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Questionnaire Text

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Individual questionnaire

9. What is your nationality?

[] 1 Portuguese only
[] 2 Foreign, indicate the country ____
[] 3 Double nationality: Portuguese and other
[] 4 Double nationality: Two foreign nationalities, one of which is from a European Union country, indicate the EU country ____
[] 5 Double nationality: Two foreign nationalities, none from a European Union country, indicate a country ____
[] 6 Stateless (no nationality)
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 8- Nationality (indicate the place of residence of your mother when you were born)
[There is an image of question 8]
This question asks about the nationality of the population, having as reference the place of residence of the mother on the individual's date of birth and not the place corresponding to health center where the person was born.
If the mother lived in Portugal, you must indicate the corresponding municipality:
If it coincides with a parish or the municipality where the individual actually resides you must choose the respective option;
If it is some other, indicate the name of the respective municipality.
[p. 120]
If the mother lived abroad:
In a country mentioned on the questionnaire, mark the corresponding country;
If she lived in a foreign country not mentioned in the questionnaire, you must indicate the country writing in capital letters in the boxes provided.
Indicating the country should be done with reference to currently existing borders and designations.
Example: An individual that was born in the ex-colony of Mozambique in 1966 (a place where the mother held residence), you must respond Mozambique.

Question 9-What is your nationality?
[There is an image of question 9]
If the individual has foreign nationality, and only one, you must write the nationality in the space provided.
If the individual has more than one nationality (double nationality) you must distinguish if any one of them is Portuguese. If this is the case, you must mark "Portuguese and another".
If the individual has double nationality both foreign, you need to distinguish if any of them pertains to a country in the European Union. If this is the case, you must fill out the option "Two foreign nationalities, one of which is from a European Union country, indicate the EU country".
If neither of the nationalities pertains to a country in the European Union, you must indicate a country in the option "Two foreign nationalities, none from a European Union country, indicate a country".
If the individual does not have any nationality you must choose "Stateless". Stateless means someone who does not hold citizenship of any nation, or rather a person that is not considered a national by any State.
If the individual is in a naturalization process, indicate the nationality that currently have and not the one pending.
The indication of the country must be given considering the borders and designations that currently exist.