Questionnaire Text

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For all persons 3 years old and more
[Questions 11- 16 were asked of persons age 3 years or older.]

13. What year or grade is the person attending?

[Question 13 was asked of persons age 3+ who currently attend an educational establishment at a level higher than preschool or kindergarten, per questions 11-12.]

[After responding to question 13, skip questions 14-16.]

[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] Unanswered

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

13. What year or grade is the person attending?

We take into account here that all studies are organized into grades or years. However, always they should respond in grades or years (See conversion chart).