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Ownership status of living quarters

Questionnaire Text

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[Province codes for questions 7 and 10 in block VII.A. and question 1 in code VII.B.1 are not presented here]

Q.4. House ownership status

1 Self-owned
2 Lease (skip to Q.6)
3 Rent (skip to Q.6)
4 Rent-purchase (skip to Q.6)
5 Official (skip to Q.6)
6 Other (skip to Q.6)

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Question 4: Status of ownership of the living quarters

  • "Self-owned" means that the living quarters are legally owned by the head of household or one of the other members of the household.
  • "Lease" means that the head or one of the members of the household has a contract agreement with the owner of the living quarters for a certain length of time, for example, one or two years. The payment is normally paid in advance or in installments, which are agreed upon by both parties. At the end of the contract period, the household members must move out unless both parties agree to extend the lease or sign a new agreement.
  • "Rental" means that one of the members of the household who occupies the living quarters signs a rental agreement and pays rent regularly and continuously without a time limit.
  • "Rent-purchase" means that rent is paid over a period of time and at some future point in time the renter will own the property.
  • "Official housing" means the living quarters are provided by a government or private institution; there may be a rent payment, a rent-purchase arrangement or the household may live rent free.
  • "Other" means that the ownership status of the household occupying the living quarters cannot be classified into one of above-mentioned categories; some example of answers that would be classified as other are rent-free and cooperative ownership.

Note: Ownership status must be seen from the point of view of the household members who live in the living quarters.

Example: Household (A) occupies rent free a living quarters that has been rented by another household (B) from property owner (C); the status of ownership of household A is "Other" [not "Rental"].

If the answer is code 2 through 6, skip Q.5 and go to Q.6. If the answer is "Self-owned", code 1, continue to Q.5.