Questionnaire Text

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11. Where was this person born?
Mark or specify one only, according to present boundaries.
In Canada:

[] Nfld.
[] P.E.I.
[] N.S.
[] N.B.
[] Que.
[] Ont.
[] Man.
[] Sask.
[] Alta.
[] B.C.
[] Yukon
[] N.W.T.

Outside Canada:

[] United Kingdom
[] Italy
[] U.S.A.
[] West Germany
[] East Germany
[] Poland
[] Other, specify ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 11: Place of birth
Information on place of birth, when combined with information from other census questions, can be used to review employment and immigration policies and programs, and to plan education, health and other services.
If born in an area of Canada which was part of the Northwest Territories at the time of birth, but which has since become a province of Canada, report place of birth according to present provincial boundaries.
If born in Newfoundland or Labrador before that province joined Confederation in 1949, mark the circle labelled Nfld. as place of birth.
If born in any of the six counties of Northern Ireland, mark United Kingdom. If born in one of the other counties of the Republic of Ireland, print Eire in the box provided.

[p. 5]
If a person is not sure of the country of birth because of boundary changes since the time of birth, enter the name of the nearest city or district.
When questionnaires were printed, East Germany and West Germany were separate countries. In the event of German reunification before Census Day, June 4, 1991, mark either West Germany or East Germany.