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Number of rooms occupied

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2. Number of rooms occupied
_ _

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2. Number of Occupied Rooms

This is the total number of rooms occupied by the household. A room is defined as a living space surrounded by wall extending from the floor to the ceiling or roof, large enough to contain an adult-size bed, and intended to be lived in. The following are thus counted as rooms: bedrooms, dining and living rooms, maids rooms, room used for business purposes and any other space used for living and corresponding to the definition of a room.

However, verandas/balconies, hallways, entryways, kitchens, toilets,

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granaries and other outbuildings are excluded. However, if the kitchens and the entryways are regularly used as living space they should be counted.

Following the above information count the total number of rooms occupied by the household (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) and write it in the facing box.

Example 1: The household's dwelling occupies a total of 8 rooms (plus 2 granaries and a kitchen that are not included in calculating the total number of rooms). Fill out question 2 as follows:
Question 2 - Number of rooms occupied: 8

Example 2: The watchmen of an institutional household (a high school) lives in a 4-room house (not including the toilet and a small store) located on the grounds of the establishment. Question 2 is filled out as follows:
Question 2 - Number of rooms occupied: 4

NB: In nomad areas consider each tent as a dwelling, and give information about the number of rooms occupied.