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Has religion

Questionnaire Text

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6. a. Is (Name) following any religion?
If yes, what religion?
[] 1 Yes

[] 2 No [Go on to question 7]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 6: Is (name) following any religion?

Based on respondent's answer, interviewers fill in corresponding code "1" if the answer is "yes", and write down name of religion in the blank line and leave code box blank. If the answer is "no" (or "luong"), interviewers fill in code "2" and ask question 7.

6b. If the answer in Q.6a is one of the following 6 religions, further ask:

This question is only asked to those who have code "1" in question 6a and the line next to the code has one of the 6 religions: Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Cao ?ài, and Hòa H?o.

Buddhist: if respondent has been "proselytized" ("quy y tam b?o") or issued "s? ?i?p"? If respondent answers "yes", interviewers select code "1", if not, interviewers select code "2".

Catholic: interviewers should ask if the respondent has "repentance of sins". If the answer is "yes, repentance of sins", select code "1", if not, select code "2".

Protestant: interviewers should ask if the respondent has been "baptized". If the answer is "yes, baptized", if not, select code "2".

Muslim: interviewers should ask if the respondent believes in "Islam Muslim" or "Bni Muslim".

If the respondent is Islam Muslim: for male, ask if he has undergone circumcision? If he underwent circumcision, select code "1"; if not, select code "2".
For female, as if she has done "hair cutting ceremony" yet? If yes, select code "1"; if not, select code "2".

If the respondent is Bni Muslim: interviewers should observe if they have prayed for "Pig deity". If "yes", select code "1"; if not, select code "2".

Cao ?ài: interviewers should ask if the respondent has been issued "letter to pray" ("s? c?u ??o"). If yes, select code "1"; if not, select code "2".

Hòa H?o: interviewers should ask if the respondent has been issued "membership card", or prayed for Tr?n ?i?u (a piece of red or brown cloth) in his/her house, or hanged on a picture of the head of religion named Hu?nh Phú S?. If the respondent has one of the conditions, select code '1"; if not, select code "2".