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Deaths in the household in the last 12 months

Questionnaire Text

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F. Deaths in household

19. Did any death occur in the household in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If no, skip to question 20. If yes, then ask:
Was the deceased male or female?
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female
How old was the deceased?
Age in completed years ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section F: Deaths in the household
The data on deaths required here refers to deaths in the last twelve months of members of the household. Deaths which occur after the census night are not to be recorded. Remember that respondents will be reluctant to talk about deaths and become sad or upset that you are asking such questions. Be very tactful in such situations.

Question 19: Did any deaths occur in the household in the last twelve months?
Circle the appropriate answer.

If the answer is "no" write "N/A" on the rest of the section. If the answer is "yes", obtain, for each death, the following details:

a. Was the deceased male or female ?
Circle the appropriate response, i.e. "1" for male; 2" for female.
b. How old was the deceased?
This refers to age at last birthday of the deceased and entries, in completed years, should be made as follows:

- "0" for children less than a year
- actual age in completed years for other deaths,
- "999" for not known (very limited cases)