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Relationship to household head

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All persons should answer.
[Questions 1-9.]

1. Relationship to household head

[] 01 Household head
[] 02 Wife/husband
[] 03 Daughter/son
[] 04 Parents
[] 05 Sister/brother
[] 06 Parents-in-law
[] 07 Daughter/son-in-law
[] 08 Grandparents
[] 09 Grandchild
[] 10 Other relatives
[] 11 Non-relatives

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Household head Household members will decide who the head of household is on a volunteer basis. It is not necessary for the household head to be residing in the particular household to answer the census questions. In the case where the family members cannot decide who is the household head, the enumerator can consider any member above 16 years old, who has a job and makes a major contribution for household income as the head, and then fill out the Questions related to this person as the household head. The enumerator should respect the comments of other members over 18 years old.

Question 1

Relationship to the household head

Here we will ask the relationship between the household members and household head and circle the suitable code 01-10 for each person.

a) those people who do not have any relationship with the head of household but are permanently living together with that household, do not have any financial and material relationship with another household and family, and do not form a separate household.

b) those people who are enumerated in the cover sheet of the census questionnaire, do not have family and blood relationships with each other and are defined as living in the dormitory or other house(3) will be considered as unrelated persons.