Questionnaire Text

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F.2 Ask these questions of all persons who are five years old or more.

34. What is the highest level of education that he/she attended?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 University (Continue with F 3)
[] 5 Graduate studies (Continue with F 3)
[] 6 None (Continue with F 3)

35. How many years did he/she complete in this level?
_ _ Number of years completed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F2. Ask these questions to all persons 5 years old or older

34. What is the highest educational level that [the respondent] attended?

It refers to the highest schooling achieved by a person, in accordance with the organization of formal education, preschool, primary, secondary, university and graduate school.

If a response corresponds to options 1, 2 or 3, continue with question 35.

If a response corresponds to options 4, 5 or 6, go to filter F3 and do not ask question 35.

[Below the text is a form.]

35. How many years did [the respondent] complete in this level?

Take into account that it concerns registering the number of years passed by a person, in the corresponding level and not the year that they are taking at the moment of the census.

If a person still has not passed any year of the respective level, write "00" in "number of years passed". For example, if currently a person is taking 1st of Secondary (or 6th grade), in question 34 you should have marked option 3 "secondary" and in question 35 you should write "0".

[p. 169]

Take into account that the interviewed person can respond in terms of grades (new nomenclature) or in years (old nomenclature); in the first case, you should make the conversion to years. For example, if they answer that they are taking 10th grade, you should mark "secondary" (question 34) and write "4" in "number of passed years" (question 35).

Remember that if in question 34 you marked options 4, 5 or 6, question 35 should remain unmarked.