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Ownership (tenure) of the dwelling

Questionnaire Text

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4. Is your dwelling . . . (read)
[] 1 Mortgaged?
[] 2 Rented?

[For 1 or 2:]
_ _ _ _ B/. (monthly payment)

[] 3 Owned?
[] 4 Ceded?
[] 5 Condemned?
[] 6 Other?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question No. 4: Is the dwelling . . ?

Ownership of the Dwelling
Read the options and mark a single circle according to what the person indicates. Keep in mind the following definitions:

a. Mortgaged (Circle 1)
It refers to a dwelling that has been built by means of mortgage loans from the Mortgage Bank, Social Security Fund, from the Savings Bank, from the National Bank, collective mortgages and from other credit institutions and are not totally paid for.
Include also as a mortgage a dwelling whose original mortgage has been totally paid, but that is found to be involved with a new mortgage and it has not been paid yet.
For the case of the mortgaged dwellings, mark circle 1 and write down in Balboas in the corresponding space, the monthly sum that is paid for the mortgage. Write down whole numbers, omitting cents. Put 0 in front of the mortgage when it is less than B/1,000.

[p. 39]

If a person pays the mortgage every two weeks, multiply this value by two
If a person claims to be paying a mortgage for a house and does not declare the amount, state this situation in the "observations" lines.
The head of the dwelling states that B/90.75 is paid every two weeks in mortgage payments. Mark the circle and write down the corresponding amount.

[Below the text is a form.]

b. Rented (Circle 2):
A dwelling is considered rented when the right to use it is paid for. Write down in balboas and in whole numbers, the sum that is paid for rent in the corresponding space.
Put 0 in front of the rent when the value is less than B/1,000.
Remember to multiply by two if a person declares to have paid this rent every two weeks.
If a person declares to be paying rent for a house and does not declare the amount, explain this situation in the "observations" lines.

[p. 40]

Miss Vivian Acosta pays B/250.00 a month, for the rent of the house where she resides. Mark the circle and write down the corresponding amount.

[Below the text is a form.]

c. Owned (Circle 3):
It is a dwelling occupied by the owner of the building and the land or only the building. Include as owned a dwelling built with their own resources, built through mortgage payments already paid for or rented or acquired through other means.

d. Ceded (Circle 4):
It is a dwelling whose occupants are not owners and they do not pay any rent or mortgage. Generally the persons who inhabit these dwellings are relatives of the owner or have been ceded for work reasons.
1) Some houses for the workers of companies: Puerto Armuelles and the Bocas del Toro Fruit Company [in English].

2) The room that a cleaner occupies in a building as payment for doing the cleaning.

3) An apartment, owned by a father that a newly married child occupies for which no rent is paid for occupying it.

[p. 41]

e. Condemned (Circle 5):
It refers to a dwelling considered uninhabitable by the Office of Safety, the Fire Department, the Department of Municipal Engineering, the Department of Sanity of the Ministry of Health or the System of National Civil Protection and that because of its poor state and hygienic and deteriorative condition constitutes grave danger for the security and health of its tenants. The tenants do not pay rent and assume the expenses of water and light.

f. Other (Circle 6):
Include here any type of ownership that is not taken account of in any of the previous types.