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Relationship to head of household

Questionnaire Text

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P-10. Relationship

What is [the respondent's] relationship of to the head of household?
[] 1. Head
[] 2. Spouse
[] 3. Son
[] 4. Daughter
[] 5. Brother/sister
[] 6. Father/mother
[] 7. Other relative
[] 8. Non-relative
[] 9. Not stated/don't know

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Columns P10 and 11: Relationship and sex

62. As you write-the names in column P00, code relationship in column P10 and sex in column P11. You will save yourself trouble by doing this.

(a) For example: for head, code "1" in P10 and tick the appropriate box in P11 as far as sex is concerned. Then code the relationship of each person to the head, that is "2" for spouse, "3" for son, "4" for daughter, "5" for brother/sister, "6" for father/mother, "7" for other relatives such as nieces, nephews, grandsons, etc., ''8" for non-relatives such as visitors, friends etc., and "9" for those who cannot be categorized as above, not stated or don't know.

(b) You must probe to find out whether the children you have coded as sons and daughters are the head's biological children. If they are not, establish further whether they should fall under "7" (other-relative) or "8" (nonrelative).

(c) There are several persons who are not related by blood or marriage but constitute a household, mostly in urban areas. Without telling them code one of them as 'head', (code "1") and the rest as 'non-relative' (code "8").

(d) Sometimes it may happen that members of the household are away and cannot be reached even after three visits, and the most responsible person you meet is a house help or any other such person employed by the household. You must probe to establish the most senior member who will have spent the census night in the household. This person must be made the household head. You may then proceed to ask the house help to provide information on the household members.

(e) There are certain communities where women are culturally allowed to "marry" other women. For purposes of the census, marriage should involve only partners of opposite sex. Whenever you encounter such cases where one woman (supposedly the head of the household) claims that another woman is her "spouse" code "7" (other-relative) rather than "2" (spouse) in P10.

(f) Make sure you understand the relationship before you make any entry, and that the entry is strictly and legibly written within the boxes provided.

63. Check that the sex is compatible with relationship; do not assign "male" to persons shown as wives or daughters nor "female" for persons shown as sons or husbands. Take particular care to record the sex of very young children correctly. Often, you will not know whether a baby carried on its mother's back is a boy or a girl. In such cases, you must ask - do not guess. You should ensure that everybody's sex is recorded. Blanks and "don't know" are strictly forbidden.