Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | None | 100,858 |
02 | 1st stage of basic education | 134,686 |
03 | 2nd stage of basic education | 70,677 |
04 | 3rd stage of basic education | 85,548 |
05 | Secondary education | 70,596 |
06 | Post-secondary education | 4,357 |
07 | Bachelor | 8,264 |
08 | University degree (Licentiate) | 46,994 |
09 | Masters | 5,624 |
10 | PhD | 1,266 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the educational qualification of the person.
- Portugal 2011: All persons
- Portugal: 2011
Questionnaire Text
[Questions 16 to 36 are only asked of persons who have entered the formal education system]
[Questions 17 and 18 are asked of persons who attended/are attending primary school and over]
17. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
[] 01 None
[] 02 1st stage of basic education (current 4th year/former primary education/grade 4)
[] 03 2nd stage of basic education (current 6th year/former preparatory degree)
[] 04 3rd stage of basic education (current 9th year/former 5th year of the lyceum
[] 05 Secondary education (current 12th year /former 7th year of the lyceum
Programme/pre p university year)
[] 06 Post-secondary education (Technological specialisation courses, level IV)
[] 07 Bachelor (includes former middle-level courses)
[] 08 Licentiate
[] 09 Master's
[] 10 PhD
Question 17- What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
[There is an image of question 17]
To record the level of education completed, implies that the person has completed the last year of school for that level.
The person that is in 12th year and marked "10th, 11th, or 12th" in the previous question, must respond in this question "3rd stage of basic education" since that person has not concluded the final year of that level.
If the individual is studying to attain a Master's degree regardless of the year, you must record "Master" for the answer to Question 16- What is the level of education you are currently attending, or the highest level you have attended, even if not complete? This means that the answer to question 17 -What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
"Secondary education" or licentiate for situations in which the first cycle of studies has been completed and the person has obtained the number of required credits. In order to facilitate the equivalencies of education levels for the current and former systems, see the following table.
[There is an image of table with level equivalences.]