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Age at death of last child born

Questionnaire Text

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For women age 15 and older (check from questions 27 and 29)

60. How old was the child when he/she died?

If less than one year of age, record 00

Age _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 60. How old was the child when he/she died?
Record in the corresponding boxes the age of the last female or male child when they died. If the child was less than one year of age record 00.
After you fill in this question continue with the next person in the household. Once you have completed interviewing all the people in the household, if you have any observations please record them in the lines for observations on page 16. Once you have recorded your observations proceed with the information of the next household in the same dwelling if that is the case. If not continue with the next household.