the level of vocational school
Note. '7. Finished basic vocational education' should be indicated also for individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from previous school, but they haven't finished it yet -- regardless of completed terms
'8. Finished primary education' - should be indicated for individuals having a certificate of graduation from:
Primary school (general -- before the War), regardless of number of years (eight, sever or even four in the past).
Courses for workers on the level of primary school.
Individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from primary school, but they haven't completed two years of education completed, should have this symbol indicated as well.
'9. Unfinished primary education' -- Should be indicated for individuals who learned (are learning) in primary school.
'0. Without school education' - should be indicated for individuals, who haven't attended to primary school, or who have attended, but haven't finished even 1 year of it..

Children in the age lower than 15 years old (born between 1974-1988) should have a straight line written down in this question.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_EDLEV — Level of education completed
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10. What is your education level?
(Give the highest level of education completed in the education system)

Higher Education:
[] 1 At least doctorate
[] 2 Master's degree, degree in medicine or equivalent
[] 3 Non-university certificate or diploma (technical institute, licentiate or bachelor or economist)

[] 4 Post-secondary with secondary school certificate
[] 5 Post-secondary without secondary school certificate

[] 6 Vocational and technical with certificate
[] 7 Vocational without certificate
[] 8 General with certificate
[] 9 General without certificate
[] 10 Basic vocational

[] 11 Primary completed

[] 12 Primary not completed and no school education
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 10. What is your education level? [p. 33]

page 8

1. For the persons born in 1989 or before (e.g. aged 12 or more) the highest completed level of education should be given.

The criterion of classification is the fact of possessing the relevant document certifying completion of a school.

2. Depending on the declared level of education the following information should be specified:
Higher -- specify if the person has the MA or equivalent (e.g. medical doctor) or an engineer or equivalent (e.g. bachelor),

Post-secondary -- if the post-secondary required possessing the secondary school certificate (matriculation) or not,

Secondary -- if a person has secondary school certificate (matriculation) or if the secondary was general or vocational.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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2. Module -- Education
(Questions concern persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier)
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier.]

1. What is your highest educational level achieved in the education system?

[] 1. Tertiary, at least with a degree of Doctor's (Ph.D.)
[] 2. Tertiary, with a degree of Master (MA, MSc), Medical Doctor or equivalent
[] 3. Tertiary with a degree of Engineer, Bachelor, or certified economist
[] 4. College diploma
[] 5. Post-secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 6. Post-secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 7. Secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 8. Secondary vocational without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 9. General secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 10. General secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 11. Basic vocational
[] 12. Lower-secondary
[] 13. Primary
[] 14. Incomplete primary or no education
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Module 2 -- Education (questions 1-6)
Questions concern persons aged 13 years or more.
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more.]

Question 1. What is your highest educational level achieved in the education system?

Only one answer must be indicated in the case of this question.

1. The highest educational level achieved in the education system must be specified (up to the critical moment of the census that is -- to 31st March) regardless of the form of education (in a day school, night school, on extra-mural studies, stationary studies, non-resident studies, etc.) in Poland or abroad. Individuals, who have not been learning in typical schools (externs) but passed final exams having the level equal to a particular school in the Central or Local Examinations Syndicate, should be considered as graduates of these schools. The basis for considering a particular educational level as achieved is the obtained document -- a certificate or a diploma confirming graduation.

If a person studies at the university, in a high school, lower secondary school or primary school, the reached educational level is the level achieved at the moment of the census performance. Therefore, an individual studying in a lower secondary school should have the "primary" level of education indicated, individuals studying in high schools should have the "lower secondary" level of education indicated (or in the case of older individuals "primary" or "basic vocational" -- if they continue to study in a high school). Individuals studying at universities should have proper level of education indicated, for example : "general secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)", "secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)" or "tertiary with a degree of Engineer, Bachelor, or certified economist" (if the indicated educational level has been completed).
In order to specify the level of education properly, graduates should be asked additional questions:
- University graduates -- if they hold a degree, the Master of Arts degree (or similar, such as a doctor) or a vocational degree (such as Engineer, Bachelor or Economist degree),
- Individuals, who graduated from post-secondary schools -- if recreation was based on verification of the secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") or the high school completion certificate only,
- Individuals, who graduated from high schools -- if they were awarded with the secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") or the high school completion certificate (without the "Matura"), and if the school can be classified as a general high school or a basic vocational school.
Tertiary education should be indicated for individuals:
1 -- holding one of following degrees: PhD or Professor,
2 -- holding the degree of the Master of Arts, Doctor or a similar one, awarded after graduating from university (after completion of the MA course ),
3 -- holding following vocational degrees: Engineer, Bachelor, licensed Economist, which were awarded after completion of the BA or Engineer course.
College diploma
4 -- concerns individuals, who graduated from teacher training colleges, foreign language teaching colleges (except courses organized within the scope of tertiary education), and social colleges. Individuals graduating from teacher training post-secondary schools should also be classified as holding a college diploma.
Post-secondary education:
5 -- with the "Matura" -- concerns individuals, who have been awarded with a secondary education completion certificate (diploma), recruitment to which was conditioned by passing the "Matura" exam.
6 -- without the "Matura" -- concerns individuals, who have been awarded with a secondary education completion certificate (diploma), recruitment to which was conditioned by being awarded with a secondary school completion certificate.
Secondary education:
7 -- secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) -- concerns individuals, who were awarded a secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") in a secondary vocational school (technical high school, supplementary technical high school, vocational school, 2nd level art school),
8 --secondary vocational without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) - concerns individuals, who were awarded a high school completion certificate in a secondary vocational school (technical high school, supplementary technical high school, vocational school, 2nd level art school),
9 -- general secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) - concerns individuals, who were awarded a secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") in a general secondary school , a profiled secondary school, or graduated from lower-secondary school before 1932 (individuals, who graduated from lower-secondary school between 1932 and 1948 (4-year course) should have the "13" (primary) symbol indicated),
10 -- general secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) -- concerns individuals, who were awarded a high school completion certificate in a general secondary school or a profiled secondary school
Basic vocational education:
11 -- concerns individuals, who were awarded with a certificate of graduation from: a vocational school (a general vocational school or an agricultural vocational school, an industrial school, a lower-secondary school, etc.), agricultural or vocational training school, an agricultural course providing the level of knowledge equal to basic vocational schools, and apprenticeship schools.
Lower-secondary school:
12 -- concerns individuals, who were awarded with a diploma of graduation from a lower-secondary school (lower-secondary schools were introduced in 1999). Moreover, the category includes graduates of specific vocational schools.
Individuals, who graduated from lower-secondary schools before 1932 should have the "9" symbol indicated (general secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) and individuals, who graduated from lower-secondary schools between 1932 and 1948 (4-year course) should have the "13" symbol indicated (primary).
Primary education (completed):
13 -- concerns individuals awarded with a certificate of graduation from: a primary school (called "elementary school" before the World War), regardless of how many years it took to graduate (six, eight or four), basic vocational courses, 1st level art school with primary education curriculum.
Incomplete primary education or no education:
14 -- concerns individuals, who have been learning in a primary school, were learning in a primary school but did not finish it, and individuals, who have never attended school.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 10-11 were asked of persons who are attending or ever attended school, per question 9]

10. Level of education

Indicate the level of education that you are attending or the highest that you attended (even if didn't complete):

[] 1 Basic - Elementary school ([1st degree] 4 years)
[] 2 Basic - Preparatory school ([2nd degree] 2 years, direct of distance preparatory cycle, former 1st cycle of school, former preparatory cycle in technical schools, etc.)
[] 3 Unified secondary ([1st degree] unified course, general courses - academic, commercial, industrial, visual arts, and agricultural, former 5th year in school or equivalent)
[] 4 Complementary secondary ([2nd degree] 11th grade, 2nd complementary year -academic, commercial, industrial, visual arts, and agricultural - former 7th year of school, former preparatory sections in commercial and industrial courses and equivalent)
[] 5 Preparation year for university or 12th grade
[] 6 Professional courses
[] 7 Post-secondary courses (teaching school for preschool or primary)
[] 8 Tertiary courses
Question 10 - Level of education
  • Professional courses. For example, courses for: Secretary, Manager's Assistant, Correspondent, Foreign Languages and Translator-Interpreter, Education Agent, General Accounting, Special Painting Activities, etc.
  • If you are enrolled in more than one course, indicate the one that is most closely related to your professional activities. If you are unemployed, chose the course with which you feel more vocation.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 10-11 were asked of person who are attending or ever attended school, per question 9]

Question 10 - Level of education

The individual must indicate the level of education that he/she is attending or the highest level of education reached, even if he did not complete it.

Basic - Elementary school (1st degree - 4 years) corresponds to the first four years of school.
Basic - Preparatory school (2nd degree - 2 years) includes the fifth and sixth year of school.
Secondary - 1st degree, includes the seventh, eighth and ninths years of school.
Secondary - 2nd degree, includes the tenth and eleventh years of school.
Access year (preparation year for university) - equivalent to the senior year in high school.
Professional courses - includes those situations of old courses of low degree and with a strong professional vocation.
Post-secondary courses - includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.
Tertiary courses (university degrees) - includes bachelor, licentiate, master, and doctoral degrees.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

10. Level of education

[] 1 Pre-Primary
[] 2 Basic -- 1st degree
[] 3 Basic -- 2nd degree
[] 4 Secondary -- 1st degree
[] 5 Secondary -- 2nd degree
[] 7 Post-secondary
[] 8 Tertiary -- 1st and 2nd degree
[] 9 Tertiary -- 3rd and 4th degree

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 10: Level of education

The individual must indicate the highest level of education reached, even if he/she did not complete it and whether or not she is attending it.

Pre-Primary -- education level given to children 3 years old or younger and that are not on compulsory school age.

Basic -- 1st degree -- corresponds to the first four years of school.

Basic -- 2nd degree -- includes the fifth and sixth years of school.

Secondary -- 1st degree -- includes the seventh, eighth and ninth years of school.

Secondary -- 2nd degree -- includes the tenth, eleventh and twelfth years of school.

Post-secondary -- includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.

Tertiary -- 1st and 2nd degrees (Bac. and Lic.) -- includes bachelor and licentiate degrees

Tertiary -- 3rd and 4th degrees (Master and PhD.) -- Master and Doctor in Philosophy degrees

For individuals that attended or are attending professional courses, we can encounter one of the following two situations:

a) If the course has equivalence with the official education bureau, we assign the education level that corresponds to that course,

b) If the course has no equivalence with the official education bureau, we must assign the education level that the individual had before the course.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

13. Highest education level that you attend or have attended:

[Question 13 was asked of persons who ever attended school, were born before December 31, 1999, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 , 9 and 12]

[] 11 Pre-Primary
[] 12 Basic - 1st degree
[] 13 Basic - 2nd degree
[] 14 Basic - 3rd degree
[] 15 Secondary
[] 16 Post-secondary
[] 17 Tertiary - 1st degree (Bac.)
[] 18 Tertiary - 2nd degree (Lic.)
[] 19 Tertiary - 3rd degree (Master)
[] 20 Tertiary - 4th degree (Phd)

Question 13 - (Please indicate the) highest education level that you attend or have attended.

1. If you no longer study but attended classes, indicate the highest level of education you achieved, even if you did not complete it.
2. If you are studying, indicate the level of education you are attending.

Pre-school - classes taught to children aged 3 or more and who have not reached the compulsory school age.

Basic education (lower primary), 1st degree - represents the first 4 years of compulsory education, formerly called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of primary school.

Basic education (upper primary), 2nd degree - includes the following: preparatory degree (5th and 6th years of schooling), preparatory degree of Tele-education, formerly the 1st degree of grammar school (1st and 2nd years), complementary degree of primary education (5th and 6th classes), preparatory degree of the former technical schools.

Basic education (lower secondary), 3rd degree - includes any one of the following: 7th, 8th and 9th years of schooling, technical-vocational secondary education (commercial, industrial, agricultural, visual art programs, etc.), the former general lyceum program (formerly, the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of schooling).

(Upper) secondary - includes the following: 10th, 11th and 12th years of schooling, preparatory sections of the complementary technical vocational programs (commercial, industrial programs, etc.), former complementary lyceum program (former 6th and 7th years), the former pre-university year.

Post secondary - includes the following: nursery teacher training program, primary teacher training program, other programs officially recognized as post secondary, when they have been attended.

For persons who attended or who are attending vocational programs (programs which despite not being part of the state education system and whose objective is to prepare pupils for a specific occupation), two situations may apply:

a) If the program is equivalent to a level of state education, you should tick the level of education you have attained.
b) If the program is not equivalent to a level of state education, the level of education remains unchanged and you should tick the level of education held when you began to attend the vocational program.

For example:

If have completed or are attending a industrial ceramics program run by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training, which requires the 6th year of schooling for admission and equivalent to the 9th year of schooling, you should tick the box for "Basic education, 3rd degree".

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Question 13 - Highest education level that you attend or have attended

If the individual doesn't study anymore but has studied, please indicate the highest education level attended even if he didn't complete it.

If the individual is studying, please indicate the education level that he is attending.

Pre-Primary - education level given to children to 3 years old or younger and that are not on compulsory school age.

Basic - 1st degree - corresponds to the first four years of school.

Basic - 2nd degree - includes the fifth and sixth year of school.

Basic - 3rd degree - includes the seventh, eighth and ninths year of school.

Secondary - includes the tenth, eleventh and twelfth year of school.

Post-secondary - includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.)

Tertiary - 1st degree (Bac.) - Bachelor degree

Tertiary - 2nd degree (Lic.) - Licentiate degree

Tertiary - 3rd degree (Master) - Master degree

Tertiary - 4th degree (Phd) - Philosophy doctor degree

Note: For individuals that signed Pre-Primary and have less than 6 years old the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_EDATTAN — Educational qualification
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Individual questionnaire

[Questions 16 to 36 are only asked of persons who have entered the formal education system]

[Questions 17 and 18 are asked of persons who attended/are attending primary school and over]

17. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Completing a level of education means having successfully concluded the last year of that educational level. For example, in order to indicate secondary education, the 12th year or equivalent must have been completed. If you concluded or are still attending the 11th year, the highest level of education you have completed corresponds to the 3rd stage of basic education (9th year).

[] 01 None
[] 02 1st stage of basic education (current 4th year/former primary education/grade 4)
[] 03 2nd stage of basic education (current 6th year/former preparatory degree)
[] 04 3rd stage of basic education (current 9th year/former 5th year of the lyceum
[] 05 Secondary education (current 12th year /former 7th year of the lyceum
Programme/pre p university year)
[] 06 Post-secondary education (Technological specialisation courses, level IV)
[] 07 Bachelor (includes former middle-level courses)
[] 08 Licentiate
[] 09 Master's
[] 10 PhD
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 17- What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
[There is an image of question 17]
To record the level of education completed, implies that the person has completed the last year of school for that level.
The person that is in 12th year and marked "10th, 11th, or 12th" in the previous question, must respond in this question "3rd stage of basic education" since that person has not concluded the final year of that level.
If the individual is studying to attain a Master's degree regardless of the year, you must record "Master" for the answer to Question 16- What is the level of education you are currently attending, or the highest level you have attended, even if not complete? This means that the answer to question 17 -What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
"Secondary education" or licentiate for situations in which the first cycle of studies has been completed and the person has obtained the number of required credits. In order to facilitate the equivalencies of education levels for the current and former systems, see the following table.
[There is an image of table with level equivalences.]

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_HIGRADE — Highest grade of schooling
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20. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school he has ever attended?

If now attending, mark grade he is in.

[] Never attended school - Skip to 22
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten

Elementary through high school

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12

College (academic year)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more

21. Did he finish the highest grade (or year) he attended?

[] Now attending this grade (or year)
[] Finished this grade (or year)
[] Did not finish this grade (or year)

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_HIGRADE — Highest grade of schooling
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8. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school ____ has ever attended?

Fill one circle.
If now attending school, mark grade person is in. If high school was finished by equivalency test (GED), mark "12."

Highest grade attended:
[] Pre-kindergarten
[] Kindergarten

Elementary through high school (grade or year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 12

College (academic year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 6 or more

[] Never attended school -- Skip to question 9

9. Did ____ finish the highest grade (or year) attended?
Fill once circle.

[] Now attending this grade (or year)
[] Finished this grade (or year)
[] Did not finish this grade (or year)

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_EDUC99 — Educational attainment
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10. How much school has [respondent] completed?

Read categories if person is unsure. Mark (X) one box for the highest level completed or degree received. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade attended or highest degree received.
[] 30 No school completed
[] 31 Pre-kindergarten
[] 32 Kindergarten

Grades 1 - 11
[] 1 1st
[] 2 2nd
[] 3 3rd
[] 4 4th
[] 5 5th
[] 6 6th
[] 7 7th
[] 8 8th
[] 9 9th
[] 10 10th
[] 11 11th
[] 12 12th grade, no diploma
[] 13 High school graduate -- high school diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)
[] 14 Some college but no degree
[] 15 Associate degree in college -- Occupational program
[] 16 Associate degree in college -- Academic program
[] 17 Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, AB, BS)
[] 18 Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] 19 Professional school degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] 20 Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_EDUC99 — Educational attainment
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8.b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark [X] one box.
[Persons who attended public or private school at any time since February 1, 2000.]
[] Nursery school, preschool
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 to grade 4
[] Grade 5 to grade 8
[] Grade 9 to grade 12
[] College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)
[] Graduate or professional school (for example: medical, dental or law school)

9. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has "completed"?
Mark [X] one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.
[Persons who have not attended school since February 1, 2000]
[] No schooling completed
[] Nursery school to 4th grade
[] 5th grade or 6th grade
[] 7th grade or 8th grade
[] 9th grade
[] 10th grade
[] 11th grade
[] 12th grade - no diploma
[] High school graduate - high school diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year
[] 1 or more years of college, no degree
[] Associate degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, AB, BS)
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_EDUC99 — Educational attainment
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10.a At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended regular school or college?
Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling leading to a high school diploma or a college degree.
[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months -- Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college

10.b What grade or level was this person attending?

[Q10. b is asked if the person has attended regular school or college in the last 3 months.]
Mark [X] in one box.
[] Nursery school, preschool
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 to grade 4
[] Grade 5 to grade 8
[] Grade 9 to grade 12
[] College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)
[] Graduate or professional school for example: medical, dental or law school

11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed?
Mark (X) in one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.
[] No schooling completed
[] Nursery school to 4th grade
[] 5th grade or 6th grade
[] 7th grade or 8th grade
[] 9th grade
[] 10th grade
[] 11th grade
[] 12th grade - no diploma
[] High school graduate - high school diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year
[] 1 or more years of college, no degree
[] Associate degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, AB, BS)
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

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[Answer Housing Question 7-14 for all residents]

10a. A public school is any school or college that is controlled and supported primarily by the Puerto Rico or Federal government. Schools are private if supported and controlled primarily by religious organizations or other private groups.
10b. Answer this question only if the person attended regular school or college in the last three months. Mark the box that corresponds to the grade level or college level the person was attending.
Mark only one box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has completed or the highest degree the person received.
Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling completed in the regular American school system.
For persons who completed high school by passing an equivalency test, such as the General Educational Development (GED) examination, and did not attend college, mark the "High School Graduate" box.
Some of the examples of Professional school degrees include medicine, dentistry, chiropractic, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, veterinary medicine, law, and theology.
Do not include certificates, diplomas or degrees for training on specific trades such as computer and electronics technology, auto repair, medical assistant, cosmetology, and other fields at vocational, technical or business schools.
Do not include honorary degrees awarded by colleges and universities to individuals for their accomplishments. Include only "earned" degrees.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_EDUC — Educational attainment
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[Questions 7-48 were asked of all persons.]

10. a) At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college?

Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.

[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months - Skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed?
Mark (X) in one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

No schooling completed
[] No schooling completed
Nursery or preschool through grade 12
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 11 (Specify grade 1-11) _ _
[] 12th grade with no diploma
High School graduate
[] Regular high school diploma
[] GED or alternative credential
College or some college
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit
[] 1 or more years of college credit, no degree
[] Associate's degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, BS)
After Bachelor's degree
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_EDUC — Educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

a. At any time in the last 3 months, has this person attended school or college? Include only nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, home school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.
[] No, has not attended in the last 3 months - skip to question 11
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college, home school
b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (x) one box

[] Nursery school, preschool
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 12 - specify grade 1 - 12 _ _
[] College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)
[] Graduate or professional school beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MA or Ph.D. program, or medical or law school)

11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed? Mark (x) one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

No schooling completed
[] No schooling completed
Nursery or preschool though grade 12
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 11 - specify grade 1-11 _ _
[] 12th grade - no diploma
High school graduate
[] Regular high school diploma
[] GED or alternative credential
College or some college
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit
[] 1 or more years of college credit, no degree
[] Associate's degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, BS)
After bachelor's degree
[] Mater's degree (for example: MA, MS, Meng, Med, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MD, DDS, DWM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: Ph.D., Ed.D.)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

11. Mark only one box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has completed or the highest degree the person received.

Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling in the regular American school system.

Mark the "GED or alternative credential" box for persons who did not receive a regular high school diploma but completed high school by receiving a GED or other formal recognition of high school completion from a school or governmental authority.

If the person has not completed any college courses for credit, mark the highest level completed below the college level. If the person has not completed enough credit to be counted as a sophomore, mark the "some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit" box.

For the "Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree" category, do not include certificates or diplomas for training in specific trades or occupations such as computer and electronics technology, medical assistant, or cosmetology. Do not include post-bachelor's certificates that are related to occupational training in such fields as teaching, accounting, or engineering.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_EDUC — Educational attainment
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11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed?

Mark (X) one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

No schooling completed
[] No schooling completed
Nursery or preschool through grade 12
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 11
Specify grade 1-11 _ _
[] 12th grade -- No diploma
High school graduate
[] Regular high school diploma
[] GED or alternative credential
College or some college
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit
[] 1 or more years of college credit, no degree
[] Associate's degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, BS)
After bachelor's degree
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P11. Mark only "one" box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has "completed" or the highest degree the person received.

Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling in the regular American school system.

Mark the "GED or alternative credential" box for persons who did not receive a regular high school diploma but completed high school by receiving a GED or other formal recognition of high school completion from a school or governmental authority.

If the person has not completed any college courses for credit, mark the highest level completed below the college level. If the person has not completed enough credit to be counted as a sophomore, mark the "Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit" box.

For the "Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree" category, do not include certificates or diplomas for training in specific trades or occupations such as computer and electronics technology, medical assistant, or cosmetology. Do not include post-bachelor's certificates that are related to occupational training in such fields as teaching, accounting, or engineering.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_EDLEV — Type of the highest level of school graduated
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18. Type of the highest level school graduated ____
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64. Educational attainment (column 18). The highest level of graduated (completed) school is referring to the highest educational institution the enumerated person graduated from regardless of if this is proved by a certificate or graduation diploma (of the secondary school or of university).

If the enumerated person graduated from two or more educational institutions, at the same level, (for example the Faculty of Low and the Mathematics) only one of them, namely the one given by the enumerated person, will be recorded on the form.

The following will not be recorded as a graduated educational institution:
a) specialization courses at the working place, with or without production process interruption;
b) apprenticeship at the working place (exception: apprenticeship at the working place for a period during 1-3 years, assimilated to the vocational school);
c) courses for specialization of short duration, for the theoretical high schools graduates;
d) course for specialization improvement;
e) post- university courses;
f) popular universities;
g) trade union schools:
h) political schools etc.

In this respect, the name of the graduated educational institution will be written, as it was at the graduation moment, without [text not readable] educational institution [text not readable] or equivalency with other similar existing educational institutions at the census moment.

For example, it will be recorded according to the following cases:

a) Four classes of Primary School, 7 (8) years Elementary School, 10 years General School;
b) Industrial Chemistry High School (secondary school), Commercial High School, Medium General School, Industrial Gymnasium, Theoretical High School -- first 4 years (first degree), Sanitary Medium Technical School, Pedagogical school, Pedagogical High School;
c) Metallurgical vocational school, first degree Wine-grower school, Art and craft school, Forestry rangers school, Vocational school group for public food industry, Vocational school for economics;
d) Institute (university) for Constructions: civil constructions Faculty (Department), Polytechnic Institute the Faculty of Automatics (Department), Academy for Economic Sciences -- the Planning Faculty (Department), Veterinary Medical Faculty (Department), Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty (Department) for machines building -- sub-engineering section, etc.

When the enumerated persons graduated abroad: the name of this institution will be recorded, as declared (for example: University of Cracovia -- the faculty (department) of history, the Moscow's Institute for economics and statistics).

[p. 43]

When a person is attending a school or educational institution (day, evening, extra-mural courses or without attendance), or interrupted the courses of an educational institution, will be recorded in the column 18 the name of the last school or educational institution.

For example, for persons attending or interrupting the courses of a faculty (department) high school or any secondary school will be recorded as the graduated school. For persons who interrupted the second degree of the high school (classes XI and XII) the graduated educational institution will be recorded as high school first degree. For persons who interrupted the first degree of high school, it will be considered as graduated of the general 8 years school; and for those who interrupted the gymnasium's cycle (classes V-VII or V-VIII), it will be recorded as graduated of the primary school (4 classes).

For the children born after 1965 that are attending or have interrupted the classes I-IV are not considered as having graduated any school and a line will be drawn. Also a line will be drawn for preschool age children.

For aged persons who attended only the read and write courses for illiterates, it will be recorded "read and write courses for illiterates".

For persons born before 1966, who didn't graduate and are not attending any educational institution, the enumerator will record, on the basis of their personal statement, as is the case "they know to read and write", or" knowing only to read", or" didn't know to read and write".

The code box from column 18 will not be filled by the enumerator.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of schooling completed
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18 Level of education
Name and type of the:

_ _ Highest level of school completed (for persons born before 1981) ___
_ _ Level currently attending (for persons born after 1986) ___

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 18 Level of education

66. The enumerator will record in item Q. 18.l the person's statements regarding:
name of the school and field of study of the highest level attained at school for persons born before 1981). If a person was born before 1986 and currently attends an educational institution, record also name of the school and the field of study.

67. Highest level of school completed refers to the highest educational level attained at graduation by the enumerated person, regardless of whether or not this is documented by a certificate or graduation diploma from secondary school or university.

The name of the educational institution completed should be recorded as it was at the time of graduation, without reflecting the updated names or mergers with other similar educational institutions existing at the census reference point.

Record the specific case following these examples:

Four classes of Primary School, 7 (8) years Elementary School, 10 years General School;
Industrial Chemistry High School (secondary school), Commercial High School, Medium General School, Industrial Gymnasium, Theoretical High School - first 4 years (first degree), Sanitary Medium Technical School, Pedagogical school, Pedagogical High School;

Metallurgical vocational school, first degree Wine-grower school, Art and craft school, Forest ranger school, Vocational school group for public food industry, Vocational school for economics;

Institute for Construction - civil constructions Faculty, Polytechnic Institute - Automotive Faculty, Academy for Economic Sciences - the Planning Faculty, Veterinary Medical Faculty , Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty for machine building - sub-engineering section, etc.

Also record the field of study of the completed educational institution, particularly for higher education, secondary/high schools, and vocational schools. Thus, do not write "Polytechnic Institute", but rather "Polytechnic Institute - electrotechnical Faculty; " do not write " special High School," but rather "construction High School"; do not write "vocational school," but rather "food industry vocational school".
Whenever the enumerated person has graduated at the same level from two or more educational institutions (for example the Faculty of Law and of Mathematics), record on the form only one institution, namely that selection stated by the enumerated person;

When the enumerated person has graduated abroad, recorded the name and the field of study of this institution, as declared; for example: University of Cracovia - the faculty of history; Moscow Institute for economics and statistics; Sorbonne University of Paris - chemistry faculty;

When a person is currently attending a school or educational institution (day, evening, extra-mural courses, without attendance or long-distance open learning), or has interrupted their courses at an educational institution, record the name and field of study of the last school or educational institution completed and the type of attendance.

For example, for persons currently attending or interrupting the courses in a faculty , record high school or secondary school as the highest level of education completed; for persons who interrupted the second degree of high school (classes XI and XII), record high school - first degree as the highest level of education; for persons who interrupted the first degree of high school, record the person as a graduate of a general 8 year school; and for those who interrupted the gymnasium cycle (classes V-VII or V-VIII), recorded them as graduated from primary school (4 classes).
For persons born before 1981 (10 years old and over), who didn't graduate and are not attending any educational institution, the enumerator will record, on the basis of their personal statement whether "they know to read and write," or "only knowhow to read," or "don't know how to read and write;"
For aged persons who attended only reading and writing courses for illiterates, record "reading and writing courses for illiterates;"
For children born after 1980 and for pre-school children, the space for item 18.1 will be barred by a line.

68. The name and field of study of the educational institution attended by the enumerated person will be recorded in item Q. 18.2 for persons born before 1986 who declare that they are attending courses in a private or public school or educational institutions, regardless of whether these are day, evening or without attendance courses.

The enumerator must write the exact name and field of study of the institution the person is attending (see also the provisions for Q. 18.1).

For example: primary school, first degree of high school, theoretical high school; the high school of Transportation and Telecommunications school group; the University of Bucharest - philology faculty, etc.

For persons not attending or interrupting the courses at an educational institution, as well as for children under pre-school age (born after 1985), the space for item 18.2 will be barred by a line.

Do not record as graduates from an educational institution or as attending an educational institution, any of the following cases:
- apprenticeship courses at the work place, with or without production process interruption;
- specialized courses of short duration for theoretical high school graduates;
- apprenticeship at the work place (exception: apprenticeship at the work place for a period of 1-3 years, associated with a vocational school, for whom will be recorded "apprenticeship at the work place");
- course for updating a specialization;
- post- university and doctoral (PhD) courses;
- popular universities;
- driving schools;
- trade union schools, etc.

The enumerators will not code Q. 18.1 or Q. 18.2.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of schooling completed
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18. Educational attainment
___ _ _ 18.1 Name of the institution and field of study of the highest level of school completed (for persons born before September 15, 1991)

18.2 Type of ownership of the educational institution completed by the person
[] 1 Public (state ownership)
[] 2 Private ownership

___ _ _ 18.3 Name of institution and field of study of school attending (for persons born before September 15, 1995)

18.4 Type of ownership of educational institution attended by the person
[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private

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Educational attainment (item 18)

65. The highest level of graduated (completed) school is referring to the highest educational institution graduated by the enumerated person, regardless of whether this is proved by a certificate or graduation diploma (of the secondary school or of university).

In this respect the enumerator will record the full name of the educational institution, indicating the field of the study:

18.1 The name and the type of the highest level of graduated school will be recorded for persons10 years old and above.

The way of recording:

-- will write the name of the graduated educational institution, as it was at the graduation moment, without updating or equivalency with other similar existing educational institutions at the census moment.

For example, will be recorded according to the case:

a) Four classes of Primary School, Special Primary School, 7 (8) years Elementary School, 10 years General School, General School for Deaf;
b) Industrial Chemistry High School (secondary school), Commercial High School, Medium General School, Industrial Gymnasium, Theoretical High School -- first 4 years (first degree), Sanitary Medium Technical School, Pedagogical school, Pedagogical High School;
c) Metallurgical vocational school, first degree Wine-grower school, Art and craft school, Forestry rangers school, Vocational school group for public food industry, Vocational school for economics;
d) Institute (university) for Constructions -- civil constructions Faculty (Department), Polytechnic Institute the Automatization Faculty (Department), Academy for Economic Sciences -- the Planning Faculty (Department), Veterinary Medical Faculty (Department), Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty (Department) for machines building -- sub-engineering section, etc.

-- will also write the type (field of study) of the graduated educational institution -- particularly for higher education -- special (secondary)high schools, vocational schools. So, it will not be written "Polytechnic Institute", but "Polytechnic Institute- electrotechnical Faculty (Department)"; will not be written " special

[p. 45]

High School" but "construction High School"; will not be written "vocational (professional) school", but "food industry vocational school".

-- In the case when the person graduated (or is attending) a class, having different field of study, than of the type of educational institution unit where the class belongs, the field study of this class will be written too. For example: when a theoretical High School has a class for mechanics, this situation should be recorded, both the high school as well as the field of study of the class; School group for Transportation and Telecommunication -- the informatics class.

Will be not recorded as graduated of the educational institution and as attending of educational institution by the enumerated person, the followings:

-- attending apprenticeship courses at the working place;
-- attending courses of qualification and re-qualification of the unemployed persons, according to the Law no.1/1991, regarding the social protection of the unemployed persons and professional recovery;
-- apprenticeship at the working place (exception: apprenticeship at the working place for a period during 1-3 years, assimilated to the vocational school, for whom "apprenticeship at the working place" will be recorded);
-- course for specialization improvement;
-- post- university and doctorate (PhD) courses;
-- popular universities;
-- trade union schools, etc., so that forms of communication designated for educational goals, for learning, for systematical deliberation, but organized outside of the schools and universities.
Particular situations:

-- whether the enumerated person graduated from two or more educational institutions, at the same level, on the form will be recorded only one of it, namely that selected to be stated by the enumerated person;
-- when the enumerated persons graduated from abroad --the name and the field of study of this institution, as declared (for example: University of Cracovia -- the faculty (department) of history, the Moscow's Institute for economics and statistics, Sorbona University of Paris -- chemistry faculty (department)) will be recorded.

When a person is attending a school or educational institution (day, evening, extra-mural courses, without attendance or far-distance open learning), or interrupted the courses of an educational institution, will be recorded the name and the field of study of the last school or educational institution and the type of attendance (will be considered that a person interrupted an educational institution only whether he was graduated at least to one class or one study year, and then interrupted for various reasons).

For example, for persons attending or interrupting the courses of a faculty (department), as graduated school will be recorded -- high school or any secondary school; for persons who interrupted the second degree of the high school (classes XI and XII) will be recorded as graduated educational institution, high school first degree; for persons who interrupted the first degree of high school, will be considered as graduated of the general 8 years school; and for those who interrupted the gymnasium's cycle (classes V-VII or V-VIII) will be recorded as graduated of the primary school (4 classes).

For persons born before September 15, 1991 (so, those 10 years old and over), who didn't graduate and are not attending any educational institution, the enumerator will record, on the basis of their personal statement , as is the case "they know to read and write", or" knowing only to read", or" doesn't know to read and write".

If a person is able to read and write a brief note regarding the daily life, he is not considered as illiterate, but the person who is not able to read and write, or maybe only to read, or only to write, is considered illiterate. Also, a person able to only read and write own name and numbers, will be considered illiterate.

For the children born after September 1991 and for the pre-school children the space of this item will be barred by a line (the same to the item 18.2).

[p. 46]

For aged persons who attended only the read and write courses for illiterates will be recorded "read and write courses for illiterates".

18.3 The name and the type (field of study) of the educational institution attended by the enumerated person -- will be recorded for the persons 6 years of age and over (born before September 15, 1995) who declare that they are attending the courses of a school or educational institutions, regardless of whether these are day, evening or without attendance courses.

The enumerator must write the exact name and the type (field of study) of the institution the person is attending. For example: Theoretical high school; the High school of school group of Transportation and Telecommunications; the University of Bucharest -- the philology faculty (department), etc.

Whether a person is attending two or more educational institutions at the same time, the one that is selected by the person will be recorded.

For the persons not attending or interrupting the courses of an educational institution, as well as for the children under the pre-school age (born after September 15, 1995) the spaces for items 18.3 and 18.4 will be barred by a line.

In order to assure the correct registration of the level and the field study, of the graduated or attended educational institution by the enumerated persons, the enumerator will use "The classification and coding of the educational institutions of Romania", provided on Annex 1.

The chief enumerator will codify the names and the field of study of the graduated or attended educational institutions, on the basis of "The code list of the educational institutions "(paragraphs 127-130).

Type of ownership -- will be recorded the kind of the ownership of the graduated educational institution (18.2) and /or for the educational institution attended by the enumerated person, by marking x to the corresponding box for: the state (public) -- ownership and the code 1 or private code 2, for private ownership.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Questions 26 and 27 apply only to persons born before January 2002

26. Highest educational institution from which the person graduated (receiving a certificate or a diploma)

26.1 Name and profile (the masters and PhD studies are not included: they will be written further below)
____ _ _

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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10a. What is your highest level of education?
Question 10 is for persons aged 10 or older
[] 1 General elementary (elementary)
[] 2 General basic (incomplete secondary)
[] 3 General (complete) secondary
[] 4 Secondary vocational (secondary specialized)
[] 5 Incomplete higher vocational (incomplete higher)
[] 6 Higher vocational (higher)
[] 7 Postgraduate vocational
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Question 8.3. a) Your education
Those who have reached the age of 10 should be identified by one of seven suggested prompts.
The highest educational attainment of a respondent should be recorded.
Apart from the current classification of the levels of education the prompts also suggest former classification of those levels (in brackets).
If a respondent finds difficulty in defining his/her level of education, observe the following rules.
"Primary comprehensive (primary)" and "basic comprehensive (lower secondary)" education can be determined by the highest grade completed and the year of graduation with the help of the following table.
Table for identification of the level of educational attainment of persons without secondary (complete) comprehensive education, with the classification by grades [table]
[Column headings:]
(A) The highest grade of the comprehensive school completed by the respondent, or what grade he/she is attending now
(B) Level of education corresponding to the given grade
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed primary comprehensive school
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 3 grades of the three-year primary comprehensive school in 1972 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 4-6 grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 7 grades in 1962 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 8 grades in 1990 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Attends 5-9 grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 4th grade in 1972/1973 - 1988/1989 school years
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 5-7th grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 8th grade in 1962/1963 school year or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 9th grade in 1989/1990 school year or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Primary comprehensive (primary education)
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade:
Completed lower secondary school:
Seven-year school in 1961 or earlier
Either-year school in 1963-1989
Nine-year school in 1990-1992
Basic comprehensive school in 1993 or later
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 7 grades in 1961 or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 8 grades in 1989 or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 9 grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 10 grades of eleven- or twelve-year secondary school
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Completed 11 grades of twelve-year secondary school
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Attends 10-11 (12) grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 8th grade in 1961/1962 school year or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 9th grade in 1988/1989 school year or earlier
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education
(A) Highest completed grade or current grade: Dropped out of the 10-11th (12th) grades
(B) Corresponding level of education: Basic comprehensive (lower secondary) education

Check off the appropriate prompt:
"Secondary (complete) comprehensive" - for those who completed secondary comprehensive school (including those with them-depth learning of certain subjects), lycees, gymnasia etc. and received a certificate of secondary (complete) comprehensive education.
"Secondary vocational (secondary special)" - for those who completed a secondary vocational educational institution: technical secondary school, medical or pedagogical school, college, technical secondary school at an enterprise etc.
"Incomplete higher (non-graduate)" - for those who completed the basic educational course of higher professional learning, attended the course for not less than 2 years, and received a diploma of incomplete higher education.
Mark the same prompt for those who is now attending or completed the basic educational course of higher professional learning, or attended the course for not less than one half of the established period of learning.
Those who do not have a diploma of incomplete higher education and attended the course for less than one half of the established period of ]earning should be identified by the prompt corresponding to the level of educational attainment they had reached before being admitted to a higher educational establishment i.e., "secondary vocational (secondary special)" or " secondary (complete) comprehensive".
[p. 50]
"Higher professional" for those who graduated from the higher educational establishment: institute, academy, university etc.
"Post-graduate professional" - for those who completed the post-graduate course, doctor's degree course, residency, military post-graduate course in educational establishments of higher professional learning and scientific institutions (regardless of the availability of an academic degree).
Part-time, correspondence or external students who graduated from educational institutions should be identified as graduates of the respective educational establishments.
For students and graduates of educational institutions which do not provide comprehensive education (e.g., training course (center), vocational training center, re-training or advanced training course, preparatory classes of higher educational establishments etc.) you should indicate the level of education attained before their admission to those educational establishments.
If you find difficulty in identifying the level of education, in the "Notes" section on the front page of the cover - Census forms for the dwelling - put down the ordinal number of the person with an unclear level of education, his/her full name, the name of educational establishment he/she graduated from, attended or is attending now, the grades (years) completed, and when (year).
The field should not be completed for children under 10.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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8. Education and training
[For persons aged 10 and over.]

8.1 Your education

Indicate only one of the options that corresponds to the highest educational level attained
[] Primary (elementary)
[] Basic general (incomplete secondary)
[] Secondary general (complete)
[] Primary vocational (vocational high school)
[] Secondary vocational (vocational college)
[] Incomplete higher vocational (incomplete higher)
[] Higher vocational (higher)
For persons who graduated before 1995 in Russia indicate "specialist"
[] Bachelor
[] Specialist
[] Master
[] Post-graduate higher vocational (graduate)
[] No education
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Section 8. Education and training

Section 8.1. Your education
Individuals aged 10 years old and over shall put a mark that corresponds to one of the following prompts.
Level of education is identified by the document of the state sample (certificate, certificate of degree, reference and etc.) received upon graduation from education institutions. The highest level of education received by the respondents is taken into account.
In addition to the names of the levels of education accepted nowadays prompts contain the names of the same levels of education which were used earlier (given in parentheses).
In case the respondent has difficulty identifying his level of education the following rules shall be followed.
"Primary comprehensive (primary)" and "basic comprehensive (incomplete secondary)" education can be identified by the number of completed classes and year of graduation, which is given in the table below. The same table is given in the Form No. 10 "A card for a respondent" - it can be shown to the respondent in case of difficulty in identification of the level of education.

[The following was presented in table form. Column 1 included "How many classes of comprehensive educational institution did the respondent finish?". "Educational level corresponding to this number of classes" was in column 2.]

Table for identification of the level of education for individuals who did not get (complete) comprehensive secondary education with number of classes

Educational level corresponding to this number of classes

How many classes of comprehensive educational institution did the respondent finish?.

Primary comprehensive (elementary)

Finished primary comprehensive school
Finished 3 classes of 3-year primary
comprehensive school in 1972 and later.
Finished 4-6 classes.
Finished 7 classes in 1962 and later.
Finished 8 classes in 1990 and later.
Studies in 5-9 classes.
Left after 4 classes during 1972/73 1988/89 school years.
Left after 5-7 classes.
Left after 8 classes in 1962/63 school years and later
Left after 9 classes in 1989/90 school years and later

General comprehensive (post-primary secondary)

Finished post-primary secondary school:
- 7-year in 1961 and earlier,
- 8-year in 1963-1989,
- 9-year in 1990-1992,
- general comprehensive school in 1993 and later
Finished 7 classes in 1961 and earlier.
Finished 8 classes in 1989 and earlier.
Finished 9 classes
Finished 10 classes of 11-year or
12-year secondary school
Finished 11 classes of 12-year secondary school
Studies in 10-11 (12) grade
Left after 8 classes in 1961/62 school years and earlier
Left after 9 classes in 1988/89 school years and earlier
Left after 10-11 (12) classes

"Secondary (complete) comprehensive" - will be indicated by those who finished secondary comprehensive institution - a school (including the ones with advanced study of several subjects), a lyceum, a gymnasium and etc. and got a certificate of secondary (complete) education.


"Primary professional" will be indicated by:

- Those who finished 8 or 9 classes of comprehensive educational institution (a school) and who finished educational institution of primary professional education (training college, vocational school, educational-course center, training and manufacturing center, technical school (for example, nautical and etc.);
- Those who received secondary (complete) comprehensive education and who finished educational institution of primary professional education (training college, vocational school, educational-course center, training and manufacturing center, technical school (for example, nautical and etc.);

"Secondary professional (specialized secondary education)" - will be indicated by those who finished educational institution of secondary professional education - technical secondary school, specialized school (for example, medical, pedagogical), college, technical secondary school and enterprise and etc.

"Incomplete higher professional (incomplete professional)" - will be indicated by those who finished education according to the main educational program of higher professional education in the volume of no less than 2 years of the educational period and who received a diploma of undergraduate higher education.

This prompt will be indicated also by those who study and who studied and finished education according to the general educational program of higher professional education in the volume of no less than half of the educational period. Those who studied at the institutes of higher education less than half of the period of education, will mark level of education they had before entering the university, i.e. "secondary professional (secondary specialized)" or "secondary comprehensive (complete)" or "primary professional".

Those who graduated from the institutes of higher education: institute, academy, university and etc., will mark the level of higher professional education:

- "Bachelor" - those who studied in higher educational institution no less than 4 years and received certificate of the "bachelor";
- "Specialist" - those who got a certificate of the "specialist" and who graduated from the university before 1995 (including graduates of the institutes of higher education in the USSR);
- "Master" - those who studied at the institutes of higher education no less than 6 years and got a certificate of the "master".

If a respondent has several levels of professional education, then only the highest one will be marked (for example, those who are bachelors and specialists will mark "specialist").
"Post-graduate professional" - those who finished post-graduates course, residencee training and training in a military academy at the educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions (regardless of defense of a thesis).
Graduation from educational institutions in the correspondence and internally-correspondence form, evening form and also in the form of family education, self-education and in the form of externship is equal to graduation from the relevant full-time educational institutions.
Those who study or finish educational institutions of second education that do not provide comprehensive education (for example, educational-course center (office), training and production center, courses of retraining and improvement of qualification, preliminary courses of the educational institutions, centers of professional orientation, musical and art schools, school of arts, sport schools, the house of youth creativity and etc.) will mark the level of education they received before entering these educational institutions.
"Don't have education" will be marked by those who do not have any education. These people shall be asked a question "Can you read and write?" and depending on the answer mark one of two prompts:

"Yes" - those, who can read and write;
"No" - who can neither read nor write.
If a respondent can either read or write only, mark "no" will be put.
The question is left blank for the individuals under 10 years of age.
Question 8.2. Do you have academic degree of candidate of science, doctor of science?
This question shall be asked to those who answered "bachelor", "specialist", "master" or "post-graduate professional" in question 8.1. Depending on answer one of the marks will be put - "candidate of science", "doctor of science" or "don't know".

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_EDLEV — Level of education
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Population aged 6 years or more
[Questions 16-25.]

P17. Level of education

What is the highest grade completed with success by ____?

Fill in clearly the dotted line with the last grade completed with success. If the answer is
P17 = PR0-8 (Primary), go to P20
P17 = PP1-3 (Post-primary), go to P21
P17 = FP1-3 (Vocational), go to P21
P17 = FT1-3 (Technical), go to P21
P17 = EG1-3 (General), go to P21

_ _


1. PR0-8 = Primary
2. PP1-3 = Post-Primary
3. FP1-7 = Vocational training
4. FT1-7 = Technical training
5. EG1-7 = General training (secondary school)
6. SU1-9 = University, post graduate training

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C. Questions asked to all residents aged 6 years or more (questions from P16 to P25)

These questions aim at knowing the activities related to education and employment for persons aged 6 years or more [the French text says more than 6 years].

Children aged less than 6 years are not concerned with questions from P16 to P25.

P17: Level of education

1. If for question P16 the number "1" was circled, this means that the enumerated person is still studying or has attended school. On P17, on the dotted line, one will write the type of school for the last class completed or the current class, by following the abbreviations marked below the question to be asked; one will add the number corresponding to the last class completed successfully; one will take this opportunity to identify the type of school involved. This last class occurs in various types of schools.


PR 0-8: Primary schools
PP 1-3: Complementary schools
FP 1-7: Vocational schools
FT 1-7: Technical schools
EG 1-7: General school (e.g. secondary school)
SU 1-9: Schools for higher education, and universities


PR. . .: On the dotted line, one adds the number of years completed with success in a primary school.
Example: the person has completed with success five years, and is currently in the sixth year of the primary school:
write "PR5" .

PP. . .: On the dotted line, one adds the number of years completed with success in a complementary school. (Cerar, Cerai, Familiale, Menagere).
(Complementary schools for housewives, maids, and so forth)
Example: the person has completed with success the second year, and is currently in the third year in a complementary school:
write "PP2".

FP. . .: On the dotted line, one adds the number of years completed with success in a vocational school.
Example: the person has completed with success the third year, and is currently in the fourth year in a vocational school:
write "FP3".

FT. . .: On the dotted line, one adds the number of years completed with success in a technical school.
Example: The person has completed with success the fourth year, and is currently in the fifth year in a technical school:
write "FT4".

EG. . .: On the dotted line, one adds the number of years completed with success in a general secondary school.
Example: the person has completed with success the fifth year, and is currently in the sixth year in a secondary school:
write "EG5".
[The French text says EG2 instead]

SU. . .: On the dotted line, one adds the number of years completed with success in a school for higher education or a university.


Example: the person has completed the first university cycle, that is to say 2 or 3 years with success: write: "SU2" or "SU3". For a person who has completed (the cycle) with success, or is in the fourth year in a school for higher education write "SU3". For a person who has completed the second year of university with success, or is in the third year write "SU2".

If the person attended several schools of different type, one will write that in which he/she completed the secondary year.

If he/she failed the first year of primary school, one will write: "PR0".

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_EDATTAIN2 — Highest education level completed
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 16-19 were asked for residents aged 3 years or older.]

[Questions 18- 19 were asked only to respondents who have attended or are currently attending school.]

18a. What is the highest level of education the respondent attended?

[] 0 Preschool
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Post Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 University

18b. How many years of school did the respondent complete successfully at the highest level?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
Post primary
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7+
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P16 to P19: For residents aged 3 years or older

P18a: Educational level attained
Ask: What is the highest level of school or literacy program [the person] attended?

[1] For private household questionnaire
Encircle the code number which matches the level accordingly to response given.
Example: if he/she is studying or has studied until year six in primary level, encircle code "1".

[2] For institutional household questionnaire
Enumerator is not allowed to encircle the code number which matches the level of schools attended accordingly to response given. One box was given; write code number of the school or literacy program level attended.

Example: if he/she is studying or has studied until year six in primary level, write code "1".

P18b: Years completed
How many years of school did [the person] complete [successfully] at that level?

[1] For private household questionnaire
Encircle the code numbers which match the years completed [successfully] accordingly to response given

If he/she is studying or has studied until year six in primary level, encircle code "5".
If he/she is studying or has studied until year one in primary level, encircle code "0".

[2] For institutional household questionnaire
Enumerator is not allowed to encircle the code number which matches the years completed accordingly to response given. Write the code number of the years completed in box provided.

Example: if he/she is studying or has studied until year six in primary level, write code number of the years completed in box provided as declared by the respondent as follows "5".

If he/she is studying or has studied until year one in primary level, encircle code "0".

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_EDLEVTY — Highest educational level
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19. Highest level of educational attainment (including persons still at school)

a. Type of school/university

[] None
[] Nursery/infant
[] Primary
[] Second or comprehensive
[] Multi high
[] Other secondary
[] University
[] Other
[] Not stated

b. Years of schooling

[] 0
[] 1-2
[] 3-4
[] 5-6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11+
[] Not stated

c. Exam passed

[] None
[] Physical, Chemical, Geological Science, Engineering / school leaving
[] General Certificate of Education (0) 1-4
[] General Certificate of Education (0) 5 / SC / GCE (A) 1
[] General Certificate of Education (A) 2+
[] Diploma
[] Degree
[] Other
[] Not stated
[] Caribbean Examination Council (B) 1-3
[] Caribbean Examination Council (G) 1-3

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_EDLEV — Education level
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5.6 What is the highest level of education that ____ has reached?
[] None -- Skip to 5.9
[] Nursery/kindergarten -- Skip to 5.9
[] Primary
[] Secondary -- Skip to 5.8
[] Pre-university/post-secondary -- Skip to 5.8
[] University -- Skip to 5.8
[] Other (please specify) ______ -- Skip to 5.9
[] Not stated -- Skip to 5.8

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_EDLEV2 — Grade of education
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For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

P16. Level of education

Circle the highest grade completed

[] 00 None
[] 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 Primary
[] 07, 08, 09, 10 Secondary, first cycle
[] 11, 12, 13 Secondary, second cycle
[] 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 University
[] 19 Other

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P16) Level of education
The question applies to all persons aged 6 years and above, that is those born before 1982.
Ask the following question: "Have you ever been - or do you currently go - to a school where the teaching is in French?"

If the answer is yes, then ask:
"What is the last grade completed, or the grade you are currently enrolled in?" Then circle the code corresponding to the answer given.

For a pupil in fifth grade of primary school (CM2), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was fifth grade of primary school (CM2), circle "06"
For a student in ninth grade, secondary school (4eme), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was ninth grade, secondary school (4eme), circle "09"
For a student in Bachelor's year at the university (License), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was Bachelor's year at the university (License), circle "16"

If the person had been to a technical or vocational school, circle the number of years of studies in that school.
For a student who finished the first year of the "School of Police" (Section of Constables), circle "07"
For police inspectors, circle "11".
For Civil Administrator, who completed the National School for Administration and Magistrate in Senegal (ENAM), circle "18".
For a person who is in the second year ITS of ENEA, circle "15" (13 years before entering the ENEA school + 2 years within ENEA)
For a person who completed the National School for Nurses (EIIE), circle "13" (10 years before entering the school + 3 years within the school.

If the answer is "no", ask the following question: "Have you been to a school where the teaching is done in another language?"
If the answer is "no", circle "A 00"
If the answer is "yes", circle "19".
If the person only went to Koranic school, circle "A 00"

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_EDLEV — Level of education
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For individuals 3 years of age and older
[Questions B14-B15 are asked only to those 3 years and older]

[If B14=FR, FA, or AUT go to B15; otherwise, go to B16]

B15. Level of education

Write the code corresponding to the highest grade completed, or to the current grade.

[] 00 None
[] 01 Pre-school / kindergarten
[] 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 Primary
[] 08, 09, 10, 11 Secondary, first cycle
[] 12, 13, 14 Secondary, second cycle
[] 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 University / higher education

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Note: the following questions (B14 and B15) apply only to persons aged 3 years and above. Write an oblique hyphen for all the persons aged less than 3 years.

B15 - Level of education

The question applies to all persons aged 3 years and above, and who were enrolled or are currently enrolled in a formal teaching school (French, Franco-Arabic or Others).

Then circle the code corresponding to the answer given.

[] 00 None
[] 01Pre-school / kindergarten

Primary (elementaire):
[] 02 Preschool (CI)
[] 03 First grade (CP)
[] 04 Second grade (CE1)
[] 05 Third grade (CE2)
[] 06 Fourth grade (CM1)
[] 07 Fifth grade (CM2)

Secondary first cycle (moyen)
[] 08 Sixth grade (6eme)
[] 09 Seventh grade (5eme)
[] 10 Eighth grade (4eme)
[] 11 Ninth grade (3eme)

Secondary second cycle (secondaire)
[] 12 Tenth grade (Seconde)
[] 13 Eleventh grade (Premiere)
[] 14 Twelfth grade (Terminale)

University / Higher education (superieur)
[] 15 Higher, first year
[] 16 Higher, second year
[] 17 Higher, third year (Bachelors) [Licence] or equivalent
[] 18 Higher, fourth year (Master's) [Maitrise] or equivalent
[] 19 Higher, fifth year or more

- For a student currently in grade 5 (CM2), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but who stopped in grade 5 (CM2), write "07"
- For a student currently in grade 8 (4eme), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but who stopped in grade 8 (4eme), write "10"
- For a student currently in third year university, or for a person who completed his or her studies at the same level, write "17".
- If a person went to technical or vocational school, try first to determine the level by comparison, write the number years of schooling in this school. (A list of correspondence between the levels of schools will be given to you).

Remarks: For persons who no longer go to school, take the last grade completed.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_EDLEV — Level of education
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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 3 or older.
[Questions B29 through B32 were asked of resident persons age 3 and older.]

B32. Level of education

What was the last class or current class attended by [the respondent]? Enter the code corresponding to the answer given by following the instructions at the bottom of the page)
[] 01 First year of preschool
[] 02 Second year of preschool
[] 03 Kindergarten
[] 04 Initiation course (IC)
[] 05 Preparatory course (PC)
[] 06 Elementary course 1st year (CE1)
[] 07 Elementary course 2nd year (CE2)
[] 08 Middle school (''Cours moyen'') 1st year (CM1)
[] 09 Middle school (''Cours moyen'') 2nd year (CM2)
Secondary school, first cycle
[] 10 Sixth (6th)
[] 11 Fifth (5th)
[] 12 Fourth (4th)
[] 13 Third (3rd)
Secondary school, second cycle
[] 14 Second
[] 15 First
[] 16 Final year of secondary school
Higher education
[] 17 1st year
[] 18 2nd year
[] 19 Bachelor's / 3rd year
[] 20 Master's / 4th year
[] 21 DEA / 5th year
[] 22 6th year
[] 23 7th year
[] 24 8th year and higher
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B32: level of instruction
This question is for anyone aged 3 years and over who has attended or is still attending a formal educational institution (French; Franco-Arabic and other).
Record the code corresponding to the last class followed or the current class:

01 02 03 (first, second, and third grade)
04 Introductory course (CI);
05 Preparatory course (CP);
06 Elementary course first year (CE1);
07 Elementary course second year (CE2);
08 Middle course first year (CM1);
09 Middle course second year (CM2).
[p. 43]
Middle (first cycle of secondary)
10 First year (6th);
11 Second year (5th);
12 Third year (4th);
13 Fourth year (3rd).
Secondary (second cycle of secondary)
14 Second class;
15 First class;
16 Terminal class.
17 First year of higher;
18 Second year of higher;
19 Third year of higher (license) or equivalent;
20 Fourth year of higher (master's) or equivalent;
21 Fifth year of higher (master 2);
22 Sixth year of higher (1st year of doctoral cycle);
23 Seventh year of higher (2nd year of doctoral cycle);
24 Eighth year of higher (3rd year of doctoral cycle).

Example: For a student currently attending the CE2 class or for a person who no longer attends but whose studies have finished at the CE2 class, record 07.
For a person currently attending the fourth year of middle school or for a person no longer attending school and whose studies have been completed at the 4th year of middle school, record 12.
For a person who is currently attending the university's license year or for a person who has completed his or her studies in the university's undergraduate year, enter 19.
If the person attended a vocational school, first try to determine the level by analogy and then enter the number of years of study completed at that school.
NB: The following questions (from B33 to B40) are addressed to anyone aged 6 years and over.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level attained
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[Questions P19-P21: Persons age 6 years and older]

P20. Highest level attained
What is the highest level that [the respondent] attained?

[Question P20 was asked of persons age 6 or older who have ever attended school, per question P19]

[] 01 None
[] 11 Kindergarten
[] 21 Primary 1
[] 22 Primary 2
[] 23 Primary 3
[] 24 Primary 4
[] 25 Primary 5
[] 26 Primary 6
[] 31 JSS 1-3
[] 41 SSS 1-3
[] 51 Vocational/commercial
[] 61 Teacher training (TC/HTC)
[] 62 Technical (OND, HND)
[] 63 Nursing (up to SRN)
[] 71 Tertiary (certificate/diploma)
[] 72 Tertiary (first degree)
[] 73 Tertiary (post-graduate)
[] 81 Koranic
[] 92 Other (specify) ____

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Columns P19 - P21) -- Education and literacy (Persons age 6 or older)

P20 -- Highest level attained
116. This question is applicable only to respondents who, in P19, answered that they had been or were still in school. It does not apply to persons who never went to school.

117. Ask: "What is the highest level that he/she attained?" i.e. highest grade/level completed). Record the appropriate code (refer to the code list).

118. If a person went to a primary school or is still attending primary school, state the level or highest class he/she has passed. His or her present class is not the highest class passed. For example, if respondent is in class 4, the highest level attained is class 3 and therefore enter 05 [or 23] in the appropriate column.

119. Similarly if the respondent is in JSS 1, the highest class passed is class 6 and therefore enter code 08 [or 26] in the column relating to that respondent. The technique here is that the highest class passed at all levels is the class immediately below the present class of the person.

120. A University undergraduate with no other qualification other than completed secondary, will have code 10 [or 41] recorded.

[Questions P19 - P21: Persons age 6 or older]

P20 Highest level attended
What is the highest level that [the respondent] attained?

[] 01 None
[] 11 Kindergarten
[] 21 Primary 1
[] 22 Primary 2
[] 23 Primary 3
[] 24 Primary 4
[] 25 Primary 5
[] 26 Primary 6
[] 31 JSS 1 - 3
[] 41 SSS 1 - 3
[] 51 Vocational / comm
[] 61 Teacher training (TC / HTC)
[] 62 Technical (OND, HND)
[] 63 Nursing (up to SRN)
[] 71 Tertiary (certificate / diploma)
[] 72 Tertiary (first degree)
[] 73 Tertiary (post-graduate)
[] 81 Koranic
[] 92 Other (specify)

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_EDATTAIN — Highest education attained
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

3 years and above [Questions P22-P24]

P24. What is the highest level of education [the respondent] ever attended and grade completed?

Answered only if the respondent indicated that they had ever attended school in P22.

[] 0 Kindergarten
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 1 Primary
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 2 JSS
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 3 SSS
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 4 Vocational/tech/nursing/teacher
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 5 Higher (First degree)
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 6 Tertiary (Post-graduate)
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 7 Koranic
Grade completed: 81
[] 8 Other
Grade completed: 92
[] 9 Don't know
Grade completed: 98
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P22-- P24) -- Education (for all persons 3 years and over)
131. Persons aged less than 3 years are not concerned with questions P22 to P24.

P24- Highest level attended and grade completed
136. This question is applicable only to respondents who, in P22, answered that they had been to school. It does not apply to persons who never went to school.

137. Ask, "What the highest level (name) attended and grade that (name) completed?" (I.e. highest level attended and grade completed). Record the appropriate code (See codes below).

[Table omitted, table of highest level and grade attained]


138. If a person went to a Primary School or is still attending Primary School, state the grade or highest class he/she has completed. His or her present class is not the highest class completed. For example, if a respondent is in class 4, the highest grade attained is class 3 and therefore enter '1' for the level, followed by '3' for the grade completed in the appropriate column.

139. A respondent who is in JSS 1 will have 2 (JSS) recorded for the level and "0" for grade completed at that level.

140. Similarly, a university undergraduate with no other qualification other than completed secondary and currently in his/her first year at university will have '4' recorded for the level and '0' for grade completed at that level. A student in year '2' at the university should have '5' and '1' recorded for him/her. A university graduate (first degree) should have ' 5' and '04' recorded for him/her, and a Masters degree holder should have '6' and '2' recorded. A P.H.D. holder should have '6' and '05' recorded for him/her.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

16. Highest completed level of education ____

The type and name of the school at the time when the enumerated person completed it (also the primary and apprentice school, or secondary vocational school); specify the length of studies and the leaving examination, for universities the name of the faculty; if appropriate, enter "no formal education"

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Personal form

13. Educational attainment - name of the school

[] Elementary
[] Apprentice (without leaving exam)
[] Vocational (without leaving exam)
[] Vocational complete (with leaving exam)
[] Secondary
[] Higher (enterprise institutes, trainings at universities)
[] University bachelor
[] University master, engineer, doctor
[] University doctorand
[] Without educational attainment (born 25.5.85 and older)
[] Children up to 16
Name of the school (by universities also faculty) ____
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Explanations for filling in the personal form

13. Educational attainment - name of the school
Highest educational attainment should be filled in. Write down the name of the school at the time of completing studies. The name of the school should not be completed for children up to age 16, by persons with elementary education, and by persons without any education.

Elementary: To be filled in also by students of 8-year high schools or 8-year old conservatories in the case they have finished the first four years of that high school conservatories.
To be filled in also by persons with incomplete elementary education i.e. persons who finished the compulsory schooling without completing all grades and they are older than 16.
University doctorand: To be filled in by graduates of the former scientific training or the current doctorand program.

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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A. Data on population

14. Educational attainment

[] Basic
[] Apprentice (without diploma)
[] Secondary professional (without diploma)
[] Complete secondary professional (with diploma)
[] Complete secondary professional (with diploma)
[] Complete secondary general
[] Higher professional education
[] Academic Bachelor program
[] Academic Master, Doctor, Engineer program
[] Academic PhD program
[] No school education
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

The highest educational achievement
The highest educational achievement is the highest completed degree of education. Students of secondary vocational schools and secondary schools should mark basic education, students of higher educational institutions should mark the relevant secondary education.

- Basic education should be marked by a 16-year-old or older person who completed high school and did not continue his/her studies. It should also be marked by a student of secondary vocational school and secondary school. Basic education should also be marked by a student of an 8-year grammar school, or an 8-year conservatory, if he/she has already completed the first four years of the relevant grammar school (conservatory).
- Apprenticeship (without graduation) should be marked by a resident who completed his/her apprenticeship at an apprentice school by an apprentice examination (and received apprenticeship certificate).
- Secondary vocational education (without graduation) should be marked by a resident who has completed education at a secondary vocational school or secondary vocational school without passing a school-leaving examination (e.g. graduates of 1-year and 2-year industrial schools, economic/business, medical, agricultural and forestry schools).
- A full secondary apprenticeship (with graduation) should be marked by a resident who has completed secondary education by completing a school-leaving examination (e.g. graduates of a 5-year vocational school or a vocational school with graduation, or graduates of a 4-year apprenticeship).
- Full secondary vocational education (with graduation) should be marked by a resident who has completed education at secondary vocational schools (e.g. industrial, agricultural, forestry, economic, social-legal, medical, pedagogical, librarian, art-industrial, conservatory) by passing graduation exam. It should also be marked by a graduate of post-secondary studies at a secondary vocational school, which was completed by graduation.
- A complete secondary general education should be marked by a graduate of a grammar school and a secondary general school, who completed his studies by graduation. It should also be marked by graduates of 11-year and 12-year high schools, high schools, seminaries, higher girls' schools and high schools for workers, i.e. secondary school with graduation.
- Higher professional education should be marked by graduates of corporate institutes, university courses, fifth, sixth or possibly higher grades of conservatoires, as well as graduates of higher professional studies (post-secondary studies), which were completed by passing the graduate exam.
- Undergraduate bachelor's education should be marked by graduates of the first (Bachelor's) degree in Higher Education (Bc.).
- Graduates of Master's degrees, engineering, doctoral degree should mark a graduate of the second degree of higher education, including rigorous continuation (Mgr., Ing., Ing. arch., JUDr., MUDr., MVDr., RNDr., RSDr., PhDr., PhMr., ThDr., akad. arch., akad. mal., akad soch., arch., PaedDr., PharmDr., ThLic, etc.).
- Higher doctoral education should be marked by a graduate of a former scientific training or current doctoral study program, a graduate of the third degree of higher education, i.e. title holders of CSc., DrSc., PhD., ArtD. (titles listed after the name).
- No school education where children up to 16 years old (born after 20 May 1995) who were still attending primary school, and residents 16 years old and older without primary education.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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34. What is the highest recognized education you have achieved?
To be answered by persons of 15 and more years of age.

[] No education

Incomplete basic education:

[] 1-3 grades of primary school
[] 4-7 grades of primary school
[] Unfinished primary school and work training

Basic education:

[] Finished primary school

Upper secondary education:

[] Short-term vocational
[] Vocational
[] Technical
[] General

Post-secondary vocational education:

[] Vocational college
[] University college, university college specialization

Higher undergraduate education:

[] Professional
[] Academic

Higher post-graduate education:

[] Specialization
[] Master's degree
[] Doctor's degree

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34 What is the highest recognised education you have achieved?

The question is answered by people aged 15 or more.

A person's highest recognised education can be proven by a public document (school certificate, diploma, etc.).

The person obtained a certain level of education by finishing schooling:
According to publicly recognised programs in regular school;

In a school replacing regular school (part-time education, long-distance education, etc.) by courses, examinations or in some other way according to regulations governing the obtaining of publicly recognised education.

No education is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished no elementary school grade.

1-3 grades of primary school is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished less than 4 elementary school grades.

4-7 grades of primary school is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished at least 4 but not more than 7 elementary school grades (even if when the person attended school higher elementary school grades were called higher national school, lower gymnasium, city school, etc.).

[p. 63]

Unfinished primary school and work training is marked by the enumerator for a person who did not finish elementary school but finished a publicly recognised work training program (first level).

Finished primary school is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished:
4 elementary school grades and 4 grades of higher national school, city school, lower gymnasium, lower grades of full secondary modern or classical gymnasium;
7 grades of the seven-year elementary school when elementary school lasted only 7 years;
8 grades of the eight-year elementary school.

Short-term vocational is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished 1-2.5-year vocational education (semi-skilled workers, assistants, narrow occupations, second level).

Vocational is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished:
School or examinations for skilled workers;
School such as industrial plant schools, apprentice schools, schools for wider occupations (third and fourth levels);
3-year vocational education.

Technical is marked by the enumerator for a person who finished:
School or examinations for highly-skilled workers;
4-5-year school or program of upper secondary technical or other professional education or a vocational course (fifth level);
Master's or foreman or plant manager school or examination.

General is marked by the enumerator if a person finished:
Upper secondary program and passed a matura exam;
Pedagogical, socio-linguistic, culturological or natural science-mathematics school in job-oriented education (fifth level).

Vocational college is marked by the enumerator if a person finished a 2-year program of higher vocational education at a higher vocational school. These programs can be entered from the academic year 1996/97 onwards.

Vocational college education that can be obtained according to presently valid regulations is not the same as the one from previous periods. If a person finished a 2- or 2.5-year vocational program at a university college, faculty or academy (sixth level), the enumerator marks education as university college, university college specialisation.

University college, university college specialisation is marked by the enumerator if the person finished:
2- or 2.5-year vocational program at a university college, faculty or academy and got the title of economist, specialist subject teacher, higher...;
1-year specialist program after finishing a university college and got the title of higher..., specialist for...

University colleges lasting 2- or 2.5-years (exceptionally 3 years) started to operate in Slovenia soon after World War II (e.g. teacher training college, college for health workers, college for business and commerce, etc.). Later on college studies were introduced at higher education institutions, faculties and academies. The last academic year when people could enrol in this type of studies was 1995/96, and it had to be finished by the end of the academic year 2001/2002.

[p. 64]

Higher undergraduate professional is marked by the enumerator if the person finished a 3-year (exceptionally a 4-year) higher undergraduate professional study at a higher education institution, faculty or academy (and got the title graduate...).

For the first time people could enrol in these programs in the academic year 1995/96. As a rule they last 3 years, exceptionally 3.5 years.

Higher undergraduate professional education that can be obtained according to presently valid regulations is not the same as the one from previous periods, which is now counted as higher undergraduate academic education. If a person finished studies at a faculty or academy that lasted 4 years or more, his or her education is marked by the enumerator as higher undergraduate academic.

Higher undergraduate academic is marked by the enumerator if the person finished 4- to 6-year higher undergraduate academic study program at a faculty or academy (and got the title university graduate..., professor..., academic...).

Specialisation is marked by the enumerator if the person finished a 1- to 2-year postgraduate specialist study program and got the title of specialist.

Master's degree is marked by the enumerator if the person finished a 2-year postgraduate master's degree program and got the scientific title of Master of Science or Master of Arts.

Doctor's degree is marked by the enumerator if the person finished studies for obtaining a doctor's degree and got the scientific title of Doctor of Science.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_DEDUCODE — Highest school class completed
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Question 16-19 should be answered for each person in the household, whether child or adult, born before 10 October 1991 (5 years or older)

16.1. What is the highest school class/standard that (the person) has completed?

____ If no schooling, or currently in Sub A/Grd 1 write "none".

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_EDATTAN — Level of education
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[Ask of] ALL aged 5 years or more

P-17. Level of education

_ _ What is the highest level of education that (the person) has completed?
99 = No schooling
00 = Grade 0
01 = Grade 1/Sub A
02 = Grade 2/Sub B
03 = Grade 3/Standard 1
04 = Grade 4/Standard 2
05 = Grade 5/Standard 3
06 = Grade 6/Standard 4
07 = Grade 7/Standard 5
08 = Grade8/Standard 6/Form 1
09 = Grade9/Standard 7/Form 2
10 = Grade 10/Standard 8/Form 3/NTCI
11 = Grade 11/Standard 9/Form 4/NTCII
12 = Grade 12/Standard10/Form 5/Matric./NTCIII
13 = Certificate with less than Grade 12
14 = Diploma with less than Grade 12
15 = Certificate with Grade 12
16 = Diploma with Grade 12
17 = Bachelors Degree
18 = Bachelors Degree and Diploma
19 = Honours degree
20 = Higher Degree (Masters, Doctorate)
21 = Other
22 = Don't know
If categories 99 or 00-12 go to P-18

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Question P-17 -- Level of education
Ask for all persons aged 5 years and over.

Question 17 has two parts, 17 and 17a. Only those people who indicate that they have a post-school qualification in Question 17 will answer 17a.

P-17 "What is the highest level of education that (the person) has completed?"

Read the categories to the respondent.

In this question we are interested in the highest level of education that the person has completed, not the level they are currently studying. Thus a pupil at school who is in Grade 9 has completed Grade 8.

Note that formal schooling starts from Grade 1, while Grade 0 means the year just before Grade 1, that is, the last year of pre-school. If currently in Grade 0, write "99". For a child currently in Grade 1, write "00" or "99", depending on whether the child attended Grade 0 or not.

If the person has not attended school, this should also be recorded as "99".

Diplomas and certificates must be at least six months full-time study or equivalent. NTC 1 stands for the National Technical Certificate on first year level. Probe about post-school diplomas/certificates. If a person say that he/she has completed a certificate or diploma, like MCSE, computer or secretarial courses, or a course in typing, welding, etc, ask how long it took to complete.

The next question, 17a, concerns the field of post-school education so some people will skip this question:
If the respondent chose one of the codes in the first column skip P-17a and go to P-18.
If the respondent chose one of the codes in the second column, other than 21 or 22, go to P-17a.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_EDATTAN — Highest level of education
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P-29 Level of education
What is the highest level of education that (the person) has completed?
For a person with grade 12, probe whether he/she has a university exemption or not.
For a person with a certificate or a diploma, probe whether he/she has grade 12 (std 10) or not.
Write code in the box.
[] 00 Grade 0
[] 01 Grade 1
[] 02 Grade 2
[] 03 Grade 3/ Std 1/ ABET 1
[] 04 Grade 4/ Std 2
[] 05 Grade 5/ Std 3/ ABET 2
[] 06 Grade 6/ Std 4
[] 07 Grade 7/ Std 5/ ABET 3
[] 08 Grade 8/ Std 6
[] 09 Grade 9/ Std 7/ ABET 4
[] 10 Grade 10/Std 8/ NTCI
[] 11 Grade 11/ Std 9/ NTCII
[] 12 Attended Grade 12, but not completed Grade 12
[] 13 Grade 12 / Std 10/ NTCIII (without university exemption)
[] 14 Grade 12/ Std 10 (with university exemption)
[] 15 Certificate with [less than] Std 10/Gr.12
[] 16 Diploma with [less than] Std 10/Gr.12
[] 17 Certificate with Std 10/Gr.12
[] 18 Diploma with Std 10 /Gr.12
[] 19 Bachelors degree
[] 20 BTech
[] 21 Post graduate diploma
[] 22 Honours degree
[] 23 Higher degree (Masters/PhD)
[] 24 No schooling
[] 98 Out of scope (children under five
years of age)
_ _

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(P-29) Level of education: What is the highest level of education that (the person) has completed?
We are interested in the highest level of education that the person has completed, not the level they are currently studying. Thus a pupil at school who is in Grade 9 has completed Grade 8.

If grade 11 is mentioned, probe whether he/she has attended grade 12 but not completed it.

NTC 1 stands for the National Technical Certificate on first year level.
If grade 12 is mentioned, probe whether he/she has a university exemption or not and code accordingly.

If a certificate or diploma, probe whether he/she has a grade 12 or not.

NB: If the person is less than 5 years of age, write code 98

If the person is 5 years or older and had no schooling, write code 24.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_EDATTAN — Highest level of education
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Section E: Education
Ask of all persons aged 5 years and older listed on the flap.

P-20 Level of education
What is the highest level of education that [the person] has completed?
Read out: Diploma or certificate should have been at least six months study duration full-time or equivalent.
Write the appropriate code in the box _ _

98. No schooling
00. Grade 0
01. Grade 1/Sub A
02. Grade 2/Sub B
03. Grade 3/Std 1/ABET 1(Kha Ri Gude, SANLI)
04. Grade 4/Std 2
05. Grade 5/Std 3 / ABET 2
06. Grade 6/Std 4
07. Grade 7/Std 5 / ABET 3
If 98 or 00-07, go to P-22.
08. Grade 8/Std 6 / Form 1
09. Grade 9/Std 7/Form 2/
10. Grade 10/Std 8/Form 3
11. Grade 11/Std 9/Form 4
12. Grade 12/Std 10 /Form 5
If 08-12, go to P-23.
13. NTC I/N1/ NIC/(V) Level 2
14. NTCII/N2/ NIC/(V) Level 3
15. NTCIII/N3/NIC/(V) Level 4
16. N4/NTC 4
17. N5/NTC 5
18. N6/NTC 6
19. Certificate with less than Grade 12/ Std10
20. Diploma with less than Grade 12/Std 10
21. Certificate with Grade 12/Std 10
22. Diploma with Grade 12/Std 10
23. Higher Diploma
24. Post Higher Diploma (Masters, Doctoral Diploma)
25. Bachelor's degree
26. Bachelor's degree and Post graduate diploma
27. Honours degree
28. Higher degree (Masters/PhD)
29. Other
If 13-29, go to P-21.
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7. Section E: Education (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: This section collects information regarding the knowledge and skills in the country.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire aged 5 years and older.
All persons attending school (P-17) must answer questions on educational institution (P-18).
Level of education should be the highest level completed by the person, not what is currently being attended.
E.g. if a child is currently attending grade 4, then the child's highest level of education is grade 3.
If someone has completed grade 12, and is currently doing their last year before graduating with a degree/diploma, then their highest level of education is Grade 12.
P-21, if a person has a diploma or degree (from university or technikon or college), they should answer from option 01 to 22. Those who have qualifications from FET colleges should answer options 23 to 36.
f. Example - Education (below):
No response is expected for Adam because he is younger than 5 and this question addresses people that are 5 years and older.
Diana's highest level of education is a Bachelor's degree, hence her choice of option 25 (Note the skip to P-21).
Francinah only has Grade 2 as her highest level of education (Note the skip to P-22).

[Figure omitted, example]
g. Example - Education cont. (below):

The question on field of education (P-21) is to be answered by people who have post- school qualifications.
NOTE: options 01 to 22 are for people with qualifications from a university or technikon while options 23 to 36 are for people with qualifications from FET colleges.
Diana is the only person in the household who should complete this question.
Diana reports that her degree is in health care (option 09).

[Figure omitted, example]
h. Example - Education cont. (below):

Household members who are 5 years and older, without any formal education and those with primary education (up to grade 7) (P-20) must complete this question.
Francinah is the only person in the household who can complete this question.
Francinah reported that she has some difficulty in writing her name, a lot of difficulty in reading, she is unable to complete a form, some difficulty in writing a letter and that she is unable to read road signs and calculate change.
Only codes 1 to 5 can be written in the boxes provided.
A person whose level of education is secondary school or tertiary should not answer the question on literacy (P-22).

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.5] Education
Now, I am going to ask you questions on education.

[] What is the highest level of education that the respondent has successfully completed?

[] 98 No schooling
[] 0 Grade R/O
[] 1 Grade 1/Sub A/Class 1
[] 2 Grade 2/Sub B/Class 2
[] 3 Grade 3/Standard 1/ABET 1
[] 4 Grade 5/Standard 2
[] 5 Grade 5/Standard 3/ABET 2
[] 6 Grade 6/Standard 4
[] 7 Grade 7/Standard 5/ABET 3
[] 8 Grade 8/Standard 6/Form 1
[] 9 Grade 9/Standard 7/Form 2/ABET 4/Occupational certificate NQF level 1
[] 10 Grade 10/Standard 8/Form 3/NCV level 2/Occupational certificate NQF level 2
[] 11 Grade 11/Standard 9/Form 4/NCV level 3/Occupational certificate NQF level 3
[] 12 Grade 12/Standard 10/Form 5/Matric/NCV level 4/Occupational certificate NQF level 4
[] 13 NTC I/N1
[] 14 NTC II/N2
[] 15 NTC III/N3
[] 16 N4/NTC 4/Occupational certificate NQF level 5
[] 17 N5/NTC 5/Occupational certificate NQF level 5
[] 18 N6/NTC 6/Occupational certificate NQF level 5

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_EDATTAIN — Education attainment
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Education status
[Questions 15 - 18: Persons age 6 or older]

18. What is the highest level [the respondent] completed?

[Q18 is asked of persons age 6 or older who are currently attending school or have attended school, as per Q16.]
[] 1 No qualification (previously)
[] 2 Incomplete primary (currently)
[] 3 Primary 4
[] 4 Primary 6
[] 5 Primary 8
[] 6 Junior 3
[] 7 Junior 4
[] 8 Secondary 3
[] 9 Secondary 4
[] 10 Secondary 5
[] 11 Secondary 6
[] 12 Postsecondary diploma
[] 13 University first degree
[] 14 Postgraduate diploma
[] 15 Master's degree
[] 16 Ph.D. degree
[] 17 Khawa

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7.4. LFQ educational status questions 15-18
Note: these questions should be asked only to persons aged 6 years and above. Check the age of the persons as reported in question 4. If they are less than 6 years old, then you are finished asking questions about that person. Go to the next person listed in the questionnaire.
Asking questions only for persons of certain ages or only of females is called a "skip pattern". Skip patterns are used to avoid asking questions of persons that don't make sense. For example, asking if a 1-year-old baby attends school.

Q18 For those currently and previously attending school: "What is the highest level [the respondent] completed?" Continuing with the first person "Person 01" age 6 years and over and currently attending or previously attended in question 16, ask question 18.

  • Shade the number that corresponds to the appropriate educational level.
  • Note that 1 "No qualification" is applicable only for those who have previously attended school and 2 "Incomplete primary" is only applicable for those currently attending school.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_EDLEVEL — Level of instruction
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11. Educational attainment
Indicate the highest level of study that you have completed and passed.
For example: Law, graduated with degree; Medicine, 4th year; Upper level baccalaureate, 5th grade; elementary through 11th grade; elementary school graduate; Basic general education, 6th year; etc.
If you have never attended school, even if you know how to read and write, write "no studies"
_ _ / _

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_EDLEV — Studies completed (level of instruction)
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19. To be answered only by persons age ten or older on March 1, 1991

What is the highest level of schooling that you have completed?

Mark the appropriate choice. Note that "completed" means that schooling at this level is completed, that you passed all courses pertaining to this level, and that you are therefore entitled to the corresponding degree or diploma.
[] 1 Does not know how to read and write
[] 2 Never attended school
[] 3 Elementary school or five completed years of EGB or equivalent
[] 4 Basic baccalaureate degree [translator's note: this is similar to a high school education] (General, Labor, or Technical), EGB completed or equivalent
[] 5 1st level Technical Training; Industrial official education
[] 6 2nd level Technical Training; Industrial masters degree
[] 7 Higher level BUP
[] 8 Other 2nd level degrees
[] 9 Technical architects or engineers (completed third level education) in higher technical schools
[] 10 Diploma from university schools and diploma (third level completed) from University faculties and colleges
[] 11 Upper level architect or engineer
[] 12 University degree
[] 13 Degrees for non-university higher education studies
[] 14 Doctoral degree
[] 15 Diplomas for post-graduate studies or specialized post-graduate studies for university graduates
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EDLEV — Level of education completed
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3. Highest level of education completed.
Look for the numbers in Table 3 and mark the corresponding box.
[] 1 Does not know how to read or write.
[] 2 Knows how to read and write, but attended school for less than five years.
[] 3 Attended school for five years or more, but did not complete EGB, ESO, or basic baccalaureate degree [EGB, educación general básica, basic general education / Educación Superior Oficial, Official higher Education]
[] 4 Basic Baccalaureate degree, EGB, or ESO completed (School graduate)
[] 5 Higher Baccalaureate degree, BUP, Bachelors LOGSE, COU, PREU
[BUP, Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, Curso de Orientación Universitaria, a one-year college preparatory program.]

[If answer is 1-5] Go on to question 5.

[] 6 Technical Training, mid-level; Official industrial training, or equivalent
[] 7 Technical Training, second level; advanced Technical Training; Industrial master's degree or equivalent
[] 8 Diploma, Architecture or Technical engineering, 3 years completed of a bachelor's degree, or the first three years of an engineering or architecture degree
[] 9 Completed degree in Architecture or Engineering, Bachelor's degree, or equivalent
[] 10 Doctorate

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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If the Person 1 is 16 years or older, go to question 10. If he/she is younger than 16 years continue with question 9.

10. What is the highest level of studies that he/she has completed?
Mark only one option.

[] Cannot read or write (go to question 12)
[] Can read and write but attended school for less than five years (go to question 12)
[] Attended school for five or more years but did not complete compulsory secondary education (ESO), basic general education (EGB), or elementary baccalaureate (go to question 12)
[] Completed compulsory secondary education (ESO), basic general education (EGB), elementary baccalaureate, or received completion certificate for compulsory education (go to question 12)
[] Baccalaureate (LOE, LOGSE), unified secondary school diploma (BUP), higher baccalaureate, university orientation course (COU), or pre-university (PREU) (go to question 12)
[] Intermediate professional formation (FR), professional formation I (FP I), official industrial course or equivalent, intermediate professional music and dance training, offical langauge school certificate
[] Higher professional formation, professional formation II (FP II), industrial masters or equivalent
[] General university degree (diplomatura), technical architecture degree, technical engineering degree, or equivalent
[] Bachelor's degree (grado) or equivalent
[] Bachelor's degree (licenciatura), architecture degree, engineering degree, or equivalent
[] Official university master's degree (following 2006), medical specialties, or equivalent
[] Doctorate (PhD)
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1.C.1 Level of studies

The level of studies refers to the highest level satisfactorily completed in the education system of the country in which the education was received. It is considered that a person has achieved a determined level of instruction when he/she has finished and passed all the courses of the level and is in conditions to obtain the corresponding title or diploma.

[p. 36]

Categories of this variable:

Does not know how to read or write
Knows how to read and write but attended school for less than 5 years
Went to school for 5 years or more but did not reach the final course of ESO, EGB, or Basic High School
High school (LOE, LOGSE), BUP, Superior High School, COU, PREU
FP middle grade, FP I, Industrial Official or equivalent, Middle grade of music and dance, Certificates of Official Language Schools
FP superior grade, FP II, Industrial masters or equivalent
University diploma, technical architecture, technical engineering or equivalent
University grade or equivalent
Official university masters (since 2006), Medical specialties or analogs

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_EDATTAIN — Education attainment
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Education status
[Questions 15 - 18: Persons age 6 or older]

18. What is the highest level [the respondent] completed?

[Q18 is asked of persons age 6 or older who are currently attending school or have attended school, as per Q16.]

[] 1 No qualification (previously)
[] 2 Incomplete primary (currently)
[] 3 Primary 4
[] 4 Primary 6
[] 5 Primary 8
[] 6 Junior 3
[] 7 Junior 4
[] 8 Secondary 3
[] 9 Secondary 4
[] 10 Secondary 5
[] 11 Secondary 6
[] 12 Postsecondary diploma
[] 13 University first degree
[] 14 Postgraduate diploma
[] 15 Master's degree
[] 16 Ph.D. degree
[] 17 Khawa

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7.4. LFQ educational status questions 15-18
Note: these questions should be asked only to persons aged 6 years and above. Check the age of the persons as reported in question 4. If they are less than 6 years old, then you are finished asking questions about that person. Go to the next person listed in the questionnaire.
Asking questions only for persons of certain ages or only of females is called a "skip pattern". Skip patterns are used to avoid asking questions of persons that don't make sense. For example, asking if a 1-year-old baby attends school.

Q18 For those currently and previously attending school: "What is the highest level [the respondent] completed?" Continuing with the first person "Person 01" age 6 years and over and currently attending or previously attended in question 16, ask question 18.

  • Shade the number that corresponds to the appropriate educational level.
  • Note that 1 "No qualification" is applicable only for those who have previously attended school and 2 "Incomplete primary" is only applicable for those currently attending school.

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_EDLEV — Highest education level attained
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Personal form

5 years and above
[Question P15 was asked of persons 5 years and over.]

P15. What is the highest formal education this person received up to and including the 2002/2003 school year?

Type of education

[] 1 None [Go to P16]
[] 2 Preschool
[] 3 Special-Needs Education
[] 4 GLO
[] 5 LBO
[] 8 Teacher Training for Primary Education
[] 9 SVO (VWO, HAVO)
[] 10 Higher Vocational Education
[] 11 University
[] 97 Don't know [Go to P16]
[] 99 No response [Go to P16]

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_EDLEV — Highest education level completed
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Personal module

Persons aged 4 and above (education) school year 2011 / 2012
[Questions P25 - P29 were asked of persons aged 4 and above about their education.]

P28. What is the highest level of formal education completed by this person?

See flash card

Type of education
[] 1 KLO
[] 2 GLO / BO
[] 3 VOJ
[] 5 Teacher training for primary education
[] 6 HAVO, VWO
[] 7 Higher vocational education
[] 8 University
[] 9 No education (go to question P30)
[] 97 Don't know (go to question P30)
[] 99 No response (go to question P30)
Class / Year ____

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

13. Completed stages of education (all completed school levels to be indicated):

[] None
[] Primary school
[] Secondary or trade school
[] Higher education school (see examples)
[] School for general or language education
[] Full time professional school (see examples)
[] School for higher technical/professional training
[] College/university

  • Higher education schools: grammar school, teacher seminars, higher education schools for women.
  • Full time professional schools: schools for pharmacists, laboratory technicians, librarians, social workers, nurses, agriculture, but not mandatory apprenticeship schools.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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C. Questions to persons aged 15 and over

15. Completed stages of education (training):
[Please indicate all completed stages]

[] None
[] Primary school
[] Secondary or grammar school
[] Basic professional training

[] Apprenticeship (1)
[] Full-time training college (2)

[] Grammar school (6th form), teachers' training college
[] Other schools of general education (3)
[] School for higher professional training (4)
[] College, university

1. Apprenticeship: e.g. training at trade, art and commercial schools, nursing colleges; agricultural apprenticeship.

2. Full-time training colleges: e.g. secretarial and commercial colleges (with state-recognized diplomas, as well as private commercial schools), schools for medical secretaries, agricultural colleges.

3. Schools of general education: e.g. boarding school, finishing school, school for civil or public servants (G.P.O., etc.).

4. Schools for higher professional training (entry condition: completed basic professional training or general education): e.g. school for technicians, polytechnic, school for engineering, higher commercial and management school, school for social work, schools for interpreters and librarians.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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11. Education and professional training

Please list all stages of education and professional training:

Undergoing education at present
[] 1 No education or professional training
[] 2 Compulsory schooling (primary, secondary, high school)
[] 3 Apprenticeship or full-time vocational school
[] 4 Grammar school, primary teachers' training
[] 5 Advanced vocational or professional training (with master craftsman's certificate, other higher professional certificate/diploma)
[] 6 Higher vocational schools (e.g. technical college, colleges of further education, school for social workers)
[] 7 University, college
[] 8 Other studies, namely: ____
Studies completed
[] 1 No education or professional training
[] 2 Compulsory schooling (primary, secondary, high school)
[] 3 Apprenticeship or full-time vocational school
[] 4 Grammar school, primary teachers' training
[] 5 Advanced vocational or professional training (with master craftsman's certificate, other higher professional certificate/diploma)
[] 6 Higher vocational schools (e.g. technical college, colleges of further education, school for social workers)
[] 7 University, college
[] 8 Other studies, namely: ____

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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11. Education
Tick all education/training you have completed in column a) and present education/training in column b).

a. Completed education/training
Mark all completed courses

[] None
[] Compulsory education (primary, junior secondary/high, assessment school, preparatory senior-secondary school, special school)
[] Certified college (up to 2 years), administrative/transport college, social work, introductory course for nursing professions (1 or 2 years), preparatory vocational courses, basic vocational training (with contract)
[] Apprenticeship or full-time vocational college (e.g., commercial college, training in manual skills)
[] High-school certificate college, vocational high-school diploma, certificated college (3 years)
[] Teacher-training college (e.g. nursery, primary school), music, gymnastics and sports
[] Advanced technical and professional training (e.g. federal certificate of proficiency, diploma, master-craftsman certificate, higher commercial management college [HKG], technical college)
[] Higher college of technology (e.g. HTL, HWV, HFG, HFS) with full-time education lasting a minimum of 3 years (including post-graduate degree)
[] Specialized university (including post-graduate degree)
[] University, institute of technology (including post-graduate degree)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_EDTTAIN — Highest completed education (detail)
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Personal questionnaire

8. Indicate the highest level of education/training you have completed in column a)

a) Highest level of education/training completed

[] 1 None
[] 2 Compulsory education attended but not completed
[] 3 Compulsory education
[] 4 1-year education and training course/bridging course
[] 5 Upper-secondary specialised school
[] 6 Apprenticeship in enterprise (VET) / basic vocational training / vocational school / commercial school
[] 7 Academic baccalaureate / teacher training certificate
[] 8 Vocational baccalaureate / specialised baccalaureate
[] 9 Federal PET examination with federal PET diploma / higher vocational examination with federal diploma / Master certificate
[] 10 College of higher vocational education and training
[] 11 Bachelor's degree: university, ETH/EPF, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education (including diploma from university of applied sciences / university of teacher education)
[] 12 Master's degree: university, ETH/EPF, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education (including licentiate, university/ETH/EPF diploma)
[] 13 Doctorate, post-doctoral qualification (habilitation)

25. In the following columns, enter all persons except for person 1 from question 24, keeping the same numbers for each person.

Person 1 is the person who completed the personal questionnaire

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Person 2
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
Person 3
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
[Same questions are repeated for persons 4 - 6 and omitted from this form]

28. What is the highest educational level attained by the person?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed for persons aged 15 and older.

Person 2
[] 1 None or compulsory education attended but not completed
[] 2 Compulsory education / 1-year education and training course / bridging course
[] 3 Apprenticeship in enterprise (VET) / basic vocational training / vocational school / commercial school
[] 4 Upper-secondary specialized school / academic baccalaureate / teacher training certificate / vocational baccalaureate / specialized baccalaureate
[] 5 Federal PET examination with federal PET diploma / higher vocational examination with federal diploma/Master certificate / college of higher vocational education and training
[] 6 University / ETH/EPF / university of applied sciences /university of teacher education
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "education"
Highest educational attainment


- Completed education and highest educational attainment 
- Development of the qualification structure of the population 
- Migration and qualification structure
Current education


- Current education
- Current education and occupation
- Branch of economic activity and legal status of the school
Education and labour market 
- Career paths after graduation
- Atypical educational path
Learned occupation (original training) and current occupation


- Learned occupation
- Social mobility
3.4.2 Education and training

T6 Information provided by the area "education and training"

Highest educational attainment         

- The highest level of formal education completed
- Forecasts of the highest educational attainment
- Number of years of education

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_EDLEV — Educational level
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Persons 5 years and older
[Applied to questions 14 to 18]

16. What is the highest class or years that [the respondent] has completed?

[] 0 None (N)
[] Primary (P)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8

Secondary (S)

[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13
[] 14

[] 15 University (U)
[] 16 Courses after primary (M)
[] 17 Courses after secondary (K)

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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C. Education
For those 5 years and more
[Questions 13-15.]

15. Education attainment attending
What is the highest level of education has [respondent] completed, partly attended, or attending?

[Question 15 is asked of persons age 5 and older who attended school, as per question 14]
Write the appropriate code.
_ _

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C. Education: People of age 5 years and above
This part includes persons age 5 and older. Those who are younger than 5 years (refer to question 5) should not be asked these questions because the interview ends in question 12 for them.
Questions 12, 13, and 14 that are in this part "C" enable us to know if the respondent can read and write in Kiswahili, English, Kiswahili and English, or other languages. Also, [they are used] to know the level of education the respondent has attained.

Question 15: What is your education level?
This question is only related to school. The aim of this question is to know the number of people who are currently studying, graduated, and those who dropped out. For those who are still studying, we want to know what level they are in. For those who dropped out, we want to know at what level they dropped out. For those who graduated, we want to know from what class they graduated.
[p. 39]
The codes used are as follows:
Primary education

01= Standard one
02 = Standard two
03 = Standard three
04 = Standard four
05 = Standard five
06 = Standard six
07 = Standard seven

Secondary education
18 = Pre-form one
09 = Form one
10 = Form two
11 = Form three
12 = Form four
13 = Form five
14 = Form six

Post secondary/primary education
15 = Universities and colleges
16 = Post primary education
17 = Post secondary/primary education
99 = Those who do not mention

[Illustration for question 15 is omitted]

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_EDATTAIN — Level of education attained
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C. Education: All persons aged 4 years and above
[Questions 20-22 were asked of persons aged 4+]

22. Level of education

What level of education has [the respondent] completed or is currently attending? _ _

Write and shade the appropriate code. Codes are in a separate handbook.
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Questions 20 to 22 ask about education for any person aged 4 years and above.

These questions aim to understand whether the household member can read and write, current or level of education reached, and whether he/she is currently in school or dropped out of school.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Answers to these questions will enable the nation understand the number of people who can read and write, distribution of education levels, and number of people who completed and those who dropped out of school.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_GRADE — Highest grade completed
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15. School attendance and grade, as of January 1970

(For persons 5-29 years of age only)

[] Attend school: ______ grade
[] Not attend school
[] Attend school but do not know grade

16. Highest grade completed as of 1 January 1970 (e.g. grade 1; grade 7; year in university or in technical institute; "never" if never completed any grade) ______

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3.24 Education
Education levels can be categorized as follows.

3.24.1 Formal education, which is divided into:
a) Nursery (or pre-school)

b) Primary education: P1 - P4 and P5 - P7 (M1 - M3 of the old system).

[P = Prathom means primary levels]
[M = Mathayom means secondary level]

c) Secondary education:

Lower secondary education: MS1 - MS3 (M4 - M6 of the old system)
Upper secondary education: MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 of the old system)
[MS = Mathayomsuksa also means secondary level]

3.19.2 Vocational Education

Before 1961, vocational education was divided into:

a) Lower vocation: accepts those who complete P4; the curriculum is 3 years.
b) Upper vocation: accepts those who complete M3; the curriculum is 3 years.
c) Higher vocation: accepts those who complete M6; the curriculum is 3 years.

After 1961, vocational education was divided into:

a) Lower secondary vocational education: accepts those who complete P7; the curriculum is 3 years. (MS1-MS3)
b) Upper secondary vocational education: accepts those who complete MS3; the curriculum is 3 years. (MS4-MS5)

In addition, there are vocational education levels for occupational certificate.

a) Vocational diploma: continues education from MS3 for 3 more years.
b) Higher vocational diploma: continues education from MS3 for 5 more years.
c) Vocational teacher training diploma: accepts those who complete vocational diploma or upper secondary vocational education; the curriculum is 2 years.
d) Secondary teacher training diploma: accepts those who complete higher vocational diploma; the curriculum is 1 year.
e) Higher certificate in technique teacher training: accepts those who complete higher vocational diploma; the curriculum is 2 years
f) Short-training course in vocational education (less than one-year curriculum): examples are Polytechnic school, technician school.

3.24.3 Tertiary Education means education in university, college, cadet school, police cadet school, or other higher institutions at the same level of the university.

3.24.4 Other Education: examples are teaching, nursing, arts, physical education, including other schools that are a part of other government agencies such as chemistry lab, train engineering, etc.

[From column 11 to column 16, record only persons who are 5 years or older. For children who are 4 years old or younger, write a dash.]

Columns 15 to 16: Education (See details in chapter 3 number 3.24)

Column 16: Highest education level completed
The highest education level/grade means the last level or grade that the person passed the final examination of that level before January 1, 1970.

Ask the level of education at which the person completed, and record the education level as follows.

a. Formal education
Record the level of education such as:

1. Education in the old system, e.g. P4, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, etc.
2. Education in the current system, e.g. P5, P6, P7, MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, etc.

b. Vocational education
Record the level of vocational education that the person completed or the certificates of vocation including the highest level of formal education that the person completed. Examples are: year 1 lower vocation (P4), year 2 higher vocation (M6), year 2 upper vocation (M3), MS2 vocational education (P7), MS6 vocational education (MS3), etc.

c. Tertiary
Record the level that the person completed or the diploma including the university names. Examples are: Year 1 Chulalongkorn University, Year 2 Thammasat University, Year 3 Cadet School, B.S., Certificate of education, etc.

d. If the person studied religion such as Third grade religion, Second grade religion, Buddhism Theology 5, etc., record the religious degree and the formal education level.

e. If the person finished vocational education programs that did not teach formal subjects, such as dressmaker curriculum, mechanic curriculum, etc., do not record the vocation education in this column, but record the formal education level.

f. If the person never studied at any level, record "Never".

g. For children younger than 5 years old, write a dash.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_GRADE — Highest grade completed
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L8. Highest grade of school completed (as of January 1980) ____

For persons 5 years and older.
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3.19 Education:
Education systems are categorized into:

3.19.1 Formal education which is divided into

a) Nursery
b) Primary education covers P1 - P4, and P5 - P7 (M1 - M3 of the old system). Since the 1978 academic year the coverage of primary education have included P1 - P6
c) Secondary education covers:
Lower secondary education: MS1 - MS3 (M4 - M6 of the old system) or M1- M3 (since the 1978 academic year)
Upper secondary education: MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 of the old system) or M4 - M6 (since the 1978 academic year)

[Page 25 is omitted.]

p. 26

d) Adult education
Level 1 is comparable to P2 learning for 6 months.
Level 2 is comparable to P4 learning for 6 months.
Level 3 is comparable to P7 learning for 1 year and 6 months.
Level 4 is comparable to MS3 learning for 1 year and 6 months.
Level 5 is comparable to MS5 learning for 2 years.
3.19.2 Vocational Education
Before 1961:

a) Lower vocation accepts those who complete P4 learning for 3 years
b) Upper vocation accepts those who complete M3 learning for 3 years.
c) Higher vocation accepts those who complete M6 learning for 3 years.

Since 1961

a) Secondary education has 2 levels:
- Lower secondary education (MS1 - MS3)
- Late secondary education (MS4 - MS6) or vocational diploma.
b) Higher vocational diploma is continuing education from MS5 of 3-year curriculum (3 ½ year for evening class) or from MS6 of 2-year curriculum.
c) Vocational teacher training is classified into
- Vocational Certificate in Agricultural Education of 2-year curriculum accepts those who complete MS3.
- Primary Vocational Certificate in Mechanics, 3-year curriculum, accepts those who complete MS3.
- Secondary teacher training
d) Short-training course (less than one year) is vocational training for people.
3.19.3 Teaching education
a) Certificate in Education accepts those who complete MS3 learning for 2 years.
b) Higher Certificate in Education accepts those who complete certificate education, MS5, MS6 learning for 2 years.
c) Bachelor Degree accepts those who complete higher certificate education, or equivalent, or diploma learning for 2 years.
3.19.4 Tertiary Education means education in university, cadet school, police cadet school, or other higher institutions at the same level of the university.

3.19.5 Other Education such as nursing (indicate the level e.g., degree, diploma, nurse assistant), arts etc. Other schools attached to other government agencies e.g., chemistry lab, train engineering, post office, low-ranked soldier school, navy school, air force school, or policeman school.

Column 8 The highest level of education

(Ask only persons 5 years and over, or those who were born before and in 1997 (Tiger year in the Thai Zodiacal calendar)

The highest level of education means the highest or last level of education that a person attained as of January 1, 1980)

Ask "What is your highest qualification, or highest or last level of education as of January 1, 1980?" Record the highest level of education as follows:

a) General education program record the last final exam of level of education e.g.,
1. Primary education P1 - P4 and P5 - P7 (M1- M3 in the old system). Since the 1978 academic year, there are 6 Grades.
2. Secondary education:
Lower secondary education: MS1 - MS3 (M4 - M6 in the old system) and M1 - M3 (Since the 1978 academic year)
Upper secondary education
MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 in the old system)
M4 - M6 (Since the 1978 academic year)
b) Vocational education with teaching general program
Record the last final exam of vocational education, followed by the highest general education program in parenthesis. For example:
Year 1 Vocational education (P4)
Year 2 Advance vocational education (P6)
MS6 Vocational education (MS3)
Year 1 Technical vocational education (MS5) etc.
p. 69
c) Tertiary education
Record the year completed and name of university.
For example, Year 1, Chulalongkorn University
Year 2, Thammasat University
Year 3, Ramkamhaeng University
Year 1, Navy Cadet School
Those who obtained certificates record the name of qualification or abbreviation of the qualification. For example,
B.Sc., M.Sc.
B.A. (Education), M.A. (Education)
B.Sc. (Engineering)
B.Sc. (Dentistry)
For those who received certificate, diploma or degree in the same level but different qualifications, record only one degree. However, if a person received several degrees of the different levels, record only the highest degree.

d) Those who study religion
Record the religious qualification in this Column. For example:

Third level religion
Second level religion
Buddhism Theology 4
Buddhism Theology 9
e) Vocational Education without general education program e.g., Certificate in Beauty, Television Fixing, Car Driving, etc. Do not record in this Column, record the qualification obtained from the general education program or vocational education in this Column as specified in Items a) - c).

f) Never been educated, or never finished up of any years record "Never".

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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[Ask only person 5 years and over.]

S7. Highest Level of school attainment

What's [respondent's] highest level of school attainment? ____

Record the highest level of education lastly completed as of 1 January 1990. If never attended school, record "never".

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Column S7: The highest level of education
Ask persons age 5 years or older (or persons born before 1 April 1985).
The highest level of education means the level or grade at which a person passes the last final exam. The question is: "........ (name).............., considering up to 1 January 1990, what is the highest level of education you completed?"

Instructions on recording the highest level of education in which a person attains
1. For a person who studies in general education program or a person who studies in pre-primary level, primary levels, and secondary levels, record the last level at which the person passed the exams such as kindergarten grade 1, primary school grade 1, primary school grade 4, primary school grade 5, secondary school grade 4, secondary school grade 7, etc.
For those who answer secondary school grades 1-6, if they completed those levels before 1971, specify the word "old system" at the end. For example, secondary level grade 6 (old system).

2. For those who studied/graduated from vocational colleges, teacher training colleges, or universities, and completed is the highest level required for that particular degree, which means that they graduated and received the certificates or degree diplomas, record the name or abbreviation of the certificates or degrees in which they obtained. Examples are Bachelor in political science, advanced drama arts, advanced education certificate, vocational education certificate, advanced vocational education certificate, technological education certificate, B.Sc, B.Ed, etc.

3. For those who attend vocational colleges, teacher training colleges, or universities, but did not complete the highest level required for that particular degree, record the class or year they completed and the current levels in which they are studying.

Instructions on recording the class or year of education attainment
3.1 If a person is studying in a system in which he/she must pass the final exam of a particular level in order to be able to study at a higher level, record the level or year at which the person last passed the final exam. For example, year 1 of advance vocational education, year 2 of Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University, etc.
Example 1: Mr. Kitti started his undergraduate studies at Chulalongkorn University in 1957 but was expelled from the university in 1959 because he did not pass a course in year 2. His highest education level of Mr. Kitti is year 1 of Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.
Example 2: Mr. Narong studied at Patumwan Mechanical College on the academic year of 1959. He passed all subjects of year 2 and was about to study in year 3. However, there was some unavoidable event that made him unable to continue his study. In this case, the highest education level of Mr. Narong is year 2 of higher vocational education.

3.2 If the educational system is a credit system, count the number of years in which the person attended or passed the coursework.
Example 1: Mr. Sukit entered at Chetupon Commercial College in the academic year of 1997. He was studying in year 3 of the Vocational Education Program on 1 January 1990. Record the highest education level of Mr. Sukit as year 2 of Vocational Education Program.
Example 2: Miss Somboon studied Sakon Nakon Commercial School in the academic year of 1998, and she was studying in year 1 of Vocational Education Program on 1 January 1990. The highest education level in which Miss Somboon attained is secondary school grade 3.

3.3 If the educational program has two programs (the regular program and the special program; or the normal hour and part time) and the part-time or the special program requires longer period of study, record the highest educational level according to the regulation mentioned above, and specify whether the program is the special or extra-hour program and record the number of the years of the curriculums as well.
Example: Miss Pornthip is studying in a part-time program of the Higher Vocational Education at a college in which the curriculum requires two years for completion if it is a regular program (normal hour), but it requires 3 years for completion if it is the part-time program. If Miss Pornthip is studying in year 3, record the educational level of Miss Pornthip as year 2 of Higher Vocational Education (Part-time program, 3-years curriculum).

3.4 For studies in the Bachelor's degree level, there are several curriculums for students with different previous education levels. For example, a 4-year curriculum is for students who finished high schools (secondary school 6), and a 2-year curriculum for those who had diploma or finished a higher vocational education program, etc.

To record the class or year of education attained, in the case of a 4-year curriculum, record according to the instruction mentioned above, but in the case of a 2-year curriculum, record according the above instruction and also specify the number of years required for that particular curriculum, for example, year 1 of Bachelor's Degree (2-year curriculum) or equivalently year 3 of Bachelor's Degree (4-year curriculum).

Use caution recording the class or year of education attained if it is not the highest class or year required to complete a particular educational level.

The class or year recorded must be lower than the number of years required for completion of that educational level. For example, in the Vocational Education Program, which is a 3-year curriculum, the highest class or year at which a person can attain is year 2 of Vocational Education Program. If a person completed year 3 of Vocational Education Program, it must be recorded as certificate of Vocational Education (Cert. Voc. Ed). In the case of a Bachelor's Degree which is a 4-year curriculum, the highest class or year at which a person can attain is year 3 of Bachelor's Degree, even though that person may have spent more than 3 years of study. If record year 4 of Bachelor's Degree, it means that the person has already graduated or already obtained that degree. In the latter case, record the name or the abbreviation of the degree.

4. For those who obtained their education from abroad, if the education system is basic compare the level of education with the Thai system of primary education (Pathom Suksa) or secondary education (Mathayom Suksa). If the system is not comparable, then specify the number of years of the studies in the basic education system. For those who graduated in a vocational education, teacher training and university levels, record the name of the certificate, diploma, or degree received, and write the equivalence of the Thai educational level in parenthesis.

5. For those who receive more than one certificate, diploma or degree at the same level but different fields, record only one degree. However, if a person receives many degrees of different levels, record only the degree of the highest level.

6. For those who study religion, record the religious degree and also record the highest educations level attained that is not a religions degree in parenthesis. For example:
Third grade religion (Primary school, grade 4)
Second grade religion (Bachelor's Degree)
Buddhism Theology 4 (Vocational Education)
Buddhism Theology 9 (Secondary school, grade 3)

7. For those who finished the continuing educational program (for adults), record the education level at which they passed the exam such as level 3, or record the equivalent level in the basic education system. For example, level 4 is equivalent to secondary school grade 3, then record secondary school 3, etc.

8. For those who finished short vocational education programs that have less than one year of curriculum but received diplomas or certificates, record the field of that vocational program and also record the highest level attained in the basic education system. Example:
Dressmaker curriculum, Polytechnic College (Secondary school, grade 3)
Mechanic curriculum, Polytechnic College (Primary school, grade 4)
Beauty curriculum, Anna School (Primary school, grade 4)

9. For those who have never been educated or never completed any years/levels, including informal education such as studying from the monk or studying foreign languages in language institutes, record "Never".

10. If the person does not know, record "X".

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_HIGRADE — Highest grade completed
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For persons 5 years and over
[Questions S11-12 were asked of all individuals 5 years and older]

S12. _ _ Highest Level of School Attainment as of 1 January 2000

Record the highest level of education completed. If never attended school record "never"

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column S11 and S12 ask only persons 5 years and over
[Questions S11 and S12 were asked of persons 5 years and over]

Column S12 The highest level of education (up to January 1st, 2000).

[p. 97]

Procedure for recording the form

The highest level of education means the level or year when a person passed the last final exam. (Excludes short vocational courses where there are no regular subjects offered, such as hair dressing, tailoring, radio repairing, etc.) Count up to January 1st, 2000 in order to avoid the problem of a person who is studying and has already taken the final exams but does not know the result yet. Alternatively, the result of the exam has already been announced.

The question asked [of respondent] will be: "Considering up to January 1st, 2000, what is your highest level of education?"

Record the highest level of education that a person attained.

1. The person studies in a general education program, or the person studies in school before the primary education, junior secondary school, and senior secondary school

Record the last level where a person passed the exam, such as kindergarten, primary school grade 1, primary school grade 4, primary school grade 5, secondary school grade 4, secondary school grade 6, etc.

2. For those who graduated from the vocational education [system] or university, if the year of completion is the highest year requirement for that particular level, which means that a person is graduating from his/her education [system] and is receiving a certificate or degree diploma:

Record the name or abbreviation of the certificate or degree that a person obtained, such as Bachelor in Political Science, Advance Dramatic Arts, Advance Education Certificate, Vocational Education Certificate Advance Vocational Education Certificate, Technological Education Certificate, B.Sc, B.Ed, etc.

3. For those who attend vocational education or university, if the highest year a person completed is not the highest required year of that educational program:

Record the class or year that a person attained and the educational program in which a person is studying.

Procedure for recording the class or year of graduation

3.1 If a person is studying in a system where he/she must take and pass the final exam in order to be elevated to the higher level or year:

Record the level or year where a person last passed the final exam.

[p. 98]
For example:

Year 1 Advance Vocational Education, Year 2 Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.

Example 1: Mr. Kitti studied at Chulalongkorn University since 1957, but was expelled from the university in 1959 because he did not pass the course in year 2.

Record the highest education level of Mr. Kitti, which is year 1 Bachalor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.

Example 2: Mr. Sompong studied at Patumwan Machanical College during the academic year of 1959. He passed all the subjects of year 2 and was about to be elevated to year 3. However, there was some unavoidable event that made him unable to continue his study.

In this case, the highest education level of Mr. Sompong is year 2, Higher Vocational Education.

3.2 If the educational system is a credit system:

Count the number of years in which a person studied.

Example 1: Mr. Sukit studied at Chetupon Commercial College since the academic year of 1997. He was studying in year 3 of the Vocational Education Program on January 1st, 2000.

Record the highest education level of Mr. Sukit as year 2, Vocational Education Program.

Example 2: Miss Somboon studied at Sakon Nakon Commercial School since the academic year of 1999 and was studying in year 1, Vocational Education Program January 1st, 2000.

Record the education level in which Miss Somboon attained as secondary school 3.

3.3 In the case of the educational program where a person is studying in two programs, the regular program and the special program, alternatively full-time and part-time. Since the part-time or the special program requires a study period longer than the full-time or the normal hour program:

Record the highest educational level of a person according to the regulation mentioned, specify whether the program is the regular or the special one, and record the number of the years of the curriculums as well.

Example : Miss Pornthip is studying in the part-time program of the Higher Vocational Education at a college where the curriculum requires two years for completion if it is a regular program (normal hour). However, in the part-time program the requirement of the curriculum is 3 years for completion. Miss Pornthip is studying in year:

Record the educational level of Miss Pornthip as year 2, Higher Vocational Education (Part-time program, 3 years curriculum).

[p. 99]

3.4 For studying in the Bachelor's Degree level, some aspects of study assigned several curricula for students to select, such as 4 years curriculums for those who finished high schools (secondary school 6). Alternatively, there are 2 years curricula for those who finished the diploma or Higher Vocational Education Program, etc. In order to record the class or year of finishing education, in the case of 4 years or 2 years curriculum:

Record according to the regulation as mentioned earlier and specify the number of years required of that particular curriculum, such as year 1, Bachelor's Degree (two years curriculum) or record it as equivalent to 4 years curriculum year 3 Bachelor's Degree.

Caution: In recording the class or year of finishing the study: if it is not the class or year required for completion of a particular educational level, the class or year recorded must be less than the number of years required for completion of that educational level.

For example:
In the Vocational Education Program where there are 3-year curricula, the class or year at which a person finished must be recorded as year 2 Vocational Education Program. However, if a person completed year 3 Vocational Education Program, it must be recorded as certificate of Vocational Education, or Cert. Voc. Ed.

In the case of the Bachelor's Degree where there is a 4-year curriculum, the class or year at which a person finished must not be higher than year 3 Bachelor's Degree, even though that person spent more than 3 years studying. If record 4 years Bachelor's Degree, this means that a person already graduated or obtained a qualification from that particular educational level. In the latter case, record the name or the abbreviation of the degree. For the Bachelor's Degree that has more than 4-year curricula, record the highest year of education and write the number of years of the curriculum in parenthesis.

4. For those who graduated abroad, if the education level is basic:

Compare it with the Thai system of primary education (Pathom Suksa) or secondary education (Mathayom Suksa).

If the system is difficult to compare:

Specify the number of years of study in the basic education system.

For those who graduated from the vocational education, teacher training, and university

Record the name of the certificate, diploma, or degree received and write the equivalent of the Thai educational level in parenthesis.

[p. 100]

5. For those who received a certificate, diploma or degree at the same level but with different qualifications.

Record only one degree. However, if a person receives several degrees of the different levels, record only the highest degree.

6. For those who study religion

Record the religious qualification and the highest education level that the person attained, [putting] the non-religious qualification in parenthesis, such as:

Third grade religion

(Primary school 4)

Second grade religion

(Bachelor's Degree)

Buddhism Theology 4

(Vocational Education)

Buddhism Theology 9

(Secondary School 3)

7. For those who finished the Adult Educational Program:

Record the educational level at which a person passed the exam, such as level 3. Alternatively, record by comparing with the basic educational program, such as level 4 is equivalent to secondary school 3, then record secondary school 3, etc.

8. Never been educated, never finished any years, or never included in no class education (such as studying from the monk, studying the Chinese language, studying in the language institute in which the level of education cannot be identified, etc.)

Record "Never".

9. For the person who does not know anything related to his/her education"

Record "X"

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_EDATTAIN — Level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
11. Level of education
[] Elementary certificate
[] Certificate of education

For those who know how to read and write a language record this language, for example:
[] German
[] French
[] English
[] None
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 11: Level of education
This information gives rise to two distinct encryptions (See code number 7).

a) The level of instruction, according to the 1st part of code number 7 (1 figure)
b) The languages spoken, read and written, according to the 2nd part of code number 7 (3 figures).

In this second part will be entered:

- If one sole language has been indicated, the number of code 7 which corresponds to it: for example: English: 002:
- If two languages or more have been indicated, enter the sum of the numbers of the code specified for each of them:

For example:

German and Hausa will be entered 132 (004 + 128)
French, English, Ewé will be entered 035 (001 + 002 + 032)
[p. 7]

Finally, if in column 11 of the collective sheet only one diploma has been recorded such as B.E. or C.E or another French diploma, French will automatically be entered as a language written and read: so, there will always be in this case for the encryption as a whole:

If B.E.: 500 1
If C.E.: 400 1, unless another language is noted in column 11.

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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12. Education

____ 12a. School type of institution
____ 12b. Level
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Column 12: The goal of this column is to understand the enumerated person's level of education, with as much precision possible. To do this, you must choose the corresponding level of education from among the options listed in the table and write down the corresponding number:

1 - Kindergarten
2 - Primary school
3 - First cycle of secondary school
4 - Second cycle of secondary school
5 - Professional and technical school
6 - Higher education (university)

In column 12b, you will again indicate the level of education for the same person, by writing down the corresponding number from this list of categories:

1 - Cannot read or write
2 - Went to school, but did not obtain a "CEPE" (Certificate of primary elementary studies)
3 - "CEPE" level
4 - "BEPC" (Certificate of first-cycle studies), "BE", "BI", "CAP" (Certificate of professional ability) levels
5 - Probationary level
6 - Completed "BAC" (Baccalaureate)
7 - Higher education level
8 - Undeclared

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_DEGREE — Educational certificate
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12. Education

____ 12a. School type of institution
____ 12b. Level
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 12: The goal of this column is to understand the enumerated person's level of education, with as much precision possible. To do this, you must choose the corresponding level of education from among the options listed in the table and write down the corresponding number:

1 - Kindergarten
2 - Primary school
3 - First cycle of secondary school
4 - Second cycle of secondary school
5 - Professional and technical school
6 - Higher education (university)

In column 12b, you will again indicate the level of education for the same person, by writing down the corresponding number from this list of categories:

1 - Cannot read or write
2 - Went to school, but did not obtain a "CEPE" (Certificate of primary elementary studies)
3 - "CEPE" level
4 - "BEPC" (Certificate of first-cycle studies), "BE", "BI", "CAP" (Certificate of professional ability) levels
5 - Probationary level
6 - Completed "BAC" (Baccalaureate)
7 - Higher education level
8 - Undeclared

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Level of instruction.
For those who are currently attending (FA) or have attended (AF), see P16

[Questions P17 and P18 were asked of persons who are currently attending or have attended school.]

(P17) Cycle

[] 0 Nursery school
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary 1st Cycle (6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd)
[] 3 Secondary 2nd Cycle (2nd, 1st, Tle)
[] 4 Short cycle professional training
[] 5 Long cycle technical teaching
[] 6 Higher education
[] 7 Professional school
[] 8 Other (specify)

(19) Last class attended _ _

Current class for those attending or last class for those who no longer attend
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The questions on education concern educational attendance (column P16) and the level of instruction (columns P17 and P18). They are addressed to the resident population aged 3 and over and all those born before November 2007. For children under 3 or those born after November 2007, put a dash on the dotted lines. Check to this end column P06, that is, the date of birth or the age.

Column P17: Cycle attained

Column P17 concerns the cycle attained or the current cycle of the person surveyed. To all persons aged 3 or more who currently attend, that is P16 = 1 (FA) or who have once gone P16 = 2 (AF), pose the following question: "What is the level of instruction attained by [the respondent]?" Record the code corresponding to the response according to the modalities below:

[p. 34]

0 EM = Nursery school
1 PRIM = Primary
2 SEC1 = First cycle of secondary (6th, 5th, 4th, and 3rd)
3 SEC2 = Second cycle of secondary (2nd, 1st, and Terminal)
4 FPCC = Short cycle professional training
5 ETCL = Long cycle technical education
6 ES = Higher education (university)
7 EP = Professional school
8 Other (specify)

Record the abbreviation corresponding to the response declared on the dotted lines and the corresponding code in the appropriate box.

NB 26:

- It is possible that the declaration of the respondent does not correspond to any of the responses proposed. The name of the last school attended will allow you to know the cycle attained.
- In addition to University, Higher Education also covers schools entered with the level BAC II. Such as the schools of BTS, EAMAU, École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), Ecole Nationale des Instituteurs (ENI), Ecole Nationale des Sages-femmes (ENSF), Ecole Nationale des Auxiliaires Médicaux (ENAM), Ecole de Formation des Officiers des Forces Armées Togolaise (EFOFAT), Ecole Nationale de Formation Sociale (ENFS), Institut National de Jeunesse et Sport (INJS) and the Institut Africaine d'Informatique Togo (IAI-Togo).
- Professional schools are schools entered with a level below BAC II, such as the Ecole des Aides-Infirmiers de SOKODE.

Column P18: Last class attended

Column P18 concerns the last class followed by the person surveyed.

For those currently attending, record on the dotted lines the current class and for those who have attended, record the last class followed on the dotted lines and record nothing in the grey box.

NB 27: Take into account conventional school only. The latter excludes biblical and Koranic schools, training received in workshops of apprenticeship (informal sector: hairdressing, dressmaking, joinery, masonry, and so on). However, the conventional school does include technical or professional training received in apprenticeship centers such as: Centre Régional d'Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle (CRETFP), Centre d'Enseignement Technique (CET), Centre de Formation Technique et Professionnelle (CFTP), Centre d'Enseignement Artistique et Artisanal (CEAA) and private training centers (ANCILA, STYLE TAHITI, EANICK - EYAMOD).

[p. 35]

- For those who state that they have attended an educational system other than the Togolese system (Anglophone system for example), you should try to record in full on the dotted lines the declaration (last class attended) of the respondent.

Columns P19 to P23 concern literacy and the economic activity and only concern resident persons aged 6 and over (check the age in column P06). For children under 6, put dashes.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of educational attainment
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Section IV. Education

[Questions 17-19 asked of all ages.]

19. Highest level of educational attaimnet
[Question 19 includes persons still in school]

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D. Section IV - Education

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must be scored for every individual on questions 17 to 19.

48. Question 19 - Highest level of educational attainment

This question relates to education already received by children still at school as well as by those who have completed their formal education. In cases where the individual was educated abroad, try to obtain the equivalent in the school system of the country and complete the answer.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Section 3 Education -- For all persons

14(a). Highest level of (non--vocational) educational attainment
What is (N) [the respondent's] highest level of educational attainment (non-vocational)?

[] 1 None
Skip to Q 15

[] 2 Nursery/Kindergarten
[] 3 Primary (P)
[] 4 Secondary (S)
[] 5 University (U)
[] 6 Other
[] 8 Not applicable (NA)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.15

14(b). Years of schooling at highest level
How many years of schooling (at the highest level of educational attainment) did (N) [the respondent] have?

[] 0 Less than a year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6 years
[] 7 7 years or more
[] 9 Not stated
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 3 Education

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 11[a] for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 11[a] and 14[a].

Question 11 - Attendance at school/universities

In part [a] indicate whether the person is attending school or university. If the answer is yes, state in part [b] whether it is full-time or part-time attendance.
Question 12 - Type of school now being attended
This question seeks to find out the type of school now being attended by those answering "yes" in Question 11[a]. The following types are specified:

[01] Nursery/Kindergarten
[10] Private Primary
[11] Government and Assisted Primary
[20] Junior Secondary
[21] Trade/Vocational
[22] Youth Camp
[30] Senior Comprehensive
[31] Private Secondary
[32] Government and Assisted Secondary
[33] Composite
[34] Technical Institute
[60] University
[98] Other
[99] Not stated

Be sure to write in the name of the school being attended before writing the relevant code in the box.

Note that included under "other" are schools for the blind, the deaf, and other forms of disability.
Question 14[b] - Years of formal schooling at highest level
Tick the appropriate box which indicates the number of completed years' schooling the individual had at the highest level indicated at question 14[a].

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section 3. Education--For all persons

14(b). How many years of schooling (at the highest level of educational attainment) did [the respondent] have?

[] 0 Less than a year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6 years
[] 7 7 years or more
[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 3 - Education
These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 12[a] for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 12[a] and 14[a].

Question 14 [a] - Highest level of non-vocational educational attainment

The question relates to the highest standard of education attained by the respondent, [excluding vocational training which is taken up in Section 5, highest level of training] and must be obtained for all respondents-those still at school as well as those who have had some form of education whether "completed " or "on-going". In the case where the person was educated abroad, try to obtain the equivalent in the school system of Trinidad and Tobago and complete the answer. For those replying "Other" please specify, whilst for those not yet attending school tick box [8] Not Applicable. Note the skip instructions of boxes [1], [8] and [9].

Question 14 [b] - Years of formal schooling at highest level

Tick the appropriate box which indicates the number of completed years' schooling the individual had at the highest level indicated at Question 14 [a].

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education completed
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Section 5. Education-For all persons

21(a). Highest level of non-vocational educational attainment

What is (N's) [the respondent's] highest level of non-vocational educational attainment?

[] 1. None[Skip to Q.22]
[] 2. Nursery/Kindergarten (N./K.)
[] 3. Primary (P.)
[] 4. Secondary (S.)
[] 5. University (U.)
[] 7. Other (O.)
[] 8. Not applicable (N.A.) [Skip to Q.22]

[] 9. Not stated [Skip to Q.22]

21(b). Years of schooling at highest level
How many years of schooling (at highest level of non-vocational educational attainment) did (N) [the respondent] have?

[] 0. Less than a year
[] 1. 1 year
[] 2. 2 years
[] 3. 3 years
[] 4. 4 years
[] 5. 5 years
[] 6. 6 years
[] 7. 7 years or more
[] 9. Not stated
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 5 - Education

This section seeks to collect information on the persons attending schools and other educational institutions as well as their levels of educational attainment. It will also provide information on members of the population who have not attended school. For those attending school, the level of school completed is asked in the census.

The data on educational characteristics are useful in analysis relating education, to changes in occupation, the labour force, and fertility, as well as in the study of educational development.

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 18(a) for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 18(a) and 2l(a).

Question 2l(a) - Highest level of non-vocational educational attainment

This question relates to the highest standard of non-vocational education attained by the respondent, (excluding vocational training which is taken up in Section 7, Highest Level of Training) and must be obtained for all respondents, those still at school, as well as those who have had some form of education whether completed or on-going.


In the case where the person was educated abroad, try to obtain the equivalent in the school system of Trinidad and Tobago and complete the answer.

For those replying not yet attending school tick, box 8 not applicable

Note the skip instructions of boxes 1, 8 and 9.

For highest level of non-vocational educational attainment where it is not clear what classification is to be applied, a remark must be recorded.

Question 2l(b) - Years of schooling at highest level

Tick a check mark in the appropriate box which indicates the number of completed years schooling the individual had at the highest level indicated at question 2l(a).

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education completed
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Section 5: Education - For all persons

18(a). Highest level of educational attainment

What is (N's) [the respondent's] highest level of educational attainment?

[] 00 None
Skip to Q.19
[] 01 Early Childhood Care and Education/Nursery School/Kindergarten (ECCE/N/K)
[] 02 Primary (P)
[] 03 Secondary (S)
[] 04 Post Secondary (PS)
[] 05 Tertiary/Non University (T/NU)
[] 06 Tertiary/University (T/U)
[] 07 Other
[] 08 Not applicable (NA)
Skip to Q.19
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.19

18(b). Years of schooling at highest level

How many years of schooling at the highest level did (N) [the respondent] have?

[] 00 Less than 1 year
[] 01 year
[] 02 years
[] 03 years
[] 04 years
[] 05 years
[] 06 years
[] 07 years or more
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 5 - Education

5.4. Highest level of educational attainment.

This refers to the highest level completed within the most advanced level attended in the educational system. This concept relates to non-vocational education, i.e. attainment at primary, secondary, post-secondary and university.

In Secondary Schools where vocational and trade subjects were incorporated within the system, the concept is also applicable. It should be noted that in cases where the respondents were educated abroad, the equivalent is to be recorded.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education completed
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

Educational background

27. Can you read and write?

Ask persons age 6 or older

[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

28. Last school completed

[Question 28 was asked of literate persons age 6 or older]

(Primary, secondary, high school, commercial high school, medical college, teacher training schools, etc.)


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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

Educational status (27-28)

Question 28: Which is highest level of school that you completed?

(Persons age 6 or older who are literate)

(Primary, middle, secondary, commercial secondary school, medical faculty, teachers training college, etc.)

Write down the educational level and branch of the person being administered the census in a way that clearly specifies them. In determining the person's educational level and branch, pay attention to the following points:

  • For those who had not graduated from any educational institution, write "None".
  • Write "Elementary" for those who had completed a five-year elementary school. Attention! Do not consider those completing a three-year elementary school as an elementary school graduate.
  • Consider those who had participated in literacy courses and who obtained an elementary school diploma as elementary school graduates, and write "Elementary".
  • For middle school graduates, write "Middle".
  • For secondary school graduates, write "Secondary school".
  • For those who had completed a vocational school, write the educational level and name. As for example: "Commercial secondary school, vocational secondary school".
  • For university faculty, and college graduates, write the name of the school that they graduated from. As for example: "Law faculty", "Construction faculty", "Chemistry faculty", "Teachers' college".

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_EDLEVEL — Level of completed education
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Educational background

19. Can you read and write?


Ask persons age 6 or older

4 [] Y
5 [] N

20. Last school completed: ____

(Primary, secondary, high school, vocational school, medical college, teacher training schools, etc.)
Ask persons age 6 or older who responded "Yes" to question 19

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

Educational status (19-20)

Question 20: Which is the highest level school that you completed?

(Persons age 6 and older who are literate)

(Primary, middle, secondary, commercial secondary school, medical faculty, teachers training college, etc.)

Write down the educational level and branch of the person being administered the census in a way that clearly specifies them. In determining the person's educational level and branch, pay attention to the following points:

  • For those who had not graduated from any educational institution, write "None".
  • Write "Elementary" for those who had completed a five-year elementary school. Do not consider those who had completed a three-year elementary school to be elementary school graduates.
  • Consider those who had participated in literacy courses and who obtained an elementary school diploma as elementary school graduates, and write "Elementary".
  • For junior high school graduates, write "Junior high".
  • For high school graduates, write "High school".
  • For those who had completed a vocational school, write the educational level and name. As for example: "Commercial junior high school", "Commercial high school", "Vocational junior high school", "Religious junior high school", "Religious high school", "Girls vocational high school", "Industrial vocational high school", "Health vocational high school".
  • For university, faculty and college graduates, write the department (branch) that they graduated from. As for example: "Law faculty", "Construction faculty", "Chemistry faculty", "Political science faculty", "Economic and commercial sciences faculty", "Open education faculty", "Teachers college", "Vocational college".

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_EDLEVEL — Level of completed education
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Ask persons age 6 or older
[Questions 28 - 29 were asked of persons age 6 and older.]

29. What is the last school you have completed?

[Question 29 was asked of persons age 6 or older who are literate, as per question 28.]

(The school where the final degree was received.)

[] 1 No school completed
[] 2 Primary school
[] 3 Primary education
[] 4 Junior high school
[] 5 Vocational school at junior high school level
[] 6 High school
[] 7 Vocational school at high school level
[] 8 Higher education
[] 9 Faculty
[] 10 Master/doctorate

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Questions 28 and 29 are to be asked of people aged 6 or older

Question 29. Which is the highest level school that you completed?

(Mark the school from which the highest level diploma was obtained.)

This question is to be asked of those people who answered "Yes" to question 28.

Taking note of the highest level school completed (from which a diploma was obtained) by the person to whom the Census is administered, an "X" is to be placed into the applicable box. This question should be filled out keeping the following instructions in mind:

a. For those who are literate but have not graduated from any educational institution, an "X" should be entered into the box for the option "Has not completed any school".

b. Those who participated in literacy courses and have obtained an primary school diploma shall be considered as graduates of primary school, and an "X" shall be entered to mark this option.

c. For those continuing their primary schooling who have not yet completed the fifth grade, an "X" is to mark the option "Has not competed any school".

d. For those having completed eight years of uninterrupted basic education and schools of instruction, an "X" is to be mark the "Primary school" option.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For All Persons

13. Educational attainment (highest level completed)

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[Question 1 - 13 apply to all persons]

Question 13 Educational attainment

115. "What is the highest level of education this person has completed?"

116. State the highest level or grade the person has completed. If the person has never been to school write "None".

117. This question applies to everyone - to those who have left school as well as to those who are attending school.

118. You may use abbreviations as follows:

for "Primary" write "P1" "P3" "P7" or as appropriate.
for Junior Secondary write "J1" "J2" or "J3".
for Senior Secondary write "S1" "S3" "S6" or as appropriate.
for First Year University write "U1" and so on up to Fifth Year University "U5".

119. This completes the questions which are to be asked of all persons. Make sure there is an entry in each box and that the entry is correct.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_EDATTAIN — Education Attainment
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For all persons aged five years and above

P17 Educational attainment What highest grade did name complete (Write appropriate code) ___

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School Attendance and Educational Attainment
130. The questions on education apply to All Persons Aged 5 (Five) Years and Above. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 4 years write "N/A" (Not Applicable) for Question P16 and leave the rest of the column blank.
131. For purposes of the census, education does not include any form of pre-primary education such as Nursery Education, even if the person is of eligible age.

Question P17: Educational Attainment
Ask, "What highest grade did (name) complete?"
133. This question applies to everyone who has ever been to school i.e. to those who have left school as well as to those who are still attending school
134. Write the appropriate code of the highest level or grade the person has completed using the code list.
135. For persons who have ever been to school, but did not complete Primary 1, use code '10'. Do not use this code for persons who have never been to school.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_EDATTAIN — Education attainment
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For persons aged 3 years and above

P19 What is the highest grade/class of formal education that [the respondent] completed? (Refer to code list P19)

[] 01 Never been to school
[] 02 Did not complete Pre-Primary
[] 03 Completed Pre-Primary
[] 04 In P1 but did not complete/attend Pre-Primary
[] 10 Did not complete P1
[] 11 P1
[] 12 P2
[] 13 P3
[] 14 P4
[] 15 P5
[] 16 P6
[] 17 P7
[] 21 J1-J3
[] 31 S1
[] 32 S2
[] 33 S3
[] 34 S4
[] 35 S5
[] 36 S6
[] 41 Professional Certificate
[] 42 Diploma
[] 43 First Degree
[] 44 Post Graduate Certificate
[] 45 Post Graduate Diploma
[] 46 Masters Degree
[] 47 PhD
[] 96 Other
[] 97 Not applicable

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_EDATTAN — Education
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10 Education (for persons aged 6 and above)

[] 1 Completed high education
[] 2 Basic high education
[] 3 Primary high education
[] 4 Uncompleted high education (for those who graduated before 1996)
[] 5 Completed secondary education
[] 6 Basic secondary education
[] 7 Primary education
[] 8 Do not have primary education
[] 9 Can't write
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Question 10 - Your education (for persons aged 6 and above)

Persons aged 6 and above are filled with a mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response.

Determining the responder's educational level you should have in mind that educational levels, established in Ukraine since 1996 under the current legislation, conditionally meet the educational levels functioned before 1996, as follows:

Current educational levels [and corresponding] educational levels functioned before 1996

a. completed high education, basic high education - high education
b. primary high education, completed general secondary education - specialized secondary education, uncompleted high education, general secondary education
c. basic general secondary education, primary general education - uncompleted secondary education, primary education

Completed high education is marked to those who graduated from the higher educational establishment - academy, institute, conservatory, university or other equivalent higher educational establishments that provide educational and qualification levels: specialist, master.

Basic high education is marked to those who graduated from the higher educational establishment - college and other equivalent higher educational establishments that provide educational and qualification level: bachelor.

Primary high education is marked to those who graduated from the technical school, specialized school or other equivalent higher educational establishments that provide educational and qualification level: junior specialist, as well as those who in 1996 and earlier graduated from the technical school, specialized school or other specialized secondary educational establishment.

Uncompleted high education is marked to those who in 1996 and earlier studied in higher educational establishments, have passed a half or more than a half period of study but have not completed it. Those who in 1996 and earlier studied in higher educational establishments and have passed less than a half period of study are marked with the level of education that they had before entering the higher educational establishment.

Completed general secondary education is marked to those who graduated from high school: eleven/ten years of study; graduated from pre-revolutionary gymnasium [a secondary school that prepares pupils for university], non-classical secondary school, for-profit specialized school or other secondary general school.

Persons who have completed vocational school and got along with the profession and qualification of skilled worker complete general secondary education or got the profession and qualification of skilled worker on the basis of secondary education are marked with complete general secondary, other persons are marked with the level of education that they had before entering this school.

Basic general secondary education is marked to those who graduated from primary school, that is to those who completed eight years of school in 1963-1989, seven-year school or 7 classes in 1961 and earlier, 8, 9 classes of middle school in 1963-1989, 10 classes of eleven-year school; are studying in the 10-11th forms; in vocational school (except persons with complete general secondary education); dropped out of the 8th form in 1959/60 academic year and earlier; of the 9th form in 1988/89 academic year and earlier; of the 10-11th forms or of the vocational school (except persons with complete general secondary education).

Primary general education is marked to those who finished primary school or 3 classes in 1972 and later; 6-4 classes; 7 classes in 1960 and later; 8 classes in 1990 and later; are studying in the 5-9th forms; dropped out of the 4th form in 1972/73 academic year and later; of the 5-7th forms, of the 8th form in the 1960/61 school year and later; of the 9th form in 1989/90 academic year and later.


Do not have primary general education is marked to persons aged 6 years and above (both to those who study and those who do not study), persons who do not have primary general education but can read and write in any language or just read (even if slowly).

Determining the level of education of persons who did not get complete general secondary education one should be guided by the Supplemented table (Appendix 2).

Persons aged 6 years and above who cannot read are marked with illiterate.

Graduation from correspondence and evening schools, as well as school of external studies is equated with graduation from the respective educational establishment. Those who graduated from educational establishments that do not provide general education (e.g., instructor-auditing schools, retraining and refresher courses, etc.), as well as those who are studying in these educational establishments are marked with education got by them before entering these educational establishments.

The answer to this question is not filled for children younger than 6 years.

If you have difficulties with determining the level of education it is necessary to write down the name of higher type of educational establishments finished by respondent in the box "Graduated educational establishment, how many classes (courses), what year". Write down how many classes (courses) were completed and when in a specially outlined boxes.

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_HIGRADE — Highest grade of schooling
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P14. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school this person has ever attended?
(Check one box)

If now attending a regular school or college, check the grade (or year) he is in. If it is in junior high school, check the box that stand for that grade (or year).

[] Never attended school
[] Kindergarten
Elementary school (Grade)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8

High school (Year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4

College (Year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more

P15. Did he finish the highest grade (or year) he attended?

[] Finished this grade
[] Did not finish this grade
[] Never attended school

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_HIGRADE — Highest grade of schooling
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21. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school he has ever attended?
Fill one circle. If now attending, mark grade he is in.
[] Never attended school - Skip to 23
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
Elementary through high school (grade or year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
College (academic year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more
"Mark the highest grade he attended even if he did not finish it. If he is still in school, mark the grade he is in now. If he skipped or repeated grades, mark the highest grade ever attended, regardless of how long it took to get there. If he finished high school, but did not go to college, mark 12. For college, mark the highest academic year attended."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_HIGRADE — Highest grade of schooling
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9. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school this person has ever attended?
Fill one circle. If now attending school, mark grade person is in. If high school was finished by equivalency test (GED), mark "12."

Highest grade attended:

[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten

Elementary through high school (grade or year)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 12

College (academic year)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 8 or more

[] Never attended school -- Skip question 10

[Fill only one circle. Mark the highest grade ever attended even if the person did not finish it. If the person is still in school, mark the grade in which now enrolled. Schooling received in foreign or ungraded schools should be reported as the equivalent grade or year in the regular American school system. If uncertain whether a Head Start program is for nursery school or kindergarten, mark the circle for nursery school.
If the person skipped or repeated grades, mark the highest grade ever attended regardless of how long it took to get there. Persons who did not attend any college but who completed high school by finishing the 12th grade or by passing an equivalency test, such as the General Educational Development (GED) examination, should fill the circle for the 12th grade.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_EDUC99 — Educational attainment, 1990
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12. How much school has this person completed?
Fill one circle for the highest level completed or degree received. If currently enrolled, mark the level of previous grade attended or highest degree received.

[] No school completed
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade
[] 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade
[] 9th grade
[] 10th grade
[] 11th grade
[] 12th grade, no diploma
[] High school graduate -- high school diploma or the equivalent (For example: GED)
[] Some college but no degree
[] Associate degree in college -- Occupational program
[] Associate degree in college -- Academic program
[] Bachelor's degree (For example: BA, AB, BS)
[] Master's degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional school degree (For example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (For example: PhD, EdD)

[Mark the category for the highest grade or level of schooling the person has successfully completed or the highest degree the person received. If the person is enrolled in school, mark the category containing the highest grade completed (the grade previous to the grade in which enrolled). Schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools should be reported as the equivalent level of schooling in the regular American school system. Persons who completed high school by passing an equivalency test, such as the General Education Development (GED) examination, and did not attend college, should fill the circle for high school graduate. Do not include vocational certificates or diplomas from vocational, trade, or business schools or colleges unless they were college level associate degrees or higher. Some examples of professional school degrees include medicine, dentistry, chiropractic, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, veterinary medicine, law, and theology. Do not include barber school, cosmetology, or other training for a specific trade. Do not include honorary degrees awarded by colleges and universities to individuals for their accomplishments. Include only "earned" degrees.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_EDUC99 — Educational attainment
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9. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has "completed"? Mark [X] one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.
[] No schooling completed
[] Nursery school to 4th grade
[] 5th grade or 6th grade 7th grade or 8th grade
[] 9th grade
[] 10th grade
[] 11th grade
[] 12th grade, no diploma
[] High school graduate - high school diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year
[] 1 or more years of college, no degree
[] Associate degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, AB, BS)
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_EDUC99 — Educational attainment, 1990 system
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11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed?
Mark (X) one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

[] No schooling completed
[] Nursery school to 4th grade
[] 5th grade or 6th grade
[] 7th grade or 8th grade
[] 9th grade
[] 10th grade
[] 11th grade
[] 12th grade - no diploma
[] High school graduate - high school diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year
[] 1 or more years of college, no degree
[] Associate degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, AB, BS)
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_EDUC — Educational attainment
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11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed? Mark (X) one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

No schooling completed
[] No schooling completed

Nursery or preschool through grade 12
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 11 Specify grade 1-11: ____
[] 12th grade - No diploma

High school graduate
[] Regular high school diploma
[] GED or alternative credential

College or some college
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit
[] 1 or more years of college credit, no degree
[] Associate's degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, BS)

After bachelor's degree
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_EDUC — Educational attainment
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11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed?

Mark (X) one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

No schooling completed
[] No schooling completed
Nursery or preschool through grade 12
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 11. Specify grade 1-11 _ _
[] 12th grade - no diploma
High school graduate
[] Regular high school diploma
[] GED or alternative credential
College or some college
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit
[] 1 or more years of college credit, no degree
[] Associate's degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, BS)
After bachelor's degree
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)
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Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

11. Mark only one box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has completed or the highest degree the person received.
Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling in the regular American school system.
Mark the "GED or alternative credential" box for persons who did not receive a regular high school diploma but completed high school by receiving a GED or other formal recognition of high school completion from a school or governmental authority.
If the person has not completed any college courses for credit, mark the highest level completed below the college level. If the person has not completed enough credit to be counted as a sophomore, mark the "Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit" box.
For the "Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree" category, do not include certificates or diplomas for training in specific trades or occupations such as computer and electronics technology, medical assistant, or cosmetology. Do not include post-bachelor's certificates that are related to occupational training in such fields as teaching, accounting, or engineering.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_EDUC — Educational attainment
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11. What is the highest degree or level of school this person has completed?

Mark (X) one box. If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received.

No schooling completed
[] No schooling completed
Nursery or preschool through grade 12
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
[] Grade 1 through 11
Specify grade 1-11 _ _
[] 12th grade -- No diploma
High school graduate
[] Regular high school diploma
[] GED or alternative credential
College or some college
[] Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit
[] 1 or more years of college credit, no degree
[] Associate's degree (for example: AA, AS)
[] Bachelor's degree (for example: BA, BS)
After bachelor's degree
[] Master's degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)
[] Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
[] Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P11. Mark only "one" box to indicate the highest grade or level of schooling the person has "completed" or the highest degree the person received.

Report schooling completed in foreign or ungraded schools as the equivalent level of schooling in the regular American school system.

Mark the "GED or alternative credential" box for persons who did not receive a regular high school diploma but completed high school by receiving a GED or other formal recognition of high school completion from a school or governmental authority.

If the person has not completed any college courses for credit, mark the highest level completed below the college level. If the person has not completed enough credit to be counted as a sophomore, mark the "Some college credit, but less than 1 year of college credit" box.

For the "Professional degree beyond a bachelor's degree" category, do not include certificates or diplomas for training in specific trades or occupations such as computer and electronics technology, medical assistant, or cosmetology. Do not include post-bachelor's certificates that are related to occupational training in such fields as teaching, accounting, or engineering.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education completed
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Educational characteristics
For persons age 6 or older
[Questions 10-12 were asked of persons age 6 or older.]

10. Level of education

Write down, as a number, the last year of studies passed by a person on the dotted line corresponding to the class of instruction received (primary, secondary, etc.). For people without education, write down a zero ("0").

[] 0 Without education
[] 1 Primary _
[] 2 Secondary _
[] 3 Preparatory _
[] 4 Faculty _
[] 5 Normal _
[] 6 Agrarian _
[] 7 Industrial _
[] 8 Military _
Other ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Title 10: Level of education
208. Write down as a number, on the dotted line, the last year of study passed by a person, corresponding to the class of instruction received in establishments of regular education.

209. Regular education is understood to be taught in establishments of public or private teaching, within the plans or programs of education officially passed in the country.

210. In the census document, eight principal classes of instruction have specifically been considered, plus an additional class [listed] under the general headline "Other", whose diverse particular cases will be correctly located in the process of revision of information after the enumeration. Immediately after the specific name of each class of instruction, a number between "0" (zero) and "8" is printed, which correspond to the code with which each case is differentiated. It is immediately after this code, on the dotted line, that the number corresponding to the year of studies passed is to be written down, within each class of instruction. So, for example, for a person who has passed the 4th year of primary school, once the notation has been made, it would read in the census document: "Primary 1 4"; if the 2nd year of secondary, it would read: "Secondary 2 2"; if the 3rd year of military, it would read: "Military 8 3", and so on according to the case.

[p. 34]

211. For a person who never has attended a center of education or has never passed a year of studies, write down a 0 (zero) for the following code corresponding to the headline "Without instruction" "0 0".

212. If a person does not remember the year nor the class of instruction received, write down the double symbol "XX", in the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Other".

213. With reference to studies for determined professions, like law, medicine, economics, etc., some students are not able to be sure about what their last year of studies are that they have passed, because of computing the advancement of studies based on the number of classes passed. In this case, it will be sufficient to write down an "X" in the dotted line corresponding to the headline: "Faculty".

214. The class of education "Agrarian" will be understood to be the courses at the University of Work, in:
a) "General agrarian schools"; and

b) "Specialized agrarian schools" (school of dairy, winemaking, forestry, agriculture and livestock, farming mechanics, horticulture and fruits, poultry farming).

Also this includes education imparted by the non-official "agrarian schools" at the level of education similar to those that have just been mentioned, for example: "Jackson agrarian school" in Manga (department of Montevideo).

215. The agrarian education, imparted in the above centers of education, should not be confused with that given in the primary level of "farm schools" -- this depends on the national committee of primary and normal education. Those educated in these centers should be written down as class of instruction: primary.

216. "Industrial" education is understood to be courses at the University of Work in:
a) "Mono technical industrial schools" (mechanical and electrical schools, construction, commerce, applied arts industries, naval industries, feminine industries, graphic arts); and

b) Polytechnic industry schools and education imparted in private schools, but at a level of education similar to those above, for example: the "Don Bosco workshop school", the "Ort technical school".

217. Finally, under the headline "Other", all those cases of graduates, students of universities or conservatories, or of other institutions that do not require studies at the level of "Faculty" should be recorded, even if the classes are given in university classrooms or rooms. Among these cases are:
a) Education by university schools like: medical assistants (dieticians, physical therapists, radiologists, infant psychologists, laboratory clinic assistants, transfusion assistants, ophthalmologists, phono-audiologists, medical archive assistants).

b) Schools of fine arts: painters.

c) School of library science: librarians.

d) National conservatory of music: music professors.

e) University nursing school: university nurses.

[p. 35]

f) School of social service: social assistants.

g) Midwives.

h) Instituto de Profesores Artigas [secondary school teacher training institution].

i) Schools or institutes of commerce.

j) Other schools:

"Dr. Carlos Nery" school of nursing (Ministry of public health)
School of social service (Ministry of public instruction)
School of social service (Catholic)

218. For the appropriate treatment of cases that have just been specified, write down on the dotted line, in the most comprehensible form but at the same time as abbreviated as possible, the class of education received following the number that indicates the last year of studies passed. For example: "Dietician 1"; "Medical archive assistant 1" that can be abbreviated as "Ax. arch. med. 1"; "Social assistant 3"; "Commerce 1".

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

(II) Educational characteristics (for people age 6 or older)

Questions 10-13 [are] only for those who attend or attended establishments of regular education.

10. What is the highest level you attend or attended in establishments of regular education?

Mark the corresponding box.


[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary, first cycle (high school)
[] 3 Secondary, second cycle (preparatory, 4th 5th year of private high school)
[] 4 Teacher school
[] 5 Military


[] 6 University [private]
[] 7 University of the Republic [public]
[] 8 Other (specify the institution) ____

[] 9 Not known

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

II. Educational characteristics
[Persons age 6 or older]

The questions of this chapter are for the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population and its specialization in different disciplines, acquired from regular courses.

237. Question no. 10, "What is the highest level that you attend or attended in establishments of regular education?", should be asked to all people who attend or attended educational establishments a one time.

Educational level will be understood to mean each one of the categories included in the Census document. This classification is divided into two parts, A and B.

Look at the Census document. If a person you are enumerating answers part A, do not ask question No. 13. Cross it out with a diagonal line and go to question No. 14. If on the contrary, a person answers part B you should ask question 13 and clearly specify what course [he/she] attends or attended.

238. When a person declares more than one level to you, you should find out which of them is a continuation of the other that would be considered superior. For example, one cannot write "Dentist courses" without having finished high school: nevertheless, it will be "Dentist courses". Remember that in this case you should write down only the highest level finished.

239. If a person attended two equal courses, mark the one considered more important and register the other in the space meant for "Observations".

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

(II) Educational characteristics
[Questions 9-14 were asked of persons age 6 or older]

[Questions 11-14 are for persons age 6 or older who attend or attended establishments of regular education]

12. Did you finish this level?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_EDATTAIN — Educational level and year completed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Persons age 3 or older
The questions of this part have the purpose of knowing the educational level of the population, both on the plane of regular education, as well as training courses or non-regular education, offered by public and private organizations, in this country or abroad.

Question 14. How many years did you pass in this level?

You should fill in the box corresponding to the number of years passed -- in the highest level reached indicated in Question 12. For example, if a person is currently in the third year of high school, that box that shows two years passed will be marked.

If a person attends first year in a determined educational level, the quantity of years passed in this level will be zero ("0"). For example: first of primary, first of basic cycle, first of secondary (second cycle), first of University, etc.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_PRIMLEV — Year attained, primary
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Primary

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes (go to question 56)
[] 2 No (go to question 56)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_PSLEVA — Preschool level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_UNIVLEVA — University level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_NUNIVLEVA — Non-university higher educational level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_GRDSLEVA — Graduate school level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_SPRMLEVA — Special primary school level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_PRIMLEVA — Primary school level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_BSECLEVA — Basic secondary school level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_BUTULEVA — Basic cycle of UTU level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_USECLEVA — Upper secondary school level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_PROFLEVA — Professional basic training level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_UUTULEVA — Upper cycle of UTU level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_TTLEVA — Teacher training level attending
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

50. What level and year of education are you currently in? [Indicate the year for the correspondent level]
[Question 50 was asked of persons who were currently attending school, as per question 48.]

[] Pre-school _
[] Special primary _
[] Primary _
[] Basic cycle high school _
[] Basic cycle of the University of Work (UTU) _
[] Upper high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Professional basic training _
[] Upper technical high school (4th to 6th) _
[] Teacher training (go to question 53) _
[] University or similar (go to question 53) _
[] Non-university higher education (go to question 53) _
[] Graduate school (master or Ph.D.) (go to question 53) _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

50. In what level and year are you currently enrolled?

The level and year that the respondent is currently attending will be indicated. In the case that vacations are in session, you must record the grade he will enter when classes resume.

In the case that the person declares attending different levels (for example teacher training and university) he will be asked to opt for one of them, following the criteria of the level to which he dedicates the majority of time (including hours of study).

How to proceed in the case that the interview is being carried out during vacations? In these cases you must investigate the enrollment of the student. Anyone who, even while temporarily not attending, is enrolled is considered as attending an establishment of learning.

An example that can present doubt is the following: a person who is interviewed in the months of the summer finished one level (ex: elementary school) and is enrolled in the next level, you must mark the next level and note "1" in the year that he is attending.

Some clarifications with respect to the options:

Pre-school: Daycare, nursery school, etc. are included. The level that he is taking will be indicated.

Special elementary school: This level will be signaled in the case of the people who attend special schools for the disabled/handicapped. In this case the level that he is taking should be indicated.

Middle school: If the person is taking the first, second, or third year in a middle school

[p. 43]

University of Work (UTU): If the person is taking first, second, or third year in a technical school. You must be careful not to confuse the UTU with basic professional formation. The basic cycle of the UTU is equivalent to the middle school, that's to say that it has the same curriculum content as the formation in the first cycle of the middle school (except for small differences).

High school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a high school

Basic professional formation: corresponds to the courses of the UTU that only require elementary schooling. It is different from the basic cycle in the UTU because it deals with a formation orientated specifically to some trade and is not equivalent to the basic cycle in the middle school. In addition, the courses are of shorter duration than the basic cycle of the UTU. It is required that the people are age 15 or older to participate in these courses.

Technical high school: If the person is taking fourth, fifth, or sixth grade in a technical school.

Non-university higher education: This includes for example the National School of Police (officials), the technicians of administration (the private universities as well we the University of the Republic), the physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, students of hotel management, etc.

Graduate school (masters or Ph.D.): If the person is attending a postgraduate course, always when it deals with a masters of at least a year of duration (don't record postgraduate studies shorter than one year) or a doctorate, in both cases they must require a finalized university degree in order for admission.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_SECLEV — Year attained, secondary
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Secondary

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes (go to question 54)
[] 2 No (go to question 54)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_TECHLEV — Year attained, technical school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Technical school

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

In order to pursue these studies, what were you required to have?

[] 1 Secondary school completed
[] 2 Secondary school, first cycle
[] 3 Primary school completed
[] 4 No requirements

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_TECHPRE — Prerequisites for technical school
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Teacher training

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_TEACLEV — Year attained, teacher training
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Teacher training

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_UNIVLEV — Year attained, university
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] University or similar

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_NUNILEV — Year attained, non-university higher ed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Non-university higher education

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_GSLEV — Year attained, graduate school
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52. What is the highest level and year attained?
[Question 52 was asked of persons who were not currently attending school but have attended in the past, as per questions 48 and 51.]

[] Graduate studies (master or Ph.D.)

Years: _

Finished the level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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52. What is the highest level and year attained? Level completed?

This corresponds with noting the last year reached in this highest level. If the person declares more than one level (for example masters and university) he will be asked to opt for one of the levels, for example what results of most use for his insertion into the work force.

You must remember that today in the country there exist courses given by private institutes that are recognized as equivalent to those dictated by the U.T.U. or the University of the Republic. These must be assimilated to those who correspond.

Only in the case in which the interviewee indicates in this question that he attended Technical school (UTU or similar), this question has been complemented with a requirement that permits one to access this category, with the objective of being able to adequately classify the type of technical education of the person.

Important clarifications

It is indispensable to correctly follow the sequence that is marked in the questionnaire.

All the people who currently attend an educational center ("Yes" in question 48) cannot have finished the highest level. There can be exceptions to this rule like in the case of the people who having completed a university degree are resolved to reincorporate themselves in studies and complete a baking class in the UTU that according to its requirements is in the secondary level. In these cases, clarify it in the margin of the questionnaire or indicate the specialty of both courses and degrees.

For all those who indicate some course of technical learning the requirements for admission are also solicited (for example: only elementary school completed, middle school completed (the six years, etc.), with permits adequately codifying the indicated course.

The access to many job positions demands as a necessary condition a determined level of completed instruction. Additionally because of this it's necessary to reveal if the interviewee completed or not the level of instruction declared (ex: different durations of university degrees). According to the interviewee's response you will circle the corresponding code. You must keep present that a person who currently attends cannot have had completed that level.

It's important that you control the coherency of all the questions that this topic involves, but never marking a response by supposing a situation.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_EDATTAN — Highest education level attained
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For people 4 years of age or older:
[Questions 18-25 are asked of people aged 4 and older.]

21. What is the highest level [the respondent] attended? (PerEd03_1)

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Elementary school
[] 3 Elementary school ? special education
[] 4 Junior high school (grades 7-9)
[] 5 Junior high school UTU (grades 7-9)
[] 6 High school (grades 10-12)
[] 7 High school UTU (grades 10-12)
[] 8 Technical School / Professional Formation UTU
[] 9 Teacher training
[] 10 Post-secondary learning, non-university
[] 11 University or College Institute (Bachelor's Degree or certification)
[] 12 Graduate Studies (Minor / Masters / Doctorate)
22. Did [the respondent] complete that level? (PerEd04)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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The rest of the module (with the exception of the question about knowing how to read and write) is directed towards people 4 years of age or older.

In which level is he/she currently enrolled?

This question is only asked of those that are currently attending an education center. Read all the options with pauses and based on the informant's response, select the one that corresponds.

  • Preschool: This option consists of the four and five-year-old levels in establishments of initial education, preschool, or infant centers.
  • Elementary school: This applies to all children attending schools of primary learning.
  • Elementary school -special education: This applies to those people with some disability that attend special schools.
  • Junior high school (grades 7-9): This corresponds to the student population enrolled in a primary school that attends middle school. This option includes the first, second, and third grades of junior high.
  • Junior high school UTU (grades 7-9): This corresponds to the student population enrolled in primary school that attends the UTU. This should not be confused with the Junior high school UTU with the Basic Professional Formation.
  • High school (grades 10-12): This option applies to the student population that attends the fourth, fifth, and sixth year of secondary education.
  • High school UTU (grades 10-12): This applies if the person is taking the fourth, fifth, and sixth year in a technical school.
  • Technical School / Professional Formation UTU: Select this option when the person declares having attended a technical course. Include the specialty schools of the Armed Forces (mechanics, radio-operators, among others). Also include the workshop courses Don Bosco, Basic Professional Formation, the Institute of the Teaching of Construction, etc.
  • Teacher training or Professorship: Include the people that studied to be elementary school teachers or professors of secondary centers. The Physical Education professors are included in this category.
  • Post-secondary learning, non-university: These are the post-secondary non-university studies oriented towards the practice of a specific profession. For example: Center of Industrial Design, Military School, Naval Academy, and Aeronautics School; National Police School; Municipal School of Dramatic Art, Administration Technicians at the University of the Republic as well as of private universities; Social educators, students of hotel administration.
  • University or College Institute (Degree plan or certification): This includes the degree plans, from the University of the Republic as well as the private universities (ORT, UCUDAL, UM, UDE, etc.) or foreign universities. The military and police degrees and certifications are also included, like: Certification in Public Security for enrolled students of the Police School,
[p. 102]
  • Certification in Military Studies enrolled in the Military Institute of Higher Education (IMES), the Certification in Navel Systems, and the Certification in Nautical Systems for those enrolled in the Naval School.
  • Graduate Studies (Minor / Masters / Doctorate): These are studies of expansion and perfection in the mastery of a discipline or specific topic.

In which level is he/she currently enrolled?

This question is asked only of the people that do not attend an education center but did attend at some point. Read all the option with pauses and, based on the informant's response, select the option that corresponds.

  • Preschool
  • Elementary school
  • Elementary school -special education
  • Junior high school (grades 7-9)
  • Junior high school UTU (grades 7-9)
  • High school (grades 10-12)
  • High school UTU (grades 10-12)
  • Technical School / Professional Formation UTU
  • Teacher training or Professorship
  • Post-secondary learning, non-university
  • University or College Institute (Degree plan or certification)
  • Graduate Studies (Minor / Masters / Doctorate)

Did he/she finish that level?

Keep in mind that this question refers to the completion of the level indicated, and not the year taken within each said level.

How many years/grades did he pass in that level?

Always formulate this question. For example, do not assume that the person has 4 years passed in university if he/she declares having finished a career or university degree, since these can have different lengths. For example, in Medicine it can reach even 8 years.

The prerequisites for this course were (consider the maximum level taken)

This question allows us to determine the previous requirements for admittance to the highest education levels, since these permit a more precise and rigorous calculation of the education level reached and principal years of study.

This question is asked of the people that responded with any of the options between Technical Teaching and Postgraduate:

  • Completed master's degree
  • Bachelor's Degree / Completed university degree
  • Completed teacher training / certification
  • Completed High School (12th grade of the secondary school or UTU)
  • 10th grade of high school completed
  • Junior high school completed (9th grade completed)
  • Elementary school completed
  • None

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_EDATTAN — Highest educational level and year attained
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Only for individuals 5 years of age and older
(See Question 5-6)

16. What are the highest year or grade and branch of studies completed?

____ Year or grade
____ Branch
[] None

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7.23. Educational Characteristics (Q - 12 to 18).

To continue the interview, care must be taken as to the age of the person as observed in question 4. If the person is younger than 5 years (see question 4 to be sure) no more questions are asked. End the interview with this person. If the person is 5 years of age or older continue with [p. 83] the information on "Educational Characteristics (12 - 18).

7.28. Highest year or grade and subject area completed (Q - 16).

If the answer to question 12 is negative, skip to question 15, as indicated by the arrow. To record the answer to this question, follow the same instructions given for question 14, writing the year or grade (the highest completed in this case) and the corresponding subject area 1st elementary, 2nd "Normal", 4th" High School, 2nd Medical, 4th Law, etc.).

If the person has not completed any level or is illiterate, mark "none".

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_EDATTAN — Highest educational level and year attained
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(Only for those 5 years of age or older)

11. What was the highest grade, year or semester completed, and at what level of schooling?

[] None
[] Primary

____ Grade

[] Middle (secondary)

____ Year
____ Semester

[] Superior

____ Year
____ Semester

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Question 11

-- What was the last grade, year, or semester completed, and at what educational level?

The last grade, year, or semester completed, and the educational level corresponding to completed studies is requested of the enumerated person

There are three educational levels:

Primary education [Elementary]

The education provided by elementary or primary schools with the purpose of providing a solid base of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Intermediate education [Secondary]

The education provided by institutions of intermediate education: High schools, middle schools, technical schools, teaching school (Escuelas Normales), etc. The prerequisite for entering these schools is the completion of the last grade in elementary.

Superior education

The education provided by National and Private Universities, University Institutes, Teacher's Schools, Polytechnic Universities, Technical Colleges, Colegios Universitarios, Private University Institutes, and Military Institutes where the minimum requirement for entrance is the completion of the last grade in intermediate education.

Important: This question refers to the last year, grade, or semester completed and not one that was interrupted or one that is currently being studied. When the person declares not to have completed any grade or year, the oval corresponding to "none" should be filled out.

This includes those who are in and not yet completed preschool or the first grade of elementary school.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_EDATTAN — Highest Level and grade attained
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Questions 11-14 are only for those over the age of 3 years

12. What was the highest grade, year or semester completed and at what educational level?

____ Grade
____ Year
____ Semester

[] None -- Go on to question 14
[] Preschool -- Go on to question 14
[] Primary or Basic (1-6) -- Go on to question 14
[] Middle (1-3) or Basic (7-9) -- Go on to question 14
[] Diversified Middle -- Go on to question 14
[] Superior

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Questions 11-14 are only for those over the age of 3 years

Question No.12

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 12 on the census form.]

-- Write down the number of the last grade, year or semester completed in the space provided.

-- Fill in the cell according to the level.

-- If the answer is not university, professional (Superior), go to Question No.14.

-- If the answer is university, professional (Superior), go to the next question.

Example: If the person declared that they completed 1st grade in Elementary, write 1 in the space for grade and fill in the cell that corresponds to Primary or Elementary (1-6).

No school completed.

Level of education that precedes elementary (Básica) Education.

Primary or elementary (1-6):
Level of education that includes:

-- From 1st to 6th grade of primary (primaria) education.
-- From 1st to 6th year of elementary (básica) education.

Secondary (1-3) or elementary (7-9):
Level of education that includes:

-- From 1st to 3rd year of secondary education or common basic cycle (Ciclo Basico Comun)
-- From 6th to 9th year of elementary education

Diversified middle:
Level of education that includes:

-- From 4th to 6th year of secondary education (ciclo diversificado) or common basic cycle.
-- The 1st and 2nd years of diversified secondary education.

Level of education that is made up of professional training. It includes:

-- Universities, teacher's schools, university institutes and colleges and military institutes for officer training.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_EDATTAN — Educational level attained

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_GRADE — Highest grade completed
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For persons born on or before 1-4-1984 (aged 5 and over) answer following questions [applies to questions 6 to 8]

8. b/ Highest grade completed

_ _ Grade

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6. Place where usually live on 4/1/1984 (5 years ago):
Persons who were born before April 1st, 1984 (5 years of age and older) answer this section.

8b) Highest grade completed
Please write down the highest completed and passed grade or graduation from a certain level of general education.

For those who are currently enrolled (or drop out) in a certain grade, for example, the 9th grade, interviewers fill in the next lower completed grade in the form, (e.g. the 8th grade). Persons who are in the 1st grade are at 0/12.

Persons who completed primary or secondary training curriculums but did not pass the final exam at each level of education are considered to complete the next lower grade at each level of education: the 8th grade of 12 or the 6th grade of 10 for primary school, or the 11th grade of 12 (or the 9th of 10) for secondary school.

Similarly, persons who completed training curriculum at each grade (such as the 5th grade of 12), but do not have passing scores for that class, would have the highest grade completed at the lower grade (e.g. the 4th grade of 12).

All other types of equivalent classes, such as at continuing education school, evening general education school, etc. are equivalent with classes at formal general education school.

Persons who studied abroad should report the grade and name of the country where they received education. Persons who attended French schools before the country's independence should report their grade and level of education.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_EDUCQUAL — Highest qualification or degree
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For persons born on or before 1-4-1984 [it should say 1976] (aged 13 and over) answer following questions [applies to questions 9 to 13]

9. a/ Highest qualification or trade

[] 1 None
[] 2 Technical worker with certificate
[] 3 Technical worker no certificate
[] 4 Middle vocational education
[] 5 College/ university degree
[] 6 Post-graduate

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Persons born before April 1st, 1976 (aged 13 and older) answer this question.

9. a/ Highest qualification or trade

[] 1 None
[] 2 Technical worker with certificate
[] 3 Technical worker no certificate
[] 4 Middle vocational education
[] 5 College/ university degree
[] 6 Post-graduate

Technical workers: are persons with certain knowledge and skills to implement technical jobs.

Persons who do not study at any technical training schools (do not have training certificate) but have some experience in their fields can be considered as technical workers.

Criteria to consider as technical workers without certificate are, as below:
In the public sector: persons with the 3rd technical level and higher.
In the collective and private sectors: persons who have worked for at least 5 years.
Note: technical workers who are at the 1st or 2nd technical levels in the public sector, or have worked in that job less than 5 years in the collective and private sectors are not considered as technical workers without certificate, interviewers fill out box 1.

Middle vocational education, college, university, and post graduate
Doctor of philosophy or equivalent academic degrees is in box 6.
Persons who received on-the-job training or did an internship after university graduation are not considered as post graduate.
Persons with multi-degree: record his/her highest educational qualification.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_GRADE — School grade completed or attending
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Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:

[Respond questions 8 to 12]

11*. What is the highest educational level that (Name) is attending or has completed?

For persons who have completed/ are attending secondary vocational schools or lower, record his/her general education grades

[] 1 General school

_ _ Grade system

[] 2 Undergraduate
[] 3 Graduate
[] 4 Post-Graduate

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Question 11: What is the highest educational level that (name) is attending or has completed?

This question is only for persons who have code "1" or "2" in Question 10.

Filling-in process for this question, as follows:

1. Selecting code "1" and writing down highest grade (or completed) for those who are attending or stopped going to general school and never studied at professional school/class, and persons who are attending technical school/class, primary and middle professional school.

Grade in general school: If respondent is attending general school, interviewers record the grade which respondent is studying. If respondent is no longer enrolled, interviewers record the highest grade completed (passed the final exam or graduated). If respondent is attending or completed technical school/class, primary and middle professional school, interviewers report his/her highest grade at general school (passed the final exam or graduated).

Persons who dropped out at a certain grade at general education level, and persons who completed training curriculum of a certain grade but failed the final exam or graduation test are considered to complete the next lower grade. Persons who did not complete the 1st grade or dropped out before the 2nd grade are considered as "00" grade.

Persons who studied aboard should report their grade and name of the country where they receive education. Persons who attended French schools before country's independence should report their grade and level of education.

Writing down respondent's grade in the given line, do not fill in code in 2 empty cells.

Do not convert grade at general school in the enumeration form (person who is in charge of coding will convert it later).

Grade system: grade system is coded by the last grade at upper secondary school (high school) which a person should complete in order to graduate from national's training curriculum at general education level. In our country, there have been two main grade systems. These are 10 grades and 12 grades.

Filling in correct grade system for respondent in the given line and do not fill in code in 2 empty cells.

Persons who attended general education aboard report name of that country or write down "French colonized period" for persons who attended French schools before country's independence.

2. Select code "2", "3", or "4" for those who are attending, graduated from two-year college, university, or postgraduate education.

Note: If a person has one or more graduation certificate at college level or higher level of education and is now studying at a college, university, or post graduate program, interviewers select his/her highest level of education completed or currently attending.

For example: a person graduated from a teacher training college and is currently studying evening law school, interviewers select code "3" for question 11 and code '1" (is attending) for question 10.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_SCHOOL — School attendance
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Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:

[Respond questions 8 to 12]

10. Is (Name) attending school now, or has (Name) stopped or never attended?

School: Only record persons currently attending/attended general schools (or equivalent) and institutions of higher education.

[] 1 Attending now
[] 2 Attended in the past
[] 3 Never attended [Go on to question 12]

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Question 10: Is (name) attending school now, or has (name) stopped or never attended?

School attendance is an individual's educational status at a nationally recognized general school or professional and higher education (at college level and higher), such as primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, public/semi-public/ private professional schools at college level and higher, or equivalent (including on-the-job long-term training, evening education, and open education). These types of education aim to provide general education or systematic professional skills in a given time period.

A person response to this question has one of three choices: attending now, attended in the past, and never attended. Therefore, interviewers only can select one of three codes "1", "2", and "3".

If respondent is currently attending general school or college or university or post graduate program, interviewers select code "1" and ask question 11.

Note: Persons who are attending technical school/class, primary and middle professional school are coded as "2 -- attended in the past".

If respondent attended general school or professional school in the past, interviewers select code "2" and ask question 11.

If respondent has never attended general school or professional school (never go to school), interviewers select code "3" and skip question 11 and ask question 12.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_EDUCQUAL — Highest qualification
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Persons born before 4/1986 (13 years old or over) answer the following questions:

13*. What is the highest qualification or trade that (Name) had attained?

If one of the codes from "4" to "8" is circled in Q. 13, Q.11 must be circled with "2" or "3" or "4".

[] 1 No qualification and certificate [Go on to question 15]
[] 2 Technical worker with certificate
[] 3 Secondary Vocational
[] 4 Undergraduate
[] 5 Graduate/Diploma
[] 6 Master
[] 7 Candidate
[] 8 Ph.D.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 13 to 18: Only ask persons who were born before April, 1986 (aged 13 years and older) (Persons who were born in 1986 and do not have month of birth in question 4 should also answer these questions).

Question 13: What is the highest qualification or professional skill that (name) had attained?

The highest qualification or professional skill that a person is officially recognized from a professional/technical training class/school in the country or aboard, whether this qualification or skill is received from full-time program or on-the-job training.

A person can have one of these qualifications:

a. No qualification/technical skill and related certificate: Persons who are doing simple labor jobs (common laborers), or working in professional/technical skills positions without any professional/technical certificate. For both types of respondent, interviewers select code "1", skip question 14, and ask question 15.

b. Technical worker and professional staff with certificate:

These are persons who have graduation certificate from professional or technical class/program/school which is lower than the level of middle vocational schools (in country or abroad), in spite of his/her training technical level, and duration of training. A person who is defined as a technical worker or a professional staff with certificate has code "2" in question 14.


Persons who do not have any formal training at technical or professional class/school but receive license or professional certificate of their skill level from the local authorities can be considered as having technical/professional certificate for their current work. These persons have code "2" in question 13.

An artist of a given profession with official certificate from local authorities is considered as having professional certificate and is coded as "2" in question 13.

Persons who previously attended technical or professional class/school (lower level than middle vocational school) and dropped out of their training program are not considered as having technical/professional certificate. These persons have code "1" in question 13.

c. Middle vocational school: Persons who graduate and have certificate from any middle vocational school. If a person is defined as graduating from middle vocational school, interviewers select code "3" and ask question 14.

d. Two-year college: Persons who graduate and have certificate from a 2-year college. If a person is defined as graduating from 2-year college, interviewers select code "4" and ask question 14.

e. Four-year college/university: Persons who graduate and have certificate from a 4-year college or university. If a person is defined as graduating from a 4-year college or university, interviewers select code "5" and ask question 14.

f. Master, Ph.D.: Persons have actually been awarded master or Ph.D. degrees. Persons who study several courses in graduate school or only perform internship after college graduation are not considered as having master/Ph.D. degree. If it is necessary, interviewers can check actual certificate from respondents. A person with master or Ph.D. degree has code "6", "7", or "8", and ask question 14.

For persons who have several technical/professional certificate at different level of skills, interviewers record the highest degree that person completed (or technical/professional certificate of skill level for his/her current job).

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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8. Check if the respondent was born before April, 2004 (5 years or older). [If yes, go to] Q9; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 9-16 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

13. What is the highest level of education/training [the respondent] is attending or has attained?

[Questions 13 was asked of persons age 5 or older who are attending or have ever attended schools, as per question 12]
[] 00 Pre-school (go to Q16)
[] 01 Primary
[] 02 Lower secondary education
[] 03 Short-term training
[] 04 Higher secondary education
[] 05 Trade vocational school
[] 06 Vocational school
[] 07 Trade college
[] 08 College
[] 09 University
[] 10 Master
[] 11 Doctorate

14. What is the highest grade/year of education/training [the respondent] is attending or has completed at the above mentioned grade?

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 5 or older who are attending or have ever attended schools and whose highest grade of education/training is primary or higher, as per questions 12 and 13]
(Grade is converted into 12-year general education level)
Grade/year: _ _

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Question 13: What is the highest level of education/training that [the respondent] is attending or has attained?
This is asked only of those who are attending or have ever attended schools (Question 12 is marked (x) in the small box next to code "1" or "2").

The current education levels in Vietnam include:
1. Pre-school: This includes persons who are on the census day attending pre-primary schools or have completed pre-primary education as the highest education level.
If the highest education level of the respondent that he/she is attending or has completed is the pre-primary schools, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "00", and then moves to Question 16, not to ask Questions 14 and 15.

2. Primary education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending primary schools or have attended primary schools as the highest education level, consisting of:
- Persons who have completed or ever attended primary schools but not completed it yet, and persons who were attending any grade of primary school when dropping out.
- Persons who are attending any grade of primary schools.

3. Lower secondary education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending lower secondary schools or have attended lower secondary schools as the highest education level, consisting of:
  • Persons who have completed or ever attended lower secondary schools but not completed it yet, and persons who were attending any grade of lower secondary school when dropping out.
  • Persons who are attending any grade of lower secondary schools.

4. Short-term vocational training: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have completed vocational training school or vocational training courses of less than 3 months as the highest education level.


Short-term vocational training includes those who are attending or have completed vocational training courses of 3 months to less than 12 months (1 year).

5. Higher secondary education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have attended higher secondary schools as the highest education level, consisting of:
  • Persons who have completed or ever attended higher secondary schools but not completed it yet, and persons who were attending any grade of higher secondary schools but dropped out.
  • Persons who are attending any grade of higher secondary schools.

6. Secondary vocational training: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) secondary vocational training schools.
Time duration of secondary vocational training: It is from 1 to 2 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed higher secondary education, and from 3 to 4 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed lower secondary education.

7. Secondary vocational education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) secondary vocational education schools.
Time duration of secondary vocational education: It is from 1 to 2 school years for persons who had completed higher secondary education, and from 3 to 4 school years for persons who had completed lower secondary education.

8. High vocational training [Trade college]: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) high vocational training colleges.
Time duration of high vocational training: It is from 2 to 3 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed higher secondary education; from 1 to 2 school-years depending on the training field for persons who had completed secondary vocational training schools of the same training field.

9. High vocational education [College]: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) high vocational education colleges.
Time duration of high vocational education: It is from 2 to 3 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed higher secondary education, and from 1 1/2 to 2 school-years depending on the training field for persons who had completed secondary vocational education of the same field.


10. University (Bachelor): This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had graduated and those who had attended but dropped out) university.
Time duration of university: It is from 4 to 6 school years depending on the field for persons who had completed higher secondary education or secondary vocational education; from 2 1/2 to 4 school years for persons who had completed secondary vocational education of the same training field; from 1 1/2 to 2 school years for persons who had completed high vocational education of the same training field.

11. Master: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had graduated and those who had attended but dropped out) master's degree education courses.
Time duration of master's education: It is from 1 to 2 school years for persons who had completed university education.

12. Ph.D. (Doctor): This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever-attended (including those who had graduated and those who had attended but dropped out) Ph.D. (doctoral) degree education courses.
Time duration of Ph.D. education: It is for 4 school years for persons who had graduated from university; from 2 to 3 school-years for persons who had obtained a master's degree. In special cases, the time duration of a Ph.D. education can be prolonged according to the stipulations of the Minister of Education and Training.

- For persons who were fostered with some vocational training after university or through post-university study, they are not classified as master/doctor levels. If necessary, the enumerator may request them to show their degree/diploma/certificate.
- For a person who had obtained degrees/diplomas/certificates of various education levels, the enumerator only marks (x) in the small box corresponding to the highest education level he had achieved. For example: If a man had both a bachelor's degree and a master's diploma, the enumerator only marks (x) in the small box next to code 10-Master.

Question 14: What is the highest grade/year of education/training [the respondent] is attending or has completed at the above mentioned level?
For a person that is marked (x) on Question 13 in one of the small boxes next to code "01", "02", or "04", the enumerator records the highest general education grade (12-year system) that the person is currently attending or has finished its curriculum and moved on or passed the national examination required for that grade in the 2 printed boxes. In case the respondent has followed an educational system other than the current 12-year system, the enumerator must use the "Conversion of general education grade" in Appendix 8 to convert the grade of the other system to the 12 year system and record it in the 2 printed boxes.


In case a person has finished the curriculum of a grade, but has not moved on or not passed the examination, or a person was attending a grade but dropped out, the enumerator must record the answer corresponding to the grade next to that grade (one grade lower). For example: a person who has finished grade 4's curriculum in the 12-year system, but he had to repeat it and dropped out, will be recorded "03" in the 2 printed boxes.

A person who has finished grade 1's curriculum but has not moved on yet will be recorded "00" in the 2 printed boxes.

For a person that is marked (x) on Question 13 in one of the small boxes next to code: "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10" or "11", if he/she was attending and then dropped out, the grade will be recorded according to the year he/she had completed.

[Graphic example omitted]

Example 1: The curriculum of business management of the National Economic University is 4 years. A student who spent 6 years to complete it (with 2 repeated years) will be coded "04" in the two printed boxes.

Example 2: A student who spent 3 years to complete the curriculum of the second year of the University of Natural Sciences, and then dropped out will be coded "02" in the two printed boxes

[Graphic example omitted]

For a person that is marked (x) on Question 13 in the small box next to code "03" (Short-term training): code "00" in the 2 printed boxes.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_EDLEV — Highest level of education or training completed
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Part 1. Information on household members

16. What is the highest level of education/training that [the respondent] has completed or graduated?

[] 1 Under primary
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Lower secondary
[] 4 Higher secondary
[] 5 Short term training
[] 6 Voc. school
[] 7 College
[] 8 University
[] 9 Master
[] 10 Ph.D. (Doctor)
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 16: What is the highest level of education and training [the respondent] graduated/achieved?
This question is intended for people who dropped out or are studying at the primary school level or higher. DTV relies on relevant documents (degree of the highest level) or the type of program completed to identify the information for this question.

- The highest education and training level graduated: Completed and obtained a degree for the level specified to be awarded a degree/certificate.

A person, who has completed a level of education or a State education, training, and vocational program but there has not been a decision to award a diploma or certificate for completing that level of study, is still counted as "attending study" at the level/program of study completed but not yet awarded a degree; the highest degree achieved is the level directly below the "attending school" level.

Example 1: A person has completed the defense of a doctoral thesis but is waiting for approval to obtain the degree, and there has not been a decision to award the doctorate, the highest level that person graduated is a master's degree.

- Highest education and training level completed: Completed and not awarded a degree for the level specified not to be awarded a degree/certificate.

Example 2: Since 2015, elementary school pupils who have completed the grade 5 program and are confirmed in the report card as "Completed Primary School Program" are considered to achieve the primary education level.

Some notes on identifying the highest level of education and training are as follows:

(1) Under primary level include those who: (i) have completed the preschool program but have not attended primary school; (ii) Attending primary school; (iii) Although they have attended school, they have not achieved (have not graduated) any level.

For example: A person who was attending grade 5 but drops out of school, his/her highest level is identified as "Below elementary school".
(2) Equivalent qualifications cannot be converted in the following cases:
- Officials attending political theory training programs such as basic politics, intermediate politics, and advanced politics (because these levels are not included in the National Education System).

- Specialist I, Specialist II, and resident doctors cannot be converted to the equivalent of a master's or doctoral degree.
(3) In case DTDT studies and obtains a degree abroad, DTV records the corresponding qualifications.

(4) Driving licenses for cars of classes B1, B2, C, D, E, and F are basic level.

(5) If DTDT is granted a degree from a religious school according to the National Education System, DTV records the corresponding qualifications.

(6) In case DTDT has both a high school diploma (code 04) and a degree at basic vocational (code 05) or intermediate level (code 06), DTV selects the higher code, i.e. code "05" or "06".

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_EDGRADE — Highest grade of general education completed
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Part 1. Information on household members

17. What is the highest grade of general education that [the respondent] has completed?

Grade is converted into 12-year general education level

General grade _ _
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 17: What is the highest general education grade that [the respondent] has completed?
This question is only intended for people who are attending school (primary school or higher) or have dropped out. DTV records the highest general education grade (the 12-year system) that DTDT completed, promoted, or graduated.

In case DTDT studied under a general education system other than the 12-year system, DTV uses the "General education levels conversion table" in Appendix 5 to convert to the 12-year system. According to Article 26, Vietnam Education Code 2005 and Decision No. 1981/QD-TTg dated October 18, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Structural framework of the national education system, general education includes: primary education, secondary education, and high school education.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_EDATTAN — Highest level of education
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[Question P-14 to P-18 were asked of persons 5 years and over]

P-17 What highest level of academic education has [the respondent] completed? _ _

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Education: For All Persons 5 Years and Over

P - 17 What highest level of academic education has [name] completed?
36. Under highest academic educational level completed a apace has been provided to write the year and the educational level completed by each person who has ever attended an educational institution (including correspondence schools). Write the highest level completed whether a person is still attending full time or part-time or has attended previously and is not attending now. Enter the appropriate code in the boxes provided. The codes are given in the last column below on page 32 and in Appendix 5b on page 96. For persons who were educated outside Zambia, write the appropriate Zambian equivalent of the level reached.

[Examples are omitted here.]


37. The system of school standards, grades and forms has been changed four times since 1956. The following are roughly the relative levels. Enter the appropriate code as provided in the last column below.

01. Sub-standard A, Sub-standard B, Grade 1
02. Standard 1, Grade 2
03. Standard 2, Grade 3
04. Standard 3, Grade 4
05. Standard 4, Grade 5
06. Standard 5, Grade 6, Standard 6 Lower
07. Standard 6 Upper, Standard 6, Grade 7
08. Form1, Grade 8
09. Form 2, Grade 9
10. Form 3, Grade 10
11. Form 4, Grade 11
12. Form 4 (GCE), Form 5 GCE (0), Form 6 lower, Grade 12 GCE (0),
13. Form 6 upper, GCE (A), University Undergraduate Students
14. Bachelors Degree
15. Masters Degree and above

38. The level completed is the qualification or attendance (i.e. degree, diploma, certificate, etc.) that an individual has acquired, whether by full-time study, part-time study or private study, whether conferred in the home country or abroad, and whether conferred by educational authorities, special examining bodies or professional bodies. The acquisition of an educational qualification, therefore, implies the successful completion of a course of study.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_EDATTAN — Highest level of education completed
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For Persons 5 Years and Older ? Education

18. What highest level of academic education have you completed?
Level: _ _

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5.5 Education: for all persons 5 years and older

P21: What highest level of academic education has [the respondent] completed?

Under highest academic educational level completed, write the highest educational level completed by each person who has ever attended an educational institution (including correspondence schools). Shade the appropriate figures for the highest level completed whether a person is still attending full time or part-time or has attended previously and is not attending now. The codes are given below and in Appendix 8. For children attending nursery school and those currently in Grade 1, their academic qualification completed is 00. For persons who were educated outside Zambia, indicate the appropriate Zambian equivalent of the level reached.

[Omitted Examples]

[Omitted: Conversion of pre 1956 system of school standards, grades and forms]


The level completed is the qualification or attendance (i.e. degree, diploma, certificate. etc.) that an individual has acquired, whether by full-time study, part-time study or private study whether conferred in the home country or abroad, and whether conferred by educational authorities, special examining bodies or professional bodies. The acquisition of an educational qualification, therefore, implies the successful completion of a course of study.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_HIGHEDUC — Highest level of education completed
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Only for persons aged 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 25-30]

P28. What highest level of education has [the respondent] completed?

Enter code from manual _ _
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4.14 Education: for all persons 5 years and older

P - 28: What highest level of education has [the respondent] completed?

Under highest educational level completed, enter the highest educational level completed by each person who has ever attended an educational institution (including correspondence, e-learning, community schools etc.). Indicate the appropriate codes in the boxes for the highest level completed whether a person is still attending full time or part-time or has attended previously and is not attending now. The codes are given in Appendix 7. For children attending nursery school and those currently in Grade 1, their academic qualification completed is 00. For persons who were educated outside Zambia, indicate the appropriate Zambian equivalent of the level reached.

Example 1:
If someone passed Standard 5, i.e. was in school system before 1956, enter the code 06. For someone with GCE '0' level, enter the code 12.

Example 2:
Suppose a person completed Form 5 GCE '0' level in 1980. In 1981, he/she went to study at the University of Zambia. After two years he/she was re-directed before completing the program. For this person enter 12 for the highest level of education completed. The two years spent at the University are not considered in this case.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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C. Education - for persons age 3 years and older
[Questions 15 and 16 were asked of persons age 3 and older]

15. Has (the respondent) ever been to school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

16. What is the highest level and grade of education completed by (the respondent)?

[] Level 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] Level 1
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] Level 2
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] Level 3
[] 1 Certificate / diploma after primary
[] 2 Certificate / diploma after secondary
[] 3 Graduate / postgraduate
[] 8 None
[] 9 Not known
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Section C: Education
This section deals with participation at school, past and present, for all persons age 3 years and above. It includes participation at pre-school level hence we are asking for information relating to 3 year olds.
NB: for this section check with Question 4 (age) for consistency, particularly for children.

Q16 Highest level and grade of education completed
This question is asked on persons age 3 years and above as coded in question 4 and have attended school (code '1' or yes) in question 15.

The outcome of attendance does not matter, i.e. whether someone passed or failed, the education level is immaterial and is not necessarily an outcome of formal schooling.

The education system has undergone periodic changes. At one time primary education lasted eight years then changed to seven years. There was once the F2 system, which went up to grade 11 (eleven) in secondary school. All these systems must be made to conform to the system currently in use. Furthermore, if a respondent was educated outside Zimbabwe, probe so as to find the Zimbabwe level of education that is equivalent to the respondent's level of education.

[pg. 30]

Equivalence between the old and new systems of education in Zimbabwe and the applicable codes are shown in the table below:

Level of Education: Primary
[Table headers:
Other levels, Equivalents, Code]
Sub A, Grade 1, 1
Standard 1, Grade 3, 3
Standard 2, Grade 4, 4
Standard 3, Grade 5, 5
Standard 4, Grade 6, 6
Standard 5/6, Grade 7, 7

If the person has attended school, you will record his/her educational attainment in column 16. Do this by using the codes given below. You will first record the level of schooling by recording the highest level the person ever attended, even if he/she did not finish that level. Then you will record how many grades the person completed at that level. For example, a man who completed all the grades of primary school would be Level 1, Grade 7. A child who is currently in the third year of primary school would be Level 1 and Grade 2 (she has not yet completed the third year). A man who left during his first year of secondary school would be recorded as Level 1 and Grade 7. If a respondent has been to secondary school i.e. level 2, but the grade (number of years) is not known use grade 4.

Codes for questions 16 and 19

[Table headers:
Education, Education grade]
0: Pre-school, 1-3
1: Primary, 1-7
2: Secondary, Form 1-6
3: Higher, (1) a certificate or diploma after primary, (2) a certificate or diploma after secondary, (3) graduate and post graduate.
9: Not known
8: None
Check with Question 4 for consistency, particularly for children.
For someone who has never been to pre-school but is in grade 1, the codes would be 8 for level and another 8 for grade.
Any tertiary education is in level 3
Tertiary after Primary is Level 3 Grade 1 Tertiary after Secondary is Level 3 Grade 2
Any degree or postgraduate is Level 3 Grade 3