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BPLCA1 indicates the person's place of birth at the province level for Canada.

Comparability — General

Persons enumerated in the Atlantic Provinces and the Territories are not in the universe for the variable in 1991-2001. Those persons did record birthplaces, combined into different categories, in the unharmonized variables; and some categories can be made consistent with BPLCA1. See the unharmonized variables for those samples.

The Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Prince Edward Island are combined in 1991-2001.

The Yukon and Northwest Territories are combined and integrated as "Northern Canada" in 2011.

For the country of birth of foreign-born persons, see BPLCOUNTRY.


  • Canada 1971: All persons
  • Canada 1981: All persons, excluding inmates
  • Canada 1991: Persons not enumerated in the Atlantic Provinces and Territories
  • Canada 2001: Persons not enumerated in the Atlantic Provinces and Territories
  • Canada 2011: All persons


  • Canada: 1852, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011