Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Balant | 5,379 |
02 | Bambara | 8,804 |
03 | Bassari | 602 |
04 | Coniagui | 115 |
05 | Diola | 36,481 |
06 | Fula | 13 |
07 | Khassonke | 206 |
08 | Laobe | 1,852 |
09 | Lebu | 6,054 |
10 | Malinke | 2,862 |
11 | Mandinka | 24,720 |
12 | Mancagne | 2,468 |
13 | Manjaago | 6,958 |
14 | Mauritanian | 7,084 |
15 | Peul / Fulbe | 99,803 |
16 | Sereer | 101,215 |
17 | Soce | 4,441 |
18 | Sarakhole, Soninke | 11,489 |
19 | Tukuler | 64,104 |
20 | Wolof | 293,170 |
21 | Other ethnic group (including naturalized) | 7,596 |
22 | No ethnic group specified | 1,296 |
50 | Gambia | 551 |
51 | Guinea-Conakry | 4,929 |
52 | Guinea-Bissau / Cape Verde | 1,842 |
Code | Label |
53 | Mali | 1,217 |
54 | Mauritania | 2,151 |
55 | Burkina-Faso, Niger, Ivory-Coast, Benin, Togo | 584 |
56 | Liberia, Sierra-Leone, Nigeria, Ghana | 90 |
57 | Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Chad, Central-African-Republic, Zaire, Burundi, Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea | 121 |
58 | Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt | 42 |
59 | Other African country | 34 |
60 | Lebanon, Syria | 374 |
61 | Other Arab country | 18 |
62 | France | 802 |
63 | Other European country | 135 |
64 | Asia | 48 |
65 | North-America | 75 |
66 | Central-America and Caribbean | 14 |
67 | South-America | 3 |
68 | Australia | 1 |
99 | Unknown | 456 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's ethnic group (if Senegalese) or nationality (if foreign).
- Senegal 1988: All persons
- Senegal: 1988
Questionnaire Text
P8. Ethnicity or nationality ________
For Senegalese, write the name of the ethnic group
For foreigners, write their nationality and skip to P11.
For foreigners, write their nationality and skip to P11.
P8) Ethnicity or nationality
Ask the following question: "What is your ethnic group?" if the person is Senegalese. Or, "What is your nationality" the person is a foreigner.
Record in plain words the ethnic group declared for the Senegalese, just above the coding box, in the empty space left for this.
Record in plain words the ethnic group declared for the Senegalese, just above the coding box, in the empty space left for this.
Example: Wolof, Diola, etc.
For Senegalese who cannot determine their ethnic group, or for those who became Senegalese by naturalization, record "Other".
For foreigners, record the name of the country of origin.
Example: Guinea-Conakry, France, etc.
For foreigners, record the name of the country of origin.
Example: Guinea-Conakry, France, etc.