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Floor space of kitchen (square meters)

Questionnaire Text

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Directions for filling out the housing list

Section B: Information on the rooms of the residence
Living rooms are rooms that are intended for living purposes. Included are living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, studies and nurseries.

A kitchen, where meals are taken or where a sleeping accommodation is present, is not considered a living room. It should be entered under "kitchen/kitchenette."

Adjoining rooms outside the residence, for example, attics and basement rooms, are not recorded with the census and for that reasons are also not included in the determination of the area.

Regarding the determination of the area in section B
Determine the area of every room in square meters. Do not estimate the area, rather measure the length and width of every room.

Example calculation: length X width = area
5.5m X 4.2m = 23.1 meters squared.

For rooms whose layout deviates from a square or rectangle (e.g. living room with bay), only the area should be entered.

If a room has slanted walls or ceilings (e.g. in a penthouse), then of the entire area of the room, only that area over which the room height amounts to at least 1.8 meters should be stated.

The area of a kitchen or kitchenette that is shared by two or more households in the residence should only be stated once. The same goes for other shared rooms in the residence.