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Dwelling unit

(H03) Material of roof

Circle the appropriate code and record it in the box

[] 1 Reinforced concrete (slab)
[] 2 Tile (fiber cement)
[] 3 Aluminum trough
[] 4 Corrugated iron (zinc)
[] 5 Straw
[] 6 Earth, adobe
[] 7 Leaves, brushwood, clay, bamboo
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
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[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H03: Nature of the roof

This concerns the nature of the roof of the most important building occupied by the household. Circle then record in the box the code corresponding to the nature of the roof of the most important building of the dwelling.

The modalities of possible response are:

1. Reinforced concrete (slab)
2. Tile (fiber cement)
3. Aluminum tray (aluminum)
4. Corrugated sheet (zinc)
5. Straw
6. Clay, adobe
7. Leaves, branches, clay, bamboo
8. Other (to be specified)

For any other nature of roof not indicated above, circle code 8, record it in the box and specify this nature on the dotted lines.