Questionnaire Text

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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

9. What educational level does/did this person attend?

[] Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) -- Continue with 12
[] Elementary
[] EGB [General Basic Education]
[] Secondary

[] 6-year elementary
[] 7-year elementary

[] Polymodal (Secondary)
[] Higher education, non-university
[] University
[] Graduate
[] Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

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Question 9. . What educational level does/did he/she attend?
9. What educational level does/did he/she attend?

_ Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) - Continue with 12
_ Elementary
_ Secondary -- Attended: _ 6-year elementary/ _ 7-year elementary?
_ Polimodal (Secondary)
_ Higher education, non-university
_ University
_ Post-graduate
_ Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

This refers to the level of education that he/she attended or is currently attending.
If the person being interviewed attends or attended the level "Secondary", mark this with an "X" and then ask if the elementary that he/she attended was for six or seven years, since in our country these two possibilities co-exist.

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Current and past educational level: this is the educational stage that the person being enumerated is attending or attended.
Various educational structures coexist in the country, two of them have levels with the same names. These are the structures before the Federal Education Law and the one that results from the new National Education Law (2006). This last consists of two levels: Kindergarten and Pre-School/Initial, Elementary, Secondary, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).
If the application of the new structure is found to be functioning, in many provinces the educational structure established by the Federal Educational Law is still governing, with its levels that are: Initial Education, EGB, Poli-modal, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).


The levels of education that are presented in the question are:

-Initial (kindergarden, pre-school): this stage of the structure consists of the the children (boys and girls) who are from three to five years old.
- Elementary: stage after the initial level, of an obligatory nature and whose duration can be six or seven years (1st to 7th grade or 1st to 6th grade).
-EGB: period after initial level. Its duration is nine years and it is composed of three cycles of three years each, EGB 1 (1st to 3rd grade); EGB 2 (4th to 6th grade) and EGB 3 (7th to 9th grade).
-Secondary: level of education after elementary. It can be five or six years (1st to 5th year or 1st to 6th).
-Poli-modal: level of structure later than EGB. Its duration if three years.
- High non-university: this is a period of studies that are done in non-university terciary education, state or private with plans of study approved by the Ministry of Education (of the nation or of the provinces). It includes the professors of initial leve, for adults, special education and physical education, history, letters, etc. It also contains specialties that are not for teachers, for example: industrial technica specialization, journalism, tourism, computers, plastic arts and the formation of officials of the armed forces.
- University: level of studies that is carried out in the national, provincial, or private universities. It consists exclusively of the fields that give professional titles (lawyer, surveryor, audiologist, engineer, professor, etc.) and the baccalaureate degrees (in sciences of education, letters, mathematics, systems, etc.).
- Post-graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate): stage of studies that includes the fields of specializations, master's and doctorates or by private entities recognized by the Ministry of Education. For this type of study, it is a requirement to have a university degree with a grade.
- Special Education: this is the set of services, techniques, strategies, knowledge and pedagical resources within the National Educational System directing their attention to the persons with special educational needs.