Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | None | 14,069 |
1 | Creole only | 3,680 |
2 | Bhojpuri only | 75 |
3 | Creole and Bhojpuri only | 580 |
4 | Oriental Languages (with or without Creole or Bhojpuri, but excluding European languages) | 2,169 |
5 | European languages (with or without Creole or Bhojpuri, but excluding Oriental languages) | 70,290 |
6 | European and Oriental languages (with or without Creole or Bhojpuri) | 28,825 |
7 | Other | 88 |
8 | Unknown | 2,263 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 4,293 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the languages in which the person is able to read and write.
- Mauritius 2011: Persons age 3+
- Mauritius: 2011
Questionnaire Text
[Question P20 to P22 were asked of persons aged 2 years and over]
P20. Languages read and written
[] 0 None
[] 1 Creole
[] 3 Indian languages
[] 4 Chinese languages
[] 5 Other Oriental languages
[] 7 French
[] 8 Other European languages
[] 9 Other languages - specify _____
P20 - Language read and written
The answers to this question help to assess the level of literacy and the need for literacy programs.
8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire
P20 - Languages read and written
[figure omitted]
State the language(s) in which the person can, with understanding, both read and write a simple statement in his/her everyday life by shading the appropriate box.
Do not include a language in which the person can read and write only his/her name, figures and memorized phrases.
For persons (including children), who cannot read and write any language, shade box "0" for None.
For census purposes, consider Creole, Bhojpuri, etc. as languages.
For persons (including children), who can with understanding, both read and write (i) Creole; (ii) English and (iii) French; shade boxes "1" for Creole; "6" for English and "7" for French.
For a person who reported "9 - Other languages", write in the adjacent boxes, the other languages the person can both read and write, with understanding. An example is given below:
[figure omitted]
Note: Multiple answers are possible for question on "Languages read and write".