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Native language spoken

Questionnaire Text

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A. General Information

For all individuals regardless of age (including newborn infants)
[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

8. What Bolivian languages are you able to speak?

"Able" means the ability to communicate ideas in this language; it is not sufficient to merely understand. If able to speak more than one language mark one of the boxes 5-9.

[] 0 Does not speak yet or none
[] 1 Spanish
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Quechua
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Spanish-Aymara
[] 6 Spanish-Quechua
[] 7 Spanish with other
[] 8 Aymara-Quechua
[] 9 Spanish-Aymara-Quechua

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 8. What Bolivian languages do you know how to speak?

Read the different alternatives in order and mark only one of the boxes.

If they do not speak any or only speak foreign languages, mark the box "0" (does not speak any or none)