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Region or country of residence in 2011

Questionnaire Text

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B. All persons
[Questions 1-19 were asked of all persons.]

17. Place of residence in 2011

Where was [the respondent] living in 2011? _ _ _ _

Write and shade code of the region and district if living in the country or the country code followed by "44" if living outside Tanzania. For children aged '00" in question 5, write code '9798'.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 14, 16, 17, and 18 asks about household member's place of birth, current place of residence, place lived in 2011, and weather the household member has a birth certificate or birth documentation.

Explanation/clarification of the question: These questions aim to understand how people migrate from one place to another and how towns/cities grow.
Answers to these questions will help the nation understand the amount of people moving from one place to another. Also, these questions will enable the understanding of the amount of growth of towns/cities, and how many people have birth certificates or birth documentations