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Occupation category (employment status)

Questionnaire Text

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Only for those who marked one of the choices in part A in the previous question (15).
[Applies to questions 16-18.]

18. In this occupation do you work (or did you work if unemployed) as a:

[] 1 Manual laborer (Rural peasant, day laborer, agricultural manager)
[] 2 White-collar/professional employee
[] 3 Own-account worker
[] 4 Owner, partner or employer
[] 5 Member of a production cooperative
[] 6 Independent professional
[] 7 Unpaid family worker or unpaid apprentice

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 18. In this occupation you work (or used to work if unemployed) as?:

When asking this question read the options slowly and in the order indicated, and record the appropriate one in accordance with the following terms:

1. Manual Laborer (Unskilled laborer, day-laborer, foreman)

Is a person who performs a predominantly manual job, and who works for a public or private employer, receiving a salary or daily wage. The manual laborer generally performs tasks directly related to production, of a manual nature, and based on physical effort.

Examples: Driver of a truck for industry, driver in the construction sector, doorkeeper in a factory, builders, unskilled laborers, etc.

2. [Office] Employee

Is a person who performs a predominantly intellectual occupation and who works for a public or private employer, receiving a salary for their job. The employee generally performs administrative tasks not directly related to production nor based on physical effort.

Examples: Secretaries, doctors in a general hospital, primary or secondary school teachers, public employees, etc.

3. Own-account worker

Is a person who runs their own company or business, without having any compensated workers in their charge and without depending on an owner. The own-account worker runs their own [p. 48] economic unit, selling and/or producing goods and/or services, with or without the help of family workers or unpaid apprentices.

Example: Cutter, carpenter, street vendors, master builder, plumber, and others.

4. Owner, partner or employer

Is the owner and/or partner of an economic unit that produces goods and/or services, who necessarily contracts one or more paid workers, whether temporarily or permanently.

Example: Doctors with more than two employees, factory owners, owners of large or medium-sized workshops, construction contractors and others.

5. Member of a production cooperative

Is a person who works actively in a cooperative business, receiving income or assuming the losses in their role as a partner.

Example: members of mining cooperatives, members of gold cooperatives, members of transportation cooperatives (shuttles, taxis), etc.

6. Independent professional

A person who practices or performs tasks supported by their academic bachelors degree; they work, without depending on an owner, in activities that provide professional services, directed and carried out by them. The independent professional has a maximum of two employees.

Example: Lawyers who perform services in their firms, doctors with their own offices, architects who design plans privately, etc.

[p. 49]

7. Unpaid family worker or apprentice

A person who, whether a member of the household of the owner of the establishment where they work or not, performs an activity without receiving monetary compensation in exchange.

Example: Helper in a mechanic's workshop, children of store owners who help out with selling, family members of rural farmers, etc.