b- Handicap
A handicap is the disadvantage that a person endures due to a disability or an infirmity which prevents him from fulfilling completely or partially a task that could normally be done by a person similar to him in age, sex, and different cultural factors.
One is considered handicapped if they need the assistance of specific equipment. As such, a handicapped person is one does not have complete physical or mental autonomy.
Here is a list of basic handicaps that the 3rd RGPH has retained:
No handicap 00
Deaf 01
Mute 02
Blind 04
Leprous 08
Upper limbs disabled 16
Lower limbs disabled 32
Mental illness 64
Albino 128
Other handicap 256
Q. Does the surveyed person have a/any handicap/s?
NB: If the handicap is clearly visible, mark it and go on to the following question.
[Examples omitted]