Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Yes, reads and writes | 427,207 |
2 | Does not read and write | 94,839 |
8 | Unknown | 6,710 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 113,612 |
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This variable indicates if the respondent is able to read and write.
- Bolivia 1992: Persons age 6+
- Bolivia: 1992
Questionnaire Text
B. Only for those 6 years of age and older - Educational Characteristics
10. Are you able to read and write?
If only able to sign name, mark No.
[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No
[] 8 No
B. Only for people 6 years of age or older. Educational characteristics.
The questions contained in part B of the Form should only be asked of people (men and women) who are 6 completed years or older, for which purpose you should look at the answer recorded in question 4 (Years completed) beforehand. When the person being enumerated is less than 6 years old, questions 9 to 23 will not be asked of them, and therefore a diagonal line should be drawn through this part of the questionnaire.
Question 10. Do you know how to read and write?
The enumerator will ask this question of all people who are 6 or older, marking circle 7 with an X when they say YES, and circle 8 if they neither read nor write.
If the person being enumerated only knows how to sign their name, only recognizes or writes the letters of the alphabet and isn't able to read or write a letter or a basic document, mark No.