Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Balant | 5,379 |
02 | Bambara | 8,804 |
03 | Bassari | 602 |
04 | Coniagui | 115 |
05 | Diola | 36,481 |
06 | Fula | 13 |
07 | Khassonke | 206 |
08 | Laobe | 1,852 |
09 | Lebu | 6,054 |
10 | Malinke | 2,862 |
11 | Mandinka | 24,720 |
12 | Mancagne | 2,468 |
13 | Manjaago | 6,958 |
14 | Mauritanian | 7,084 |
15 | Peul / Fulbe | 99,803 |
16 | Sereer | 101,215 |
17 | Soce | 4,441 |
18 | Sarakhole, Soninke | 11,489 |
19 | Tukuler | 64,104 |
20 | Wolof | 293,170 |
21 | Other ethnic group (including naturalized) | 7,596 |
22 | No ethnic group specified | 1,296 |
50 | Gambia | 551 |
51 | Guinea-Conakry | 4,929 |
52 | Guinea-Bissau / Cape Verde | 1,842 |
Code | Label |
53 | Mali | 1,217 |
54 | Mauritania | 2,151 |
55 | Burkina-Faso, Niger, Ivory-Coast, Benin, Togo | 584 |
56 | Liberia, Sierra-Leone, Nigeria, Ghana | 90 |
57 | Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Chad, Central-African-Republic, Zaire, Burundi, Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea | 121 |
58 | Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt | 42 |
59 | Other African country | 34 |
60 | Lebanon, Syria | 374 |
61 | Other Arab country | 18 |
62 | France | 802 |
63 | Other European country | 135 |
64 | Asia | 48 |
65 | North-America | 75 |
66 | Central-America and Caribbean | 14 |
67 | South-America | 3 |
68 | Australia | 1 |
99 | Unknown | 456 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's ethnic group (if Senegalese) or nationality (if foreign).
- Senegal 1988: All persons
- Senegal: 1988
